@Boston Celtics

Xavier Tillman signs, Boston Celtics keeping good vibes intact

Xavier Tillman signs, Boston Celtics keeping good vibes intact

Xavier Tillman is back the Celtics are running it all the way back everybody from an incredible locker room is back the value and the maybe the pitfalls of that plus kembo Walker retires it’s all right now on the lockdown Celtics podcast thanks to Blockbuster Brad it’s holiday season Dr Drew in the mix and three from KP no we not on the KN flushing competition like all on Yannis juicing big still being Town’s finest been a 18 going up in the raap watching gameing locked on after on the breakdown CL like a tip from D white on the breakdown John on the mic document domination m p back B all SE Nation J start raising B we fin lock on home of the winners hey there welcome back to the lockdown Celtics podcast it’s right here on the lockdown podcast Network where’s your team every day I got you covered every Monday through Friday with a free fresh podcast that drops directly to your device so subscribe wherever you get your podcast watch the show on YouTube get into the comments section let me know what you’re thinking about everything we’re talking about the team me whatever I’m John corales I used to play a while ago now I’m covering the Celtics for Boston Sports Journal I’ve also written the book called built different commemorative book on the Celtics historic Championship season buy it anywhere you can find books including Triumph Celtics win use the code Celtics 24 for 25% off today we’re talking about well first of all today we’re talking about game time game time uh you download the app you create an account you use the code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase of last minute tickets terms apply later on we’ll get to kemell Walker we’ll talk about the value and maybe the pitfalls returning the entire locker room but uh we’ll start with Xavier Tillman we’re Shoring it up we’re Shoring up the bench with the exact same bench the exact same team and we’re gonna talk about all of this with our boy Tom Wester home what’s going on Tom it’s me what’s going on ah you know just uh enjoying it’s gonna be like I I might forget what season it is because everything is literally going to be exact the same it’s going to be it’s going to be very funny um when everybody gets back and everybody’s going to be greeting each other like it’s the first day of school like hey wait where’s OA oh no away oh they moved to s FR what oh my go I’m gonna miss that guy seriously O’Shea and S are gonna be the only two guys not back which is absolutely incredible I I don’t know if I’ve ever seen this level before I’m trying to think of the Spurs the job Parker Tim Duncan Spurs maybe but like even they had some turnover like no teams don’t do this this is like a byproduct of the collective bargaining agreement because I think yeah the Celtics in a in a nonc apron World they would have had a taxpayer midlevel to bring somebody in and they don’t have that they would have had the uh Grant Williams tpe that were made like three and a half million or three almost whatever it is to bring somebody else in and they don’t have that they might have cobbled a couple of salaries together to change up their bench and maybe so I don’t think that it’s specifically just hey we’re bringing everybody back but they kind of had no choice so here we are with yeah I mean and also it’s it’s also a byproduct of like why would you change anything up like well right I mean not a lot of uh not a lot of holes here in this uh this roster which was kind of the entire point of it so yeah I don’t know right prove that you can beat us it would be kind of my like Paul George cool let’s see how it goes that’s great we we’re yes good luck uh and Xavier Tilman Xavier Tilman will get some cracks at guarding Paul George especially depending on how the early season goes it’s going to be interesting so they are running it back with cornette kayada and Tilman as your big man rotation behind Al Horford and Chris Ops porzingis who won’t be there until probably christmas-ish so uh it’s it’s gonna make certain matchups interesting it’s gonna make certain like it’s G to make a Philly matchup interesting uh if if you get Philly on the second night of a back-to-back do you sit Al Horford on the first night so you can have him guard and beat in the second night do you not care if Philly wins the series in the regular season and you’re just not going to show anything and and wait and see if they fall apart maybe you never even face them uh but bringing Tillman back I think what the Celtics have just come to settle on is not only we bringing everybody back these are the best options and there is some flexibility between kayada is your Banger uh cornette is your kind of not gonna space the floor who knows if he starts shooting three-pointers but he he can he can play out around the perimeter and dribble handoff and make a make a pass or two and whatever and Tilman is your switchable guy tman is the one through five switch and maybe plays next to Jason Tatum in a you know maybe Tatum is officially the five in those lineups but Tillman’s return gives the Celtics another option and they have like the versatility I guess to just keep going with different choices different lineups yeah absolutely and I mean and and it’s one of those nice signings right where it’s like you can kind of compare it to Grant Williams where sometimes you throw him out there and you’re just like hey this really strong dude is out there can can you just shove him like as hard as you can if it’s tman it’s like that’s pretty hard like that dude that D is that is a strong guy I I think you know the the other thing with tman I think people are definitely let’s be abundantly clear here um Celtics fans are overstating it quite a bit when they say that he’s the Al Horford replacement that is not Xavier to is not an Al Horford replacement I’ve seen that sentiment multiple times Tillman is a nice player Al Horford is a Hall of Famer and is has been like the Bedrock of this team’s defense against some of the best players in the entire world God bless a tman he’s he’s a very nice option but he he’s not Horford right well maybe they just mean he just looks like Horford because we get him conf it’s gonna feel like Al Horford is on the floor when Xavier Tillman is on the floor because we’re gonna be like Oh Oh that’s oh no it’s Xavier it’s Al Al’s been retired for two years right right exactly you know um yeah so there is that I guess uh but I think you know I am I mean look I’m I’m interested to like the Celtics having that switchable guy is really really important if you can develop Tillman with some of these guys like if you can get him to a point where there is a certain level of comfort maybe he is knocking down some more threes maybe he is kind of doing a very light version of what Al Horford does in some ways um there that that switchability is really intriguing and and really opens up a lot of stuff I think there’s um there’s some potential here that goes beyond just a nice depth piece like he there is a little bit more than that there which is which is a nice well here here are a couple of things that make me think if I’m gonna go this is the straight up most optimistic thing I can say about knowing that it doesn’t always go this way but if we want to go just pure optimism he’s 25 which yeah he looks like he’s 30 he looks like he’s Al Horford’s age you know so he’s a he has a very mature look about him he’s 25 years old he has a mature look about him he’s got a senior in his name and like there’s a lot of things working against you knowing that he’s 25 that’s right that’s right but he is he hasn’t he hasn’t hit his prime yet right right he had been dealing with a knee injury yeah so maybe that clears up and he came over to a team Midstream and if we remember and this is an extreme example I I think but it’s only extreme now because Derek white became what he became when he came over he wasn’t like oh wow they got Derek white I keep thinking about that dude from Celtics blog who called it the worst decision ever and a complete bomb of a trade and it was maybe Brad Stevens most genius move of his career so but it was perceived as like huh okay interesting move people were complaining about the second pick that pick swap out in 2028 whatever the hell that is and now no one even cares about that like we we probably owe San Antonio another pick somewhere just because like he has been so awesome uh so all of that is to say that I’m not saying that Xavier Tillman’s going to blossom into that but he’s 25 yeah and if he gets healthy and instead of coming in Midstream moving a family all that stuff he starts a he knows where he is he starts a regular season here and he’s part of the preseason uh the planning the rotations and he has his homework he knows he’s got to work on a jumper and if he can develop any sort of reliable jumper where you can’t help off of him well now now now we’re we’re cooking and it’s it may be it’s not going to be Al Horford but it may be you know scal Horford we could do uh a poor a poor man’s a poor man’s Al it’s scal Horford a good nickname or disrespectful I can’t tell well might be a little disrespectful uh it’s it is a it it’s a it is it’s solid work but it might you might be uh you might be I don’t where that’s gonna go you’re walking right up to the line but it’s pretty good it’s pretty good that’s Up For Debate I really want to see how people because I don’t even know how I take what I just said scal Horford for because that implies like he’s never gonna get past like end of bench but the Horford part makes it be like yeah but it’s like but the Horford part’s like oh he can do a lot of those things so I don’t know maybe I don’t want to be disrespectful I don’t even know why I said it uh and I don’t even know what that means so somebody please help me figure out what I mean I yeah hope car unpack own invention here scal Horford as the nickname because I I don’t know uh let me take a break let’s clear our heads we’ll we’ll continue with some of the Tillman conversation and fold in the locker room which was the absolute best locker room I think anybody could ever wish for no drama the value of bringing that back together and the pitfall potentially of bringing that back together that is all coming up in just a second Today’s Show is brought to you by game time I got a summer now there you know once the Celtics settled down and you know they they they can’t resign any more people they’re basically done doing business now maybe I can go check out a Red Sox game and I can do it on a whim because I can download the game time app and check out last minute tickets for Red Sox tickets uh for the Red Sox for whatever uh because they are an official uh ticket uh account ticket seller of uh Major League Baseball here’s how game time works it’s last minute tickets for sports comedy concerts theater everything they get last minute deals you can save up to 60% off buying tickets at 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NBA for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed thank you for making lockdown Celtics your first listen every day once I’m done recording this show I’m going to go hop on with Jake Madison to record locked on NBA so go check that out we’ll be talking about the Celtics we’ll be talking about uh Donovan Mitchell resigning with Cleveland we’ll be looking at overall how the conferences have shifted that’s all and and in a lot more here and how the CBA is impacting this free agent see so go check out lock down NBA wherever you get your podcast all right let’s get back to the conversation Tom a little jealous that you get to talk about Donovan Mitchell because he’s my he’s he’s my for the next for the next calendar year he’s the guy that I’m just like that guy’s so good that guy’s just so darn good that guy’s so good he’s my okay oh well it’s gonna be fun talking about it and you know sorry I do it without you sometimes I do things without you Tom is that okay can I live a life can I have a life geez I’m sorry you guys had to hear that ugliness sometimes it’s just it’s not all it’s not all you know puppy dogs and rainbows over here in underscore world and duck boats around here so to finish up my thought about Xavier Tillman before I completely derailed myself There’s an opportunity for him to carve out a real role on the bench if he can get that jumper down uh which is gonna take some work and but there there is I think the optimistic view of Tillman is that he can grow because he’s young he can grow into this role and he’s they’re getting him cheap and we can see like he he may be the Al Horford replacement even though he’s not Al Horford he just might be the guy that takes that role yeah and when they retool he’s GNA have to maybe grow into that look Al Al is not under contract after next year maybe they go year by year after that with Al and see if he’s if he’s healthy and and things change but at some point somebody’s gonna have to slot in there and uh it it may be Tillman out of default and we shouldn’t expect the same production but that just might be his spot no matter what right like I think the thing to remember about Al Horford is that he is um like this like this this is not normal what he’s doing right like you go back to so so he was at what the the 2007 draft is that yeah 2007 draft so you know you’re looking at you know your mark gasa right like like these are guys who who retired like five years ago at field it’s been a while since you’ve heard that name like that guy was in Al Horford’s draft class right like this is uh gez yeah and I mean you know you know joem Noah obviously right is like the same yeah yeah right right right right class obviously um so yeah I mean it’s like this there’s there’s there’s there’s a shelf life on this um and like you know I think you’re right to I think I really like the Derek white comparison with Tillman because yeah you’re you’re right that it’s like it’s not one to one because Derek White’s trajectory here is is is wild but I think when you look at white when he played for the Spurs there’s all these things that you could identify of like I like this about that guy I like this about that guy and you you kind of hoped that he might put a couple of things together but you always kind of knew if he did he was going to be a really good player and I think you could say the same thing about Tilman right like if you can look at him and kind of say like I like this about him I like you know I like the switching I like the strength I like the kind of the pick and roll Acumen as a Defender I like you know kind of the the potential to be like a really big solid strong screen Setter like I like a lot of this stuff about him if he can add a couple of things if he can add you know that jumper if he can you know space it out even if it’s just to the corners to just give them like a the corner Outlet even if you can just add that I think there’s a lot of value here to be had and you know like that’s that’s the kind of thing that you that’s where you trust Brad Stevens that’s where you say like okay Brad you know I’m sure the you know has asked around and has gotten a sense of like you know this guy’s who this guy is as a worker you know the the skill sets that are already in place um yeah so that that’s I like that Derek white comparison for that reason I think there’s um some nice crossovers there and certainly uh some nice he he has does kind of seem to have some some Brad Stevens to him uh like that little special magic that uh guys Brad lik to have uh another way that he compares to the to Derek white and to everybody else actually he’s just a he’s a good dude he’s a good guy um he’s just a nice family man who is here to play ball and try to win and there’s no drama about family men on this team I I respect it yeah lots of family guys just a just a bunch of kids running around the locker I mean seriously sometimes it looks like a a you know a daycare because like some Drew has his his kids in there adorable like everybody’s got like adorable kids they’re all so cute they’re all running around like Drew’s son oh my God I’m like I just he’s so cute he’s like shooting shooting basketballs into the laundry basket and and celebr like just so full of joy and there’s Deuce who’s just the deuce moment of like we almost lost was like perfect like unbelievable every and and Al Horford’s son is just soaking it all in that kid has learned how to celebrate things he’s he is right there uh just watching everybody with their kids in the lock room also that kid apparently if you listen to scal on the broadcast apparently that kid is a dang good baller yeah I think I think there’s a reason why Al is keeping him around so he can kind of like get a feel for NBA basketball because he might be ready to play um the so all of this is to say that this locker room has been incredible and look I I’m not like I’m not going to pretend like I’m Bob Ryan uh but I’ve been around a few locker rooms I’ve been in the Kyrie Irving locker room I’ve seen just Thompson in the locker room I’ve seen guys you kind of get a sense of like who’s a diva you get a little sense of like okay there’s a little something here these two guys don’t talk to each other they just kind of walk past each other and you know you don’t always have to be friends with everybody but there’s you know you’d like people to get along yeah and everybody like got along like people talk about Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown like they they’re not they’re very different personalities like I don’t think there’s any reason if they were just two dudes in the world right they wouldn’t be I don’t think they’d be friends no but they interact in the locker room like you see them interacting in the locker you see there’s no tension so the locker room has been such a great place I I think there’s some real value to bringing that same Vibe back and trying to recapture that because whenever there’s no drama you you can focus on the task at hand they all listen to the coach they all try to they listen to each other and they are they’re all kind of on the same page so there’s real value to kind of like trying to run that back yeah no I agree completely and I think you know that it I think that makes it so much easier you know to to just to to to be able to because it’s not just like oh that there’s no drama it’s also it’s also like a a respect that seems to be like really uh pervasive is the wrong word because it makes it sound negative but there seems to be a very pervasive respect you know like where yeah if you you know if you ask somebody about Derek white the answer you’re gonna get is this glowing like man that guy’s so good you ask somebody about pton Pritchard it’s like that guy is a dog you know you you get like Jaylen Brown he’s a blanking Legend yeah exactly you know you get these you know if there anybody’s gonna get disrespected it’s gonna be feels like it’s gonna be like Luke cornette and they’re G to be joking because you can do that with Luke cornette which incidentally is great because then you have sort of the Class Clown guy who can be that outlet and now you brought that guy back right so I think I think I mean I think there’s there’s so much value in it like you said you know you you’ve been in locker rooms that are not healthy and it’s it it’s striking like you can tell when things are not healthy and this this you know this team you know obviously from the outside but it never looked anything like any of those toxic locker rooms that you and I have seen so yeah I think I think there’s a ton of value in bringing it back I think there’s a ton of value in you know giving this thing shot watching like the clip of porzingis kissing Dirk W on the head it’s is hilarious even the finals I’m just imagining Marcus Morris like kissing Terry Rosier on the head and like what would what you know whatever um even like Jaylen Brown after Derek white smashed his face on the floor and he just walks over like man you show is ugly and dereck’s like don’t make me smile you know like that like those little moments of like man that’s just genuine good teammates yeah now I mentioned I mentioned the the pitfall I’ll mention it quickly before we take a quick break but there is the potential like each locker room is different from year to year and this the one thing that it I hesitate to bring up but it it has to be brought up I am curious to see how good this locker room is and if it becomes impervious to some of these pitfalls or if it gives in to some of these pitfalls and I think that’s that’s their next test the test of human nature next year did they buy into their own hype as Champions did they think like you know did somebody go off and start getting a bunch of endorsements that didn’t get a bunch of endorsements is somebody be G to be looking for endorsements that didn’t get them is someone going to think that they did enough work because they won a championship and they didn’t do that work this summer all of these little things these human nature things that could be an issue are are they going to show up are they going to rear their heads and if they do is this locker room strong enough for someone to look at that person and be like uh snap out of this buddy because that’s not how we won last year like that’s what I want to know or does that person just come in with the sunglasses and being like hey guess what guess who’s the king me and like you know everybody bat out you’re like whoa what the hell happened to you buddy like you know the you know coming in with the whatever I don’t know uh give me a second here let’s get I’ll get your reaction these are the things therapy Celtics it’s not going to happen you sure about that Tom uh no but I think the good news if you’re if you’re this year’s team right is that one these are the therapy Celtics to you’re also um in a position where you just won the title so you’ve got that going for you three everybody just got paid you know like so sure people might be chasing endorsements but like everybody on this team just got a nice check a nice you know like a nice extension everybody’s paid I think everybody I I think everybody’s gonna come back happy paid ready to run it back like you know confident like I think there there there were so many good vibes with this year’s team and like you’re right that there can be pitfalls and any number like locker rooms are fragile ecosystems right little a little sand you know in the can throw things off for sure but the good news is that there’s also there a world in which a lot of the things that could have been pitfalls this year got put to put aside yeah right like yeah team won the title pressure is off you there’s like so much less pressure on this year’s team and everybody’s paid I think there’s also the chance that this team’s even healthier the second year because like I don’t know what is there to worry about like yeah yeah keep it rolling I’m paid you’re paid we’re having fun we like each other let’s get it yeah I I think there’s there’s a real possibility for that um and like there are the possibilities are different different side like the negatives are there the negatives are the potential for the negatives are exist and there’s nothing we can do we’re gonna talk about it from time to time over the course of the summer and into the beginning of next year because you just don’t know you don’t know you know uh it’s it’s similar to like you know you’re when you’re single you go to the gym all the time and you’re in a great shape and you get into a relationship and it’s like oh I want to sit at home and sit on the couch and watch a movie with this person and let’s go get some ice cream and pizza and you’re like oh these pants H these pants must have shrunk that’s what it was it’s not me and uh that that’s something that if if you get a little fat and happy as a champion the question there is does somebody look around and be like hey guys let’s get back into the gym let’s we’re we’re a little we came back a little soft like our six packs are are two packs now let’s get back to the six packs so we’ll see uh but the the potential for that is there but the potential for like the the tightness going away and like oh man like we we won our Championship let let’s just do it again let’s do it again and and like it there is no pressure to win that second one you’re like ah let’s just ah we got it we got and when the when the pressure’s off everything’s just so much easier it’s so great um that free kind of doesn’t matter results kind of don’t matter but when they don’t matter you get them again when you are in that relationship and you go to a bar with your friends and you got that that cool attitude all of a sudden people start talking to you and you’re like no I’m in a relationship good I’m married I’m good and you know but that that confidence of like oh man this this this is the one dude is not talking to me I got to go talk to him and like that that kind of like you start like winning because you’re like ah it doesn’t it doesn’t bother me and so that that effect is there uh let’s take a minute to say Happy Trails to kemell Walker yeah who is one of my favorite players of all time just as a person the person that I’ve covered uh he announced his retirement His official retirement he had been trying to get back into the NBA and uh called it quits and um yeah I’m just I’m curious what he’s gonna do next but there there’s just was never a nicer person uh when it comes to the media and me uh he answered every one of my silly little questions when I he’d always he’d always do our one-on ones he was always open to that he didn’t have to be yeah yeah that he didn’t have to be and he he was he was open to all of those and I asked them silly questions about stupid ideas I had for stories and he gave them actual thought yeah and that was really cool and this is just a little example of how cool he was to me and this means something to me it may not mean something to people listening or watching but he was traded away and he came back to Boston and he’s warming up and uh I’m sitting there doing the reporter thing on the sidelines like I’m on the Baseline just kind of watching we’re all around um no one pays us any attention we’re just part of the background scenery so players never acknowledge our existence unless like we catch a ball that comes our way and we have to throw it back that’s the only thing that they so I’m sitting there watching and Kemba just gives me a little s little nod and a a little wave to the and and I’m so taking back like I do the me I’m looking around like he’s like I’m expecting him to be talking to somebody behind me like like like I don’t know like Jason Tatum’s walking up behind me and he’s waving to him and he’s like no you like hi I’m like oh hi and he’s laughing at me because I’m like I’m doing the who me what um you dropped your notebook you’re like yeah like it’s it was such a silly little moment but it was like he saw a reporter who was there during his time in Boston and he remembers me and said hi just like a nice person thing to do when players never acknowledge Your Existence and I’m like I was so taking a it was a funny little moment and it’s like that little type of thing of Kemba just being like yeah man I remember you hi it’s like ah you know what cool dude man that so I’m I’m sad that his career is over but you know I’m happy that he had a great career and that he got you know as much as he did out of it no question I two things about two quick things about that one I mean I think the thing about Kemba that I always really loved as a player was that the the joy that he played the game with I mean that dude loved basketball and and you know when you when you’re somebody who also loves basketball it’s like yeah I totally get it that when for some of these guys Hoops becomes a job I totally get it it is a grind you have to work and work and work and sometimes it doesn’t pay off and sometimes you don’t feel like going to practice and sometimes you have other stuff going on in your personal life and you just don’t feel like playing you know I get it I totally get it but when when you get to watch a guy who loves hoops and loves playing the game that’s there’s something very very gratifying about that and kemell was that guy like he just loved basketball Isaiah Thomas was the same way right like you know like just got love basketball love Hoops love high level Hoops love being part of it love the whole process of it it’s yeah a beautiful thing right um number two I I totally get what you’re saying about the be like it really speaks to reporters and like like we we’re so removed like we remove ourselves from the game to the point that it’s like no like we’re literally not even here like we don’t even I get it you do your practicing thing I don’t exist talk to me to where it’s like yeah it was so striking for me like if anybody ever wants to know why I defend Marcus Morris on this podcast and like on you know Twitter or whatever it’s like because when he came back to Boston I said hey man you know how you been how’s your kid he’s like oh good man good how’s your kid I was like yeah you remember I also a father yeah man wow like you know it’s like but yeah it’s it’s just it’s funny but yeah no yeah kmo was kmo was awesome to watch and and I mean you know easy easy guy to cover um in a way that you know again especially coming off Kyrie it’s like you know like look I’m not I’m not I’m not dumping on Kyrie I’m so done dumping on Kyrie that’s not what I’m doing here it’s just like the ju toos of going from the how difficult it was at times to cover Kyrie Irving to as easy as it was to cover kmo Walker it was I mean kmo was kmo was a was a a good a good guy to cover and a heck of a basketball player and yeah I also the best I almost want to give him a championship ring because he was very instrumental in the development of Tatum and brown perfect bre perfect star he saw them he saw them for the stars that they were stars that they are yeah and he willingly was like no no no this is their team I you know he didn’t come in here to be like I’m Kima you know like like the Derek white joke about Drew holiday like he could have come in here and said like I’m Kimbell Walker and people like yeah 100% you’re Kimbell Walker he didn’t do that uh he he tried to pump up Tatum and brown and yeah you’re right exactly he’s a perfect Bridge after the sour taste of uh the Kyrie Irving experience he came in and was great it was great for uh for those guys and and really I think kind of reset it was like like an antiseptic like like pouring hydrogen uh peroxide on a cut like okay this is okay we’re cleaning this sucker out we’re good and it’s we’re gonna heal here so yeah he was important he was important to this championship team because of the stuff that he did back then so happy trails to Kemba man and he he’s something that’s coming up next I don’t know people are like oh he’s he’s close with Joe moula kemell Walker Celtics assistant coach that would be amazing that would be amazing I would wholeheartedly support that would be incredible to see Kemba as a coach but these guys I mean after who said this oh it was Evan Turner and I’ll wrap up the show with this he was like it’s a lot of work to make a fraction of what you made as a player and it’s like I kind of don’t want to do that I’ve made a lot of money I don’t need to be working this hard for that paycheck so we’ll see y I respect that all right all right Tom appreciate you appreciate you thank you as much thank you so much and I also thank everybody for listening watching participating again tell me what I meant by um uh scal Horford uh because I still don’t know what I meant by that uh get in the comment section comment section of the YouTube page and uh let me know what you think about that and I would love it if you shared the podcast tell everybody they should be listening to and watching the lockdown Celtics podcast here on the lockdown podcast Network it’s your team every day

The Celtics are re-signing Xavier Tillman, keeping almost everyone from the championship team together. Keeping Tillman is positive, but can this turn out to be another low-key underrated score for Brad Stevens in a similar way Derrick White was? John Karalis of Boston Sports Journal and Tom Westerholm discuss that and the value (and pitfalls) of keeping the same locker room together. Also, a goodbye and thank you to Kemba Walker, who retired on Tuesday.

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  1. I'm very happy to see you working in the off-season. As a boston sports fan I really don't care to watch much about the other big local teams so you're content really gets me by. Appreciate what you do!

  2. Tillman is 25 years old I see him getting better at 3pt shooting that would give us Al post prime game

  3. Great show. A lot to unpack here:

    Scal Horford had me dying. 😂 Tillman is exciting because I think he has huge growth potential. I think the locker room will be fine and I think Joe probably already has some weird activities planned to keep them from feeling themselves too much. Good vibes beat a rogue dude who might choke his teammates any day of the week. So much love for Kemba as a player and a person. I wish him all the best.

  4. Can we talk about Sam Hauser and how important he will be this upcoming season getting more mins to keep the Jays rested

  5. Think of it this way: Al Horford was not ANY kind of "shooter" a decade ago. If–and it's a big if–Tillman can somewhat transform his game, he could become a true asset. For now, he's just a nice role player. Size, strength and intelligence on defense alone make someone valuable.

  6. Going for a second championship is where the fans come in. They have already proven that they're champions with a chip on their collective shoulders. Now they've seen how much the fans adore them and contrast it with the crap the media put them through. Hopefully, they will be playing for those who have supported them all the way and not to please the media pundits who are eagerly waiting for them to fail. Do it for the children.

  7. I believe Hauser is the Al replacement as the 6th man of the bench he doesn't give u the help on the bigs but can space the floor with Tatum as center and switch on defense and he's 6'9

  8. I might have said this already, but Bill Simmons' dad, who has had season tickets for five decades and sits behind the C's bench, says this Celtics team is the closest and has the best camaraderie he's ever seen.

  9. Agree the potential for negatives is there, but think the chances of them becoming major issues/festering/derailing them are manageable. Too many good soldiers here to imagine it fraying. Injuries are the only black swan I'm wary of.

  10. Regarding the Jay's friendship, Lou Williams said during the finals that JB & JT are closer than people think. He said that he has seen them hanging out together on multiple occasions, they just don't post it on social media.

  11. The family part really gets me in the feels. Being a dad and expecting a second, seeing that locker room with all those kids gives me such a loving vibe. Hauser is expecting and I think of the main guys other than JB, Pritchard and KP all have kids.

    As a parent, empathy from other parents is indescribable. You say one thing and they give that look that they understand or they say “hey my kid started doing this” or show cute videos. Parents are some of the most resilient, egoless, patient and loving people out there, often not by choice but out of pure necessity.

    A team built on a bunch of dads is a place I’d love to be. You can imagine on the road, this team is definitely not going to the strip club or out partying. They’re probably FaceTiming their kids.

    Sounds boring but I can definitely say, rookies on this team will get love and support to be the best versions of themselves. Joe Mazzulla is also a great leader and sometimes teammate to these guys, a true player/coach.

    I doubt anything breaks it up, such an egalitarian and balanced group of guys. Love this team even more.

  12. Yeah, maybe Anton becomes good enough to be in Al’s spot over the next year or two before he retires, but Tillman is a stretch lol

  13. Not everybody is back. At least not for the 2025/26 season. I am looking at you Sam, just sign that extension and stay long term!

  14. I actually see Tillman as a Grant Williams type player rather than Al horford. Hope Tillman works on his 3 pointers in the off-season.

  15. Glad to have him back. hes the 1st big i wanted back due to his switchability. luke 2nd then i was willing to lose queta if we had to lose 1. i like a couple of things about this deal:

    1. its a vet min so it keeps the option of ducking under the 2nd apron this season alive.

    2. it's a multi-year deal. i wish luke got a 2Y too.

    3. they got it done early. now, the roster's full and we can stop stressing about that last roster spot and focus on summer league.

  16. I always just remember how different Derrick White looked from when he first got to Boston (2021-22 trade deadline) to what he looked like in 2022-23 after an off-season with the Cs. I truly think we will see a far more comfortable and effective Tillman.

  17. I don't think we talk enough about AL stepping in and being the Cs starting center for almost the entire playoffs. I think back to Perkins getting hurt and how old Rasheed Wallace couldn't step up. Or when Perkins was traded and old Shaq/Jermaine O'Neal couldn't step up. Al is impressive.

  18. Look, this is a bold take. But i went to 18 games last year & at every single one of them i watched luke warm up by taking shots in the paint & beyond the arc. The freaking guy rarely missed. I wished they'd allow him to shoot

  19. I think having that third big able to hit a three is a must for the Celtics, at least in the post season. That five-out offense was so important for the Celtics in the finals, and the only time the Dallas defense really got going was when their bigs could cheat off the Celtics non-shooter and back Luka up.

  20. Hawks Al Horford couldn’t sniff current Al Horford’s dirty socks.. so dogging X for not being this years Horford is dumb. 90% of the league doesn’t have a big that’s on the same level..

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