@Miami Heat

NBA Rumors: Miami Heat want Salary Cap FlexibilIty for NBA Stars

NBA Rumors: Miami Heat want Salary Cap FlexibilIty for NBA Stars

[Music] one [Applause] shot welcome back to the team to beat Miami Heat podcast my name is Amir before I get into today’s episode just want to thank everybody for following the podcast on Spotify and also want to thank everybody for subscribing to the YouTube channel if you are watching on YouTube don’t forget to like comment share and subscribe so for today’s episode want to talk about a new Rapport and rumor that came out saying that the Miami Heat want salary cap flexibility for highlevel player amid a quiet free agency off season so the Miami Heat largely have been quiet this off season and I think Zack low on ESPN recently just said that the Miami Heat and the Milwaukee Bucks have had the worst off season in the East and both essentially are not contenders anymore in the Miami Heats window to compete for a championship is now over and we know the Miami Heat have no cap and no real ability to make any moves in the free agency market because they’re a first apron team they only have $7 million um before they reach the second apron they have two I believe roster spots maybe three depending on the Orlando Robinson situation which I assume he’s going to be all but gone because the Miami Heat just resigned Thomas Bryant so the Miami Heat have no cap space so we knew they weren’t going to make a splash in free agency but we knew that they would have to do this through a trade if they wanted to improve their roster this offseason and so the Miami Heat like I said are 7 million under the second salary cap apron and they have options to use that money and they also have the mid-level exception for $5.2 million so we’ll see well where they go with that but again the Miami Heat have taken their time to make a decision this offseason with the money because they have a bigger picture in mind apparently so Barry Jackson Anthony Chang of the Miami here the Miami Herald reported the latest saying there’s a reason the heat hasn’t quickly spent that money according to three people who have had contact with the Heat Miami wants to maintain flexibility with that space in case an opportunity to add a highlevel player becomes available there have been heat trade discussions with teams including one with substantial cap space though further details are unclear that’s very interesting right there one of the sources said Miami also wants to see what good players become available in the trade market in the days and weeks ahead interesting as well so any holding pattern is the byproduct of preferring to leave options open to pursue something meaningful not a reluctance to spend such an opportunity could take a couple days several weeks to emerge that’s interesting what Barry and Anthony basically said right there that one they’re waiting to see if any other potential trade targets become available um we already know right now it’s most likely Brandon Ingram who’s going to be on the trade market uh Deon now is off the trade market um Mel Bridges is off the trademarket now who knows if Trey young is going to be a part of the Atlanta Hawks fire sale there’s also rumors that Lowry marinin could be shopped but he’s going to cost too much and the Miami Heats simply don’t have the draft assets to get a marinin honestly or even probably a Trey young realistically at this point but this is the problem with the Miami he in the past few seasons anyway they’ve been waiting for that next Whale and they’ve been missing out and even when those whales have said Miami specifically the Dame situation only Miami we couldn’t even get a star then let alone when Mitchell said he would prefer to go to Miami as one of his destinations along with New York and Brooklyn and then KD also said a couple years ago Phoenix or the heat we’ve been tied to these folks we’ve been waiting and that’s been Us in the butt so and we’ve never been in position while waiting like right now now where we had the cap space or the assets or the trade um capital or the draft pick excuse me to make a trade feasible um but what also struck me as interesting is that the Miami Heat had a conversation with one of those teams that had a lot of cap space I mentioned in my last video that must have been the Utah Jazz or the Detroit Pistons or those the only two teams that have significant cap space where they can take on a Terry roier who’s making 25 next uh year and then I think like 26 after that and then then Tyler hero who’s making 29 million this upcoming season so those are two teams where we could essentially trade those two big contracts and get nothing really in return give us a minimum contract or so they can eat up that space I don’t think they would but we would have to probably attach a pick in order to do that we only have like one draft pick I believe like in 2030 um that is guaranteed to be ours unless I think we have that other pick that’s uh Lottery protected um for next season and if we don’t get into the lottery then I think that pick goes to the OKC um in 2024 so we only have one future pick it seems like that we can actually use and I don’t know if we would have to attach that to the Jazz to get rid of Tyler hero to get that huge cap space relief but either way the Miami Heat are trying to be flexible they’re just waiting to see so I feel like at this point if we lose Caleb Martin if we lose Haywood High Smith it might take a little while to get a free agent to replace those guys and again maybe the heater are going to try to move hero or Terry or Duncan even to get some salary cap relief to get maybe a hypothetical Demar de rozan you know who’s been linked to the Miami Heat in the last few days uh even though it’s could be a difficult path to get him so we’ll see what happens man we’re just on free agency watch trade watch for the Miami Heat this Heat team needs to improve the roster they need to put better players around Jimmy and Bam to help with this most likely last shot to be a contender not saying that he are a contender not saying that they don’t have a puncher chance if everybody’s healthy but it’s G to be really difficult to get out of the East especially after all these teams around us have been improving so we do need to take one more stab at it with Jimmy Butler in this build if that’s the direction which seems inevitable we’re running it back to the most part try to get a Brandon mingram try to get a demard Rosen try to get something where we can have one last shot but also make sure it’s only a one year or twoyear deal essentially with any of these new players depending on who the player is so that we do have some cap space in 2026 2027 when Luca dearon Fox Joel embiid and a ton of other players are going to be free agents so anyways let me know what you guys think about this latest rumor and Report

A new report says the Miami Heat have a quite free agency because they are waiting for a potential star to become available.

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  1. Amir, I Got Brandon Ingram As Plan B If We Fail To Sign DeMar DeRozan Despite His Injuires I Know B.I. Can Be A Great Fit Next To Jimmy And Bam

  2. Face it Riley doesn't know how to spend money. He give players way too much money, that aren't worth it. Like Herro,Duncan, and Rozier makes too much. This is Riley fault.

  3. Ingram does not fit miami. He has no heart. Even though Derozan is getting older, at least he has clutch and is a 4th qtr assassin.

  4. Heat have options it's just is Pat going to make the move or not . Trae is very doable. Trae for herro ,jovic,, and one of their rookies we just got. Hawks looking for young players.. we could use some of the money to balance out the contract. Pat will retool the lineup in the buyout market. That's where he makes most of his move .

  5. I’m not buying none of this shit. The Heat are always “waiting for a whale” but dont even have assets to trade for role players. WHO THE HELL DOES THE FO THINK WE ARE??

    Teams arent gonna bend over backwards to take the players that WE dont even want and give us their franchise player in return.

    Like Amir said, even when players WANT to come here we cant get them

    STOP WHALE HUNTING and builda proper well rounded team.

    OR trade your main guy for a better main guy (like what Toronto did with demar and kawhi) cause we’re not getting our 1A with tyler herro and 1 pick

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