@Houston Rockets

Rockets Draft Reed Sheppard, Trade for Suns Picks!!! (w/ Draft Guru Cooper Klein)

Rockets Draft Reed Sheppard, Trade for Suns Picks!!! (w/ Draft Guru Cooper Klein)

[Music] welcome to Houston sports talk with your host Robert land thanks for checking into the best Houston sports podcast part of the believe Network and joining me to look at a fun couple of days for the rockets and break down the draft is host of The Upside swings NBA draft podcast and contributor to Rockets Chop Shop YouTube channel it’s Cooper Klein and coup later in the show we’re going to get to that Rockets trade with the Nets but let’s start with rockets GM Rafel Stone who said they got their guy and Shephard he said was by far the best prospect on their board what do you think well this is a front office that even though they’ve kind of been like their their MO has been like oh they’re obsessed with athleticism you know they’re like they only want these super like tall lanky athletes it’s really been more about young production like it’s been about are you a teenager who’s produced in at a really high level every single player that they’ve drafted even going back to Jaylen Jaylen was producing as a teenager against grown men in the G League shenon was an a Turkish League MVP you know Usman garuba played at a high level in Europe even the only guy who doesn’t really fit that is Josh Christopher but you know that was the the first year of the of the rebuild you know Jabari was one of the most productive freshmen in his class they really wanted Pao who was arguably the most productive freshman like they just want guys who are young extremely productive and project to be NBA players early and and get better and that’s Reed to a te that 70% true shooting you know the the 40inch vertical I mean the 52% from three this is a guy who arguably had the best freshman shooting season of all time we had the ability to draft it you know a team whose biggest weakness is perimeter shooting and I feel like reminding people that hey you guys were excited about Jar’s three-point shooting he shot 42% from three at Auburn Shepard shot 50 re it’s 11 points higher it was historical and Cooper I heard a guy on the athletic NBA pod say but it’s going to be different getting a shot off in the NBA I mean do people realize Jaylen brunson’s pretty much the same size if not as short as Shepard and wingspan and the whole thing not saying he’s Jaylen Brunson but you know he didn’t have the range coming into the NBA and Shephard wasn’t just a great spot up shooter right C no no no no he was he’s a great uh you know on ball off the dribble shooter especially like he can come off of a screen and if you give him even like a half inch of room he’s pulling it and it’s it’s money he’s still shooting a high percentage you know off the dribble he can play off ball he cuts he moves without the ball the one knock on his like shooting production is that he didn’t have much motion shooting you know in his time in Kentucky mostly because Rob and Antonio Reeves there took a lot of the sprinting off of a Down screen you know type shots but I do think that Reed can hit a jumper off a little bit of motion like he showed at the college level he didn’t hit a high degree of them he didn’t hit a high number but I buy it long term and that could be something really helpful for unlocking the downhill games of shenon of Amen even of Jaylen and tari just a perfect perfect fit and was like the second most productive player in this class behind player you know National Player of the Year Zack Edy uh so I I completely understand why the Rockets had him won on their board what do you think of Kevin Pelton because he looks at it more analytically he was big on shenon he was big on tar een and he’s really big on Reed Shepard that that was his number one guy yeah there’s a a lot of really smart people who I I really respect had in won I didn’t personally at least not on my general board but I had him number one for the Rockets just a perfect fit for this team for this roster and I completely see the argument for having him won at the end of the day the easiest way to tell whether someone’s going to be a really good NBA player is if they’re good at a young age and Reed is currently 19 I think he’ll be 20 as a well yeah he’s 19.99 so he’ll be 20 here in a few days he was hyperproductive in college he’s been hyperproductive at every level he’s played at before this and he’s gonna continue to be productive at the NBA you know smart guys like this just find a way Bingo you said something right there smart high IQ player so that’s something that I think the Rockets value it might be fun to see the ball movement when you comp him with shanon and Amad in their IQ yeah this is a guy I think the most underrated aspect of his game is the playmaking there’s a real argument for the best passer in this class and he just doesn’t get talked about in that degree because he doesn’t get super far down hill and then make a skip pass where he’s like wrapping around the defense you know his passing isn’t as flashy there’s not as much manipulation but he’s so good at just simple reads that completely put the defense on their back foot he’s really really good at just finding the right pass to make in a situation and he he’s really really good actually at making jump passes the Rockets might have two of the three best jump passers in the NBA with amen and Reed maybe we’ll add halberton and make the big three of jump passing which is usually awful but Reed finds a way to make it work because he’s just so smart he has really good timing really good delivery I think he makes passes both on Ball and as like a guy who’s like oh I’m just a shooter and then I catch it and then I make a quick connective pass to the corner he can make every kind of pass that you want him to make as an on orof ball player and I think that’s something that we’re really missing especially when you account for just how much gravity he has as an off ball player like you have to pay attention to him if you give him an open jumper there’s like a 60% chance that falls so teams will have to pay attention to him and uh I’m I’m really excited to see how that impacts the rest of this core yeah and just to make it clear he turned 20 three days ago so he he just is turning 20 still you know super young guy but not exactly as young as like a cam Whitmore was last year or whatever but still um and I keep hearing Rockets podcast host not gonna mention any names but I keep hearing them and fans saying hey there’s no room to develop another first round pick on this roster and that’s one of my least favorite I kind of feel like it’s an ignorant narrative and Cooper number one they’re nine nine or 10 guys in NBA rotations and there are always injuries too so we have nine guys guaranteed right now in the rotation if you add Reed Shepard that’s 10 there are injuries meaning tar shenon amen and cam missed 134 games last season nearly all of those were from injuries van v missed 10 he always misses games there’s going to be plenty of opportunities for him this season unless they add a major rotation piece and even if they add Somebody by next year Vin B’s probably gone and what if Jaylen doesn’t show anything to the Rockets brass and they just let them walk you can never have enough young talented players Cooper yeah I mean I’m gonna to a completely different situation kind of in as an example but just look at what Minnesota has done over the last few years they have drafted really well in my opinion I really like uh Leonard Miller I like Trevor Keels I really like Josh Min not but they’ve drafted all these bigger forwards who have been productive in smaller stints and can play in the regular season and you know are just like deep bench guys but just kind of keep your team alive you know for the regular season minutes you know once the the playoffs come they’re not playing any minutes that’s fine because they’re just a good team but you need to have guys who can keep you afloat in the unexpected times that was really our our biggest downfall this last season was we just didn’t have any deep bench guys who could just come in and do stuff when our guys were hurt we didn’t have a guy who could come in and be tar or like pretend to be tar for 10 to 15 minutes a game you know we had to rely on jant Tate who is not t i I do think Reed will play his way into the rotation early because he is arguably the best or second best shooter on the team already obviously you know we haven’t seen him in the NBA don’t want to be like wow he’s Curry already you know but uh behind Fred Van vet I think it’s pretty clear that he is goingon to have the most gravity day one on this team at least on the perimeter and that was just such an obvious need for this team uh that I like worst case scenario he’s getting 10 minutes a game you know you find a way to fit your off ball Shooters into the rotation even if it’s not like well he’s a point guard but we have two point guards it’s like well just off the bench you don’t need a ton of positional size you know how many backup point guards are there that are taller than 63 there’s not really that many in the league it’s a lot less complicated when you think about it in less of like this rigid positional structure of like oh well Reed is gonna have to take Aaron holidays exact minutes it’s like well there’s injuries at all the time he’s going to take random minutes here and there just because he’s a shooter he might play some minutes where he’s technically the two or the three in lineups just because we need shooting that bad in these lineups and Off the Bench Reed at the two or three isn’t going to kill you a guy like that who’s so skilled so talented is just gonna find minutes in the rotation they found minutes for cam I’ll bet they do it for a guy who’s a bigger team need than even he was last year let’s face it though you you can’t count on a rookie to help you in the playoffs I mean the m the m Dallas Mavericks I mean they didn’t have a rookie that helped them in the playoffs at all uh do you remember a guy this Center that they had I don’t know if you recall he’s pretty good helped him get to the finals I have no idea who you’re talking about third best player maybe I think on the team Cooper um and I’m not saying he’s gonna be that but I mean Sam Cassell Rockets fans remember the guy hit some big shots in that Knicks final he was huge in 94 30 years ago this month I mean if you forget um I’m also kind of curious Coupe like did you buy any of this Brian windhorse Talk of the Rockets Drafting klling and then trading shenon for Katie and no sense to me and udoka I might have he might have liked Kevin Durant but I don’t think udoka is an idiot you know yeah trading your I mean he’s 20 shun’s 22 right now he’s you know a a baby uh your 22-year-old budding Superstar for 35y old coming off an Achilles injury uh has not won a playoff series in you know two three years Kevin Durant would be ridiculous um I also didn’t apparently according to what has come out since since the draft Rockets didn’t even really consider clinging seriously with that pick it was mostly just like a play to get other teams to try and trade up which it seems like every single team was doing uh you know Atlanta was talking a big game about how much they loved clinging there’s talk about him going you know even potentially to the Wizards even though everybody’s kind of assumed theyd take SAR turns out just nobody really wanted clinging that badly which is interesting with just how he’s been talked about leading into the draft he went seven it’s a really good fit I I think him and Scoot will be really interesting together but it seemed like the Rockets really wanted to try and play all these teams against each other to overpay in a trade up and they couldn’t get an overpay so they stuck they took their guy got the number one guy on their board uh so pretty happy I guess Brian whorse hasn’t seen this video where Matt ishbia tells everybody they’ve got the best roster why would why would they trade Kevin Durant if you got the roster that every GM in the league is jealous of and and you Shen goon being in those rumors I’m sure that got all the Rockets fans fired up but what also should have them fired up have you seen Shen goon’s IG workout photos Cooper does he look a little bit more cut hey uh is that a little bit more definition on his legs uh no he he looks great I’m uh excited for the season to come hopefully he’ll be in even better shape and they have a quality backup to actually take some of the uh the load off of his shoulders you know hopefully with Reed and alen more actualized this this will be an easier season for him where he can get easier buckets and not just have to carry the team’s offensive production night in night out uh and I do think there’s a real world where Reed’s off ball shooting and ability to play in The Pick and role with shenon like turns him into an undeniable All-Star he’s I I think Reed has his Gravity the amount that you have to pay attention to him the easy assists where he’s sitting just right there on the wing and Shen gun’s down in the post nice little kick out oh that’s a 50% three-point shooter easy stat inflation shenon can get some easy buckets on the roll do you do you like Shephard on the pick and roll with shenon or would you rather him playing the offside and and and providing some space his value is that he can do both right I think I prefer him early more as an off ball guy just as a rookie get him you know kind of comfortable get him easier shots get him into his flow more but long term the potential is oh you involve amen shenon and Reed in these primary actions and you have to guard three very different very dangerous players who you can’t switch you can’t switch your read Defender onto amond you can’t switch your read Defender onto shenon you can’t switch your almond Defender onto shenon you can’t mess up your coverage there or they’re just going to get easy buckets and they’re all smart they can all pass they can all score uh they can all handle a little bit it’s uh and they can all make the right reads out of place I think long term that’s kind of the bread and butter for the offense but to start I want to see like Fred or Jaylen or whoever’s doing the ball handling run more picking rolls and then have Reed just spacing moving off ball making everybody else’s life easier uh in a way that we didn’t have somebody to do last season I want to ask our Houston sports talks fans how do you guys feel about Shepard do you like it let us know in the comments before we get to the Rockets trade let’s hit on a couple more draft thoughts and Cooper the first semi surprise Wednesday night was the Pistons drafting your guy Ron Holland the Pistons had a few critics because of Holland’s shooting issues with a roster full of non Shooters assar Duran Ivy Etc but remember that new GM Tren langon brought over Pelicans shooting Guru Fred Vincent I hope I got that name right when he took the job and Vincent was the coach who transformed herb Jones and Lamar balls three-point shot koopy might be better than chip England yeah uh there’s a very real argument that Fred Vincent is the Premier shooting coach in the NBA and if you get him in and you can help Cade continue to fix that three-point jumper you get Oar looking like an okay spot up guy and you can kind of cultivate what Ron has going on with his touch his off the dribble shooting I do think that there’s a world where this is like the steel of the draft at five I really like Ron I pushed hard I probably would have had him second or third on my Rockets board um I really liked him I came on here and talked about him but I do worry that this is just more of the same for the Pistons and that as good as Fred Vincent is he’s not a miracle worker and you don’t want to I I kind of of talked about this with Frank when we talked Reed Shepard you don’t really want to make like the shooting bet on so many on every single player on your roster you need somebody who can come in and just shoot and like be treated like a shooter from day one and that was kind of the Pistons problem like all last season they were they had a better roster than the wizards but the Wizards had like five or six guys who could randomly go off from three every night and win you games Detroit went on a historical losing streak because they were the worst shooting team in the NBA and just didn’t have like almost nobody cared about their games and ronal like at least fixed the motor and the intensity stuff with that team like him Oar dur very tough core to put around Cade very strong defensive core but if they’re not adding any more Shooters this offseason I do really worry for Ron’s development even if they do have you know an elite shooting coach there there’s a lot more to you know shooting and scoring the ball than just like oh his three-point number is is at 38 now instead of 27 did the Rockets catch a break that the Grizz couldn’t get kinging and had to settle for Edie so that is a a tougher question so I do think there there’s been a lot of talk of kingan as like wow we really don’t want him in our division he’s just gonna we’re we’re gonna have to see him four times a year and I personally don’t think kingan is that level of guy he’s a he’ll be a good starter in the league and that’s fine but he has almost no offensive bag to like an even worse degree than goar he can’t handle his touch around the rim is really bad he has really bad timing on his screens just like every small thing on offense other than like just Hub passing he’s really really limited the one thing where that I was really worried about was that kingan would go to Memphis and I I think he’s going to be the premier shenon stopper for the next decade this is a guy whose best skill is his post defense he was the best post defender in college last season it’s his best skill he’s better at that than at drop defense in the pick and roll uh just because he’s so strong he’s so long his hand eye coordination is so good I do think kingan is going to be like the next coming of bismack Bio in a way that will really annoy and torture Rockets fans for a long time to come and it’s still annoying he’s in the west but I I I think the Grizzlies came out of the draft at least the first round okay with Edy I’m not as high as some are on him I I did I’m just outside of my lottery just because he has so many outlier traits the worry is that he’s a weird fit with this Memphis roster who doesn’t have the spacing to give him any post touches and that they’re going to completely transform his game to turn him more into you know like a Steven Adams Bruiser who’s setting hard screens which he’s really good at but then he’s gonna he’s gonna set screens like the you know he’s gonna block out the Sun for John Mor I mean Morant should be able to work off his screams pretty well I would I would think him and Bane I think the screening is going to be the biggest impact day one they will just be able to create so much separation get downhill get to open three-pointers and that maybe alone was worth taking Ed that high because just maximizing your best players and having a guy who can clear out the rebounds way better than a perimeter big like jiren Jackson is also huge by the way say before we get off of kingan too much say a prayer for say a prayer for kingan’s future and his foot because he’s going to Portland and if you don’t know your NBA history look up Sam Buie Bill Walton Greg Odin the Blazers are the boogeyman for Bigs yeah I uh I do kind of worry that that offense is just going to be like really congested and gross scoot had an awful rookie season I bet he’ll be better as a sophomore but still can’t really handle the ball comfortably against NBA defenses Denny AIA doesn’t provide a ton of spacing even though he knocks down his shots at an okay rate kingan has like almost negative offensive talent in my opinion they have a really interesting athletic and defensive core but that offense is going to be almost unwatchable I mean Chris Murray is your best shooter especially now that they traded Brogden just really tough Aon cannot be asked to do anything on offense uh just a really weird roster and unless they’re just going to feed the ball and give Jeremy Grant 40 usage I’m really concerned about what’s going on there especially for their young players development I I would think obdi is you know I just look at him as like man that’s a great you know Portland’s not trying to win that’s a great trade piece that contract is I feel like the Wizards selling on him now as opposed to maybe as the market it opens up a little bit in the next few weeks and teams realize what they have and what they don’t have with with his contract and I mean it’s a you know I’m not saying it’s Alex Caruso value with contract and player but it’s it’s it’s in that kind of category because man his contract is really sweet yeah I do think that they really just wanted like I think they really wanted bub Carrington which is a decision I’m not the biggest on bub uh I’m really excited for him because I I think this is a guy who has no off ball game and really struggles to get to the rim but if any team is just going to be able to give bub Carrington like a really high usage and just give him pick and roll reps and point guard reps over and over and over and see if any of that’s real it’s going to be Washington they have the most guard reps available in the entire league you know they drafted a big theal their you know best Prospect in my opinion is an off ball Wing every single one of their players is an a better off ball player and a guy you don’t want to put the ball in their hands too much P turned got really bad when he was forced on ball kozma is not a guy you want to feed a bunch of on ball reps I do think just having bub in there to push everybody else off ball could be interesting but I I just don’t buy that kind of starter or Star upside that that they kind of see in him what team or teams had your favorite draft pick it might have been the Rockets I really like Reed Reed might be my favorite player in the draft other than us I really liked the Kings pick they got Devin Carter at 13 I think and that is just incredible I think he’s a better player and just a better version of what they wanted in Davon Mitchell he’s bigger he’s more athletic they’re about the same level of shooter which is okay he’s Carter’s a better passer way better Defender I think that they got their own like they were trying to trade for Alex Caruso and they got their own version of him here at 13 uh and I think that he’s got a real chance to end up being the steel of the draft I had Carter at five on my board I I think he’s a really really special talent and there’s a few guys who could go here in the second round later today who I think could end up being the best pick I have filipowski at nine on my board and wherever he goes in the second that’s just a huge steal even like a guy like Jonathan magbo who I have at 10 just these guys who are in my opinion so clearly first round picks who are going to go in the second round behind you know guys who I don’t see the the first round upside and I think those could end up being the best picks in the draft let’s go back to the rockets for a second and the trade with the Nets and they give the Nets back control of that draft uh with those two picks next year and the year after and they receed two first round picks and two pick swaps from the Sun so basically a trade that they get a first and a pick swap to Brooklyn for two first and two pick swaps the NS don’t make the deal just a reminder to fans out there they don’t make this deal if they didn’t have the bridges deal with the Knicks lined up so it’s it’s really a three team trade and Cooper I I love it because I don’t think the star they’re looking for is is available this year so kicking the can down the road and adding the capital is ideal plus I’d much rather have this than given the Nets back those picks just for Bridges I just didn’t like that idea yeah I do think that you will be able to get a better player with these Suns picks I mean there’s there’s an argument that the Suns 2027 pick is the best pick asset in the NBA right now just because of how much uncertainty is there if they flame out again early I mean you can’t keep that around the second apron is so killer for these teams and they are paying so much money and guess who’s going to be their first call as soon as they as soon as Kevin Durant demands out as soon as Booker says he’s tired of of the BS going on it’s gonna be us because getting their own pick back is the most valuable thing they can do I do think that they’re gunning for like a Booker I don’t really see them getting a Kevin Durant I don’t know why they would do that I I think that a lot of the they’re star hunting so they’re gunning for 35 Plus year olds is a little bit of a outside noise kind of being placed on to us if we really wanted to make that trade I feel like we would have made it by now I mean I mean look my my fear is not to cross sports but Kevin Durant I mean he’s he’s about to be 37 I think it’s like he could fall off the cliff similar to Jose Abu we we just watched this with the Rockets we witnessed what can happen once you get into your late 30s and and of course you know if you go to the Texans I mean Texans fans were remember Ed Reed and what a disaster that was and I I I mean you could see a little bit those coming but Katie’s dropping off a little bit and you can count on him missing you know a lot of games every year you know I I bring up Donovan Mitchell to some fans because I’m a fan of his and they’re like oh look at the games that he missed I’m like look at the games that most of these Stars miss that are 30 plus and to me Mitchell does Miss hardly much at all compared to a lot of the Stars around the NBA these days so I I just you know a late 30s star when you’re trying to match it up with with a young roster just what’s the purpose unless you can steal a Kevin Durant or something unless you can really you know if it was just you know a couple of those Suns picks I would go yeah but I’m not you know they’re gonna they’ll want some of the young core which I’m like I no don’t want really want to do that yeah I’m not paying fair market value for a 36 year old like that’s just out of the question um I do think also getting just more picks down the road uh instead of just betting on like yeah you know the Suns could be bad next year or the Nets could be bad next year and in 26 when I don’t think that they would be awful especially if they weren’t going to trade male like you said that this whole thing was kind of contingent on us giving them their picks back but if they ran it back they’re probably you know slightly better than a Chicago they’re probably in about the same slot they were Lottery wise as this year so that leaves us with a 33% chance of jumping into the top four again and like a 5% chance of getting the top pick so we’re going to take the the five 5% chance at Cooper flag over some of the best assets in the NBA right now 86% chance let me remind fans an 86% chance you don’t get Cooper flag if the Nets win one game next year if the Ws if the Nets Go 0 and 82 they’re still an 86% chance you’re not getting Cooper flag that’s just the flat and Lottery odds it’s it’s it’s a bad bet it’s a bad mortgage you know what if you know what I mean you like we got lucky that the pick ended up jumping this year and we got Reed and we got a really good player and tar you know a few years ago that’s all well and good but the point of the picks isn’t to bet on them becoming top four picks the point of them is to turn them into something else and we’ve kicked the can on the last two and turned them into a way we kind of held the Nets hostage and we got the way better Assets in this deal and it sucks that we lose the chance at Cooper flag and all like all likelihood but I I would rather have the better assets than the blind optimism and hope that we get flag uh last thoughts on on the draft in general I mean is was it fun for you to this draft just because you didn’t know who it’s almost like you didn’t know who anybody was I mean it turns out some of the first four picks were kind of chalk but you you didn’t really know from moment to moment what was gonna happen yeah no the I I’m interested in like the new two-day format I wish that they made the Green Room smaller because like I feel really bad for like filipowski and these guys who were invited to the Green Room and didn’t even get selected I think that’s kind of the big flaw of having the two-day system is you can’t then invite 25 guys to show up because not all 25 are going to get taken first round just kind of a a bad look for the league in my opinion but not the end of the world or anything it it was a lot of fun last night every few picks I was going what the hell is going on and then the next pick would be wow wow like just blown away you know the Nuggets trading up to get Dron Holmes huge get for them absolutely huge the sun’s then trading back and getting a guy like Ryan Dunn and some extra pick Capital that was a really nice move just a really fun first day of the draft and I like the ability to kind of sit on it a little bit and think about what’s going to go on in the second day see and really think about oh who fell who’s going to do what to jump into which spot so I’m I’m excited for all the trades and all the action tonight even though it’s really just the the Nerds special tonight yeah that’s that’s pretty much the case I assume you’re about to drop a new upside Swings with a full break of the draft too tell tell people about that yeah so we I think it’ll be later this or like beginning of next week I think we’re going to do a full draft grades breakdowns all that kind of stuff uh just talking about our favorite fits least favorite fits uh who came out of this looking the best we will not be talking positively about you know some of our it’s nice to see the Spurs fail you know after they’ve had so much continued success and lucked into wemy last year so that’s that’s the most I’ll spoil about it the Dillingham trade you weren’t Maybe fan of no no and I I like Dilly going to Minnesota just for his sake because he gets a chance to compete and learn from like one of like Mike Conley one of the most underrated point guards of all time a truly incredible point guard and I think that they are both really skilled and and guys who have to play around their size and I think that getting the chance to learn there while still playing off ball is going to be awesome for him I also just am not a fan of Stefan castle at four I think him and wemy defensively will be really fun but unless you long-term plan on moving Castle to the wing that pick is going to end up looking pretty poor here in a few years good stuff man I also want to just remind our viewers and our listeners our regulars uh we’ll have a new show next week with uh my regular co-host Stephen our Tuesday show this week I I was out of town with some medical stuff so we’re g to be back doing that next week and talk some Astros and Astros have been a lot more fun recently so that should be fun to to do that and uh can’t wait to get some more Texans conversation we might find some stuff to to talk about next week as well so keep an eye out for that but uh again uh always good Cooper and uh man it’s fun to talk Rockets when when you feel like they did the right thing yeah it’s it’s a lot more fun than than talking Rockets when we’re losing games uh so this was this was great second year in a row talking draft and second year in a row I feel like we came out pretty much on top uh of this draft so lots of fun awesome you’re listening to Houston Sports Talk hey don’t forget to support us by subscribing and commenting on YouTube you can always listen to us on Spotify apple or your favorite podcast app tell your friends about us and share our Show links on social media spread the word everybody thanks for listening [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

Host Robert Land asks Cooper Klein about Rockets 1st round pick Reed Sheppard, the Donovan Clingan rumors, Sengun trade rumor & the Nets trade to get picks.
(:30) Was Reed Sheppard right pick?
(1:50) Is Sheppard’s shooting real & how it works in Houston?
(3:28) Was Sheppard best player in draft?
(4:20) Sheppard’s high IQ & Playmaking?
(6:12) Worst Narrative about Rockets drafting Sheppard?
(9:53) Were Durant for Sengun rumors legit?
(11:36) Sengun doing offseason work?
(13:50) Did Pistons screw up with Ron Holland pick?
(15:59) Did Rockets get break when Grizzlies missed out on Clingan?
(19:13) Wizards trade Avdia
(20:44) What teams had best draft?
(21:59) Did Rockets win Nets trade to get Suns picks?
(26:30) Big picture draft thoughts

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  1. Zach might be strong and long, but he's slow. People underestimate Alpi's quickness compared to most centers

  2. This guy is a marksman. He is more athletic than Brunson or Reddick. He has a crossover pull up 3. Shoot in the face. Shooting off screens. Step backs.

  3. Reed's efficiency and production will translate in the NBA. His shot is perfect in form and release timing. He very rarely gets blocked because he almost always makes the right play, almost to a fault. Rockets fans prepare to wonder why he doesnt shoot more. He is an ultimate locker room and glue guy because he is all about doing everything for the team.

  4. Reed took a very limited amount of shots in college on a stacked team. He shot around 35% from 3P range in high school with more volume, so what he did at Kentucky was more than likely an anomaly. Everyone fell for the same thing with Jabari by ignoring his high school shooting numbers. This was a very risky pick and the Rockets haven’t been doing to well when it comes to the top picks they drafted.

  5. The problem is that next year draft is loaded. It’s not just Flagg. I would trade Jalen for a top 15 pick in 2025 maybe even Jabari. And I like both. So people saying it’s only 8 or 6% are not even looking at the bigger picture.

    Also Stone should have at least gotten 1 more pick or swap out of the 2025 swap.

    Another point is that the trade happened bc we gave them the picks. But we also heard that Mikal was gonna force his way out and go the Knicks. So Nets wouldn’t have gotten all that package and they would be begging us to give them those picks.

    That’s why a lot of fans didn’t like that trade. We let the Nets off the hook instead of squeezing them with 1 or more picks.

  6. For sure Mr Robert have always been big on Reed. few days to draft day something change for me and jumped on Reed boat. For me reed is clearly the best player in this draft class.Welcome to Houston Reed Sheppard

  7. AJ, can match him shot for shot. Houston, has 2 snipers, to go along with all their athleticism. They're definitely a team on the rise.

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