@Miami Heat

Miami Heat Free Agency Opens, Florida Panthers Parade, Miami Dolphins Tua Watch | Tobin & Leroy

Miami Heat Free Agency Opens, Florida Panthers Parade, Miami Dolphins Tua Watch | Tobin & Leroy

Socrates say to that it tickles my f okay okay gooes I don’t have hair you got Marcos that’s not no that’s not that’s true you do got get over here was a decoy to the man St with a show till then open some tast Snowman no proof I’m no proof time for the twitch this one time for the text this one time for the phone line whole time wonder what they going to do next I I just wish you guys would stop the quibbling on everybody to and Leroy here with you 560 wqam take you up until two here on the program how you feeling today Marcos you you uh you Brave the elements yesterday yes uh I I feel the soaking wets rain in my bones how are your very used shoes even more used man I tell you what I I probably should have prepared better to walk seven miles like I did yesterday I probably should have worn shoes that had ankle protection and doctor shols because I am what did you go with what did you have on some normal Jordan Jordan dunks are like the Jordan Ones so no ankle support didn’t tie them because I think too cool for school what is it with the non- tying you think you’re better than us I’m currently not tying my shoes you know who’s telling me my ankles are like what what are you doing kid what are you doing you’re not you’re not you’re not 17 anymore I don’t understand the non- tying shoes it’s so stupid it is stupid it is stupid and I’m feeling it people are just getting with less and less foot Footwear you know these kids think they can wear Crocs wherever they want you don’t tie your shoes put your put your shoes together all right tell you what yesterday though I saw a lot of shoes uh in people’s hands people were were like just braving the elements that you wanted some thong flipflops there didn’t you frog boy totally did man totally did uh it it was it it was unbelievably cool and the thing that I loved most about it uh it was just down here you know it that it was so South Florida in that we are sitting here and it is a typhoon it is raining so hard so hard like like it’s coming and hitting us sideways I had like we were in the back of a restaurant yeah basically and I still had to put a liner on my laptop to keep it going just because it was so it was torrential torrential downpours seeing everybody out there Brave the elements pop open the old uh umbrellas there that lightning was scary that lightning was scary and it was like right over the ocean oh yeah and people are like not leaving I’m not leaving I’m seeing my cup so everybody got there and you got to the uh the state it was delayed because they had obviously waited out so you had the buses basically chilling in the back for is that where you were originally started yes they uh originally started a little bit like you said due to the lightning and rain but you know after a while it was like let’s get this party started baby I know it was and then like it got to a point where most of the players just ditched the buses oh my God they just left after while went on the bus went on the beach cup cuz I was really excited I could not wait cuz I wanted to get a whole restaurant Bobby chant going when when Bob’s bus came up I know and the only guy who stayed on his bus was was was Barky everybody else was gone yeah the fins were the only one to listen true everybody else who was like where’s lomber oh he’s on the because you could tell that there was some commotion where we were like why is the beach going so crazy and you’re like oh players are just going right through the crowd yeah partying and getting up on stage because we were like you know from our vantage point we were getting excited because the violas came by and then the the bill Zito bus came out like all right here come the player bu oh they’re gone yep and they’re gone absolutely so we you know we but we could see all the commotion that was going down on the beach and people are obviously going crazy and then all of a sudden carder hagg’s on the stage with the cup I’m like what the hell happened yeah at a certain point I I I texted I reached out to you guys I said the cup is on foot and it’s heading your way the cup is on the loose it’s just that really was what you can feel the energy that followed the cup dude it was it was so crazy to see what was going on there it was so cool seeing the videos Ryan lomberg I mean if that was his last if those are his last memories as a Panther because he’s about to get the cats bag uh elsewhere if he’s if if those were his what what a way to go out because I feel like he he touched everyone in South Florida yesterday he drank beer he crowd surfed he did everything there is to do so what a what a day it was an absolute amazing day it was uh it was uh incredible Robbie is saying that kachuck exited through the bus through Bose Beach did you see kachuck uh I didn’t see kachuck but did see Robbie and I have a story about Robbie that will stay with me for the rest of my life Wow like a night in shining armor I was seeking Refuge from the hurricane and I had managed to make my way all the way to uh Bose’s Beach right which you guys were on the second floor of Robbie happened to be in the first floor in front had a nice little Court it was could couldn’t even move down there it was it was so packed dude it was so packed and Robbie had a nice corner he had taken shop he had a book bag with enough space there he was perfectly fine he sees me in agony looking for some sort of refuge and my attempt to maybe meet up with you guys and share some story on uh the twitch stream that we had about what I had experienced in order to help me get up there there was a security guard guarding the staircase by where you guys were at very serious about a job because a lot of people paid a lot of money in order to reserve that se so wasn’t very packed up there it was very nice up there oh my God because everyone was downstairs Robbie abandons his post that he very clearly had reserved and decided I’m going to walk this soaking wet gentleman through this take me to VIP like laka polite he s there was people who were so upset because they were dry for the most part they were yes there was closed quarters but they were dry yeah I didn’t see too many people soaked out oh it was just me dripping wet rubbing on everyone as I pass by them saying excuse me I’m sorry but Robbie so did you get up did you finally get up in VIP finally I got I didn’t see you when I left I did not I got to the staircase the gu’s like security and I’m like well you know I just I’m the radio and they’re like yes sure buddy get out of my face frog boy wow he said frog boy no he didn’t but I just he might as well he uh yeah it was it was pretty crazy they started handing out wrist but I couldn’t dude here’s the thing I I got your text late and I’m like I can’t move but here’s the thing I couldn’t leave my post because this Jo Rose oh hobnob hobnob he’s hobnob come on he’s hobnobbin Danny had his son so he’s got to be child care so somebody has to stay by the booth because we had really short breaks the breaks were like two minutes so I had to stay on the headset in case we were back and then had to throw it I didn’t know when these damn Panthers were getting to that stage I know um so I I really was I was helpless there to to to help you I apologize of course no I mean I understand the politics of how it goes in regards to them not allowing me to just walk through because I have a 560 shirt I understand the position you were in and everyone was in I I just uh I just was abandoning that post immediately after I realized how much of a hassle would be but I just was so grateful that Robbie like a lead blocker did he get his spot back you know what I I don’t even know if he did Robbie let us know on the chat if you St rest of our headlines brought to you by the new P for truck Super Center why buy your truck at a car store P for we know trucks we’ll get to your parade clips and more parade stories because it was a really really cool day down here in South one you’ll never forget like the the parade that was in the torrential downpour the whole beach with people as far as the eye could see um what a party and those and those cats those cats had fun oh did they those cats had I mean I saw Maurice oh man he’s a stumbler come on is he he’s a stumbler great you want to talk about a lot of drinky poos yeah he is a live television’s worst nightmare Paul Maurice oh man we’ll get to him he was a delight because uh yeah I was trying to listen I was trying to listen because I wasn’t getting to that stage and I’m like after after we got off the air I’m like all right do I get to the stage and like the way it just took me to get out of Bose Beach I’m like I’m never getting close to that stage yeah it’s so I just went I I I I made the exit I’m like you know what I’ll listen to it on the way home I saw the players I saw flashes of the cup pretty good for me I’m happy no that’s fair um but this Paul Maurice oh so we get like on the radio and just like you could just tell Vlad is is sweating oh no like I couldn’t even imagine if Robbie was running the board because that man like you would have heard none of the speech but Paul Maurice he was dropping bombs so just ended up bluetoothing it and putting the Panthers YouTube feed on my audio cuz that was good uncensored uncensored cats you me that raw yeah and the best part of the speech look not Paul Marie had the best speech for sure yeah Aaron NE BL at the moment of the parade oh the moment the moment of the parade because he gets up there and I see on Twitter I see uh David dwar with a picture of he has the parking cone and I’m like oh oh my God he didn’t forget amaz because it was it was said through back channels that eblad kind of forgiven Brooks kka and I have news for you he did not forgive he did not forgive Brooks ke do we have him yes he did he gets on that microphone and he gets this great intro from Steve Goldstein who’s talking about all of the guy Bostock zero dry Sidle zero and like eblad just you know he’s he’s like hearing it like Hulk Hogan and he gets there with his traffic cone gets right to the microphone and the first thing that comes to mind is this you Brooks from the bottom of my heart thank you thank you let’s go cats oh my God he he like that that is that is it right there and you know what it has to be crazy feeling right now I don’t know if Brooks kepka loves that or hates that I I feel like it could go either way because if you are a monster Panthers fan and one of the longest tenur Florida Panthers just says the first thing on my mind when I get to a microphone is gonna be F Brook gepa yeah that’s I mean like you said it could go either way how do you think it responds you think Brook gepa I don’t think you can respond I don’t think you can I don’t think what what are you going to say I want him to wear traffic cone next time he goes to tea off somewhere just so we’re clear just so we’re because like listen Brooks kept maybe eblad there’s a lot of eblad trade fodder out there that he may be on the market you know that this may have been e blad’s Crown uh crowning achievement but he didn’t get to go out without telling Brooks Kea go bleep yourself love it dude it was unbelievable meanwhile there is some Panthers news oh headlines they do the headlines thing headlines yes yes all right headlines uh the big headline this morning Sam Reinhard first reported today uh by the associated presses Tim Reynolds but it has been officially announced Sam Reinhardt Rhino is staying with the cats goosies they put out a big uh statement today Reinhardt staying in South Florida let me get the terms here of the deal but he he gave the cats a real sweetheart deal nice to uh Zig around 69 million over eight years that is nice isn’t it that is nice that is nice he is uh he I feel like that’s a that’s a good deal yeah sticking with the cats wow so I’m sorry you said eight years eight uh yeah eight years wow yep I like that I like that too that’s long term hey he’s a he’s a game seven hero yep 67 total goals this year yeah happy staying absolutely that he’s staying well uh keep it going I gotta be honest with you this uh this this free agency in the NBA sucks oh God I mean this is not the this is not the game I love and I’m not even talking about the lack of heat action okay this just a crop of free agency that sucks you know like I got I got to talk about hartenstein hartenstein contracts and things like this this this free agency blows all right you know are you sure it has nothing to do with the lack of heat action because a couple names have gone in a couple places you know although I do want Joel embiid fine for his obvious tampering during the NBA Finals but that’s a different topic Chris Paul to the Spurs you’re not interested in that all right I think he’s old he’s 40 yeah but him and wemy you know 40 okay F it’s not that he’s 40 Clay on the magic W is that happening I don’t I don’t know if it is happening definitely not going didn’t they just sign kcp I guess they could do a sign and trade that could happen uh kep responded by the way somebody said that he put three laughing emojis he didn’t find it funny oh we’ll take a quick break lots to get to we’ll hear more from the cats parade and uh we’ll see if the heat do anything they’ve been uh on the sidelines thus far other than uh Kevin Love take a break back after this e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right welcome back toin and Leroy here with you Leroy will be back uh shortly he’ll be uh he’ll be joining us in route mly I miss him too I miss him too buddy we haven’t talked to him in a while he was not in on Friday uh Al that we did hear bam give him the business we did hear that that was good and we will get into uh NBA free agency and what’s going on there but uh we uh we were talking a little bit about yesterday because the cat celebration was incredible and there’s really nothing to talk about with the heat I mean right now they’re they’re sitting idly by I will say some of the re Twitter has just been unbearable to be on right now with he Twitter I’ll get into some of that but uh the only move to report on Kevin Love opted out then he and then he signed a new two-year deal with the heat he’s sticking in miam for the next two years love love love love always love that guy dude I think he can be good for no you didn’t but I think he can be good for uh kware Kel uh just because you know that veteran presence there kind of guide him in the right direction I I’ll take it two years of uh love love I’ll take it yeah so Kevin Love is sticking in uh is sticking in Miami but uh let’s get to back to this uh so what was your uh what were you after so you you get Bounce from VIP then did you just hang in Bose Beach or did you go towards the stage where did you go so then I went towards I went closer to the action at that I wanted to see Lord Stanley in person so I made it actually uh upwards from Bose Beach I traveled upward to by Elbow Room essentially yeah I went back up that direction uh which by the way it’s forever cemented as that Panthers I don’t care what these bills fans do no that’s Panthers that’s P did you see the video of Matthew kachuck like stumbling up the the Elbow Room stairs like do you think they all just had to be like Matthew yeah no no get away from stairs no no Elbow Room right now we have to go this way yeah I saw him stumbling with the championship some of these videos are crazy like I saw them like just running through hotel lobbies cuz they had to go pee you know what are you going to do you going to pee on the beach you know maybe some of them ran to the ocean to go pee maybe that’s where actually I think I saw some of them in the ocean as well so uh yeah so I had I went towards uh Elbow Room I give credit there was this one man who uh through the pouring rain it was storming but he was like hey man I paid a lot for this spot I’m selling hot dogs so I picked up a hot dog at that wow I picked up a hot dog in the rain it was it was a good time there do a hot dog cart in a while yeah nothing like a good except Home Depot Home Depot’s got some great hot dog carts they do they do and sometimes they have like a man cooking brisket outside and I’m like should I try this and I do uh so yeah I went towards Elbow Room I got a hot dog and then that’s when Lord Stanley exited the bus I think I saw the shirtless Bryson kid too I think I saw him uh on one of the buses or it could have been just another shirtless kid everyone was shirtless everybody was shirt Bob was shirtless Bob was Bob was shirtless with a Russian flag Cape yes and I think everybody was like you know it’s funny cuz he wears all those pads and I was like everybody just saw how ripped bab brovsky was they’re like whoa I didn’t realize that you thought lomberg was the only one yeah you thought lomberg was the only one with muscles Yeah man they they L I think I saw him do a shoy out of a flipflop too I saw I saw some shoes going on did you see uh my my favorite was uh was barov on on St he was so adorable oh yes he was do have barkov I do I do not the Bobby we’ll get to his Bobby Champa let me just get get his uh get his hammered speech because he’s just like you could just this is a man who speaking publicly not his not not his favorite thing but he didn’t care he was living in the moment South Florida what’s up man when I was drafted here 10 years ago 2013 I would have never believed that this day will come and here I am with my teammates with the team Viola’s management everyone we’re here in front of you all together in a rainy day during Hurricane Season we’re here on the beach celebrating us winning the cup they’re just not enough words for me to say how thankful I am for every single person here I think this this goes all the way to the book of where I live so probably 1 million people so thank you every single person here and I want to hear one more time for this amazing team right here behind me oh that was go a good speech that’s a good speech that’s a good speech and then uh then of course he he just had to because he is Finnish and adorable little fin we’re little Finland yeah we’re little Finland saw that flag man oh the fins the fins were getting after it dude yeah they were ripping but uh barkov he was not leaving that damn stage if he could not get a bob chain going I might have never anything but I always wanted to do this so can you repeat what I say whatever you want Bobby BBY Bobby Bob Bobby Bob Bobby Bobby Bobby BBY wow the greatest hello Leroy what’s up wow we’ll get to Bob speech in a second how was it yes how was it yesterday that was crazy it was a crazy day I I gotta tell you that I was floored by one that big ass stage yep nobody’s done it that way on the beach on the beach nobody on the beach they had little stages downtown little PES did that like uh Rip Tide yeah it was crazy and I don’t think people realize how dangerous it was because we had like the view we had at Bose Beach and shout out to to Kim Bo camper for having us out it was a great time Leroy we saw lightning strike near that stage had to be a half dozen times very close nobody left everybody went dangerous staying oh but it looked it looked amazing like yeah and then you can hear the reporters right cuz you know this is the only reason why I won’t this is the only team I won’t get mad about missing golf but because that’s what was on the networks oh I got and so and so here’s the reporters oh we’re out here live uh talking about the Panthers that I’ve never come to Panthers all year but it’s great w a Stanley Cup and boom I’m out love the I love the my favorite thing is when let’s go back to let’s go back to inside let’s go over to Carla Carla’s with a fan and the car the fan just goes Matthew kachuck is in effing ball okay we’re on what did you think was gonna happen dude right I mean like see here’s the deal as Sports people we know you don’t put a live fan after a big win right you put the kids you do like they did for the pregame and get the kids right you don’t put a grown ass man on TV that been drinking right what do we want to hear next we want to hear Paul Maurice what do we what do we go to fry Man by any chance Leroy did you catch Paul marce did you hear Paul Maurice or did he get bleeped out too much oh man you got to hear Paul do he was awesome right Oh my he yeah it’s it was a it was a great speech up there with a t-shirt Leroy he’s up there with a t-shirt if I can pay the t-shirt looks like Florida man on vacation right he looks like old man with flipflops and and swimsuit exactly yeah okay but he has on his shirt is a Panthers logo but the Panthers logo has been changed by his two cats so one is his cat and then they put the throwback Panthers uh logo on the back with his other what are they Poppy and Princess are those the cat’s names I know it’s poy I can’t remember I can’t remember the other it was Poppy and Mitt it figures that a guy who speaks like that would have a two cats named Poppy and Princess right I’m gonna go home and I’m gonna hang out with poy and Princess right and like come on he’s not having a Rottweiler right here is uh Paul Maurice 30 years 30 years for every one here 30 years and for that woman over there 30 years of being married to an [ __ ] I want to in my wildest dreams I’ve never would have thought I could see this seriously understand this everybody that we love in this world is happy right now I want to thank all of the police officers and the fire department especially the fire department that had to fix my daughter and her friend took a beer can off the head God bless them I want to thank all of you for these men here for welcoming our families to Florida for our wives our children to come to Florida my two cats this is Poppy wait this is Penny those are my two cats my daughter made the shirt I promised her we win the Stanley Cup I’m wearing that shirt I got one more word for you hey maros for you I’m with you right was it shirt shirt was it shirt CZ he was on listen he he he was on the road he was on the road it could have not been shirt you’re the boss whatever you say um great great I’m happy I’m happy I’m happy for that dude right there because no matter what he didn’t break right over no no no matter how bad it got no matter how bad it looked right and and guess what because of him anytime you thought you were rats off a ship you had second thoughts right because of the way they did it but yeah man awesome go poy and Penny coming to a panther land shirt store near you oh you know it’s coming I already see uh post and here it is I can see it now in a group session hi I’m Paul Maurice I’m a cat owner Poppy and Penny I feel like Poppy and Penny are the ones that keep him calm you know when he’s watching film and he’s just mad at try at uh at Conor McDavid he goes I think it is a require an acquired taste to have a guy that you can see the sky falling and he’s like no no guys it could be worse right and that when they went on that six game slid right slide right yep what he’s like look there’s some things we got to improve but there’s a lot of things I liked like really ball so$ 24.95 if you want one of those shirts they’re already on sale already there where uh I’m at t-shirt alow there’s no way that’s a real shirt uh oh I mean who do they have to run it by they essentially are how do you get his you can’t what are they fake cats you already have the the I got I got three I got 3% I got 3% shirts in 12 seconds what are you talking about know what his cats look like it’s an orange cat so yeah they have a on Elite you get a little cheaper 1995 uh and and they have both of them by the way it’s not just the front it’s also the back and the back absolutely reiring t-shirts at a new ring these days has it at $19 flat this is the best ofal I’ve seed you get it on a hoodie as well we’ll take a quick break back with more this this hour of Tobin and Leroy e e e e e e e e e it’s amazing you play some fraudulent flaming all the rain baby blaming all the rain it was amazing the best part of all that Vil stuff yeah remember when they got interviewed and they tried to sing for real I don’t I’m a little bit I I know of Millie vanill being frauds but it’s a little bit out of my window of Pop Culture caring and then the one guy tried to make an album and the other guy he offed himself jeez wow okay was not expecting 1042 allous oh no oh no indeed uh reacting yesterday to the uh Panthers parade that was uh an epic Day in South Florida history where you were sitting was right where the stage was where like no we were we were sitting on the corner of A1A at Bose Beach but we had we were on the second level so I could see out to the stage and see like everything right there was a tree that was kind of blocking the stage before anybody got there but we could see the whole crowd the bus is coming through so we could see all the action that was going on there I had a video feed uh at my table of you know the parade route but they were taken I mean like because of the lightning the parade really started late like they weren’t moving they were just like uh people kept asking like well where are they I’m like they’re just stalling they’re just there because there’s lightning you can’t put you can’t put these athletes and their open on the second level of a double-decker bus not safe did you talk about Reinhard yet uh yeah we talked about Reinhard he resigned reup with the cats that was quick that’s what see that got that done I mean if we can get two for eight years 69 million I mean I’m sure we would have been signed that two is not taking a home count just just like Rino I tell you what Ryo didn’t want to go to the Y at the rate you want to go Marcos yeah it’s gonna be 69 for one year essentially yeah I mean think about that think about where you backing yourself think of a corner you’re backing yourself into and it’s not like here’s the here’s the interesting thing about the whole situation with tour people don’t realize his his unique skill set works with this offense better than 90% of the quarterbacks in the league yeah so if you want to get rid of him we got a summer for this no no okay we got a summer for this we know we just talking about signings yeah no let’s talk about he brought up if you could get two of for that yeah well good deal that’s just in hockey players don’t make as much as star quarterbacks but you want to know but the craziest money NBA it’s ridiculous right now ridiculous how does Tobias Harris keep doing thises how does he keep doing this they resigned him no he went to the Pistons he’s making 26 a year wow well that’s that’s really not big money it’s still too much for him I mean think about is only a million dollars more than Draymond Green hartenstein just got 30 a year from the Thunder what in no no no nope he’s not intangibles that’s how he plays that’s not you can’t change the rules of intangibles I can too you can’t no you can’t no you can’t what do you think OKC is gonna think that that’s they they basically they went uh all intangibles I like their offseason because they got the talent but they added Caruso and they added hartenstein so that’s a lot of money for hardstein oh my God a lot Heat fans are like Heat fans are beside themselves right now yeah you said but like oh it’s unbearable it’s it’s unbearable right now because everybody’s got the same thing like but you guys know like the heat didn’t have cap space right like the only moves they were going to make like they have to be trades so I’m just very confused by everybody who’s sitting here walk be like Valen shis went to the Wizards where are you sleepy Pat I’m like like what if we missed out on like they don’t have t space what did you like did anybody not get the like did you guys not know what their situation was so I’m I’m sitting here just kind of idly buy I’m like I know the one person I’m waiting to make a stink because I haven’t seen an extension yet once that happens then I can yell but right now haven’t seen it yet waiting waiting didn’t notice see that he put a very uh interesting thing on Twitter the other day or on Instagram the other day oh my could be something could be nothing you know we can we rename that something probably nothing that’s hurtful he puts on uh here I’m gonna send this to jig so she can uh load this up here from spider can we hit the good could be something could be nothing open let’s get to it cuz it’s not quite the same if we don’t have that I feel it’s more uh mystical that way because I’m waiting on spider I haven’t seen anything I haven’t heard anything he was with Cav’s brass this weekend do that all right what’s going on in Utah it could be something could be nothing what is the meaning of it what’s what is the object of this could be something could be nothing why would they do that so on Instagram Donovan Mitchell you have to sign who wants to wait on 209 million guaranteed it’s right there for you if you want it everybody else is signing the reason why these guys can do it because they can get it anywhere guaranteed huh yeah no but you can sign your extensions like ma no but what I’m saying is the reason why he can take his time and decide whether he wants to be there or not is because he can get it anywhere you see what I’m saying it’s not like football where if you don’t sign their extension you can go somewhere else if you know if you’re a free agent or if you’re you know to the point where you can sign an extension whatever you have to say to to convince yourself that he’s happy there cloy I’m not but I noticed now a Cavs man now the only one of us is friends with Jay Crawford only one of us had season tickets at Cavaliers uh when I liveed there he had a he had a camp this weekend right for Adidas and that new coach Kenny Atkinson was there ah I was just judging off like The Vibes of that video one person seemed a lot more hyped up than the other did coach has to the new coach has to fit in but spider’s got a new shoe out right new shoe out for Donovan Mitchell right why you throw this up here Jay fig on Instagram this weekend oh I I know what you’re gonna say oh that match is that match is white hot wait is that a soccer shoot and then and then pocker shoot okay but but but what did he post on top of it fire Emoji fire Emoji fire Emoji fire Emoji four of them posting the Heat logo four times h e a oh my goodness interesting spider sending a message you know what you have to do that’s nothing see you did it again you did it again I don’t think so dude you did it again I don’t think so it’s a soccer shoe where is he going to wear that wherever he wants he four logos yep fouryear deal that look at that very interesting why would you post you’re not get me today I’m celebrating you can post anything it’s got the Miami Vice colors little pink look at that fire emojis no extension signed yet things that make you go H look at what schan said even schme it’s happing on this dude with those shoes spider can make things messy they look like inner Miami shoes you know and and here’s the thing let’s look let’s let’s look at free agency this right there was a lot of talk a lot of talk Rich Paul he does not want Darius Garland playing with Donovan Mitchell right true the number one place it was thought Darius Garland was gonna get traded where San Antonio uh oh they have a point guard they just signed Chris Paul already done maybe Donovan Mitchell is saying hey you know we don’t work trade me you keep Darius Carlin that’s your guy home grown I’ll see you later it’s been a fun two years wow we tried Tri we tried we tried we tried valant effort we tried now it’s time interesting little blockade you know here’s the one problem with all that what we have heard nothing out of the heat that’s great oh is it oh it’s great yeah absolutely you ever hear the saying no news is good news oh yeah no I’ve heard that that’s the thing people say that I’ve heard that people say that never heard that people say that to make your case that’s no I’m not making a case but what I what you know I’m just you know I I am here for being mad at the heat for making moves I yelled at Pat riy last week so you know I understand that I have many hours to yell at Pat Riley if I need to yell at Pat Riley and you know everybody is tweeting the same thing you know that the heat are doing nothing but like they’re doing nothing and the time where there’s nothing to do you know Mitchell ends up say you probably should have came to that conclusion when you yelled at Pat Riley before no because because that’s the entirety of the off season I’m not yelling at Pat Riley for not signing Paul George when he doesn’t have the cast space to sign Paul George also I don’t want Paul George but it’s very now now one thing I could say is the only move you could look at this past weekend and be like n could the Heat have outdone that is the Dante Murray deal because he ends up going to New Orleans Larry n couple first round picks could he have made that happen could they have outdone that I feel like they could have but maybe they don’t want to jante Murray but then what if it’s because oh it’s getting a little chilly in here because downfall of another Guard from Atlanta ice Tre hey if ice Tre comes here I got a truck for him if ice tray comes I got a truck for him lra all you talk about is that you a guy who can go get you 40 and this guy is literally the best at going to get 40 over the last here can I please can I score Bonafide I understand that feel that but do you want to spend big money for a player that also comes with other issues like what if you’re a defensive if you’re a defensive team he plays zero defense is his offense gonna make up for that you no seriously here’s the thing okay think about all first of all I think ericos has a great respect for Trey young I think he does think about all the game planning he did to take out Trey young he threw the kitchen sink at him yep it’s a lot of respect that you could utilize with that and also nobody else could do that what do you mean nobody else could do that so what happens if you have Trey young at however much you pay for him and other teams do the same thing uh you mean other people being interested in Trey Young no taking him out of the game oh they don’t have spell they don’t have my baby okay all right all right feel that no I don’t no I don’t I don’t feel it I don’t feel it now I will say this spider says uh this is one of these situations where just based on what I think the heat like to do offensively and defensively I don’t see the fit right that doesn’t mean he can’t play but it just means that I don’t see the fit with him actually helping the heat get to where they need to get so if it happens and he does it or you can see how they’re using him and it works then I have no problem admitting that I’m wrong right but there gets to a point where you’re trying to make something work based on something you saw three or four years ago right you talking about three or four years ago when when yeah when they were successful yeah but they had a better roster they had a better roster okay and he’s still very talented I I didn’t I never said he wasn’t talented he’s Plan B I mean spider’s my plan a but if spider does end up being you know gutless and wants to sign his extension so you so going into this off season you got two choices which those are my two top targets really and and and as bad as you talk about Trey young it is amazing that that is now one of your choices well listen I don’t know if you feel that right now but it’s it’s that that doesn’t that’s not that’s not okay that doesn’t work though as bad as you talked about Trey young so to me to be honest with you it seems like you’re settling because he may be available I’m not settling but he is my plan B okay and and so those are your two choices now what are there are there other options because you know like as we learned from Dame maybe everybody don’t want to work with the heat you talking about front offices yeah yeah I mean I consider that’s why I don’t think like there’s a lot of fodder out there for lii marinin um but I don’t I don’t understand I don’t really uh I don’t think that’s going to work just free uh front office wise because Danny a is their GM so I don’t look at it as realistic one because I think Danny and is going to want a heap of picks um whereas I think Cleveland would be more into doing a Donovan Mitchell trade for a couple of young guys you know right so that’s actually about atanta I actually am young guys um well they just had the number one pick right kind of fell into their lap I don’t know what at who knows what Atlanta wants right it’s kind of like what we talked to with uh with uh with John Michaels who knows what the hell that organization wants right but um no I have taken that into account like the Lowry market and stuff I haven’t given a lot of weight to cuz I just don’t think the heat will have enough to wet Danny Angel’s whistle because he’s he’s he’s a he’s a pick hoarder and they don’t have a lot of picks right although it’s been reported that he likes Tyler herro and has always liked Tyler herro but oh there there’s one person that’s the first time we’ve heard that right of all the trade fod we’ve heard in the last two years that is the first time you’ve said those words so no cap No Cap I don’t think Tyler hero is going anywhere though okay take a break back after this e e e e e e e e e e e e e e it’s time for our Tua it’s our to it’s our to it’s our to to Tong of Al not t tag of Leo A for effort Dolphins quarterback Tu it’s our it’s our F Daddy loves you guys our Tua with Tobin and Leroy check the history of to of the program Ladi and do you have a puppy yes that’s your puppy now so you just got a fourth dog no what’s that dog’s name Dre oh oh hey Dre welcome to the family for good you’re not giving up that puppy for sure he is struggling he’s a police dog no he’s not he’s a LeRoy dog now you got suckered by snitchy Mouse that’s yours dud that’s your puppy do the other dogs like him no no no no no oh there’s jealousy oh my goodness he Zeus that’s tough that’s your dog the only one that likes him is Oreo Oreo tolerates because they’re just the only one who’s his size yeah wow well congratulations on the new dog dude no no congratulations your dog that’s your dog now happy for you let’s get to uh some headlines brought to you by the new pet for truck Super Center why buy a truck at a car store P for Young’s new truck uh TR if you guys are just tuning in the Panthers and Sam Reinhardt have come to agreement on an extension Rhino sticking around sticking around with the cats there’s a lot of fodder out there on cats Twitter that lomberg is uh gonna be on the out skis so the fan favorite jfig is gonna be devastated because she’s now lost to two over favorites in backtack years Gabe Vincent and Ryan lomberg yeah uh friend of the show Ryan lomberg one of the uh you know the fuse dropped a Goosey Galore on this program so love uh love Rhino Goosey but he went out of champ yep he went out of champ crdf montour’s gone oh my god did you see him crowds surfing yeah I did wow I expected a little bit better upper body strength from Panthers fans oh really you almost got dropped I’m like he’s not the biggest guy we long you guys are lucky Kevin stenin didn’t want to do that that’s what I’m saying it’s could been way worse oh man um let’s uh let’s hear a little bit more from the the spe who do you want to hear from Leroy first of all Leroy uh just just so we’re clear on where things stand with Aaron eblad and receipts uh this was him uh and his message as he carried a traffic cone throughout the entire oh he did oh yeah oh he had a traffic let’s just say Aaron eblad he don’t forget you Brooks ke who whoa good for him my heart thank you thank you let’s go cats man them receipts hey when you when you cash those receipts it’s awesome isn’t it oh some people have wondered uh how would I have felt if if carder haggy got on the mic and just said f you toin oh I know I tell you what I would have said I that would have led off every show and ended off every show it would it would have you know but I didn’t listen I didn’t send him to the Y I only threaten get really what was worth that what you tried to do or the pine cone incident or the traffic cone incident the you did was much worse I’m not a champ I’m not a a champion athlete like Brooks kka which makes it worse no I don’t think so BR ke is not a champion athlete he’s a champ a golfer all right hey you said it not me golf are not athletes do you guys want to hear Matthew kachuck do I does he have his mouthpiece in that would be funny he was too busy being filled with beer yes here was Matthew kachuck on stage yesterday hey I heard it’s 70 degrees in sunny and Edmonton but they ain’t got no cup just want to thank the violas and Billy for getting me here you guys have been so amazing best time of my entire life thank you guys for the Memories the fort lale police and fire department this has been the greatest day ever thank you for everything but most importantly you fans have made this the time of my life the best thing about this all is lifting this cup and I’m going to lift this up and hand it to the the best captain in the NHL Bary that’s goc’s Galore dude’s Galore that’s Go’s Galore right there did you see how he got home no I didn’t see how he got home he hopped on the back of a police motorcycle oh God what a life he’s been wow this past week has been an experience an experience like this was crazier than when the when the uh when the Heat won I agreed yeah even Boston most recently like I know they came to Miami and I know they had a parade with a lot of people but I don’t remember moments that have been dragging maybe I’m too close to this and this is why like exclusively I feel this way but they have been for the past week making moment after moment of this celebration it’s been amazing it’s been really really cool uh let us hear from the man that I’ve wanted to hear from oh he gets on stage Leroy he is draped in the Russian flag he goes right to the microphone the crowd is going crazy goes He shushes everyone dude hey they listen everyone shut up say did he he should have said focus focus focus Sergey babski hits the microphone here is Bob 2019 July 1 I just signed the deal with the Florida Panthers in my first interview they asked me why I came to Florida my answer was because I want to win the cup and I going to do it here and now here we are five five years later celebrating the biggest victory of this franchise with you guys I want to thank Bola family for bringing for bringing me here I want to thank my teammates this group is unbelievable we did it all I want to thank the coaching staff and management to build this team up and I want to thank you guys you guys are incredible and thank you guys for incredible support oh Bobby so good man that was great I love how everyone kept it like no one spoke too long everybody like like a minute or less sure they’re probably just worn out tot they probably worn out they probably like lomberg you’re not getting the mic oh that’s it that was probably best though that was probably best probably for the best yeah Sergey babski yeah look at our boy still looks little doesn’t he I he’s very skinny yes he’s very skinny no hair no cut the hair yeah cut the hair rode the bus with teraso doesn’t he look like MMA fighter now uh yeah like a yeah he’s like the 61 lightweight with the flag wrapped around him oh man UFC this week dude parlay didn’t work it did not although it got ruined by Ortega pulling out what are we doing here what a crazy day huh what what what about the guy like man kicked on the side of the head and he he’s trying to block it he wasn’t really trying to block that kick well dude you talk about the finish that happened yeah okay so if you didn’t see the end of the first round he was basically knocked out of the end of the first round with a fist ah like Alex paja who is slowly becoming the great one of the greatest knockout artists we’ve ever seen in the sports history his left hook is is made of something else of this Earth and now that he’s moved up from middleweight and now nobody nobody can seem to touch him at this new division they say Jon Jones make that fight he’s too he’s too big now I don’t think John’s will fight him I don’t think John Jon’s will fight him I think John Jon’s gonna fight Ste I think Jon’s gonna fight steti and retire really yeah it’s probably best but even him versus Aspen oh that’s a great fight Tom Aspen who’s the interm heavyweight champion because he’s beating everybody in the first round too so if he wants to get to Jon Jones He fight Aspen right I don’t think Jon Jones gonna fight him and and then so Jon Jones doesn’t care about the title it like this is the thing I hate about MMA it gets to the point where there are fights that are bigger than the fights for the title see what I’m saying yeah that’s a new thing that’s not like you know that’s just because like a lot of the old guys that you know like they don’t have the title so that’s I mean John technically does have the title he’s the heavyweight champion but he’s going to fight Stipe that’s what he wants to do he wants to fight Stipe all the crazy stat that came out this weekend because Andre rovski retired that Stipe no longer has a win over anybody active in the UFC that’s how old he is geez yep so what is this I mean what is what are we doing here Jon Jones well he’s hurt right now yeah but he’s hurt right now he’s he he tore his Peck yeah so lot of opinions coming from another injured fighter I saw Conor McGregor uh prior to this UFC thing saying about it and then I saw what you had s about could going after khabib oh my God apparently khabib’s got his his entire assets are are seized by the Russian government and then like one of his his schools got like like searched by the federal government there too there’s something going on with khabib I don’t know what’s going on but something’s going on does this mean he’s gonna need to fight uh khabib possible would you watch another Conor versus khabib of course ridiculous question that is a ridiculous question because I would watch the hell out of course ridiculous question i’ call out of work for that yeah of course it’s of of course I those guys hate each other a lot of money be an incredible buildup yeah of course I would watch that fight but anyway uh to to Leroy’s Point anyway about why Yu barashka looked like he didn’t block anything is because he got hit with a left hook and it bar he barely made it back to his stool I’m surprised they actually let him go out for the second round which they shouldn’t have let him go out for the second round because he very clearly was like still and then herb Dean’s like Herb Dean sitting there goes I’m not sure not sure if he’s dead yet all right all right we’ll stop I think he’s cooked I think he’s good but yeah this P him man some I watched some boxing too on uh ESPN oh the card that was I was gonna go but uh but then I the parade happened I knew I had to be up early so hey uh our guy got some work to do which guy yeah cause he he starts off pretty good and then he kind of gets like he don’t stay with it you know what I mean and he gets little L little guy little guy start getting a couple of licks on him did he oh yeah I didn’t see the car and then the like um the the fight after that with the guy who had the title I mean I thought he was the underdog he beat thato yeah no no no before that the one before yeah I was watching UFC I didn’t watch the BX I didn’t watch it um but yeah the weird thing that happened so we had a parlay we put together a lot of it was built on Brian Ortega winning by knockout but all of a sudden Brian Ortega like hours before the fight pulls off the card and that this is like the first time this ever happened in UFC history they just drove in Dan eay to fight the co-main event I was like what so I guess in uh in hard rock they just negated that out of the parlay and do you think they knew though if they have a guy they could drive in uh they knew there would might be a chance I I told the story on Friday Leroy you weren’t here but like I interviewed Brian Ortega for Tapped Out And I said to everybody I’m like dude that was one of the weirdest interviews I’ve ever done he just seemed off and so then on the weigh-in day it was supposed to be 145 PB fight he calls up the Lopez camp and says hey I can’t make that weight 155 so then he goes to a 155 Fight and then the next day he’s off the card but he had said in the interview he was like we like hey why did you take this uh this fight and he just like he just has like this real like slow demeanor about him right and I this first time I’ve interviewed him so I don’t know if this is how he always is but I don’t in seeing him IM media I don’t remember him acting this quirky but he just goes divine intervention I asked a sign should I take this fight make every light green on the way home home they were all green and I was like oh yeah cool and then we ended up talking about his Turtle but I was like there’s something hey you it’s almost like something in your in your head with well talk about fighting ain’t gonna get much done yeah well no like because I first my first question to him because there was this viral video of him like covering his mouth with tape and working out and I had audacity to ask hey why do you do that and he goes why is everybody asking about that I’m like cuz it’s weird why oh I don’t know cuz you’re dressed like a hostage while you’re working out why you know now that you now I feel dumb about us putting money on this guy to knock the other guy out but if you saw at the end young kid was tired was he not yeah so I felt like that was kind of the the whole point of it that’s why we had it you know the worst pick that we had though by far was uh Anthony Smith he did not show up in that fight he looked bad he the the MVP fight I thought MVP won I thought that was garbage was that I thought that was garbage I thought Ian Gary oh oh let me get this straight so I get to go on somebody just explain this to me in a fight MVP is on top of him yeah MVP hits him with more shots Ian Gary gets to sit on his back come nowhere near a submission I’m talking about the third round not the first round first round he almost tooked him out y so first round clearly Gary second round clearly MVP third round it was 5050 I guess of a control time but MVP definitely was on top had the strikes Ian Gary gets to sit on his back come nowhere close to submission that wins him the round that was stupid to me I thought we got hosed there frog boy yeah no I agree that one was definitely sketch we got a also got hosed on that Cub swans and I had a parlay for that to I had I had a Swanson Piper parlay and I lost that by Split Decision garbage take a bets without me sorry it’s good it’s l shark oh yeah they got the baby teeth dude yeah Leroy that’s your puppy dude yeah that’s your dog now yeah no I can already tell it’s your favorite take a quick break I’m just protecting him because he the other three gonna eat him you know why and I can’t believe like I can see Luna but Zeus we’re going to have you in a championship shirt that has your four dogs on it now no it’s like PA marce this is a foster situation I got some news on the cats too on Brandon Montour oh you can’t keep everybody H tell you about that cats news and more on the heat coming up next e e e e e e e e e e e e e ah welcome back everybody toin and Leroy we got Wimbledon is on television right now yes um Naomi Osaka is going against Rudy goar’s cousin somebody from France B B B B I don’t know who that person is did you guys see that Jimmy Butler was at the X Games this weekend what this guy this is his new thing he’s got a new thing every year he really has like side quests X Games I didn’t even know they were still doing that yeah yeah I didn’t even know we’re still doing that and then like I’m watching he F he strolls up on an next gamees podcast what and it’s just like oh my God that’s Tony Hawk I’m like has he cared about Tony Hawk before this year they will say he has been wearing like skater outfits this year during the Heat games but I have never seen him on a skateboard you know what’s crazy watching golf this weekend yep there’s a name for it now somebody else pulled a Rory aor so they got divorced and then back together or choked I said I was watching golf why would you bring up marriage well I mean that was a big story with and there was a m you know there was some there was a marriage twist how about how about the the the the miss three and a half footer O So AE batier right he had he had a putt for birdie to win the event came up a little short and then missed the Putt and he end up losing uh man that’s brutal uh we got some news Brandon Montour this uh just came across the ha Brandon Montour is signing with the Seattle Kraken Brandon Montour seven years around 50 million wow according to Pierre LeBron so that’s just one million less than uh rard man so you know what’s crazy about about like hockey I think I’m I’m I’m starting to think hockey does it right they have to draft yep right after the season and then free agency gets going while the Iron’s hot I mean they’re going on at the same time it just has been it’s going on literally at the same time though what do you mean I mean the the drafts and the free agency started two days apart it’s just that the say the it’s just that we you know we had a team that actually played all the way till the end so right no no but I’m just saying like when you look at all the other sports it doesn’t happen that soon after the season like football ends and then you have like a month and a half before the draft right basketball ends and then you have basketball it’s been like it’s been like two weeks two and a half weeks but that’s because the I mean the series was awful it was awful um so basketball and hockey do very similar because you go in the basketball season right into the draft yeah then free agency is like what a week later not even yep it was like the it the week up they won on they won on Monday the draft was Friday and free agency to start started basically after the parade right so so that’s pretty I like I like it that way future well and be somebody somebody let let Bill Zito take a nap oh no he ain’t taking no nap that guy like we see him toss that water bottle he is not I’m surprised he got a shirt on he just seemed like he’d be partying shirtless right he uh he was he I’m sure he was having a good time Paul Maurice and his cats um I think I think I’m happy for two guys well three guys I’m happy for barkov because like he’s you know he’s been a captain he’s not he’s not really that oous right no so I’m happy for him Paul mauce yep because Paul mauce took a little heat when he first got here because it didn’t happen in three seconds right and and and Bob who you know I I look at him like I look at Paul Maurice took a lot of heat but but you know now he got a Stanley Cup yeah and Bill zto because he asked the owners to invest a lot of money and that doesn’t usually bold well here has to feel good for them last to turn it around and to build it and for the owner to have the patience of it being a two or threee process right and build for like two or three years um that’s the thing that you know doesn’t usually happen down here in those Sports everybody wants Championship now so kudos to them for for and then sign in their guys like right away well they had yeah they had I mean they had to there was there was a deadline last night that’s why I mean okay but they got the they got the top goal scor I mean like Reinhardt is a uh a Stanley Cup hero and obviously nearly led the league in goal so right that was that was the high priority one for sure and they got it and they got it done yeah um and yeah I mean all of that I mean like it’s so cool to have this whole thing and then like you said this just the idea that this celebration has really felt amongst South Florida didn’t travel anywhere else the only guys who had to travel was Bob to go to this damn awards ceremony in Vegas right wasted his time wasted his time I don’t even know the goalie that won isn’t that like yeah all the goalies that I’ve heard in the league helicopter yeah all the goalies that I’ve heard during the year that the Panthers have faced and they say this guy’s a wall this guy’s this this guy’s that this guy all these guys right Bob was better than them I never heard of the guy that actually won and what he did during the course of a year yeah it’s uh it was annoying but he got to come home celebrate a little bit it was cool I saw this one photo uh just on Twitter just now of like uh last night lomberg and uh and kachuck after the uh parade they went to a wck league game I guess at the icex I’m guessing and were just hanging out with just dudes who play in the hockey league that’s so cool he’s just so cool everybody’s like everybody’s getting a chance to to hang with the Champs it’s so much fun right which is is another thing man these guys are very personable they’re uh in boxing they would call him the people’s champ must feel weird Boston to see like everybody be amongst the people and meanwhile you guys want a championship and your team could not wait to get the hell out of their Town very strange in fact didn’t even go back they went here first came here first take a break Leroy hands out his game balls and game BMS next e e e e e e e this is is this this guy a ball uh real quick uh my sources are telling me Donovan Mitchell is signed an extension with the Cleveland clap oh your sources are your sources are say let me see what my sources are saying dude let me see um but for my game ball listen well how are your sources putting yeah yeah yeah you can’t just drop that here like sources D Mitchell is going to sign an extension in the next day or two in the next day or two okay all right heard her here first you know what I feel what cult dude his he just switches like it’s like you ain’t got no he just switch and so it was almost look it almost hurt us as a show last season where we didn’t have two options the only option was Dame right I’d still be willing to go back to the Dame well just need him to have the guts to ask out true right um so for my game ball um it is GNA go to um not only the Panthers their organization but all the fans in the last week that celebration has been one of the best celebrations I have seen with the players interacting with the fans um all over South Florida and guess what unlike you crazy towns I haven’t heard any real ever heard anything crazy happening everybody seemed to have a good time yeah yeah in were there any parade uh I I didn’t see even anybody acting like that much of kudos to Fort Lauderdale for putting up a stage quicker than uh than we did for for Rip Tide because that thing went up quick it was very impressive it was very impressive I thought it was GNA be like a little stage you know like they do it front of it no that was a concert style stage well then shout out to the crew who had to dry it up and make it usable because they had to basically redo that dude it was raining so hard yeah um and then no I’m not J fig wow um anyway my oh no if we’re GNA give it to Rory then we got to give it to AA batia who missed a little three-foot putt oh no on the last hole to lose the tournament not saying he would have won it but he actually pulled a Rory so he got to get my o no but other than that the weekend was filled with where’s the cup now uh where the Panthers now it was it was a fun weekend and the rain couldn’t stop it the rain slowed it down because I’mma tell you some people who were some television people who were excited about covering the panther celebration soon as that lightning hit let’s go to commercial break Bob I’ll see you in a minute right they were out so uh the rain slowed it down a little bit but I could tell by the crowd the enthusiasm that uh yeah it was it was awesome you Brooks kep yes hey hey that was awesome right really the best part he enjoyed carrying that traffic cone more than he enjoyed carrying the Stanley Cup wait he literally carried the traffic on the whole parade you Brooks kep he should y he should have yelled it through the traffic con how many people on don’t even get it how many people well now they know I think people it’s gone viral if you don’t know why brooka he’s uh like him bringing the traffic cone to a Panthers game which is just which was unbelievably crazy but how many guys on the Liv tour or PGA are sending Brooks kka this and me like hey man absolutely wait aren’t they friends who I thought they were friends I don’t think they’re friends I think he I think the hatchet was buried a little bit but I don’t believe they’re friends oh okay I see some merch in the future very simple Brook put on he put the Laughing emojis because what else can you do but laugh on Instagram but I don’t know that they’re friends I believe like I believe Brook I Believe Brooks kka has uh has been the fuel of Aon blad’s uh revenge for years now I would say I would say this I I would I would say this that like friends could go at it like that right well they weren’t friends when when K okay and that’s what I’m saying that’s why I didn’t really make anything of it no did not find it funny no oh right yeah that’s kind of I mean now he may now he may but got the Stanley Cup of course it’s funny that’s why he carried that traffic oning around if you guys want to traffic cone shirt with Aon NE blad’s face you can get that as well right now for about $24.95 does it have uh the writing nope just a traffic cone with egg blad’s face egg blad hey that and and and in both in both cases I would venture to believe that alcohol was involved right oh dude games that dude he gets after it hey there’s the one where he’s just clapping and he looks coked out of his mind he’s like like what is wait a minute what are you doing I didn’t say that he was I said looks like you know they get tested right what you think Liv is testing him oh Liv I don’t know live live but yeah so uh so let me ask you something and the music Marcos yes so what did you ask your Source let me just can I I need to know did you word it or did you say still feeling the same like how did you ask no these were the questions that have been happening for the last couple of weeks right um he was under the assumption that it was a guarantee that Cleveland was going to offer him the Max And when everybody was saying Donovan Mitchell hadn’t signed the extend I asked him but at that point it hadn’t been offered yet and he said they’re definitely going to do it I’m like but it hasn’t been done yet you’re making an assumption right he goes well why wouldn’t they do it I said they haven’t done it so to say that it’s in Donovan’s court or is up to Donovan to decide doesn’t matter because they haven’t offered it yet that changed so they’ve offered it yes and from what he’s saying Donovan Mitchell is going to sign it so that was the whole the whole uh conversation of last week like wait a minute aren’t we making some assumptions about Donovan Mitchell that aren’t there oh they’re definitely gonna offer it to him says who right that’s what I saying say says who they haven’t offered it yet I said everybody think said about Jimmy Butler they haven’t offered it yet until they offer it you can’t say what the status of it is so all right we’ll see no so I’m the same way I’m the same way listen a lot of my friends in Cleveland are kind of like you they make a lot of sports assumptions I do not so when I ask questions I ask them based on what information do you have did the Cavs offer Donovan Mitchell the extension yet yet no I said well then it means nothing until they offer it but your friends are now saying that they have offered it right and they think he’s gonna sign it or they know he’s gonna sign it they know he’s gonna sign it that’s the conversation was if they offered he was gonna sign now I’m almost positive that’s not gonna happen interesting the exact opposite is gonna happen really he is gonna sign with the Utah CH again wow bring it back the boys yeah that’s how that’s my coners listen my conversations don’t go like your conversations right because you will skew the conversation to what you want I’m skew I got the conversation going yeah well I’m still gonna skew the I mean I don’t trust Jay Crawford so I don’t like you know it’s how you know how you know Jay Crawford it’s always Jay Crawford he’s up to no good he’s up to no good he’s been up to no good since 2014 since LeBron went back oh goodness and they had to unburn their jerseys well look listen can I just tell you how ridiculous that is you burn a jersey the guy comes back you gotta buy another jersey making them more money hopefully nobody got a Montour Jersey this weekend no Montour ttoo no really on your list of panthers where is mour of jerseys I would get yeah I saw some Montour jerseys but I would say it’s probably like a outside the top five yes me too outside the top let me let me guess what yours are ready okay Bob yep is one no not of of who I would get yeah personally yeah of course yeah well that’s what I’m saying who do I think of the top fives but yes then you would get Barky then you would get over I’m I’m toring between um Reinhardt and and kachuck I’m gonna go Reinhardt then kachuck and then who would I go I don’t know who my fifth one would be it wouldn’t be Montour though for you if if I were to go Panthers jerseys one through five you got the top two it would be Bob and Bary yeah obviously yeah number three even though he’s gonna leave would be lomberg oh really okay well no that’s he’s not a panther anymore oh don’t say that I it’s not official until it’s official saying like Okay don’t let me go lomberg J we know Jay fig that’s why we didn’t have this game about you I don’t want you to go hey and of course number three would be my favorite Panther carder haggy okay that’s my guy yes then Vladimir tereno and then kachuck because everyone’s gonna have a kachuck jersey I just don’t right right right terasen I would go great voice like halfway into the season I would go I think I would get Barky yep and then I would get Reinhardt and then I would get Bob and then would get rrod and then I would get you like Rod yeah yeah yeah I like him I like Anon londell too even though he’s a baby because I like his yes well you could see now if you were if you were betting on Jersey Futures he’d be get L yeah yeah he’d be around for a while y somebody’s saying who said that uh he said who’s an Oiler says that monto’s I thought we saw that monor was going to the uh going to the is he going to Edmonton they gonna hate him there uh yeah I’m seeing here that it’s the Kraken yeah I thought that it was going to the krak was extended monor is an Oiler Montour is an Edmonton Oiler n it says he’s I don’t know I’m seeing he’s on Seattle I’m not okay C saying mein is uh with a all right so we’ll see I’m going to uh no Montour is signing with the Kraken it looks like seeing that sto the the goalie looks like he is uh he is going to go somewhere else backup they treat backup goalies like backup quarterbacks huh some backup goalies get good deal because dger got he was extension draft he went right to the Kraken right um but I would say you gotta think Spencer Knight’s gonna be actually the backup next year right like it’s time yeah it’s time he handed Paul Maurice a trophy you got to think Spencer Knight’s gonna like like is this normal for hockey though that sometimes guys spend you know they get like basball but it’s like baseball where you can spend some time in the miners and then don’t forget he took time away from the team too because he was dealing with OCD so he he had some time away from hockey and then you know Bob and Alex lion was good last year so now I would think like at 23 24 it’s time for him to you know to actually start playing hockey again you know he wasn’t terrible when he got those that that playing time he was good he was damn near great I mean he want to playoff game at 19 yeah guy the guy’s been thought of as being a hockey Phenom four years you know so the thought is like you back him up next year you have two years left on Bob’s deal you know Bob obviously gets to ride it out into the sun say he’s a champion kiss my ass yep so you already responded to naysayers yeah kiss my ass you know you get to you you’re gonna ride Sergey bosski until he decides he doesn’t want to do it anymore yeah and then if he wants to stick around then I’m sorry Spencer night has to take a hike and I don’t care if he looks like an old man between the pipes he’s a legend now certified I mean like I mean da I mean the last goalie was awesome they even did J by the way can we just give jfig some props yeah jfig is like she is like TSN right now she is like sportset she is a hockey Insider she’s like leaf to get sto ours I didn’t know that wow all of a sudden she’s our hockey Insider jfig is like got every tweet that’s going on she knows where every Panther is going I think she she’s just on lomberg watch right now at AAG oh yeah when she is when Jay fig is uh joins us I imagine next hour we will get uh her breakdowns of where everybody is going in the NHL Leafs are trying to get it are trying to get stol ours wow all right take a break cat talk coming up next e e e e e e e e e e e welcome back everybody it’s toin and Leroy here with you oh hello hockey W hello hello uh some cat talk here Bros by our friends over at Celsius last cat Talk of the Season Bros by our friends over at Celsius hockey fans don’t s this one out it’s game time make Celsius a part of your play and get that energy up game day is fueled by Celsius essential energy drinks the official energy drink of your NHL Stanley Cup holding champions the Panthers that was nice was a good one that was good by the way shout out to Celia yesterday sponsoring our Parade coverage and uh that uh all the fun that we had yesterday shout out to Bose Beach as well you had a great VI place that place is beautiful yeah place is popping that place was popping yeah it was uh it was a great time a good time was had by all uh so jfig yes jfig is correct looks like stoy the goalie is heading off to the Toronto mate beliefs oh so stoy the goalie who only got one bit of action in the playoffs he only got to come in in an eight1 loss beat it so at least he can say he played get yes exactly Jay Pig he he could say that he played and uh and got in there the uh the Panthers by the way how does that by the way how does that work CU only a few guys get their name on the cup does he get his name on the cup what’s the minimum amount of games they said the minimum amount of games what was the minimum of games it’s one game in the Stanley Cup you play one game in the Stanley Cup you get on the cup right he gets on the cup right he’s got to get on the I mean he played he has minutes long not great minutes so the Panthers have announced home opener for next season October 8th against Edmonton no that would have been good that would have been good but Boston yep hey I was working my way down the the the East Coast after after Edmonton so we went Boston we went the New York we’ went Tampa Carolina and at one if I if they W any of those then I would have been done the uh Boston Bruins will come down here oh man we got another one that’s gone Oliver emman Larson see the see you guys are sitting here watching about Heat free agency there’s nothing happening Panthers free agency is moving hot and heavy right now Oliver emman Larson wasn’t that one of your jerseys you would have gotten uh oel no no but I do like him I appreciate him uh he is signing with the Toronto Maple Leafs as well oh what’s up Leafs just waiting on us to to just pick four years three and a half million per year stupid Leaf wow by the way players requ David says quite the turnaround from being bought out by the Vancouver Canucks all right 41 regular season games or one Stanley Cup Final to get your name on the trophy one final game how many that’s so he didn’t play that many and what did it say one one yeah either uh in one Stanley Cup final game or 41 R you just have to play in the game obviously he’s playing half a game basically two periods that’s enough right it’s enough ice time that’s good right he gets cup he gets on he gets on well whether he gets on the cup or not they always gonna call him he went to Stanley Cup in Florida right yeah but you got to get your name on the cup R else were you there were you really there let’s see looks like Stephen Stam Coast is gonna end up with the PRS wow tough uh tough luck lightning tough that’s stuff oh it’s raining over here Edmonton about to rain here too got to tell you it started at about 10:30 yesterday yep what the hell brutal torrential downpour four then if I had to be honest I mean there is there is a category four hurricane getting ready hit somewhere so I found that out right when I was walking through the door of my house which made kind of sense but I kind of thought I thought of Jay fig on Sunday because we did dead to me and she’s like ah there’s a potential could rain Sunday and I was like well that’s you’re dead to me potential weather that’s not crazy and then the whole Sunday I was like she was right she was right insid she knew I’m also Spirit Leroy I be knowing things that weather was the whole time I was like this is I got I was like so I was so naive too because I’m sitting there in my little perch and I’m like yeah it doesn’t look that bad and then all the sudden it just was like all hell broke loose and one point once clearing up just starts all over again all over again that’s the thing about the way the weather has been lately it goes from nothing to the worst rain ever for like an hour and then back to Sunny I got a text from to the amount of thunder and lightning was kind of terrifying yeah Tobin was like be safe out there and I was like what do you mean be safe five minutes later I was in the middle of a hurricane and I was like I know what he means now uh all righty to go to see um Tobin but there was just no possible way for me to get it’s impossible from the bar to the actual staircase crazy I needed a Robbie um right now all right so to update everybody big news on the Panthers Reinhardt that was the big news resigns okay Montour a kraken Oliver Ean larsson’s on the Leafs as well as Anthony stolar Demitri kulakov is re reupping with the cats for a year yeah I think that do I have everybody so far we’re still possible I also sent you the possibility yeah lomberg is likely the word is lamberg’s priced himself out from the cats so he’s probably gone and then there’s been a lot of eblad trade fodder over the weekend too I don’t know if this right after the right after the parade that’s when it started happening I’m also seeing this video of eblad and his father getting matching tattoos on the double deck that’s amaz what it’s been too long since I’ve heard the pal can I just say this you don’t get a tattoo on a moving vehicle especially when it was pouring they’re not getting they’re showing off their tattoos oh showing off their tatto I’m like they didn’t get them there that sounds like something the whole kachuck family would do right definitely yeah definitely um let’s see it’s been too long let me hear the Paul Murray speech 30 years 30 years for every one here 30 years for that woman over there 30 years of being married to an assle I want to in my wildest dreams I’ve never would have thought I could see this seriously understand this everybody that we love in this world is happy right now I want to thank all of the police officers and the fire department especially the fire department that had to fix my daughter and her friend took a beer can off the head God bless them I want to thank all of you for these men here for well welcoming our families to Florida welcoming almost kicked his ass our wives our children to come to Florida my two cats this is Poppy wait this is Penny those are my two cats my daughter made the shirt I promised her we win the Stanley Cup I’m wearing that shirt saying shirt one word for and actually this isn’t for you he’s a shirt all right that’s a shirt that’s his shirt hey Marcos I was say whatever makes you sleep better at night because I’m telling you what his track record during that speech does not say he was gonna say shirt we gotta get Bobby Lou too Bobby Lou was he was on one they brought the drum out for Bobby Lou yeah uh let me hear one more time let me hear bov’s uh Speech and then I want to hear him chanting Bobby the Bobby and well the Bobby he did a little bit different but we’re going to hear like you said Bobby Lou later a little off beat on that drum one more time but he was just whoa South Florida what’s up man when I was drafted here 10 years ago 2013 I would have never believed that this day will come and here I am with my teammates with the team Viola’s management everyone we’re here in front of you all together in a rainy day during Hurricane Season we’re here on the beach celebrating us winning the cup there’s just not enough words for me to say how thankful I am for every single person here I think this this goes all the way to the B where I live so probably 1 million people so thank you every single person here and I want to hear one more time for this amazing team right here behind me man it it’s it’s uh it’s amazing how he doesn’t talk much like he set the tone coming out here in all this weather during Hurricane Season right like it’s like you have to mention the season hey you you do gota have to mention the weather he’s a South vet oh yeah you think Barky puts up his own shutters though notot of chance I only dude I only have to put up like four shutters for the doors think he’s got accordion you think he’s got hurricane proof windows that’s what I want to get he’s got accordion for sure accordion yeah he’s got accordion accordion he doesn’t trust it can I just say this though sometimes the accordion are worse because you don’t they don’t open all the time and you got to fight opening yeah you don’t open them that often yeah my my my sliding glass door has that it’s it’s a fight it could be a fight to get it closed yeah uh let me hear him chanting uh for Sergey Bovi it’s adorable I might have never won anything but I always wanted to do this so can you repeat what I say whatever you say Captain Bobby Bobby Bobby Bob Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby hey can I just say this that chant in his head sounded so much better was was totally different than that chant that came out of his mouth right the crowd they’re like hey the crowd was like looking around whatever however he wants me to say I’m gonna say how he wants like look it’s do not let him down okay I’m not uh think you think Sergey goes up to him he goes hey man that’s do it’s very simple just Bobby that’s that’s the way I heard it on the ice oh man all right we’ll get to the rest of our headlines which are brought to you by the new P met for truck Super Center why buy a truck at a car store P we know trucks hold on hold on hold on hold on get in Trey we got a ride for you we will uh take a break we will give a rundown of where things stand in free agency wow hey is this hockeyman more active than basketball right yeah man yep yep this hour of to e e e e e e e e e e e e e e come on Welcome Back everybody toin and Leroy here with you hey Leroy can we have a weather update from the dees Over Law Firm your 86 KO is ring cats it is this is Penny yeah it’s uh partly cloudy out my way winds are or probably 10 to 15 miles an hour winds are coming out of the South Southeast um but I look out to my West and it looks rather ominous so I would say if you’re out west at about three or four o’clock buckle up cuz it looks evil out there and I would say it’s got be about 89 degrees cuz oh my goodness it was warm looks evil out there yes dude down here down at the Citadel it uh it was it was raining pretty hard last hour for like 20 minutes and now it seems like it’s kind of clear I don’t know we’ll see if I’m uh I’m uh I did the worst possible thing and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody this weekend so you guys been under my patio right so I decided I’m going to sweep of all spiderwebs and Bug things or whatever I’m not going to your house no so I went I’m not going to your house why what happened so I got the little thing with the little ball and I basically it’s like sweeping your house upside down yeah I’m aware sucked my arms hurt they burn I’m sorry buddy you should have brought uh no no free labor for that one no but after like two hours I told Mel go to publ and get me a sub I’m gon go sitting under the tree like some post yard work Subs dude I was so tired I was so tired I was like huh now I see why they do it it’s like it’s like oh my goodness all right a Wawa sub this weekend a what a Wawa sub W West sub WWA WWA I can’t buy food from the gas station I don’t think you said that right you didn’t you didn’t say WWA who I did what debatable I did you did not say Wawa I did I understand I would understood WWA maros I know I see the smile that means you’re saving it let’s hear it no there was no there was no it was more of a wild west yes that’s a lot of letters okay say that you said Wawa as if you were like a three-year-old you know what why don’t you go ahead and continue talking about I just got you said it right you say you said WWA sure can we hear this please no we’ll get to it I I want to I want to run down some things real quick how quick do they got the replay um all right so I do on Direct TV the uh so here we go heat uh there’s a piece of news another Heat player is off the board Delan Wright oh he’s signing with the Milwaukee Bucks one year 3.3 million so bargain deal Delon Wright is off to Milwaukee so uh there you go he is out the only guy who’s stuck around so far we had the news of Kevin love love love love he opted out this weekend and then resign two years uh eight million for the Miami Heat no options there so Kevin Love Is Back Caleb Martin not really any word on him so far but he did let his player option bypass so he is a free agent as is Thomas Bryant and then uh Haywood heith there’s been conflicting stuff on that because there’s been reports that he really wants to stay in Miami but then there’s other teams that have a lot of money out there so will he get lard away from Miami don’t really know on Haywood so as far as the role guys are concerned Theon Wright at here Patty Mills haven’t heard anything on him and you probably don’t want to love his voice though yeah love his voice so Kevin Love they basically just gave him an extra year pretty much with the same four yeah they just gave him an extra year there was even some thought that he was I think gonna take less money but he basically just got an extra year right loves it down here Kevin Love loves uh loves Miami family loves Miami doesn’t want to go anywhere important signing especially from I think uh you know how good he is being able to mesh with everybody not only on the floor but in the locker room right you get him on the cheap skis so I’m uh I’m happy about the Kevin Love thing you know I always loved Kevin Love I’m very excited you know can I just say this please I have never met a human being who had to backtrack on more Sports professionals than you I don’t understand what what do you mean enough of this Kevin Love in This pass enough of this I was one more time that stupid full court pass like nobody does that like Kevin Love yeah I get it yeah I mean I did I mean they they talked about it a lot that was back in the Cleveland days he’s a I don’t care a different Kev you had to backtrack on more players different Kevin Love and people are saying he’s gonna be the UDC like no he’s not he’s gonna play he’s gonna give you minutes for here’s the problem Kevin Love can be awesome for 10 to 15 minutes if you Press Your Luck is not gonna work that’s all I need but for 10 to 15 minutes he might mess around and get you a double double in 10 or 15 minutes he’s gonna give you the best the best you get that you could ask for in those in that time so Kevin Love is back um in a lot of ways Kevin Love is Like a bra exactly dude there’s no more Victoria’s Secret it’s love love secret he uh just had a child right uh I mean didn’t just have a child think the baby like yeah it’s not just you say I just had baby tadpull no but I feel like I don’t want to move anywhere right now kind of thing so I can understand where it’s I got a home team discount love South Florida just had made 300 million if he want realiz they have plenty of help for that right Leroy you moved a lot too though don’t you hate it yeah it was loves thinking to himself he goes do I go back to Portland for 10 million I stay here what do I do he stays here loves it here you know you got a happy wife happy life Marcos I think he likes a lot of the community works that he does with the heat too yeah you know like he said he made hundreds of millions of dollars um now like listen some people they they see some of the money that’s around there they hope I want to get yeah but he he’s also what 37 uh 30 is he 35 36 I think he’s 35 35 he’s the same age as Jimmy 35 turns he a year older than Jimmy jimy year older than Jimmy and they got contract year Jimmy I gu everybody’s antsy I get it I understand we uh you know but the heat weren’t going to sign any free agents anyway I don’t really people are sitting here going crazy it’s like well did you not know what the six sixer situation was as opposed to the heat like did you not understand that I maybe people don’t I don’t know like oh it they do the same wait a minute you have these people thinking like this what I not my responsibility wait wait wait not wait wait is it amazing now that this guy’s talking about salary cap and and you know and free agents or whatever you’ve been the guy all since I’ve known you make it work make it happen but for trades like people are getting mad at signings I’m like yeah but it has to be a trade like that’s where you’re gonna make your move and he do have contracts say salary cap doesn’t exist no I’ve said that in football please no different sport okay it is a different actually it quite literally is a different sport oh so you’re right there you go it’s a different sport mine is to you the two hop twins out you guys are no and for deception are out here let me ask marence go here’s a guy we’re not just Ste who’s giving us minus ones yeah who a couple of years ago was talking about how bad Trey young was and how we folded him up and put him in our back pocket and now he wants him do you ever hear the term your mind you ever hear the term the enemy of my enemy is my friend I’ve heard of that he’s just the enemy you always find things to back up this is a lot like love Island you know like in love Island they just dumped off uh Nigel and Cassidy from the island and who were there to to to be in each other’s arms all of a sudden they’re going to make a cutesy couple living Rob hated each other’s guts Rob already left her for Leah now all of the sudden you got her batting her beautiful Australian eyes at Rob and his weird snake charming thing and she’s like oh good night mate I’ll Lo snikes I’m Australian and now all of a sudden they’re gonna make it work do they really want to make it work no but they want to stay on the island for the fame and the cloud so Trey young I’m looking at it like hey do I really want Trey young in a vacuum no but when I need to moves to happen and I need a little infusion because I don’t even know if my point guard’s neck Works whoa I need to figure things out and so all the sudden Trey Young’s looking a little you know a couple beers in is looking a little much like you can’t spend 30 minutes on somebody you want because you got drunk what’s wrong with you what’s wrong with you what do you mean what’s wrong with me oh my goodness just spent like five minutes trying to back up his flipflop yeah just no no I I what I did was is I boxed you both in I boxed you both in since you talk about love is since you brought up love Island yeah then that means I gotta talk about house drag whoa you’re gonna spoil it it’s gonna be no I’m not anytime you say no I’m not immediately a spoil is coming totally Happ this is my own personal opinion I don’t know if it’s gonna happen but I’m going tell you what what should happen spoiler alert Damon got to go he got to get kicked off love Island okay I’m just telling you right now and you saw yesterday’s episode as well lero yes okay I have not I have not I have not he is the Crux of all evil oh okay he is he’s always been that he’s always been that though this is nothing new he doesn’t like to do anything but stir the pot that’s true like you you know what that’s your new nickname put it on the bottom Damon oh Damon Damon Targaryen Dam Lillard Dam told no you ha you you ain’t got Dame time I promise you that dard you got the vertical take a break mix it up coming up next e e e e e e e e e e e e in for the remix you know they had a 75 Street Brazil well this year is going to be called Welcome Back Tobin Leroy here with you 560 wqam streaming live on YouTube and twitch Miami 560 wqam and on Twitch that same channel let’s mix it on upy ribit ribit the mix bag is brought to you by Broward Health well into your future all righty then The Vibes have been high all show we’re going to go ahead and continue on that Vibe train we’ve heard from a lot of the Panthers players we’ve heard from Barky we’ve heard from Bob we’ve heard from Chucky Paul Maurice but there’s one man who we haven’t heard from the man who kicked us off in game seven with his banging of the drum the only Panther to have his number retired for now uh Roberto leango had a brief moment at the parade yesterday let’s listen in on how that played out go let go let’s go go Hey listen up 30 years you guys have waited 30 years congratulations thank you enjoy it enjoy it this is beautiful hey these guys what a group what a group these guys are love each other strong as wolf pack so dedicated to each other what a performance we’re proud we thank you guys 30 years we’ve waited it’s a beautiful moment who giv you feel about the ring nobody cares we love you thank you so much enjoy marus is like oh sir I so at first it was like yeah I me about two hours into the pouring rain it’s like my bones hurt it was rough I gotta tell you the other thing every person short and sweet yeah oh yeah right perfect right now I can tell why they a lot of them were because English is their second language right uh I I don’t know I mean even kach kachuga is probably the shortest one up there and he’s American so yeah no I know but I’m just saying like it was really like it was cool cuz everybody got to talk but it was also odd because that never happens right usually there’s a Mike hog you know a guy who has the toast go a little too long yep right yep no none of them though they all let’s say let’s get this niika out of here right talking too much just doing too much by way Kevin stenland J figure behind on this one figgy two years two million per with the Utah Hockey Club the former yotes boo see you sent a wrong guy I tell you what though no one’s like breaking the bank with any of these deals it seems like a lot of because that’s all the the role players all guys they resigned the numbers were pretty crazy for this I don’t know when the next NHL deal is up but the NHL ratings were were really good for the Stanley Cup so I mean plus it lasted longer than any other Stanley Cup playoffs ever the season actually was longer than any season ever was it so yeah I’m actually terrified to continue keeping up with the news why why you don’t want to see long Berg’s name no man it’s kind of it’s inevitable it’s inevitable he’s you know the Lamborghini he’s gonna be able to buy a real Lamborghini I started a chant for this man yesterday okay did you I did of the Chan go so I handsome that man I bet you she was say take that shirt off no oh my God no why would I do that because he spends half of his life with no shirt up he was already shirtless okay where I was so you didn’t have to chant it because he was already there I would never do that okay I have more respect okay than that there you go yeah let me tell me on the other hand I’m like take it off hey I’m just saying it’s okay that your attraction to him started I just really enjoy his personality okay he has great personality is very entertaining friend of the show friend of the show the smallest Panther he’s tiny the smallest Panther with the most aggression he just loves to fight and I love fight a Paso whatever that guy is soon as he gets on is two minutes waiting to happen schnick says going to be funny when lomberg crops out jfig oh oh man it’s not you Jay fig it’s the yotes money sorry you know what that’s acceptable I guess uh what else you got in the mix bag Marcos uh while we’re on the subject of hockey this is uh something that we discussed last week before Leroy was absent and you guys were able to cover that again when you were speaking speaking to Bam adabo which if you didn’t catch that interview be sure to do so on our YouTube channel and the challenge remains tell you what oh yeah hey there’s he ain’t saiding nothing but a thing he is saying nothing but a thing according to Leroy but one topic you guys talked about as the interview was ending you continue to slander the sphere dude this past weekend the NHL draft took place and they were able to utilize this glorified IMAX much better than you had anticipated them yes of course the outside looks great but as you you can’t see here’s what pictures don’t do hold on one second yeah the pictures don’t show you how big that thing is that’s not just a a ice Globe did you guys hear what Dana White said afterwards what did he say he said it was like a kid using crayons no can we finish watching this video oh he was you can play it but like I get it they can they can put logos on the screen look how huge and then you see the Drone going into everything there how could you deny the Excellence overrated was all right I watched it was all right watch his Dana White says that he’s gonna blow this out of the water they’re like spending so much money so I’ll see if if noce UFC comes up in September yeah and it could change my mind I’m not saying it’s not cool I’m just a little overrated well wouldn’t it be hard to do UFC because it’s going to kind of look like when we went and saw bare Knuckles and angle it’s not I didn’t mind that when we went to Hard Rock Live and it’s only one side I didn’t mind that I thought it was pretty cool uh he but he’s he swears this is going to be the greatest thing ever we’ll see I don’t know what to tell you but it look that big old Puck it’s okay but it’s it’s no different than an IMAX like I I’ve been done been there done that like I don’t understand why this is dude that is not an look how big that says for the congratulations you got a big screen the p is it wait wait he goes congratulations you got a big screen like come on I’m much more impressed I go to Caesar’s Palace they make it like a Caesar’s Palace I’m much more impressed by that in with the roof oh yeah it’s actually there you know I’m not you know I don’t I don’t need you know in this day and age frog boy we need to get off our screens and you’re just impressed with anything a screen can do it’s like you you know because like he’s an idiot you know because I look at him and it’s like idiot I got an idiot I got to tell you you wouldn’t agree with this Leroy because he’s got that stupid don’t throw me in it don’t that stupid that like flips over it’s look how many screens look how big look how big my my Instagram is and I’m just like great grow up I could watch it on my computer be bigger like who cares do I like big screens you just brought this to my attention yeah’s like you know I just infatuated my big screen it’s good it’s good people keep trying to send me things they’re like look at this concert I was at I’m like and you didn’t enjoy the music you went to watch it on television you were lashing out dude look at all these pictures pop up yeah great all right look we’ll talk again when UFC is there I’m eager to see how they utilize it to me this was amazing I have no I have no doubt that UFC is going to do a great job with it because there’s no live event that’s usually better produced than the UFC but what would they do though are they going to have stats like I don’t know counter strikes I don’t know well I don’t know but I I if there was any promotion that could make it amazing yeah they would be the one that would do it kids playing with crayons is what he said that’s what he said kids playing with crayons that’s so messed up there has been 50 a there’s been 50 signings in one hour for the NHL NHL crazy Riley can’t wake up rile signed to La you just wait wait wait you just said he can’t do anything in free agency then he could sign he could sign somebody to the minimum I don’t you know look lost a lot right that ain’t gonna change nothing that’s my point sign somebody to the minimum it was a bit was a b it’s a bit a bit was a b now see you know what I hate what I here’s what I hate you always have something to hide behind you can say whatever you want and then you always always have like an escape hatch right you’re fraudulent and your escape hatch how about can I just say something how am I fraudulent I told him to get off his Godfather ass and make some goddamn moves last week but I’m making fun of the Heat fan who’s sh I can’t believe we lost the l r huh so so whose side are you on do you need him to moves want he to make moves but like I’m not crying over that move wait wait you have said that they’re probably not going to be able to make any moves it’s going to be trades so everybody’s not going wait for trades until the the the Delon Wright is the place that we go like meanwhile the Celtics just gave another guy 30 million yeah they had to pay Dereck white Dereck white got an extension God 30 million a year if I would be new teeth dude Derek white is Dereck White’s the second best Celtic if I was him be like how come I making half the money of Jason Tatum it’s true that might be you can make 126 contract extension hey sorry Derek you’re not the greatest Celtic pum is he goes he is could have fooled me so they got one guy making 60 two guys making 60 basically and one guy making 30 porzingis is making somewhere around 30 we don’t have nowhere near that um bam Jimmy both made make over 30 Tyler makes 30 and Terry almost makes 30 wow got to tell you and Duncan makes 20 I mean 20 is nothing now right it was at the time when everybody told me Duncan Robinson’s contract was the worst contract known to man who’s everybody people people dude people Twitter crazy you are wake up Riley you’re going to let Haywood heith just leave just like that wake up old man sleepy pat pat probably gave him a plane ticket what are you talking about I like Haywood though I love the way I love the way we trade we train guys to go get 20 million right think of how many guys have left to go get money we couldn’t afford on this team Trey young Caleb Martin this yeah but you think Caleb Martin get Derrik White 30 a year no he’ll probably get like half that like probably 15 15 I thought he’ hit 20 no probably like 15 I guess that’s fair new Trey young Montage out okay but like why would Atlanta I know Atlanta does crazy things actually that’s why why would they yeah bad organizations make bad decisions that’s exactly why I think the answer there is like what are we doing we just had the number one pick and who the hell did they I don’t even know who they drafted like what’s that guy’s name uh re why was he like I think Alex s he didn’t want to play for them oh he refused to work out for the Hawks he pulled Eli Manning he did oh he did okay I wasn’t familiar with her game Mr SAR really feel that so where did sge end up going s s sge sge I don’t know where sge ended up going the military s ended up going to Washington that’s better that’s what he settled on you don’t want to go to Atlanta go to Washington this is a pretty thing this this thing I think is actually a smart move though because look at Kade Cunningham good player really good player I think you know I’ve watched Kade play I’m like wow this guy’s really talented but his team sucks what do they win 15 games last year you know he just got like a $220 million deal he did for what yeah for what so if you’re Alex sorry you’re like I could I could put up 22 points on the Wizards for the next five for the next three years make $200 million 200 million so you think he’s just going for the bag isn’t that what your that’s what being a professional is Right Dennis Lopez says that uh or heat cult says Tobin will flip when we starts Bond I can’t wait for the draft picks it’s honestly the thing I look forward to the most now with the heat because they they haven’t made a lot of Trades but we got Swedish Swish and a Kryptonian [ __ ] I’m very excited about that would you say SW or sweets Swedish swish so we we we draft we drafted this kid you don’t know a damn thing about Swiss or sweets no so we drafted this kid yeah I forgot you were out on Friday yes uh we drafted uh Pella Larson from Arizona in the second round uh born in Sweden and uh everybody said kid’s a baller like Great Value pick kind of is like Swedish maxu if you will Leroy so I’ve have dubbed him Swedish swish we’ve already gotten a point for it but I’ll take another one yeah it’s pretty good it’s pretty good four I didn’t give him the point by the way not to be confused with swits of sweets which yeah that’s Michael Beasley but we are we we’re the only two that get that yeah yeah we don’t know like see if you live around a corner store and the and the people come in and you know they they getting the the uh swissy sweets or the the leaves all the gra Leaf yeah take a quick break back after this e e e e e e e e e e e e e I welcome back everybody final hour of the show if you missed any of it toin and Leroy podcast available for you on all podcast platforms check that on out been celebrating the cats all day because we all know they have yeah oh where they won the cup last Monday yep and I ain’t seen none of them with clothes on since somebody uh somebody told us on Twitter uh that they not they been out of the country and they had yet to watch game seven yeah he says he said I’m about to watch it wish me luck best of luck dude you’re gonna enjoy I think you’re gonna like the ending oh my God I think you’re gonna like the ending insane that I have never had 50 seconds last so long right with no movement I’m like I didn’t know whether the root form to hold it there root form anything really was a signature Victory all around though yes carder heggy comes up with a clutch goal your goal leader Sam Reinhardt scores the Difference Maker there I heard I can’t believe or I can’t remember if it was from uh Doug or uh Billy Lindsay that I heard the way that we ended the Eastern Conference Finals and the way that we ended the Stanley Cup finals was a drill that they had done in trainingall drill yeah yeah so that drill comes back to play it’s a two one filthy just how Paul Maurice had called it Bob has a great play there’s just so many moments that are it was and let’s not forget and the best players on Edmonton’s team look exhausted at the end of the third period absolutely you know point it was it was uh all the stuff that we talked about how the the greatness of this team and what they did all year showed up in game seven which yep that’s kind of why you do it right when you have to go back to your bread and butter you can pull one out two one filthy oh yeah two one filthy that he was two one filthy yesterday is that what three sheets to the wind looks like I think so I don’t even know what that means me neither it’s like a when they say someone drunk they say three sheets to the wind I don’t really understand Feels Like a Pirate term oh they definitely do it’s definitely a thing yes the sheet is a line that controls uh the sales on a ship if the line is not SE secured the sale flops so three sheets to the win I guess has to do with like being Loosey Goosey and out of control yeah a sale that’s not secured and I would rather you just say I’m loosen out of control then to give me a phrase that means that that has to be Googled right right right because I’ve heard it I’ve heard people say it and and I’m never actually known what it meant I just you know by the way woe is just uh broke in with a piece of news that the Celtics are now for sale are they wow talk about selling while you’re hot no wonder they been spending money willy-nilly like let’s get out of here boys that’ be six billion yeah I mean let’s see franchise net worth of the Celtics what is their last franchise net worth uh valued at around 4.7 billion and this was what did the Suns just go for the that’s right the Suns just got sold the Suns go for four Billy four Bill yep four Billy so what do you think they’re going six or seven because keep in mind it’s the building do they own they own the garden and all that stuff I don’t know well they got to share it so I’m not sure every owner every every uh Team doesn’t own their building they I don’t think the heat own their building the heat technically don’t no the commun the uh the they do but I believe they operate everything they operate everything but the the uh well they don’t get the naming rights the city gets that right the city does that I think they split it but yeah it’s it’s a uh this the the city had to negotiate it and that whole disas happen by the way happy Bobby Bonia day speaking of money Bobby Bon is this I thought he was done last year nah go till 2035 has 10 has 10 10 years left more years and how much does he get on this day $1.19 million happy Bobby Bonia day wow that guy completely completely broke the system well no look at go look at what shohi sh something very similar he signed a what 700 billion 700 million doll deal and he gets paid two million this year ridiculous they should after this year they go owe him 6 million I’m really mad at baseball for allowing that that’s garbage it’s garbage like how do you get the best baseball player in the world for two million a year they crooked wait they did that with Stanton down here not really not that not that not that come on dude no not that but when he left he was old like 250 dude my God you guys know that Bobby Bon is also getting paid by another franchise so uh he gets paid the 1.19 Million by the Mets but he also has a second deferred contract with the Baltimore Orioles for another $500,000 every year from 2004 to 2029 wow he’s he’s good you ever think he like thinks about one year he’s just like want to gamble it back next year you know I guess if you put that if you take that kind of price you’re probably anti-gambling yeah I guess like take a little safety blanket you know look at that little H Kush day here for Bobby boow anyway there you go the Celtics are uh are selling their team the Heat still nothing just Kevin love love love love love good draft pick though good draft good I did like I did like the draft I like our undrafted guys too yeah true although I did see this week uh breaks my heart because we got uh kashad Johnson who’s coming from Arizona um who’s the dude that we got from the Gators I was watching mixtapes of him over the weekend zylen Pullen is that his name sounds about right from the Gators let’s see yep Zion Poland tway cont let me I watched like four Tik toks of this kid yeah steal really there was a there was a local kid a local kid uh down here um CL I’m gonna say Tony Clint oh Clayton oh wow I’m not sure he uh played on tour as a uh amateur uh he’s from down here and I think he got a top 10 oh okay cool he he’s uh he’s at Florida State hits at a mile but he was he’s from down here he’s a uh I think members at uh lar uh but he went to Florida State really cool dad they interview his dad and his mom so it that was a cool story you uh you know who else went to Florida State Brooks kka you Brooks ke it’s the woo to me that just makes it cuz it’s like I’ve been waiting I’ve been waiting W I’ve had this loaded for about two months you Brooks that was so great once I saw his head can I just say this I’m G say this about my brothering my Caucasian people why do y’all think if you go woo at the end you can say whatever the hell you want right like like the woo at the end don’t me and the other person can’t be mad because I’m just having fun baby right that was just him saying I just finished my speech come cheer for me now yeah that’s what it was I’ve done this all loveing games but In fairness Brooks you had to know you was gonna get something right for sure you had to know I didn’t think you expected this though why not people acknowledge this then acknowledge that that traic cone incident until now deser it he was three sheets to the win when that happened oh was he can we not use that phrase stupid what’s wrong with it because I don’t like using phrases that have to come with a damn explanation all right he me three sheets to the win that PA here we go step to a Tobin and like first first you say to say right Renaissance Fair wait first then he finds the origin right because he was right he said his thing is from um you know back in the day shipping or whatever right and now he has to say it in the accent of which he Figures it’s that’s right you know you you figured out me oh Rubik rub silly sauce Rubik’s Cube no dude let me tell you something the only way I’m fixing that Rubik’s Cube is by take the stickers off and put them where I want them to go you know you know you see somebody with crooked stickers on the Rubik’s Cube don’t act like oh and then they have the people that can fix them in like five minutes just looking at him it’s like I can’t I don’t believe those guys though I can’t even be your friend those people are lying but no here it is cheat let me tell you you guys are looking at the colors they’re looking at the positions of the colors and you just make a whole bunch of moves to keep moving the colors to the spot and then it gets done it’s not about huh that’s the whole point no but there’s a a a a a series of movements to get each spot in algorithm where you want right exactly so while you think they’re looking at it and solving it they’re actually just going through a series of movements we’ll take a break back more to this you e e e e e e e e e e e e and night all right welcome back everybody Tobin Leroy is this kid this kid cudy right is this only it’s only album right he’s mostly a producer no he’s had uh multiple albums just none to reach the success of his preliminary album not everybody’s clear skies dude but he’s more I’ve always known him as a producer right uh no he does some production work but never solely a producer he was uh working with good music early on in his career so Kanye did a lot of his production as well as some other electronic influences oh okay got you yeah thank you for the clear sky shout out new arod album this year when is that coming out uh October heard it here first any diss tracks any diss tracks are you coming at salana get a diss track no after I dropped uh salana as a baby and Jimmy as a liar like that ended the beef there but uh beef elsewhere do we have that anywhere I got to find it I feel like I miss that that was good it was a you know just one of these things where it’s uh just have to have it uh you just need a Bop on on a Monday to get everybody uh rolling because it doesn’t feel like a Monday to me now it feels like like a Tuesday because yesterday was a long day was long day I I I got home and I like crashed I set my alarm for 5:30 yeah just to wake up for free agency and I was like there’s nothing happening other than are you excited about Klay Thompson like you’re on Klay Thompson watch do you feel like let me ask you this Marcos yeah I’m not saying this but some could say wait a minute you’ll take a deal on the cheap skis to go pair up with LeBron but not stay with your friends and Steph Curry one could say that one could say that I’m not saying that surpris but uh do you feel like uh are you Vindicated in some way that this uh Klay Thompson uh wants to maybe take a discount to go elsewhere uh to quote Leroy’s former coach they were who we thought they were and here’s here’s the deal here’s let him off the hook here’s the deal if you feel that your team is wronging you the offer doesn’t matter you’re not going to give them the benefit of the doubt you’re gonna go somewhere else even if it’s the same deal that’s the way it works like so in the end the team can say face by saying we offered the same amount clay didn’t want to be here but the reality of it is is is that he’s going somewhere else because you offered him the same deal you see what I’m saying yeah and he’s uh egotistical and thinks he deserves more no that’s absolutely it’s that way anywhere yeah but he’s at he’s definitely if you went in the Odyssey right now right you say it’s time for my come upin right time to come up and they say well uh Marcos yes here’s what you gon offer you he goes that’s the same rate like it’s time to time to move up right and then some other company says oh we’ll give you the amount that you know they were giving you you’re like all right then fine right not because of any other reason other than you feel you’re being wrong that they not rewarding you that’s business so and while everybody’s going to look at oh clay chose to leave for the same amount of money he could have stayed with you know with uh Golden State and Golden State Golden State could say right we offered him the same deal the fact of the matter is is that you shouldn’t be offering him the same deal he feels disrespected so he’ll go make that same money and you not benefit from his Services that’s the dwade Bulls argument where dwade actually ended up making less with the bulls than he would have with tax he F he felt be smirched exactly like like so you could put whatever Twist on that story you want but here’s what the the truth is Right Klay Thompson the most he should be able to make should come from Golden State right that’s a fact and it should start with what you P paid Draymond so if if somebody else if is so so if they say We’ll offer you three years for 10 million a year right and the Lakers say We’ll offer you three years at 10 million a year he gonna go play for the Lakers because he thought if he stayed with golden state he should be making a Draymond contract I think if you were Klay Thompson and he were to make a diss track it would sound something like this except he replace the names with Stephan Dre also a pretty good gauge as to some if something’s funny or not if it comes from Marcos he started I usually steer in the other direction that’s that’s always been my uh professional comedian or something is he in the world of Comedy yeah hey it was 305 this is my favorite part then I heard some words that broke my heart hey accusations out there Dy to tear me apart salani is a baby and Jimmy is a liar salani is a baby and Jimmy is a liar salana is a baby and Jimmy is a liar you can’t handle the truth salana is a baby Jimmy is a liar hey hey Sal is a baby Jimmy is a liar sometimes just sometimes you just need even ATT track you know S one of those hey harmonizing Liar Liar Liar to be stuck in my head all day yeah Julio says the heat needs scoring the heat can’t find $13 million for Klay Thompson not well if they need scoring why would they go for clay I mean we saw what he did over for 10 Jesus I mean like but my thing is is that I’m like from that position we’re pretty much saying that Clay is gonna come in and You’re Gonna Save a little money by getting rid of Duncan I don’t think that’s my point yes that is my point so you’re taking a risk to get worse not to get better right you’re just doing that for names and rings but right Duncan Robinson and Klay thompon that’s what you you do that all the time what are you talk about I don’t do but I’m not doing wait we talk about players all the time and you know what you say w to chip so is that not the same thing sometimes you say things that I never said no you do I haven’t what have I ever said that oh it sounds like something go can I give you wait Can can I give can I give you a perfect good example sure okay so you feel that Jimmy should get the extension yes and I and I say hey you can wait because he’s only played 60 games and he plays fewer and fewer games the last couple years right and he’s getting older so that last year what is Jimmy gonna look like now you know what you say m but he’s done it but he’s done it but he done okay so is Clay yeah but come on dude be aggressive no but that’s my point see this is what this is the problem the problem you sometimes dude you’re not a grown-up with these arguments like they’re not Apples to Apples they’re not app to Apples why isn’t Apples to Apples you’re talking about something somebody has done you’re giving them credibility for next year based on what they have done in anybody who’s doing that is going to give him credibility for last year in his accomplishments of what he has done but Jimmy Butler is going to be the best player on your team Jimmy Butler’s gonna be the best player on your team okay can I ask you this question if Jimmy is the best player on this team this year can Heat win a championship gotta improve some stuff around him oh not with the roster as it is then that’s a no then okay no but it’s not Jimmy’s fault like there are plenty of teams I could look to and say is that guy’s best player the reason they’re not going to get there think B is the best player so so like you like but bam is more reliable than Jimmy right now for games played yeah but he hasn’t been the but bam hasn’t been the go-to guy on on the on the team he’s been but that’s by choice right he’s it is it is by It Is by heat choice but I think we would agree that as currently constructed could he be could they no probably not they would need they they need either yic or haime to improve vastly coming but again question is how long do you get the because he’s done it him yeah he gets he gets he gets some he gets some rope he gets some rope for me and and Klay doesn’t no not for the hell is Klay done no but I’m just saying we pick and choose what players to put this on if somebody says I want clay has Championship what is your answer to that but Leroy Klay Thompson’s not going to be a go-to guy on the heat not going to be a go-to guy on any team he goes to he’s going he’s going be the catch shoot he’s goingon to be the catch and shoot guy so that’s why the argument isn’t the same this is good okay he’s he’s gonna be they literally that they I started I started the conversation by comparing him to who he would be D Robinson okay but if you told me the Miami Heat are gonna you know Jimmy’s gone but they’re gonna get but Donovan Mitchell’s gonna be the next guy they’re gonna turn back the clock 10 years these are all different like okay that’s definitely some things you have to talk about if Klay Thompson isn’t who he is and you have Duncan Robinson who’s five years younger than him then yeah like what is the point of trading for Klay Thompson I don’t understand that no I’m not re no I’m not I’m just asking why does do certain people get the because he’s won a championship and other people don’t gotta see if they got that dog in him what what he’s just throwing Tobin sayings out and I want to choke him three sales in the win or something pretty sure he does have that dog in him I think that like in that case you could definitely go to his championship and say Klay Thompson has that dog in him what what dog does he have wait and I would say I would say this to you and I would say this to you he had that dog in him right now he bites like that little dog like Dre on my La he he’s old dude he’s old that’s how he works in Sports no I think once you have that dog that dog is always there like if I was to go to that well no I wouldn’t say at some point no matter how great you’ve been you’re not that now no you you can’t say Klay Thompson doesn’t have the dog in him why because one time he scored a lot of points without drib four championships 37 points in a quarter came back from an Achilles tear ACL tear all right I got three answers for that number one it doesn’t matter like that like I’m not talking Talent I’m talking that dog you don’t lose that dog four championships cootel riding number two 37 points in a quarter this is who you Allied witho didn’t dribble here what I I here’s what I hate here’s what I I can’t have the support of either one of you come on because toin is gonna say see we’re samies and you’re gonna take it to the most ridiculous level that you can can I say something sure speaking about losing dogs oh no apparently Ryan lber is finalizing a deal the calary Flames no that’s kachuck is gonna make fun of him nonstop oh my goodness he’s gonna be like enjoy sucks Calgary dude isn’t that the most Canada you could Canada that’s as Canada as it gets don’t they play something called the S I throw things where’s the bill Elon far is elmon edmon’s farther than Calgary right it is the Saddle Dome but Cal is Calgary Calgary is more like country isn’t it like it’s more like nothing is there oh my God which one is more have you seen this this Saddle Dome I feel hurt like a crater looks like a cup they playing a cup lomberg two years four million what we lost him for that two years dude what we could have put a GoFundMe together everyone yesterday who was at the parade put up three bucks we could have resigned maybe it is two years two million I thought it was two per year my bad two one million a year we couldna give him one million a year Bobby Bonia gets one million a year we couldna get this guy one Bobby Bona makes than him and he hadn’t played in 15 years two years two million according to Frank Serra Val damn it dude man just off VI we could have got him paid man I started a chant for this man come on I take it all back raising can’s could have put up some money for this guy nope because all them people that would have bought stuff were mad at him damn it dude we just got uglier we did get uglier what happened we were celebrating yesterday yeah it was all a dream it does happen quick right it does happen quick I mean Lumber baby Lamborghini DG that was my boy go to you go to Canada we couldn’t we couldn’t find a little uh we couldn’t find a state state tax loophole for that deal H where he from where’s he from he’s from Canada okay where in Canada Richmond Hill that was one of my little uh the nons south Florida part yeah true that was one of my pluggy plugs for the hockey games the Lamborghini really hurt what am I GNA do now broken go watch championship hockey without handsomeness don’t even don’t even ask me what my allr or my oh no is by the way that’s fair this is it yeah understandable they just sports that just put a graphic of him hoisting the cup two years two million wow Champion enjoy that Calgary you’ll never know what that feels like this is this sucks have they won before ni T says he’ll egg his house for me thank you oh yes I mean don’t like his house I’m sure he’s going to keep it right like you know yeah where else you going to live the last people her I heard some kids tried the egg uh when I was in Florida in uh Cleveland some kids tried to egg arbert Bell’s house I’m assuming that didn’t work out oh no he got in his truck oh it was a big story he had his light off they knew it was his house and they went mess with the house so he went and got in his truck and ran him down never egged the house before Oh that’s disgusting egg is hard to clean off it is so hard to clean yes yeah now I’m seeing that it’s two years uh it is two per two per okay yeah I mean that’s still like but that’s hockey that seems to make more sense two years two million average annual value according to our good he now makes Bobby bour according to our boy David dwar D boots on the ground dwar was he was he out I gotta imagine he was out oh he was out there he was out there he was out I don’t think he would now now the only thing that’s out there are my feelings I think I saw plagens was plin there yeah of course yeah I thought I saw plagens in one of the trucks I see plans yeah I saw the broadcasters I saw they were all taking trucks down I told to me when I first met Doug plagens voice voice didn’t match de body there I was there to witness you put the body and Fa and together you were so confused I was really confused maybe that’s just radio voice you like who’s that yeah caught me off guard I’m like I didn’t not that I knew what it would look like but it just like then he has a more mature voice yeah and he looks 12 take a break there’s that we almost made it out without without any slander of don’t talk to me next I didn’t slander what are you talking about that’s not slander sometimes you keep things in the pocket just no I just said his his voice doesn’t match his body it’s not I don’t think youing say something not a knock on his body or his voice repeat what you say it doesn’t make it anything less of what you said we heard you don’t think he was saying anything bad about Doug plens I’m not saying anything bad about Doug plans handsome I go to Publix and there’s this lady there that sounds like Minnie Mouse and I’m like yikes caught me off guard I great dude FR of the show I said I asked her I said you ever thought about doing voice over D take a take a lap and play with your puppy this hour e e e e e e e e e e welcome back to yes I don’t appreciate the song Choice why uh because really disappearing disappearing act really I like that song I know I love the song I just don’t like the motive behind it today see you haven’t said any of that about any Taylor Swift song on her new album oh this song is older box stand by no I’m just saying yeah wait do you know any uh Taylor Swift songs on a new album what’s your favorite one um scared of little me who’s scared scared of little me who’s scared of little me no one apparently no one is scared of little her where’s uh TOS uh let’s see let’s find out let me uh toino let me yell out of the hallways talking salana is talking his ear off over there give him a minus one give him a minus one yeah it’s a total minus one just two reasons first of all you don’t even get the minus one for being late we have all done that yeah but being late because you were talking to salana wow what the minus one we uh we are minus one we are also co-hosts you know we did the draft show together we’ve done uh game down censor together we’ve done the porpus Pod together and he wanted my thought he wanted my thoughts on my all right which is Pala Larson dude P Larson heat second round pick AKA Swedish swish oh that’s your that’s all right huh that’s my all right he wanted he wanted my thoughts on him and then we also you know and this also gets my all right salana is in on Trey young if we if we go for the you know so all right R just trying to get friends so radio pre and post host Alejandro Solana no he’s also I looked I was like Hey to on purpose to get under J I looked at him and I’m like hey what’s wrong he’s using you no maybe I don’t know sometimes sometimes you want to be used and he looks I’m like hey what’s what’s wrong man you look uh you’re all right and he’s like little chilly in here that’s because he got no that’s because he’s not covering his an okay yeah you guys are lashing out you know when we get when we get ice TR 5 I hope your guys’ attitude turns around I kind of like I don’t want to give up anything for him though that’s my thing you don’t want give to give up Tyler hero and and and six months ago you didn’t care so stop no I I could definitely give up Tyler hero right now if you off don’t say you wouldn’t give up anybody right I’m not giving up Tyler hero I’m gonna give them a bag of donuts and we’re gonna get Trey because here’s what I you know what you know now you doing big boy trades here’s what we’re now you want to get a Bonafide score for a bag of donuts we’re doing it we’re doing the Hawks a favor and second of all we’re gonna get ice Trey okay with Boy Wonder on a revenge tour okay even though one time he said that he was better than Trey young or in the class of Trey young you know that now he’s gonna learn from Trey young and then on top of it because Trey Young’s gonna teach Tyler herro hey this is how you take ridiculous threes all right not just clean threes all the time you got you got to you got to shoot with some lack of conscience every now and a while boy Wonder yeah all right we got bambo kicked out all right to the uh to the four spot which lero always wanted we’re going to get Brook Lopez On The Cheap skis all right for a one-year deal to revenge on the Bucks because the Bucks keep taking our guys we got contract year Jimmy Butler all right and then off the uh on the bench Squad we got the young pups in haime hakz Jr niik yovic possibly one of them have to go on the Trey young deal uh you decide lero you pick and then no no no and then and we have wait first of all I’m not trading for Trey for Trey young you have to at this point you have to no then why you making me pick which guy you’re the one that’s leading the charge for this you decide who you giving up no you gotta pick you gotta pick no and then on top of it you know we got we got new we got we got new heat big man khwar who is a Kryptonian seven foot did you see the video of him by the way they did the uh the whole behind the scenes I have not seen any oh it’s good dude haven’t seen SPO goes to him Leroy he look he goes to him he looks to him and he’s got this big smile on face he goes did you get bigger since you were last year I was like oh SPO looks like somebody wants to size it up ericos are tired of six wait wait wait SPO says it he gets excited I’ve been saying it for two years and he call he’s well listen they call him small ball SPO and so he’s been going small ball all this time and now it looks like he wants to size up you know what finally let’s go because when SPO gets his mind around something there’s no stopping him no stopping him Leroy wow anyway what’s my o no what is your oh no exactly my o no yes goes to anybody hating on the Panthers parade crowd you sound like a bunch of losers want to know why dude why is that first of all it was straight chaos it was packed it was through a mon move and still we were partying so kiss my ass especially you Canada yeah we can’t even find you on a map Edmonton because it could have been there 70 and sunny what did Matthew kachuck say to start off his speech uh it is want me to play it I’m assuming yeah I want to hear it from ketucky cheese you tell them matth you kach Chuck hey I heard it’s 70° in Sunny Edmonton but they ain’t got no cup no cup dud comp what do you got Leroy all right my old no is gonna go to little snitchy mouse she she been up for the last week taking care of this puppy and I’m saying that he said and that I said hey that responsibility ain’t no joke huh oh so but she’s been a trooper she’s been doing it oh that’s an oh no to her no I said that’s my all right oh I heard oh no okay that was my all right I said because I’m happy she’s like sticking with it and not saying okay I had enough my oh no listen I know there’s going to be some players that leave the Panthers right and that may be a oh no every somebody might lose their favorite player oh no right but I believe in Bill Z though baby so even though it’s a oh no I believe in a couple of months it’s gonna be all right because he been doing his thing so there I technically have a oh no but I have two All rights because I got faith in the panther organization say that three times and see if you not have to pinch yourself to see if it I have faith in the Panthers organization and what they are doing the thing is you lose cats but when you lose cats you get to love new cats so that’s what’s going to happen we lose a lot of our cats the problem is for jig they don’t come in shirtless they have to get to that we can find another handsome cat jfig that’s okay sure where did you think that was gonna go with your favorite player is the guy who’s always shirtless my favorite player is the guy that’s always trying to throw a punch okay the smallest guy which is wonderful who’s handsome who’s handsome’s right it never has a shirt on what are you got Jay fig well my all right goes to the city of Fort Lauderdale because they really know how to organize a crowd no matter how intense and crazy it was yep it did seem very organized it was very organized the way that it was so easy to go park somewhere and then take the shuttle you didn’t even have to wait for a shuttle it was just instant there was like so many just lining up and it was very well organized everybody everybody behaved yeah playing nice yeah and then is that is that the SP is that the sport or is that I it’s also the sport right I was curious about that the fans were super nice and like the cops that were on site they were just throwing water at them to make sure everything was okay I had a great experience so that goes that’s my all right your Ono you already know my Oho is sorry lomberg miss your buddy I started the chant and he he was like okay starts um singing singing along with us then comes towards us and little do we know I can’t these are your photos J fig these are my photos yes oh wow w pretty close pretty close that is close uh Marcos sorry buddy quickly what do you have for all right on know uh my all right goes to Panthers fans that’s had an amazing experience yesterday my oh no goes to Rick Ross for getting punched in the face in Canada damn we’ll have to save that for tomorrow we’ll Tove that we’re out of time we’ll talk about it later by the way for Leroy Source Who says the Donovan Mitchell deal is done I’m reading some of these quotes coming out from Kobe Alman president of basketball op for the Cavs I just let you know tomorrow that for tomorrow we’ll have to leave that for tomorrow we’re out of time out of here out of time sorry talk to you guys tomorrow Leroy is a puppy you Brooks ke see I see y the number one sports adjacent show in America

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