@Washington Wizards

Free Agency: The Wizards sign Jonas Valanciunas to a 3 year 30 Million dollar deal!

Free Agency: The Wizards sign Jonas Valanciunas to a 3 year 30 Million dollar deal!

the Washington Wizards signed yonas valent chunis to a three-year $30 million contract to be the next starting center in the nation’s capital and I think this is a really good move by Will Doggers for so many reasons but I’mma pinpoint three next on locked on Wizards you are locked on Wizards your daily Washington Wizards podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team and every day what’s good everybody it’s your boy Brandon Scott again and I appreciate you guys making lockdown Wizards your first listen every single day we are free and available revage podcast and on YouTube part of the locked on podcast Network your team every single day and tonight’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as the playoffs wind down the Sports Stop sporting like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every single day all summer Longs all you have to do is visit fand lockon to get started all right everybody as you know big news free agency obviously we have resigned or we have signed ran holes to two-year deal and trist vich U was let go um they did not exercise this player option but looking forward some more big news like I said my apologies this came out right after I released the last video so I definitely wanted um to get this out to you guys and let you guys know what I thought about this move and look I I’m a big fan of this move three reasons why but this is a good move and I get it 32 years old um but he is a guy who is gonna help develop well I’m getting to you know I’m not gonna get into but I’m G give you my three reasons but before I get into it I like this move I like this move by Will Dawkins you know he again he is kind of going after the OKC model which is either trading for bad contracts signing veterans who could be fli that who could be utilized for the leadership and then flipped at the deadline later down the line you know but there’s a lot of flexibility because look the next three years are going to be pivotal very very pivotal when it comes to the development of the young Corp but you know we’ll see I mean because with Jonas valun we’ll see by K but valunas is a has been known as a Wizards killer so let me get into my three reasons why I really like Jonas van valich chunis with the Washington Wizards so again threeyear $30 million deal some people were kind of questioning the move but look you know he’s 32 years old 12 years of NBA experience um Dependable doesn’t get hurt a lot um and the Wizards are looking at him to be a model for a young roster you know so if you look at um these young guys we got in the draft and alexar Bub Carrington and Kean George you know and you add that to Bel kulali you got vets in the team are G to help them grow you’re gonna help show them the ropes not only as far as how to conduct yourself on the court but off the court you know and so I think I think that’s the model to going out there is having a lot of these vets on the team Jonas Val is going to be really really good for alexar in in my opinion um just like bow is gonna learn a lot from you know same thing with Johnny gonna learn a lot from Malcolm Brockton a veteran guard you know KY kman is definitely as far as the wing side of things with blow K kman is gonna be that guy to help him along because KY kman again has that experience has that Championship uh experience man so the veterans in place to help these guys going along and I said this and I said it time and time again that when they hit the reset button when they brought on Michael Winger to be the president of basketball operations when he brought Will Dawkins in to be the general manager and they brought Travis schlink to be part of player Personnel they were gonna they they said from the first moment we’re not going to cut corners and and they’re staying true to their word and that’s why I’m saying it’s is refreshing to see you know good people good Dependable people you know in the front office man because guys who know what they’re doing guys who know analytical side of the game guys know how to scout Talent guys who now know how to develop Talent guys who know how to bring in the staff and Brian keeth and David fenp and other coaches and they round out their coaching staff guys who prioritize development right and you know a lot of you guys said and I said it myself that you know you you need your leadership you know so Jonas vales is really re intriguing to mind because three years okay looking at three years who else is on the team for three years you looking at Jordan P you’re looking at Kyle kman so you look you kind of see what the mold is here with the Washington Wizards where you know they look at this rebuild as being three years because you realistically you’re looking at three years after Jordan P where which you know depending on what their vision is for Jordan P at point guard going forward he could be moved as soon as his value is at a certain Peak unless they see him as a long-term piece but we’ll see because how you know I do like Jordan pool and I think the organization like Jordan P but I think with why he’s edging more and more closer to trade asset as opposed to long-term fit is because of his contract because you know where do he go from here he’s already got a you know a healthy contract and after three years you’re going to be looking at trying to resign some of your guys you know black kabali is gonna be a guy who’s gonna be up for a rookie scale extensions so you gotta look at trying to get the money around free up money for the future so get into my three reasons number one um because I kind of got you know I’m excited about the move so I kind of got off topic number one why do I like it number I kind of hit it veteran leadership and guys that teach them the ropes man and I think number one I like that because again Jonas is GNA do well with Alex s you know Marvin Begley the third is still young he can learn from a professional probably not only again not only based on oncore production but how to treat your body off the court you know the biggest thing with Marvin mle third has been what injuries you know you junis availability is your best ability right so he’s been on the court he’s been on the court to produce maybe there’s ways you can teach him to you know treat his body to get him back you know get his body to where he can withstand at A2 game schedule because then the biggest thing against Martin Bley third is injuries so number one is definitely veteran leadership guys are GNA show these guys a rope mol brogon obviously not long-term peace but he’s gonna be here to really show these young guards the ropes man you know Jordan p is still learned he’s still developing Jared buters young guard still developing you know same thing with Johnny Davis we’ll see what’s going on with him as far as his long-term fit but he’s still developing malcol bro is that professional that’s going to show them on and off the court professionalism how to treat your body how to play the right way how to be a leader you know I mean and Kyle kman the same thing you know because if you look at is is the is the Wizards signing Jonas Valen is kind of indicator whether they’re gonna move on for kma I think so because if you look at again the contracts with Jordan P Kyle kman and jonis valunas yall line up yall end around the same time and then if you line it up if you line that up with the fact that when their contracts run out B kulali is going to be up for an extension so they’re freeing up money for the for the future which is number two why I like this move because it lines up with the timelines of Jordan pool’s and K kman contracts number three fit for alexar alexar is best served at the power for that’s where he wants to play now The Scouting Report coming out of the draft was for him the best play at the top of his ability it he needs a rim protector center next to him and because you know here’s the thing Alex star shows great potential as a rim protector but he needs a polished rim protector next to him as he develops to help him along because he’s not quite where you want to be yet even though the potential is to the roof defensively and then offensively again that is an area that he’s he’s definitely working on he’s developing those skills so yon funis again is a center who number one is a Wizards killer so the third point is you know he’s going to help in immedia because he look this team could possibly be a 20 win team now obviously there’s a lot of pieces need to be uh moved a lot of dominoes need to fall you know Ty Jones do they do a signning trade um L Shaman do they move on from him you know Kyle kma like I said with this move it looks like he’s possibly gonna be here through a through the contract if not long enough to where and when it’s time to flip them whether it’s him Jordan P or JIS Val junis you’re gonna be able to flip them for some value because the piics why are picks so important because again with picks it’s not only young talent that you can get as far as developing Young talent and developing a young core in DC but it’s also for those later major moves to where when the Wizards want to make that contending move that one key trade they have the draft Capital to do so when you want to pick up that one star piece your Paul George’s James hardens you know list goes on it takes picks to get these players and when you want to add a veteran star to this young core that we’re developing draft picks are going to get you there so it’s very important to see that Will Dawkins is doing this the right way and valunas JIS Val really good move very good move not only for the immediate but for the future because one again he’s going to provide veteran leadership man he’s going to show alexar how to how to play on the court especially with his back to the basket you know how to be that stretch five stretch four type of player Yola valunas is a guy who he’s he’s that modern day Center he can shoot the three-point shot you he can shoot the mid-range he’s a guy he can play with his back to the basket you know rebounding is is you know these are areas that he can definitely teach alexar so you know they’re definitely to me there a potential lineup with J Val is looking like this Jordan P at point guard Bel Kali at shooting guard k k small Ford alexar at the four and Yus Val junis at the five so again a lot of dominal are going to fall y’all but this is a good move and Will Dawkins continues to show why he has to be considered one of the one of the probably the better upand cominging general managers in the NBA like I said it’s too early right now to really call his front office one of the best in the NBA because again we haven’t seen a return from this young Talent yet it’s G to take time but I do believe that in three to four years you’re going to consider this front office one of the best in NBA because they’re doing it the right way they’re not they’re not cutting any Corners they’re not going through any loopholes they’re doing it the right way and like I said they’re making the necessary moves so um again comment below let me know what you guys are thinking you know yonas valunas is a really really good move in my opinion not a lot of money $30 million so you’re looking at1 uh $10 I wish it was1 million a year so it’s not a bad contract definitely a movable contract yes he’s 32 but look I mean yeah he’s entering out of his prime but he’s still a Dependable veteran who’s gonna have who’s gonna have value there’s a reason why Clint capella is still got trade value because you know he’s a guy where at 32 yes his you know his some of his abilities especially from a shooting standpoint are going to start to decline but from a rebounding and rim protecting standpoint he’s that rim protector we needed now we did we get one in the draft well kind of as Alex SAR but we didn’t necessarily get that five like that clinging that 80 in the draft so this is the next best move and that and I kind of said this excuse me coming out of draft which is if you don’t grab a center in a draft you definitely go get a veteran and the Wizards did that the Wizards are doing all the right things in front of us so I think that this move and and many moves to come guys are reasons why you should be optimistic about the Wizards and like I said I’m going to look at reasons to be optimistic in future uh future content man because but they’re giving us more and more reasons to be to be very very happy with the process because yes it’s going to be a long process but this team’s going to be a little more entertaining next year they’re gonna be better they could be a 20- win team maybe a 25 win team now it depends on the moves made you know Kyle K will see L shamet looks like likely H he’s gonna get traded um and antias Jones looking like a sign a trade because right now all arrows are pointing towards Jordan P being the man at point guard and I think he he deserves that chance in my opinion so uh we’re going to get into some um what the turn is for the rest of the week we got uh some uh guest stars coming on the show so definitely want to let you guys know what to look forward to for the rest of the week but before we do tonight’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel so I love sports I love them so much I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer games and the sports aren’t Sports in like I want them to but FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want to all I have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boo or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every single day all summer long so hit the lockon and start making the most out of your summer FanDuel official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball are you watching Fox Sports or ESPN on your TV all day long have to turn down the volume with all that shouting make the switch to lock on sports today a free 247 sports streaming Channel program for you every day they’re bring you the biggest stories without all the screening lock supports today brings you can’t miss analysis opinions and news streaming 24/7 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the lock on podcast Network your team every single day all right so we’re before we roll um and look at the detener for the rest of the week um we’re gonna take a look at it kind of um look at Jonas valenton statline from the last few season because like I said he is a known Wizards killer as we know he is a guy who every time he plays Wizards whether it was with Toronto Memphis or even New Orleans he cooked us so we’ll see if he cooks for us right um this last year which actually from a a playing standpoint was his best year I mean he’s he played 82 games for the New Orleans Pelicans and he started 82 so he played every single game so again availability is your best ability that he did average 12.2 points a game slightly under a block a game um let’s see rebounding numbers 8.8 so not bad not bad not bad I mean his best year was 2020 to 2020 uh one season for the Memphis Grizzlies where he averaged around 12 and a half rebounds so again you’re going to start to see d you know from the 2020 to 2021 season you start you starting to see a decline especially with the rebound numbers but I think he’s still going to be that guy as far as a rim protector if not for one maybe two years but again right now stress this again you know young valun is like Kyle kman and Jordan P they’re contracts lineup and from leadership standpoint you know Jordan p is is not so much like Kyle kma or Yunis because he’s still young so could he still be part of the future yeah but he can also be flipped if you look at his contract is definitely a contract where it behooves both him and the Wizards to get it some value up if they want to move him if not we’ll see but right now the biggest thing with the Wizards and what Will Dawkins is doing is freeing up money for the future and I think that if you look at those three contracts of the three players we already talked about it helps do that when it’s time to resign our guys with his you know BL Kali Alex SAR you know Bub Carrington and and kaian George are definitely some intriguing young players man but the name of the game is acquiring Talent acquiring picks and definitely definitely loosening up money for the future so they’re doing it the right way some other stats look at with valunas 78% from the free throw line that charity strike he averaged well another stat that really look at is he averaged 23 and a half minutes a game so realistically um with Marvin Begley third you know he had his injury issues but we’ll see how he is in training camp but you’re probably looking at around 25 maybe 30 minutes a KNE for Jonas valunas field goal percentage 55% so he’s a guy who’s again is going to eat in the paint he’s going to provide interior offense interior defense and he’s definitely going to provide mid-range and three-point capabilities so again this is a really good move so um again comment below let me know what you guys are thinking I’m a big fan of yonis van lunis I think this is a really good immediate um need and move for the Wizards I think it provides a lot of pluses more than minuses because again from a leadership standpoint best fit for Alex SAR and it loosens up money for the future so there’s are three good reasons why you should be very optimistic about what Will Dawkins is doing for the Wiz man because it’s gonna be hard it’s three years and you’ll see a lot of moves like this but this is necessary in a rebuild when you do a rebuild right so we’re going to go ahead and move on to what is the for the rest of week uh Wednesday night I am having locked on Blazers as a guest on Wednesday night to talk about Mal Brockton and what malcol Brockton can kind of provide for the Wizards whether in the mediate or in the long-term future which he not he’s not going to be a long-term piece but when I say long-term future what impact can he have on these young guys so um I’m also gonna be on guest show uh guest on his show tomorrow night but uh tomorrow we’re gonna take a look at what potential moves for tus Jones and landre shamond where some places where they fit best how can we get a sign and trade and who can we get a sign and trade with as far as tus Jones and landre Shaman and like I said Kyle kma that’s a question for you guys I’m gonna put the question up on the YouTube side of things the question for tonight for everybody is if K kusma stays on the roster and they put him in small for how many games can you realistically see the Wizards win next year with a healthy starting five of Jordan P Bel bow kabali Kyle kusma alexar and yonis valun so definitely let me know like I said I’m put the the I’ll put the poll up tonight you guys let me know what you’re thinking so again appreciate you guys I will see you guys tomorrow night we’re gonna talk a little bit about tyus Jones where he fits and Landrew Shaman so everybody uh Hil to the Wizards and peace to you guys tomorrow night

Brandon discusses three reasons why bringing Jonas Valanciunas to DC was a good move.

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  1. Can somebody explain what are the contractual benefits for a player doing a sign and trade versus walking as a free agent? Feel like if I’m Tyus it’s better I just walk where I’d have better flexibility. You see guys like De’Antony Melton getting $13M from the Dubs and the longer you wait the more the money dries.

  2. Great move by the Wiz. Prioritizing good offensive rebounders = more offensive opportunities = boosts value of our perimeter guys.

  3. So that means kuzma most likely staying and not being traded to the Kings…. Good move by the wiz. King's were trying to hope we landed valanciunas

  4. Best day of my life my boy JONAS VALANČIUNAS WIZARD!! 🇱🇹🧙‍♂️🇱🇹🧙‍♂️🇱🇹🧙‍♂️
    Thats blessing to have one of the best your country player on favorite NBA team🙏🧙‍♂️🙏🧙‍♂️

  5. so we trade away a 23 year old talent because we were going youth movement to bring in a 30 something year old, make it make sense

  6. This was a horrible move. Unless they did this just to flip him by the trade deadline it's a stupid move in my opinion. He's SOFT

  7. This is why you Keep somebody like Kyle Kuzma Also Jonas Is a Champion that’s 3 former champs on the same team

  8. Wizards are going to Be Big and Long next season Malcolm, Brogdon helps with size also at guard smart player and help the others

  9. Timeline, rebuild…. you're trading an excellent 23 yo player who most likely will only get better, because down the line there will be an issue with salary cap. Stupid sports culture if you ask me and I'm sorry for you guys for buying in on this BS.

  10. I don't know about a slow release – can't shoot off the dribble 'shooting guard'. Bilal has a lot of developing to do, no matter where they play him. At some point the Wizards must get a can't miss player in the draft, who doesn't come up short.

  11. There is too many vets for the younger players to play, Bagley definitely wont get as much mins or even kispert. Vets are okay but we need these young players to play as well. I just don’t like this approach the GM is trying to do. If they don’t resign Tristan and Kuzma is still in this team I give up.

  12. Great move for Sarr….Similarities to JJJ in Memphis who JV also helped in memphis as a rook…this makes a lot of sense but wiz fans will do what wiz fans do “cry”.

  13. JV will be a valuable asset to have come trade deadline. Let him show off and then get us a 1st rounder. That contract can be packaged with anything. Good move.

  14. He's a great VET to teach a young guy. Sarr is the next Kevin Garnett with a 3point shot. Garnett was 10 .4 1.8 6.3 his first season Sarr was 9.4 0.9 4.3 52%fg give him a few yrs.

  15. Putting aside the trading of Deni for nothing, a giant man to help the skinny man grow into his job. Jonas will teach the whole team how to set picks. The Deni trade is strike one for the new front office. Remember OKC still isn’t really there yet. You keep talking about contracts when the League has mandated these extreme contracts. AND JOHNNY DAVIS WILL ONLY DEVELOP INTO AN EX WIZARDS!

  16. This is an excellent move. Solid guy, can teach the young ones they way, still a good player and rim protector. Will not be so good that he plays us out of the NBA lottery. Love the move on all counts.

  17. Great pickup got a starting center, and a point guard Malcolm, i dont think poole is starting he more a shooter than a point guard

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