@Charlotte Hornets

REPORT: LA Clippers interested in Miles Bridges + Kemba Walker calls it a career

REPORT: LA Clippers interested in Miles Bridges + Kemba Walker calls it a career

miles Bridges updates finally in free agency we’ll discuss that plus the greatest tournet of all time Kimo Walker he calls it a career we’ll talk about what he did here in the city of Charlotte plus this that wasn’t that bad honestly Doug you held back you idiots that’s what I want you are locked on Hornets your daily Charlotte Hornets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day in a minute cuz we live [Music] it’s locked on hornets part of the locked on podcast Network it’s your team every day thanks for making us your first listen we’re free we’re available anywhere you get your podcast and that includes YouTube today’s episode is brought to you by game time game time game time download the game time app create an account use code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply there’s Doug Branson you can find him on his substack every Hornets Bo there you can find his sub text information also and then listen to me Walker mail every weekday on WFNZ 12 to3 pm sports radio 927 FM so we have a lot to get to you even said before we started recording got a lot of show today we’re going to try to break this up a little because we have free agency updates we have summer league we got vacations to get to I mean come on that’s the most important thing we have to get to vacations we have to get to more vacations um but we also have to talk about the career of Kimo Walker after he called it one yesterday officially announced his retirement from the game of basketball so we’ll eulogize his career properly no we’re going to celebrate it you eulogize something when it’s dead when it’s when we’re sad we’re not sad career his playing career no it’s no listen it’s not it’s not dead it’s just he’s moving into a new phase of his career we’re going to celebrate the light just went out as soon as we were talking about that I think that’s a sign from the basketball God spooky is a little spooky get out of here K haunted it is haunted there’s Steve Clifford what are you doing here Salon should we go with it really all right we’ll take the French kid let’s go to more free agency updates we finally got something here on the miles Bridges front Doug it had been awfully quiet since the start of free agency we’ve known all along that this is the biggest question surrounding Jeff Peterson yeah of course who are you going to take with your first round selection that matters building your team through the draft is a big deal but really it’s okay are we going to allow miles to hold us back for the third straight off season are we going to give miles a monster contract not what it used to be not what it was going to be before he was arrested for felony domestic violence but is it going to still be something that approaches it 25 million annually whatever we didn’t even know if he was going to come back we finally have a report about the Clippers interest or even lack thereof on their part but the hornet interest in trading some things to figure out here Doug what do you have as far as a report on Miles Bridges and maybe a link to the Clippers uh this is from the paper of record in La the Los Angeles Times the writer is brck Turner the headline is Clippers look into acquiring free agent miles Bridges and the lead is the Clippers have interest in signing free agent forward miles Bridges according to people with knowledge of the situation not authorized to speak publicly uh they go you know he goes into sort of a profile miles Bridges I will have a little bit of something to add here for broaderick he says that uh he sat out Bridges sat out all of 2022 23 Seasons after being accused of assaulting the mother of his children he also pled no contest to that by the way that wasn’t written in there um but he here he says people close to Bridges said that after seeing how Clippers owner Steve Balmer has been willing to give players Second Chances the team would be a great fit for him and that Bridges has learned from his mistakes uh one person pointed out how the Clippers just agreed to a two-year deal with guard Kevin Porter Jr who was arrested last September 11th for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend at a New York City hotel the Houston Rockets band Porter from Team activities and traded into the Oklahoma City Thunder also the person said Bridges respects Clipper’s coach tyo and would love to play for him what do you what do you do with all that Walker that’s a lot lot do we want to go with the basketball portion or the comment about I just you know I do wonder about the decision to roll with with the franchise that gives out second chances I mean you’re just calling more attention to everything that’s going on it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me but it is true with the Clippers and what they’re doing right now so I I did see this as well I saw our friend NADA he retweeted law Murray um who knows a thing or two about the Clippers he said I do not think the interest here is mutual just wrote a whole piece about where the Clippers are going from a roster standpoint but this is what happens when other players see what’s going on with your program and determine that their transgressions could be absolved as well and so he works for the athletic by the way based in La so like it we do have the report what you were saying it is that there is some interest from the Clippers I don’t know you had some comments there some thoughts after that tweet well well after the Tweet after the article which is which is filled with person closest to Bridges says I would like to play for LA Clippers so I think that’s where that’s where the meat of this is this is like it’s honestly a little sad to me that you’ve got you’ve got Bridges and and whoever he’s authorizing to speak here having this essentially looks like begging for Steve Balmer to give him a second chance invoking Kevin Porter’s name which is kind of the reason why I think Steve Balmer might take a second guess at doing that because that’s what I that’s exactly exactly what I thought if you’re calling more attention to it then you’re like wait if you’re Steve Balmer then well maybe we just don’t give miles 25 million a year or whatever like I I I agree with you I don’t know why the whole the whole thing like especially the last sent it’s also the person says Bridges respects Clippers coach tyo and would love to play for him like it’s just look man we’re in a situation right now where Bridges has opted twice now this is the second time that Bridges has decided I’m going to test the market the first time was when he decided not to sign a contract with the Hornets and take the qualifying offer and now here he is up against the market and he has gone from I’m going to be someone’s plan a to plan B to plan C and now look we’re waiting on guys like low Markin D rozan Brandon Ingram might get signed and Tra or traded uh cam Johnson so you know I don’t know where he’s going to land in the list of priorities for teams I don’t think it’s going to happen so with the Clippers I the the value on Miles has been a roller coaster for me trying to figure it out because the the Mark we keep going with it is the 25 million Mark Bobby Marx posed it in a non-g guaranteed deal the last 3 years which was reminiscent of a yes Kevin Porter Jr style deal because he also had off thec court issues but that’s the number we’ve been rolling with then we see some of these players get traded for in exchange for all of the first round picks and then when they sign contracts we’ve only had a couple of contracts that we deemed fair or underwhelming value for the player everyone else has been getting paid and paid handsomely more so than we thought so then we’re thinking man is this really going to get north of 30 is it going to reach 30 because now we’re talking about some serious money that I didn’t really anticipate for Miles now here we are further into the free agency process Doug where guys are starting to go to different teams you might look at it as well the Hornets can’t do a whole lot more so they might as well bring miles back but also miles wants more money and if the Hornets aren’t going to budge off of their offer how valuable is he and my other question is how much of the waiting game have we played because of the basketball ability and the off the court issues I I like maybe the off the court issues actually do have a little bit to do with this more than we thought well but you’re picking up a risk it’s just one thing that you’ve got to go into the equation with with marketing you don’t have that with the Rosen you don’t have that with some of the other guys buddy heel just uh is is possibly going to the warriors on a sign and trade like all of those they they don’t involve that little bit of risk and that risk I think is going to it it doesn’t eliminate him from going to another team it just suppresses it it gives that team a bargaining chip to say hey we’re taking on a little risk here we got to we got to get something back and if the other if miles Bridges and his team are are not willing to do that then that’s going to you know gum up some of these talks but the other thing too is I think he’s suffering from the same thing that PJ Washington suffered from when he went into the marketplace which is he went to some teams that have either have playoff aspirations or or who want to get to a new round of the playoffs and they’re looking at Miles Bridges and and they’re saying look you’ve never been to the playoffs uh you’ve been to a couple playin games you got blown out and you got thrown out of the last one and threw something into the stands and so there’s there’s a maturity question there there’s a how are you going to handle yourself question but there’s a hey you’ve never been tested under that fire and so yes we’re going to look at other players who have been through that experience and value them more also Walker quickly before we move on to the next segment will you allow me just a few moments to be condescending I hope the audience will allow me just a few moments to be condescending can I I I’m not that I’m not condescending very much on the show now some you may you may disagree with me on that but I don’t think I’m very condescending very much on the show but if you’ll allow me just a moment to to as long as it’s not to me go ahead it’s not it’s not my fig it’s a message to anyone who was saying the should do whatever it takes to bring miles Bridges back on a contract because they are in no place to reject Talent this is why you don’t own or or are a GM of an NBA team because you would have been negotiating against yourself in that moment this is this was the smart thing to let the market to to put an offer out there that and we don’t know we’re probably never going to know what that offer is unless miles actually signs it but an offer that’s going to be somewhat more Team friendly and then let the market do the talking so you know anyone who was saying that thought it was ridiculous at the time and now it has proven itself to be utterly ridiculous that they should have thrown you know a $30 million deal at him right off the Jump that wasn’t that bad honestly Doug you held back a little bit more than I thought let’s move on maybe you have more condescending Behavior a little bit you idiots that’s what I want coming up next on the lock on Hornets podcast don’t go to sleep on the Hornets just yet maybe we finish our thoughts on miles maybe talk about some of the players that could be coming back in a potential sign in trade maybe the chances of him just coming back to Charlotte after all is said and done that’s still to come here on lockdown [Music] Hornets this episode is brought to you by game time game time game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to first pick with killer last 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condescension it’s no more name calling I I apologize there’s no there are no idiots out there there are people that um say silly things foolish things even uh but I I need to walk that back a little bit but uh this is something to anyone who thinks that Miles Bridges is holding the team hostage for a third straight off season I actually don’t think that anymore I I think he definitely did in the previous off Seasons although I even said at the time when was lamenting that that the Hornets at all of these stages have had a choice and they have chosen to take part in in what all of this has become okay and they continue to have a choice but I actually think that the situation has now reversed where it’s sort of a roar Shack from Watchman situation where like you’re not you’re you’re stuck in here with me you think I’m stuck in here with you you’re stuck in here with me Bridges is stuck with the Hornets unless he can find someone willing uh to sign and trade at this point because all of the options where he could be signed into room where he could be signed in cap room have essentially dried up I mean it’s Utah who’s not interested in being good it’s Detroit who we’ve had strong reports that they’re not interested in doing that they’re interested in doing what the Hornets are doing right now um so they’re certainly not going and I don’t even think they have I think they have like 23 million they don’t have 25 plus million I mean they could make a run but they I mean the reports are pretty strong after and it that’s even after going after to Tobias Harris right I mean they give him over 25 million so yeah so I think actually the Hornets are super in the driver seat on this one I think Jeff Peterson and Company have the leverage has really flipped on this entire situation now you know the Hornets are not doing other moves because they’re waiting on this to play out that much is true but I don’t think they would be doing all that much more if miles Bridges didn’t exist because I think they are adamant in you know adding opportunities but not necessarily adding major talent to be good this season so I don’t think he’s holding the team hostage anymore no I I totally agree just the last few things for me I I think you’re you’re right the roles have reversed in previous years we knew Mitch cup and Company was going to give miles the max he said as much at the presser it was hilarious because he was just forthright with it a we’re we’re going to give him 30 million like he’s going to come back to the team and so you don’t have any leverage at that point everybody knows what’s about to go down and so that was your big move that was everything that off season miles gets arrested the day before free agency and you’re left scrambling yeah most of that is out of The Hornet’s control what was in The Hornet’s control is what they decided to do in terms of adapting and didn’t look like they adapted all that much because all their eggs were in the miles Bridges basket and Miles was good enough and young enough to justify from a basketball standpoint if you wanted to try to bring him back that that was going to be the thing that was a part of our F foundation with lamelo a year goes by he doesn’t play this past season goes by doesn’t play as well as he did when he was a fringe Allstar a couple of years ago and now he’s a couple years older so new regime new front office they didn’t draft miles like they don’t have any of the history the guys that gave miles all those chances that he said that he loved so much Steve Clifford and cup Che are in the building but they’re not the head honchos anymore so Miles goes and he tests the market and he’s always well yeah we’ll we’ll come back to you after we take care of this yeah we’ll we’ll get back to you we’ll get back to you we got to deal with Lori marinan first well we we got to deal with Paul George first Detroit what about you n man Tobias Harris like what Tobias yeah you know I I don’t know we’ll just we’re gonna give him 25 million a year we’ll get back to you so now he comes back to the Hornets with not an offer to speak of clutch agency clearly trying to put this out there with the Clippers saying hey we’d love to come over there we’d love to come over there Clips yeah we see you giving Kevin Porter Jr a chance we saw you picked up Josh Primo after a first round pick was dropped from the Spurs organization because of what he was alleged of doing and there was a whole lot of fight back on that mil hey you want to take miles on too yeah there’s not a lot of Leverage with with Miles right now and so it’s really about does he come back to the Hornets on a smaller deal or does he go on a smaller deal somewhere else and maybe even the return isn’t all that much but I think the league is telling you right now like and and I will say I keep rambling but like the last offseason with PJ right we were talking about smaller dollar amounts too you know you’re paying exception type stuff yeah yeah and and you’re paying PJ for a different role where with Miles like I guess the the idea of miles is that he is a better play a better role player can help you more than what PJ can like that’s the idea and so now you’re talking about something that does hurt you if the contract goes sideways where even with PJ if you end up oh okay we’ll throw you $4 million a year extra 16 million a year that’s not all that consequential here it is like you’re talking about big money and a who buddy like I we’re this is too much so I’m with you I think the Hornets do have all the leverage and we’ve been speaking about it that way for a while now and and I think I here’s my prediction and I’m still holding firm on this which is I think the better than not Chance is going to be that he does eventually sign a team-friendly deal that that may be shorter term like three year maybe even two year I well right right I don’t think it’s gonna be one year I don’t think he would bet that strongly that everything’s going to work out but I don’t think it’s gonna be you know qualifying offer type of thing I think it’s going to be like multi-year but like two or three and then but then he’s traded at the deadine line you know it’s very similar to what happened to PJ I think this is deja vu all over again maybe higher dollar amounts like you were saying but similar situation where he plays himself into being more attractive to some teams that are actually getting ready to get into the playoffs as opposed to you know formulating their roster now because needs will open up guys will get injured opportunities will present themselves at the trade deadline that aren’t necessarily here um in free agency so I think that’s what happens I think there is a small chance though that la having missed out now looks like they’re going to miss out on buddy having missed missed missed missed yeah although they just signed LeBron James to that huge contract I don’t know how that would even work uh but but that’s the team I still think the Lakers are the team to watch no and and so with miles on that short-term deal that’s exactly what Keith Smith talked about yesterday or ear a couple days ago on Mack and Bone so it he would bet now that free agency has played out a little bit longer miles might go back to Charlotte on a short-term deal if we’re talking short d term to me that’s like two or one like three is just kind of normal in my opinion right that’s quite the average of five is the max four still long term two is about as long as you would get if so like think about this if the Hornets decide to bring miles back on a 2-year deal how much did the Hornets ever want miles in the first place despite them saying it’s been clear we want miles at the right price and then see they never said that last part they never said that last part but I that’s what I’m taking from all this they did want miles but they never they they explicitly said we want miles to be part of this organization well the report was that they wanted him at the right price Jeff Peterson himself said we made it clear to miles that we want him back yeah right so yeah and I would have we you and I and the reports have always added that last part for clarity so people understand they do want miles they don’t want miles at $30 million yeah year right if it’s a short-term deal that’s the question so if we play out this long miles clearly doesn’t like the deal if if miles wants to be back in Charlotte why a’t he here because he don’t like the deal and so if we’re talking about a short-term contract then why isn’t Charlotte trying to lock him up longterm because they don’t have all that much of an appetite for Miles Bridges three years from now so they want something I think the Hornets wisely don’t want the situation that that the the Clippers are facing right now now where you have someone that you’ve invested a lot of time and effort into walking away for nothing they don’t want to walk away from the situation with nothing which is why I think they’ll pursue every Avenue to do some kind of sign and trade but ultimately if he comes back it has to be in a way in which they can eventually you know move him uh to get something out of that deal again very similar to what happened with PJ and then when we talk about trade deadline stuff if we’re going with the PJ example how malleable is miles to all of these other teams because I would argue PJ the idea of PJ right depending on how good you thought he he’s malleable dude he’s a three and D power forward versatile right like not going to have a high usage percentage that’s not miles like defensively he’s known and notorious for just falling asleep at the wheel and team defense situation the athleticism is going away if he’s the scorer that actually would like the basketball in his hands more so and he’s not the greatest shooter he’s not the plug andplay piece that even a was and now we’re talking about more money too which complicates things so this is but there will there will be a team mark my words no there will be there will be a team that talks that that says we have enough defense on the roster right now uh we need someone that does what miles does whatever that thing is it seems to change year to year recently but whatever the thing is that he does that they can identify scoring you know I think they’ll look at it and go like yes that’s that’s what we want to add so I think the opportunity will be there at whatever you know reasonable price they they they come to terms on I think it’ll be there for sure yeah which makes this first half of the season for Miles very interesting to watch as we approach the deadline how well is he playing because we know things change on a dime in the NBA you could have the worst contract in the league experience a Russell Westbrook Wizards type tenure and now all of a sudden he’s one of the hottest stars in the league again like you you can go from the very bottom to somewhere towards the top and that fall could come for Miles as well and the first half of the Season we have one more segment to go coming up next on the lockdown Hornets podcast don’t go to sleep on the Hornets just yet we celebrate Kimo Walker’s playing career not eulogize we celebrate Kimo Walker’s playing career and then we ask what’s next could it be involved here with the Charlotte Hornets organization we’ll talk about all of it coming up next lockdown Hornets well we’ve already given Kimo Walker the honor of who wore it best number 15 I don’t know what more honors he could ever asked for but here we are he has officially retired from the NBA great message and uh speaking of who wore it best Walker you are wearing best right now with a Kimo Walker t-shirt let’s see it see boy all time here I’m going to try to do reverse yes this was I’m going to try to get to the mic too this was the t-shirt that was given out to I think media members and might have been there like a month after well no it was a month after to the fans that actually came out yes High br but yeah this is Kima accomplishing the alltime scoring uh record here with the Hornets and then so that’s the t-shirt and I got a lot of them dude like it’s so funny how many Kima t-shirts I have because you think about it that was the Hornets marketing campaign that is what they celebrated for so many years with him being a staple of the franchise both the lowly Charlotte Bobcats and then the rebirth of the Charlotte Hornets franchise that comes back to the Queen City that was the Nick name that we so beloved here in Charlotte and so Kimba calling it a career yesterday announcing it Not only was there this letter to basketball talking basically player Tribune style talking about how much he loved the game how thankful he was for it shortly after we saw him discussed that with Carmelo Anthony on his podcast Doug I know you love Kima H it’s the it’s a 100% approval rating for Hornet’s fans all-time good guy all NBA player here in Charlotte multiple All-Star appearances longevity he is the only player that checks all of the boxes that you hope for from a greatest player in franchise history standpoint that’s why everyone that I know gives Kima that KN I’m going to try to keep this super positive I might not succeed because Kima I I have all positive feelings for Kima I have some negative feelings about what the franchise did that’s right while Kimba was employed but I’m really going to try to just focus on Kimo Walker and The the Hornets as an organization have not had a lot of players since they came back that you could say man we really took that player for granted I think Kimo Walker is one of those players when I go back and I look at his highlights and look at what he was able to do on the floor how many ankles he broke how how effortless it was for him to score particularly off the high pick and roll pulling up knocking down three-pointer after three-pointer clutch shot after clutch shot and I think man I really took that for granted you know you get to watch it every night in the arena fans are supporting it sometimes you’re winning sometimes you’re losing but Kimo Walker just showed up every night and put on a show and lamelo pre-injury was like we were starting we were starting to get there and God I hope we get there again with lamelo and Brandon too but man it was just exciting to see him play I was there for the record-breaking scoring mark and that almost wasn’t at Spectrum Center there was some wild stuff that had to happen in that game uh to make sure that he broke it at home had to go into OT I believe and it was just an amazing experience and Kimo was an amazing experience good guy good media guy uh you know softspoken never never made too much uh trouble and and the Hornets as an organization probably needed to add someone alongside of him that did was a little bit more vocal that did make a little bit more trouble for the organization but yeah man he was he was outstanding and and I’m glad that he’s going out and getting all of his credit because he was one of the only reasons to talk about the Hornets for so long and so I’m glad a lot of people are giving him his due and now we get to do the questions which are you know retire his jersey give him a statue what do we do that’s right yeah that that is classic Radio fodder I’m just looking at the career leader categories if you go to basketball reference there’s a million different stats that you could come up with and say this guy leads the Hornets franchise in this very specific category if we’re just going with all of the stat categories brought to you on the homepage of basketball reference for Charlotte Hornet’s career leaders Kima has 15 of those records and he has the important ones too we’re talking about him being the all-time leading scorer but also alltime leader in minutes played not games played but minutes played because you know they had to ride him every single game as much as possible free throw attempts free throws you have a bunch of different categories that he leads so it’s reminiscent the other thing is you’re right about bringing up the backs he was also a fun player which matters to some degree on how you value the best players in franchise history he was exciting to watch Bill Simmons talks about this what what’s the oh I got to go see that guy meter like Allen Iverson is one where Allen Iverson amazing in his time Advanced metrics they try to bring him down a little bit but then you go back to a time where you say oh I got to go see AI I need to go buy those tickets Kima Walker it it at least gave you a thought if you were uh if you were uh welcoming the Hornets onto your home court if you were in a different NBA City and the Hornets were coming to town you would still buy the ticket because you wanted to see Kimo Walker play and us as Hornets fans we had something to go to every night to see how exciting he was in the back court that that stuff matters like oh he’s in town meter it was still pretty damn high for for somebody that played for a team that didn’t ever win a playoff series while he was here yeah no for sure and he had to endure the worst season by percentage in NBA history so he should get honors just for having to endure that and he didn’t even really get to be a massive part of it he couldn’t even help because you know he wasn’t he wasn’t Kima he wasn’t the the Hornets Kima at that point um he was still coming off the high of that Yukon run and look doubted in a lot of in a lot of spots and overcame all of that doubt wasn’t even I’m sure a lot people that listen to this podcast know this but I bet a lot of casual fans don’t know that Kimble wasn’t even the highest Hornets then Bobcat’s draft pick it was bizm bio in that draft that’s right that draft like crazy but here’s you know I’ve been thinking about this uh with um strangely I’m gonna bring up James book Knight here because someone commented on some kind of James book Knight thing that like ah the team really ruined James book Knight because they couldn’t they couldn’t develop James book Knight and my thought on that is it takes two to tango when it comes to Player Development I think too often we look at Player Development and say well the team failed that player when a lot of times it’s the player failing themselves and not being willing to do what it takes to develop their own skills and Kimo Walker is a perfect example of a player that said I achieved the top of the college Mountain I I achieve greatness with a certain type of playing style and Steve Clifford went to him and said that’s all great but if you don’t do X Y and Z you’re not going to achieve your top level in in the NBA and Kima said all right and and worked and worked and worked on his three-point shot especially coming off those picks and developed into a player that was a deadly three-point shooter and somebody that turned in for All-Star appearances and so that to me is a testament to Player Development you’ve got and honestly if we just kind of tie this back to the president a reason why I think Charles Lee and Jeff Peterson are being smart about way they’re bringing players in let’s bring guys in they might not achieve the highest of the highest of the highs but they’re going to get they’re going to get better every year because they are a certain type they have a certain type of mentality that they want to get better and that’s what Kima had s and 59 player that got $12 million a year early and fans criticized the team for giving him that contract and it became maybe the best contract in the NBA given what kind of production he was giving the squad at only 12 million million a year which is now even less than what you need for the mid-level exception so you go to that 20145 campaign 17 points per game but Doug he shot 38 a half% and 30% from three 38 and a and a half% from the field I remember seeing PTI talk about this at the time the biggest debate Sports show in all of sport in all of ESPN I guess first take was still there too so maybe that’s not exactly true but we know how popular PTI is and at the very end when they have all these little tiny rapid fire tidbits in there one of the things was Kimba shoots under 40% from the field only three four guys with that many attempts accomplished that accomplished that last year it was bad it wasn’t great and yet you see him the next season shoot 37% from three 43% from the field on a lot of volume and he’s second and most improved player of the year voting only behind CJ McCollum the next year is when the All-Star appearances would start to form so you’re right like even embodies the hate stick with it you can get through all of this too and it’s not someone that comes in entitled despite being a champion and one of the most celebrated players in Yukon history which does have a celebrated history Kima is one of the most celebrated there not entitled still works on his shot and eventually gets all NBA in Charlotte it’s incredible I think it’s the only all-nba nod that a Charlotte player’s ever Maybe Mason might have had one in there I’m not sure um yeah incredible career and all-time good guy too like just an unbelievable dude so we’ll see like we maybe we can share our thoughts on the retired jersey the statue all of the things I want to do it now rapid fire real quick retire as Jersey yes no yeah I think they should retire as Jersey they should absolutely listen retired jerseys don’t really matter they’re not they’re not in this sort of Pantheon I don’t think and as an organization they should retire as Jersey just as an I’m sorry I I said I was going to keep it positive I tried really hard but I could they should do it as an I’m sorry I’m sorry Kima that we couldn’t that that Michael Jordan didn’t want to spend the money necessary to get you into the playoffs and win series because then people would even more talk about you as a Hall of Famer that you deserve to be and so I’m sorry here’s your jersey and the rafters he has the longevity and the stats to back up retiring a jersey a statue that may be a step too far me Walker I don’t know about you yeah no man like I this is where I hate going through this stuff because now we have to by definition say something not very like not positive about it like now we’re like well statue’s too far but like yeah I look just give him a retired jersey it’s an easy win just do it and the statue’s probably too far you know if you want to name your kids after him feel free how about a coaching spot uh amber uh from one of the sickos asked do you think he has a place on Charles Lee staff I’ve always wanted him back in Charlotte and May and this may be the only Nostalgia move that I’m down for Kimba as a coach look everybody made note of Kima being there at the Charles Lee introductory presser it not weird but it was like we did kind of brush over that like oh Kima was there awesome man good for him like we probably should have spent a little more time on that but we had other things at at the the top of the priority list like Charles Lee being introduced all the sound bites what are they going to do in the draft but it is SE it’s very easy to see oh wait yeah he’s got to be involved somehow right why is he there why is he there for char Lee was he there for Cliff again I don’t think so yeah and then so we know he was about to retire but yeah man it feels like there could be something here with Charlotte could be I I don’t know that he’s going to like be on the bench but we saw Marvin Williams join Clifford staff as sort of a consultant you know behind the scenes I could see that maybe a scouting role it all depends on what Kima is interested in although I will say that in his thank you he’s sort of teasing that this isn’t the end for him in baset so I again I don’t know if he wants to coach but if he does I hope it’s in Charlotte because that would just be a magical story and and you just get to see him around he has an it would be an easy you know the the retired jersey and some kind of role within the organization which this organization loves to throw around secret roles for people that used to be part of this organization you might even end up picking somebody yourself like Steve Clifford did so yeah these are easy wins for the if they want to build because look they’re raising ticket prices they are you know they’re building new stuff they’re not exactly going to like win a bunch of games this season or at least they’re not trying as hard as they could to win games this season you know they need some easy wins pr- wise and I think these would be easy wins but but not the statue the Statue is for you know like top 10 top 20 players of all time like let’s get serious I agree I’m looking at you Nick Carboni we’ll end on a negative not yeah sorry sorry no statue that’ll do it for lockdown Hornets thanks for making us your first listen carbon of course oh no he he’s taking over the eyes from will kungle is that what’s going on that’s right kung kung ran out of town I ran him out of town with my eyes now stay stay with us Nick don’t leave for Houston that’ll do it thanks for making us your first listen free and available anywhere you get your Podge that includes YouTube next episode we’ll give you all the summer league breakdown we got the roster it’s official Brandon Miller is a part of the roster how much is he going to play that’ll I’ll be there in the next episode on lockdown Hornets thanks again [Music]

Will Miles Bridges stay or move on from the Charlotte Hornets? Join us as we break down the latest updates on his free agency and discuss the career of the greatest Hornet of all time, Kemba Walker, who has officially retired.

In this episode of Locked On Hornets, we dive into the current state of the Hornets’ free agency, particularly focusing on Miles Bridges. We explore the reports of the Clippers’ interest in Bridges and the Hornets’ options moving forward. We also celebrate Kemba Walker’s illustrious career, his impact on the Charlotte Hornets, and what his retirement means for the franchise. Will his jersey be retired? Could he join the coaching staff? Tune in to hear our thoughts on these topics and more!

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  1. There are far better options if a trade is eminent. Rui Hachimura from the Lakers would be a better value. John Collins from the Jazz would be a better option. If the Hornets want to do a sign and trade, send Nick Richards to NY for a signed Precious Achewa or to Jazz for Walker Kessler. The Reggie Jackson deal should not result in waiving a young player. Buy out and stretch has minimal cap impact. The three second round picks have already served their purpose in getting Josh Green. The Hornets should not take Miles back on a short-term deal which has no value for the frachise.

  2. Pheeewww.. i thought theres no podcasts.. 3 things that makes my day beautiful. Coffee, diaper changes and Hornets Podcasts.

  3. I’m so tired of miles bridges man. For the past 3 seasons he’s all we’ve been talking about. Let him walk man. We’re not that much better with him, than without him.

  4. IMHO, the first banner the new regime hangs in the rafters should be a Conference Finals Win or a Championship banner. Change the culture, set high expectations and set the bar high.

  5. If the Hornets aren't looking to win now, which it looks like thats not the goal, I dont care if Miles comes back. I wouldn't mind seeing a sign and trade, but I would rather him leave for nothing than take back anything thats too much garbage. If they are going young they will need adults in the locker room, give Miles a team friendly offer and let him go if someone really wants him and bring back adults like Seth Curry to mentor and teach winning behaviors.

  6. You still don’t get it. Miles is a FREE agent and he has strong say on where he wants to go. You can cannot do things without his consent unless you let him go for free.

    All Miles has to do is to tell the hornets I will only sign with the clippers and no other teams. Other teams will then not be willing to put a big competing offer. So the hornets can only accept a weaker package from the clips (Bones hyland plus Powell) or else pay more than 30M per year on your own to get him back. Or else you will miss all of Klutch clients in the future. Imagine if hornets got the no. 1 pick in the future and have a chance to get another Anthony Edward’s type talent. If he so happen to be a Klutch client, rich Paul might do everything to force you not drafting him (declining private workout, etc). In case the hornets reject all his proposal, he’ll sign with the pistons or jazz for one year at about 10-15M, something he can get it for sure. True that’ll be less than the hornets offer. But looking at other peers behaviour like Klay, I won’t be surprised to do see miles doing the same.

    In any event, it’s your team who created this problem: overestimating your teams bargaining power agonist your own disgruntled star players in a small market. Eventually their contract expires and you lose control on the situation. Should have traded him some time last year to get something more solid in return with more bidding teams as he has no say on where you trade him to.

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