@Phoenix Suns

Suns Offseason Grades & Summer League Preview

Suns Offseason Grades & Summer League Preview

The Power of One the power power of two The Power of [Music] many pretty sure we are pretty sure we are what’s up everybody chilling chilling had some barbecue today it’s it’s live you can trust it oh muted oh see Gabe messing up cuz Gabe doesn’t know how to run our podcast CU he’s a b but don’t worry y’all we’re just some good old American boys here to talk about the good old American Phoenix Sons [Music] baby how’s everybody’s 4th of July been thus far today I know y’all in Houston haven’t had fireworks yet you might be getting ready to have them I know it’s still good and sunny over there but here in the central time zone it is nice and dark it sounds like a war zone in my street because all my redneck neighbors and are just firing off all the fireworks that they can so and so what you’re wearing is Redneck camouflage so I fit in no sir I like some Erica sir you know man anyway welcome to the podcast hit that like button if you’re just not joining us appreciate y’all shout out to the chat who’s all in here KO Katie big MC uh Quan was good MVC Slayers Christ Devin was good Michael mcin mcquin how I guess that’s how you say that Port Blazer fo what’s good Derek what’s good Michael e quartz Daniel Barry sports highlights what’s good everybody apparently your kids won’t stop fighting about the yeah I can hear them upstairs and if sundo has to go in Midstream and do take care of a little bit of business again he will that was a threat he will baby Sun detos what up Chris man so anyway I hope everybody’s for of July has been a good one hopefully you had some good food um hopefully you had some good bruis good drinks you shout out to burner we went to my homie’s house um and they just had some food I mean it was just like burgers BR worst hot dogs stuffed mushrooms corn on the cow what do you guys have in the chat anybody eat anything interesting tonight M me and Katie were lazy we just went to our barbecue spot they had didn’t even get barbecue you got some sort of weird gumbo whatever the heck you got that was yesterday that was a got yourself a boil that was a uh crab and uh Crawfish Boil today today was uh went to the B went to the barbecue spot that we like the most right barbecue chicken super high in barbecue they ated our wedding normally I’m getting brisket and ribs and wings this time because it was uh Fourth of July they had a brisket burger so they ground up brisket and made them into patties that sounds phenomenal bro it was Heavy I I might never need to eat again dude yeah and especially since you’re on your your diet that you yeah yeah it was a cheat day it was a cheat day it was a cheat day oh it better be a cheat day once I saw that the barbecue place had a burger I was like all right I’ll have a cheat day for this cuz they never have it cheat day for Gabe it was good it was good some french fries obviously I’m glad I’m glad it was um what’s going on with this team right now man uh I mean we got one more roster spot to F right and you know we made a video about the possibility of you know uh suns are better decided to throw out a little uh idea out there and we talked about it and so you know Little J Crowder action talked about Dario sarich Marcus Morris oogi but in my opinion if I’m being honest in just it’s probably gonna be joshu Ki it just seems like it’s joshu Ki for sure they’re just still trying to work out some things but I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be I think I’m done with Josh bro really yeah yeah I don’t know about all that you’re right it that’s probably what it’s going to be but if it was my choice I’m just saying saying I think I’m done with hoki bro I mean if yeah if you want to say hey we got Ryan done he’s going to be his replacement defensively and potentially a jayen Bridges if he gets you know he’s on a two-way he gets a final roster spot right if you want to go that route sure right like yeah go that way um I just I I I Just for future sake I’m trying to think CU you me and you are both high on Jaylen Bridges right and so if someone gets that last roster spot then then who do you cut to make Jaylen Bridges not a two-way right and so I think if they resign oogi he’s going to be here for the entire year right I think that’s going to be their thinking so it’s like who do you cut because you’re not going to cut D because you just signed him if you sign oogi you’re not GNA cut him because you just signed him you’re not gonna cut anybody else in the roster right so just the interesting thing way to think about it so is J gonna have a job through the third coach say you cut Rody here’s the deal man um that’s a good point a good point you cut Rody my thing is is that contract I I know I feel like that contract is so valuable to them to move so maybe they end up trading them or something and then they go that route but that that contract him and Nas it’s yeah it’s yeah that those contracts are so valuable that’s a lot yeah it’s a lot of control for David Rody right you got two years in the club option that’s a valuable contract that you can move so I would so that’s why I’m saying you don’t cut R you probably trade him and then do you remember EXA why it’s valuable cuz I know you said it’s valuable just because just because each team has to roster 14 by the CVA right and so when you have a contract like that with a club option and it’s so cheap like someone just said he’s only 2 mil like if somebody just needs to fill a roster spot like a Miami or someone who’s similar to us who’s in the apron right that’s real valuable anybody who just needs to house a roster spot in it’s control 100% control only two mil I mean so it’s valuable to people to uh other teams like that and same with nas little like his contract’s going to be six and it’s like six mil six mil I think it’s like maybe he goes to seven in the last part of it that’s also a valuable contract because that’s once again a decent contract with you know three years of control so yeah you might cut Rody to get that last roster spot up but I’d much rather you trade that so but but I do agree if if if you do want Jaylen Bridges you do send Rody pack in right but I don’t think you cut him I’d rather you trade him and try to get some picks for him he’s got to earn it first of all it let’s not let’s not put the cart before the horse we did way too much of that last season that’s also true you know starting last season you know you would have thought we were about to win backto backto back titles like LeBron and in in Miami not one not two not three man so I don’t want to go down that road he’s going to have to earn it but he seems like he’s going to be worthy of a real roster spot right no no no no for real I I think I think he will I I think he will definitely be um Jaylen Brides will be someone that’ll end up getting a uh roster spot uh truth says no one’s trading picks for the minimums like I said it just depends on who wants to house a roster spot right those contracts are very valuable he’s listen package one or two I would I would normally think that too if true then but this new CBA is kind of ridiculous well how do how do you explain Isaiah Todd who Isaiah Todd being traded for three not one not two but three second round picks last off season so if Isaiah Todd can get you three I would hope that Rody who is a better Prospect could get you one second round pick um I don’t think we can do cash considerations because we’re in the second apron Sams but I somebody correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think we can right I think that’s part of the being in the second apron is no cash considerations um L gamer has a uh airbud situation where his dog can shoot better than okoi that’s kind but that is kind of how I feel honestly I’m just I feel like it was fun the first season I saw something second season he did not live up to what he was in the season before and so I just I I feel like with him you’re shooting a guy you’re shooting a guy you have a guy shooting who just cannot be consistent can’t do it will never be consistent right and I don’t know he turn it around could he I mean you he could there’s there’s always a possibility I mean I me and you probably doubt that possibility but there’s a possibility he could he could turn around but anyway back to back to I can’t remember what saying oh how’s this team doing I mean as far as the off season goes I think they’ve had probably the best off season they could possibly have considering we’re in the second apron considering what what the plan was and what they felt they needed to pick up um value that they’ve gotten I think kicking off this off season with the draft and the way you move back and got you know a got a first in two seconds I think that was really really really good get and getting the guy that you want Ryan done and then moving up and getting another guy that you wanted in noo um and utilizing those picks also getting those future seconds too that I thought that was also um pretty big for them as well and then I’m gonna mention it again the Jaylen Bridges two-way signing you know we talked to Tori and Tori said that he had him ranked very high we watched him he looks like he’s got the potential to be very good for us as far as coming off the bench um and being a good value player so there’s that too so we’ll talk about let me just real quick before I so the reason why Jaylen Bridges if you have it in your head like why why should I believe that Jaylen Bridges is why why did he go undrafted there like what’s the catch what’s the elephant in the room that no one’s talking about it’s the fact that he’s 24 right and that’s 23 and I believe that’s where we draft drafted cam Johnson so if you’re okay with drafting another cam Johnson age guy the the the way that we drafted him at 23 then you’re not going to have a problem with this but a lot of Scouts want to look past players like this because they think hey they’ve already reached their ceiling they’re not going to get any better which is not always true it is true sometimes but it’s not always true and it’s like we’ll get him through his rookie year and he’ll almost be pushing 30 we could get two contracts three contracts out of this guy before we’re you know what I mean like out of this 18 19y old so that’s why they think that way and that’s why he got overlooked he is proper size sundo 67 68 he’s got good length arms he’s not a T-Rex he shoots abnormally well above 40% % and he can do it all he’s just a little older right right so that’s why we have such high hopes for I I’m with you 100% I think we’re in the same thinking for Jaylen Bridges and so you know I just think that that’s a good value we can talk about the exhibit 10 contracts that they picked up for the summer league and whatnot but and then and then in free agency I mean they it felt like in free agency like you know us staying up and waiting for the first day to go by that was just and it wasn’t just a drag for us it was a drag for the entire NBA right where nobody was getting signed you can tell that this new CBA really really really affected the way free agency is’s gonna be um no more spending sprees uh you could tell that uh also the amount of people that got caught um what’s what’s the word I’m looking for uh caught tampering last last season that played into effect as well uh teams are being super careful there and so I think getting Mason plumbley good value for for a player that you thought you needed a backup center that’s definitely better than Drew Eubanks who by the way got more money with the Utah Jazz so that was a crazy contract for me right like he got two years Jazz you know why you know why he’s a fan favorite in Utah He’s a fan favorite in Utah so even I don’t even think think uton are thinking hey he’s white let’s overpay him I don’t think it works that way I I know I’m just messing with you I’m just making these jokes but we got a we got a member m i saw the m is related to the host of Sun’s digest no don’t know who that is we are not related let’s just not related at all so let’s just let that go [ __ ] um but I don’t know why that’s so funny to me but thanks Ryan is pretty humorous um but no like getting Mason plumbley um I thought was a great value for someone who you believe is better than Eubanks as a backup um and then two days later getting our guy uh Monte Morris you know we wait can we can you pause on Monte why because you were just talking about plumbley right yeah yeah yeah I’m worried about plumbley about M about plumbley why I mean I’m not worried about Plumley but you tell me why you’re worried about plumy because that’s crazy I’m worried about Plumley because I had high hopes for Drew Eubanks That Came Crashing Down obviously but I don’t want to make the same mistake twice and I’ve seen online quite the celebration of Clippers fans rooting and hollering in excitement to be getting rid of Mason plumbley and that gives me pause maybe maybe maybe it’ll give you pause we’re rooting and hollerin for getting rid of Eubanks they’re doing the exact same thing in the other room except for our Shuffle on to Utah and their problem shuffled to us I’m worried why are they so happy well here’s the deal I I mean I don’t know why they’re so happy but I still think that’s still a solid get and it I think it’ll be fine I was gonna say because getting Oso I feel like they feel like they backup center situation is infinitely better than it was last year between Oso and Mason so we can talk about that but yeah I mean I mean maybe there Mason plumbley probably isn’t the most athletic he isn’t the most um Nimble but he’s a solid veteran and I and I I trust him more than Eubanks I’m just going to be honest with you I trust him better than you sanks so there’s there’s at least that so I do too inherently so here’s that but our backup center position or backup center backup center situation way better this upcoming season than it was last season of just having two now we have three and I think that’s going to be great um moving on to Monte Morris real quick One Last Thing Before Monte what guys won’t you uh help us out and hit that like button we got 125 in here now and uh we’re glad you guys came in honestly I didn’t know if there’d be a lot of people in here I figured you guys would all be outside watching fireworks hey man people hey it’s they’re not off yet over in Phoenix and on the west coast that’s true we’ll be all right but no um so yeah Monte MO I know people wanted Chris dun um people wanted Kyle Lowry he’s still out there though which is kind of crazy I thought Kyle low be gone I know we wanted Aaron holiday he got gobbled up by the Rockets already um campaign did campaign go anywhere is he still kind of out there too he’s in jail no he he he’s in jail he’s not in I don’t think he’s in jail but he’s not signed anywhere yet I haven’t heard of that one so um I mean Monte Morris me and you talked about it we made a video about it we like that pickup just because we think he’s going to be solid won’t turn the ball over um he’ll get the job done however we need it so we did like that and then of course getting bringing back D le uh we needed a shooter after losing EG um so I think getting D le back this season is pretty good um that is a big move that’s a big move and so we’re waiting on that last roster spot to be filled I saw somebody here talking about Luke Canard for that last roster spot I saw somebody else saying let’s get one more good Wing um so let’s just talk about that real quick you know why people I’m making a poll right now which position do you want for final spot yeah perfect perfect because I mean it’s it’s tough for me right I I think Wing is the way to go but also like I wouldn’t be mad if they went and got herself another point guard or another shooter right like because we’re look if we’re looking at oogi you’re not going to get any offense there I’d rather just get another um shooter point guard Wing shooter something like that in that spot I think we’re good at big men between bbo Plumley Oso nerk uh if you want to start adding KD in there as a as a power forward you got enough length between those five players and and Ryan Dunn we can even throw Ryan Den in there as long as he is as a rookie play some defense so I think you got enough length I think you need to secure up the shooting or with a wing or a point guard and I think I would go Wing here on this one is there can you find me a actual like like sturdy list of who’s officially on the team so I can pull that up yeah yeah yeah because I’d like to pull that up um there was there’s there was a tweet that I gota find it because people been people been doing the uh tweet updates so our shooting I just I think we have enough shooting I’m not gonna say that’s surprising to hear you say that because you you you know we were because like let me just go on the list shooting nerk no right Durant you would say yes Booker you would say yes Beal you would say yes kind of GRE Monte Morris you would say yes Grey Goose that’s five right there you would say yes six um uh Royce O’Neal kind of he add him to seven right so that’s seven total Shooters right there so do you need to get Sho whoa but is that it is that it I mean I want to let’s not count jayen Bridges because he’s a two-way I’m just talking about M roster guys right so keep look keep thinking about it Oso no plumbley no Colin gaspie gpie yeah you might be able he’s a two-way so I don’t want to add him because he’s a two-way right right right bu baby that’s eight next one thank you so that’s eight so so you go through you have eight high percentage Shooters on your team that ain’t enough yeah I think that’s more than enough so I’m not saying I don’t want someone else that can shoot F that I’m just saying if you’re only a shooter that’s not quite what I’m looking for if you can shoot and defend or if you can shoot and ball handle or if you can shoot and rebound if you have something to pair with that shooting that’s what I’m looking for yeah I think that’s what you kind of need to get go get yourself a which is why I think they’re going to bring okoi back just because they think they have more than enough shooting they want to get another Wing Defender right and he’s probably going to be the easiest one to get you know we mentioned Jay Crowder we mentioned Marcus Morris which probably not going to happen Marcus Morris will fetch more than we can give him do you think he will are you sure are you sure yeah when when you hear about teams like Dallas out there wanting them or the Sixers wanting them probably want them on a minimum for sure um I don’t know cranky I don’t know what your obsession with Canard is I don’t know if Canard is cranky if if Canard is a good Defender if that’s true because admittedly I don’t know enough about his defensive prowess if that’s true I would love Canard I’d have a three-way with you and Luke Canard crazy I don’t take that back after having thought about it I love that dude but I didn’t know if he was a good defender or not um I’m just trying to look here um so YYC I think Gary Trent would be too expensive maybe if Lonnie’s uh here’s the deal man I don’t know if there’s going to be a lot of players that are too expensive CU teams are afraid to spin bro right with the way this new CBA is man so I’m just looking at it right now there’s players out there like Malik Beasley Malik Beasley will probably fetch a lot of money where he’s a lot a lot more than a in yeah you know Kyle Lowry I know there’s still interested in a Lowry but I think we got more than enough ball handling on this team uh Pat B that’s that no for me bro uh I’m just going through here Reggie Buck still out there Dar that’s the one that’s still out there that you would take bro he gives you height that’s the thing about Dario I just said I want two traits Dario has three shooting rebounding and passing you know I mean I think Marcus Morris would take him would fetch him in at this point I’m just looking at salaries here I think he would and I think but I just don’t think he’s going to come back to Phoenix man I think he’s just over that whole experience Dario still out there Dennis Smith Jr no no no Marcus Morris Dario I’d love to have back okay but let’s talk about the Marcus Morris being this is one thing we didn’t talk about in the video is the history in Phoenix okay coming out of college I liked Marcus a little bit better than Marie Marcus went one after Marie to the Rockets he was a little bit smaller he ends up with the Suns it was badass for a while let’s be honest it was badass for a while they were they they were a fun team with book and the twins and Tucker and Goron bro I rocked with that team until horach came along did not respect horach they showed themselves to be extremely immature they threw a towel at him on the bench which is just a stain on the professionalism of the sun’s franchise it made us look Bush League it made us look like we don’t have control over anything like no you know what I mean like it was just a bad bad look they go their separate ways they like whatever the point is can they help you win wi could Marcus help you win yes Marcus could help you win yes no one that was there when Marcus threw a towel at horachek or Marie whichever one of them threw the towel no one is in a position of power or involved in the franchise for the most part not even Aaron Nels and the trainers they’re gone too that was there so there’s no one to be like oh I’ve got bad blood with you it’s just a jersey that they’ve worn that’s the only thing that’s similar and even those have changed so I don’t I don’t think there has to be any sort of Bad Blood because Sarver is not here uh I get that but does he want to be here is my question well what would he have to say no I mean a Dallas or a Philly or another team that he deems a better destination to go to you know but that’s not saying I don’t want him back I I would like to have him back I just don’t think he’s coming back and that’s just how I feel about that like I get what you’re saying perfect it’s fine I just don’t think he’s coming I think he’s going somewhere else here’s an interesting name JT th Thor bro how did he end up how’s his career unfolded since you and me were salivating over him not because of his cool name but because of his game and the name and the name because remember yeah it’ll be honest we wanted Thor bad because we only had a second round pick and we were like JT Thor um I mean he’s he’s okay I guess I don’t know what’s his stats looking like Irving carral says Jay Crowder is too small uh he’s strong though you know like he plays that three plays that PJ Tucker role to be honest and I kind of I kind of do miss that I miss having somebody who was tough miss having somebody who wasn’t a pushover right I mean I think I would go I mean feel it with a young guy like JT Thor would be hilarious but I’d probably go Jake Crowder or oogi right I think it’s just a why oogi sell me on Ki I’m not trying to s y Ki I’m just going by what we’ve heard and reports and it seems like he’s almost a cheu in at this point because the what we’ve heard and the reports there so I’m not saying I like a I’m just saying I just think that’s okay you’re just predicting it but me I’d probably go Crowder just to have that veteran presence and he could definitely take the younger guys under his wing specifically a Ryan done and get him the right mindset I think we need dogs like that on the team and so you we always like boss man 99 so n i mean I could sign off on it I’m not saying there’s no world in which I sign off on it but if you survey the landscape of all the available pieces out there and you decide that boss man 99 is the that’s not the type of piece you do with your last available roster that’s the type of piece that you do because somebody because because somebody got injured and you’re going to bring him in last minute to feel like oh well I guess we could give you a run like come on bro over Dario over Dario for sure over a 610 40% three-point shooter who can pass and rebound and help when you don’t have a big that can shoot at all yeah man I’m passionate about Dario it’s either Dario look I told you in the video it’s not it’s like Dario Jay wouldn’t care right it’s the last roster spot so it is what it is I mean you can’t go wrong with getting another big man that can shoot that just makes things different for you different ways you can change your lineup so I mean there’s always that too imagine Dario and bow on a court at the same time playing small ball shooting threes right like you could definitely go that route so I mean there’s a lot of ways you can construct a roster if you get Dario for sure so I mean it’s just like I said either or for that last roster spot um we know he would take a minimum he took a minimum last season right but it looks like it’s being it’s gonna be Oki like but why though is guess I don’t know it just seems that’s the way they’re gonna but why I know I don’t know gab I don’t like the answer you’re giving me so I’m trying to figure out I don’t have an answer for you me and you are in the same thinking like we like oki’s defense we like what he brought but we don’t like the fact that he went from a streaky shooter to a non shooter and people were leaving him wide open in the corners when when we played him he was a liability on offense the offense was literally double book double KD have somebody sticky on Bill hey o Ki just stay over there and then he would just and he get the ball wide open and be like I guess I gotta launch it sto brick every time right so me and you are in the same so me and you are in the same thinking of that like like you don’t want that because that was a liability but I mean it just seems like they like him they had him oped out so they could give him a bigger contract it seems like not much bigger but a little bit bigger and then they’re going to give him bird rights next year that just seems to be the router going with bow Lee and Oki this offseason so it’s not really a prediction it’s just what’s been reported and so it is what it is I would I I’m with you i’ might rather have a Dario sarch or a j Crowder but it’s probably gonna be oi man and why not another point guard are we certain that we don’t want another another point guard I mean they they have Morris they have your boy Gillespie I would like to have I mean I mean I wouldn’t be opposed to a Lowry you know if they just pulled that off I would be mad at that at all all right or a campaign to say that too but but but I I wouldn’t be opposed to that either right can you check on your guy Aaron holiday what’s going on with his status he got signed to the Rockets he’s off brought back they brought him back and they gave him a pretty decent Siz contract for it too okay makes you feel better if you can’t afford him right you just weren’t going to afford here in Holiday the Rockets definitely brought him back on there okay contract for I think two or three years I believe so he’s staying says gaspie is not playing you’re probably right hey do I just hate it because I would give him a chance to play I like him I mean I I find it the comments on our on our video were kind of mostly positive which is shocking I thought there’d be a lot of you guys are idiots for this but there was a lot of but there was a lot of hey hey when he played he looked like he belonged and there probably could have been a bunch of former nuggets fans who were just like yeah we love this guy we didn’t want to get rid of him it could be that too but um I still think gby is capable of giving you a good 10 minutes a game as a point guard that’s just me you’re not gonna expect him to do much more um iy I don’t Ivy I don’t have a problem those moves go on what he say Sons need to sign a wing for the final roster spot then cut Rody sign Lonnie or CI and cut David rod and sure makes better all those were fine yeah yep how about getting Justin holiday I mean he’s still out there that’s a possibility I mean I like Justin holiday better than I like the idea of okoi I’m just done with oogi bro I really am and I hate to say it bro I hate to say it I feel like a dick you know he’s such a cool guy he’s so fun to watch he has such fun moments but God damn it is he a liability on offense bro you can’t even have like what’s the point of having a big three if they get to play 5v4 on defense yes yeah exactly Jacob says what happened to Reggie Bullock he’s still out there um I think B is he’ll probably fetch more than the men you know we’re just at a point to where we can only offer minimum contracts out so DC Bradley Martin’s 260 by the way sorry go on inside joke but anyway so I mean the last roster spot it’s up for grabs we’ll see what happens I think we’ll see I personally think we’ll see a move tomorrow it just seems to be the R I think nothing happened today because of the holiday but I think we will probably see a move tomorrow that last spot so we’ll find out before I think they got to get done relatively soon before the summer league cuz I know they’re going to go be focusing on that um Sund can you look up how many wings are still available I sure can give me just one second here lofa said I’ll take some mac McClung [Music] stop stop no uh a lot of love for Lonnie Walker bro ever since poison ivy made that comment uh you know do we need a spark plug score is that not not that I’m a against it but is that what we need I’m open I am open to it I’m open to Lonnie uh poison I said Reggie bulock is trash I don’t want him the older he gets poison the less interested I am in getting him but you know all right so let me just go through this list of uh wings that are available [Laughter] number one on this list I really love and you know who I’m going to say gab let me guess hold on Gordon Hayward Gordon let go haward is on list Gordon Hayward on a minimum I would be oh I would be so happy D I can’t imagine he’s getting more than a minimum bro he went to OKC he fell out how old is he now 34 we’ll be 35 I want him see I’ve got plans for him okay I really do you got yeah you got you got production plans for the like I was saying the other night when I thought you were going to miss Bleacher Report and I thought I had to do it all myself I was studying like I had taken the goddamn Limitless pill okay and I was just like watching everything so I’d have enough to talk about the whole time and I I watched a lot of Gordon Hayward and I’m just like bro does things that we need in a in a point forward role that’s what I would want a point forward role for him but I see people saying that he can’t stay healthy that’s also not wrong but that would be a hype move high high move that would be a suo jersey purchase day one oh man that would be hilarious day one you take out a new AMX card to order it if need be um so we’re looking at Just Wings here that are available Demar D Roan’s on his list but he’s not available let’s just be honest about that not available high dollar um miles Bridges is on his list not available Caleb Martin on his list too much he’ll get get more in the m not available you know what I’m saying so uh sadique Bay on this list Jay Crowder what you say before J Crowder what did you say before sadik Bay sadique Bay is a 100% in bring him now now now now now now cut for him if he doesn’t fetch more right so there’s always that yeah so I’m just keep going out this list Marie Morris Kenya Martin so there’s a bunch like there’s tons of wings on this list it’s just are they going to fetch more and can you know can we afford them thaddus young Danilo galinari old guys uh Dario sarich on here Reggie Bullock is on this list I would take a Reggie Bullock I I honestly would I would definitely take a Reggie bulck um but once again will he take more will he go back to Houston if they can offer him more um your boy Lucas somic [Music] pass um Mar moris Marcus Morris uh kall Brown so there’s there’s a lot there’s Wings on here it’s just man yeah YY see I don’t think uh Gary Trent has to take a minimum yet not yet um it says here sadik Bay still available man so I mean I can Google and see but sadik still available I want him I want him number one probably overall bro can shoot and defend that’s a good Wing DeAndre riddle says is Lowry picked up no not yet no not yet [Music] um he’s gonna be available but bro is Monte Morris not a better option do you just give yeah I don’t think he’s a better option I don’t I don’t know I mean if you if you if you told me you were going to get Kyle Lowry and Monte Morris I’d be happy with that too that gives you plenty of ball carrying um options baby boy in dep especially especially if you start getting dudes injured and you want to rest guys and that’s that’s that’s good for us throughout the season right like I said you can go anywhere with this last roster spot as long as it’s not somebody who who’s a liability in offense and I think we’ll be okay holy cow I can hear your fireworks the fireworks are going off they’re about to start coming through your windows Z right ridiculous dude it’s it’s almost midnight Eastern 11 o’clock and they’re still shooting them off but what about baby boy baby boy who baby boy Gordon Hayward no gaspie G gby look if gpie ends up being but good enough because we’re not filling a starting point guard a backup point guard and a third we’re just but once again it’s a two-way I don’t so I don’t know if he’s gonna take that last Rush spord they’re gonna give him a full contract right that’s the tough one if he plays well I could see them doing that later on the two-way over Sabin at the two-way is like absolutely it’s night and day oh my God it makes me feel so good bro night and day in in in a joking way because haha want you know and then night and day because he’s literally better better better than safly right like night and we’ll cut that out we’ll cut that out no we ain’t cutting that out not not at all but anyway so last roster spot we’ll wait and see I feel like it’s gonna get filled tomorrow so let’s move on let’s just start talking about um let’s just start grading things let’s start with the draft I’ve said this before I think this was James J best draft he’s had with the Suns period okay with the fact that you got who you wanted the moves you made you were able to move back and get more picks W for James Jones now the bar was not so we’re just doing draft right now right doing draft and draft picks like like what would you grade them like what would you grade the r what would you grade the Ryan Dunn pick good Lord sound like a gun someone got shot in the alleyway behind my house right now good night bro it was burner sneaking up to ring your doorbell and somebody got him uh see I’m just put a poll up for this Sean I like that nickname the dungeon put him in the dungon you already know that’s going to take off oh you know it will um so I would grade the the the Ryan Dunn pick oh you put a in there um so I’m gonna cheat I’m gonna give it a B+ any anywhere in that range right um I give it I give it a B+ um I want to give it an a if we were able to I would I would I would have graded it higher if we were able to get Oso at 51 and not traded those two picks just imagine if we would have got OSA at 51 and we’re able to keep 5 six and make another pick and have another younger player that would have been amazing but um but for the fact that you got to move back though um B plus for the Ryan Dunn pick that was a guy that you wanted it’s a guy you coveted you could have took him at 22 but no instead you got him at 28 just thought that was a boss move so I’d give it a B+ but show I’m giving it a b just for now because I’m trying to be different different this season this off seon I want to I want to reserve the right to in summer league with which is just coming up in like a week and a half or so I want to be able in summer league to say you know what I’m gonna upgrade this B to a B+ or a a if bro is hooping if bro is hooping and getting buckets and scoring anything more than 13 points a game but yeah but yeah if he’s hitting shots then we can go ahead and you know yeah that’s that’s really the kicker is the developing the shooting um so me and you talked about his shot his shot doesn’t look bad it looks like great went to a shooting camp and actually shot well right right like if you watch him shoot you’re like oh that’s a good that’s a good sh shooting form I don’t think that would be bad I just think statistically he wasn’t good but if he can develop that I think he’ll be fine and I think that’s part of the reason why uh James Jones took him and they took him I think they think that he will at least develop a decent shot so I I still give it a B+ like that pick like him like his attitude like his mindset would you consider starting him o over Grayson would I consider starting him over Grayson oh man um so he’s at the three no Beal’s at the one books at the two N I wouldn’t do that I wouldn’t do that I am all I’m saying I need not right away not right away not right away not right away you don’t just say hey look you know we haven’t seen him play but he’s taking your spot you little white [ __ ] you don’t say that you just say you play it by ear and if bro is hooping I don’t see why you would like remember how small our starting lineup is we have a three guard lineup and we got ran off the court a lot of times I’m talking about putting a 68 69 Defender who can guard anyone on the court at any time and shut [ __ ] down in a dungeon that’s right I stole a dungeon and knock down hopefully maybe hopefully maybe knock down corn threes but if he’s hitting threes why wouldn’t and then listen to this listen to this backup lineup bro you got Monte Morris Gray Goose Allen White flight Goose gray Allen Roy O’Neil Roy oy Mason plumy B Bizzy BB yeah Mason pzy yeah it’s it’s a pretty good I do like some of these names on this uh on on on this uh list of backups it’s CU then when the backups come in you know you’re going to get some scoring because you got Grey Goose out there hono says we still got joshu oogo on the team as a l we don’t have him on the team he’s still a free agent technically so yeah hono free agent not yet but no um yeah I mean if Ryan Dunn develops a shot sure but I don’t think he’s starting I think we’re I think Greg goose is starting I think if Ryan D just completely blows us out of the water throughout the seon sure maybe but until then no DeAndre riddle that’s one reason why I would do it though I like what you just said there because I agree you get D if you put dun in there you can play him at four and have him play defense you know and have offensively put Durant back at the three you know funny love that my brain totally miscalculated what riddle was saying I legit thought he was think Kevin Durant needs to go back to San Francisco that’s hilarious like go back to the Warriors I’m like riddle Sean says they listed D at 66 66 without shoes is what that actually is so with shoes like add to two inches and you’ll be fine he’s he’s a legit built Wing stopper he’s not missing any sort of height or length to be a quintessential lock down is that fair it’s got all the measurables and tools for that I think with done and some of the moves that we’ve made I’m way more confident on defense now for us too so that’s why another reason I give that done the B+ um speaking of defense and another lengthy player Oso or let me give it a let me let me give it a shot okay oer igoro okay hear K second round pick we picked him at what 40 I believe we got him at 40 after moving up from 51 and 56 um what would you grade that pick can I give an incomplete you want to you want to give an incomplete grade yeah yeah not anything that has to do with him it just has to do with I’m getting mixed reviews I’m getting people saying on one hand you guys reached for him you didn’t need to trade up for him and I’ve got I’m hearing and seeing things about some NBA Scouts saying he was one of the one of the biggest steals in the entire draft and they were he was one of their top centers and I just don’t know what to think man my head is too convoluted with contrasting ideas that I can’t well let’s let me just start with what I like about him right from interviews and hearing him talk he’s a heady player knows the game of ball he’s not a freaking he’s not a um a boneheaded player I don’t think you’re gonna get that from him um he’s lengthy he is a connector he can pass pretty well um his tape’s solid my thing about him is once again that shot that free throw form is awful um I think offensively he’s only going to get you buckets from 10 feet he’s got that little floater he can he’s got some decent post moves um but at 610 611 he’s only 224 pounds I believe he weighed in that so but bro he’s he’s light so that that’s kind of my thing he might be light but I think how old is he uh 21 bro I think it’s an age thing looking at him like think about how much muscle Giannis has put on and now think about how skinny he was compared to where Oso already looks muscular bro R ripped that is that is true like all you got to do is [ __ ] like sprinkle some whey protein on him and he’s going to sprout bro and they’re going to have him on on a impeccable diet and they’re going to I think he’ll be 250 in 3 years from now he’s GNA look like yeah an Adonis bro he’s gonna look like a nightmare n no no no no I mean I I I’m I’m with you on that so I’m with you on the incomplete grade I would still give it B minus C+ um like I said I know people are saying that it’s a steal and um that they that they got them and I know why they moved up because players on that board in that second round were moving quick because we were watching that too and we were like okay when’s uh Philip pasy gonna go immediately okay when’s coak gonna go oh K might go 50 immediately what about AJ Mitchell uh he should be going to 47 immediately right like players were just going bop bop you know immediately off the board I’m pretty sure they’re like hey all these guys on our board are leaving we need to abort abort Mission move up and let’s go ahead and get this guy instead of waiting and I think that was probably what happened I would have loved to have had them let them sit at 51 and 56 and get him there and get someone else but man just I feel like you know with me and you the way we did our scouting and we had our list and the way like I’m not saying we’re like professional Scouts here but a lot of players are getting off that board quick in the second round it was pretty wild so I think that’s probably why they moved up and got them but so I will give it a C+ B minus and um we’ll stay there and I’m with you I would ask to um be able to change my grade later right for sure for sure I think we need to do another regrading during the summer league and even those grades will be early that’ll be too early but we’ll do it but we’ll do it and then at the end of the season yeah or we’ll do it halfway through the season and then at the end it’s a continuous thing because we don’t know we don’t know how they’re going to translate like for instance Gary very smart basketball mind in my opinion he thought wemi was going to struggle he thought there would be some struggles but nah it was just giving them the work giving these old men the work from day one so like you don’t know nobody knows how they’re going to translate but if Oso translates the way it looks like he could man like I’m just sad that he has a broken shot I’m I’m sad his brain’s broke if if he can if he can develop a J from the free throw line I would be I would love that you’re asking bismack bomo to devel a jumper it’s not going to happen yeah maybe that dude’s jumper is stranger things have happened um but yeah I’m with you on that I’ve seen some Demi gorgens with better jump shots than him speaking of stranger things moving along moving along let’s just talk about it our guy our guy okay cuz me and you both were like hey we really like this guy our guy jayen Bridges small forward Wing three and D Wing out of Baylor 23 years old we believe that’s why he went undrafted apparently that’s the steal of undrafted for Agency for us Bridges Jaylen Bridges out of Baylor lock down Defender uh a you give it an A sign because of where they got him outside of the draft nothing less than an a that’s an a move bro to get him without having to even use a draft pick is an a if if I was a guessing person I would guess that they wanted to get Oso at 51 and him at 56 and the fact that they were able to sign like well just be get get I think they were estatic that they were able to get him in free agency so I yeah I give it a a to as far as um that goes I we watch the tape we really do believe in this kid I think he’s gonna prove a lot of people wrong a lot of people wrong what are you laughing at and what are you doing with your American flag tank top over here just moving stuff around I was just grabbing the water um I’m laughing because somebody said somebody said we need to give bullbull some compound V which is from the boys it’s like it’s it turns you into a superhero it’s like Peds but for superheroes yeah so yeah jayen bridges for sure um I give that an A A A AA so let’s um I will save those two for I’ll save us two for lat let’s go to the free agency off season our first signing well will we we talked there was two things I wanted to talk about so we talked about we did talk about starting Ryan Dunn but then there was one other thing one other oh nerk daddy did you see nerk daddy and how skinny he is I did not he’s looking skinny not in a bad way in a good way but that’s how he started out last season he was um super slim last season and I told Tori and Tor goes yeah honestly he plays better with weight on him he’s not better when he’s skinnier so I don’t know I don’t know if he feels like dropping some weight is gonna help him shoot better it probably help I don’t know what healthy but he he was so healthy last season bro he wasn’t the healthiest player bro he might have played the he better than he was better than Beal but he missed like all season but there was but they were out of nowhere and it was it just feels imp it just feels really bad because we lost every time he didn’t play but he didn’t play he didn’t miss a lot of games he might have missed I think he missed under 10 games somebody if you could tell me either way I think he might be doing it for health because didn’t he have a hand injury someone said and a bunch of other stuff and so I could see him slimming down he yeah I can see him and if anyone can’t connect the dots between losing weight and your hand feeling better internal swelling if you get off of sugar and carbs your internal swelling goes down it helps you heal so yep so I mean him being skinny that’s fine he’ll probably play back into his weight anyway throughout the season I’m I’m fine with it um but we need him shooting threes don’t you I mean don’t you see what’s happening here they’re going to give it a go with him and if it doesn’t work with Bud’s offense he is going to be the first one shipped out of town for a bag of potato chips possibly bro they’re gonna possibly you’ve been doing this long enough what’s everyone going to say come time we need a center that can shoot come on they’ve already been saying that that’s what they I know they’ve already been saying that I just don’t think that he’s it makes no sense to move nerk it doesn’t do anything for you other than maybe get some Capital if you think that Oso and plumbley can get it done right like like that’s the only reason why you move him is you think hey o this kid Osa is better than we thought and plumbley is good and you want to move on from that’s the only way you do it but it makes no sense to move on from n not contract wise it doesn’t get you out of the apron um anything like that it still keeps you there so you trade him for basically nothing and other teams possibly know that and won’t give up a lot of capital for him so I mean it doesn’t make any sense to move on from nerk at all and I don’t care if fans are claming say we don’t like him he doesn’t shoot threes he’s still a solid player our winning percentage and our efficiency was way up when in games he played and was way up when he was on the floor so lay off nerk this is this whole nerk haate has been ridiculous my whole reason why during the end of the season I was like move on from nerk was like it helps you get closer to being out of the apron Yad yada y but at that point you know looking back at it no it really doesn’t help the only way you’re going to get out of the apron is trading one of the big three that’s not happening at all either so you’re keep nerk it’s four year it’s a three more years like that’s a lot of control for a solid player a solid Center you’re keeping nerk they’re gonna keep him not disagreeing with you on that and it’s at 18 mil when we seen what some of these guys are getting yeah you’re you’re going to keep him let’s not go into how much money he should be making or shouldn’t be making that’s a whole that’s not the point I’m making Haren Stein just got got the bag okay you’re keeping nerk I don’t know if hartenstein throws up what might as well be square basketballs when he shoots from three but that’s just you know because it’s a whole thing and I don’t want to be that guy I do like nerk and I see the the benefit I just think we need one Center we we need I think we need one Center and I think perhaps I think you’re with like I think you probably have 40% of suns fandom in agreement with you if they heard out our arguments and I think 60% are with me and I think come halfway through the season if things aren’t perfect it’s going to be get him gone we needed new we needed a new center trade him whatever like I just think that’s what it’s going to be you might be right but I’m just telling you and everybody else it it makes no sense to to to move him at all right now it doesn’t help you it doesn’t get you out of the apron it you’re not going to pull back a whole lot of value for him no one’s clamoring for him right you’re not going to get a bunch of capital for him he’s thing it’s just it is what it is that’s that’s your center for the next two seasons sorry don’t whoa whoa whoa whoa for the next season sorry don’t sneak in an extra season on us what are you talking about well I’m just saying because of the way the roster constructed we’ve talked about this the big three are here for boer’s here for four Beal’s here for three Katie’s here for at least two if they don’t extend them if it don’t work nur’s here for three so if they keep the big three together nerk is staying like that’s all there is to it I’m gonna need him to remember how to shoot I’m gonna need who knows if if the if the hand injury excuse is valid then he he’ll he’ll learn he I don’t care if he needs to get his hand cut off and replaced with a nurlink hand I don’t care if he needs uh to be having some hypnotherapy to help I don’t care what the [ __ ] it is bro but they double our best players when nerk is on the Court why do you think 50% of the time nerk was in the post vers tiny players that shouldn’t have been guarding him because the defense was designing it as we don’t care if he scores that’s fine you two double Durant we’re going to be all over Booker Whoever has it gets a double we’re never going to be as dangerous as we should be until we have a center that you have to go stand by so I’m going to say something I’m gonna tell you to give it a chance because we now have a new coach who isn’t going to have a stupid offense because remember I there’s a because I’m gonna I’m gonna bring this up remember what Kevin Durant said when we were playing the Kings and he was talking to Mike Brown what did Mike Brown tell him we ain’t scared yall not worried about your offense at all your guys’s offense is so simple so I’m just gonna tell you right now give it a chance new coach new offense we’ll see let’s move on to free agency can can I just take one little side note on that one more side note and then we’re moving on maybe just just maybe bull bow will be the answer hey I’m with you on that I’d love for that to be the answer they run a thing where they do play bull but they’re keeping him out at at the three-point line on offense and I don’t know maybe having Kevin Durant guard the centers when it’s a center who’s not too beefy moving along okay yeah I’m with you on that one free agency grade these P we’re going to grade these signings uh YYC just said SAR makes a lot of sense now hey I’m with it if Sarge if we get Sarge cool bet Awesome Moving on Mason Plum Dog Millionaire Mason plumbley how you grading that that One Cop Out cop out what do you mean by that I’m gonna cop out oh you’re gonna cop out okay let’s hear it uh incomplete don’t know have to see I have to see him I don’t know I’ve always wanted him I have always wanted him to be our backup always but now that I’m seeing Clippers fans in the same type of bliss that we find ourselves in getting rid of Eubanks it’s got me suspicious I’m sorry fair enough I I will I will say solid player better than you Banks he’s not going to um not the flashiest player I’d give it a C+ C+ signing okay um he’s 34 vet player you got him on the vetman so it’s not like you signed him for this ridiculous contract it’s a vetman and a vetman is what you gave Eubank last year if he’s better than Eubanks it’s a automatically a better signing for me right so C+ for now um and I mean he’s got to be better than Eubanks right bro if he ain’t you know if if thing if if we find ourselves yelling at Mason plumbley the entire offseason I don’t think so bro he’s bigger than Eubanks he’s got better size than Eubanks he actually is heier than Eubank true he is an actual Center he is I think I can trust him to make some jumpers in the pain I don’t I I I I don’t think when Drew put up a hook shot like we just cross our fingers and like hope for the best and we were impressed oh my gosh she hit that floater like we were impressed at that game for Drew Eubank I don’t think we will be for me for for plumbley bro so like there there there’s a diff and they’re not always right fans aren’t always right like for instance I was tricked when D le when we signed D you and me did a video that was one of our first videos we did together bro we did not like d and then he freaking shut us up with that clutch shot we didn’t like him and then the comments were mostly Golden State fans Thanking us for taking him because they didn’t think that anyone would ever sign him away and that he was a nepo baby and that the only reason he was on the Warriors was because of Steph and they didn’t think anyone would be stupid enough to sign him so thank thank you for getting him off that was like resoundingly what they said but we ended up really liking him so that’s doesn’t always have to be true but you have to admit it does feel a lot better when you sign someone and you hear their fan base be like damn we shouldn’t have let him get away or just any sort of positive reinforcement like hey you guys are going to like him he’s nice he’s underrated a none of that with plumbley so I’m worried go on you’re worried huh I’m gonna yeah I’m um fa fair enough fair enough that you’re worried I still think he’s going to be better than Eubanks I still give it a c plus moving on next pick next honcho that’s what Ryan dun is H honcho honcho says we need a strong small forward Ryan dun hey Katie I don’t have to work tomorrow so shut your mouth oh okay so moving on next free agent pickup would be your guy Monte Morris point guard out of Iowa State Journeyman point guard I guess you can call him started with the Nuggets they drafted him went to the Raptors uh ended up on the Wolves last year I guess he got bought out because he was traded from Toronto to Detroit I think and then he got bought out cuz played for three teams last year so that’s I don’t even know the transactions I’m just assuming that’s kind of the rout he took um how do you feel about the Monte Morris free agency signing a lot better after I watched him play you know because just knowing who he was watching him play vers the Suns watching him play against the Mavs after they dispatched of us um watching them beat the Nuggets I wasn’t like I was never thinking man that’s a guy I wish we could get I didn’t have those sorts of thoughts but then when I went back and did a much closer look it’s like yeah what’s not to like really good three-point shooter if you watch him play in college bro he was like a little wannabe baby Kyrie like not his flashy dribbles but he had a lot of Kyrie like moves he has a clutch Gene um when it comes to shooting at the end of the games like he was a dog he was the man in in his college should be dogs in college I’m just saying he was the man was a dog what happened to shabaz well but shabaz shabazi boy Couldn’t Shoot 40% from three fair enough okay like this dude um so he’s just so everything we asked for trait wise he’s got he’s just not the guy I thought I wanted that’s it right yeah I’m with you on that one um yeah for sure that that is that is exact way to put it um we D we wanted a Chris Dunn and Kyle Lowry but I think he’s decent on defense um he doesn’t turn the ball over and I think that’s really the key he doesn’t turn the ball over okay 02 average2 five 0.25 Gabe I’m G say it again 025 turnovers assist because Jason ass per game on three assists per game but here’s the deal B he only played you know 10 15 minutes per game you can get me three assists and and not turn the ball over in that time when all of our guys are sitting down because that was really a big problem for us last year I will take it it’s a good point I will absolutely take that take that take that Jason just kidding but he owned you Jason he kind of lowkey cooked you Jason no iook I’m be waiting for your response Jason get him I didn’t cook him I’m just saying like the type of player that he is I will take that take that take that take that over I will take that over what we had last year which was not a backup point guard at all we had freaking um Sabin Nick Sabin Lee as our backup point guard like what are we doing retired Alabama football coach so yes you’re going to take Amonte Morris at this point and then not to mention we just skip past him but but I’ll bring him up Colin Gillespie as well as a two-way that’s an upgrade over Sabin Lee so we’re good we’re good I would I would grade this a a b b sliding sa Lee was not our guy Jason now don’t you even start with us there was there was start with us there was a brief time in which it was never a brief time a brief time where he showed some promise for me yes it was here’s how brief it was he came into existence in our minds on a 10 on a 10 day oh the not the can’t go back yeah when he was in can’t go back mode yeah when he was in can’t go back mode sure he made threes up until the playoffs Bros broken Frankenstein Stein style jumper went in and then all of that was done for after a while so you know oh man but no but uh Monte Morris for sure I I give it a b B+ if he push me to give him a higher grade but um I do like the signing he’ll be solid I saw someone say if you let him start he might be solid I mean I don’t think we expect him to start he’s definitely gonna be the second team point guard to give Beal and Booker reprieve so they don’t have to handle the ball as much have the ball on their hands so much and then do you think Gillespie is enough I think Gillespie is also a death piece for this for the season for sure to help out with that as well I selfishly kind of want them to just keep I want Gillespie on the court bro like I’ve got this burn in suspicion about this it for the No No hell no you just want to make another white flight hat okay that’s all you want what if he dunks what if he make another white flight special edition white flight hat you want to make you want to make the Great White Hope merch that’s what you want out of this okay I believe in him bro I believe in him look look look look he is TJ McConnell look we got TJ McConnell at home Ty at home I like this kid Tyler Gillespie I think in The Limited minutes that he will play in The Limited minutes that we’ve seen him play and we looked at the stats I think when you see him play it’s going to look like he belongs the only issue is he doesn’t play very good defense he’s gonna get blown by but or if you have a smart but if you have a smart coach much like I’m gonna bring this up again much like whenever we played the t-wolves what do the timber wolves do with Mike Connelly did you ever see Mike connley have to play defense that’s true they always hit him so if you have a good coach you can hide guys like that for sure well we don’t have a good defensive coach so that’s the big issue with bud M mark my words that’s what we’re going to be upset about is that he can’t make defensive adjustments hey you know what yeah you told me that and thanks for bringing that back up but go on but no um I do like Tyler gby I think the Tyler Gillespie Monte Morris Tyler Gillespie everyone Colin Gillespie why I say Colin Gillespie and because he’s he is Tyler kic he is Tyler Tyler McConnell yes Colin Gillespie mon combo I think it’s and I mean it’s not even I think it’s just a definite upgrade over Sabin Le last year so we we’ll we’ll say B we’ll combine them and make it a a but the each individual signings are B plus and B for me especially col on I thought that was real sneaky moving on bringing back your boy de jante Reed who J I’m joking Damien Lee I was gonna give him like a super black name like the jante Reus Lee didn’t come out that way but what do you think about bringing him back if I’m gonna be honest with you it was just like okay cool we brought demon d back right that’s literally my reaction there was no like oh we brought it back let’s go it was just like okay cool we brought him back cool right that was just my reaction I know what I know what I’m going to get from D le I know I’m going to get from D I’m going to get a solid player who’s gonna hit who’s gonna hit some shots he’s not gonna be the best on defense um he can handle the ball somewhat so you can trust him there a little bit not all the time um good culture guy so like he just just just a solid player right like so I I give bringing him back and the fact that if he does well you get the bird rights on him for next year with the signing yeah you basically I gotta give this another B B+ I do like that we’ll go with B how do you feel about D because you’re making a bunch of weird faces as I talk because I guess you just didn’t like what I had to say about how I didn’t how I just didn’t wasn’t hyped about the sign you don’t respect him enough you I respect oh my gosh you respected him with your grade but your words were like your grade should have been a c minus no oh no cuz it wasn’t like a listen because it wasn’t like a oh he’s already been here right I expected him to come back so it wasn’t like it was just like good we got him cool bet you know what I mean it wasn’t out of left field sniper sniper same thing that happened with Grayson happened with him he was shooting like 55% from three but didn’t get invited to the NBA three-point shooting contest during the allstar break because it wasn’t on enough shot okay so same thing with greay goose he’s another Gray Goose we have another one with way cooler hair it’s like you’re just forgetting about his hair or something but it’s like he’s he’s ALS also he’s not a Lockdown Defender but he’s got a dog oh he’s got a dog mentality dog mentality he don’t take [ __ ] you know what he does take though threes a lot of charges take that take that broy taking charges baiting you into offensive fouls baiting people into uh cheesy ass I’m talking chees easy fouls that should not like CP3 level fouls and Just Energy he’s hyped and he hits his threes and he gets everybody in a good mood yes yes but the important thing sundo is that he hits his [ __ ] threes okay that’s what’s important he hits them more often than not it’s crazy so to have another guy like him when you lost Gordon who was supposed to be that but wasn’t so really I’m just praying that he can get the rust off and be himself okay honcho we’re not getting miles Bridges so just HCHO so just stop saying that please miles Bridges is probably gonna sign back that was a one time thing we were doing that was a one time thing probably gonna bring him back and they’re going to give him bird rights and then they’ll move him from there it’s not it’s not happening he didn’t he didn’t want to come to us because he wanted to wait until the end of the season so that he could get a big time payday because contractually that’s the way it was set up he ain’t interested in us why don’t he want me Uncle Phil why don’t he want me man moving on so moving on D le good signing I know you’re cooking me but yes de D is De is so I could I could very well be too optimistic I don’t think you’re too optimistic I think he’s going to be a solid player like he’s he’s been here culture guy you know what you’re gonna get solid player like it it also is he’s also a sort of I mean he’s not a point guard but you can trust him to handle the rock a little bit if you would so that helps out as well um the meniscus I’m glad and there’s one thing I’ll point out he did take the long surgery okay he didn’t take the short surgery that would leave you know what was the two series with the miniscus it was like the the four Monon long surgery that doesn’t damage NE there’s the quick scope six week long what was that you were explaining to me the two dip of surgeries you can get on a meniscus yeah so you can either get the meniscus basically scrapped and thrown in the trash and it heals then you don’t have a meniscus um or you can have it surgically repaired and that takes longer you got that one if you scrap it you can play way sooner but you’re guaranteed to have um need issues arthritis and stuff later in your career that’s what happened at bledo that’s what robbed bledo so I mean I like that he did that he came back so yeah D is gonna be a solid man D for sure solid player so alt together what’s the offseason grade for you so far altogether draft free agency uh getting coach Bud making the coaching changes front office moves I gotta go with a what limited resources we got you get you’re gonna give it a B I can’t go higher than a B for the off season yeah for the entire offseason I I I appreciate the things they’ve done I like the moves but they weren’t the best moves possible I think I think with the situation that you put yourself in by getting Kevin dur and being in a second apron I I I’m with you I think you give it a b B+ in that area um some people are saying a just because look at what they did with where they’re at okay but yeah we’ll give them a b um I think if they make some sort of Wizardry move with this next roster spot then we can probably bump the great up but I don’t think there’s nothing there’s not anything coming I there’s no Wizardry move happening right so it’s a be for me even if they get a Jay Crowder or oogi and bring one of those guys back or Dario arich I know if you get Dario s you’re gonna move it up because that’s just you but did we bring any former Suns back that weren’t on the team last year we didn’t all those guys we wanted back and they said nope we ain’t giving you [ __ ] back I mean the way they I mean let’s be real the way some of those guys got shipped out toward the end of it Monty it wasn’t it wasn’t good right it wasn’t good and the way Monty kind of treated them I’m gonna play my guys no one else it wasn’t wasn’t good so I bet you their experience in Phoenix wasn’t the greatest the only person I can see coming back is boss boss 99 that’s because it’s boss boss 99 like Crowder just seems like you just care so much braids yes his braids are great what up ero all right so we’re moving on Gabe to the summer league preview so of course we have the two rookies three rookies I guess if you count Jaylen Bridges um we also have two exhibit 10 signings and Colin Gillespie we got to remember him because he’s going to go there too so um Gillespie is going to be there with Bridges with with Dunn and Oso but we have two exhibit 10 signings um we have Tyrie Samuel from Florida the big man from Florida and your guy point guard from Northwestern boo buoy go ahead and talk to him about your boy this is a great poll this is such a simple simple poll and guys be honest because no one knows like who’s answering this the certain way just I want to know I gotta close this last poll so what what was the last poll results I didn’t see there you go right Ryan dun 48% a 47% B 2% C 0% on the [Music] D pause okay so it’s Buu i e yes b o o Buu i e boo booy okay question is have you seen boo buoy play yes or no it’s just I’m just curious no shame if you haven’t and it doesn’t count Googling highlights like have you did you ever watch him play because no no even Googling highlights counts goog Googl counts even having yeah said who the [ __ ] is that who the fu is that guy boo buoy all right so booy booy boo buy is a point guard out of Northwestern and honestly he looks just like Gabe Vincent he got the braids what is the braids he got the braids he’s light skinned just like Gabe Vincent got got the got the beard and the and the Goat all of it looks just like gab vinc bro it’s kind of crazy Justice said I think I ate some boo buoy once um I think we need to pull it up pull can you pull it up come on let’s do it who cares who cares pull up the boo buoy highlights you pull them up on a stream he’s a 10day contract type player won’t be in the league by GTA 6 Slayer says well um what a weird way to say it so I but I mean we gave him the exhibit 10 contract him and tyres Sam from Florida uh for those that don’t know the exhibit 10 basically is a veteran minimum contract um and you have up until the beginning of the season to make it a two-way contract so basically I guess it’s a way to just convince them to come to your summer league team we’ll give you a little bit more money if you come to the summer league team we get to scout you check it out and if we don’t like you we’ll just let you go by the season start so they could be on this team all the way through the preseason so there’s that too Gabe got this you got him up yeah almost I see I see resize resize him a little bit here all right folks you wanted boo booy you’re getting boo booy you all been clamoring for boo buoy here we go uh BR to me bro looks like if Devin Booker and Jose Alvarado had a baby Gabe Vincent there you go gab Vincent bro Northwestern a good school bro Big 10 school um can finish can shoot can pass I don’t you know necessarily think he’s going to be a defensive stopper or some [ __ ] but Jos avado is I think that’s a decent comparison like if he can be as annoying as Jose avado you got something he’s like Jose but bigger in like better offense I don’t think he’s probably as good of a Defender probably nowhere near as good of a Defender but I’m just saying in the face number zero booooy I like that little scoop I just saw the SC he’s kind of swaggy though I’m not going to lie like he really is I I I got to figure out why he’s a free agent or why he was unrestricted because he’s kind of confusing in that way bro got that floater game [Music] down you got to admit he does look like Jose let’s go ahead and look at let’s go ahead and look at boooo I’ll give you some staty stats 62 180 pounds uh from Albany New York I know you wanted to know that he is a look at these leaning threes bro who does that he’s not a red shirt he stayed for the um he stayed for the co year okay stay for the co year uh his freshman year average 10 points two two and a half assists uh shot 28% from three that’s not good freshman year but sophomore year did better with 36% still a I love him shut up I love him I’m giving you the stats of course you love him you always do this but no he looks like a decent kind of point guard we gave him the exhibit 10 so he’s going to be on his team at least at least through the preseason and you can convert him to a two-way also I think you when this is also a summer league or not a g-league kind of signing too as well right you don’t you convert them to the tway and send them back right like he can shoot off all kinds of different platforms bro like doesn’t have to be a clean catch and shoot off one foot off two leaning to the left leaning to the right unselfish what’s the downside to him do you know is it is he old is he is he 23 years old uh yes he I told you he played oh no he had the co year so no that’s terrible that’s really that’s really the issue is the he’s worked on his craft for a whole couple more years the way they used to back when uh Jordan was playing and everyone did it that way weird yeah he’s 24 years old Gabe so he’s an older kind of py said I’ll take him over Beal right now the beal Slender’s crazy bro’s cooking he’s cooking I’m dude can we get to the summer league now remember when I told you booy was good and you didn’t want to pay attention you didn’t want to pay attention be quiet I absolutely hate you right now cuz I told you this guy could be decent he could be a good two-way player he could defin he’s definitely going to be on the g-league team for sure and could potentially be a developmental type piece and you said but his name is Boo buoy can he change his name no he cannot something a little bit more respectable it’s just so cartoonish he’s definitely going to wipe the summer league up that’s for sure and he’s definitely going to be on the g-league team like they’re gonna I feel like they’re going to convert him to a two8 and he’s going to the G league and I think Gillespie is gonna gonna stay up with us that’s what I think be says he might be a a booooy truther now that’s what I’m saying bro it’s just so nice donkey B says let me show you only my good plays right that’s true that’s true we are showing only his good plays but it’s like his good plays are so good I look at this no look pass bro it’s so dirty bro he’s got a bag and range what did he shoot from three 36% oh his senior year he shot 42 so there’s that but he’s freshman year was 28 and then he went from 36 35 36 and then his senior year he really went to 42 so so I think he’s I think this is going to be a good summer league get I think he’s you know I think he’ll light it up in a summer league and then once again I repeat he will be our G League point guard with your boy Tio madon all right I’ve seen enough of him I love him all right so next the next exhibit 10 contract that we sign is a center from Florida named Ty Reese Samuel now Ty so what did that poll say uh I’m pretty sure nobody ever saw that man play bro let’s be okay so 76% said no and about 20 21% of you were just lying no just kidding 8020 no okay next poll let’s just go ahead and assume it’s even worse none of you have seen tyres Samuel play I haven’t seen tyres Samuel play um where do we go here pull this video up for y’all so once again this is another um fiveyear player Co year give me some height and weight another Co year he’s a 610 Center at three 200 I almost said three 235 pounds um transferred to Florida his last year and that’s where he’s from but he played in seed Hall in the Big East for the first four seasons so that’s not bad either being a big East player um once again you’re just getting yourself another typical in the paint big man he’s not really a shooter um I would say a bismack biombo type player but Rim Runner Rim Runner basically nothing special once again I think this is another this is just another uh two-way going to summer league kind of atic he’s kind of athletic look we’ll get him run the floor so yeah it’s just we just keep getting the same Center over and over like the same thing like can’t shoot can’t shoot can’t shoot yep and that’s my thing and that’s why I asked you Gabe and I just feel like this pass watch this pass coming up go on go on go on go on I feel like they think that is a good pass I feel like they think that they don’t need a shooting center or there’s going to be a philosophy change their form I guess I guess but that’s what happened to Oka azub that’s another thing I was going to say the way the way they’ve done things udoka is not coming back especially if they sign his T to exhibit sign his kid to an exhibit 10 and he ends up on the g-league team udoka could have been on the g-league team at this point right but I mean you know he’s still a free agent so I think udoka is cooked I think he’s donez though God bro [ __ ] Frank Chris says summer league body to be honest facts I think that’s what it is but that summer league body can turn into a g League body so and that’s how I think they’re heading with this I don’t I don’t hate him you know no no no no all right who’s next once again but I’m with you it’s just like hey uh I don’t know who’s niers I don’t know who else is on the squad I just know these are the two exhibit 10 contracts that we uh made oh but we got a and then Colin Gillespie is the only guy playing C League too we zambuki now you’re speaking my language Prime chanting fry would have been perfect for this squad oh my God oh my God Mill says send me the link to your Discord Gabe tell them the process Meek you got to hit me up or Sund up on Twitter or Discord DM just got to make sure you’re not actually Voldemort know what I’m saying yeah make sure you’re hey ha do says boo buoy played for us last season summer league right no right he’s just coming out of college no he just come out of college no no no we’re gonna have a fun summer league team this summer okay we’re actually gonna have a fun time watching Ryan dun dun and Oso and Colin gaspie and baa buoy all right baa buy is crazy so you can’t find another I’m pretty sure there’s a list of Summer leag play there’s a list oh there’s a there’s a whole list of Summer League players but uh let me look it up I know there’s a list hold on you look where you’re gonna look I’m gonna look on Twitter real quick so Suns you won’t find on summer league there’s actually an updated there’s actually a roster three days ago Arizona Sports the roster tracker Ryan Dunn will be there Oso will be there Jaylen Bridges Colin Gillespie uh we talked about tyres Samuel we talked about Boo buy here we go uh Malik Osborne Ford from Florida State but he is an older player he’s out of the 2022 draft class so I don’t know if you want to talk about Malik Osborne since he’s an old player Tyson Walker Michigan State guard of course so he’s a former Michigan State guard you know Matt ISB wanted to get him there Mason Walters from Wyoming so and that’s all we got so far what was the guard what was the guard’s name Tyson Walker from Michigan State Tyson Walker yes Tyson Walker okay okay says you guys are forgetting Jaylen Bridges NOP we’re not forgetting Jaylen Bridges we’ve already talked about jayen I do you guys want to watch Jaylen Bridges play because we could do that but we definitely do that for sure but we already talked about I I’ll watch Jaylen Bri probably should we probably for sure watch Jaylen brid’s highlight tape I yeah yeah we were just talking specifically about summer league players but he is in the summer league so we got to pull him up too all right so this is Tyson walker uh can you give me a height and weight give me a second here as I um smooth look it up not really the looks like a little is Smith six foot 162 pounds little guy light guy is this going to be like a baby bowwow situation where we’re like give up the ball it might be um he shot o his three-point stats are kind of nice shot 47% his junior year hisor shot what 47 yep 47% Aver how many was he taking to okay and then the next year this is a m is a special Michigan State he’s making the team yes I like that pound dribble he shot 41% on four temps then next year after that so he’s solid solid guy um and yeah that’s all I got for you because I just don’t want to do too much more research on a guy who’s not going to make the squad but this is your I don’t know this is ish’s guy no he’s not making a squad let’s not he nice bro I’m not I’m saying making potentially a two-way or a g-league squad oh g-league Squad probably possibly but you know like actually be kept around like in a developmental way because be for sure it’s really summer league is going to be fun to watch cuz I think that we actually put together a squad that’s actually going to be fun and dudes that are hungry that want to make it because the last few years a bunch of dudes look at this ankle snatch gosh do you remember that sticks year that we watched that was kind of fun that was bad all those players around him were so bad but having sticks out there was fun but yeah we were just screaming give sticks the ball get the F out of his way I like this little dude Tyson I’m not going to lie and the fact that he’s a Michigan State Alum gives him an arrow up it means the wind is at his back bro that’s actually a very fair point just because go ahead bring up your boy Jaylen Bridges let the people see I’m sure people have not have already seen him but bring him up okay now bring them up bring them up BR do not answer this to impress someone cuz no one knows who said yes or who said no have you seen Jaylen Bridges fil okay do not lie do not lie and you should have by now you should have but it’s okay if you haven’t not everybody you know a lot of you are probably just waiting to see him at uh the summer league so he said we should also look up some Jaylen Bridges West Virginia let’s go Baylor first [Music] um this will do this will do Pig Baby M says I’m a Blazers uprise fan of course I know Jaylen Bridges I’m sick of him [Music] bro all right here here we go ready jayen Bridges folks uh that was a weird highlight didn’t get to see what actually happened okay he can dunk from a standstill he can get his own rebound bro he looks bigger than 66 to me maybe it’s his hair that fin though in the post pick and roll he’s a he’s a sniper bro what did he shoot 42% something like that last year 41% SC God yeah if he meant to call backboard on that situation I don’t even know what to say and and bro is a Defender like he is gonna I think he’s going to steal someone’s minutes bro Says Baby Kelly UB yeah baby UB is crazy H he’s just so good from three bro like and so I think he’s shooting off the backboard on purpose I do some people have it like that bro some people like to shoot off the backboard from three it’s this weird thing that’s going through basketball I swear you’re going to start seeing it good strong drive and finish he’s just such a shooter all right so less people have seen it then haven’t seen it that’s cool bro is like is this our new cam Johnson is that what we’re looking at here remember we both said but a Defender but a Defender possible bro this is our new cam Johnson H I’m telling you this dud I’m telling you I feel like this dude’s going to make the team off this two-way sooner rather than later that’s just me I really do feel that way I feel like he will get signed I’m I mean I’m already interested in developing him over rod bro and you know I loved me some R yeah no no no for sure you know I’m saying I think you trade Rody and Nas and you give these guys a CH a signing you give a signing bro give me all the 24 year olds if they’re like this Chris says this guy’s better than oogi now for sure absolutely that’s what I’m saying they got it that’s what I’m saying you watch him play they have to convert him sooner rather than later bro there’s no way if he’s this good and he plays well there’s no way you go to the playoffs if we make it knock on wood without him no way dude’s making my meat Flinch you know get the get the West Virginia highlights out get the West Virginia highlights out all right I saw some article about him where apparently I don’t know if this is why he left West Virginia but some of the fans were like going at his girlfriend like I don’t know threatening his girlfriend or what but West ver Sho I don’t see any West Virginia highlights bro I see West virgin interviews where he’s talking just type in Jaylen Bridges West Virginia that’s what I had now I’m going to do highlights Baylor Baylor Baylor yeah bro remember when we thought we were getting Kyle filipowski that was cute right well apparently his oh I found some his girlfriend that whole situation all right here we go that whole filipowski situation is crazy bro yeah apparently they were rep I’m just so excited for summer league bro yep me too it’s going to be a lot of fun and I um yeah I can’t wait wait man but summer league is going to be cool I think Jaylen bridge is going to show out I think boooy going to show out I think our guys goingon to show out and yeah I’m I’m pretty pumped bro this is actually the first summer league I’m actually really really and I think it’s gonna be fun to watch because it’s not like like I mentioned the year where we had uh we want to watch sticks play and we had to watch sticks in a bunch of bums trying to make a team Hing the ball from nobody that could pass or wanted to pass him the ball yeah we’re going to see a bunch of dudes that we think are solid the gpie and bridges and all that stuff so really excited for this summer league it’s going to be a lot of fun can’t wait uh June July 13th is the first 13th bro nine days away we’re gonna have live stream games again G and then and then after the summer leagu is over then we got to wait another two months until basketball season yeah that is gonna be rough we gotta figure out ways to make videos in August and hang out with y’all I don’t know what we’re gonna do bro maybe few live streams here and there maybe Sund will uh stream a little NCAA on the channel members only who knows I’ll be busy with NCAA too oh you going to play it this time around that’s the only game I will play that’s the only game I will play you should join my uh you should join my Dynasty League see here’s the thing man I don’t I can’t handle losing I can’t handle losing in football it’s just too painful bro why it’s not that hard it’s too painful bro you’re just a bone it hurts I can handle losing in other games but I can’t handle losing in football bro why it upsets me too much it makes me too sad that makes no it makes no sense because you love basketball more than football yeah but that makes zero sense no because because it’s just football football’s better than basketball you said it not me come on football’s God’s sport you said not me God sport is crazy it’s chess with human beings and a ball you know fair enough it just hurts to lose it feels like a shot at my you know I try to truly keep a small keep my ego in check if I ever have like egotistical thoughts I’m like oh you better not think like that that’s a [ __ ] you know but maybe I but maybe that’s the one shot to my ego that I truly can’t handle is losing in football having my football knowledge mocked okay I don’t like it anyway fair enough anyway so I don’t know what we’re going to do this summer but at least for the summer league we’re going to get to watch these games and have fun and then after that we will figure out what we’re going to do from July to when’s preseason uh late September let’s just look up when the season starts real quick yeah and we’ve got a Bleacher Report stream coming up on the the 10th so five days away from that you know here we go so look at these key dates of the 20 so see here summer league uh 12th to the 22nd then there’s some showcase games we got the Olympics in July we stream the Olympic Games but what time are they because aren’t they at like 2 in the morning 3: in the morning like you’re not available for that um where where is the Olympics this year they might be in the afternoon-ish because they’re in Paris so there’s not going to be that far long so it’ll be like in the morning is I want to stream those games man I want if you can wake up if you could wake up like if unless they’re not playing at some crazy time in Paris like if they’re playing prime time in Paris Prime Time in Paris will be like 8 in the morning here 9: in the morning so I can do it you know because when they play in London what time are those games you know what I mean so all right well that’s my promise to you guys I’ll grab a uh us Team USA schedule and yeah if we can if we can do it we’ll definitely do it but um let’s see here might do that on Von San well low key you would [ __ ] christe said who’s coaching who is coaching that team I don’t know what’s a date so do we not have a date on when the season starts uh maybe not officially yet I don’t think this because the schedule has to come out right I know it’s going to be late October yeah we don’t we don’t have a date yet it just says October is when it starts so yeah we don’t have a date yet completely so weird the NFL would be way ahead of the game on this yeah oh I guess we’ll find find out when the first game is but we have till the summer league in the Olympics and we’ll uh we’ll have fun there try to stream all that for you guys thanks for hanging out with us man thank you guys I know could have been outside maybe you were outside watching fireworks at the same time but um wow you might we might need you to sing the lyrics though too oh something like [Music] that we’re gonna find out where can I find out the current Sun’s roster uh it’s a good question ESPN should have it but then again they probably have SP TR has it already if you just go there yeah man what a good day Fourth of July I’m off tomorrow can’t wait good stream y’all appreciate y’all had a lot of fun what do we say to get out of here Gabe what do we say America America come in the gr to say theck day America Freedom the only way yeah terrorist your game is through cuz now you’ll have to answer to America oh yeah my [Music] [Laughter] my I need to go watch watch that solid bro

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  1. Plumb Lee will lose his spot to Oso. then
    Nurk will lose his spot to Oso. then
    "I am as happy as a little girl"

  2. We cant afford Dario
    Jae would love to come back, we paid him to sit on his ass for half a season. Good work if you can get it.

  3. Jalen Bridges is 6’9 and 225. He was a top 50 player in the draft. I heard he didn’t want to be drafted cos he wanted to play for the Suns

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