@Detroit Pistons

HOW MUCH Did the Detroit Pistons Pay Tobias Harris?

HOW MUCH Did the Detroit Pistons Pay Tobias Harris?

Atlanta did not is not resigning sadique Bay yeah I saw that to know we got the money to make a lot of these moves but we’re not in the position to do it it’s just it’s not even fun to like bring sadique Bay home no no he’s he just didn’t no let him another piss go off the board is Mason plumbley he signed somewhere you know who the piss did bring home though maybe I should wait on this one little bit break because that’s going to be our clip so just do a whole segment on it all right Tobias Harris Tim Hardway Jr they brought home we talk we talked about that one on Friday though no the Tobias ha stuff because we could clip this in you could SP them together whatever you want to use SP them them swing them together Tobias Harris D did bring back Tobias Harris um obviously I don’t know if it’s obvious but if you guys tuned to the show every day I was against this when I thought it cost a certain price uh at a certain somebody reached out to me I think last weekend when was that yeah it was last week yeah and I was like hey he’s coming he wants to come here he’s got family here and no it’s not going to be at that price he understands like what it is and that came to fruition set Source four million less yeah two years 52 million uh 26 million a year no options just straight up that’s what it is I guess I get it I get it from a bball standpoint I always have I just never didn’t like the money part of it because we’re in a situation where I just wanted to acquire assets ever for The Vibes if the Vibes is the thing to get a feel to to grow comfortable in this franchise if you’re K Cunningham and we want you to stay here then we got to give you something to work with to at least show you yourself or like that you have faith in this this coach this team this franchise it’s that’s what it was now did it cost more than I what I wanted it with yes yes but whatever it it makes sense they’re definitely win a lot more games than 14 now and Tobias is the guy that consistently stays healthy a lot more A lot’s aggressive yeah what you say A lot’s aggressive that’s aggressive a lot more than 14 can we get up to it’s 24 a lot more I was to say I would put it at I would put it at 23 and a half is over under if I was setting it right now yeah and not M I was going to say 22 and a half and I would probably set the under you say to be honest with you but I I listen like now you and I think you can now stagger Ivy and Cade have Ivy come off the bench because Ivy would then have fono to help him stretch the floor do what he needs to do to run it as the guy yeah and we we’ll see I mean we talked about had all the cousins coming after me on Twitter because I said how much different is Tobias and Tim Hardway Jr to Alec Burks and buam bonovich and it’s really not that different when you think about it um this but for what the Pistons were last year without those guys yeah obviously Tobias Harris is an improvement from what you had on this team last year Tobias Harris is immediately or your second best shooter on this team you bring him in here that’s just a guy standing in the corner ready to shoot and that’s what you need uh yeah so that $26 million a year that’s a little more than I want to pay but it’s nothing I’m going to harp over you know I’m not going to be mad over a $4 million difference so welcome back Tobias you know you sound so you sound depressed about no it’s it’s not like I’m not mad at it I’m not jumping for oh Tobias Harris savior of the Pistons franchise is here like no I think you’re stupid if that’s how you’re acting no people should not be acting like that I don’t think Tobias Harris Tobias Harris they you go look at the comments on my post you think Tobias Harris is prime kawh Leonard like this guy is not going to help he’s not going to be the difference in the Pistons making the playoffs or not the cool thing about this cont going to be the difference of the Pistons not having the worst record in the NBA that that’s it it also fits the timeline of like where you expect the team to be you know what I’m saying like like I don’t expect this team to do dick until two to three years from now and I’m not making any commitment to Tobias Harris Beyond those two to three two years precise so it’s like it’s you can’t really [ __ ] too much you can’t really [ __ ] about anything they do within the next that’s half Theon I I felt comfortable with the Ron Holland pick obviously this team needs [ __ ] shooting but we’re two years away minimum from it mattering cuz we’re not going anywhere we’re not doing dick you have time to let things I guess settle and develop so it’s that’s why I’m not tripping that’s why nobody should be tripping I do hate that we can no longer take on a Zack LaVine contract now right because there only 24 million available after the signings of uh well obviously brought Tim Hardway Jr too MH but I mean it’s still you still I think I James Ed put out there we are the number one team with cat space now and after other teams that had cat space spent their money we’re now the best option if you did want to facilitate any type of trade he needed a third team in there it would be Detroit so we’re going to get something at some point Zack we talked about it on BD Zack LaVine Zack LaVine and two first round picks I’m doing that in a [ __ ] heartbeat and if you bring no with with Tobias we can’t afford it now yeah you can no we can’t it’s only 24 yeah it’s only 24 his contract make work move some things around do have an extra 8 million in I forget the term it’s used for an exception that we could go and sign somebody with or people on our own team fono will be a piece of that too but uh no we only have the 24 million to play with you can make it work you can make it work you can finagle your way you got let that one sale bro what s 40 43 yeah plus a plus a trade kicker 15% so who are the guys that you’d be trading for who are what are the contracts so I think Kool brought something in the morning show he brought Russell Westbrook what are you going to get for Russell Westbrook he’s only on $5 million I WR a few names down too you’re not getting first round for Russell Westbrook this is a guy who actually he’s already in trade rumors already and I think would if you want to compete would help you in that sense too Harrison Barnes from the Kings another name I don’t think it’s going happen now at the harinstein but Mitchell Robinson would have [ __ ] love jul Randle they wouldn’t get rid of Mitchell Robinson I don’t know we could fit I got look at Julius DNC ENT we have four we have 24 million st’s 18 million is 42 we can afford LaVine way to steal my path give me give me two first round picks and Zack LaVine and I’ll give you Isaiah Stewart so that’s the thing like steu would I mean that’s do that I’d do that in a [ __ ] heartbeat and we just signed Tobias so it’s where Stu getting his minutes and are you really bringing an 18 right now right now steuart’s your back up Center that’s where no I’m happy we brought in Tobias Harris honestly I think it’s a big move for Kade just his development in general we saw what happened last year when we had zero shooting on the outside this team could not win games yeah and we know Tobias Harris in his career he’s a proven scoring veteran he gets you some decent rebounding and he can move the rock a little bit three assists last year so I think it’ll be good for this team just to have a guy that’s been there he’s a proven vet in this uh in this league and I think he got a horrible rep in Philly for that playoff performance so I think along with JB bicker staff I think he’s coming in here with a little bit of a chip on his shoulder and he’s returning to Detroit I mean he wanted to be here obviously so I think that that holds a little bit of weight in my book um and he obviously still has a chip on I don’t think you guys in the chat like are understanding or on the same wavelength as me with the Pistons right now because Denver Blair says Zack LaVine Isn’t Our Savior either dad with threats LaVine is broken he’s a good ad but he’s broken ivy needs 32 minutes and 20 plus uses stop I’m not making the trade for Zack LaVine I’m making the trade for those two first round picks and you’re taking Zack L the Pistons aren’t a good team next year no matter what they could get LeBron on right now and they maybe make the playoffs you do that trade so you get two first round picks and you use up that that cap space that’s what that trade is for it just so happens that you get Zack LaVine and if he’s healthy he’s the second best player on your team but you do it for the two first round picks it also pairs better than Ivy what are you talking about better shooter than Ivy better finisher than Ivy he’s just a better basketball player than Jaden Ivy at this point in their careers it just it is the only thing you have to concern about is maybe the health in that situation but Chris I don’t you want to talk for a minute yeah no no uh the the LaVine part just real quick I think the holdup is Chicago’s just unwilling to give up first yet like they’re unwilling to accept that that’s the market and even though that is the market for they were offering one and then and nobody was biting yeah so I I don’t know if they’re going to I don’t know if they’re going to step it up to two but two makes sense especially if you’re throwing in Stuart because again we’ve talked about before Stu is worth a ste’s birthday first but quickly on Tobias one thing I do want to I do want to mention that I think is important and and I hate that I have to like feel like I’m at like Harvard Law School to understand the NBA trades nowadays but this new cap this new CBA has really just changed a lot of the game and part of it is that those second apron teams that we’ve thrown that we’ve thrown that phrase around part of it is that they can no longer aggregate salaries in order to make a trade so the Pistons having guys like Tim Hardway at 18 million Stu at 18 million and then getting a guy Tobias Harris at 26 million like teams the Pistons can because they’re not a second apron team aggregate salaries to go make big plays so the Pistons it actually behooves them to have players in different salary ranges so that way they can they can make t they can make trades later on for bad contracts in order to get uh in order to get the uh the the assets they’re kind of opening themselves up in a sense even though they are spending their cap space they’re in a sense opening themselves up to more players to potentially be traded because now the it used to be 75% of the money had to be like it it had to be within 75% to make the deal now for second apron teams has to be 100 has to be dollar for dollar and it’s almost impossible to match dollar for dooll contracts these days so the Pistons have contracts and multiple tiers multiple numbers it kind of opens them up longterm wise to make trades and again Tobias would be an expiring next season so you never know it could end up being valuable that’s all I’m going to say [Music]

Spencer Raxter, EZ and the rest of the heavyweights crew discuss the Detroit Pistons brining back forward Tobias Harris on a two-year deal. Do you think he can be as productive as his first stint with the Pistons? Like, Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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  1. This discussion is incredibly engaging! It's like a gathering of minds, each offering a unique perspective.😛

  2. They can’t give Zach Lavine away. Rumors are no one wants him, no one wants to play with him. He’s a cancer to the locker room, so nah, I’m good on him.

  3. Bro i wish everybody on this network but Kool-Aid would stop talking about NBA basketball. All they know is a names they don't understand basketball cohesion, salary, or talent. Suggesting stupid things like take on the 4 years $212M left on Zack Lavine contract for two 1sts. After just signing Cade to a max deal with extensions coming up for Duren and Ivey. The problem with him is if Lavine gets injured one more time or declines further in play the Pistons will have to use the those same picks they gained to get him off the books in the future. Detroit will be stuck with nearly 50 per in CAP sitting on the bench for years. That's a good basketball move to them. Lol Please skip talking about Pistons basketball. Go study the actual game please.

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