@Golden State Warriors

Warriors Acquiring Lauri Markkanen Update… Buddy Hield Sign-and Trade Update | Warriors News

Warriors Acquiring Lauri Markkanen Update… Buddy Hield Sign-and Trade Update | Warriors News

what up y’all Randy silver here Lowry market news buddy heel news the signning trade how’s it going the trade with Markin in how’s that going Klay Thompson updates all that for you on this episode Warriors digest you can see I shaved 3,000 fans we crossed the line freey died down a bit allowing me to shave get back to my life a little bit but of course fans I’m here for you on all the Warriors news if you’re part of the 14% subscrib thank you so much it means the real to me to have you part of Warriors digest helps you grow the channel more Warriors fans finding it if you’re not subscribed you’re missing out cu we break news like this for you per the Monty show Monty pull who is a Warriors Insider this is the update on the Jazz Warriors trade Warriors are in the driver’s seat kaminga is not on the table Wiggins in his Hefty contract will not be a part of the deal Warriors are hesitant to go up to the four first round picks and warriors are searching for the third team to make trade happen a lot to break down there so let’s go line by line Warriors are in the driver’s seat we knew that they want him the most we’ve done a lot this off season Kyle Anderson me Kyle Anderson Melton if we can do a sign trade for Buddy heeld lost clay lost CP3 this would be amazing to get marinin because if we look at what our roster would look like Steph Brandon kaminga marinin Draymond that would be your starting five now again kaminga is not on the table I see about 70% of the comments say this is a good thing kaminga cannot be on the table he’s a future Bedrock of the Warriors I agree I agree Wiggins in this Hefty contract will not be part of the deal which I think is interesting that means Utah doesn’t want money back or players for now they want draft picks to stockpile they already have a bunch of draft picks from the Don V Mitchell trade from the go bear trade so they want more picks to go get the superstar that they want or be able to draft people in the future years so that’s interesting for us to be able to extend markting in we’d have to get rid of wiggin’s contract cuz again if you look at wiggin’s Contract where we at he’s owed $26 million this upcoming year 28 million 30 million a lot of money being owed there Markin is around $18 million so if he gets around there at 20 million he probably would get a raise or maybe not we’ll break that for you as well you’d have to get rid of Wiggins because they hit that second apron right here the 178 currently we’re at around 156 168 excuse me uh you wouldn’t be able to extend him and give kaminga and potentially Moody contracts four first round picks we talked about this yesterday this is too much to give up it’s too much to give up if I show you what picks the Warriors have we’ve gained a couple second round picks from the clay deal but in terms of first round picks we own our 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 and then sucker rounds so they give up basically your first round picks the rest of the deck nope nope nope nope terrible move and the third team can help facilitate this so that is the update from the Warriors Insider side from the Utah Insider side Trey Jones low Markin the one wants to stay in Utah he’s not looking to be traded so know about that he wants to stay one year left in this contract $18 million I saw some comments about why would Utah want to trade him well they’re not really winning now he’s 27 by the time that Utah has a chance to compete they may be two three years away if they want to continue to save on salary cap and get younger players future stars then you let him go and you get assets back to build for the future potentially you know what maybe they want to expedite their opportunity to win great or the system they’re trying to build Danny a it’s not what they want and he’s not the player and a lot of teams want him now here’s a new report as well marking in if he joins the Golden State Warriors and is extended he’s expected to receive 7 to n million less than he might have if he stayed in Utah so again his contract is $18 million probably gets between 20 to 30 easily if not more 79 million less that’s a big savings that Clay did not take with us we’ll talk about that in a second because his final offer came out we know it so if we look here again at the deals probably in that above Wiggins range for sure but that Wiggins deal right there is really get to hinder us draymond’s deal draymond’s not being traded but it if he takes less that means kaminga can stay with us most likely the Warriors are the aggressors among teams currently discussing a trade for Markin as we said it would really put a dent in the Warriors roster to try and make a deal happen with Utah but Danny a once first round picks Spurs are in on it Warriors are in on it and also some other teams like the Kings and OKC so again from Trey what did he say go state says Jonathan kaminga is off the table the Kings won’t offer Murray that’s Keegan Murray OKC aren’t offering Jaylen Williams Jazz want picks so picks are what we need again we got some first round picks and we’re going to keep your updated on everything that’s happening marketing when it comes out stay tuned to Wars digest comment your thoughts below something that’s more in the works more tangible we’re hearing it’s a sign and trade for Buddy heel if that goes through then buddy the Anthony Melton and kerson all come the Warriors all solid role players but it makes a log gem for us so if we look at our roster where we’re at right now that pushes Moody like again same position where does he get playing time same s to was get playing time Waters where do Z get playing time at Center you’d have Trace Jackson Davis and Looney pretty good there so the question is where do these players fit one person who could be going away is Gio Santos to Philadelphia and the signon trade if the Golden State Warriors send Gio Santos to Philadelphia and sign second round pick Quinton post to rookie minimum deal that leaves them about $14 million under the tax apron for Buddy heal but the only way I can see to ort him at that salar is incorporate heeld and Kyle Anderson in the same signing trade that sent Klay Thompson outbound turning it into a five team Mega trade between Charlotte Dallas Minnesota Golden State and Philadelphia Athletics Athletics John Hollinger very confusing right very confusing so Philly basically would get back Santos why Santos Philadelphia Qui him into cap space would mean the Sixers could aggregate him into a trade immediately that perhaps would allow them to combine his salary and Paul Reeds to acquire a player not attainable with Reed’s salary alone such as Cleveland’s Carris Levert or Sacramento’s Kevin hter my girlfriend’s from Sacramento Kings fan I know their players names so long story short we can get healed potentially and we already know we have Ryan Anderson in the trade but we’ll take Santos Reserve guard not end of the world we have replacement probably some of the second round draft picks I don’t see it being a first round draft pick now we can move to Klay Thompson so we talked about Klay Thompson’s trade excuse me uh yeah it was a signing trade to Dallas three years $52 million Dallas sent a player the charlot and the Warriors are getting a couple second round picks back we don’t know what they are now what played in the part to Clay not wanting to leave the Warriors decision to extend Wiggins and Jordan pool in 2022 didn’t sit well with Draymond and Clay per Rona shelborne the Warriors prioritized extending pool four years $140 million and Andrew Wiggins four years $109 million over Thompson and green the summer after they won the championship which didn’t sit well with him of course you know Draymond got four years 100 million Warriors offred clay 2 years 48 million he turned the down before the start of 2024 the calendar year Klay Thompson reportedly wanted a fresh start and felt that playing for the Lakers was too much like playing for the Warriors per Ramona shelborne and Kender Andrews LeBron James had several deep conversations with Thompson about the idea of playing together sour said but something about playing for the L Lakers apparently felt too much like home and the Fishbowl his dad Michael Thompson tried to recruit his son to the Lakers obviously that’s the right thing for me to do and the proper thing for me to do I really believe in this franchise being La it’s been good to me and my family including clay it’d be great to have him home why his dad was a number one pick in the 1978 NBA draft ended his final five years in the NBA with the Lakers I’m not feeling too much in a congratul congratulatory mood right now obviously it’s Clay’s decision it’s his life he’s a grown man I was hoping hoping as you can assess that he would be a Laker and I did not turn out that he’s a Laker he’s a Maverick so Klay Thompson’s contract is gone Chris Paul’s contract is gone we have 168 M committed we’ll see what happens with Buddy and Markin and again with that trade kaminga off the table Wiggins is apparently not in the trade so a lot of updates there nothing brand new has broken today that I’ve seen so comment your thoughts let me know and again fans out there thank you thank you thank you we just crossed the 3,000 Mark I’ve been grinding I’ve been seeing your comments I’ve responding appreciate all the love out there hopefully you’re enjoying the content which is why you’re with me on a daily basis and we’ll be back with the new news whenever it comes out bye y’all

We have big updates for you on this episode of Warriors Digest about: Lauri Markkenn’s trade to the Warriors, Buddy Hield’s Sign-and-Trade to the Warriors, and Klay Thompson’s frustration with the Warriors revealed more in depth.

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  1. For what we are giving up in Klay🤔 we should receive 6 great players, & thats not enough! I'd rather have Klay for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇😇💥💥💥🌞💯🌞🌄 If it's klay's decision then build around our lose!

  2. How are the Warriors "in the drivers seat" if they have to either give up 4 firsts, Kuminga, or cannot deal Wiggins????

  3. If Lauri Markkanen will get traded to gsw he will play at 5 position just like porzingis and holmgren 7 foot white dudes don't put Draymond at 5 he's not a 7footer he's a 6'7 PF

  4. If we get buddy for just second picks oh boy

    We could get Lauri Markkanen, Saddiq Bey and brook lopez

    We have the money to just sign bey 1 or 2 years

    For Lopez if we give
    loney and Wiggins

    Then the big fish lauri we give up moody, Gui Santos and Lester Quinones 2 of the 3 first round picks 2031-2027-2029

    I checked numbers wise and we be in the tax but not the second apron but our team will be a champion contender

    Curry, buddy, Lauri, green,Lopez

    Gp2, Podziemski, Melton, Anderson,bey

    That’s a 10 man that can really compete

  5. None of what Monty Poole is saying makes sense.

    "In the driver's seat" gives you the impression that
    the Warriors are in control when Danny Ainge;
    the notorious fleecer of NBA teams is the one that is holding all the cards.

    Ainge can do whatever he pleases with Markkenn
    and sell him to the highest bidder; fleecing that team.

    If it's not the Warriors, then it will be, the Kings, the Spurs, or the Thunder….
    Or, he could just sit on his hands and keep him and deal him next year
    at the deadline to a contending team.

    Just a reminder to y'all that love Kuminga…
    You keep'en'em, he's gonna cost you…big time.
    At the end of the season, he's gonna want the bag
    and then what are the Warriors gonna do?

  6. We need a strong center and some big aggressive bodies around the edges that can rebound and run the floor. Of course I can shoot the ball as well

  7. GSW would be stupid not to give up 4 first round picks. More than likely they will not be lottery picks and you have a solid young core to build with right now. Send the picks and see what's up with Buddy. But getting Lauri would take care of two things: getting a big man on the team and 3pt threat on top of that.

  8. Wow! You guys are really eating this up . And Lauri’s value just keeps rising in his negotiations with the Jazz. Just the way he planned.

  9. Warriors fans are the worst fans of any team in any sports ever.
    You guys keep hating on the best player in franchise history, which is paradoxicaly insane and never seen before.
    "We are not trading Kuminga", yeah yeah i heard that.
    We are not trading Wiseman, remember?
    Lets talk about post Curry-KD juggernaut era.
    No other megastar in NBA history was forced to nurse youngsters so much.
    Instead of doing what normal fans do-asking for more help to Curry/team/franchise(your own btw) you are asking for more wasted contracts and more wasted development, damaging the team/franchise/Curry's legacy.
    I said about Wiseman already. Next-Klay. Most of you were happy about his horrific contract, some of you to the very end. However it was obvious his impact is negative so worse than Ben Simmons situation. An least Ben had zero impact and less salary.
    Poole/Kuminga/Moody. How many years total? Crazy. How was their impact? This is why i like Podz. Cheaper and ready.
    Chris Paul. I kinda like him but he is the opposite of what Curry Warriors do. Slow pace weak defence. For crazy money.
    All in all since KD left(for mighty Wiggins lol, which contract was considered awful at the time) you've missed playoffs 3 times with prime and peak Curry. No second option all these years.
    If not for 2022 miracle, when Curry peaked, Poole peaked, Wiggins peaked, Payton(btw why did you sell him and bought again?) peaked, all of your injury prone were healthy and opponents were not, Bob Myers(2017-2023) should have been considered as the worst GM ever. But somehow most of you thought he was a genius and you were on his side every time and against Curry who is bigger than your entire franchise.
    And this is why i fransformed from Warriors fan to Curry personal fan. Because of you.

  10. Now the warriors going to be sitting up straight looking on while Klay shoot all his 3s on them. Can't wait.

  11. Warriors not giving up Anything but the Jazz giving up their best player 😄… yeah right. Larry Markinen is coming to Philly 😏. You think Philly just doing Everybody a favor doing the Buddy Heild sign and trade for Nothing…. I haven't heard one news outlet say what Philly is getting BACK…. not ONE. That's because it's a multi team trade that's Sending Markinnin to Philly.

  12. Spurs have 15 first round draft picks in the next five years. And plenty of cap space. Good luck, trying to beat them out for markenin.

  13. If the Warriors are neither gonna give up Jonathan Kuminga or four 1st round picks, then they should just give up while they're ahead.

    Danny Ainge is not going to settle.

  14. Lauri played for Bulls n was average in stats and Not in playoffs. One good yr w Jazz & still not in post season. Ainge is a guy collecting other ppl's Monopoly game real estate. Lauri is on last yr. n seeking more next yr. after 1 good year.

  15. You cannot give Kuminga and 4 first round picks. After next year Steph will be 39 and you will have nothing. No first picks, no young players. And im pretty sure you'll not with no chip next year even if you have Lauri. With JK and Lauri you can rest steph more and play both to win some games.

  16. Lauri Markkanen only played 55 games last season and been told by Utah fans that he can’t stay healthy. Should Warrior fans be worried???

  17. If you guys don't see the value in keeping kuminga maybe yall didn't watching 93% of the warriors games like i did last year. I suggest going to look at some kuminga highlights

  18. Spurs want to pair Wemby with Flagg. Utah also want Flagg in SLC. The Jazz would like JK but they really want a pairing of Podz and Flagg. They can’t get Flagg unless they SUCK. They sat Lauri last year cuz they were winning too much. Podz, Moody, 3 First from Dubs(essentially 5 1st), a get a 3rd team involved.
    Send Wiggs and one of Loon/GP3 to someone for a 1st to Utah. 🫱🏾‍🫲🏿

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