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Chicago Bulls Free Agency LIVE -Kevin Huerter in DeMar DeRozan deal with Kings? | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Chicago Bulls Free Agency LIVE -Kevin Huerter in DeMar DeRozan deal with Kings? | CHGO Bulls Podcast

St welcome in the loved ones hello welcome to cgo Bulls podcast brought to you by our people at Kors like make the most out of times you choose to CH choose to chill choose Kors light get Coors Light delivered straight to your door via instacar by going to cor slcgo basketball celebrate responsibly course Brewing Company golden of Colorado I am Big Dave guiding this ship yes I am this black and fine that is my guy will to go God leave over there but on the ones and twos is Sarah bear hello she’s in the house hi Hi how are you I’m wonderful and of course pman is on the Mish house the tank top is out the Coors Light is cold that man Matthew pek how are you sir uh well I’m kind of cranky right now cuz my nieces are at the beach and I’m sitting here talking to y’all but we love you too Matthew yeah it’s good to see you too man kid I’m I would there’s nowhere I’d rather be than sitting up in this dingy Loft while the rest of my family is off gallivanting on a beautiful day up here in northern Michigan because I love y’all just so so much thank you Matt I know you mean a little percentage of that what up Sean Sarah please I I do want to ask you because you were at the Brewers game on that escalator are you okay I am okay all right I just have a bruise just have a bruise that’s it yeah or your boyfriend picked you up and carried you like the movie An Officer and a Gentleman you do not get that reference Matt does but carrying the office like just picked you up and carried you got it too you got it too all right good there was a dog pile I needed to get out of it okay all right to get out of there that’s called true love is what I’m saying yeah at least I know that you know he’s good under those type of situations so good yeah he passed the test all right well it’s good to see you I’m glad you’re all right and I’m glad you’re here cuz we are talking Bulls today we’re going to dive back into Demar d in and see if there’s any possibility that he can still maybe get to the Lakers and is another team that’s a front runner Matt’s favorite the Miami he is in a front winner we don’t know but there’s another team that’s also come out and that is the Sacramento Kings for Demar de rozan y’all not Zack LaVine but for Demar de rozan we’re gonna get into that and of course it wouldn’t be our show without some Lonzo ball news we got some Lonzo Ball video to see so we’re going to get into that uh but first let’s start with the Lakers and what they have just done LeBron James says I’m not waiting around anymore LeBron James and said I’m GNA go ahead and get this money together how about that rep from woles LeBron James has agreed to return to the Los Angeles Lakers on a two-year 104 million contract that includes a player option for the 2025 26 Season and a no trade clause the max deal of 104 million would put the Lakers about 1 million over the League’s new punitive salary second apron and would severely limit the team’s roster flexibility hello James’s agent Rich Paul is planning to discuss with Lakers GM Rob pinka the possibility of taking the million dollars or so below the maximum to keep the Lakers under the $18.9 million second apron will please explain this to people like myself about second aprons and things all I see is that LeBron James got a fat check and they can’t trade him LeBron James got a fat check and now they can’t trade him thank you that’s the long and short of it no Al to the beat you go Matt basically why this is interesting is LeBron was willing reportedly to take a pay cut in order to create enough space for the Lakers to bring in somebody using the mid-level exception mid-level exception is $12.9 million there was some Rumblings that maybe Klay Thompson would go into that maybe Jonas valan chunis would go into that maybe Demar D rozan would go into that none of that happened now LeBron’s like I’m tired of waiting for you guys to figure out which like veteran can come into the mid level I’m just going to take my Max because I’m LeBron James and I can get as much money from whatever team that I want so that’s what he did and when he did that he put the team above the first apron so it’s still possible that a guy like dear or another star that the Lakers end up wanting to trade for gets traded to the Lakers but now this becomes a lot harder reason being they’re above the first apron it means that they can’t take in players and stay above the first apron okay in other words they have to get below the first apron in order to make that trade and that means dumping salary you’ve got D’Angelo Russell you’ve got Gabe Vincent who’s making 11 million Jared Vanderbilt’s 10 million um R haimura is making 17 you can move some of those guys but teams in the league aren’t just like yeah I’ll take on a player for money they’re like no I want to pick with that please and otherwise I’m not doing it so now you’re looking at okay I gotta attach a pick to trade ruy haimura to the Nets or D’Angelo Russell to the Nets and then I’ve got to attach something to another player to the Bulls to get D rozan to come here because he wants to sign for more than we’re able to give him that means the Bulls need to be involved in order for this thing to work and that means the Bulls are going to be asking for picks so that just made things a lot more challenging for the Lakers to get dear I’m not sure that it’s even worth it to them at this point because like I said you got to attach a pick to D’angelo Russell to get rid of him and you got to attach another pick to R haimura to get rid of him and get to R rozan in there is that really the best use of their picks in their cap space I would say probably not but who knows what the Lakers are really up to up to doing at this point um but all that to say it just makes it a lot more challenging and that has been kind of the story of demard D rozen’s free agency right now as good a player as he is as much money as he deserves there just aren’t a lot of teams that are interesting to him that also have the space to give him the years and dollars that he wants signage trades need to be three years that means that a team has to commit to him a lot of money on a three-year deal and that’s just a tough thing to do when you’re talking about a 35-year-old veteran who doesn’t fit great next to LeBron and AD All Things Considered so just becomes even more difficult uh obviously this isn’t like saying anything derogatory about Demar he’s a great player it’s just the situation that he’s in right now and so he may have to end up you know taking less money than he wants a shorter term deal than he wants so that he can get back onto the free agent Market next summer when more teams are projected to have cap space uh Matt do you think this is the end of the demard de rozan dream coming back to his home City uh in La it certainly sounds like it for now at least um like as will just laid out it’s still possible in in certain unlikely ways that dear finds his way there but the the Lakers roster appears set and you know I I am very much someone who feels um with uh how how will just uh explain it like as a bulls fan like I I don’t want to just take on crap salaries of crap players to help the Lakers facilitate this Demar deal unless there’s also serious draft Capital attached to it and that doesn’t seem like something that the Lakers are capable of doing right now because they don’t really have draft Capital that they can trade so you know honestly My Hope at this point for dear is finding himself a home for one year somewhere and then maybe finding an opportunity a year from now to get that last big payday if that’s what he’s still looking for as a bulls fan I find it very interesting that now another team has sort of entered this conversation and I’m not talking about Miami Heat screw them they really have also like the Lakers very limited ways that they can bring Tomar in like uh you know tax taxpayer whatever 5.2 million um or or a veteran minimum I think uh that uh uh athletic report uh that came out earlier today was was talking about for Miami being a front runner for dear despite the fact that they can’t pay him and now all the Curiosity in my mind is looking over at Sacramento especially knowing that there is a piece over there that the Bulls are reportedly interested in and now we’re maybe again talking about getting something for dear in a sign and trade maybe when it seemed like 24 hours ago Bulls fans were getting ready to reside themselves to the fact that we were going to just watch Demar walk away in free agency for nothing but I would say this just before like we get into any more specifics yes it kind of like sucks to lose Demar for nothing but I actually think that it could be better than like Matt’s saying bringing back a bunch of salary that you don’t want or having to attach players that you do want in order to make the money even you don’t want to put yourself in a situation where you’re further hamstrung just because you wanted to help Demar get where he wanted to go I know the Bulls are a player first organization at least they want to be but you don’t set yourself back in doing that so um at the end of the day like dear might not have the home that he wants to go to but that doesn’t mean that like just letting him go for nothing isn’t the best solution because it leaves you flexible now you have 13 extra million dollars before you reach the luxury tax maybe that means you can trade Zack LaVine and take more money back in order to help facilitate things maybe a team like the Warriors for example send you back Wiggins and another big salary that they don’t want um so you’re helping them clear off their books a little bit while you also get to move on from Zach that way so leaving that extra space think there is value in that obviously you don’t want to lose D rozan for nothing um or maybe you get a third team in there they can take the salary and the asset and you retain that space But I just like yes it it sounds bad to like lose him for nothing but I think there are some pros to it just because having that flexibility is nice one of the problems with the bulls these past couple years is that they’ve just been so close to the luxury tax that you can’t do anything yeah so having a spare $13 million of buffer room allows you to take back more salary in another deal maybe it’s a Tory Craig for Zeke Naji and a pick you know you you help clear out the Nuggets space you give them a rotation player you take back a young backup center who’s making more than he should be and you get a pick for the price of doing business that’s the kind of move that the Bulls should be making but they can’t do that unless they have that extra space and and getting a bad salary back in a Demar D rozan trade that would just make things even harder yeah uh TR says this Demar misread the market whoops uh Tangi Marie Demar should have took money uh adtv is it possible that dear will sit out this year if he doesn’t get a deal that he wants no bro he’s playing that’s a Hooper man like dear is not doing that hey Julia he is not doing that he is going to play and he’s gonna get out there uh on that floor I I don’t want this to be over for him because I like Demar D rozan he’s too good you know I don’t and I don’t mean I don’t when I say over for him I mean I don’t mean his time here in Chicago that’s over that’s done cool with that I’m saying his dream of actually going home to La I don’t want that to be over for him it feels like the Clippers have definitely shut the door on that with their signings so I don’t think that’s going to go down but you talked about the fit in La you know next to ad next to LeBron I’m always under the impression that if you got LeBron and I don’t care who you put next to him it’s gon to fit some kind of way because LeBron is gonna find a way to make it work um but I just want this for Demar just because of the great person that he is and the things he did here here in Chicago on and off the floor like I just would love to see him in his career or even just have a moment in his career where he puts on a jersey of a team that he really wanted to play for all his career man I think he really deserves that kind of stuff and I hope it works out like that for him but what are the chances so will like are are we talking like extra thin like a thin slice of provalone of him actually becoming a LA Laker maybe a little proone um you know he does still have options I think the hold up now is how much money he’s asking for okay the Lakers could easily clear a couple million bucks get the get the taxpayer midlevel exception which I believe is like five and a half million and they could sign him with that on a one-year deal he gets to play with the Lakers everybody’s hunky dory and he gets to be on his hometown team he could do that with the Clippers he could do that with Miami it doesn’t take as much to open up five million as it does to open up you know almost 13 obviously true so there are still options here but this is dear Holding Out for a bigger payday and there’s nothing wrong that he deserves it but that’s just the situation as far as why things haven’t happened yet you could also say uh knock knock Mr traon langon new Pistons GM I’d like to come play for you for $25 million a year can we make that happen I’m sure he’d say fine and then try to flip him at the deadline so he does have options it’s just the teams that he wants to go to and the amount of money that he wants that’s what’s not available and or teams aren’t willing to do the sign in trade because they don’t want to lock him into a three-year deal so um I obviously something’s going to get done at some point I think it’s just like a tough pill for Demar to swallow to be like yeah I’m going to have to sign for 5 million this year I’m going to have to go play for the minimum somewhere and then get back on the market next year that’s probably not what he deserves and it’s probably not what he wants to do but that is potentially what the situation is turning into just because as I said before the amount of teams with space with the flexibility and that are good enough to like be exciting for D rozan that’s just not there right now Matt real quick because we got to go on a break the chances of Demar going to La high low where you at low at this point I mean even even before the LeBron thing it seemed like maybe Miami was gaining traction as the most likely landing spot for Demar despite the fact that they don’t seem to be able to pay him um but I I mean I I would put still both of those outcomes and maybe Sacramento now too higher than Detroit like I look Demar D rozan loves money and loves making money being great at basketball Detroit why the hell would he go to Detroit that makes no sense unless he’s really only About the Benjamins and I don’t think he’s really that only About the Benjamins yeah all right we’re gonna uh take a break here when we come back I definitely want to get into Demar to the Miami Heat and just let pet talk and then we’ll talk about the Sacramento Kings yeah let’s talk about the Kings too as the new team that would be involved in this but first it is s guys gymm favorite time Coors Lights between work social media and the choices life throws our way it’s no wonder we’re more worked up Kors like celebrates Rising above and choosing a chill mindset why not turn that rain out barbecue into the 55th annual will to go got Le and Ben the bull karaoke house party or after a tough loss settle scores with the ice cold piece offering make the choice to choose chill then reach for a cold Co light and a mountain cold refreshment cuz when the mountains turn blue you know just what to do it’s course light it’s cold logger cold filtered and cold packaged for a smoother finish when you Embrace a chill mind State it’s that time to choose chill and you crack open that Co light because it is Mountain Cold refreshment that is crisp and refreshing as the Colorado huracanes now most times you choose chill but do it with the course light y’all choose that that chill mindset and get it straight get delivered straight to your door via instacart with cgob basketball Kors light celebrate responsibly Kors Brewing Company golden of Colorado cheers to that that’s so refreshing cold is a Rockies uh Today’s Show also brought to you by our friends at indeed we’re all driven by the search for better but when it comes to hiring the best way to search for a candidate isn’t to search at all don’t search match match with indeed if you need to hire then you need indeed indeed is your matching and hiring platform with over 350 million Global monthly visitors according to indeed data and a matching engine that helps you find quality candidates fast ditch the busy work no one likes busy work use indeed for scheduling screening and messaging so you can connect with your candidates faster and indeed 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matpack and goat are the big three the Bulls really need we love you Robert thank you for saying that appreciate you very much and if other people are watching us 293 of you also feel that way hit the like for us do that we would appreciate it do it for S Bear hit them thumbs up uh the Lakers were did seem like that they were the Front Runners but now we’re hearing that the Miami heat just might be the Front Runners to get Demar D rozan at least that’s the things that are being reported uh yovon bua uh of the athletic saying the Lakers have now turned their attention to Demar de Rosen though the heat are currently viewed as slight favorit to land a 15year veteran and six-time Allstar uh Barry Jackson and Anthony Chang I apologize if I’m saying your name in correctly of the Miami heral there are still significant challenges that could ultimately prevent a heat D rozan marriage the biggest at the moment the only way Miami could add him would be if he accepts the Heat’s 5.2 million taxpayer midlevel exception or even less likely a minimum contract those are the Heat’s only non-trade Avenues to add players Matt after hearing this and knowing that the Avenue is small to go to Miami it still feels like though you might have a little more encouragement that would end up on the heat over the Lakers just because of Pat Riley correct yeah I I don’t know if I would choose the word encouragement because I would freaking hate it if Demar went to Miami because to hell with Miami and everyone who puts on a Heat jersey and everyone who is a Heat fan and they’re all fake as hell shout out to Jimmy buckets by the way I saw some interview he was doing that was going around NBA Twitter the other day calling out Heat fans for never showing up on time for the start of their games good for you Jimmy Heat fans are fake as hell and they’re trash TR people do better uh shout out to my boy Joe Keem Noah um I encouraged no terrified yes because this is a scenario where I could see Demar saying all right you know what I’ll sign a one-year deal for the taxpayer midlevel of five million see if I can go make something happen in Miami this season actually make a playoff run with a team that has gone to the NBA finals twice in recent years Against All Odds to me that is something that Demar could arrive at thinking through his now shrinking and limited options as an unrestricted free agent to me that makes more sense than trying to Ram his way into a Lakers team that already seems crowded and busy and they’re you know their minds are made up LeBron signed to his new deal like the Heat make a lot of sense if dear is willing to take a pay cut and want to go there to compete and you know hey Florida state taxes All That Jazz it’s only five million bucks but like there’s there’s a lot else to like about Miami and living there for a year which is why they get all the free agents all the time you know Matt brought brings up a good point right there about the sales tax that was one of the things that sold Klay Thompson on going to Dallas they didn’t give him the most money but he would recruit most of it because he has that sales taag uh could something like that be for Demar de rozan I I don’t see him taking the 5.2 million but do you think that he could some kind of way make this work and get him there just like you said for that year I mean that’s kind of what I was saying before he’s running out of options and so I think similar to the situation that Urus put Jerry rorf in which is like you can pick one between paying the luxury tax or making the play in he’s gonna have to decide between being competitive in playing for a real team or making money because those two things is just not going to happen this summer um and so I think a $5 million taxpayer mid-level with like one of these teams like Miami or the Lakers or the Clippers that could work um I could see him getting the full mid-level exception for a team like the Kings if they were able to clear out some space but there’s just not a lot of good options out there and so giving himself a chance to win at a high level this year get back on the market next year when more teams have money I think that could make sense I was listening to um I can’t remember what podcast what it was but they were talking about clay and the no state income tax thing it’s it doesn’t quite work that way because you get paid in the NBA according to this podcast on per game basis right so if you’re playing a game in Illinois you have state income tax on that if you’re playing a game in Texas you don’t but so it’s half your games plus like you know the yeah plus you know the few more if you’re playing in Orlando or you know San Antonio Houston things like that there’s other games where that wouldn’t happen so maybe it’s closer to 45 or 50 but it’s not like you don’t pay any state income tax so that I mean it does help um and that does matter but I think at this point it’s going to be it’s going to come down to him of like situation and money and I think he’s going to have to decide between those two not get both of them yeah Matt we kind of touched on a little bit what Demar would kind of be for that Heat team what he would mean what do you think this would Elevate that Heat team to and a in a a conference that already sees the Knicks and already sees Boston where they are uh Philly you saw the moves that they made right there Milwaukee is always going to hang around because they got Giannis where does this put the heat if they can a guy like Demar de R Roan I mean I don’t think it necessarily moves the needle for them in the regular season it might move the needle for them in the playoffs and you you know that whatever Miami does from game one to game 82 and however they wind up there I would anticipate that they are somewhere in the six to1 range maybe a play in team maybe they sneak in uh at six maybe five avoid the playing tournament but then it’s all bets are off with the Miami Heat when when you get to the playoffs all bets are off we have learned that over the years so Demar makes them a much more dangerous and difficult out when you get to the playoffs assuming Miami is going to be there I also did uh notice some people in the comments uh talking about this and we should make note of that as well there is the the uh Alec Burks element to this they uh it was uh let’s see four o’clock Eastern time that W tweeted that Alec Burks agreed on a one-year deal with the Miami Heat um so there is another roster spot spoken for for Miami when it comes to these talks about Demar they still um they’re still not above the second apron so they could still get that taxpayer mid level but they have let’s see five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 roster spots filled so they do have space but they’ve got Haywood heith they’ve got Caleb Martin kind of hanging in uh in the wind here so we’ll see if they decide to go to another team that the 76ers have been linked to Caleb Martin that could open up space to me that’s an upgrade for them I mean you mentioned the regular season not being that much different they won 46 games last year and they were the eighth seed the uh 76ers W 47 as the seventh seed 47 as the sixth seed for Pacers 47 as the fifth seed for the magic and 48 for the Cavs as the four seed even the Bucks only won 49 games as a three seed so that’s a three game separation between the eighth seed and the third seed I do feel like d rozan would help them in the regular season I and I think he would help them in the playoffs too but like with the heat devil magic playoffs spola Jimmy Butler heat culture nonsense who knows if they even need him so I think it would help them in the regular season they’d get two more wins against the Bulls that they didn’t have last year the Bulls split the season series so I I do think it would help them a little bit maybe not make them a 50- win team but I could see them jumping into the top four or five if they do get D rozen and that matters I mean that help that helps you you know take a load off of Jimmy he doesn’t have to play every single game have to like scramble and scratch in the claw when he’s not there because you know D rozan will show up every single night and you know if at $2 million at $25 million for three years yeah maybe you’re not getting a great value deal there but at $5 million for one year for D rozan like that he is going to exceed the value of that contract and so I would be I mean if I were the Heat and I could sign D rozan to that I’d be thrilled I just I think if that were on the table for from DeRozan’s standpoint it would already be done and I think he’s still hold out for a better option at this point and so that’s why I think he’s still in waiting so if they’re saying basically the money is not going to get him there uh the trades basically is what it will take for you know the Bulls to actually you know get them to marar Rose in what would that trade have to look like for the Bulls to say okay go ahead this is gonna go through for from Miami yes correct yeah I mean that’s where things get difficult because they’re over the apron so they would have to offload Tyler herro Terry Rosier Duncan Robinson one of those three players onto another team to get below the apron and then do a sign and trade with the bulls so you’re you’re talking about giving up an asset to move off of one of your players maybe a team like Detroit says yeah we’ll give you guys a pick for Tyler hero because we want we think he could be you know a good fit next to Kade Cunningham he gives you some spacing and shot creation maybe he’s seen as an asset by some teams where they could get a pick and then now you attach a pick to Duncan Robinson to give to the Bulls but it’s just very complicated because when you’re above that apron you can’t you have to get below it and then you have to do the sign and trade and that can be difficult and then from the Bulls perspective what makes any of these difficult is they can only take back that 13.3 million that we talked about so if you want to talk about Duncan Robinson well he’s making 19 so that means you got to offload Javon Carter or $6 million in another way in order to make that deal work and now you’re talking about giving even more money to a third team so it is a little bit tricky with these teams over the apron and that’s why you know it’s just it’s seeming less and less likely not impossible but less and less likely for the Clippers the Lakers and the heat to make a move on D rozan and that’s why maybe this third you know Darkhorse team the Kings does make a little bit more sense uh Matt can you tell me again uh how much the heat stink I I I just enjoyed hearing that so much from you because you know my hatred for them in the New York Knicks I just like hearing you say these things yeah I mean yeah the Heat suck uh all that talk the heedles uh were were spitting at their celebratory you know championship rally before they played a single game together well you think I forgot about that you think the world forgot about that not five not six not seven oh who do I hate more yeah oh that’s a great question yes and the Celtics and the Lakers give me your give me your power rankings of Celtics Lakers knicks heat in order of which team you hate the most I don’t hate the Celtics F Celtics I feel like I said that because I know Lakers Nick he I don’t care about the yeah this is a Matt question F the Lakers okay F the Lakers F the Celtics uh MF the this isn’t is this is not F kill this is put them in order of what you most this is this is kill kill kill harder yeah now we’re talking this is Staff shoot and choke that’s how he has it like that well and poison like maybe one of them gets that I don’t know about you Dave but like I think maybe it’s reason zbi I hate the heat more than I hate the Knicks right now and like the heat got absolutely bounced out of round one you know by Boston most people expected that and the Knicks made a much louder uh deeper playoff run but my 90s kid hatred of the Knicks like it’s it’s deeper in the past I’m still like I still have deep barely healed scars from the heedles years when Bulls fans for the first time since the dynasty ended thought we had a championship C team and they kept messing it up and doing it in the most dickish ways possible I’m I’m going to come back and get my answer I’m going to get into that we’re gonna take this break right here when we come back we also gonna talk about the Kongs ladies and gentlemen dear to the Kongs we’ll see and Lonzo balls news but first let’s take a pause for the calls Shady Rays this is Baby Joey approved ad right here get ready for the season ahead with quality Shades that are built to last our friends at Shady Rays have got you covered with those premium polarized Shades that will not break the bank to Independent sunglasses company offering that worldclass product was rated 1 2 3 4 five stars 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hitting that Thumbs Up Button y’all hit it hit them thumbs up not every day is guaranteed so hit the like button this is true I think the one thumbs down was troll Joe who was giving a thumbs down for the lack of thumbs UPS I think that’s what that was he wants more thumbs give troser oh there he is thumbs Trav TR only troll he the only one that can hear that pitch when I hit that that’s the reason I go so high when I do that uh but to answer your other question Matt to to what you say I listen I don’t I hate them all I hate the Knicks I hate the heat I don’t care about the Celtics but I don’t have a hate for them because they didn’t really matter to me and my Bulls fandom and uh I forget the other team you said oh the Lakers yeah I’ve never hated the Lakers I used to like the Lakers I never hated the Lakers at all and plus they beat Bulls beat the Lakers in the championship and it’s something I tell my brother-in-law all the time who’s a huge Lakers fan yeah y’all got all the titles but I know who you didn’t beat that was that sir it’s the only thing I hold over him they have 17 titles that’s a lot but I would say my hatred for the Knicks doesn’t come out until I see John Starks when I see JN Starks on the floor did you see him in the playoffs always getting on the floor like he wanted to walk onto the floor because he’s hype that that just boils my blood so much and I hated it so much watching JN Starks be happy I don’t want to see JN Starks be happy I wish all the bad things in life while John Starks I’m joking when I say these things followly follow question yes do you hate John okay let me ask you this way who do you think hates what more do you hate John Starks more or does shirtless Wonder hate wearing shirts more because he is sitting the first of all shout out to hands behind his head shout out to the shirtless Wonder look at him shout out to him I still want to know why he was on crutches I got to figure that out but look at him all smooth and cool look like he talking on the phone conducting business all the Wonder we love you so sir yeah but Nicks go to hell heat too I don’t like them neither they actually beat the Bulls a lot so yeah I don’t like them either I I can’t stand but let’s get back to this man the Kongs the Kong Kong Kong Kongs they have now become a team that once not Zack LaVine but Demar de roen y’all uh Mark Fields reporting the kings are a dark horse to get D rozen the Kings will be back in the postseason next year they’ve got a move coming soon Casey Johnson also said the Bulls are fans of Kevin herder that is something to monitor most of the talk has been about the LaVine trade featuring herder Barnes and draft Capital previously uh Donovan Mitchell but after he’s been traded now it’s draft Capital will is I’m a little surprised this by hearing that demard de Rosen is somebody that they’re looking at now because it’s always been Zack LaVine uh for me sir how how do you look at this it’s a little surprising I don’t know if I love the fit although like I just don’t know how much that really matters to teams because it’s like this idea that you can only play with one guy who has the ball like that’s just not how it works I think what’s more complicated about that is like the pace of play deara you know walk up the floor get to his spot and get to his shot the the kings are fast man they’re getting up the floor they’re you know doing dribble handoffs they’re coming off of screens so more than the fit with D rozan I think makes less sense to me than the Lakers of the heat because I think D rozan can fit into those systems a little bit more easily but the kings are trying to make the playoffs they’re trying to get back into it and here’s how they can do it they are currently $9.4 million below the luxury tax so that means they can offer him $9.4 million uh contracts into cap space if they want to um and he could take that but that’s again less than the $12.9 million midlevel exception that was yesterday reportedly not enough for him so what does that mean sign and Trade sign and trade a little bit easier with a team like the Kings because again they’re not above the first apron so they can offer basically Demar $9.4 million plus whatever outgoing salary they have Bulls like Kevin hder so Kevin herder is making uh $16.8 million this year that means they could offer him 9.4 million plus 16.8 that’s $26.2 million where the Bulls would get Kevin herder the Kings would give dear a bigger contract then it seems like he’s getting from anyone else and maybe everyone’s happy except there’s one problem with that okay if the Bulls were to take back Kevin H herder they would be $3.5 million into the luxury tax which we know they’re not going to do no the dreaded chat box no the dreaded Lu luxury tax so how do we solve this problem there’s a couple ways number one you could attach Javon Carter’s $6.5 million toar dzan and you would have to like that would have to come out of what dear makes so 16.5 I’m sorry 6.5 minus 26.2 which is what you were originally going to give to Rosen minus uh Javon Carter 6.5 you give dear 19 and a half you attach Javon Carter you get Kevin herder back boom it works except now the kings are in the luxury tax okay so you could find a third team like the jazzz or the Pistons or the Spurs and you could say here’s a couple second round picks take Javon Carter for us so that we can make this deal work but the Bulls get herder the Kings get DeRozan a third team gets um Javon Carter and a couple of second round picks Reggie Jackson was just traded with three second round picks to the Hornets maybe it’s something like that so that’s one option second option would be that same 26.2 that you could offer D rozen and you subtract D Terry his 3.5 million now you give Demar 22 a half plus Dal Terry and that actually works both teams are now below the luxury tax except the problem is the Bulls are now giving up a young player when they’re going into a rebuild around their young players so that doesn’t make sense but what if the Kings attached a first- round pick to Kevin herder and now they said okay we’re getting the best player we’re getting another young player asset we’re giving you a contract we don’t really want how’s the first round pick sound for the price of doing business sounds pretty great to me except the Kings already owe their first- round pick to the Hawks so they could say we can give you a pick starting two years after that conveys we could give you the pick if it falls inside the top 12 which is where it’s currently protected or maybe it’s a handful of second round picks some other deal but that’s the complication with it it’s it’s difficult because you want to keep both teams below the luxury tax and you want to give dear as much money to make him happy that’s three-year deal for Demar worth 20 million where you have to give up D and Terry or where you have to have the Kings now attach couple of second round picks maybe give you a second round pick back and that’s just a lot of picks and assets going out the door just to get dear who’s a free agent so this situation like you you kind of start to understand that the Bulls do have some leverage here they can say well yeah you guys want dear and you’re willing to give him as much money but that doesn’t really benefit us because we don’t want to take on this contract so give us a first round pick and okay deal otherwise like no so that that could be powerful for the Bulls to be able to get an asset back um if they decide to play it that way but it just goes to show you how difficult all these moving parts are and now maybe you have to involve a third team maybe you have to get assets going another Direction too so it is a little bit challenging as I was figuring out all this to be able to explain on the show I ended up just writing it down too so if you want to read more about the options you can go do that that’s on our site go up right now but uh it just goes to show that like even the teams with space this is very compated because the Bulls are still up against the tax if you take back more than 13 million Matt your thoughts on demard Rosen to the Kongs yeah I mean like I think Kevin herder is a fine player um if he is maybe part of this equation because the Bulls front office really like him as a player uh you know he’s he’s 25 so it’s not exactly like he goes against this youth movement that we’re seeing um but I you know I I and I also think that the The Narrative around Kevin herder this season in somewhat similar ways to the LaVine has gone too far One Direction everybody’s talking about Kevin herder like a trash player because he just shot 36% on a slightly lower volume of Threes this season two seasons ago in Sacramento he was a 15 points per game scorer who shot 40% from three like that’s a valuable player and it is something that the Bulls desperately freaking need no wonder that the Bulls are high on Kevin herder he could freaking shoot a basketball from farther away we need that look I’m I’m still fine with the bazela pick I’m still skeptical about the way he shot from three-point range his season with the ignite I I’m I feel very blah about the Josh giddy trade right now and we all know that he can’t shoot for dick so okay you bring in you know a big man who can stretch the floor with your one free agency move thus far so you address shooting a little bit in that way great you still need to address shooting for the love of God Kevin herder would do that but I am also on on Will’s wavelength which is like I don’t like Kevin herder that much and would want some other piece of the equation coming back to the Bulls and it doesn’t sound like that is very likely yeah I think that’s the part right there and you’re dead on will and everybody in the comments is showing you that love of Sports Chicago sound this is the goats wheelhouse he is an NBA Rainman I like Joshua Simmons yes give because WTF is he talking about that is that is why I’m here that made my day you’re the man will this is true things but that’s why I said earlier like maybe it’s just better for the Bulls to let him walk for nothing and not facilitate a sign and trade because now you have space to be able to make other moves you don’t have to take in bad contracts Kevin herder is being paid next year $18 million so he’s on your book books for two years and by the way the kings are a team who’s been interested in Zack LaVine if they trade for dear now you can’t offload Zack so I wonder if it’s not just better to say look if we can get off of Demar scottt free no salary coming back maybe even a pick sure we’ll do it but at this point it’s like it’s kind of hurting you to take back so much money because that limits your flexibility moving forward and again that’s what’s plagued the Bulls all these years Sarah thanks for putting Will’s article uh in the chat you guys in chat make sure you check that out click on it read it become a smarter more awesome basketball figure out WTF I’m talking about yes um that um do you agree with Will here when he’s talking about just letting dear let tell Let The Bulls to let Demar just walk without them really recouping anything because just hearing him talk about it you’re kind of bringing me in on that like it sounds like it makes a little little sense I don’t want it to be that way because it’s Demar de Roan he’s still a valuable player but the league is is the one setting the value right about now right yeah I I think that makes sense and and I mean is it an either or situation like hey if you just let dear walk for nothing and you just clear your books in in some capacity that way and maybe also the kings are still interested in Zack LaVine and we can solve the get off of lavine’s contract too then you’re killing two birds with one stone you know good luck in free agency dear thanks Kings I do find it interesting that for the two years that we have heard about the Kings being maybe a landing spot for Zack LaVine in a trade now you know Mark J Spears is on NBA today and says hey kings are gonna make a move they’ve been kind of quiet so far but they’re going to make a move and they are a dark horse to land to Marty Rosen like it’s like what two players that the Bulls are trying to move on from are connected to Sacramento I still think the better solution from the bull seat is can you can you figure out the Zack lvan problem and can you move forward there because if that is still a possible Avenue then I think that that is what they need to be exploring and talking to Sacramento about more than helping them facilitate a sign and sign and trade for Demar because I think one of those is a bigger problem that needs solving I I definitely agree with you but the other downside of that or I guess like the other side of that coin is now you’ve just cleared out if you trade LaVine to Sacramento now you’ve just cleared out a bunch of space and you become probably a more likely destination for dear to return to and is that what you want to do now do you want to put yourself in a position where yeah you bring back dear for a couple of extra million and maybe try to move him but like those extra wins in the first half of the Season before you can trade them those still count to your record and I really feel like the Bulls are going to be they have to be like winning this race to the bottom because the idea of like falling out of the lottery out sorry out of the top 10 just in the way that the lottery balls work like that would be a disaster to be a bad team to trade d rozen and then to go from ninth to 11th in the lottery and all of a sudden your pick goes to San Antonio that would be worst case scenario I think they really need to prioritize being bad and that’s why again it’s like in a trade or just like if you were trying to be a competitive team and you knew D rozan was leaving sure you want to get something for him maybe you keep that salary slot alive um you know somebody asked in the comments how much would the Bulls get from letting D rozan walk they that’s what would open up that 13 million if they bring him back they would be for anything more than 13 million they would be over the tax which again they’re not going to do so I do think there’s value in just letting him walk because it opens up flexibility but what I don’t want to have happen is okay you finally move off Zach but now you’re in a situation where you actually can offer the most of dear and he thinks it makes sense to sign a one-year deal stay here so he doesn’t have to find another new home and then get back on the market I think that really sets you back because it makes you too good this year and they really have to prioritize being bad bad young and fun bad young and fun oh that’s how I like it uh David Snider says yes do it pull the trigger on the trades herder is younger and got more years left to give don’t score much but at least you get the best value you can for aging D rozan before he gets injured or regresses uh Jamie Andy says will y’all ever admit y’all were wrong about paying Zach will you ever admit you were wrong about paying Zach no because I thought that he should have got the contract then I think he should get the contract now it was what the market dictated at that point in time it was either that or let that man walk and at that point time I was not ready to let Zack LaVine just walk out the door for nothing after the years that he put in so I had no problem giving him the money yeah that that was such a tricky situation as you said Dave like the market dictates how much you make not like necessarily how good you are the problem is like no other team I don’t think was going to be offering him the full amount that the Bulls could offer so if they were you know trying to nickel and dime him on years or on the player option or on some of this other stuff he might have said all right well screw you guys I’m going somewhere else or I’m going to work out a sign trade and go somewhere else when you are coming off the best season that you’ve had in five seasons and you know he played really well that year obviously there was the injury but you you did have to prioritize bringing him back I don’t think it it like obviously it turned out to be the wrong decision because he’s now this like toxic asset that nobody wants to take on but the process I don’t think was wrong the original sin was like not trading him earlier they could have in in 20 instead of trading for V they could have said okay we’ve got Kobe white we’ve got Lowry we’ve got Wendell we just drafted Patrick Williams instead of trading for Vu let’s trade Zach for the kind of package that dejonte Murray or Donovan Mitchell got let’s get three future first round picks in here in a young player all of a sudden you’re really cooking you keep your pick that year maybe it’s fron Vagner maybe it’s you know Jonathan kuminga or Scotty Barnes even if you were bad enough to move up in the lottery now you’ve got your franchise player in the draft you got multiple picks coming in you’re cheap maybe Lowry starts to develop a little bit more and turns into the player he becomes that I think was the time when they could have traded him but when they traded for Vu instead and they let it get past that situation now you’ve got to bring him back this was not a situation where it’s 35y old dear and you’re starting to go a different direction this was first good season in years you’ve got dear and Vu under contract Lonzo maybe he comes back maybe not but like cruso is still here playing at a high level you’ve got to keep this team together so at that point in time I don’t think it was the wrong decision sure it was too much and it ended up being like it ended up being more difficult than you would have hoped but once they let it get to that point that is just kind of what they had to do yeah Matt yeah I I think we’ll laid it out pretty well I mean i’ I’ve been doing Bulls podcast for almost 10 years now and you can go back and check the tape uh shout out to my guy Jordan Mali uh OG tobbles lock on bulls back in the early rebuild post Jimmy he and I were both of the opinion that low was gonna be the guy and should be the guy go back and find the old episodes you can you can literally check the receipts on that we were both higher on Lowry than we were on Zack it so happens for a variety of reasons and you know now hindsight whatever whether it be Player Development failures coaching staff and and x’s and those decisions that the staff was making uh for whatever reason Zach developed faster than Lowry did in those systems and Zach ended up being the one that they decided to keep such is life that’s the reality of what happened also shout out to our our guy Joe call of the Sun Times he and I had a fun little back and forth on Twitter the other day where he was talking about like where all of the people like the Zack LaVine Max contract lovers out there are awfully quiet right now in the you know poking the be way that Coe is so great at doing to Bulls fans on Twitter and I just replied and said hey raising my hand right here Joe I don’t think anyone was ever in love with Zack lavine’s new contract there are some of us who saw the logic in it being the best of a limited amount of not great options that the Bulls had at their disposal and were fine with it okay with it not enthusiastic about it by any means and cie was like oh really here’s Matt like jumping off the SS LaVine that he’s been proudly like sailing around for years I’m like no Joe check the tape I have said from the beginning it was I thought the best decision of the options that they had of available and you said like you said will hindsight now is it a bad contract that the Bulls are looking like they might be stuck with and trying to get off of yes but at the time I still stand on the fact that it was the best of the bad options and I still even more aggressively stand on the fact that I I dare joke Ali or anyone to find a significant number of bulls fans who are out there with trumpets and red carpet after the bull signs Z to that contract no one ever save for May our our our friend Ramina shout out to her felt like that that contract that they signed Zach to was like the best greatest contract the Bulls as an organization have ever signed no one felt like that some of us were queasily uneasily okay with it more so than others and at the time like that was a movable contract and I think that’s why you sign it signed him to it he’s 27 he’s coming off an All-Star season that’s why you do it yeah but here’s the other thing that happened the CBA changed they brought in new rules that made it really difficult to justify paying your third best player first best player money because it’s really impossible to build a team now with three Superstar max players so the rules changing I think also played into this and then of course like Zack and the Bulls are at fault here too Zach started playing poorly last year he like wasn’t acting great and then he elected to have surgery you know he there was that whole thing with like him versus dear with that athletic piece that came out a couple years ago Zack hasn’t played this super well either clutch didn’t play it super well because they asked for a trade at a time when they should have known what his Market was going to be before you do that and now you you’re putting it out there that he wants to leave you’re putting pressure on the Bulls to make a deal happen but you also should know that nobody really wants him at this point so you can’t really play it like he’s Donovan Mitchell because he’s not and then he starts playing bad he gets hurt it’s like this this whole thing has just been like all these like terrible outcomes coming together and forming this opinion about Zack that everybody thought was like an unfair thing and now it’s just true because he is hurt he he did play poorly his attitude was bad so it is unfortunate but that’s why I say like this is also a super by low opportunity for a team to take a guy on a three-year contract for free those are trying to give him away and just from like an opportunity cost standpoint like this is a by low sell High situation that’s why I would not be surprised if Danny a comes in and says yeah give us that P pick we’ll take Zack you can take this bad contract John Collins maybe and then Zack plays really well and they flip him at the deadline for two more picks and it’s like they just got three picks for six months of rehabbing Zach’s value the Bulls are not in a situation where they can really do that because according to at least Joe kie from his thing yesterday like that relationship is not in a great place right now I think Zach would come in and play he did that when he came back from his first injury last year um and did the right thing but it’s just like at a certain point this does need to end I think the Bulls want to want to get it there but they still aren’t really willing to give up a pick to do that because that’s just such a tough pill to swallow when you’re going into a rebuild very true uh L saying will out here dropping Wilt numbers do it is thing baby uh Sarah is there any people with some comments to add to the things that we were talking about also I wanted to shout out a comment I saw from L earlier who said he was driving through the Sacramento area earlier today and called into Sacramento’s Sports Talk to talk about the whole dear thing said he gave us a shout out on Sacramento’s Airwaves so shout out to you L appreciate you L shout outs sir shout out S Bear we have a super chat oh come on from Robert if I was Grandpa Jerry I’d give you all fellas Max contract hey appreciate you Robert thank you sir thank you we would happily thanks Rob I’m pretty sure the real Grandpa Jerry would not give me a Max contract we’ll see maybe not met but and then uh will you never mentioned what team you hated the most out of all those ones you guys that’s a good question what team do wanted to know I don’t really hate teams anymore I don’t really think you hate I don’t hate the players oh oh he oh he hates some things Sarah does he he’s always so content I I really don’t like hate players or teams it’s just like I it’s more like process I I I like to think about it in terms of like if I was the front office what would I do and I can agree or disagree with what the Bulls front office is doing based on that so I don’t really like think about it from that perspective or like get really wound up when I watch LeBron or whatever when I was a kid for sure I did yeah but that’s just changed as I’ve gotten more like deep into it such an adult answer man it’s like no give us a six-pack and let us yell all right what are you talking about you like people go ahead s be and then uh we had a couple people ask will what you do on your laptop during the show it’s on the laptop um I’m monitoring the comments which usually I can’t see because Joey makes them very small but you make them very big so I can see them also I was reading off my notes on all the king stuff and making sure I didn’t miss any news stuff like that yeah he’s working he’s always working he’s always man he’s put day one of asking what that man does on his computer every day that can stop after day one you’ve got your answer that’s right that’s how he r arum say uh also oh I’m sorry I’m oh no I was going to say yeah he uh uh arum say yeah arum gave us a shout out saying also you guys are legit some of the best NBA content out there keep it up y’all which I I agree with that statement thank you you Sarah agrees Sarah bear approved we appreciate that Matt you’re you’re EOB Bean just said in the comments will for president I tell you what it’s a pretty low bar right now either way is a job I definitely do not want who are you hiring as vice president if you’re the president will you you need to bring the people together I’m the vice president honly country is fragmented right now Dave you are the one that can bring the country together I’m not against that I just think I I need a different title than vice president I need something I you can just be the president I want that I don’t want that you’re you’re you’re the one you’re the you’re the Kenedy out of here sir you you need to be the president true story true story I saw the first lady’s motorcade driving by when my brother and I were at the brewery up here earlier this afternoon she’s doing a tour of some Northern Michigan cities and we were like wow there there’s like three police cars that exist in this Tiny Town up here and one drove by with the sirens on and then the other one did and then a third one did and we were like wait they have three police cars we were like what the hell’s going on and and we were thinking like hey maybe somebody just like you know started the fireworks show early and blew off their thumb you know or you know like oh a drunk voting accident or a car and then all of a sudden it was like more state troopers and state and then there were like three blacked out Escalades in the middle of all these Sirens we like oh [ __ ] and we looked it up on it the first lady during a tour of Northern Michigan today well done hey my brother and I were just sitting there with our beers at the patio of the brewery like oh well enjoy that there’s some cars things were happening well shout out I want to send a shout out to the DMV because I had to go back today to the DMV and take a written test and a vision test at the DMV acce them both let me just throw that out there baby Bo expect nothing L you feel me hey man on that test you had to get 30 you had to get 30 right out of the 35 questions and I got my 30 I got my no I’m sorry you had to get 28 right out of 35 and I got my 28 right within 30 I didn’t even need the last five questions that’s what it was on baby and yes I studied yes I was ready there was no way I was taking that test twice no way I was taking that test two times man shout out for getting me in and getting me out I never want to see any of y’all ever again wow wow and this and this is coming for the guy who says big guy loves all loves all is the exception is the DMV not see them again yeah I’d love to not see them no more I hope they have lives come on to do wonderful things and I hope they are awesome people and do wonderful incredible things but I don’t want to see them at the DMV ever again I don’t want to go there that’s a cop out that’s a copout technicality man I think you have to take lov’s all out of your Twitter bio I think absolutely not you cannot Define what love is Matt you can’t Define what love is sir I love I can Define what hate is I know that sure you can because you’re raging of it I understand that you can Define what like is but love it’s Broad and I love everyone and I love y’all for hanging out with us sitting here watching us and enjoying this show thank y’all for tuning in make sure you’re reading everything will is writing we will be back tomorrow well not tomorrow but the next day because tomorrow you need to be with your family on the fourth but we will be back the next day y’all with more bull stuff for you to enjoy for sah bear on the ones and twos will the go got leag putting up 81 Matt pek about to go play with the nieces I am Big Dave just gonna go do Big Dave things we out y’all enjoy your fourth peace love we gone we all sitting like the mayor sh

The CHGO Bulls crew discuss the latest NBA free agency rumors, with DeMar DeRozan being linked to the Sacramento Kings. The Bulls are reportedly fans of sharpshooter Kevin Huerter, who has already been tied to Chicago in Zach LaVine trade rumors. And while the Lakers and Heat still have their eyes targeted on DeRozan, Marc J. Spears reported that the Kings are a dark horse to land the six-time All-Star. Can Arturas Karnisovas execute a sign-and-trade deal for DeMar that brings Huerter to the Bulls? Matt, Big Dave, and Will break down the options. Plus, the guys react to the viral video of Lonzo Ball’s latest workout.

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  1. Stay with me on this..I strongly believe that if the roles were reversed and it was Demar playing with luka in the finals, instead of DJJ..It would definitely be Demar Derozan going to the Clippers right now, not DJJ. My point is that the playoffs showcased alot of DJJ's strengths. You can also understand how amplified his value became after performing so well next to Luka in the playoffs. And if that was Demar in that hypothetical scenario, then I'd be willing to bet money that the clippers or lakers would've jumped at the opportunity to sign Demar Derozan. I'll leave it at that.

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