@Milwaukee Bucks

Bucks sign Taurean Prince REACTION

Bucks sign Taurean Prince REACTION

ladies and gentlemen we have ourselves a John H free agency master class on our hands the Milwaukee Bucks have just signed the dude that was number one on my list of guys for the bucks to Target in free agency torian Prince coming off a season where he shot about 40% from three giving the Lakers about nine points a game and pretty solid defense and I’m sure there’s some people this is the Bucks Channel now this isn’t my main Channel but I’ve seen some people make their way over to my videos from fans of other teams and saying the Milwaukee Bucks aren’t doing anything while the Sixers are getting Paul George this team’s doing this and that team’s doing that listen listen the last year K midi and Giannis were healthy not even fully healthy Yannis went down to the Conference Finals and K midy stepped up to take the team to the finals but just mostly healthy the last time the Bucks won the stinking finals and then the year after kidi goes down they lose at seven to the Celtics year after that Giannis goes down still a performance that was embarrassing and in excusable by Drew holiday but you know what happened we got that dude out of town and we brought in Dame dollas then this past season what the heck happened Giannis went down Dame dollas went down and the Milwaukee Bucks mostly carried by Chris Middleton took the Pacers to six games a Pacers team that that then went on to beat the Knicks who some people thought were contenders in the East and gave the Celtics a little bit of a they those games were competitive so the people that are in the comments even bucks fan saying we’re not doing enough we just need a couple nice role players to upgrade over a j the J Crowders of the world and us to be healthy and I like our chances and you know what horse just did he got about as good of a role players as they could have with the cap space they have kcp just signed for 66 million I know kyp’s won some chips I don’t want to disrespect that man but to get tan Prince a guy that 66 could guard one at least two through four that’s a steal and I was hoping as soon as we were even coming across for AGC starting to think about it Darvin ham Lakers fans criticize Darin ham for playing him too much that might be a nice Bond where he could bring him over to Milwaukee and he did it I don’t know if it was darham but I’m sure that played a role in tan Prince’s mind and now if there’s some Lakers fans that are um watching this video saying we hated toian Prince because I saw the Lakers fans not liking that dude and that’s fair in a situation where you have D’Angelo Russell who you don’t know what you’re G to get from Haim Mo who looks great in one series and trash the next but when he’s on the Milwaukee Bucks and he’s the the fifth option all of the time whether he’s like the buck sixth best guy behind Bobby Brooke Middleton Giannis and Dame that’s a beautiful role to fit him into they’re never going to be hoping for him to be the third option definitely not the second option he’ll never even be the fourth option he’ll be the last option on the floor pretty much every time he’s out there and for that a guy that could shoot 40% from three that is a solid Defender that’s all the Bucks need and this guy is isn’t one of these guys that’s just you know a prototype of a good Defender Maran Bo champ so far in his career I hope he becomes a good Defender but torian Prince is actually pretty solid defensively in terms of being in the right places at the right time I still remember against uh the Denver Denver Nuggets in the playoffs Jamal Murray goes left hits a pull-up jumper for For the Win what’s Toren Prince doing he’s guarding the man two uh two guys away from the ball and he’s pushing ruy haimura who’s supposed to step over the help no help so he’s like trying to help out his teammates and tell them where to be on the floor so this is a guy there’s a reason that darham liked him so much because he knows where to be he knows what he’s doing on the basketball floor and I think he’s going to be in a perfect situation where the with the Bucks where they’re not expecting that much out of him other than just do just help us out on defense and then offensively just hit the open threes and this is a big upgrade over Malik Beasley who could just hit the open threes nothing on the defensive end so now it’s really just one spot left for the bucks if they get Gary Trent Jr I will apologize to John horse they say Johnny you might not be able to draft but you just had yourself a master class if the Bucks get Gary Trent Sten Jr let me know in the comments what you want me to do if that happens because I’ll do almost anything I would probably cry I would be so happy I did not expect that the Bucks would get the top guys on my on my list I thought we’d have to live with like a Reggie bulock or something like that with the cap space we have but applaud John horse and I’m super excited as a buck fan let me know what y’all are thinking though are y’all as hyped as I am I’m sure there’s going to be some people that don’t think this is as good of a pickup as I do but I’m excited drop a comment hit that like And subscribe please yes sir

Reaction to the Milwaukee Bucks signing former Lakers player Taurean Prince in NBA free agency


  1. I never understood the “fire Horst” crowd. If you are a member of that crowd, could you please break down the argument for me?

  2. this means Pat Bev is gone but I’d much rather have Prince. getting off of Pat’s contract and getting under the 2nd apron has to be the next move

  3. Delon and Tauren are upgrades over Crowder and Beasley on paper. Gotta wait and see how they play but I like both moves. Gives you more optionality/versatility with different lineup combinations when Brook or Bobby aren’t on the floor and you go to small ball lineups with Giannis at the 5. Good pickup by Horst.

  4. I like it, imagine how much better Prince is gonna be than Beasely, biggest upgrade in Bucks history I love this trade, start Prince with Dame and Middleton, that gives you size and now you can set picks for Dame, Beasely couldnt set picks or cut to the basket

  5. Still have some reservations about this team when it comes to age, health, Doc(rotations, playing young guys consistently/ adjustments esp playoffs) Whether any of the young guys(even just one takes a big step forward) Chemistry with Giannis/Dame, pnr with Giannis, setting more and BETTER screens. More fluid and diverse offense. Experimenting throughout the season with different lineups and defensive sets. Figuring out who’s their fifth starter rather than having a mash of guys going back and forth for the season. They still don’t have that athletic/versatile big that can guard into space some, like Robert Williams or Nic Claxton behind Brook and Bobby that gives you another option. Team isn’t without its flaws but let’s see what else they might do and hope for the best.

  6. I don't live in Milwaukee but dame and yonis are my two favorite players I think Middleton and Prince gives u a two really good shouters along with dame should open it up for the freak I'm excited

  7. Let’s Go Bucks!!! 🦌🦌🦌🦌 we getting this roster TOGETHER!! Thank God!! Let’s hope we can sync in fr! I see ya John Horst!!!

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