@Sacramento Kings

Why the Sacramento Kings Haven’t Made Their Big Move…Yet. | Locked On Kings

Why the Sacramento Kings Haven’t Made Their Big Move…Yet. | Locked On Kings

I swear to God I’m going to record this podcast and right when I’m done the news is going to break just watch there is so much smoke around the Sacramento Kings right now it’s starting to sting my eyes but the Kings still haven’t made that big move yet and I’ll explain why right here on locked on Kings you are locked on Kings your daily Sacramento Kings podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and now ladies and gentlemen it is that time time for another episode of Locked on Kings hello and welcome to locked on Kings your podcast hub for Sacramento Kings coverage all off seon long today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel now that the playoffs and NBA finals are over Sports just aren’t sporting the way that we want them to right now but that’s okay because this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit locked on to get started my name is Matt George I have the privilege of being your host here I’m a Sacramento Sports Anchor and reporter for ABC 10 news I have my phone next to me it’s a it’s could go off at any time we’re all standing by waiting to see when the move will actually happen for the Sacramento Kings and I’m going to cut right to the chase here I’m going to get to what we talked about what I teased I’m going to explain to you why the Sacramento Kings have not made that big move yet it all has to do with one word one word that epitomizes who Monty McNair is as a general manager he’s been consistent with it since the day he took the job and if you look at his track record throughout his time here in Sacramento it is consistent with this one word and that word is patience now I don’t know about you I hate that word I’ve hated that word since I was a kid when my mom would tell me to be patient for something I hate that word now because we see all these teams making moves right we’ve seen it over the last two trade deadlines we watched it last offseason all these teams making improvements that the Sacramento Kings probably should be making and they haven’t been making them yet and lo and behold of course the Kings missed the playoffs last year while the Dallas Mavericks for example made the moves they needed to make and made an NBA Finals run patience is frustrating for Sacramento Kings fans to hear in fact Kings fans are so sick and tired of the freaking word that if anybody outside of Sacramento brings up patience we immediately want to punch him in the throat right because they haven’t been through 16 nearly 17 years of playoff basketball like we went through recently here in sack toown patience is such a horrible word but it is the name of the game for Monty McNair the kings are compiling options they are trying to put themselves in the best position to make the best decision that is what Monty has done his entire career here in Sacramento there are so many different rumors circulating and the kings are consistently involved in a a lot of them if not all of them when it comes to trades knowing Sacramento’s history free agency has never been the best route for the Kings to make the improvements necessary to make a big splash it’s always been via the draft or via trade think back to the Mitch Richmond for Chris Weber trade and how that launched the Great era of Sacramento Kings basketball in the late 90s and early 2000s right the damont sabonis Tyrese h Burton trade I know it started with the Kings drafting Tyrese but it took that big trade to finally get this organization out of the playoff drought that they were in trading is the route for Sacramento and that’s being made perfectly clear by the fact that the kings are involved whether they have been in the conversation or many of the reports say that the Kings have been Front Runners at times for so many different names from Kyle kosma to Zack LaVine to cam Johnson and Dorian finy Smith from the Brooklyn Nets yesterday it was Brandon Ingram and now today it’s Lowry marinin they’re compiling options understanding prices getting an idea of what it would take to acquire that talent and putting all that information together to ultimately make one informed decision the Lowry marketing situation right now is is a perfect example of Monty McNair’s patience because yesterday we weren’t talking about low marinin not just in Sacramento around the league right there were Rumblings of hey maybe marinin could be available we don’t know maybe and then we wake up this morning and it’s oh no the kings are interested in marketing the Warriors are interested in marketing the Spurs are interested in marketing the the the Utah Jazz are listening to offers about Lowry markeing that changed in a day imagine if when all all the conversation in Sacramento yesterday Sunday being around Brandon Ingram imagine if the Kings just went for it and made a Brandon Ingram deal that day I have no idea if that was even possible but let’s just say they did right now the marketing information comes out today Markin in arguably a better option for Sacramento than Brandon Ingram for a wide variety of reasons now the Sacramento Kings have missed out on a potential Lowry Markin in trade because they move too fast on a Brandon Ingram deal that potentially nobody else was competing with them for now the marketing situation is different there’s definitely a competition going on I know for a fact the Kings have submitted an offer the Warriors have submitted an offer the San Antonio Spurs have submitted an offer and we’re going to break down these offers and and we’re going to dive into this hypothetical a little bit more but if the Kings hadn’t been patient and the Brandon Ingram opportunity came and they just jumped on it I’m not saying it would have been a bad thing but to defend Monty’s way of thinking sacri would never been in an opportunity to go for low marinin in the first place patience the other word is flexibility Monty wants to keep the Kings flexible so that when opportunities arise the Kings can be legitimate comp uh competitors in those opportunities to land those said Players let’s break down this Lowry Markin and hypothetical situation going on right now let’s say that now that marinin has become available marinin is the primary target if that deal were to fall through like the the Jazz just decideed you know what we’re not trading marketing or they decide to go with somebody else’s offer the Kings can now pivot back to Brandon Ingram from yesterday if those negotiations are still there and if the kings are still interested not to mention you have kozma or Dorian finy Smith or Cam Johnson or even Zack LaVine if you’re really desperate as kind of fallback options if both Ingram and marinin don’t work out it’s about without having options the kings are not competing with a lot of teams when it comes to the Ingram situation they’re not competing with a lot of teams when it comes to the availability of Kyle kosma so the Kings can afford to be a little more patient and take their time a little bit more with those deals compared to allow remark in situation because of the other teams that are interested to where I think the Kings can feel pretty confident in these negotiations with the Jazz about marinin that if they fall through but if they let’s say they take two or three days before Danny a finally makes a decision it could even be longer than that we have no idea but let’s say this drags out I don’t think the Kings should be too worried or need to be too worried about a team coming swooping in and taking Brandon Ingram out from underneath them with the Pelicans or swooping in and taking Kyle kosma off the table the Kings have the flexibility to be patient when it comes to making those deals for those other players that I think would absolutely be good targets and good upgrades for the Kings to pursue and Chase a maybe far-fetched but potential home run in a Lowry marinin trade but at the same time right it’s a domino effect look free agency didn’t really get going until Paul George signed with the LA Clippers right as soon as that deal went down today we’ve seen a lot more movement a lot more signing a lot more action Klay Thompson just uh went to the Dallas Mavericks on a sign and trade we’ll probably talk about that a little bit later on in the show we’re finally seeing things start to happen and it was a result of everybody waiting to see what was going to happen with Paul George and the Los Angeles Clippers I think the same thing is going to be said with the trade market right now I think everybody is standing by waiting for that first big trade to happen and from there The Dominoes start to fall the kings are in some ways playing a dangerous game right because if they take too long and for lack of a better analogy if they’re they’re dating a bunch of people right somebody might come through or the the the other teams might lose interest your other dates might lose interest and decide to go a different route or decide to just take it off the table completely and walk away so the Kings can’t play too many angles and risk losing some or getting none of them but I don’t think we’re in that position yet but if let’s say the Lowry let’s say Lowry marking it gets traded tonight or tomorrow to the Golden State Warriors or San Antonio Spurs right okay that’s off the table now the Kings can pivot back to Brandon Ingram maybe there’s a deal already in place that they’ve discussed heavily to where they can say you know what deal or maybe they can reignite those conversations while still having Kyle kozman in the back pocket right we saw the Kings kind of do this last off seon with the negotiations between the Kings and Harrison Barnes remember there was a lot of momentum about the Kings resigning Harrison Barnes then it went quiet for a while during that time it was rumored that the kings were having conversations with Kyle kozma Kyle kma eventually ends up going to the Washington Wizards I think they they were willing to pay kma a little bit more than what the kings were willing to pay or the negotiations just between Kings and kozma either fell through or the Kings decided not to go in that direction suddenly the Harrison Barn stuff reignites and the kings are able to get their starting small forward back now imagine the kings were playing both both sides and suddenly a team swoops in and offers Harrison Barnes a contract and Harrison Barnes leaves now the Kings lose Barnes they miss out on kozma now they’re in a world of hurt so you have to be careful with how you play this game but this is what the Sacramento Kings are doing they’re giving themselves an opportunity to where they can go for Ingram or excuse me they can go for kozma gez Louise let’s try this a third time Matt they can go for marinan if marinan falls through they can pivot back to Ingram if Ingram doesn’t work out or they’re asking for too much or they can’t find a third team or whatever the case may be the Kings can always fall back to azma or somebody else if they have backup plans Monty is giving himself options let’s talk about the Lowry market and trade package a little bit because I’ve seen people talking about this online and I’m I’m telling you this with as much emphasis as I possibly can put on this whether you want to trust me or not it’s up to you I would be shocked shocked isn’t even the right word I would be flabbergasted I would be lost for words stunned whatever word you want to use I would be very very surprised if the Sacramento Kings involved Keegan Murray in the Lowry Mark in sweep Stakes or trade talks or in any trade talks for any of the names that have been discussed so far this off seon I would be absolutely banned Bamboozled by that and it’s not just because I’m as big of a fan and Homer for Keegan Murray as I am right y’all know if you’ve listen to the lock on Kings podcast for a while or followed my work you know how much I love Keegan Murray how much I believe Keegan Murray is the truth he’s the future he’s going to be a damn good player in this league in fact I believe Keegan Murray is going to be better than Brandon Ingram I think Keegan Murray is going to be better if not already better than Kyle kozma I think Keegan Murray is going to be better than low marinin is that’s how much I believe in Keegan but I’m not alone in that listen to me very closely when I tell you from conversations that I have had in Sacramento within and outside of the walls of the organization the Sacramento Kings feel the same way the Kings believe that Keegan Murray is absolutely a star in the making they have already seen him grow exponentially as a Defender he’s already an amazing three-point shooter yes he could grow is a shot creator for himself and someone who could score off the dribble which is like an advantage that Brandon Ingram has over over Keegan but they also also have significant contractual control over Keegan because of his rookie scale contract yes they’re going to have to eventually pay him but they’ll have his rights so he’ll be a restricted free agent makes it a lot easier they have six to seven years of control of Keegan Murray going forward because he was their draft pick that is extremely valuable espe considering how this team is trending only towards getting into the luxury tax if they want to truly compete in the Western Conference so I’m telling you I do not believe for a second that Keegan Murray is involved in any of these conversations including the Lowry marinin conversation so that means that if the kings are going to convince the Utah Jazz to get rid of marinin they absolutely do not have to do it if the kings are going to convince the Jazz to get rid of marinin then we’re talking heavy draft compensation we’re talking picks and probably a lot of them if you’re going to convince Danny a to actually say yes now financially lry Markin is only making $18 million per year he’s in he’s going into the final year of his contract then you got to worry about paying him right just like the Brandon Ingram situation you acquire this guy you have one year of him under contract then you got to pay him next off season but the Kings don’t have to give up a lot of player assets to go out and get low marinin Harrison Barnes is also making $18 million you could do that straight up you could even do Kevin herder straight up those are the two names that have been shopped by the Sacramento Kings around the league a lot of packages have the Kings trading both of them in the deal in this particular deal you can pick one over the other and in my opinion it would be the Sacramento King’s best interest to offer Kevin herder I think Kevin would draw more interest from the Utah Jazz he’s a little bit cheaper the Kings can take back a little bit more money plus Harrison Barnes as a wing depth uh bench rotation player I don’t think is a bad thing for the Sacramento Kings at all but here’s the deal if the kings are truly competing with the Golden State Warriors and San Antonio Spurs for low marinin they’re probably behind because those teams are also going to have to get a lot of draft compensation involved in this deal to make it happen right the Golden State Warriors are going to have they’re going they have young players to offer whether it’s moody or kaminga or or pod or whoever the case is they’re going to have to dra add draft compensation on top of that to convince Danny a and the Utah Jazz to essentially tank move on from their only star player and hit that major reset button plus we know Danny a and how much he likes to hoard draft picks and hoard assets if the Spurs and the Warriors are willing to offer similar if not the same amount of draft assets that the Sacramento Kings are we’re talking like three plus first round picks the kings are at a disadvantage because those picks are far more likely to be valuable or more valuable in Golden State and in San Antonio than in Sacramento because if the kings were to get Lowry Markin in and add it to their core the kings are expected to be a good basketball team for the foreseeable future if the Golden State Warriors get Lowry Markin and add him to to Steph Curry and Andrew Wiggins and Draymond Green their window is still closing in a couple years that’s their last major swing for the fences if the kings are trading if both teams are trading three or four first round picks we’re talking about picks that aren’t conveying until 2030 2031 2032 and Beyond right so there’s a better chance that those picks are going to be bad for the Warriors I should say this there’s there there there’s a better chance that those picks are going to be good because the Warriors are bad or good because the Spurs are bad in those years than for the Sacramento Kings who are trying to put together a core that let me tell you if they landed Lowry Markin without having to give up Keegan Murray and had a starting five of fox of Murray Carter SL monk whoever you want to put in there um Keegan Lowry and damont sabonis with Monk and Barnes coming off the bench and Trey La coming off the bench that is a team that better make the freaking playoffs and that is a team that in theory could be able to eventually work themselves in into contendership status so the kings are at a disadvantage if they are bidding against these other teams and picks are the main piece going to Utah the kings are going to be at a disadvantage The Only Way Sacramento could then put themselves in the advantage is if they include more picks than everybody else which I don’t think they’d be willing to do or include Keegan Murray which I know they won’t be willing to do or I’d be again shocked if they’d be willing to do it so it’s great that the kings are involved I love that the kings are taking a swing very interested to see what the Utah Jazz and Danny a decide as of right now I’m skeptical that the Kings will actually land Lowry marinin and again I feel that once the marinin situation either falls through or the Jazz agree to some trade with some team team we might see business pick up and the Kings pivot back to a Brandon Ingram or a Kyle kosma let’s talk about the kosma and Ingram sweep Stakes we’ll do so in just a second today’s episode of the lockon Kings podcast is brought to you by FanDuel clearly I love sports I love them so much I don’t want them to stop thankfully the NBA is getting closer and closer to basically being year round we have the California classic coming up this weekend summer league after that Kings basketball is somewhat kind of back but really now that the playoffs are over things are slowing down right Sports just aren’t sporting the way that we want them to but thankfully FanDuel helps me keep my sports fix going all season long all year long whenever I want all I have to do is open the app and dream up any bet anytime I’m in the mood this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all of the time head over to logdon and start making the most your summer FanDuel is the official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball so this is the first podcast I’ve done in a few days but I’ve been very active on Twitter at Matt George sack if you want to follow me over there and when all the news coming out yesterday was centered around Brandon Ingram I expressed and I was not trying to re on anybody’s parade but I expressed my skepticism with the Kings trading for Brandon Ingram I had a convers on this podcast with Jake Madison from locked on Pelicans probably a month ago maybe a little more a little less I’m not entirely sure but we talked about the possibility and really hashed out do does it make sense for the Kings and Pelicans to be engaged in Brandon Ingram conversations do we feel like they can go past just conversations right and the initial reports uh including the report from Sean Cunningham from Fox 40 here in Sacramento was that the kings were having I I can’t remember what the word they use like entry-level talks or priliminary talks like engaging like the kings were essentially reaching out to kind of test the waters of what would a Brandon Ingram trade look like what would the New Orleans Pelicans expect in return for Brandon Ingram so let’s talk about what I believe this Brandon Ingram package would look like first and foremost it’s not going to take the uh it’s not going to be the same as marinin it’s not going to take as much as marinin for a couple of reasons number one the value was lower because of the Pelicans reported unwillingness to pay him at the end of this season that’s one of the main reasons why they’re looking to to move on from him number two there is significantly less competition if any around the league for the Kings to trade for Ingram we kind of hashed this out a little bit last uh last segment but while the kings are competing against multiple teams for low marinan I have not heard anything else about other teams who are interested in legitimately talking to the New Orleans Pelicans about trading for Brandon Ingram it feels like at this point in time it’s either a king’s deal or the Pelicans will go into next season with Ingram on their roster and either figure out a Payday for him to work things out long term or look to move him closer to the trade deadline that’s where it feels like we’re at right now hence the reason why the Kings can probably be patient with ultimately agreeing to or executing an Ingram deal while they try other options out there like like marinin just like the marinin situation Keegan’s not involved like no chance in hell Keegan’s involved take that off the table the kings are not doing Keegan Murray for Brandon Ingram or Keegan Murray and draft picks or whatever the hell it would take for Brandon Ingram they’re not doing it it makes no sense look we’re talking about a Barnes herder and maybe multiple firsts package and the Kings could be hesitant to include multiple first round picks in the deal without confirmation or or Assurance or or real belief that Brandon Ingram would resign with the Sacramento Kings going forward not to mention the price tag that Brandon is going to command he’s probably looking for he’s he’s owed like 36 or 38 million or something like that this final season of his contract he’s probably looking to be in the 40s on his next contract obviously that’s a big decision for the Kings to make they’d have to deal with the same thing in paying with paying low Markin in coming up so they’re going to have to if they execute either of these trades they’re going to have to Fork out the dough eventually but they want to make sure that they can retain both or any of these guys so that’s something to weigh in that’s something to consider and and again if you combine barnes’s money and herder’s money I think it’s just shy of the amount of money that Ingram is being paid so the Kings would take on a little bit extra salary but it’s so marginal that it wouldn’t really matter that much the only way this deal makes sense in my mind that that the Kings and Pelicans would work out this deal is if Sacramento was really trying to exploit the fact that the Pelicans are hesitant to pay Ingram but are afraid to lose him for nothing right they clearly want to move on from him because he’s a valuable player that can help a lot of teams around the league you don’t want to let that you can you don’t you might not want to pay him but you certainly don’t want to lose him for nothing let him walk and now you’re so right the Kings might be trying to exploit that because other than that it really doesn’t make that much sense to why New Orleans would want to make this move the New Orleans Pelicans and Sacramento Kings are in almost identical situations they’re both in win now asset acquiring mode look what the Pelicans just did they went out and traded for Deonte Murray they didn’t have to give up that much for Deonte Murray which I was a little surprised about I don’t know that puts them over the top or not but it’s a good pickup for them they’re trying to win right now and not only that they are in the same tier in the Western Conference that the Sacramento Kings are we’re talking about two teams that are directly competing to get out of the playin and into the playoffs itself now based off of last season the Pelicans probably have the edge in that competition seeing as how they beat the Kings six freaking times but regardless we’re talking about two teams in identical scenarios that typically don’t want to help each other get there why would the Pelicans want to give the Kings essentially the missing piece to their starting rotation and their core in Brandon Ingram and only take back to serviceable players Barnes herder good players could fit in with what the Pelicans are trying to do neither of them as good as Brandon Ingram and draft picks on top of that maybe it’s good to have some future assets that maybe they could turn to to add a trade later on or if things don’t work out they have picks in the future that they can rebuild with but picks are not valuable to an organization that is trying to win right away or not as valuable to an organization that’s trying to win right away certainly not picks from a team you’re competing with who is expected to be good and outside of the lottery in the coming years assuming they execute that trade you give them an All-Star caliber player in Brandon Ingram and the kings are able to resign him and retain him for the foreseeable future unless the Pelicans really truly don’t have another option out there to trade Brandon and they are worried about it’s either this deal and we get something for him or we lose him for nothing after a year I’m still skeptical skeptical about this deal getting done but again it’s very possible that the Kings and Pelicans over the course of the last 24 plus hours have had conversations have an idea or a semblance of a deal on the table now it’s been reported that Pelicans are in need of a center they lost yonas Valen chunis to the Washington Wizards they’re in need of a big they reportedly want to get a third team involved to somehow get a big man in this deal so maybe there’s a third team that’s been discussed maybe there hasn’t we haven’t seen any reports or heard about any team being involved at this point in time but maybe the Kings and pelicans have the skeleton of a deal out there a pretty good idea of what it’s going to take and that’s been placed on hold while they either find a third team or the Kings explore Lowry Markin or other options available to them then of course in my opinion Kyle kma is there as the backup plan we’ll talk about Kyle kosma being a backup plan and why I feel like that has gone quiet recently doesn’t mean the Kings aren’t interested anymore and are completely out on kozma this is a theory as to why I think it’s gone Quiet Plus outside of the Kings we got to talk about Klay Thompson leaving the Golden State Warriors heading to the Dallas Mavericks it’s all still to come here on locked on Kings to me Kyle kozma is still a safe and ideal option for the Sacramento Kings to pursue Kyle kosma is going to cost Sacramento significantly less than both Brandon Ingram and Lowry marinan now of course he’s not as good of a player as both of those players are on top of that where you have to worry about paying Ingram and marinin you don’t got to worry about that with kozma he’s under contract and the contract is good the value of that contract goes down every single year and he’s under contract for the next three seasons there are so many reasons and we’ve talked about this multiple times over the course of this offseason why Brandon Ingram makes sense and is a safe option for the Sacramento Kings I know things probably got muddied a little bit when the Kings didn’t trade for kozma on draft night when the Washington Wizards traded Danny AA and moved to 14 in the draft and probably made the 13th pick a little less valuable but that doesn’t mean the kings are out on kma right the kings of course ended up taking Devin Carter with the 13th pick and we know that essentially they probably more than likely plan on keeping that pick although it wouldn’t shock me at all if Carter was involved in some of the trade conversations like the marinin conversation for example if that’s what it took to get the deal done I don’t think the Kings as much as they like Devon Carter and want him to be around long term I don’t think the Kings would hesitant be hesitant to move on from him if that’s what it took to solidify by one of those deals but things have calmed down a lot quieted down a lot with the rumors of the Kings being interested in Kyle kozma same way they’ve quieted down a lot with Zack LaVine I’ll talk about Zack LaVine in just a second to me this is my read on the situation things can go quiet with the Kyle kozma situation because the Kings probably have a pretty good idea of what it’s going to take to get kozma and very similar to the Brandon an Ingram situation except maybe even more so I don’t think there are any too many suitors out there that are ready and willing to trade for kozma so Sacramento could look at the kozma situation as like a plan C if markan in’s plan a and Brandon ingrams Plan B both of them fall those uh fall through or you can’t find a third team or it just doesn’t work out or you decide get little cold feet and decide man the risk isn’t worth it Kyle kosma is right there for the taking and I think it’s going to take is either Harrison Barnes or um uh Kevin herder and expiring deals like I don’t I know they don’t have a lot of them left now that they’ve traded uh but they have Duarte they have Trey lyes and one first round pick I think could be in probably should be in the Wizard’s mind enough to actually land kosma so I could be wrong I could be misreading the situation maybe the Wizards have just decided you know we’re going to stick with kozma the Kings have bowed out they’re no longer interested they have bigger Targets in mind and I understand that some of you might be a little underwhelmed if the Kings went for marinin and didn’t get him went for Brandon Ingram and didn’t get him and then ended up with Kyle kozma I understand that might be a little underwhelming but it doesn’t necessarily mean that would be a bad thing kman could be off the table Kings could no longer be interested but there’s a very very likely scenario an understandable scenario where the Kings do have Kyle kba in mind still and they keeping that in the back pocket in case they need to go to it and fall back on it if one of their bigger swings does not work out or doesn’t materialize then there’s Zack LaVine to where the reports about like the the reports are the Bulls can’t give Zack LaVine away because his contract is that bat Zack LaVine has that massive contract owed 40 plus million dollars over the next couple of seasons and I’m talking about like 40 plus million a year not 40 million total the Bulls have apparently tried to add first round picks to LaVine to throw him out there to get a team to take him and nobody’s biting if nobody’s biting the the Kings probably shouldn’t either but if the Kings get desperate enough and everything falls through it always feels like they can come crawling back to a Zack LaVine deal if they really want to that to me is far more dead than Kyle kozma is by any means and just because again things have gone quiet with kozma and quiet with the LaVine and I mean we haven’t heard too much about like cam Johnson and Dorian finny Smith from the the the uh Brooklyn Nets recently just because we’re not hearing about it right now doesn’t mean that can’t quickly spark back up plus Markin still might not be the biggest name available in trade in in a trade that that hasn’t been discussed yet feels like Markin in’s likely to be the biggest fish out there but again 24 hours ago we weren’t talking about Markin being available at all and now here we are flexibility and patience it’s what it’s all about for Monty McNair meanwhile the Golden State Warriors the Dynasty’s over the Sacramento Kings really truly ended the Warriors Dynasty by eliminating them in the playing game that is the last game ever that the splash well unless I guess they reite uh reunite somewhere but likely the last game ever that the Splash Brothers play together and it ended with Klay Thompson scoring as many points as you and I did zero in that game Klay Thompson is heading to the Dallas Mavericks on a three-year 50 plus million deal something like that I like the pickup for Dallas it makes a lot of sense to add a veteran shooter around Kyrie and Luca I don’t know how much more clay has to give but obviously he’s a winner he’s a four-time champ so he’s a good pickup for them they executed a sign in trade Josh Green goes to the Charlotte Hornets the Warriors at least get a couple of second round picks out of losing Klay Thompson but wow it’s going to be weird to not see clay in Golden State it’s going to be weird to see him in another jersey and now we’ll see where the Warriors Go From Here Right including potentially Landing low marinan that would be a big pickup for them they know they’re still trying to maximize the the final few years of curry in his prime if he’s not already passed his prime Curry’s still got a lot in the tank in my opinion like Steph’s not going anywhere he’s still just as dangerous as can be so the Warriors are not folding yet but it’s just weird to see Klay Thompson going bye-bye and uh there’s a evil little part of me that’s uh taking comfort in the fact that the the the kings were the ones that got to get the final win or hand the Warriors their final loss in the splash Bros era just feels good to say all right we made it to the end of the podcast nothing’s broken I’m GNA check it one more time I’ve been looking down at my phone constantly the latest thing that I see here is that Mo bomba is headed to the LA Clippers so good luck Clippers they’ve also been a disaster so far uh in free agency we’ll see how they end up but hey nothing’s going on by the time I’m ending this podcast which means either I’m in the clear or I’m going to edit this thing and publish it and write when I publish it something’s going to break you know what if that happens damn it this episode is outdated but I recorded it I’m proud of it and I’ll have another episode coming later tonight or in the early hours of the morning or Whatever Whenever a deal is done whether it’s margin or Ingram or kosma or none of them or all of them or some of them who cares whatever happens lockon Kings is going to be on top of it so if you take anything out of this podcast understand this one Monty MC is being true to himself he’s being patient but that doesn’t mean he’s sleepwalking of course he has to get a deal done and I understand if you’re skeptical about him actually getting a deal done and you’re not going to believe it until you see it type thing I understand that approach whatsoever that’s number one number two I’m telling you Keegan Murray is not involved in these conversations I feel feel so unbelievably confident with that and I’m basing that off of conversations that I’ve had recently and conversations that I’ve had over the last two years I would be stunned if Keegan was involved in any of these moves so take with that for what you will appreciate your support here of the lockon Kings podcast again anything breaks we’ll have it for you right here so maybe I’ll see you soon maybe I’ll see you tomorrow 10 a.m. tomorrow the kings are introducing Devin Carter to the media so assuming nothing happens I’ll be at that press conference I’ll be able to hopefully spend a couple minutes talking with Devin Carter I’ll have that audio for you on lockon Kings tomorrow and more so make sure you tune in for that until then my name is Matt George you’ve been listening to the lockon Kings podcast part of the lockon podcast Network [Music]

Matt George breaks down the first 24 hours of free agency and why the Sacramento Kings haven’t made a move yet despite being involved in multiple trade conversations.

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Why the Sacramento Kings Haven’t Made Their Big Move…Yet.


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  1. Idk if it’s gonna happen cuz they probably want Keegan. Since hali carried the pacers farther than sabonis has us we can’t afford moving another draft pick honestly.

  2. Idk that kuz nor Lauri or bi or Lavigne makes us west contenders anyway. We need a rim protector, lob threat, or athletic driver, and defense not a scoring option that will slow Keegan’s development.

  3. If they trade Keegan the expectation for the asset in return is west finals MINIMUM. Especially after hali these last playoffs. That’s why a trade won’t happen.

  4. Concurrent trade proposals:

    Barnes, Lyles, Colby, Duarte, McDaniels, 28 and 30 first rounders to Utah for Lauri and John Collins.

    Huerter, Devin Carter, and however many pick swaps and 2nd round picks to Washington for Kuzma

  5. While all the other teams in the west are getting better Monte McNair isn’t doing anything just as he did in Houston.

  6. It took Halliburton to get Sabonis. It’s going to take Murray to get established All-Star talent.

  7. 2 first rounds is the max for Ingram… they gave up 2 first rounds for Murray so im sure they will want to make those up

  8. Matt loves monte & his non moves lol he can do no wrong if the kings run it back same roster he will be happy lol patience he says lol keep sleeping other teams will swoop in get Kuzma Ingram Markanenn then what we gonna say

  9. I think the Kings as leaking the stories about their attempts to land one of those players. If they end up doing nothing they can say they tried.

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