@Denver Nuggets

Lot of naysayers out there but this dude was a demon last season coming off the bench for the Clippers.

Lot of naysayers out there but this dude was a demon last season coming off the bench for the Clippers.

by MerchDodo


  1. thunderballs303

    Then disappeared in the playoffs. I think he’ll kill the locker room and tank the team.

  2. snakejakemonkey

    16/68 from field his last 6 playoff games.

  3. Holden_place

    Low risk / decent reward for that salary. He could shore up the bench. The FO has shown they will jettison locker room problems mid-season.

    BTW – I’ve never liked him but have come to respect his athleticism, energy, and his fortitude dealing with the drama always swirling around him.

  4. Westbrook just had the worst playoffs in his NBA career and it’s not even close. He had a PER of 5….. a TS% of 34%…. Father Time has turned Westbrook into a worse version of Mudiay…. I don’t care if Jokic wants him. Find someone else

  5. Ok_Respond7928

    He just wasn’t tho. Maybe like two years ago when he was traded mid way through the season.

  6. masonb423

    There’s a reason he opted into a $4 million contract and that’s because he not worth that on the open market. Hard time believing this does anything to help us, would rather give those minutes to someone else like Picket.

  7. Meatwad-is-better

    I’ll be completely in favor if they can get him for the vet min. He’ll have to earn it if they trade for him tho

  8. The amount of posts about this happening has only assured me it is not happening

  9. Meatwad-is-better

    So much leftover Westbrook hate in this sub. He’s not on OKC anymore and that game winner was years ago. Scoffing at the idea of adding 11/5/5 off the bench seems insane to me. Especially when they might get him on a minimum

  10. u_n_p_s_s_g_c

    I mean sure but we need to actually get him for me to be able to talk myself into liking this move

  11. kosmos1209

    At least for play making and creation, he’s a huge upgrade from Reggie Jackson, which we really need. In terms of catch-and-shoot, probably a downgrade from Reggie, which is worrisome cause we don’t have great floor spacers to begin with, and we also need floor spacers.

  12. xXStretch79Xx

    Before this actually became a possibility, I would have been 100% against this. But upon further reflection, I can see how this could work. I think Westbrook could add a lot of flexibility to lineups now, as long as he plays the role of the lineup he’s in. I hope Moach starts playing rotations with more of a team mindset rather than starters, 2nd, everyone else. I think a Russ, PWatt, and DJ lineup could be fun

  13. petrosteve

    Does Jok want him or is this some hot air being blown by Harrison ?

  14. NuggetEagle

    i want Westbrook, don’t care what people say, his salary is so small that it does not matter.

    I just wonder how he got worse shooting, while his athleticism seems to hardly have declined with age…

    Like normally people improve shooting and bball IQ with age, but get slower and weaker, Russ seems to have kept his athleticism, but has declined in the other two aspects of his game. There must be a possibility to improve his shooting surely… if we get him, i will support him and hope it works out, really loved him when he was on the Thunder, probably my fav non Nugget player (at the time) besides Dame.

  15. imacpastudent

    Westbrook needs to look at Jason kid highlights after his prime and focus only on being that type of PG. The only issue is he thinks he’s the best player on the court and gets baited easily by the other team. There are times where he gets tunnel vision or feels like he has to score/take a shot just cause someone told him he’s washed .

    He also has no BBIQ and lacks awareness. At this point nuggets are desperate for a backup PG and he’s one of the few available

  16. Not my first choice. But how many worthwhile free agents are still available?

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