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Chicago Bulls 2024 NBA Draft Guide | Top Prospects & Scouting Reports

Chicago Bulls 2024 NBA Draft Guide | Top Prospects & Scouting Reports

who will the Chicago Bulls select with the 11th overall pick in the 2024 NBA draft let’s break it down together and look at some of the top prospects for the Bulls thank you guys for watching this video make sure to hit like And subscribe let’s start by talking about what the Bulls actual draft needs are with Alex Caruso gone and Josh giddy coming in as well as the potential of losing Patrick Williams and dear Rosen in free agency there are a lot of holes that the Bulls need to fill one of the main issues for the team last season was shooting efficiency they averaged 11 12.3 points per game ranking 22nd in the league they made 42 field goals per game on 89 1/2 attempts also ranking 22nd they only averaged 11 1/2 3-pointers per game on 32 attempts with a three-point percentage of 35.8 which was 20th in the league improving their three-point shooting is crucial to stretch the floor and create better scoring opportunities another critical area is front Court versatility and obviously defense the Bulls ranked 23rd in points allowed per game last season and their defensive rating ranked 22nd they did rank ninth in Steels but they also just traded Alex Caruso so it’s Alo for that number to stick so that begs the question do the Bulls go with the best pick available or do they go by team need in most Year’s drafts that would be a pretty cut and dry question but this is a unique draft class in the fact that the talent level at the front and back ends of the lottery is relatively even so I think that the Bulls have actually a pretty good position here at 11th overall to end up with a pretty solid player so with that said I don’t think the team is in any position to turn down whoever ends up being the best pick available at 11th overall on the Bulls draft board so it really does depend on what they’re valuing and what they’re looking for out of this draft class and also who ends up being available at 11th overall based on the picks that go before them there’s also the important thing to mention about the potential of the Bulls trading up though I do think the chances of that are a lot Slimmer now that they’ve traded Alex Caruso for Josh giddy instead of trying to trade him for a draft pick it kind of speaks to their position on this year’s draft class that maybe it’s not worth trading for a draft pick so I’m going for the most part to stick with players that should be available at 11 rather than players the Bulls could trade up for there have been quite a few names that have popped up Donovan Clingan being the biggest one and I think right now the Bulls just aren’t in a position assetwise to make a move like that so let’s dive into the prospects and take a look at who might be available for the Bulls at 11th overall based on position fit need all of those fun things let’s start with our guards and we can start by talking about Isaiah cier I say that with a little hesitation just because I feel like he won’t be available for the Bulls there at 11th but you never know so I do feel like we should talk about him ker excels at driving down the lane he’s got a very quick First Step he takes good angles to the basket and he’s a Relentless finisher he can change hands at The Rim perform up and unders he absorbs contacts and he finishes well he’s a threatened transition but also in isolation in the half court he’s got a bevy of different moves and I’m sure if Demar Ro isn’t still around next season that’s the kind of player he would love to learn from he’s a selfless passer he’s got good Vision he’s capable of making full court passes and he uses the pick and roll effectively so he relies on his big men making those good entry passes and Intelligent Decisions even when he’s being double teamed um and his ability to kind of direct demand or reject screens enables him to kind of be that floor General that you want from the guard position his shooting mechanics are a little unconventional he can step into three-point shots and is proficient in catch and shoot situations he can also create his own mid-range shots as I had already mentioned so he does have a well-rounded game though he does have a weakness with the three ball which we know the Bulls struggle with historically and recently so that is something to keep in mind when discussing ker as a prospect but with all of that said if he’s available for the Bulls at 11th and you’re going to hear me say this quite a bit during this video I say go ahead and draft him um he’s one of many very good options from the guard position position now you might ask yourself are there redundancies you know now with Josh giddy coming in and IO dumu for sure you know there there’s definitely an argument to be made that IOD dumu is now taking over that Alex Caruso role and you wouldn’t want to diminish diminish any of his on bball opportunities so it really does depend what the Bulls are planning to do with the roster long term you know if they’re not looking to develop another point guard then you know maybe ker or some of the next guys I’m about to talk about aren’t the right options but with that said let’s move on to our next topics with nicoa topic topic nicoa topic topit not quite sure yet but he’s an 18-year-old point guard who averaged 14 points per game on almost 50% shooting including 30% from Deep he excelled at driving to the basket and finishing at the rim with an impressive 60% shooting inside the arc he’s known for Speed and dribbling he can draw fouls he averaged over three free throw attempts per game so he does need some improvement in consistency with that three-point shot but his overall scoring efficiency and additionally he has strong playmaking abilities reflected in his game and in his tape now while topic does have great basketball IQ and really high offensive prowess there are some major concerns that need to be talked about most importantly he did partially tear his ACL recently which obviously raises concerns about his long-term durability especially in Chicago where we seem to be known for having point guards with lingering knee issues on the defensive end as well he has his struggles he often relies on help from teammates when he overcommits he does commit over three fouls per game his man-to-man defense and isolation raises some concerns because he is a little foul prone so with those lack of defensive instincts that might be even more glaring at the NBA stage so despite the health issues and the defensive issues his talent and potential do make him a valuable Prospect and if the Bulls are looking at a rebuild year this might be the kind of player I saw someone point out Michael Porter Jr as a good example that the Bulls might want to bring in as part of that long-term rebuild um you know a guy who is rehabbing an injury right now could help you tank in the interim and you know when he comes back should ideally uh Be an Effective player so topich is a guy to watch for sure next up it is time to talk about Dalton connect with with a very appropriate name this is a guy with impressive shooting skills particularly in catch and shoot situations he made several clutch three-pointers during the NCAA tournament so his ability to create his own shots off the dribble even in the mid-range and three-point scenarios make him a very versatile offensive threat um he’s ready to to let that thing loose so his Readiness and his efficiency from Deep even Under Pressure highlight his potential to come in and be an effective reli iable scoring option right away he has athleticism as well let’s not downplay that you know he was good in transition he’s AB he has ability to execute tough moves driving to the basket and finish at The Rim he even has a few highlight dunks that he pulls out of his bag every now and then so his length and speed kind of allow him to to be a little bit more of a rangy guard you know rather than a traditional point guard so he has those you know transition abilities to make quick decisions um he can run the floor but he’s also athletic enough to to make those highlight dunks so he has a great combination I think athleticism shooting and speed where his weaknesses start to shine through as defensively you know on the defensive end things are a little bit mixed you know he does have good awareness and he can make some impactful plays um you know like flashy chase down blocks and Steals and transition you know some good team defense there on display but he can struggle heavily in isolation he can occasionally get beaten off the dribble so those are things that he would have to improve coming into the league especially for a team in the Bulls that just lost their defensive stalwart and Alex Caruso he does have some ability as a playmaker I mentioned his ability to make good passes and transition though it does seem like in pick and roll situations he defaults to taking the shot himself rather than making a clean entry pass to the big man so kind of a mixed bag with connect but I do think the the pros heavily outweigh the cons here um you know there’s a lot of potential here here particularly on offense that may connect an intriguing Prospect and the kind of prospect that I feel like could come into the league and make a contribution right away I feel like there might be some better options for the Bulls there at 11th though again this is not a player I would be upset with if we end up hearing his name called it’s time to transition to talking about the big wings the forwards first up is Ron Holland who I think is probably one of the most intriguing players in this draft class A guy who if you had asked someone last year who you might consider a top five Prospect for this year’s draft class he would have been one of the first names they’d bring up this season though it seems like he’s sliding a little bit on draft boards due to somewhat of a lackluster season in the g-league ignite program last year but with that out of the way let’s talk about Ron Holland’s strengths and weaknesses his defensive prowess and athleticism probably are his biggest strengths he’s a very good Defender he has great recovery abilities he can disrupt plays and he provides Rim protection even from an off ball position his size and athleticism enable him to excel in transition turning defense into offense with impressive chase down blocks and highflying dunks this is the kind of player that I know Chicago fans would love he would create highlight plays at the United Center on both ends of the floor getting those highlight blocks as well as those huge thunderous dunks that get the United Center crowd on their floor the kind of player that I could see Bulls fans falling in love with very quickly offensively though it is important to note he does have some weaknesses he does show promise as a slasher with great acceleration he has good speed and he can finish through contact but his decision-making and consistency somewhat are suspect particularly from three-point range that’s a huge area of concern with only a 24% three-point shooting on 3.3 attempts per game last season does indicate the need for significant Improvement in that area and like I had mentioned you know sometimes it seems like he can get a little bit out of control with his drives maybe just decide you know I’m going head first into the lane and I’m going to score when there are better options with the ball so those are the reasons I say he’s an intriguing Prospect I think he’s one of the most polarizing prospects of this year’s draft class outside of probably Zach Edy you know there are some specific developmental needs that he will need to have in place to be a successful NBA player I’m not totally sure that the Bulls are the ideal situation for him but if he’s available at 11 you might just have to go for it the upside is immense I do think that Ron Holland will have a successful NBA career as far as like coming into the league and being able to contribute immediately he might be one of those guys who looks a little raw in his first couple seasons and then starts to put it together again that might not be what the Bulls are looking for but it also might be what they’re looking for we don’t fully understand what their plan is next up let’s talk about Matas buellis who’s another player that has been getting a lot of hype headed into the draft he’s been linked to the Bulls on a couple occasions at least so let’s talk about what makes him such a tantalizing Prospect well starting with his defensive potential and versatility bzel shows strong defensive skills particularly as an active Team Defender with good on ball defense and the ability to contest at The Rim his length and effort make him effective though he may be better suited to defending small forwards due to his slender frame rather than power forwards he’s a good off ball scorer he excels at cutting to the basket and finishing at the rim with an impressive ability to convert Ali oops and put back dunks so despite all of those strengths he does still struggle with three-point shooting and playmaking you only hit 26.1% from Beyond The Arc and his ability to create his own shot is quite limited but the Bulls did just bring in Josh gidy explicitly for playmaking so maybe that’s not a huge concern for them I think consistent three-point shooting should be a major concern but I do think bazis has a lot of potential and is another one of those guys that I would say if he’s available at 11 I would not be upset if he’s the guy that ends up coming to Chicago next up is Cody Williams Williams is a lengthy athletic scorer with significant potential as a driver and a slasher he has ability to finish around contact handle the ball navigate screens and finish at The Rim he’s also a versatile Defender he can defend multiple positions he can navigate screens like a guard and he’s got again that huge frame so he’s able to disrupt shots and passes and get in the lane with those big hands he does have areas for improvement of course he has a big frame but he needs to add some more size and weight to be able to hang with some of the more physical power forwards and small forwards that he might be facing in the NBA additionally his shooting volume wasn’t super large so the sample size we going off isn’t great um definitely going to need some need to see some more consistency especially Under Pressure you know he was at sometimes loose with his handle or took bad shots or just straight up missed open shots in pressure situations so would like to see more consistency there but overall I think that this is a player that has a lot of potential and room to grow um I don’t know if Bulls fans would be happy with another you know kind of project player similar to Patrick will Willam in that regard of like looking for him to grow into his frame and improve as an offensive player you know not coming into the league with those skills already polished I’m not sure if that would be disappointing to many bulls fans but I do think that the upside is there uh Cody Williams is an intriguing Prospect to me maybe a little bit of a reach at 11th overall but again it does depend on the players that go before him and what the bull strategy ends up being next up we have Tan Salon this is a guy who has been receiving some hype in the past couple of weeks from Bulls fans who’ve been doing their research on sleepers and some of the more underrated players in this year’s draft class and I think those are appropriate ways to describe tojan Salon he’s young he’s raw he’s 18 out of France and he’s shown a lot of growth and development at his young age the volume of Threes that he took is promising he can definitely hit three-pointers at the NBA level but he does need to improve upon his conversion rate and consistency he’s really good at attacking Closeouts and again that goes back to that development he’s got good athleticism and length but similar to the last guy we talked about he needs to bulk up and play through contact more effectively Salon shows potential with his ability to utilize back door cuts and even get some highlight dunks so he’s supported by that NBA level size and athleticism but despite that he is still somewhat of a lackluster Defender he needs to improve his positioning and ability to stay in front of opponents especially in isolation situations while Salon in my opinion is a legitimate Wing option he may not be the best choice for the bulls with the 11th pick just due to that rawness and that inconsistency I think he’s a definite tradeback candidate if the Bulls were to I don’t know wake up and feel like acquiring some draft picks maybe they would trade back and make a pick like Salon but at 11th overall I just don’t quite see it I think there will be better players available that’s not to say Salon won’t have a good NBA career but maybe it’s just not the right fit for the Bulls in this situation next up we’re going to talk about the bigs and before I get too far into this there are a couple guys that I want to shout out as potential trade-up options for the Bulls Zack Edy and Donovan kingan they’re both expected to go around the top 10 maybe even top five so if the Bulls want a chance at drafting one of them they likely have to make a deal to trade up rumored the Pistons and hornets at 5 and six respectively have been discussed so I’m not going to get too far into the scouting reports for kingan and Edie I think they’re both super high upside players who also have significant weaknesses I think kingan is probably the the player that I would lean towards wanting more just because I think you know having a a defensive rim protector down low is something Bulls fans have been wanting for a long time so if they do make a move I promise you will have a lot to talk about but for now let’s move on to our next prospect that could be available for the Bulls at 11 Kyle filipowski this is a guy who’s also popped up in rumors being linked to the Bulls plenty of bulls fans have expressed desire to go out there and grab him 7 foot true 7-footer at 248 he has the size of a prototypical NBA Center he’s Nimble he has Good Feet speed and good defensive coverage though he lacks that kind of length and explosive athleticism which may limit his ability as a rim protector which is why he’s more towards the 11 range rather than being in the clingin OR Edy category of being towards the top of the draft but this is a super versatile player guys he excels in shooting passing and ball handling especially for being a guy of his size think yic style passes his improved three-point shooting ability to initiate fast breaks and live dribble passing make him a multi-dimensional threat at both the four and five positions depending on again what the Bulls want to do and what the team that drafts him projects him to grow into as I had mentioned he’s projected to be a mid to late Lottery Pick and he often draws comparisons to players like Kelly alen who I think is actually a very favorable comparison Kelly alen was a very very effective player for many years and any team would be happy to have a player like him in his prime so if you’re bringing in flowski you understand that maybe his ceiling is a little bit lower but that floor being higher gives you that reassurance that you’re getting a guy who will give you good production at the center position which is something the Bulls obviously need considering vui’s age Bulls fans might be upset at the idea of bringing in another big with similar skills as vich I understand that him not being a defense first center has drove a lot of fans crazy you know especially considering we watched joem Noah not that long ago holding down the center of the floor but I really think that we need to to pump the brakes a bit on that flowski is his own player with his own strengths coming into the league a different player than Vu was when he came into the league I think flowski off the bat is coming in with better dribbling skills better passing skills better shooting skills those are all things that vuvi took time to develop in the league so with all that said I think at 11th overall flowski would be actually really great value at where the Bulls are picking and could potentially be that kind of player that you know could fill in as a backup center immediately as a rookie next up let’s take a look at khil wear another true 7ot center with an impressive 77 wingspan where has gained attention in this draft class for his impressive Rim protection and shooting efficiency initially facing criticism for his effort and physicality during his freshman year at Oregon wear has made significant strides under coach Mike Woodson at Indiana showcasing increased productivity and a harder playing style where’s standout skill is his exceptional Rim protection facilitated by that very lengthy wingspan and his full overall athleticism his agility and footwork enhance his defensive presence making him formidable in the paint offensively where is an efficient shooter particularly from three-point range making him a true stretch five Center he is an excellent pick and roll player his ability to hit Corner threes and finish strongly in the post adds versatility to his scoring consistently delivering double double performances now he does need to improve his switchability on defense which could limit his Effectiveness in certain schemes in the league bigs now are expected to have that switchability as we’ve seen the struggles that Nia vuvi has had defending fours and threes and past criticisms of his inconsistent effort and physicality particularly during his time at Oregon highlight those areas for growth that said his progress in Indiana suggests potential for overcoming these weaknesses with consistent effort NBA Executives view his development under coach Woodson as a positive indicator of his future success so he’s projected to go in the mid to late Lottery putting him squarely in the Bulls range at 11th overall with the right coaching I’m sure wear’s combination of skills and physical attributes could make him a significant and impactful NBA player right off the bat but with that said I do think that the Bulls current situation does leave a lot to be desired and if you’re looking for a player that could come in and make an impact immediately if lapowski is there I would rather go with him rather than wear but as I’ve said probably for every Prospect in this video if it does end up being wear I would not be angry I think that this is a player who has a ton of potential I just feel like the Bulls don’t represent the best possible situation for someone to come in and continue that growth and development that I mentioned finally guys for the last player we’re going to take a look at in this draft class we have EES Mei Missy from Baylor a seven-footer out of Cameroon excels at finishing around on the rim he loves catching lobs and he loves displaying that impressive athleticism he’s a super effective screener in pick and roll situations just because of how big and physical he is and he’s also noted for his shot blocking and defensive abilities you’ll see a ton of highlight blocks in this reel especially when he’s defending in pick and roll situations now Mei does have quite a few limitations and weaknesses in his game he struggles with shot creation both for himself and for his teammates he’s not a passer he doesn’t have a post game he’s not a shooter he cannot hit threes his free throw shooting isn’t great he even has issues with foul discipline and team defense so there are quite a few areas of concern in his game obviously despite those limitations there’s a high level of a athleticism in this player he understands The Game and his ceiling might be considered lower due to those limited skills but there’s a ton of potential here with this guy you can’t teach size as they say in the NBA and he has it and I think another player as I’ve mentioned throughout this video as well that could get the United Center crowd to fall in love with him from those thunderous dunks and those Big Blocks now I do think that the Bulls will probably have better options available at 11 so miss is not my personal pick but not a player I would be upset with if the Bulls end up taking and there you guys have it that is my 2024 Bulls draft guide how do you think I did is there a player I missed are you screaming at me why didn’t you talk about this guy leave a comment let me know if there’s a prospect that you really like and give me a quick pitch as to why you think he’d be a good fit on the Bulls I’m sure there are a ton of guys out there that didn’t even enter my research Stratosphere that could be an option for the Bulls at 11 who knows it might be someone in this video it might be someone else entirely we will find out very soon as the draft is Wednesday night and I will be here to recap let you guys know what ends up happening from that moment and Beyond into free agency and as we move forward into the offseason thank you guys so much for checking out this video I really do appreciate it make sure to hit subscribe make sure to hit like and follow me on all platforms at shy Sports Ross and we will talk again very soon

Chicago Bulls 2024 NBA Draft Guide | Top Prospects & Scouting Reports
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Sources for today’s video:

Kel’el Ware: NBA draft scouting report and intel

Chicago Bulls,2024 NBA Draft,Chicago Bulls draft guide,Bulls draft strategy,NBA draft analysis,Bulls draft prospects,NBA draft 2024,Chicago Bulls news,NBA draft picks,Bulls draft needs,NBA draft prospects,Chicago Bulls 11th pick,NBA draft scouting,NBA draft video series,Bulls offseason strategy,NBA draft experts,NBA draft updates,Chicago Bulls rebuild,Bulls roster analysis,Chicago Bulls highlights,Chicago Bulls offseason,bulls draft breakdown


  1. respectfully…. hell nah, if the bulls drafted collier I would legit cry myself to sleep, that sounds like the worst possible option for us

  2. TBH, this is a horrible off season for "Bulls" content creators… Not one of you have a clue wtf the Bulls are doing or planning to do but you have to push out content somehow LMAO & SMH!!!
    The first trade of the season ironically involving the Bulls already got y'all in therapy/recovery & we still got "Lavine, Vuc, Derozan & Ball" to go LOL!
    Months ago, this draft class was labeled as weak & outside of moving up in the draft, I believe the "Caruso/Giddey" trade is a sign of what's to come strategically from the GM/AK. I believe the Bulls are making a youth movement through current young NBA players with potential over this year's draft.

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