@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Trade For Darius Garland After Donovan Mitchell Extension?

Spurs Trade For Darius Garland After Donovan Mitchell Extension?

everyone so earlier today Donovan Mitchell signed that extension with the Cleveland Cavaliers uh he is sticking around for three more years at 150 million and now it’s going to be very interesting to see what do the Cleveland Cavaliers do right there was talks that hey if Donovan Mitchell opts in with the Cleveland Cavaliers then that means that Darius Garland is going to be on his way out and that the Cleveland Cavaliers are going to have to trade Garland because he’s going to request and demand a trade now Darius Garland he if he does get uh put onto the market which is very likely yes the Cavs have talked about how they don’t plan on trading their kind of core for guys but everything changes when guys start making pushes and stuff right if darus Garland’s just kind of chilling then no I don’t think that the Cavs would look to trade him but if he starts getting anti and he’s like no I want out of here and he really starts kind of raising some noise do the is the last thing the Cavs want really to have to deal with the disgruntled Darius Garland when you could trade him and the fit doesn’t work it’s not like Darius Garland’s been so good for you right and it’s like man if we lose him there goes all hope of winning a championship right depending on what you get in a return for Darius Garland you’re probably in the same like standing as far as like possibility of winning a championship and Darius Garland might be your best option to maybe get better right and put yourself in a position to where you know maybe maybe you can compete with the you the the Knicks and the Celtics and now the the uh Sixers right cuz Cavs I think they’re the fifth sixth best team in the in the Eastern Conference right now as currently constructed so that’ll be very interesting but one of the teams that has kind of been waiting around and there have even been reports that Darius Garland is kind of the number one option is the San Antonio Spurs and that the Spurs would love to bring in Darius garland that they see him as like the perfect compliment at the St starting point guard position now real quick obviously the San Antonio Spurs they signed Chris Paul to that you know Oney year 11 million deal which I love I think that that was an excellent decision an excellent move by the Spurs because now they got their vet guy that is excellent at helping develop players and look at what he did to guys like SGA and stuff like he’s a guy that comes in he’s also a guy that’s all about winning getting adult in the room Chris Paul makes a of sense for the Spurs but if you can get Darius Garland you still go get Darius Garland because Chris Paul again is an excellent developer and look at what he did to SGA imagine what he could do to Darius Garland so again I’m not saying that he that Chris Paul’s going to come in and all of a sudden turn Darius Garland into you know an arguably top five player but I think that he could come in and make him a lot better I also think a lot of people forget how good Darius Garland was before Donovan Mitchell came this was a guy that was an Allstar point guard and was looking like the next like upand cominging great point guard in this league this guy was you know a 20 you know and nine guy they get you five six rebounds and play get you a steal and stuff right like this was a guy that was looked at as like man if he grows and develops he he’s going to be a player in this league and then Cavs ended up going and trading for Donovan Mitchell and it kind of just stunted Darius Garland’s growth and put him in a position to where it was like ah you know well there goes there goes his potential for that real expansion and growth where I think him going to a team like San Antonio getting to play for Greg papovich and what he’ll be able to teach him and provide and then on top of you know having a running mate in a Victor wh minyama that’ll make his life so much easier and have that just big body that you can dump the ball down to whenever you need to um I just think would be an excellent approach and he’s still young enough to fit in with the with the the trajectory of this team right you’re getting an All-Star level point guard maybe not so much in the west because the West is just so stacked but talent-wise he’s up there right so like the thing is is that if you can get him now you now you kind of have the your foundation you have your core obviously if some big player becomes you know Giannis becomes available and he wants to go to the spur first play with Victor so then obviously that could throw a wrench into everything at some point but right now that’s probably not happening right so to me it’s like if you could go and figure out how to get Darius Garland and you can trade which may end up having to be a three- team trade if you think about it because you know like do would the Cavs really want like Kellen Johnson probably not they’d probably just want the assets to go and use that to stack stockpile to go get somebody else to replace for Darius Garland so but I just think if the Spurs can figure out how to land Garland I think you got to I think you got to get him in a Spurs jersey cuz now you have him you have Vel you have um you know Castle you have Victor wanyama you got Chris Paul Off the Bench uh to kind of be that adult and stabilizer to help grow and develop right like you you have your your foundation at that point now you’re just looking for that power forward or center for the future cuz luckily with Victor Yama you have that versatility to where if like oh man this guy would be an excellent Center you could just have him and slide Victor to the four or you know keep Victor at the five and go get like oh this guy to be a great power forward so to me I just look Darius Garland’s been linked to the Spurs for like literal months at this point and I mean there’s been talks that he’s kind of their number one guy they’ve just been kind of waiting around to see what happens with Donovan Mitchell does he end up because if Donovan Mitchell left then then the Spurs probably have no shot at getting Garland but now that Donovan Mitchell opted in if you start hear those murmers of like okay Darius Garland he wants out boom I I I definitely expect the Spurs to be a big player in that regard and the Spurs are looking to also trade for uh Lori marinan so you know you could even still I mean Spurs have enough they can go trade for Lorie marinin and then still go pull off a uh Darius Garland move and all of a sudden you could be looking at you know having gar like imagine if you could have Garland right Vel Castle problem is you probably’d have to get rid of one of those guys but let’s say let’s say you get rid of Vel right because you keep Castle because he’s the new guy right so you could go like Garland Castle you know uh you could go lordy marinin so on and uh Victor wanyama sounds pretty good to me and then you still have Chris Paul off the bed right as like the your playmaker and and adult in the room to kind of keep everything together I I think that that sounds pretty good to me you know at the end of the day it a couple things right so one it’s like what’s the best course of action because if you get a guy in Darius Garland yes he fits your timeline to to kind of take your time but with Victor wanyama and his skill level and how good he was right out the gate darus Garland being perceived as this you know Allstar level point guard kind of does add the pressure to like okay maybe we do need to go get a Lori Market maybe we do need to kind of push our chips in a little bit more right the Spurs are kind of going to have to walk this fine line of just trying to be competitive and also trying to to you know keep the foundation lawn enough to where you’re you you can grow and develop right but if you do go trade cuz again the Spurs are looking to trade for Lori marinin right Lori mark Mar he’d be great but if you trade for Markin you got to go all in at that point right cuz Lorie marinin yes he’s 27 but he hasn’t played more than 70 games his like entire career I think the most he’s played is like 68 games so he’s not like a 70 game a year guy and you know so what you’re going to take three years for him by that point that his contract’s probably up or he’s falling apart or oh he’s on the wrong side of 30 at that point and it’s like like what do you do right so to me it’s like the Spurs have to pick a lane and pick a direction are you pushing your chips in and going and and trying to go get a Darius Garland going and get a Lori marketing right and then let’s let’s go let’s go try to contend with these other teams let’s you know spend the year see what other piece do we need oh you know what we we really do need a center right or we really do need a better upgrade at at Power Forward okay fine let’s go make that move go get that guy or maybe sign that guy in freid whatever right like that would be the idea if you’re the Spurs otherwise you just kind of stand pet right like just save your assets let Darius Garland stay with the with the Cavs you know or get traded elsewhere and if you’re the Spurs you just kind of stay the course you know and and have Chris Paul be the point guard this year let him develop castle and or whoever else and more likely than not it’ll probably be Castle will be the guy that they shift over to the to the point eventually but you have Chris Paul kind of really work with him and develop him get him right get him in a position to where okay now he’s comfortable playing the point guard position and then you have him and Vel and you know uh uh you know you probably still have to figure out what to do with Kellin Johnson probably still have to figure out like I know a lot of people want to keep so on but I don’t think he’s he have to keep him right I don’t think he’s a guy that you have to keep but you know I think you got to got to make some type of moves but does it have to be that huge swing is the point right but to me I mean you got a good foundation already right you got Castle you got Vel and you got um you know Victor wanyama kind of pick your direction is my point but anyway as always this is a discussion pass question on you let me know your thoughts to opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts do you think that the Spurs should go go get Dar as Garland um do you think you know go get daryus Garland and Lori marinin do you think no just stay away from those guys entirely do you think you know just stay the course right run Chris Paul this year develop Castle slide him over and that kind of thing however you feel whatever your thoughts are I’d love to hear it so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you like this video hit that like button helps me a lot me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

The San Antonio Spurs have been interested in Cleveland Cavaliers Darius Garland. Cavs just extended Donovan Mitchell and Garland is expected to demand a Trade. Spurs have been linked to Garland for months and pairing Victor Wembanyama with Darius Garland could be huge.

#Spurs #victorwembanyama #cavs


  1. 0% chance Garland to the Spurs.
    Can you imagine, they took Castle to add size & D, sign CP to be a mentor for their young guards (Castle, Jones, Vassell, Wesley, Branham, Nunez*), Just to waste their assets, money & time on Garland.

  2. Spurs already have a pg in CP and Castle. Castle and Tre will be the combo moving forward. They should look for a big body to pair with wemby in the post. IMO

  3. Nah fuck that. I want cp3, Castle and Jones to run the point and in future it should be Castle and Nunez. Lets keep our assets and draft well. I would rather trade for forwards

  4. They don't need 9 guards…… they need a center so wemby can move around a bit more if needed.

  5. Garland doesn't make any sense now. Spurs had their future PG in Stephon Castle and currently has CP3 for mentorship. If the Spurs makes a trade this offseason, it would be either for Lauri or role players.

  6. So we don't keep the 8th pick who is compared to Garland. So we could have had Garland light for 7 million or Garland for 40 million. Make that Make sense

  7. Why would we trade for DG? Maybe a true center but honestly we lookin good after that CP3 free agent signing


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