@New Orleans Pelicans

Dejounte Murray TRADED To the New Orleans Pelicans! | NBA Offseason 2024

Dejounte Murray TRADED To the New Orleans Pelicans! | NBA Offseason 2024

all righty we got some breaking news coming right here Deonte Murray has been traded to the New Orleans Pelicans for some interesting things this literally like just happened I’ve had like no time to process it so let’s go through it by the way for those of you that watched the end of my last video I ate it and it was good and that’s all I’ll say and I’m glad I did it I’m a little bit full now if you’re not sure what I’m talking about go watch the end of the last video Yeah Deonte Murray for Larry Nance Jr Dyson Daniels the 202020 2025 first round pick I’m so sleep deprived 2027 first round pick least favorable of the Bucks and Pelicans yeah honestly that sounds about right this is kind of what I figured would happen with the dejonte Murray trade and those of you that have been like watching my channel have been kind of seeing what I meant by this I’m like I don’t think it makes sense to just do like and it really doesn’t make like much Financial sense either to do like a dejon Murray for just like Brandon Ingram or something like that because like if they were to do that they’re kind of just keeping themselves in the same place I’m like I really just think that there’s a way to make Deon Murray go to the Pelicans and them not having to give up Brandon Ingram and I think they’ve they’ve done a great job with this um especially on the Pelicans end um thinking about this from the Hawks point of view they get a couple first round picks does this mean that they’re starting the rebuild process but with Trey young still on the team I guess that’s what we’re left to interpret it as right now so you got two first round picks uh you got a Lakers 2025 first round pick presumably it’ll be like eh but you know having 2025 first round picks is valuable right now and then a 2027 first run pick least favorable of bucks and Pelicans that could be a decent pick you you just have no idea at that point but I’m going to presume that it’s probably not at the end of the day but you never know um you give up Larry Nance you give up Dyson Daniels uh Larry Nance Jr was important to this team obviously they picked up evees Missy so you don’t really need that backup center spot from him anymore Dyson Daniels was a guy that just didn’t fit in the rotation I feel like they were kind of trying to play him out of position in all honesty so I’ll be curious to see what he can do in Atlanta but yeah know this is huge for the Pelicans does this mean that they’re going to resign Brandon cuz that’s that’s what I would do at this point like you just resign Ingram now all of a sudden you have a much better uh unit on your team with dejonte Murray on there I’m actually pretty surprised CJ McCullum wasn’t in this trade though in some capacity that’s that’s actually pretty crazy have we had any more news come through about this New Orleans when Owen 24 trailing yep yep yep yep yep okay no nothing all that interesting but yeah no this is a this is an interesting pickup for them I I think when I think about this from a basketball point of view uh I think there’s an immediate concern and that has to do with operating area right like what do I mean by operating areas got that’s the space on the floor that somebody wants to get to to start trying to like really get into their offense right and so what do we see uh when I map this out in my head and this is actually something I do for like my business and stuff like that I kind of make like overlapping like layers to like people shot charts and stuff like that to be like okay where are people going to start to get like clustered and things like that right where how do we avoid those and when I think about this Zion Williamson is a guy that can work without the basketball dejonte Murray has the basketball but they’re trying to get to the same spot on the court to start operating that’s a bit of a concern for me Brandon Ingram uh you know there’s only one basketball so we can only layer it so much but Brandon Ingram wants to get to that same spot on the basketball floor that’s kind of that nail kind of usually one of the wing areas a little bit and now Zion’s obviously trying to get that to then uh continue to go towards the rack whereas the other two are trying to get the mid-range shot it’s a little bit of a concern to me that you’ve got two guys whose goal it is to get to a certain spot in the court where Zion trying to run through so that’s an immediate concern of me but I guess we’ll see if they end up doing like anything else with the roster like if you look at the roster on paper it’s got a ton of talents and they’ve been looking for like a true point guard to kind of lead this team and everything Deonte Murray’s that guy sorry I just had a hicup I just like I said I just ate all that stuff or whatever don’t worry about it but um this is this is interesting if you’re a Hawks fan you’re probably a little bit sad about the return for this you got the two first round picks you traded a bunch of picks to go get him but you know what it’s it’s like a car right as soon as you drive it off the lot loses some of its value and I’m not saying jont Murray’s a bad player cuz I I think he’s a good player I mean borderline All-Star player if he’s like effectively playing his position and he’ll be able to do that a little bit more here but do you have to stagger like the minutes of these guys a little bit to get an effective team out of them I don’t I don’t necessarily know but man shout out the Pelicans man they really didn’t give up like anything all that crazy to go and make this happen I think this is I think this is great for them and like I said I I just don’t know what else you were really going to get what else you were really going to get for Deonte if you’re the hawk so like you got the 2025 pick I think you should feel solid about that and at the very least you’re not just like running it back with this team I think if they made no other moves this off season I think I’d be a little bit bummed like I have to imagine in like the coming days we’re going to see Clint capella go maybe DeAndre Hunter goes or something like that cuz like Trey young probably safe SAR obviously safe and some of the other guys that they have maybe they move a Kong wo or something like that one of capella and aong like has to move otherwise you’re really questioning what’s going on in the brains of those people right but um I would assume Jaylen Johnson is safe cuz like you could do you you have a pretty accelerated rebuild if you tear down all those other pieces and acquire some more assets and everything and then you try to move forward with just like Trey ree was I saying SAR why was I saying I’m so sorry I’m so sleep deprived just leave me alone okay um just just leave me alone it’s it’s been a week it’s been a week I should be able to sleep tonight um after doing all the draft stuff I’ve been doing for the past week but anyway to recap if you start rebuilding around like Trey young Reas like Jaylen Johnson it’s a great start you’re already like you’re already doing a pretty good thing there you could try to kind of retool this roster so it’s a little bit more Dynamic and stuff like that I think that makes a lot of sense so do you try to move on from like a Clint capella or something like that still just because uh you you feel like uh you can get some value for him I don’t know like what what is the Hawk’s goal for this season that’s what these next couple trades will kind of start to tell us so that that’s what I’m looking forward to seeing but if you’re a Pelicans fan like you should feel pretty good about this like while I have basketball concerns about this I think it’s I think it’s interesting nonetheless just because like you you just are adding more talent and he’s a guy that’s more on like the Age timeline and everything for these guys I have to imagine this means that Brandon Ingram is just going to come back to them so I I don’t know I just think that makes too much sense they’re just going to try to add Deon and get going maybe CJ McCullum is like on the move at some point but I mean if you can still keep CJ I think you got a really interesting team then cuz he doesn’t have to do as much ball handling and stuff like that he can just kind of be a spacer um I wonder what this means for like a Jordan Hawkins or something like that right like does he kind of lose some rotational spots or something like that during the year CU he’s a guy I just want to see them develop a little bit more because I think he’s a really interesting talent but yeah no this is a this is an interesting one right here I have to imagine there’s more trades to come I can’t imagine that the Hawks are done I wouldn’t be surprised if the Pelicans did something else but this is this is exciting stuff man this is exciting stuff um we just won’t know like I said the hawk stuff till a little bit further down the line but no I’m I’m here for this I’m here for this I apologize by the way that I’m a little bit all over the place right now like I said just sleep deprived we’re going to work on it I’m going to go into a food coma probably right after this video so if any more trades happen I’m not here to deal with it but anyway thanks so much for watching as always make sure you guys like subscribe and comment I’ve responded to every single comment on my YouTube channel up to this point don’t be a dick in the comment section otherwise I’ll have to warn you and then I’ll hide you and you won’t get to participate anymore uh let me know what you guys think though in the comments about this trade thanks so much bye no [Music]

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  1. Whelp I think we all knew this was coming. Also I’m very sleepy so sorry for my poor speaking 😅.

  2. I'm surprised about CJ too. This might be telling about his market. Maybe atl was worried they might not be able to flip him easily for another asset. Idk. I like CJ but he's paid a lot and his defense…

  3. I am shocked!! I really wished hard that Dejountay Murray would be traded to Spurs or Heat (both need a PG). 2nd (Just My Opinion)I think C.J. Will be traded to Bucks.

  4. Im quite certain the pelicans are gonna make another move for many reasons due to financial reasons, hole at center, and amount of capable players pg-sf. They can be dangerous assuming zion stays healthy but i do understand the point u made about how they will operate together.

  5. Meh, who needs Murray anyhow Hawks already have a better backup pg and he's 4 inches taller. I'd still trade Ingram though he's a whiner and a bench energy abyss

  6. Love it, Trae can run the offense again, they didn't work together. They get a great talent in Dyson & Larry also a great gut to have. You also save a bit of money. Trae won't be traded like many say now they build around him.

  7. Trading Ingram for a big to avoid paying the tax for the first time in their history? Or does the owner bite the bullet and they bring back Ingram?

    I feel like if they can trade Ingram for a big, they should entertain it. Feel like Murray, CJ and Zion is enough shot creation. Herb Jones needs to be a starter imo. Very interesting move for the Pels.

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