@Chicago Bulls

Is Billy Donovan The Right Coach For Bulls New Direction?

Is Billy Donovan The Right Coach For Bulls New Direction?

does Billy Donovan’s coaching fit the new direction of the Chicago Bulls roster seems like it’s going on me and Pat designer going to talk a little bit about that plus Lonzo and lavine’s Lonzo and LaVine yeah that is right Lonzo and lavine’s contracts could be looked to be dumped elsewhere and then we’re going to go over the salary cap and roster situation for the Chicago Bulls all that and more on today’s locked on [Music] bulls you are locked on bulls your daily Chicago Bulls podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for tuning in lockon Bulls member of the lock on podcast Network we it’s your team every single day that’s Pat the designer host and creator of the windy city Breeze and host of the Chicago Bears podcast over at ESPN 100000 I’m Hayes hostal creator of Chicago Bulls Central Chicago Bear Central YouTube pages and podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as playoffs wind down the Sports Stop sporting like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit lockon to get started Pat people doubted it if this if the changes to the Bulls roster were seriously going to happen and they and they have the Bulls have gone considerably younger uh more athletic uh do seem to be like a team that is going to try to push the pace a little bit more still not a lot of three-point shooting but I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it um the question that we have here is is Billy Donovan the right coach for this new direction of the Chicago Bulls roster from what we know so far as far as of style things like that how you feeling about that Pat I think this is interesting because when you look back at the past right like the best we saw this Bulls offense move and listen the Bulls defense still needed a lot of work in that time but it was the first 35 games of the Season it was the Lonzo ball uh Chicago Bulls when everybody was healthy and every body could run and everybody was ready to go we were top of the league in Pace of play we were top of the league in fourth quarter scoring all of the things that were not a top of the league in now and it raises the question for me like can we say that Billy Donovan has been given the team that he needed to coach since those first 35 games can we say that Billy Donovan has had the team in place that best accentuates what he’s trying to run since those first 35 games and I’m hard pressed to say that we can until now and now and that’s why I think you see the Chicago Bulls so uh uh invested in starting to move some of these guys out trying to get some of these guys off of the team because I mean it’s it’s finally you have a team that seems like it fits that runand gun style that was happening in the first 35 games now I don’t know if that’s going to work out if it’s going to play out that way if if everything’s going to happen during the season Kumbaya but I do think that now when you add a guy like Jaylen Smith you got P will on the team you got Kobe white on the team Josh giddy you know he wants to get out and run uh if you have I dumu coming in off of the bench or however you want to structure the lineup I think you do have a team Matas buus as well I think you do have a team that is more like that first 35 games and not to say I don’t place any blame on Billy you got to adjust in some way and I think the ways that He adjusted are not good I think that he the Bulls in some tough situations I think that he was also put in some tough situations as well and so I I do Wonder like I think that Billy Donovan fits the new team more than he fit the team that he had without Lonzo I don’t I guess in some ways yeah I could see where you’re getting at with that I still think this is this is still a very different team than even what that team looked like even the Bare Bones of it like I get you’re not comparing exactly what we had with Lonzo but it’s getting back to some of those same type of thought processes and and executions on it theoretically right um and we’ll see how how it ends up executing the thing that with Billy Donovan and the thing that we have to give it credit for as well I know me and you have talked about it here and and you know off air is the fact that um this team doesn’t look like he’s going to have the best defense but I think we forget too that we were top five and top 10 defense before last year respectively the few years before then Billy Donovan has coached a pretty good defensive a team defensive system his years we fell off last year and so he’s usually able to craft something together and if the Bulls can do that right if they can just be decent defensively I mean have sound fundamentals and execution wise team-wise you’re not going to have the one-on-one Defenders of a Caruso anymore of Alonzo you still got a iio dumu there we’ll see how other players grow defensively and things like that still got Patrick Williams here as well um but I think those things of getting out playing fast being rebounded we got we got two great rebounding guards in in Giddy and Kobe white Vu still if he on this team was one of the better defensive rebounding centers in the league uh Jaylen is a solid rebounder as well you can get out naturally in transition like you said not running gun but faster Pace I do think that we can play that style yeah and I it’s funny to me because like when when I look at the look back one like Billy Donovan time here and he’s gotten killed for a lot of it but even at times with that right not to say Billy hasn’t made some poor decisions but I’ve always kind of looked at the front office and looked at ownership and said okay but are you giving him a team he can coach I I used to like I I used to feel bad for Fred hyberg because Fred hyberg thought he was coming into a team that he was going to be able to you know Run and Gun up the floor three-point shooting we’re going to be fast we’re going to be one of the fastest teams in the league and then all of a sudden they turned around and they were like Dwayne Wade and Rajan Rondo here you go that’s what’s gonna get you there right like so there is some listen and I’m great coaches can adjust to almost anything and we’ve seen that for the most part with some of the great coaches in this league Le but it still has to be some semblance of a team build that fits your system and when you look at this Bulls team I do Wonder once Lonzo went down how much of this team really fit his system because you had Zack LaVine and out of the the lineup with injuries uh you you’ve had right a bunch of guys who have been in in and out of the lineup with injuries but you’ve you’ve also basically at Center had one of the slower guys in the league and Nik lavich you haven’t had a backup center outside of Andre Drummond I’ve got some issues with how you used Andre Drummond at times but like yeah some of his time here like the next best center that was on the team outside of Andre Drummond has been Tony Bradley how do you rank trisan Thompson and Tony Bradley because um you know like uh the the top of the trash can that smudge on there and then there’s the trash can yeah that’s basically the difference between them okay okay so so yeah I mean yeah the only as far as if you’re talking about true C still playing by the way is play remember remember he played this past year and got popped for performance enhancing drugs and he was averaging like three three and three it’s like damn you had to take you had to take performance enhancers to get three and three that’s crazy shout out trist how old is Trist I feel like Tristan another one of the MS that’s younger than He’s 33 years old that’s hilarious but uh yeah I I just I do Wonder with Billy that many kids we will take some years off your life yeah having that many kids he basically 60 in dog years yeah um that was a double line time I don’t know if M caught that but no I I think that uh I do I do wonder when I look at you know how how the Bulls have played right how much of the structure of the team plays into a lot of the struggles we’ve seen with Billy Donovan and if we see some of that change coming in now because there is more of a team that can get out and play with high Pace yeah I mean we’ll see man I I I I know a lot of people and I know you probably the comments too they’re like yeah you changed the roster but you didn’t change Billy Donovan it’s a fail and it’s like I think that there’s a reason why they went out and got a playmaking point guard first because that does help Billy Donovan system now I’m in no way saying that I expect Billy Donovan to be this great coach all of a sudden now because the roster got younger I’m just saying that I’m not necessarily ready to just say he’s gonna fail in the philosophies this team ain’t gonna win a lot of games but you know did you just did you lose your hat for a second bro I I I swear I saw a fly on my hat that’s crazy like I was looking across the screen like I gotta go back and see that I was like did a fly land on the brim of my ass what’s going on here but no like I I think yeah like to your point the the team around you does to me I think it’s 6040 right I think that coaching is is still somewhat important in the NBA but it’s more about the behind theing stuff it’s the it’s the what you’re doing in practice what how you’re setting your schemes how are you you know setting guys up to be in a position to be successful it does take a uh uh for most coaches in this league it is about the talent that you have on this team for sure and I think that that’s the part where yes the Bulls had Talent on the team and so everybody’s like you got to make this work but is it the right Talent we saw the wrong Talent not work we’ve seen the wrong Talent not work in a bunch of cities listen Detroit’s Got Talented players there’s no reason Monty Williams couldn’t get anything out of Detroit has like Kade is talented J Jaden Ivy is talented but how do those talented players work together when Kade you know when Kade isn’t as effective when there’s no other Shooters on the team yeah it makes it a little bit more difficult to go out there and win games when I pass to a dude who shoots as good as I do you know what I mean the B the the Bulls should at least be better than the Pistons uh that is a that is a fact the Bulls coming into this season we got to talk about our expectation because I feel like there’s a lot of people that are like we about to win 11 games and I’m like I don’t know if I’m that low I don’t think yeah I don’t think it’s side it’s like we got a 45 win season coming I’m like I don’t know if I’m that high either it’s not that we gota wait to see when the rosters kind of finalize that may be our last episode coming out of out of free agency once we kind of know exactly what’s going on is that we’ll we’ll do that episode as far as expectations so anyway next up we’re going to be talking about the Bulls reportedly wanting to dump the contracts of Lonzo and and uh Zack uh and what that could mean for the team but before we get into that gotta get into one of a message from one of our sponsors and that is FanDuel I love sports we all love sports and we never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down uh we get fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like we want them to but with FanDuel it lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a Bo a boost or bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long so head over to loock on and start making the most out of your summer FanDuel professional sports betting partner of Major League Baseball all right Patrick came out yesterday the most obvious news well as far as Zach LaVine but the Bulls are also looking to dump the contract I keep using that word just because it was in the report like I’m just being petty at this point to dump the contracts of both Lonzo Paul and Zack LaVine how you feeling Pat are we shocked by this are we surprised by this like this this fits everything that we’ve heard about both of these guys Lonzo I guess is maybe a little bit of an update but guys like I’m glad that the Bulls are seeing the light I’m glad that it I’m glad to know listen the one thing I will say about the free agency this off season it feels like AK I don’t know if he got more control I don’t know if he he he’s seeing the light I don’t know if um if Michael came in and was like do what you got to do to figure some things out we’ll figure out how to spend the money out after like yeah I mean like I don’t know what happened but the moves that he’s made have been the most strategic since the first off season yeah and the idea of dumping Lonzo ball and lavine’s future contract shocking not at all the the the main dudes on Twitter could tell you that this is a good idea yeah I mean the Bulls fans who are who are in the in the little Twitter spaces every single uh night could tell you that this is a good idea listen I’m letting y’all know right now as grown people if you’re in spaces at 1:00 in the morning you’re a loser just letting everybody know that right now go ahead keep going I’ve seen Kevin Durant in some of those spaces okay I stand by what I said I stand by what I said if somebody who doesn’t even brush their hair put on lotion he’s a loser oh man KD is a is an interesting dude man but no I just I I just I feel like um th this is the first off season where we’re seeing something that actually feels like hey we realize this isn’t working we’re going to move this in a different direction and we’re going to move hel high water to make sure that that ends up happening I’m not surprised to hear that the Lonzo and LaVine uh uh contracts are the ones that they want to move the most because you know that they want to put themselves in a position free agency next season they want to put themselves in a position uh uh to to be enticing to teams next season and that means you have to win with some young pieces now and you have to have money next year you’re not going to have money well I guess you would have lonzo’s money next year but with Zack on the books you’re you’re stuck with that I think with I don’t know what the bull salary cap situation is looking like next year that’d be interesting to see but uh I mean listen you at the end of the day no looks like the Bulls as of right now if they kept Zack $49 million beneath the salary cap that’s actually pretty a nice amount of money I don’t know who’s get who’s well I guess oh because Demar would be off the books yeah’s off books already zo’s off the books at that point in time um but yeah that’s crazy uh but here’s what I’ll say is that it just makes this the it just makes sense at this point like no I get that people are holding out hope oh but they said he’s cleared for five on five but guess what even if he is cleared he’s going to be on a heavy minutes restriction he’s not going to play back-to-backs like me and P of told you guys months ago in a perfect world Lonzo ball coming back fully healthy opening by training camp you’re probably looking at 50 games is the most amount of games that he’s going to play and even then if the Bulls know hey Lonzo you can Play 50 games and look good we ain’t bringing you back then what’s the point that’s I and I think that’s the that’s the most important part of it right there’s no world in which you can trust Lonzo ball coming back yeah right like there’s no world where even if he plays well you’re like no we’re gonna pay you again unless he takes a vet of of 450,000 here you go right Jerry farted it out this morning this is fresh like that that’s the only way I’m bringing Lonzo ball back to the Chicago Bulls I’m sorry if that hurts people’s feelings but like and I I get it we always want to see people especially I feel like around the Bulls around the Bears um around the Cubs even right like we always want to see this movie ending and it’s not coming yeah like you go we always want to see this like oh he came back and he got back on the court and got the standing ovation and then like the movie freezes with him doing a layup you know how why those movies in there because after that there’s nothing else to talk about cuz his career ended after that moment like let’s stop looking for the storybook endings with all of these like everybody likes to make talk about Rudy but people forget Rudy ain’t do nothing after that movie End let me no let me let me let me tell you this I you know what the worst part about becoming like a a sports like actually somebody that does this for a living and I sit there and I focus in on stuff was the moment where I was watching Rudy with my dad and looked over at him I was like hey yo Rudy was trash like he should have never got on that field I don’t care what he was doing in practice what they put him on the field for that was dumb like I’m sorry bro Rudy was trash bro like it’s a lot of movies when they be doing that all them Disney movies back in the day where it’s like like as an adult they just don’t make sense like hey I just got off the phone with Duke and they gonna give you a full ride scholarship nah bro I want to jump rope for living shut your dumb now rude Rudy did go on to be a sociologist he actually went on to be pretty successful in life not in football I love it I’m glad that he did that I’m glad he had a successful career he was trash at sports he was a bad football player that’s why he didn’t get on the field right like we not bronnie James and Rudy out here you know what I’m saying like he was 56 as a defensive end bro that’s crazy [Music] me put him on special teams why so he can die this is a ER like it was just okay like somebody died on the field it was just like oh somebody pick him up oh man bro I know Rudy was trash it was a good movie though it was a good movie great movie great movie but he was not a good football player how do we get I don’t even know how we got on this thing it had to be something with Javon Carter that’s crazy and they and they they created a whole movie because he got one sa one sack one sack one sack it’s got a hey uh more sacks than Dominique Robinson I guess he’s still signing autographs to this day because of that one sack that’s crazy who was his quarterback was his quarterback Steve Young I think his quarterback was Steve Young um if I’m not mistaken his quarterback was was uh hold on now I got to figure figure out can’t be hold on Rudy’s quarterback in the movie oh I missed by a lot um who was the quarterback they all don’t look alike Pat they all don’t no no no no no he had a he had like his quarterback I think maybe it’s Doug fluty that makes sense maybe it’s Doug fluty I think it’s Doug fluty I think Doug fluty was his quarterback uh yes uh but like Doug fluty was talking about it on the radio he literally was like listen the they embellished it it’s a movie they made it you know I mean exciting it but it it really wasn’t all of that like yeah we that like it was a joke to carry him off the field like somebody was like oh he did it like carry him off the field and now like in the movie that’s an iconic moment it’s like all right do it’s tough when you hear it behind the scenes bro that’s like when I heard about freaking remember the Titans and oh Joe Montana was the quter you right team Joe Montana was the quarter Joe Montana okay Joe Montana I said Doug fluty what the heck did I give Doug fluty foro I don’t know bro like you you be tripping sometimes you tired you do a lot of episodes you do a lot ofis um any last thoughts on the pool dumping the contracts no because I don’t care about this like we knew this already like freaking like this is this that’s why we talked about Rudy for the last five minutes yeah I mean listen there you go go watch Rudy it’s a great movie man great movie I mean but listen this is the thing though Pat when they tell the story of Lonzo ball in 20 years they’re going to say there were two podcasters that doubted the return of Lonzo ball and then that’s when we’re going to be played by two people and they’re going to be talking about us we’re going to be in the movie who’s playing us bro I mean bro it’s 25 years the actors aren’t even born not even here yet not even here yet yeah we do still look mad young yeah so there you go there you go made us old that’ be bogus like they would do that these two old podcasters they didn’t understand that’s exactly what they would do they make us oldest dirt i’ be playing by like it be like old Chris Brown like 50 year old Chris Brown playing me Clint acewood and blackface it’s just old Robert Downey Jr in blackface that’s that’s just playing you that’s with a beard that’s hilarious same accent anyway next up we’re going to be discussing the Bulls current salary cap and roster situation man right after this all right Pat so right now the Bulls currently sit in a situation where they have hard capped themselves after using the mid-level exception part of the mid-level exception to sign uh Jaylen now this means that the that the Bulls still have some space they still have uh they can still use the rest of the mid level exception at about $4 million they can still use part of the biannual exception that’s $4.8 million I think as well but they cannot exceed the salary cap we also have one only one roster spot open right now with with L with Lonzo LaVine still on the uh the roster that’s as well as counting for uh non-g guaranteed contract for unop B team as well so the Bulls don’t have a whole lot of flexibility which is part of the reason why demaro Rosen is struggling out there right now to find a deal because signning trade options are basically all gone right now yeah um but our roster sits in a much younger replace the Bulls were the 11th oldest roster in the NBA last season at an average age of 27 now while that’s not old in life that is pretty old in NBA terms as far as rosters right now again this is still with Zack LaVine on the roster Tory Craig still on this roster things like that the Chicago Bulls have got have dropped almost two years on average off their age how do you feel right now about the Chicago Bulls roster and their the the salary flexibility that they still could have if need be listen I think the fact that you’ve still got options is a good thing for you to be able to go out there and have I think the fact that when you when you look at um the the fact that the Bulls have have gotten woefully younger right just from the Alice Caruso trade alone it tells you that there’s something that the Bulls see as a young core a young future of this team and the fact that you made moves to go get guys who didn’t suck but who just weren’t getting the minutes because somebody else was there or like in the case of Josh giddy who was just being completely played out of position he admitted as much OKC admitted as much right like OKC was like no you’re being played out of position so we’re going to bring you off the bench so that you can be played at the right position he’s like no I’m better than that like I like let’s let’s just find a way to get me up out of here so the fact that you brought in two young players in in Josh Giddy and Jaylen Smith who have a ton of upside and when given more minutes have proven that they can do more with more minutes um the fact that you have young players on the team who already right Kobe white we saw him get that opportunity and be able to take that step you’re just trying to hope that everybody and that three of the five young guys on this team the main guys right the io Z or uh IO Josh giddy jayen Smith Patrick Williams uh Kobe white that three of those five can kind of take a step at a similar time frame that puts him on the next trajectory because now that sets you up where the cap flexibility that you have heading into 2024 and like we talked about with 2025 is perfect because now it’s like oh snap this team actually isn’t that bad it’s still Chicago y’all want to come over here and play basketball and now you’re able to add to a team that is growing internally with young pieces that still has some flexibility so the thing is is that this team right now and I what we 39 wins last season is that right n wins y if even if this team finishes at between 32 and 35 wins you know you know why that’s more of a win than what it was last year is because you’re doing it with the young guys you’re doing it with guys that are developing you’re doing it with guys that you’re trying to build something with longterm so it’s a very different Prospect when you’re one of the older teams in the league winning 39 games and you’re or you’re one of the younger teams in the league winning 32 32 games right that’s a that’s a a big difference there and so I do agree with you is that even if the Bulls which they will we expect we know we’ll talk about predictions at some point but like even of this Bulls team does struggle it depends on what what’s what’s the growth in that struggle and then La we’ve been struggling for the past two and a half years right because the half that year we were doing pretty good but the fact of the matter is that we were struggling with players that were supposed to be in their Prime yeah that’s not what you that’s not where you want to be struggling at no and and I think that’s that’s the perfect point right like I’ll tell you as much as we were down on 39 games last year if the Bulls win 39 games this year phenomenal yeah phenomenal now it depends on how you win it right it but like if if I got to the end of next season with the young guys and I’m like Kobe white for sure took a step in the right direction the Chicago Bull or Josh gidy fits perfectly with this team Jaylen Smith still has a ways to come Patrick Williams is who he is I dumu kind of took over that Alice Caruso role boom here we go and you’re sitting there and you’re like but I see a core now all of a sudden it’s like yeah 39 wins but moving in the right direction well they won the same amount of games that they won last year yes but it’s it’s how you’re winning them it’s how you’re going about putting a team together and now again when we talk about the salary cap that the Bulls have in place it is a a situation that makes you feel like if you can get like I said three of those Five Guys to hit it feels like there’s a future with these guys versus right because you don’t want to just get young to be young right like that’s that’s what a lot of people were like just get rid of everybody and blow it up and we’ll start at the bottom and then you become Detroit that’s not the goal either because Detroit is I they still the youngest team in in basketball right now right I don’t know if the top I believe Detroit is the youngest team in I’m be Detroit automatically ages you five years so I mean regardless of the I believe Detroit is the youngest team in the game right now probably that that that hasn’t gotten them anything you know what that’s gotten them Tobias Harris that’s crazy clap it up that’s mean like nobody wants to come there in free agency nobody wants to a part of your team because everybody’s looking at it and going it’s nothing but a bunch of young guys there and there’s no there’s nobody that that’s being cohesive that’s what you don’t want the Bulls to become and I think that if you see that this season you you feel a lot better heading into next year the Spurs were the youngest team in the NBA last season at 23. 52 Che out but you’ve added Chris Paul this year that jumps you up at least two years so yeah there you go Detroit Pistons were 20 average age is 24.8 so so yeah the Bulls are almost as young as the Detroit Pistons now we’re at 25.8 I believe what was my calculations 25.6 is the average age right now of the Chicago Bulls and you got a piece that it feels like it’s moving in the right direction that’s facts that’s the thing you know I mean you you’ve got like you like they’ve got Kate Kate is phenomenal Kate is definitely right now I’d take Kade over Kobe white I really would but they’ve got Kade you’ve got Kobe and that’s why that’s why like the the the previous topic the Lonzo and LaVine topic is so important because you don’t want to do anything to stunt that you finally see something it’s been what five years for Kobe he’ll be going in year six this year you’re finally seeing it like yo we about to give you the keys to the kingdom go out there and do something with it and I don’t want to see the Bulls do anything to slow down that progress because I think the consistency will come from hey it’s it’s your night like if you don’t play well tonight we lose yeah that’s a fact and it’s going to be a lot of guys who who who are thrust upon into positions like that like Patrick Williams I think it’s huh it’s going to be a lot of guys that were that are thrust upon it’s going be my M was so in the in the what I was trying to say didn’t think that’s crazy that’s W that’s a wild ass statement um but yeah there’s so many there’s going to be so many people that are placed into that position that doesn’t sound any better either there gonna be so many people that are in the position where we’re gonna have to rely on what they bring to the game whereas before it was like hey you got to compliment with ch it’s like no now we need you to play defense we need you to go out there and try to lock somebody down we need you to take these shots and so that’s gonna that’s GNA hopefully put them in a situation where uh a lot of these guys Excel and grow so before we get out of here who grows most from from who who has the most progression from from having to be relied on this season in your mind I think it has to be Patrick Williams right I think it has to be to me it’s Josh giddy see but we’ve seen Josh giddy in the position like that before and he averaged 176 and six in that time but but I think but I think that like can he be more than 176 and six is phenomenal I would love to have on his Bulls team but I don’t think he’ll be asked to be a scorer on this team so if he’s a guy that’s like 12 but I think can you see 129 and nine to do you need to see with what we know from this team right now do you need now need isn’t fair do you want to see double digit assist by Josh giddy this 100% I I want to see Josh giddy be I I said the perfect version of Josh giddy for me would be basically a Rajan Rondo type of player now I don’t think he’ll ever get to the defensive levels but if he came into every game and he was like no I can put up 25 plus but I don’t want to like I want to come out of this with 15 assists I think that impacts more to the team and we’ve seen that right with Tyrese Halbert that made so many of the players better on his team that they were able to get to the Eastern Conference Finals by basically like not having him for most of the season playing or the second half of the Season playing it at that same level like to me that’s more important to this young Bulls team than anything having that legit point guard that can get everybody involved and and can come away with hey On Any Given night I can have 15 and 10 and it could be assists and rebounds completely agree with you completely agree with you there brother any last thoughts before we get up out of here no man I appreciate y’all tuning in hit that like button subscribe to the page lead a festar review y’all know what to do man follow us on everything at Lo Bulls follow me on everything at path of designer and uh don’t get thrust aart I guess that’s crazy uh I will say this before I leave James wisan signed a deal so finally Bulls fans can shut up about us signing James wisman you guys can follow me at CEO Hayes man we love you guys man you can follow us at lockon Bulls we are free and available on every podcast platform of your of your choice as well as YouTube and the odyy app for paath the designer we out of here peace y’all peace James wisan James wisan averaged 17 minutes last season and five rebound [Music] 7 all right all right bro I know you

Haize & Pat The Designer discuss how they fell about Billy Donovan’s ability to coach the new direction fo the Bulls roster. Lonzo & Zach being shopped & the Bulls current cap situation.

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  1. NO, I didn't even make it 15 seconds into the video…NO Billy is not the right coach.

  2. Billy Donovan has proved he is not the right coach , look at his record. How many games did they come out in the first quarter not motivated giving up 40 pts repeatedly. He is not a motivator. His substitutions and game adjustments were horrendous.

  3. HELL NAW!!!!! Billy Donovan needs to be fired. He left the OKC Thunder because he didn't want to coach a young team going through a rebuild. What sense does it make for Billy Donovan to be here anymore? GO!!!!! Go back to coaching college kids where he was most successful. The Bulls don't need him anymore.

  4. He can coach them to another 36 or 39 win season and thats about as good as anyone can do with this upcoming roster. This team could win 25 games.

  5. I don't understand why BD would want to stay for a rebuild with the Bulls when he didn't want to stay with OKC for their rebuild.

    I hope he's gone after his extensions up in two years, if not earlier!

  6. No, but they are trying to bring in assistants that aren't bimbos like billy and let them run the real game. I rly thought Donovan was good but man he was straight up owned a lot esp by spoelstra

  7. Although, I was one for trading Lonzo Ball and his contract after the 1st knee surgery. I'm beginning to think dumping his salary is a bad idea. 1. The Bulls will have to attach draft picks in any salary dump. 2. I'm not sold on Josh Giddey being anything more than a tank player for lottery draft picks. 3. I don't expect the same defensive intensity from Zo due to his limitations with his knees, but his basketball IQ in running an offense is needed for this young rebuilding squad that wants to play an uptempo pace of basketball. And 4. As long as he's able to play he's an asset for this team with his 3 pt shooting.



  9. No Bill Donovan has not had the team in place for his objective. He has always had teams with a good PG who ran the floor. He's believes in transition and defense converting to transition. The problem with this team is will they rebound, will they play defense, and is Giddey really transition in the full court. That's what made Zo special. The ball never touched the floor and a layout occurs off a rebound. Zo could make the steal himself and turn it into a transition. This is a very unique talent and I think the Bull underestimated the ability for the team to do it. Giddey is a good passer but he's not Zo. Zo will get the steal and make the long pass down the floor. He made the hockey assist to keep the ball moving.

  10. He did leave Oklahoma because he didn't want to be part of a rebuild, is he going to stick around for one here? We've seen coaches moving around like musical chairs, he could be another one.

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