@Golden State Warriors

Lavine Vs Wiggins: Who Would Help The Warriors More

Lavine Vs Wiggins: Who Would Help The Warriors More

see and covered that first round for the athletic yeah and uh so that’s what they’ve been do I used to cover the thunder right yeah yeah he did and uh obviously Slater also covers uh the Kings a little bit CU that’s he he lives out there in sack uh for Tony um especially the last couple years with the Jazz struggling for a while he never had the time to cover any other team but past couple of years with the Jazz struggling they put him on the Nuggets beat once the Jazz season is over and uh so he’s been doing that too but he mainly his his main cup of tea is the Utah Jazz and he’s broken a couple stories over the past couple days with who the Jazz have been talking to amongst the Warriors if he thinks the Jazz are going to end up trading him he’s seen this before the Jazz went through kind of a stalemate with uh Gordon Hayward years back and Hayward I think committed to the Celtics on Fourth of July like probably that was probably like 5 years ago at this point yeah uh so he’s had a lot of he he he has a lot of news so he’ll be able to Enlighten us and he keeps it real so it’ll be a fun conversation um like I said it ain’t happening I just I I held out a little hope yesterday today I’m just like n it’s not going to it’s not going to happen it is just not going to happen Warriors should probably turn their focus elsewhere continue to try to Tinker this roster and just make it better and we just saw the Sacramento Kings it looks like they’re going to get a little better yes they are yeah according to Adrian wowski ESPN who also broke the the Vagner story right before the break uh it looks like that the Chicago Bulls and the Sacramento Kings are engaged in a sign and trade talk that is going to send demard de ro into Sacramento apparently the hangup right now according to W is they’re trying to find a third team because Chicago doesn’t want to take a big salary back and Sacramento has talked about upgrading their roster obviously but they Inc Malik monk to a 4-year $78 million deal and it appears that they’re basically trying to move off of Harrison Barnes and Kevin herder and I think demard de rozan is certainly an upgrade over both of those players the question is how much is it going to be for I think he was looking for the 20 to $25 million range which is why he was out of running with the Lakers uh but the other part of this too is the kings were a team that were engaged in trade talks with the Utah Jazz so that’s another reason I’m looking forward to talking to Jones of the athletic again on the River Islands guest line at 1:00 is because the Utah Jazz now probably have one less suer and I think Jones was also the person who broke the news last week earlier this week about the Warriors having a substantial offer on the table the kings were the other team that did but according to Mark Stein the Jazz have engaged in discussions with teams such as the Spurs the Heat and the Pelicans in addition to the Warriors so there might be more teams that are coming in now because they feel like Utah is a team that doesn’t have as much leverage at this point and so I I’m with you Jay that I don’t think Markin in is happening because I also don’t think that a is somebody that’s going to make a move just to make a move like he might even hold on to Markin in through the deadline if he truly needs to in fact he might extend him they might work might work through an extension because whatever team acquires him would have to do that anyways like I don’t think him re-upping on a new probably max deal with the Jazz would prohibit any team from trying to go out and get him no like Danny a has no reason to rush this at all I mean he knows his team won’t compete next year compete in the way where they want um so it’s really just going to be it’s really just going to be about him finding the best deal that he can patiently and history tells us usually does so he he usually does so so that’s why I don’t even know if I want I don’t even know if I trust Mike Dunley going back and forth negotiating with Danny a Mike Dunley might not might not be on that level yet he’s young he’s sharpening his teeth I don’t want to say he’s learning on the job even though it’s his first GM job he’s very qualified for it he worked directly under Bob Meyers for a while and like you said he was raised in an NBA family so don’t get me wrong I think Mike dun leevy was more than qualified for the job he has right now but he’s still a rookie he’s still young I mean he just finished his first season yeah Danny a has been around a block I also don’t know because like right now on dun leevy’s resume is the Draymond Green extension uh the Jordan pull for Chris Paul deal the two draft picks that popped last year and what’s go down what’s gone down so far this season I I don’t think dun leevy at this point in his tenure as general manager like if you go in for someone like marinin that is a potentially career altering move and and I also think from his standpoint it it might just be too risky you know it might be too risky for the Warriors might be too risky for him could be too risky for Danny a it was funny like I was having this conversation with with my friend uh yesterday and he’s texting me he’s like you know e like I’m so hyped Warriors got to go all in send whatever to Lori for Lori Markin in I’ll be on the flight I’ll go with him I’ll pick him up the airport I’ll do all this I’m like dude you’re you’re the last person that I would send to negotiate with Danny H like by the end of that conversation you would give him your car you would give him your house and he would have the clothes off your back like that’s the kind of the moment I feel like he senses blood in the water like he just gets everything I mean it’s almost like you have to negotiate out of a place of just complete I don’t like almost like a nons spot of well you you kind of just pounce like if you’re in a talk in an extended conversation and negotiation feels like with Danny a it just isn’t going to end up going your way because he’s also somebody that’s not afraid to walk away like he’s the guy that shows up the Shark Tank he has nothing to lose and is not afraid to say Mark cubin I don’t need your deal like I don’t want your money your money is no good here 100% And he has all the bargaining power right now I mean he doesn’t H he doesn’t even have to trade marketing that’s what that’s another thing I’m going to ask Tony Jones like why is why is he even on a trade block like obviously Utah isn’t good and Utah is trying to build something but why can’t you build something with Lori Markin and on the roster it it’s interesting you know because yeah I I’ve talked myself out of Marketing not not as the player I think he’s going to be a good player he is a good player not he’s going to be a good player but it’s just like I Danny has all the power if it h if it hasn’t happened by now it’s for a reason is because he he he has his foot on their neck like no give me more give me more I kind of think the moment that we saw the Buddy heeled signning trade completed that was the end of it because I think they were trying to find a way to work in that sign and trade which included some of Klay Thompson’s tax exemption money to figure out how they could get marketing right so the fact that that was completed they now have 15 spots occupied on the roster if you include Quinn post so they are kind of set in a sense I still think they can make a move but I just don’t think it’s for someone like marinin the thing that is is now curious to me is how they treat I think like the next order of business is Jonathan kaminga and that’s why I think that France Vagner getting maxed out for five years by the Orlando Magic is very interesting because I’m not sure that there’s a trade that is going to move the needle in a wholesome Direction for the Warriors but I do think the decisions they make about kaminga that is one that will either stick with them or not because I I still have like if you if you told me Jay that next year kaminga is going to average 25 on near 50% shooting from the floor his rebound numbers are up a little bit the three-point shot improves a little bit I could see it if you also told me that he averages about 18 shoots the same percentage from three you know plays maybe 30 minutes starts half the season comes off the bench I could also see that too like it’s I feel like he is the most difficult Warrior to project right now as far as what kind of season he’s going to have in 202 20242 we got a really funny text on our Comcast Infinity text line y’all talking about Danny a over here like he negotiated us out of the Cuban missiles that’s from the uh from the 415 man there’s a fascinating documentary about that I don’t want to go down the rabbit hole but that that’s hilarious I mean look I I’m not trying to make Danny a out to be this guy who can’t get got but the history tells us he gets people more than he gets got and Mike dun leevy is still new to this so I just I caution I caution that that stalemate because we know the way it goes typically with one guy that’s all I’m saying and look I think Jonathan kaminga is going to have a great year I just think Lor marinan is a little more proven I think that’s fair to say absolutely he’s more proven and he’s made an All-Star Game probably was on his way to making another All-Star game before kind of the Season derailed him last year with injuries so kaminga I mean look kaminga next year is gonna be playing for that rookie extension he’s going to be play to prove his Worth to the organization and to the rest of the league so just like I was talking about Brandon Ingram yesterday how Brandon Ingram is definitely going to come into this season with a chip on the shoulder I think Jonathan kaminga will too and um you know they started saying a couple days ago that kaminga was never into the trade talks for Paul George uh which I don’t believe but they came out and said that after the fact because I think they’re probably planning on having kaminga on the roster and they want a happy kaminga that’s a good point yeah the the the conflicting reports I thought the timing of the kawakami piece after the George deal was dead was interesting like it came out really quick like like the same night um so there there was something there and and of course in the piece there was that that line about you know there were combinations essentially of Paul Moody kaminga and Wiggins but it sounded like Wiggins and kaminga weren’t on the table at the same time which may or may not have been a deal breaker but then shelburn and Kendra Andrews report comes out the next day you know essentially that kaminga was never on the table in the Clippers deal I’m not sure what I believe but I do know that you’re right like part of it is playing the game of well if you are going to dang like there’s no doubt that kaming and his Camp know that he’s going to be in trade talks he he’s the only guy on the Warriors that people want at this point yeah it should honestly it should be flat flattering might not be the right way to put it but like you said shouldn’t be surprising if the Warriors want upgrade their team you are the guy who they can use to do it like that tells you that you have value around the league so you should look at it that way not oh the Warriors don’t want me it’s oh teams are asking about me and that’s why I don’t he’s not a max player to me like I don’t think that even if he gets extended this summer he’s getting close to what fron Vagner got but that also might help your leverage a little bit in those negotiations to say hey and I if you want me to test restricted free agency I’m I’m more than willing to do that I just need you to know and realize because I’m sure you do that a lot of teams out there want me and if they’re willing to trade for me and give up capital for me then I’m sure they’d be willing to pay me and that is going to be far easier for them to do next summer than if I was under lock and key this summer and I also think kaminga wants to be a warrior like I I don’t think he’s somebody that would you know just kind of play the game of well you know I’m all right playing somewhere else I think I think he likes it here and I think he really enjoys the staff I know there’s been documented history about his relationship with ker but I think generally they they see eye to eye on most things um they’re probably just cut from different cloths and different Generations but that’s a gap that can be bridged if you play the kid like I I I think what kaminga really just wants is to play like I think he wants to compete and I think this year there’s more of an opportunity for him to do so than ever that that’s why if in regards to the contract extension I think that if if Andrew Wiggins is still on the roster this upcoming season you have to let kaminga become a restriced free agent I don’t think that you can extend him long term if you move Wiggins I do think you have to extend kaminga this summer because there is going to be a pathway for him to play play Big minutes and his price might just continue to go up to a point where you don’t want to pay him that much yeah you know it’s yeah it’s one of those things talking about kaminga and his relationship with the coaching staff I know he’s extremely close with Anthony Vin uh the Golden State Warriors assistant coach he’ll be coaching their summer league team this year in at Chase Center in in Las Vegas um but I I’ll say I think kaminga just wants to go where he’s going to be playing a lot and if it’s San Francisco so be it I don’t think he has any hesitation to go somewhere else I guess maybe in an aideal world it’s here this is the only NBA City he’s known they drafted him there’s something to be said about that but and I know Joe lob loves the guy I mean that’s a big part of it too huge part of it Joe lob is like that’s like his his last pick you know because obviously wisan didn’t work out he he really wants kaminga to work out well he didn’t buy the team and then they drafted Curry like Curry was already here yeah that’s one of his guys lake lbs was behind that kaminga pick so I think kaminga is going to eventually get the benefit of the doubt I think Steve Kerr felt a lot of pressure to play kaminga from up top even two years ago going back two years ago not even last year obviously last year it it paid off because kaminga had a pretty good season so I mean look kaminga has barely scratched his potential he is going to continue to get better obviously we want to see the win winning impact be a little greater next season because like I said I do think some of it was just Hollow but he’s a young guy trying to figure it out and uh as far as Wiggins goes it’s just been interesting because I would have thought Wiggins would have been gone by now I really do but it’s still early in the off season I I think if they had a a Suitor I think he would be I think the issue is I I feel like the only offer that we’ve heard about that’s included Wiggins well Paul George but I mean the the one that to me would be the most even would be the the Bulls offer and to me there again there’s only there’s only one or two more contract for Wiggins Wiggins and Paul straight up for LaVine and so you’re essentially trading Wiggins for LaVine but you’re trading three years and Wiggins is making like you know 80 485 over the next 3 years for LaVine who’s making like 120 over the next three years 130 and you just don’t know when Wiggins or when same thing with Wiggins though but you don’t know you don’t know when lavine’s going to play you just don’t I mean you’re just trading toxic contract for toxic contract Dr PA told us a couple days ago that that foot injury it’s it’s not great it’s not great for basketball players especially basketball players who rely on their athleticism so I can see why the Warriors turn that down that’s just a lot of money to be married to and especially during a time when you’re trying to get out and I I don’t think it makes you that much better you know and it it kind of handicaps you a little bit I do disagree with that I think if he is playing basketball and back to his old self when he was an Allstar he makes you better he is way better than Wiggins in my opinion if he I know a lot of people like to talk about point of attack defense this that and the third and of course defense wins but man you need bucket Getters too you need bucket Getters LaVine was a bucket I actually think because of his contract and because of the injuries he is now underrated but I am more worried about that those injuries he hasn’t really been the same sense he doesn’t play much since and there’s a reason Chicago is so hellbent on getting getting out from under that contract yeah and they’ve been trying to do it for a while and and that’s why I that’s why I would say to me they’re just a net neutral like LaVine is a far more offensively gifted player than than Wiggins he averaged like 27 in a season and when he’s right he can be good but this is why I I guess I would I would disagree is I mean that that’s the same argument for Wiggins like it it’s oh well well if Wiggins could be 2022 Wiggins oh well if Zack LaVine could be 2022 Zack LaVine then they both help but they but they both don’t like they both aren’t for different reasons Wiggins I think more so because it’s just it’s mentally challenging and LaVine it’s because he’s got injuries that he can’t seem to get over either way you can’t rely on either of them and so I understand both sides wanted to get off them I guess I just it that would be a lateral move to me for the Warriors and I’m even though I’m not the biggest Wiggins fan and I’ve I’ve wanted him gone for quite some time I if there’s one guy I would rather have less I think it’d be LaVine just because of his contract yeah see I’m re lavine’s good even even even wi Championship he be a great guy to pull out in the the dunk contest to chase Center next year even even Championship Wiggins was Never As Good As LaVine in my opinion even the year they won the championship like oh I just don’t think he’s ever been as good as Zack LaVine I think now the the injury thing is is fair the injury thing is fair for sure that’s why I’m worried about it but when they’re both healthy I don’t think they’re even comparable I don’t think Wiggins at his best is is is close to as good as Zack LaVine at his best wiggin’s a better Defender that’s it there’s nothing else he really does better I mean I guess you can say pretty important though yeah it’s important but also you can you can go out and grab other guys who can play defense you can’t grab other guys who can score 27 points per game that they’re just not readily available you can get people to replace Wiggins defense you can’t get you can’t just kind of go scour the market and be like we need somebody scoring at least 23 to 27 points per night harder to come by that’s all I’m saying now he has a bump foot so it’s all mood anyway yeah you know what I mean so it’s one of those things where it’s just he would give you he would give you a number two score for sure um and he would be a he would be an upgrade at the two spot but yeah I don’t think I just think the Warriors are too afraid of the combination of injury and and contract you know again I I think there’s just a reason it it’s it’s the same thing that applies to Wiggins I mean everybody has said the last year or so I mean really since Wiggins kind of went on his his extended absence which we still don’t technically know the reason why and I’m not sure we ever will not that it’s really any of our business but I just don’t think we’ll ever going to find out um you know the Warriors have been trying to move him and there’s been nobody that’s been willing to take him and I don’t think it’s just because of the contract I think it’s because of the whole thing which which is the same reason that why no one wants Zack LaVine it’s not just the contract it’s also the injuries because you just can’t depend on him and at this point too I also think look someone like Steph Curry makes 15 years in the league look pretty doable but both players are on the opposite side of their their pension like like they’ve both played 10 years in the league plus and so even though they’re relatively young as far as age they got a a lot of miles on those legs that’s why I’d be afraid of LaVine and if I was another team looking at Wiggins I would also be afraid of him I would be afraid of what the next three years are going to be how locked in he’s going to be how invested he’ll be in the team and just what player you’re going to get because I also think that hurts the Warriors and honestly next season even if Wiggins is on the squad because of what we’ve seen the last couple of years I would like to see Andrew Wiggins come off the bench which he did points this year and it wasn’t because it was a role change it because he just wasn’t productive and Steve Kerr was willing to bring him off the bench which I think would also clear a path for kaminga and potentially Moody if they’re both not traded this summer right you know and look I’m kind of I got down this LaVine Rabbit Hole cuz we cuz we were talking about it I’m just reading up on his injury and so in March in March Zack he’s not quite Lonzo Ball but it’s funny Lonzo ball is mentioned in this article as well but in March this past March and honestly it sounds like me right now uh LaVine said I feel really good I get de booot off soon I’ve been able to be out here rehabbing getting everything right I just have to wait for the tendon to heal and other than that it’s a pretty straightaway rehab my legs feel strong Everything feels good getting ready for another birth of my child so we’re all happy 3 week weeks the boot is taken off and then the doctor assesses my next regimen so that was back in March and honestly that sounds just like me I get my boot off in like get my boot off in like two weeks I can’t wait to put a a sneaker on my right foot I haven’t put a sneaker on this foot since May 30th May May 25th um and here we are July July 5th so I’m looking forward to that day but in terms of Zack LaVine I don’t know man I just think uh scores like that don’t grow on trees and um and wiggin defense for the last two years have been overstated to me anyway like he was great he was a great defender point of effect point of attack defense the championship year and he can play high level on ball defense in spurts now when he is locked in but who knows when he’s locked in that’s a good point well maybe we can get to the bottom of it and more with Tony Jones from the athletic who’s coming up on the other side on the River Islands guest line really looking forward to that conversation it’s going to help us get to the bottom of Lori marinan Is it feasible at this point for the Warriors according to Mark Stein there’s a lot of other suitors the Warriors have made substantial offers according to Tony Jones but does he have any more information and how feasible is it for the Warriors at this point to swing big if Lori marinan is off the table I’m also curious to get his ideas on what’s happened around the rest of the league perhaps something about fron vogner’s extension what it means for kaminga and just how he Sur is surveying right now the NBA landscape in the midst of free agency that’s Jason Dumas my name is Evan Giddings on the other side of that interview we will be taking your phone calls at 888 957 9570 that’s also the number for the Xfinity mobile text line thanks to everyone here on a Friday following in on the YouTube chat and and twitch by first NorCal Credit Union but again on the other side we’re going to talk to Tony Jones of the athletic covers the Utah Jazz and the Denver Nuggets all courtesy of the River Islands guest line gettings Dumas back after this 957 the game all brought to you

Giddings and Dumas discuss the Bulls trade offer to the Warriors and if it would have made the Warriors better this coming year.

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  1. I'm in awe of the intellectual brilliance displayed here. It's like basking in the glow of countless stars.😛

  2. Jazz want 1st round pick in 2025 unprotected any team with 2025 pick specially non plyoff team.have a chance GSW is one of few team. In the west

  3. Lavine misses too many games every year due to injuries. Wiggins misses too many ganes because he is a Jehovah's victim, and they control him

  4. Chicago trying to give us a 1st round pick that we can send to Utah. I’ll gladly give up Wiggins for Lavigne in order to get Lauri

  5. GSW should be tryin to get DeRosan. Another superstar to get into the playoffs.
    No superstar/No playoffs

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