@Golden State Warriors

Warriors trade Klay to Mavs, CP3 signs with Spurs: Is GSW dynasty over? | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

Warriors trade Klay to Mavs, CP3 signs with Spurs: Is GSW dynasty over? | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

I’m going start with live from New York the show it’s going to lead with Derek white do it he’s got a good contract with the sub nice extension yeah everyone else making moves and like I don’t know why don’t the Champions stay the Champions this guy is really all of a sudden going to act like he’s a it’s a big deal it’s unbel I might buy the Celtics if things go well oh yeah they’re for sale did you see that Brew Celtics for sale Wild Bill Simmons are going to be pitching in get a wallberg in there I had some wallers this weekend it looked like it was coming down to the lake or Mavericks and look I I said Friday Lakers go get clay I thought it would been a great move for them but for clay I like this better there Dallas is closer I’m sure he wants some retribution with the Warriors right and what better way to do it than to win ring number five somewhere else and so I think Dallas has a much better chance than the Lakers are doing it he would have been a nice little third guy with uh ad and LeBron but they’re ready and I like what has done this offseason getting Quinton Grimes that’s more three-point shooting obviously Klay gives him three-point shooting with Kyrie and Luca now I’m wondering if they’ll play a little differently next year but with Kyrie and Luca two ball dominant guys you need a guy that can score in bunches without having the ball a lot obviously that’s Klay Thompson look he averaged 18 points and 39% shooting from three so everybody wants to act like he’s done y he’s not so this is a great move for them give some more veteran leadership they’re I like what they’re building around Luca like you got Kyrie who won the championship now you’ve got clay who’s won several championships he can even talk to Luca about how you defend even though you’re not gonna be a great Lockdown Defender Steph did this talk a lot just be in the right position he can help Luca with all that so this is a fantastic move I mean it’s a great fit and I remember I think I talked with you about it Brew years ago it might have been when the before the lak when LeBron went to the Lakers before they got Anthony Davis and we were kind of we were talking about the perfect fits alongside LeBron James and ad was one of them and Klay Thompson was one of the first guys we mentioned is not that he’s the best player in the league even pre- injuries but as far as fit well there’s no player in the league that plays offensively as similar to LeBron as Luca does and they now have again a lesser version but uh they have Klay Thompson to spot up to hit threes you know that if you were on the Mavs you are going to be spoonfed open three-pointers and still even post injury catch and shoot threes Clay’s one of the best in the league I understand his final game with the Warriors He’s 0 for 10 it was a sad performance but the second half of last year he played much better than he did the first half of it so I for the Mavs I really like it I am baffled there you go at the total inability of Rob pinka to get anything done ever you had a scenario where him a week ago I thought they made a good draft pick but the thing is you have to pick somebody and so that is not Landing a plane that is I I he did fall to him and again I think that was a smart pick and I give praise words too but you have a scenario where the greatest player of his generation in my opinion the greatest player ever says you know what I’ll take a pay cut you have a scenario where a player clearly wants to stick it to his former team in Golden State the Lakers are closer to Rivals to the Warriors than that Mavs are and even if the Mavs are closer to contending the Lakers beat him in the last playoff series they were in his daddy broadcasts the games and they’re on they’re on the water they’re they’re they’re they had those they all those things all those things going for you and I understand people like California state tax Clay’s used to it yeah he’s tired maybe but the state tax thing Falls a little hot little I understand that but I don’t think that’s the deciding factor if you have you said it right before he went on the air brew and maybe you said it in your opening statement I’m not sure about Nico Harrison man he’s doing a hell of a job Nico Harrison ABS gets to Dallas starts making moves where he can in the margins pounces at Kyrie Irving if only there was a place that we know the star wanted Kyrie Irving hires Jason kid if only there’s a place where we know the star wanted Jason kid these things and now Klay Thompson you can’t land that plane I’m happy for clay and I don’t begrudge him this but it is how many times are we going to hear about the Lakers being in on something and then the front office not being able to get it done and this one should not have been that hard Klay Thompson prefers going to Dallas over the Lakers what’s Rob pinka supposed to do I mean it’s not like you could offer a ton more money the right but isn’t that in some part what the per point of a GM is to sell your team to a potential coach or a potential free agent is that not but how much selling I mean if I’m like look they got shot win the championship than you do I don’t care what you say it’s not like you can offer me twice but if but if it’s just that’s where clay wanted to be then why does Nico get credit you said Nico’s doing a great job if if if you get credit then take away credit no but seriously all I’m saying is if I want to go someplace else I don’t care what you say to me I’m on my own man unless you can give me a bunch more money I’m just saying I don’t think you can Crush pinka oh he couldn’t get clay clay want to go to Dallas so again that last part if it is if it were reported that from the moment with that clay might be leaving Golden State that oh he has his eyes set on the Mavericks that’s where he’s going to go this came up quickly out I don’t want to say out of nowhere people thought the magic were a possibility people thought Oklahoma City or Philly were a possibility something happened to where all of a sudden Dallas became his preferred destination to me that is a sign of a good front office that is that like I don’t think they so like I I don’t think there was any magical meeting where they oh my really where clay was like I never thought about that wow thanks Nico you’re giving me and Lebron called him yeah Le I mean why aren’t you looking at le Lebron couldn’t lay in the plan he called clay LeBron’s not the general manager yeah but he took it upon himself to give him a call that’s my point even with LeBron James help with Danny Hurley and with Klay Thompson they can’t get their guy but that wasn’t enough for clay what maybe clay rather play with l and if and if that’s all it is so be it the point like I am now of the belief and maybe I’ll be wrong maybe they will end up getting DeMar rosen or maybe and then everything’s all fine but I think that we are going to end up with LeBron not taking a pay cut because they don’t have anyone to give the money to and that is a failure of an or that is a an organizational failure and so I the listen I if Clay’s number one goal is to win a championship I think the Mavs are I think the Mavs with Clay are in a better position than the Lakers they’re in better position in Orlando Oh m in Orlando so that takes I mean okay see there’s an argument there would yeah maybe he didn’t want to go all the way East who knows but but there were a lot of to me you you scoffed at it before the show and then maybe here as well I think that you did have a real Nostalgia angle of Michael Thompson it being his team that I thought was a chip that could work in their favor maybe you disagreed with I me I just don’t think it’s a large chip I think and I and I’m sure Nico is doing a great job but if he’s like yeah I just spoke to LeBron like oh yeah did he talk to you about how he got bounced in the first round while we were headed to the finals and we think we can go further if we have you it’s like all right that’s done like clay you’re about winning you’re not about you’re leaving a fade a championship roster that is fading you’re going to join another championship roster that’s fading it’s going to try to fight and call into the play unless it’s a ton of money which he already has money let’s not disregard human nature if I were in Klay Thompson shoes I want to stick it to the Warriors you paid Draymond you paid Wiggins you won’t pay me I agree with that entirely going to the Lakers and going out in the first or second round isn’t repaying the Warriors going to Dallas and winning a championship now you have one more I’m not saying he has beef with Stephen Draymond but you got one more than them now like that’s huge I agree what else you got no I just I thought for the sticking it to the Warriors part that’s another one that I thought was a plus for the Lakers over Dallas yes because I think I look at the the Lakers and Warriors play on Christmas the Lakers and Warriors have played in the playoffs the Lakers and Warriors there is a real and there’s a California LeBron ST let’s keep it real true agree but so but I guess my point is if you’re trying to stick it to the Warriors teaming up with your guys generational rival is the sticking it to him sticking it to Stephan to sticking to Ste heavyweight fight with no title belts on the line it’s like what a battle like where’s the belts like we actually we don’t have any Bel that’s fair that’s fair but you understand what I mean about that those the Lakers Warriors feels like a thing in a way that Warriors Mavs do I agree with that there’s no Mavs Warriors Maybe sure it it’ll still be clay wins a championship it’s unbelievable and all a sudden he’s a guy with five get does he move up what he certainly gets in that new top 75 all right so now let’s talk about Golden State Splash Brothers now a strange clay will be wearing a Dallas jersey next time we see him after nearly 1,000 games with the warriors uh this Trio Draymond Steph and Clay conclude their run six finals appearances four titles 720 games together uh and six most wins by Trio all time 718 winning percentage uh are you viewing this as the official end of the Warriors yeah I mean it’s it’s certainly the end of an era I mean cuz this their championships even with Kevin Durant there because he was there obviously for just the two it’s about Steph clay and Draymond step and Clay best back court ever Mark Jackson said it best shooting back court ever early in their career and they became the best back court ever so in that regard it’s the end of an era look I think the Warriors they they still are going to try to make some moves lar marinin is out there from Utah I love that I love that too I would love it I don’t see how they can get it but goad it’s it’s going to be diff you’re right he’s a perfect fit if they can get him and even if they get him I I think you know there I think I have I don’t know if I no I I have a Graphic on tears later but not for this one but I I think that they’re there’s a gra coming up I think that um they’re basically where they were last year they’re fighting to just get in the postseason that includes the playin not just the play the real playoffs but the playin 10th 11th yeah there’s a lot of and by the way I I saw the marketing thing as well but I also saw this weekend that they could have gotten uh LaVine and they said no to it because to me just for Chris Paul or wiggin right and then a little salary filler so that to me indicates this is that Joe lob was telling the truth that their number one goal is to not get under the apron but to get under the tax and that this so this is over now I don’t view this as the I view this as the end of the end we can we know what the beginning of the end was the beginning of the end was this moment right here uh before they played a single game in their title defense this as history will tell it was the beginning of the end of the Warriors we just didn’t know it yet but it was and nothing was right ever since then that year they you know tried to deal with it and then they go out kind of quietly in round two to LeBron and the Lakers then next year we don’t have to keep playing this the next year um they deal with more Draymond related nonsense and now they’re broken up one of my biggest takeaways of this deal was wait what were the Warriors willing to offer clay like it Josh or d Can someone say remind me in my ear what did Malik mon well I thought it was two years 48 million so but did Malik monk I’m off the top of my head I thought he got four for 78 but may maybe I’m wrong on it is four for 78 okay so the war that is 19.5 million a year three for 50 from Dallas I understand state taxes is 16.7 a year the Warriors weren’t willing to give Klay Thompson Malik monk money like I understand like not giving him a Max I I but there there was no like all right man like you are the second or third most important player in the history of the franchise Steph is still here we paid Draymond who’s been out of his mind like there and so that to me signaled they that they this was not purely a we can’t afford you it was a we are turning the page we as a franchise are turning the page and we can’t turn it fully with Steph clay and Draymond all here so we’re not going to we’re not going to match in a world where Haren Stein’s worth 87 and listen I understand younger player different position it’s not Apples to Apples but there was there seemingly was no loyalty bonus for clay which maybe is good business but it signaled to me the warriors were done like the warriors were turning the go can I’ll ask you a question Brew so we just spent the last five minutes like all right palinka couldn’t land the plane uh Lebron made the call couldn’t land the plane are you surprised I’ll you two-parter bro pick your pick your question are you surprised that Steph didn’t throw his body in front of this and do you think that this will affect this Trio has been together so long had their highest highs do you think removing one part of the trio affects the other two guys negatively that’s a great great great question questions um I’m not going to blame Steph for not jumping into and say hey you got to keep clay because it’s not like keeping Clay is going to make them a championship Contender all right and I’m not saying Steph is fine with him leaving I’m sure he would want him there but they are I’m Steph probably also wants to do whatever we can to get back to a championship level and I think the best thing for him to do probably is to just stay out in front stay away from it because it would just be emotional it just be sentimental if they resign clay would we be saying they’re any better than they are I mean they he’s better than nothing you know that which is what they have now but I’m just saying so the second part Draymond and I I don’t know what his relationship with Clay was but when he kind of laughed it off on the podcast remember when when clay stopped following him on social media and all that stuff um that shows that I I think Draymond seems like he’ll be fine moving on I do think Steph will be bothered as long as draymond’s got Jackson for the podcast he’s not to work he’s got his team in place no I look I I think that also Clay may have taking less money elsewhere is a little different than taking money less money from where you’ve been you won Championship that part I totally agree with that that there is if the you know if a place I I’ll just use Fox as an example just because I there’s only TV job I’ve ever had I’ve worked during my whole career if all of a sudden I felt like they were you know basically trying to move on from me because they offered me you know X dollar a tenth of what I was making before I I might take that exact same deal with someone else that wouldn’t feel disrespectful because it’s like no I have built I have Sweat Equity and in Clay’s case Championship Equity built up with you so I agree I agree with that and the role the they were asking him maybe to come off the B so I so that part and I also think was an emotion of man I am not going to be able to quit thinking about the player I was before the injuries as long as I’m still wearing this buy that like that I do I think that is a legitimate human thing like if I for me to be able to fully accept that I’m in a different place I need to literally be in a different place like that would that would make sense for the Warriors their Miss was those draft pi you you had an opportunity in the midst of Championship contention to draft number two overall number seven and number 14 and the only one of those is a total zero in wisan Moody you’re still yet to get anything from he’s so young you want to give up on him but and kaminga has shown flashes but it’s still it’s less about not about those players not turning into stars and more about their refusal to package those players for known quantities and then you add to that that we now got the final results on the Jordan pool trade nothing you traded him for Chris Paul essentially and you just bought Chris Paul out so like that you had this this late first was he late first or early second round pick I don’t remember in pool that overachieved you had the second pick you had two other lottery picks and what you have to show for it is like I think obviously the Jordan pool thing is terrible you get nothing for him but look Trace Jackson Davis you got uminga pinski like they do have some young Talent I’m not saying it’s not Championship level talent but if again if they can get a markeing and I don’t want to make him seem like he’s the second that was my number one I think he’s excellent but I just don’t see how they’re going to be able to square it seems like the LaVine thing is bizarre like they’re just trying to cut money if they think we need to get under the tax to reset all the I think it’s get under the tax we unless we can build like a team we know is right there with the top contenders in the league yeah Fair give me quickly out the door brw Warriors are in what place the end of the year oh I’ve got it 10th yeah I I had 11 thanks for watching subscribe here to get more from the show and to check out clips from other shows on FS1

Nick Wright, Kevin Wildes and Chris Broussard discuss the latest news in sports including Klay Thompson’s move to the Dallas Mavericks, Chris Paul being waived by the Golden State Warriors and subsequently signing with the San Antonio Spurs. The FTF cast debate if the Golden State Warriors dynasty is over.

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Warriors trade Klay to Mavs, CP3 signs with Spurs: Is GSW dynasty over? | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

First Things First


  1. Hate this for Klay. Not basketball-wise, it is just the mans favorite thing is to take his boat out on the bay and now the poor dude is landlocked.

  2. As much as Klay maybe fell out with GSW…..he won't go to Lakers to "help" LBJ potentially get another title and have one more than himself & Steph.

  3. when you bring back LeBron, you know that players like Klay are the only players you are going to target. Pelinka is to blame for that reason. Explain to me again why he let Drummond go?

  4. We the hard-core warrior fans scratched our heads trying to understanding Klay Thompson, the enigma as a person. These people arguing Klay's decision to join Mavs over Lakers is funnier.

  5. So far this off-season in the west
    Mavs got better
    Okc got better
    Clippers got worse
    Timberwolves and nuggets are still great teams building continuity…
    So the top 4 teams are basically like last year jus take clippers out for Dallas who honestly look like a top 2 seed now…
    The pelicans are also better now with Murray…
    The grizzlies are gonna be on the playoff hunt with Ja returning….
    The spurs will cause people that are in the playoff hunt to lose pivotal games down the stretch with CP3 feeding Wemby…
    Unless the warriors make some moves as it stands they look like they won’t be a top 10 seed…

  6. They say it every year. Lakers always suppose to get everyone. Nick is just deflecting blame because no wants to play with Lebron.

  7. Bro lebron said he'll take a paycut to get klay or derozan. But him taking a paycut still only means the lakers are gonna offer them about 5 mil/year tops. For that you go to chris paul or a solid role player. They got dumb expectations like these guys still have higher value than the lakers are offering them. So it was already obvious he wasn't going there. I would be surprised if derozan goes cause im sure theres at least a few places willing to offer around 20/year to him


  9. He prob don't like Lebron.

    Plus Lebron lied and said he would never take a pay cut😂😂😂😂

  10. How is nick saying the warriors turned a page when we offered him 2 years 48 mil ?? He just got a 3 year 50 mil contract ? It obviously wasn’t the warriors we were willing to pay him 24 mil a year more than anyone offered him yeah it was 2 years but still.. klay didn’t want to be there that’s obvious in my eyes not the other way around

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