@Dallas Mavericks

MAJOR Klay Thompson Update Before 2024 NBA Free Agency + Latest Dallas Mavericks Rumors

MAJOR Klay Thompson Update Before 2024 NBA Free Agency + Latest Dallas Mavericks Rumors

[Music] happy free agency day ml’s NBA free agency opens at 5:00 Central tonight and there is a lot of chatter between the Mavericks and Klay Thompson we’re going to talk about that plus a new note on Derrick Jones Jr Harrison Graham and Jeffrey cooperstein we’ll get to the latest on Clay which appears to be that the Mavs are one of three big- time suitors to land and him and if you love the Mavs and if you’re excited about today hit that like button let’s go let’s get H what do you think 800 likes on today’s show yes I’m in on that I think we can get to 800 so you you say it’s a three horse race I think it’s a two horse race well just based on the report but it does feel like the Mavericks of the Lakers I I think it’s between the Mavericks and the Lakers for the services of Klay Thompson obviously the third splash splash brother four-time NBA champion there’s a lot of questions that are going into this now I will say this if it’s going to be with the Mavericks it’s going to be via a sign and trade and there’s something to note with the sign and trade and that is that the contract has to be a minimum of 3 years with no options in that third year so it will be a straight three-year contract for Klay Thompson if he becomes a Maverick yeah and it certainly seems like they’re comfortable I mean it sounds like they’re not they’re serious about this that they want uh to pursue clay we talked about this uh uh on an episode a couple of days ago and you know there’s there’s definitely risk involved he the defense has fallen off he didn’t play as well last year but you know can’t he feels disrespected by Golden State could he have a Resurgence in another situation I’ll say this I saw a stat he hit the second most catch and shoot threes last year and the Mavericks couldn’t hit one of those in the finals so I think he would help in that regard absolutely I think these are the three main questions when I look at the pursuit of Klay Thompson uh is he a starter or a six-man I have great concerns if it’s Luca Kyrie and Klay as your starting three there because I think that would be a terrible defensive back court so to speak if you consider clay as part of a three-man back court um and then how much money per year are you going to give him you know it’s going to be at least three years are you giving him north of $20 million and if you do so how does that affect Derrick Jones Jr and will he become a priority and we’ll get into more about Derrick Jones in a minute but there are certainly questions surrounding the pursuit of Klay Thompson to becoming I almost feel like if you get clay it’s that much more critical to get Derek Jones like he’s kind of just it’s kind of like an offense defense setup where Clay’s your offensive three Jones is your defensive three so um because let’s be real too if you get clay you’re probably losing Josh green and or Maxi Cleo so you’re losing one of your bench Defender so um you know I I I I think you have to figure out like okay if we get clay which I’m cool with what what does the rest of this look like like who are we shipping out is Jones back if not who are we trying to acquire for cheap to help replace him like you got to figure out those things so um it it’s it’s not just a simple let’s get Klay Thompson and figure it all else later like the Mavs have to have a pretty clear plan here I think yeah it doesn’t quite work as simple as let’s just get clay and we can go from there no I mean you still need to get Derrik Jones if not uh you need to find a replacement for Derrick Jones and I think that is difficult given how good he played for the Mavericks in the system this season um Mark Stein had the report that Clay is going to be the priority over Jones it seems like in this free agency window early on at least so we’ll see what happens but it it’s a very interesting development and I think the clay thing is just fascinating do you think clay signs like is on a new team tonight like it feels like this could happen pretty fast I think it does happen I think freeny opens and the Warriors listen or like clay the Warriors SL clay listen to what Dallas and LA are offering both financially and then in pieces with a signning trade and then he’s free and up at 5 I think by 8:00 he’s on a new team like I think this happens and let’s be real Clay is already getting talks from his Representatives about what’s going on here let’s not let’s I mean if you want to call it tampering call it tampering but we already know that uh clay knows where his interest lies and vice versa so would you guys sign Klay Thompson though Type S for sign type B for pass down in the comments I’m I’m still on on the fence it’s if they do it I’ll talk myself into it if they don’t I think I would L sleep I I’ll say this if if you still get darrk Jones back I’m all the way in if you don’t I got to see what else you’re doing because I I if you don’t get darrk Jones back and you don’t get an adequate replacement you’re kind of Shifting back to being a more offensive heavy team and two years ago when you tried that that was easily the worst year of the Jason kid era so I think you have to you have to factor that in now I I think we have to you know there are other factors like Luca and Kyrie the second half of last year defended much better can they commit to being season long higher level Defenders maybe but they’re never going to be great Defenders exactly um this is the contract projection you put together I’ll say this coupe the the numbers are all over the place in terms of what people think you can get um Tim Cami of the Bay Area said he thinks it could be just over the taxpayers mid level so I was like what is it 15 which feels low 25 plus feels high like I think it’s going to be in the low 20s like I I think like a three for 66 or something like that like I this feels like the most it would be 3 for 75 I think this is the most it would be and that might be what the Mavericks have to offer in order to get clay um look man it’s a lot of money for a guy who’s 34 who’s has a has had a torn ailles and an ACL now I will say he played 76 games last year 69 the year before so he’s been been pretty healthy the last two years he’s been pretty healthy but the movement is not there you know he can’t really guard much anymore he doesn’t dribble on offense which is crazy to even think about but he really can shoot it at a very high level still and he would open up the floor a lot for this Mavericks team on offense so it’s weird as it sounds he would get better looks here than he did in Golden State I think at least I think so um the way they’re they’re built at this point so yeah I mean look like again I I’m not not interested I would like to have him I just I think you need a good defensive Wing if you get him because you could go from Derek Jones and Josh Green coming off the bench to neither being on the roster cuz I feel like there’s a pretty good chance that green is in that signing trade or kba and look say what you want about kba he’s one of your better Defenders too so like you got to replace like that defensive prowess if you’re going to lose it especially if for some reason that means you can’t get DK Jones back who we’re going to talk about here in a minute yeah absolutely the Maps need to get defense and if the maps make any move whether it’s Klay Thompson whether it’s Derrick Jones Jr we will have it covered so please be sure to hit that subscribe button free agency just hours away Believe It or Not uh it’s going to be very fascinating to see what Nico Harrison has in store for this Mavericks team let’s talk about Derek Jones Coupe uh he is signed with clutch Sports and look that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s done here what it does mean is that he’s hunting for top dollar and I can’t blame the guy like this is probably the biggest contract he’ll ever sign let’s be real he’s coming off a career year he’s not old but 2627 a career journeyman like it’s possible he regresses back like he’s got a cash in while he’s got the chance and I’ll say this Coupe I if he gets an offer beyond the taxpayer mid level I do think he’ll sign elsewhere I agree yeah I I don’t think it’s the kiss of death that signing with clutch once was under the previous regime of the Mavericks Nico Harrison has a decent relationship with clutch so that’s not that big of a deal but I will say that the Lakers are going to be a team to watch for Derrik Jones in free agency as well especially because they have that non- taxpayer mid-level exception um I don’t know I I think that Jerick Jones is going to get a big payday he has talked about at length about how he wants to stay in Dallas wants to be with the Mavericks but it obviously has to be at the right price oh my God we’re watching the uh Euro uh Championship right now and England just scored in the 95th minute on a bicycle to force extra or uh over it’s not overtime whatever it is extra time extra time holy smokes but back to Derrik Jones I think Derrick Jones wants to be a Maverick I think the Mavericks want Derrick Jones back uh so there’s obvious mutual interest there but I do think he will go to the highest bidder and I’m not sure that is the Mavericks well if he doesn’t get beyond the tax pair mid level I think Dallas feels is comfortable cuz I don’t think he’s going to leave Dallas if it’s within the realm of mid-level exception but what if if some team offers 4 for 60 Coupe like if that’s out there from a team like he’s got to take it there’s nothing Dallas can do I I mean it’s they can’t open up like true cap space beyond the mid level so um we’ll see last week we were probably what 7030 that he was going to be a Maverick I think uh I would have said like 8515 I’d say maybe now it’s 7030 oh I think now it’s 55 45 no I still think the Mavs are a clear favorite here like who’s pay I hope so throw a couple teams out there you mentioned the Lakers the Lakers will be with with the mid-level exception you have cap teams like Orlando like Philadelphia so you think he would leave the Maverick’s full midlevel to take the Lakers full midlevel it’s possible state income tax factoring in if he’s truly about maximizing dollar here I don’t think he would take the same contract to go to Los Angeles Maybe I’m Wrong maybe go play with LeBron I don’t the clutch connection could be a thing but I don’t know I I hope he’s back and if back then I’m cool with Clay being here uh let us know what you guys think type y for yes type Ben for no will Derrick Jones be playing in a Maverick’s uniform next season all right if anything happens uh tonight we will be back with another episode uh I got to be honest this England thing has distracted here but uh we will see you guys later stay tuned happy day one and uh we’ll see if it’s a happy day for the Dallas mavers see you guys soon o [Music]

scorching! NBA Insider Marc Stein says the Mavs are prepared to make Klay Thompson their free agency priority even over Derrick Jones Jr., who helped the Mavs get to the 2024 NBA Finals. Steph Curry and Klay Thompson have played together for years, but Thompson and the Warriors’ relationship looks like it’s coming to an end. Will mavs GM Nico harrison be able to lure Klay Thompson to the Mavs?

We’ve got you covered throughout the 2024 NBA offseason:

The questions surrounding Klay Thompson in 2024 NBA Free Agency?
Starter or 6th man?
How much money per year?
Will DJJ still be a priority?

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Klay Thompson’s potential contract projection:
2024-25: 23.75 MM
2025-26: 25.0 MM
2026-27: 26.25 MM

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– Should the Mavs sign Klay Thompson? Type ‘S’ for Sign or ‘P’ for Pass
– Will Derrick Jones Jr. be a Maverick next season? Type ‘Y’ for Yes or ‘N’ for No

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  1. If we can get Klay and keep DJJ, we may get to the chip next year. We will hopefully have a healthy Luka, improved Lively, PJ, Gafford. Things will be looking really good.

  2. And it’s shaping to be a fascinating mid-level market, especially with word circulating among league personnel that Klay Thompson could be willing to take that amount in order to join the Lakers or Clippers. That would be a steep drop from the two-year, roughly $50 million offer Thompson declined at the start of this past season. He remains on the list of secondary wing options for Philly should George spurn the Sixers, sources said. Dallas appears to be the one of, if not the strongest suitors for Thompson, sources said. thats what I read about it last.. so I dont really know why were talking about it.

  3. All of this smells bad for Dallas because it seems odd for DJJ to switch to Klutch Sports, then Lebron being willing to reduce his salary to fit other players.

    I bet my last dollar Rich Paul is feeding DJJ bad information to get him to go to LA. Meanwhile, Lebron is working his angle with Klay. I’m not saying I’m right but I feel I’m 80% on the right path with this.

  4. Not that it matters since Dallas has never beat LA with FA’s but you guys are way off on Klay’s defense. Have you actually watched him play outside of Dallas games? His defense against anyone but shifty guards is still way above average. He’s still an insanely smart athlete that at has just lost some lateral quickness. In GS Wiggins and Kominga took the best wing player and Klay had to guard other guards when playing with Steph. Things looked 10x better when he played with Payton on the bench unit. So while I agree it’s better if we keep DJJ with him that isn’t the end all be all of this move. Also, Josh Green’s defense doesn’t factor into any formula since he’s mostly a negative there outside of hustle rebounds (his energy on offense and ball movement would suck to lose though)

    We funnel players to our bigs as it is so if the point of attack defenders are Klay, Grimes and Exum having PJ Lively and Gaff as the last line makes it become much less of an issue. That’s a way above average defense with a much improved offense.

  5. Mavs hiring Isiah Hartenstein’s Dad as a cook. It appears that’s enough for him to agree to sign the vet minimum with the Mavs. So he can be close to his dad I guess.

  6. No man. We just got rid of THJ. A volume shooter with lil to no defense. On top of that Klay is 35 once the season is going. Don't do this Nico

  7. I would take old man klay in a heartbeat. Dallas has been dying for someone who can sit on the three-point line and make shots. That’s all we need to do and he does it very well.

  8. Mavs should make 2 pick ups, but I can see them only picking up one person today but let’s see!

  9. If we can sign flight 55,then sign and trade for Klay….we'll definitely be in luxury tax/going all in for a deep run.

  10. am i missing something? no disrespect but why do we want Klay? Wasnt he a non factor for the Warriors in the play in, ppl saying hes washed? Or was that just casual fans chirping?

  11. If this doesn’t interfere w getting DJJ signed then go after Clay. I’m sure Nico can distinguish if his heart remains in GS. Some guys don’t do well after being w one team so long then having to reset elsewhere.

  12. The mavs are a pitch team to get more money from other teams. Been like that for years. We have to trade inorder to get good players to come to Dallas. By force. I would be shocked if he came here. Lakers are still not a top 5 team if Klay goes there

  13. Klay would be a 20 minute man only playing when either Luka or Kyrie are off the court.
    KCP from Denver is still the best target for us.

  14. When will this team learn. We don’t need him we need so many other guys. We could have tried to sign Drummond for 2 years 10 million ( 5 per year) that’s a huge upgrade for us off the bench. Jones isn’t worth $12m a season. Let him walk and he’ll be right back at a huge discount. Only the worst teams can afford that. We need to get a solid PG for the bench and SF. All of that money just going to Klay is stupidity

  15. Chris Paul would be a great fit for the role off the bench. Don’t need him to play all season. Just the playoffs, and he is going to sign for cheap and for a title contender. Why not us

  16. Mavs need 3pt shooter, so Klay as SF. Watch Luka's games for Slovenia. He has average players around him for the national team, but those players hit 3s way more than this Mavs final team. Klay would be a perfect piece of roster for potential champions team.

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