@Miami Heat

Mike Bibby Exposes Teammate That Robbed Him, Shares WILD Heat Stories & His Take On Bronny | Ep 28

Mike Bibby Exposes Teammate That Robbed Him, Shares WILD Heat Stories & His Take On Bronny | Ep 28

it’s bad I was never out there to play defense much anyway we got a lot in common coach we got a lot in common coach I played a little bit more than you Mike you but hey hey [Music] welcome back to the OG’s and we have holy muscles what are you doing over there be one of one of God damn hey Bill hold on now you you ain’t look like you ain’t look like that when you was with the heat what the hell going on man remember they wouldn’t let me lift man when I was in Miami other little work way body F bab you know me way body F they couldn’t have you looking like the Hulk yeah I would have been too big I I always like to lift man they wouldn’t let me lift no matter what team I played on because I’d always get so big say just like come on M you can’t lift like that so I mean I just I did a bare minimum godamn BB so that’s that’s that’s all that’s natur true there ain’t no artificial ain’t no supplements or nothing no I mean yeah we takeing a little stuff it Ain everybody trying to say steroids man that’s what I was asking I to I was asking I Ain taking no damn steroids man they everybody just mad because I mean you can’t be mad because I work out you either you know I mean they get mad if you work out they get mad if you’re fat you mean so D either way so I say them all I’m gonna do what I want to do man I wish I wish that goddam it them all I’m wish you on that now godamn they muscle shame you if you got muscles they fat shame you if you fat they skinny shame you skin motherfu a never happy and it’s always somebody behind a fake a fake account too man come on oh man you a lie to I ain’t gonna lie to you you looking like that I’m how I’m I’m gonna make fun you on a fake account too I ain’t going to tell you who I am I Ain G to tell you I a gonna tell you who is that talking I don’t know I already know you would man I wanted to come do this in person man I don’t want to be with y’all person I a seen y’all in a long time man I know damn B when the last time You’ been in Miami we going to get into all of that you know we played in the finals together but actually when the last time you been down to the 30 or5 see I’ve been I went to Miami um maybe a couple years we did the big three out there so I was out there doing um the big three maybe a couple years maybe like three four years ago the last time I came out there okay okay okay cool cool cool well listen before before we got sidetracked with all your bench press and and curls we have a special guest man we’re excited and obviously we were talking about it already bib um you know 14 year NBA career NCAA Champion absolute Legend we didn’t play long in Miami but one of my favorite funniest teammates we’ve ever had bro we appreciate you being on here bro I appreciate man like I said I want to be in person I appreciate I’ve been waiting to get on thing a long time I I was like damn they a get me on yet I messed with both of them they get me on so glad y’all got me on man he we glad to have you brother hey Bill I’m G just let you know Mike handles all the guests and who he bring timing of that that’s killer job you feel me I just show I’m just show up I just up and be the angry black man M hand I feel that I feel everybody everybody got a roll in something man you know what I mean exactly he said he said he showed be the angry black man’s nuts hey let’s Talk’s let’s talk about it Bill and and just to kind of go into it though like the NBA draft is just coming just coming to an end yeah and one of one of the craziest stories that I’ve seen on yours is that obviously getting drafted second overall and you told them not to pick you but they picked you but that’s true tell me tell me about that yeah that’s true I uh I mean it wasn’t like in a [ __ ] move it was just you know I was I was 19 I just turned 20 um you know I’m with my fiance I have a a a three-year-old son and you know I mean it would be hard to move to another country with you know with the family where I can’t even really you know fend for myself anyway so um during the draft my my my agent was David faul and so you you know me went down to the whole line um it’s between you and Ola candy who’s going to pick first they’re going to you know going to see what’s so it didn’t happen till the day of the draft so I mean it was like picks about to come in maybe like maybe 30 minutes before and they they realized they’re going to pick all the candy so that year the draft was in Vancouver so they took me up they took me up I saw with Ste I sat with st Stu Jackson Brian Hill my mom was there and David faul and you know I remember looking out the window it was raining it was dark I’m from Arizona man so I I see rain probably like four times a year so I’m I’m sitting there and I was just like man and I told him I said it’s nothing against the city it’s nothing against the team but I don’t want you I I don’t want you guys to draft me and they looked around they looked at each other and they said well we’re going to draft you anyway I was like damn but you know I mean like it was it was a blessing you know man I’m glad and then Clippers were in a a up situation or up situation at that point um all the stuff that was going on with what they had going on and I felt like going to the Clippers would have like hurt me so I mean everything happens for a reason I got like I said I got I got drafted by them had three good years with them and you know that eventually help helped me get traded to Sacramento let me let me ask you this bib so when you winning that did you actually work out for Vancouver or or no did you work out out for the Clippers okay well I tell you what I tell you what you you work out for one I worked out for and I had a pretty good workout I had a pretty good workout man I I mean when I left they gave me a big duffel bag of Clippers so I’m like they got to be picking me ain’t nobody they I mean they gave me like a like a man it probably was like 40 pound bag of cooker stuff and I was like they got to be picking me man and then eventually I mean like literally 30 minutes before the draft started they said they’re going to Olive candy n n n n i i i don’t heard them stories about Vancouver bill now you got to let me know now is Vancouver solid like it they say it was I mean it was but I mean when you like you guys everybody loved it because you visited there you know what I mean everybody come in for two days three days and they’re gone you know we had to stay like the travel was was you had to go through customs every time you left like every time we leave we’ be at the regular airport with everybody putting our on on the thing to go get it on the other side and carry our own bags to the plane and that’s how we left every game and Customs every time you came back yeah yeah I heard I hear about that now with the Raptors but I I heard that that first team in Vancouver the nice nice life there nice life I mean yeah it’s good it’s good in that aspect you got remember though you I was 20 years old we just starting the family and you know I had I had my oldest daughter not there but I had her when I was playing for the grizzly she got sick and the family had to go home and it just you know I had to send them home um by themselves from from a different country you know I mean just a different situation I wanted to be in that I W that I wasn’t you know mentally ready for when that when that happened when that happened and and the team went from Van to Memphis where I where I actually still live what was what was were I mean what was it like being on a team at the time that was talking about up and leaving because that I mean that’s that doesn’t happen very often in the NBA right like you’re playing for a Vancouver team and all Hey listen bro you’re goingon to be playing in Memphis next week yeah he was ready but but but he really but he but but he really wasn’t ready because he asked for a TR got too there there was aamn there was a lot of rumbling like for the second year I was there that they were talking about it and um the owner Robert Heisley Michael Heisley he uh he came to me and was like hey Mike you know rest in peace I respect him for doing because a lot great owner by the way yeah great a lot of people wouldn’t do this and he um and he came to me he was like hey Mike um we’re thinking about moving the team we’re going to probably start over and if is there any place you would like to play and I told him yeah I told him a few spots he’s like well give me your top five you know I ran down the line again I gave him Sacramento as one I said Sons cuz that’s where I’m from and I forget the other three but um and then he told me he’s like what’s the number one place you want to play and I told him Sacramento and I mean like a few weeks went by he never said nothing else to me about it and I I eventually got traded for you know Jason Williams damn I bet I bet d I bet I bet Dame Lillard was hoping he’d had Michael Heisley as a as an owner huh hey I mean he was great like I said likee a lot of people don’t ask that like a lot of owners they don’t care where they send you they’re just you know what I mean it’s like you said it’s a business and a lot of times a lot a lot of times when you have trades they don’t work out for both sides like somebody get over in the trade like somebody don’t get thought somebody don’t get what they thought they were gonna get somebody get some damag Goods you know I’m saying sack of potatoes you know what I’m saying the limit but in that trade and that trait that worked out for both sides because when you got over to Sacramento with Christie and VL deok all them boys then Jay will got over to Memphis and they got P got so both sides actually end up doing well off that trade which it don’t usually happen yeah it did it did and you like everybody needed a I think we both I think me and Jay needed just like a different sceneria look I knew my time was up and in Vancouver we had Sharie hadim we had country Reeves and my thing with that is you know back then you played inside out so yeah you know our our first look was country our second look was Reef so I was kind of the third option of um you know maybe it will come back out if they don’t shoot the ball um and I thought I was about to be out The League after my first year I was down to like first or second I was down to like nine points a eight points a game and wasn’t you know wasn’t really feeling it no more and I was like damn I’m gonna be out The League soon man playing like this and So eventually I mean I had like I think I had three coaches in the three years I was there maybe yeah three I three coaches when I was there and so I mean like I said it was a blessing in the skies you know I love Vancouver I love the people but I mean just I just wasn’t ready for that at that time let me tell yeah out the leag he was the number two pick you won you won a national championship you you was on one of the in one of the most iconic all McDonald’s All-American classes ever talking about my undrafted ass would have been out The League you but you understand was all right you we our first game we went 8 and 42 in the lockout that’s B that’s pretty bad that’s pretty bad that’s pretty bad and we started four and four so we were four and four ended up 8 and 42 the next yeah D we had three double digit losing streaks damn digit and 38 season that’s aw today’s episode is proudly brought to you by our guys at Morgan and Morgan it’s America’s largest personal injury Law Firm they started out here in Florida 30 years ago and now are helping people across all 50 states Morgan and Morgan is always for the people and have your back when it comes to fighting to get you full and fair compensation as athletes we have faced our fair share of injuries that’s why we know how difficult it is to get back out there after an injury the team and the support behind you matter and submitting an injury claim with Morgan and Morgan is 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Williams I didn’t know how either would react to me coming there and getting traded for him so my agent told me like Mike you don’t need to do nothing the teams stablish star ready just go in there and fit in and that’s why I was kind of Tak I wasn’t taking it easy like during the regular season was just so easy to play with them and I just I mean they the fans made me feel like I’ve been playing there for 20 years the team did and you know I wasn’t used to all the passing and stuff and I mean it was just a it was just a solid run like there was no egos people were held accountable it’s not like it’s not like it today you know where like web was our alpha dog so he held himself accountable so we all had to fall in line and do the same thing and you know that’s why I respect about web you know I play with a lot of superstars and you know he’s one of those guys that would raise his hand and say you know I up I’m going make up for it and um I mean it was just good playing in you know the old arena it was I mean sold out every night the fans would go crazy that’s probably the best fans I ever played in front of that that place was hell you you you you flew you flew into Sacramento drove through those Corner Fields first of all felt like I was back at the crib let’s be honest so I should have showed UPC godamn cornfield you drove through cornfields AR was in the middle of cornfield what you talking about it was like it was in the middle of nowhere it came up now so um this downtown now but there was there building up and down there though so I mean it’s getting a lot better you landed in there you drove you drove to that hotel and you knew it was hell to pay the next day y’all were impossible to guard and that damn cowbell be dinging around there like God like college felt like college it was so fun man because like my first practice you know I was used to throwing the post and just getting out the way and maybe the ball will come back to me and so like the first practice I threw it in I cut and he threw it past I had to duck and I was and there was like coach coach ker rest in peace he was like you gota be ready gonna hit you in your head so I mean then I realized okay okay playing real basketball over here let me let me get my together you used to run them Corner splits boy oh hell man switching them Corner splits back door with web and VL I was like man we can’t guard none of that you better off the running the zone and just saying hello great because we didn’t even know what we’re going to do so I know it’s hard for teams to kind of scout us and say they’re going to do this when we didn’t really know what we were going to do either that’s crazy now the team like you talked about the fan base and how they was the greatest fans to play for it went through a little phase where they were sending Sacramento to die but the fan base no no it was a hey hey hey hey you what were they what were they doing they send to do what send send your ass Sacramento to die like that like when you got sent to Sacramento you was on your way out it was a little run but now when you look at it now like they like the beam and like I love what they got going like to your point like the fan base was waiting on that because them young can go they like the beam they get excited they get a crunk like the fan base is back to how you talked about it yeah I mean that is good I did a little I did some NBC Sports Bay area for them this year and it was just good to be back see the crowd rocking again like I said L the be and just I mean they got something going right now I think they’re missing just one piece but they gonna get right back on track and and like m brown that bag they gave mik that bag you right they looking they’re they’re looking for like they’re looking for that t of time like we’re back let’s go get no they excited I can see it I can see it yeah talk about that though because there are a long ways away from being where you guys were when y’all play Kobe and Shaq in game seven I know it’s probably something you don’t want to talk about but did one thing was V was flying up squares at half time man was at it was at the beginning of the game man I came so I love I love this guy fire up squares at the beginning man listen listen you know the Dallas uh you know the Dallas uh way rer right or the a way locker room yes you got you got the little Bull and then you got the bathroom so you know how you go to the bathroom right before the game start you know you got look at the clock you got some time I’m running use the bathroom quick for a national anthem so I run in there and I’m go to the bathroom I started smelling like cigarettes smoke I’m looking around vot the thing this far the uh the bathroom stall this far vot’s head this far over over the star I said damn vot before the game and he just and he he finished that and went right back up the game right before the game man hey hey and went fried somebody too he was so good he I mean he was probably one of the best teammates I played with man just as far as he wasn’t going to uh no matter how he played he was gonna be the same person any time you know what I mean like if he scored two points 20 points he’s still gonna get on the playe making jokes running the card game and you know that’s what I loved about Vlad that’s unbelievable so so again talk talk about talk about that you like I said we’re talking about the momentum that Sacramento has right now and it’s awesome to see because that’s it’s great for everybody but the game seven Kobe sha stuff like that like what kind of where where were you guys at in that situation because I thought y’all gonna win that series I’ll be hon me too everybody I think I wanted y win that series too y had yeah y y was series we did win the series they just took it question yeah some question went on some question went on talk about it B talk about it if you if you watch that man you could I mean we’re up by 20 points probably almost every game and you could you could that’s the first time I ever seen like I said Shaq is probably the most dominant player I ever seen in my life Kobe top three player of all time and just to see them over there on the bench looking defeated you know what I mean you could look on the bench you can even go look at some of the YouTube stuff and just see their faces on the bench Phil Jackson’s face Fisher’s face you can look at everybody’s face and just see like it’s over with I knew it was over with I I was what was what was what was the turning point you want to talk about the call who made the call what the call I’m just saying hold on I see I know what happened you g tell what so do I yeah I mean it’s it’s to be seen not heard Billy I like you I love you Billy ain’t no shade ain’t no shade Billy I love you hey hey hey you you didn’t hear that SL it’s to be seen Now Heard that over with man I was running around La talking C I was on the radio stations talking about there’s nothing they could do there’s nothing that could happen and and you know what the funny thing is there a story Chuck I don’t know I don’t know you guys remember Chucky Brown Chucky Brown played for the Rockets yeah I remember check Brown and so he was in his 14th season um and he didn’t I’m not gonna say the ref’s name but he uh he we were I mean just came back from like a movie premiere and he was like I’m like this [ __ ] is over with we’re riding the limo he said Mike if they bring in This Crew it’s not going to go the way we like I said man it’s my fourth season you know what I mean so I’m like ain’t no way bro there’s nothing they could do to stop this like we’re on their ass and so he’s like watch and so we get to the game you know you don’t know the refs until you get to um until you get to the game and it’s like he it’s you know you get the paperwork everybody’s name on it and he said Mike look I was still like man still ain’t they could do over with they were getting our champagne ready after game six before Hy um before hit that our champagne was getting ready for the locker room everything man they had to put it up man that’s crazy speaking speaking of the Lakers Bill speaking of the Lakers so our boy bronny James just got drafted with his dad Bron with a 55th pick in the NBA draft man I can see I see coming with these goddamn Tom Fords on I see I see that coming with these Tom fors on I ain’t have to be a goddamn uh rocket scientist or a goddamn what they call them people call call me ar your palm Cleo I ain’t needed to be that person I ain’t need to be that to know that I knew that I knew how that G play out you he he said with his time with his four on know we knew where was going man that’s what I’m saying talk about that because listen as a parent right like we if we could all if this could work out for everybody it’d be the greatest thing of ever but it’s gonna be different too so talk about it we all play with’ Bri absolute Legend one of my favorite teammates unbelievable teammate but now he’s teaming up and being in the same locker room the same buses the same airplanes as your son it’s going to I mean it’s just going to be interesting talk about it a little bit I mean you know you know how the uh the lifestyle is and I mean it it be interesting to see like say you always want to see your kids do better than you no matter how it is you know I always want my son to be better than you you always got to do that and I mean it’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out You Know Rich Paul saying he doesn’t want him in the g-league and stuff like that you know to try to develop and stuff like I’m not here to say I’m not here to put anything on it it’s like I said it’s none of my business but it’s going to be interesting to see how that turns out but just being on a team with your dad um like I played in leaves with my son is different you know what I mean like you always be protective of your of your kids and and stuff like it’s G it’s gonna be interesting to see how this goes down I don’t know how it’s gonna go down either but what a dope ass experience I don’t care what how many does anybody know how many times this happened I know Ken Griffey Jr that’s it that’s it basketball never I’m telling you right now media media day that media day it’s going to be unbelievably walking that same thing with your son that’s crazy one thing about it two things for sure he going to learn professionalism he going to learn work ethic and he going to learn accountability and his basketball IQ gonna be through the roof that’s one thing those are the things I can guarantee by him being you know in the locker room with his pops now how his game how his game manifest and transition into the NBA game and how he can help a team I love the fact he threw out the Drew holidays I love fact you throughout the Derek whes the guys that you can’t win without so you just got to see how they go but one thing about it two things he going to be prepared you know what I’m saying he going to be prepared I am absolutely cheering for that kid I love that kid seeing him grow up we are though B damn you ain’t gota tell my son’s 26 man man I got 24 year old Bill question since we talking about draft we talking about college winning the national title because me we got there we didn’t quite get it done so we ain’t been on that other side but how was that winning a national championship let’s talk about that for a second because that’s a big deal man you only it’s people don’t understand NBA is a seven game series in college it’s that one Shining Moment every time every year gonna be some Cinderella ass ass they come from where they come from ass school that’s gonna send somebody home every year yeah you see that’s kind of like what we did you know we went into it really with nothing to lose so we were 500 in the pack 10 back then so we were like N9 and N we were we were looking at the thing hoping to hoping to get in you know like hope we I don’t think I don’t know if we did good enough to get in but we end up getting the four seed and we kind of struggled the first two games against College of Charleston and South Alabama those were the games those might have been the only two games that we were down all tournament wow going into halftime coming out then we beat three number one season we beat Kentucky we beat Kansas we beat North Carolina it’s the only time a team has beat all uh three number one seeds and so no one really expected nothing from so what what really got me going was coach olon you know one of the best coaches I probably ever played for and he just called me up in front of the team and I remember him say like Mike we need you to do what we brought you here for you know what I mean and that kind of opened up my eyes like he really wants me to do what I do so I kind of opened up a little bit and I started I started getting on it because I mean our team was full of you know we had Juniors mil Simon Dickerson Jason Terry umt yeah AJ Brown I’m we going down the line and I didn’t want I kind of like I didn’t want to step on no toes I’m G play my role that but coach olon like we need you do what we got you here what got you here and so you know that kind of opened it up for me once we got hot we just got hot we had nothing to lose no one expected us to win you know what I mean so we just went out there and let it all hang out hey I I didn’t realize I didn’t realize you guys were 500 in the pack 10 I didn’t know they went all number one SE I didn’t know y’all beat all those number one seeds yeah that’s the only time ever history Kentucky who else North Carolina who else North Carolina and Kansas Kansas had Paul Pierce ra Le France Scott Pard um Kentucky had M merer they had a Derek Anderson North Carolina Vince Carter Anton Jameson um Kentucky and that was back that was back when you had to strap up in college basketball that’s crazy yeah it was going to go hard everybody’s fight man it it was a good run though like but like you said you did not many people get a chance um to even get to that point or even make the tournament I mean that’s a big deal bro we got there and we lost you know what I’m saying and we never got close again and you’re young you think you can go back and you think you’ll you’ll get another opportunity at it and Mike left school so he ain’t never intend don’t get another opportunity at it but I thought thought I was going to get I thought I was going to get another chance even though he he wasn’t interested in getting another chance I was that’s right welcome black man welcome to the show since we taking a walk down memory lane let’s talk about that allamerican game man because that was one of the most icon once again I was McDonald’s All-American thank you guys for having me on y’all show I I was thank y’all for having me on Y show I appreciate y’all that’s why that’s why that’s what that’s I got a jail house background and y’all got nice background hey hey hey BB we got a special guest on our show today his name Ison he played 20 years in the leag than man hey hey how got a story too I got a story too from when we in Miami I want when I want to say to you that been oh yeah for okay I Ain smoke since gas gas I want to get that that definitely sounds about right we going to get to that but McDonald’s all americ CU never been on that side talk about it Kobe Stephen Jackson uh Jermaine O’Neal I mean the list goes on and on man a hell of a a hell of a a class you know what I’m saying it was how was that you the teams were unfair I’m G tell you that yeah I mean they had the whole they had everybody they had they had Steve Jackson they had Jermaine O’Neal they had Kobe Bryant they had Tim Thomas Thomas Holloway they had Eda they had this is all their team ah so who y’all had besides you I mean we have matin CLE we had Corey Benjamin we had um Lauren Woods we had Lauren Woods a funny boy they had about 10 Pros you know what I mean Tim Thomas was a problem by the way th problem man they all were man they they started they started s hean holay Kobe Bryant Jermaine O’Neal Tim Thomas and Steve that was their starting five oh yeah y’all didn’t have a chance tipped the back through the head threw a live man this over with that’s how the game started so you remember was it even close was it wasn’t even close they be they beat us by a good 15 okay okay all right that ain’t bad but you know how those games go them games ain’t there was a lot of dunks and get out the way and showbo and like hey hey speaking of that because obviously we’re all fans and he was one of the best players of all time um it sucks talking about even right now because he’s he’s passed but Kobe in those game what was that like what was that like it was just I mean you could tell the aura that he had around him that he was going to be something special you could already see it and I mean just his seriousness you know other guys out there around around and like he was he was he was all about his business you could see it back then and you know him chewing his gum I mean it was like a spin it’s like seeing MJ out there exactly what it looked like man way he stood the way he walked way he ran the way he played everything was MJ man you would know because you’ve been one of the longest 10e MJ you know what I’m saying Jordan brand Jordan call you they say call you for yeah you hey I was sending I know listen if I’m lying don’t I’m s I’m sitting in the locker room I’m like damn I ain’t never seen them JS before and his phone ring I look at his phone I’m over there kind of you know I’m over there side hustling a little bit I said it’s MJ and MJ’s like hey hey bab you think I get some of them shoes he said no I ain’t gonna give listen hey I believe it kill never come on thank you thank you they take care of me they always take care of me man I’m grateful being a part of the brand man you see I get still got now they still take care of me man it’s great to be a part of that because you know a lot of these a lot of these shoe companies don’t take care of their ogs and stuff to help them bring up bring up the brand I know he doesn’t need I know MJ don’t need nobody to help him sell this but it’s just good to be a part of something something so big and so special hey let me ask you a question do you golf yes I do have you been to his no have you been to his golf course because I heard it’s amazing no I haven’t been I’m trying to go that I haven’t been yo I heard that crazy they bring Dr drones they have drones that bring your to you at the whole they say the golf cart souped up extra fast I UD B got to hit that ball a mile with them goddamn muscles I hit the ball pretty good man sometimes man but golf I mean I play I just man you I can’t get no better man I Be Happy Gilmore boy I’ll be ready to break some but that’s the thing you don’t you don’t only have to swing hard you don’t have to hit it hard gonna go anywhere I just you can’t get down in your mind cuz we’re athletes and everything we do like if we do it harder that means it’s gonna go farther it don’t work like that man listen once I once once I went to I said I have had an instructor and everything I said I’m GNA dig into this I’m gonna pay somebody I’m G really contribute some time I showed up class the mother had me doing like this I said you know what I’m done I can do that yeah see what you want to do is you want to bring it around so I need you to do these exercises right here man I a pay you for that I pay you to swing that’s what they do Club Jack I ain’t pay you to do no calisthetics come on man I say they try to slow walk you so you could come back and spend your money you know what I’m you know what I’mma do I’m give golf simulator in my garage and I’m I’mma play Pebble Beach and every other gu D place in the world from my golf simulator in my garage that’s all they do man I went with I went with a a trainer and I can’t hit my driver at all bro I can hit everything else and he’s like let’s let’s start with your little I said no I came here to hit my driver told how to hit my driver can’t hit my driver I do yoga like I was like and with my ego Jack cuz now you got people out here watching a three time Champion do this at the golf course you know what I’m saying now he come with the old school Jack Jack Jack fish green with the Jack man me on at the goddamn doing this at like you B I came hit my driver dog yeah man only thing problem I’m having with my driver man show me how to hit that [ __ ] we be good swing come at OG say killer you still playing right yeah I play I got a you know I got a janky ass back though so I got to go every other every once in a while you know how yeah I hear you that’s why we’re going we good hey if that’s if that’s the case my back should be healthy in the M it start with the hips you get the hips take the back he said starts with the hips hey Bill you sh I gota deal with Bill God Dam I miss y’all man I didn’t spend much time with y’all man but I miss y hey man we had a good locker room bro we had a good locker room we had a little bit time tell me that story though tell me that story about you I want to get this other story out I got I got some stories with y’all I was on there for like four months I got some I got some stories tell me if you remember this UD Mike you tell me the same thing walking in to the Cleveland Cavaliers Cleveland Cavaliers away game y remember that story I already know what it is walking in the Cleveland Cavaliers away game you talking about’s first time back you talking about Bron’s first time back it might have been but we but the the way the locker room was set up oh and we we all on one side oh hey for that b but that’s hilarious man I can’t believe it i a l when I got man I could believe it I remember UD walked in that was no accident either I had to say something you said man that and put his on the other side to sit there like we couldn’t even say B before you tell before you tell the story though for everybody watching at home you got understand so in Cleveland’s a away locker room it’s it’s basically splitting two right like there’s a wall like a half wall one area has a lot of room one doesn’t have much room they put they put 12 of in the side with no room more than that Mike it was more than 12 how many was it next I’m sitting next to Jan Howard I mean our solders are tou and Braun got the whole Other Side by himself Braun Wade and BOS got for 10 I grab my that yeah was pissed B I think I think that was your welcome I think that was your welcome to the little 12 moment we called ourselves a little 12 the little 12 oh [ __ ] I couldn’t believe it look so let me tell you a story about UD so you know I I didn’t really do nothing in Miami so you know I stayed in I was trying to get another contract um I’m laying low I got a little place play my video games and you know I said you D let me you know uh give me a blunt so I I need to help I need help sleeping just I said th I said throw me something that’s going to put me to sleep man I want to go to sleep so you know so he he gave me he gave me a blunt you know so I take it home I smok I smok like a couple like half of it you woke up yesterday huh you woke up yesterday no no I didn’t sleep no I didn’t sleep I I told I went I went home I argu with my girl for like 20 minutes I don’t even know what about and I played a video game till about 4 in the morning get my ass drugged by um inmortal Kombat I couldn’t beat the dude you you remember coming back the next day said you what the what that I gave you I said you ask for that gas he said that knocked you on your ass all night I don’t know what the hell was going on you that’s but that’s the last time I smoked that’s the last time I smoked I think hey I think a lot of people have I think a lot of people have similar stories with me UD it’s the last time I smoked I got I’ve been on I’ve been around I’ve been around it forever I’ve heard about a 3.5 million times the last time I smoke last time I drun B was with your ass Mike the last time I drunk B with your ass had me drinking Mite and tomato juice me throwing all my guts yeah beer I can’t do beer so so Bill that’s Hil you have you have you have let’s talk about you know now in in this time of your life in this part of your you know life you know um what you got going on I know your daughter plays volleyball correct yes I’m a volleyball D you know I’m being a parent but my main thing is you know I done I’m trying to coach you know either college or the NBA you know try to get in just give back to these kids and try to help them get back some of my knowledge that I have and just you know I mean just try to get kids to kind of I’m not say grow up but learn like the real how real life supposed to be you know what I mean it’s it isn’t like the NBA is not like how we were there you know and it’s just not the same um Society changed everything changed but um like I did I did the coaching program I did the NBA Combine I did um the g-league bubble I coached a little bit in g- League with my friend from thing so I’m I’m trying to get back in coaching I did I did NBC Sports Bay Area for the Sacramento Kings this year you know I had about 25 30 games that us on TV just talking pregame halftime and post game so you know I’m trying to get back in there trying to get around stay around and just and try to get my number retired in Sacramento if they see this there hey tap in s what the hell we wait what we waiting on man sabonis sabonis just had the number so they he switched this year so he gonna wear number 11 so I’m hoping that that translates into something else yeah for sure you crush you crush the coaching and these these kids need it tooing like honestly with the Nils and with the a culture and all this stuff man it makes it diff it makes it way more difficult to coach you know what I’m saying because these can make a million dollars before they step on NBA excuse me before they step on a college campus the can make a two three four five million before they be walk into an NBA locker room like how do how do you how do you combat that as a coach and say listen I know that you can do this but this is the right way to do this this is how you do build your habits this how you build your accountability like how you deal with I’m tell you right now I don’t want to deal with this I don’t want no part what you think L what do you think ludson gave that dude when he walk on campus but crazy man everybody thinks I got paid to go there I’m thinking I I couldn’t find anybody I would have loved to get paid I didn’t have nothing I’m not even gonna lie to I’m not even GNA look back and say like yeah sh I got this man I was looking for him I couldn’t find them but but are are you ready are you are you will you willing to deal with that man because it’s different now bill I mean first of all they playing Seven Grade and they 16 because they done reclass twice they got they got a they got a they got a driver’s license and they and they driving to school while the real Seven Grade still on the bus then then then they got nil you know what I’m saying by the time they get to the NBA or they been through college they make millions of dollars B like you ready to deal with that it I I’m ready to deal with you D cu one thing that these kids would do I is going to get they’re going to give respect you know I mean just just like how I grow up um I I mean just the way I coach to make these kids better be hard on them but not take their soul at the same time yeah you know I mean give them confidence and stuff like that I think those kids were respected a lot these kids getting paid more than their coaches in college man some of them you know I mean just think if you’re in a college and you’re making $2 million and your assistant coach making3 50 a you gonna be able to tell them that’s what I’m saying you know what I mean that’s what I’m saying and so I’m will I’m ready for you man I’m ready for I’ve been ready for this for a long time and I I I I think that’s one of the things I can handle you know I mean because I think I’ll be able to deal with that and just figure I’ll figure it out man I already know that let’s put your coaching hat on now well like you see the you see right across you see right across from where you guys were at in Golden State and a dynasty team that’s been there for doing it what they’ve done um and they’re getting towards the end of it and you see these dynasties kind of come to an end every once in a while what what should happen What should happen with Clay what should clay do like what would you do coaching wise like what would like just start talking about that because that’s I think that’s gonna be interesting to see what happens this summer I mean I just I don’t know I don’t think there’s been an offer for him I think uh I mean you can look at it from both ways like they might not want to offer something low bomb and that that’s disrespect but to to see I’m saying like to to not offer him nothing I think is disrespect to low boms going to be disrespect so I think just I mean I think it’ll be time for clay to move on I mean somebody else wants to pay him that much you got to go for your money right now you did all you had to do like you said the Dynasty’s over and from to feel like they don’t even want him I think I would ID figure out try to keep him man like you like he’s he was a Cornerstone of the best times of of the team history you got to find a way to keep him m i mean that’s the big that’s the biggest conundrum that all these franchises have the ones that have these runs right is when when’s enough enough right like when when do we get off them and and someone’s going to be pissed off about it let’s just be honest no matter what happens here someone’s going to be pissed so it’s going to be interesting to see how it plays out but whe whether it does or not like Clay’s had an unbelievable career there it’s gonna be interesting to see what they do though King’s future you gotta go get that money somewhere else if somebody’s willing to pay it exactly that’s what I say bro I think at this point I think for his mental health and for his you know just sanity you know what I’m saying I think it might just be time for breath of fresher and that’s just how it is sometimes you know what I’m saying it might get better for Mikey back to where he’s at hey B B B not all not not bib not all of us can go play 20 years in one place he ain’t lying that’s big timey with with his time Ford wearing ass and he talking all that about us him to the show 20 years a big time congrat congrat congratulations too UD that was up you didn’t hit me back on you on Instagram when I told you congratulations man man was coming out hold on hold you hold on hold now it’s coming light hold on no no now it’s coming to light see I’ve been talking about getting bib on the podcast for the last two months he said no I don’t hit that he go I don’t even hit that back on Instagram let me explain something to y’all listen let me explain something to y’all bill I got somebody that do that for me it’s it’s it’s unhealthy for married man to be checking his DMs I stay out my DMs I feel I missed you it wasn’t intentional but I wasn’t in them DMS intentionally I feel that I got you now though Bill and and we got the same agent I talk to Tyler about you all the time Tyler tell me about you all the time do you Eddie we talk about y’all all the time yeah Tyler’s good mother Tyler’s good good guy man good I said look at so look how I met T so I’m walking around I’m walking around um summer league so he come up to me like hey Mike give me a card like hey I’m an agent I’m just getting into this I wna I want to be your gu so I’m like you know I mean I’m not really looking for a coaching agent right now I’m just trying to trying to use my name get it back in and stuff so you know like let me give let me give him a call man so it end up being the greatest Choice ever made man pulling tricks and all kind of oh no he a real deal bro he he approached me after after we won the series in Philly I’m walking to the locker room and he steps to me he was like you know I guess he thought I was about done cuz every year thinking he about done after this one so I guess I guess he was thinking this going to be it I end up going about two more but I kept his car we kept in touch and when I did retire it was time I reached out to him double back and that was a great decision for me too all this stuff that I’m doing with the TV and stuff man Tyler like laid that out and we put a plan together we followed that step by step bro and it went out it played out just how he said it was so he he def good man hey hey no disrespect to you because we know you’re an agent we know you good tooy Hey Hey Hey listen we w’t be having this conversation if you have me as an agent y’all y’ y’all be making so much damn money y’all say I ain’t got time for you well you don’t want none of us we old and retired you got them young boys you got J power and all that you got them spring chickens You Ain’t studing Us yeah we we couldn’t do nothing for you Mike you got you Aston Mart we over here with these Chevys you don’t want these Chevies hey I love me old school Chevy Co I ain’t gonna lie to you yeah hey go ahead I want to ask you about about the Nicks you know what I’m saying because you spent some time in New York obviously so you spend some time there wait a minute I just thought of something was you there when that did you have to whoop that man ass that man steal your wallet who me yeah what that you that man stole your went in your room and stole your wallet you have to whoop that man look at I got I got I’m gon run the whole story I’mma run the whole story down from this is this like movie bro yeah the whole catching my head now because I’m about to ask you about the Nicks and they moves and I think hold on that bill okay what happened what happened what happened I hear this let tell Len the story right so you know I I we always gamble on the plane so I like to have cash so i’ would always have an envelope in my back I know where my money at I know where it’s at my bag I know how I sit in there I got my Bible with my money and so there’s one time on the plane I went in for my money was gone so I’m like damn I lost my envelope so I went to the seart like Hey Y’all find the envelope let me know so they didn’t find nothing so um it happened a few times but I never caught it so we’re we’re at a new we’re at a new hotel in um Chicago and this guy I mean I’m the only guy that [ __ ] I’m the only guy that with this kid yeah okay I know who it is we we ain’t going to say thing we we going to try to keep your we going to try to keep your face you need you you need you need text me text me all right he he uh so look so I’m the only one that with him I’m the only one out and about with him taking I’m taking him to lunch so me J.R Smith and this and this kid go eat so we go to dinner you know either me or Jr pay kid don’t pay for nothing right so I get back we get back from shoe round the next day and he called me he’s like he’s like I think I’ll be able to make it to lunch today what um did you already leave so I’m not even thinking I’m not even putting it together yet you know what I mean so I’m like yeah man I’m gone man so and I was like you know what because I already had a lot of money in my bag see I like to I like just go to the bank and just take it out so I was like walking I’m done with my day I’m done with my day so I tell my girl she like what you doing I was like I’m going to the bank like going to the bank again I said yeah I’m gonna get some money is there a problem so so look I I go to get my money right and I come back and I go in my room and I go to put my envelope away and there’s a space in my backpack gone the whole envelope I probably had like $5,000 in there just to you know what I mean so I put it and it’s gone so I’m like damn the one the maze you don’t have to blame it on the maze because you don’t think nothing else so I’m like I told the U I told called the team secure like hey yo um somebody came my room took my money he’s like did you have anybody in your room I said no I didn’t have nobody in my room somebody came and took my [ __ ] today because is gone so he comes back I mean it was it was it was crazy how happened because the the hotel was so sophisticated that they knew what key like they count there was a there’s a log in of how many times your door opened and closed what key opened that door who got that key CU they got the camera at the thing so I’m going around crazy I’m up I don’t even get to take my nap I’m walking around crazy crazy so my uh I go on the early bus so I get on the bus put my down and so team security so it’s um there’s four people on the bus and one of the guys that did this on the bus so I get on and I’m telling my story like d Somebody went and took my and guys and guy don’t turn around but I don’t think like I could see it now but he don’t even turn around so the security comes on the bus like Mike come here so I told the guys hey get my off at the bus the at the game when y’all get there so he take me to security and they see what key open the door and so we’re watching security we see him on tape getting the key to my room on the on the thing so he’s like well let’s go up there they haven’t cleaned his room yet so we go up there and my envelope is ripped up in the bathroom I know it’s mine because I rod on it it got my rid and everything on it and so I’m like damn took my Mone so and it ain’t the first time it’s the first time he got caught so we get in the bus Bo we hit the by the time we get to the arena I talked to Woodson wson was the coach like don’t say nothing so I didn’t say nothing so we get to the arena everybody’s talking about it and and then he and and the dude is pacing the pacing the um you know how Chicago is he’s pacing the hallway yeah with just shorts on Barefoot and trying to act like he got his he’s calling like hey can you check cuz somebody stole my earring so he’s trying to plan his little story that he got going so but we already know he did it you know what I mean so we getting in there so everybody was like hey startom Mar was like Hey bab uh was it the the maids and I was like man they told me not to say nothing so then somebody know you know how the locker room get was it it was somebody on the team hey yo was somebody on team so I’m like damn man don’t say no we can’t I can’t they don’t want me to say nothing so I ended up telling Baron on the um in the game and bar Baron knew but you know was some smart he was like I’m just going to see who you’re not talking to and that’s I’m going to figure out who it is and so we drove to we drove to um I didn’t play that again Woodson was like you want to play I was like my mind up right now don’t even put me in so yeah we drive we drive to Milwaukee that night we have a team meeting um and you know I’m talking about if we there’s 100 million on this bus if anybody need to borrow some money you can ask borrow some money man you ain’t got to steal teammates and so we get there we get to Milwaukee J.R Smith called me as soon as we get there like hey you want to go ride on this right now can’t whoop right now he can’t whoop him so I was tell me I’m I’m in the I’m in the mindset of trying to get another contract I’m G play it cool you know I mean just lay low and so he come knocked on my door like it was like 3: in the morning I was like look at the people I said I’m not answering this mother I’m I’m going end up fighting him you know what I mean so the the the own the team security the general manager and the coach like Mike come down here so they had all my money laid out on the table and like it was him I said I know it was him because my envelope was in this in this room so he he said he he was making a joke that was his excuse he was making a joke and he said I know I could I mean that’s how this went that’s the first time I’ve ever team security was like I’ve been I’ve been security for 25 years I’ve never seen that happen before in my life I was in the leag for 20 years I ain’t never seen no like that I mean supposed to happen man ever going in your room too he went in my room yeah he went he went he went he went got a he went got a room key from your room yeah and jacked you you know because you know you got aliases so you could just you know you go to the front I have ID for that I have an ID have an alias yeah right M mine was JoJo sausage head i’ act a Foley there you go there you go Hey listen on the OG’s podcast man we do a Morgan and Morgan it’s too easy segment today we are talking about is it too easy for the USA team basketball Olympics this summer what do you think based on their lineup Anthony Davis Anthony Edwards bam Devin Booker Jason Tatum Joe lmb Drew holiday kawhai KD Lebron Stephen Tyrese halberton what you think should be but you know it’s like the world’s the world’s catching up too you know so a lot of these other countries got NBA players too so I mean but looking at that I can’t see them struggling against against anybody tell you truth I mean if everybody so it’s gonna be so it’s gonna be too easy see Jo Play though Joel and beid and kawhai gonna play they should yeah I mean I missed I missed the Olympics one time in my career man was the biggest mistake of my life it was just really yeah it was the year you decided not to go yeah because it was the year uh when all that terrorist stuff was going on and then every it was the Year everybody backed out so that was the year I was supposed to go in Greece end up backing out and it was worst mistake in my life man you you makes a good good point though like so Jo and beid and kawhai obviously injury histories like what what do they do in this scenario you know what I mean like they I obviously the NBA wants to see him play owners of teams want to see him play the USA the Olympics though is a big deal it’s in Paris I mean damn if you do damn if you don’t you got to go just I mean you got to go just limit your time because look look at the list they got it’s not like they’re lost they’re gonna they might not even need them yeah you’re right you got 12 15 players right there that are the top in in the NBA I mean just go along for the ride might to you know swallow your pride for a little bit just go there and cheer for a little bit you know what I mean but I mean they’re they’re not at a loss for for players that’s for sure that’s for damn sure so so what you’re saying is gonna be way too easy for them I think it’s gonna easy man yeah yeah I think they win it got you gotta win it they got win yeah I don’t see nobody beating them hell no not at all unbelievable whip not at all they stra before bi before we let you go we got to do a couple fan questions because we are we are the ogs we are for the people right this Hey listen here man before we start don’t be dming me Mike or bill because you pissed off about our answers we are human being we are human we are human beings and we’re allowed to have an opinion if you don’t like it then get the on but don’t be D that foolishness he Ain go ahead B they think freedom of speech say got you I got you favorite Jordan in the vault that no one has seen a pair of shoes favorite one I got I mean I got the the one that I like the most is the Eminem twos I got a pair of Eminem twos and I mean they they people have had them but it isn’t like out there out there like that it’s just something that I’ve had for 20 years and I just keep it like I said I just keep it wrapped up yeah keep wrapped up I gotta I gotta Google them I don’t even know what them [Laughter] is them we already talked about this one the Lakers series was that actually the greatest tragedy in sports doesn’t believe the NBA actually conspired against him to make sure the Lakers won the 2002 playoffs or was it just the refs I mean it was it was I mean we had that series man we B in game seven but it shouldn’t even got to that that’s how I look at it agree a lot of people would agree with you on that there you go at Troy Pat n shouldn’t have got that we shouldn’t be talking about it what’s the funniest locker room story you have we already got this answer too in Cleveland I’m guessing what’s the funniest locker room story you have when you’re heat there was I mean there’s a lot of stuff man like there was one time Brad I don’t know if I mean it’s probably heard of Brad was on Stephen Matt Barnes podcast and you know I came in Brad knows I like clean you know I mean and he I came in my locker room one time he had two dead Ducks damn nailed to nailed to my locker like hanging from my locker like he just he just shot him put him in the back of his truck and brought him to the arena and hung him up on my locker Brad country I love me some Brad Miller coach I got another one too so Ron that gas too that gas Ron arest came to a game in an F1 car with a listen no listen he he he he had a helmet on his wife his wife was sitting behind him it was one of those cars what the and they they both wore helmets to the game and the cop told him like Ron this is not street legal you canot I’m not I can’t let you leave and drive this home like hold on so he had to come and get it tow back to to like the Red Bull like the Red Bull Monaco joint yes yes two Seer but it was one he was sitting in front his wife was behind him wife helmet in the back his nut oh Ron was a legend man God I just seen Ron the other day man shout out Ron Ron legend for Real uh bib last one best player you ever played and who was the first to bust your ass I ain’t gonna say his tail that’s crazy best player I ever played I mean I mean I play against Michael Jordan I mean that’s that’s that’s the he was with the Wizards at the time but he’s he’s the best player that I ever played with and the first person to bust my ass you know probably it’s bad I was never out there to play defense much anyway but we got a lot of common coach we got a lot of that’s what that’s what happened you I play a little bit more than you Mike I played a little bit more than you but what happens when you McDonald’s all americ see you can play play defense more he said hey hey you he said I play a little bit more than you though mik listen at least y’all had the luxury of not playing some defense let my ass would have not played no defense my ass would have been back in Springs see but every everybody has their niches you know what I mean that’s right that’s right so what was that second part of the question first one to bust your ass funny because everybody looking like he wasn’t anyway but John cow used to [ __ ] me up John Cate heat guy okay he heate me up he was like he was so Herky jerky and you look at him like he ain’t gonna do he used to he used to bust my ass listen I tell you one thing bill you could have gave us a million tribes and we wouldn’t have said that one that’s what I’m saiding no think no one thinks that [ __ ] but he used his eyes used to light up when he see me damn that’s crazy hey you hey you you see this I try to tell you this was going to be an epic epic episode we should have had him on months ago and I told you man don’t listen to that Mike book all the guests don’t listen to that before we go I got one more thing though bill with the with the young fell Daren Fox what do you think um he stick it out in Sacramento I know he ain’t signed his extension yet so what you think he do he stick it out what he do get out of there what you say I think he does you know I mean like I say he’s the face that franchise he was on his way to Allstar he was on his way to MVP like the first 10 12 games uh he was averaging 30 points like nine assists and I mean he was on his way to that I think if he gets back to that he has he’s gonna have a a great MV he might be able to get MVP sometime but I think he sticks it out I think he might be waiting for more money I mean he’s gonna get the max max anyway but uh I think he sticks it out I know I just just watching him and how he took over that franchise and and the franchise is on his back I think he I think he needs to stay I think he should stay I agree with you the West is tough but I think they building something you know what I’m saying the fans definitely gathering around it but the West tough man I can think of 16 teams right now yeah putting without even putting Sacramento in it yet you know what I’m saying so they they they’re like they’re like one or two people away from you know making it big man so well you know that’s that’s the team I had my best years with so I’m G to see him do good man yeah well B we can’t thank you enough my brother we miss you man it’s always good catching up with you some fun time thanks for having me on man love dog yeah yall OG time to get us together dog yeah always we’ll figure it out we going to figure it out we make it all right now all right thanks appreciate y’all OG’s out appreciate you big dog [Music] n [Music]

NBA Legends and former teammates Udonis Haslem and Mike Miller welcome Heat legend, Mike Bibby! Watch the guys talk about Bronny James, getting robbed, untold Miami Heat stories, and much more!

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00:00-03:47 Intro
03:47-11:54 Going to Vancouver
11:54-14:02 Ad break
14:02-19:49 Playing for the Kings
19:49-22:47 ‘02 Lakers series
22:47-25:45 Bronny
25:45-29:12 Winning an NCAA natty
29:12-33:26 ‘96 All American team
33:26-36:25 Golf talk
36:25-40:19 Miami stories
40:19-44:14 Getting into coaching
44:14-46:11 Klay and the Warriors
46:11-47:21 UD ducking Bibby?
47:21-49:02 Good agents
49:02-56:33 Bibby was stolen from?
56:33-58:49 Too Easy
58:49-1:04:06 Fan questions
1:04:06-1:05:18 De’Aaron Fox
1:05:18-1:06:06 Closing

#nba #miamiheat #heat #udonishaslem #ogs #mikemiller #mikebibby #lakers #bronnyjames #lebronjames


  1. So I would say iman but him and JR was cool and they went to Cleveland, but he also didn’t mention iman the entire time and id think he would be there. Plus I heard other iman pods he’s been on and he’s said numerous times how he was usually by himself, and this was rookie year so not that much money being made so far. Idk I’m confused lol

  2. This might be the best sport podcast out there. I'm pretty sure it is. Whoever is partnering with these OG'S …I hope they are ready to go.

  3. I remember those 2000s Sacramento Kings Teams with C-Webb, Stojakovic, Turkoglu and Mike Bibby, I wish they could've won at least 1 championship, they really revolutionized basketball, 4 out everybody could hit the 3 except the bigs, played a fun style of basketball! 💯

  4. I would love if Sac retired his number but it wouldn’t make sense lol he was never even an all star and they never won anything. As a huge fan, I can’t cosign that

  5. Lol… those corn fields around the old arena have been built over with housing and strip malls!

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