@Detroit Pistons

Reacting To J. B. Bickerstaff Being Named The Pistons New Head Coach With James Edwards III

Reacting To J. B. Bickerstaff Being Named The Pistons New Head Coach With James Edwards III

the Pistons decided to make a head coaching hire and it’s JB biger staff so I kind of wanted to get your perspective on this hire uh what did you think of this hire and if there were any like you know candidates if you had heard anything like who were maybe like the final two or final three that did uh eventually to get the Jeff yeah uh answer last part first I got whenn that JB was likely to get the job on Saturday night uh still wasn’t finalized I think they did that stuff this morning and obviously it came out um to my knowledge it was between him and Sean Sweeny as the finalist uh JB I think checked a lot of boxes that Lan was looking for in terms of experience uh leadership qualities and has has had experience uh molding a young team into Co a cohesive roster so uh I think they walked away from the the process thinking JB was the best one to check all those boxes uh not surprised at all I knew I had reported a few days ago that he was one of the three that had interviewed um I think JB’s a solid coach I was the only one to vote for him for uh postseason Awards I gave him a third place vote I thought he did a great job with that roster that one had Mitchell Garland and Moy all play less than 60 games they still won 48 they got out to a rocky start and still found a way to win 48 and even made to the second round of the playoffs so um yes he’s similar in terms of and similar to Monty and and Dwayne in terms of a guy who had just got fired that the Pistons are now hired but I think he’s only 45 years old I know people are familiar with the name but he’s not older by any means um so I think it’s probably in the in the Pistons eyes a good bridge between um The Young and the new or the the old and the new and uh somebody who’s had success recently I thought they were going to go for a first year guy just because it was something that I thought the organization hasn’t really tried and something that I thought I’d be curious to see how they would benefit from having somebody who has not been a head coach before let them experiment let them bring new ideas um they’d obviously be hungry in that first opportunity uh but they didn’t go that way and I understand it I would imagine that they probably didn’t want a first year president and a first year head coach uh so they went with bicker staff who I had heard was a top of Ling Lan’s list for the last few days yeah I think you know reading your articles and everything youve reported over probably the last two or three weeks I thought you know given Sweeney Mike an Nori uh JB Bier step he was the one coach that had the most experience and probably the best resume um I don’t know if you’ve been on Twitter but I mean you know how piss since Twitter is yeah they don’t like this sire no no really I’ve seen I’ve seen the majority of what I’ve seen has been pretty they’ve been like I’m fine with it yeah I I I think it’s 5050 like I I’ve seen some people like give the guy a chance you never know could be something there but I also see the the people saying that like oh you know this is just D Wayne Casey 2.0 like this is just going to be a bridge coach until they find a coach um which I don’t really agree with I think he’s a good coach to your point I I think there’s clear evidence of the development there’s clear evidence of him being a good coach yeah um I’m not mad at this higher I ier than people think too yeah 45 I believe right I think most people probably assume he’s like 50s or something like that but he’s yeah he’s only 45 yeah I mean you’re pretty deep in Pistons Twitter like I am they don’t like anything the Pistons do it’s it’s it’s always like the the sky is falling and it’s the worst possible outcome um I I honestly think this is a pretty solid higher given who the candidates were given that James bgo decided to stay in New Orleans which I was kind of on the burgo train but I I understood of him wanting to stay in New Orleans not kind of taking on like a full rebuild like uh what the Pistons are currently in but I mean honestly I I think he’s a good coach in my opinion no I’m with you I think so too I think I mean listen they won 44 games the last three years um he was kind of forced to play two bigs this wasn’t like I don’t think his his brainchild like they they acquired several big men and he found a way to make it work um and I think he maximized that that that team I I know the Cavaliers in their front office and their ownership think that this that team should have went far further than winning a game in the second round I disagree um but yeah I think he’s done everything I thought he did everything in Cleveland that you that you could do and I thought he maximized it yeah to point of like maximizing it I mean like they had a lot of injuries during one of his season they still ended up winning like 40 50 games with with a a pretty you know good nucleus of core uh obviously the Pistons I I don’t know you could try to make comparable to the you know Cleveland and Detroit but I’m not going to get into that because it’s like a whole another conversation but um honestly I I like the Hyer at the end of the day I I thought they got the best available coach that they could a guy that’s young that you can grow with um that has clear signs of like helping the younger guys and also is pretty good at you know working with veteran players [Music] oh [Music]

Today I had the opportunity to talk to Detroit Pistons reporter James Edwards III of The Athletic about the Pistons hiring J. B. Bickerstaff
as the team’s new head coach.

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  1. If the coach can stress defense, development and has an ability to get the most out of his players then I’m down!!

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