@Chicago Bulls

Klutch CEO Rich Paul fires back at Zach LaVine critics, calls out Chicago Bulls | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Klutch CEO Rich Paul fires back at Zach LaVine critics, calls out Chicago Bulls | CHGO Bulls Podcast

[Music] what’s going on bulls Nation welcome in the chgo Bulls free agency live presented by Kors light make the most of the times you to choose to chill choose cor light get cor light delivered straight to your door with instacart by going to cor [Applause] chgo basketball Kors brewing company brewing uh Golden Colorado celebrate responsibly what’s going on y’all on peek Bulls forek joined by big day B bwl Sports will the goat gotle rocking the white t willor gotle and our F producer on the controls in the back ground the one and only Greg BRS junor hope everybody had a wonderful Fourth of July lots to get to on today’s show uh bull summer league roster officially announced by the team earlier today newest stuff about deard de rosen’s free agency situation from Adrien w narowski we will get to that uh and we will also kick off the show with some spicy words from Zack lavine’s agent Rich Paul on all of the slander going around about Zack LaVine across the NBA universe all that on today’s show but first I feel like gentlemen we must address whether or not our friend Greg Braggs is okay and reha happing well after the escalator debacle of Wrigley North last week RS what’s up buddy yeah I don’t know now with the escalator thing I don’t know if we want to attribute it to Wrigley anymore but I’m doing I’m doing fine I’m doing fine had a little week working from home so excited to do some stuff with the guys I love the guys that make me smile you three fine people uh but no I’m doing fine I’ll survive uh but we’ll work through it maybe maybe you’ll see me in the studio next week glad to hear it AJ in the comments he didn’t recognize well in good spirits brags rebuild the knee Brick by Brick I know and the yes it was a Friday 120 today and they won so now they’re trying to kick me off Friday Club so this is what I get this is what I get so man on the 120 Club bre I I stopped counting after we lost so many in a row and then I really stopped counting when I almost died that’s a fair take well I’m glad you didn’t die BR uh gentlemen did everybody have a nice Fourth of July have a nice day off yesterday get out some sunshine does everybody still have all of their digits the kids who were lighting off fireworks behind my house maybe don’t though last night they were blowing some stuff up a little worried about I think they seemed okay yeah they were have L man but I wasn’t I really wasn’t around I was with my family we went out to like hofman estate someplace and some I wish I can remember the name like y I wish but it was like some uh arcade Emporium with just a lot of games and bowling and laser tag and food and all this other stuff and you know just the family hung out all day long uh doing that stuff so yeah it was a cool for I’m I’m not gonna lie I’m a little offended that you went laser tag without me I I would love to laser tag sometime yeah but so so wait until I’m back from Mish and then we could go play laser tag together oh oh that’s how this goes okay let me tell my family my huge family like just just wait on Matt PE and his nieces because you know they coming so let me all I would love to play laser tag with my nieces uh I don’t know that that that might be when they see the violent competitive side of me and I’m not sure that they’re ready they’re gonna have to get ready for it it’s yeah yeah no they no I just got some hugs from them saying I only have to go work for an hour and then I’ll be back they’re not ready for angry competitive M um all right guys let’s dive into this uh juicy interview from CEO of clutch Sports Group SL Zack lavine’s agent the one and only Rich Paul who did a phone interview with Casey Johnson of NBC Sports on the 4th of July or at least that’s when the article dropped and it was just one statement from Rich Paul that made it to Casey’s column but in that one statement he says a lot and I want to dive into it in case you missed it here’s what Rich Paul had to say quote I want to make this clean and clear this whole idea that Zach has been anything but professional in this situation is false this guy has played hurt he’s represented the franchise with class A lot has taken place during his time with the bulls and he’s taken the high road every time does every player get frustrated at times yes but Zach has been the ultimate professional and deserves better the Bulls have business to do and we are letting them handle their business and again that quote from Rich Paul C courtesy of casy Johnson NBC Sports guys I read that uh comment from Rich Paul and my first thought was no lies detected I think that there’s a lot uh going into this as far as some of the things that Zach and his Camp were unhappy about some of the things that the Bulls were unhappy about over the last season and how everything unfold and we could dive all into that but just curious to get your initial reactions from these strong words from Zach’s agent go uh goat let’s start with you I was gonna say let’s start with Dave um but you know I don’t know I I’ve defended Zack a lot and I think he has been he has taken the brunt of a lot of unfair criticism and I think a lot of it was unfair and a lot of it was untrue for a really long time until it wasn’t and then last year there were some moments where he did show some unprofessionalism and I’m not saying that that like makes him a bad person or a bad player I agree with Rich Paul with what he said that like there are times when guys get frustrated like Zach storming off the court after a team win and like shrugging off the pr staff that was not good that was not a good look Zach you know scoring 1 in a game and then like coming out the next day and losing and then coming out the next day and saying he’s like open to a trade you know I personally I think clutch mishandled a lot of this and it made Zach look worse than he needed to um they did not understand Zach’s market around the league you cannot like put him in put him in trade conversations in the athletic thinking he’s Donovan Mitchell and then not understand that nobody in the league was interested in him that makes him look bad and so I get why Rich Paul is defending Zach I get why you know he’s saying what he’s saying and I agree with it for like 99% but there were moments where Zack was unprofessional there were moments where the Bulls did not handle it well and there were moments where clutch certainly did not handle it well so um again I understand the frustration and I think there’s a lot of finger pointing going around and I’m doing some of it obviously but I don’t know I just think like to say that you know Zach is without blaming this I I think that’s like mostly true and I think he has represented the franchise well he has been through some dark times he has been like you know a good guy he’s dealt with the media he’s he’s he’s been the one answering questions about why the team has lost for the last seven years he has been the one taking the Brun of that and I’m not discrediting that that’s that’s like a hard thing to have to do for an All-Star caliber player who is in the middle of his prime for seven years with a team that’s been losing so I get it I think that the narratives and perceptions about him have gone way too far and I’ve been saying that for a long time but I also don’t think that it’s totally fair to say that is Without Blame and certainly clutch is Without Blame in all this too yeah uh I feel like this was needed this was very necessary um we he needed to say something about Zack LaVine because everybody else has been forming their own opinions of him while they haven’t said anything whether warranted or not own opinions of Zack LaVine are being formed and I think this needed to be said by his agency uh I know we have said this on the show and Matt especially has a championed this the show but Zack has been nothing but professional since he’s been here with the Chicago Bulls and and it in times where he shouldn’t have been like we wouldn’t have been mad at him if he wasn’t you know and he still kind of was um was it perfect at sometime no because nobody is you’re gonna have some times as you mentioned will it’s gonna boil over a little bit um and he’s not goingon to want to talk to the media or he’s gonna say something is he’s mad he’s dealing with a lot of losing and a lot of is put on his shoulders so yeah it’s going to boil over but as compared to everything else or other players I’ve seen handle these situations in the league Zach is Mother Teresa with how he has been handling this stuff like I didn’t see Zack like look like he put on a fat suit because he didn’t want to play for the team no more you know what I mean I didn’t see him throw no tantrum out here and just flat out say I’m not playing I’m G sit on the bench I’m not playing anymore I haven’t seen him do those things the most we saw Zach do was get out there and be extra passive you know with the basketball and we see them do those things kind of you know so for me comparing it to watching how these other players and I’ve seen them operate and players who are paid way more or who have a bigger pedigree than he has he’s been a model citizen uh for me with how he’s handled his time here with the bulls but I’m glad Rich Paul just actually came out and said something because they need all the help they can get right now as far as getting Zach’s name out on the market in a positive way because they still are trying to move him I know he says the Bulls are handling their business they are but he’s doing his and will is Right everybody’s kind of complicit in this and clutch sport definitely is so this is kind of their way of saying you know no we got his back we’re gonna handle our business for him and yeah this needed to be said I’m glad it came out uh from his agent and we’ll we’ll see if there’s any real effect by it the the other one that I wanted to point out is from the comments dread saying like he did get hurt all of a sudden in quotes and like that was another thing that was in this article and that was something I pushed back against right away because I just don’t believe go under the knife when they don’t need to so it was bad timing it was like but that but that’s what this whole thing was it’s this perfect storm of him signing a deal where he was a max player because that’s what that what the market indicated at that time it was him getting hurt at the wrong time it was new CBA rules making it so that contract was even more immovable and then it was the team losing and the team then playing better when he was off the court that doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s a losing player it doesn’t necessarily mean that he is this injury risk waiting to happen or that he is this player that’s completely not worth his contract but at that time that was the perception and sometimes perception is reality does that make it fair absolutely not but that is the case and I think people have to just like they have to come to terms with that being the reality and then you can move forward from it you can’t just push back against this shouldn’t be his perception it is that is the perception right now that doesn’t make it fair it doesn’t necessarily make it true but that’s the reality situation how are we going to move forward yeah a lot of people talking about the Detroit thing and the comments uh Rob saying I think Rich Paul is fighting the Detroit angle conspiracy part of it specifically um meanwhile dysfunctional just saying build a build a dang bridge and get over at both sides uh Eco being I think Zach choosing to oper surgery when the Zack to Detroit trade surface looked bad for Zach around the league uh and look that that part I think think uh is what has caused some of this friction uh you know Casey wrote about it in in that column when when he uh quoted Rich Paul talking about the phrasing that the Bulls PR used when announcing Zack lavine’s surgery that would be season ending surgery and for the specificity because I think it might be important here that in case you forgot went like this from the Bulls uh official PR press uh announcement on Zach’s injury after seeking additional medical opinions in consultation with the Bulls training staff and medical staff guard Zack LaVine and clutch Sports Group have elected surgery on lavine’s right foot as the next step in his recovery process and Casey mentioned that the way that that was phrased along with the report about the Pistons being interested at the time created this false narrative that Zach faked an injury or exaggerated an injury to avoid getting traded to the Pistons and Joe call chimed in too and he was doing an interview on 670 early this week he’s also written about it saying that Zack and his crew did not exactly love the fact that the Bulls PR staff chose to phrase it that way making it sound like it was Zach and clutch Sports choice to have surgery when they’re were non-season ending surgery options on the table and I think it’s fair that they are maybe a little bit salty about that and that’s what I’m saying everybody has to own a little bit of a piece here as Dave always likes to say like there’s a lot of like micro shots going around and that’s what happens when things get messy like this I mean you don’t even like remember what the original argument was about but it’s just like everything’s tit fortat and you know that that’s that’s how these things devolve so quickly that’s how we’ve gotten to where we are so I understand the frustration from Zach I don’t think that everything about him is true I do think the pendulum has gone way too far as I’ve said many times um but I also don’t think he’s without like that he that his record in all this is squeaky clean that’s kind of my here yeah sure timing you can argue the timing but dude if he’s hurt he’s Zack we’ve watched him be hurt Matt and still get out there and try to play we’ve seen it happen but this is true yeah he he played hurt down the stretch of their first time back to the playoffs Zach’s first playoffs Bulls in the end of the 2122 season he played hurt through the back end of that season because he wanted contract as a result exactly uh all right we got to take our uh first break there plenty more uh still to come on chgo bulls including Mar and the summer league roster but first Today’s Show brought by our friends at Circa Sportsbook it’s okay I got this one Dave uh man summer league summer league is a week away a week from right now y’all we will be having recently arrived in Las Vegas to cover the Chicago Bulls Summer League season so excited and so excited that we will be spending that time part of it at least at Circa Resort and Casino in Las Vegas brand new beautiful place we’re going to be doing live shows from there in the meantime you got to check out their circus Sports Illinois app at circusp doccom Illinois Dasa to sign up today to take advantage of their wonderful money line 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months like these are strong words from Zach’s agent and that agency has a certain reputation around the league and I am very curious what happens from here what do you guys think I mean the bottom line is the bottom line they can’t move Zack until somebody wants to take on that money and that’s really the long and short of it like there just aren’t a lot of good options out there right now there’s two teams left with cap space um actually there’s three but only one only two of them really can take him in the Jazz and the Pistons they would have to obviously send back some salary I think the idea that the Bulls are going to get out of this without having to attach a pick without having to take back a bunch of bad salary I think that that’s just not going to happen right now and you know the NBA changes very quickly something could change and a team all of a sudden like thinks that Zach is they’re missing piece I’m not like ruling that out I don’t want to ever say like with 100% certainty that the Bulls are going to have to attach assets but this was my fear all along you were going to have to attach picks and as you enter a rebuild are you gon to be willing to do that and so does Zach want to come back to the team probably not do the Bulls want him back probably not is it the best thing for both sides probably not but is it like the only thing that can happen right now if you can’t get off of him probably because I think the idea of like attaching multiple picks to get off of Zack LaVine is like patly absurd at this point when you are entering a rebuild um is that a possibility that they do that yes sure um I would disagree with it I would also understand it because they they do want to end this marriage but I just think that’s where you end up losing leverage when you get so desperate to move on when there’s no when there’s nobody there that’s like willing to bail you out you can’t just like give in and and attach a bunch of assets to get off of LaVine I think that really sets you back as you try to move forward um I mean yeah I was like thinking about the other day what the Jimmy Butler trade tree has turned into right so it’s like Jimmy Butler you get lry Markin in Chris Dunn Zack LaVine Chris Dunn walked for nothing lry marinan turned into Derrick Jones Jr who walked for nothing and the Portland Trailblazers first round pick that’s Lottery protected maybe a second if you have to attach picks to get off of Zack Jimmy Butler has turned into bad salary and negative picks over seven years of losing like that just that is brutal and so I don’t want that to be the case I don’t think anybody wants that to be the case and maybe it won’t be but I just don’t see the benefit of doing this just to do it and it would be awkward and uncomfortable for him to come back but I just don’t see his his value being as Rock Bottom as it is right now in six months after he’s been on the court after he’s put up 255 and five like he always does and when he’s got two and a half years left on his contract instead of three I think all that stuff will work in the Bulls favor when thinking about moving him but again going back to like clutch and the way that they played this you know it got out that the Bulls were looking to shop Zack LaVine the year after they signed him to a Max contract Zach’s Camp obviously didn’t like that they eventually said okay let’s work together on finding me a new home when every when it’s so obvious that you are just trying to dump a bad contract that’s when teams aren’t going to like budge off of their spot and so the the way that all three sides have played this uh you know Zach Zach’s camp and the Bulls it just has set it up for failure and like I said the the cap changing his contract being what it is him getting injured all that stuff came together at the worst possible time and selling him now I think would be a mistake in that sense I do understand it because it’s probably best for all parties to move on and they should eventually but God that would just suck to have to give up multiple picks to to move forward because you’re not moving forward at that point yeah yeah I I agree with that um I think and I guess because it’s just who I am as far as how I think positively but I do think that uh they’re gonna get something and and make something happen and I think it has to happen for clutch Sports in this sense they have to maintain that kind of reputation that when it looks bleak when it looks dark we can get our players what they want and get get them where they need to be that’s always kind of been the case out here for clutch sports right when guys need to be moved and guys need to go somewhere clutch Sports if they’re with that agency they get moved and they go somewhere when they time to get their money they get their money they have a really high percentage rate at doing those kind of things so taking on somebody like Zack LaVine who has those numbers and has that money I feel like they have to the impossible possible and of course the Bulls have to are are a big part of this as uh you mentioned will and as uh Rich Paul says they have business they have to do but it’s gonna reflect on them also about getting this done and how they get this done I don’t want to give up you’re right well I don’t want to give up any picks for it at all um I it would be crazy to see Zack back at media day that would just be super awkward uh for Zack and for everybody around I know Zach will be professional about it because that’s just kind of how he’s always been um but I don’t know how they’re gonna handle that like that’s going to be wild to think about but I just really think they’re GNA get something done uh for some kind of team some kind of way but yeah clutch Sports has their reputation on the line uh with these kind of things right here and they definitely have to make that move hey Julia they definitely have to make that move to get Zack LaVine uh to another team and not just necessarily A Team he needs to be at but to another team so I’m interested to see how the Bulls continue to approach this will because you know how I I like to say the Bulls don’t have don’t have the ability to operate from a position of strength everything is from a position of weakness right now and this is a great example of that when you’re having to give up your best stuff just to get rid of a guy that is definitely a position of weakness right here so I’m I’m just interested to see how it goes for it they have time it’s not like this has to get done this week or next or something like that but I I think reputations are on the line um as far as like clutch sports are conc ER but I do believe something is going to get done I don’t know why I just do I like the optimism from bra saying Zack fits well with gidy I’m not optimistic but there is that okay I’m I’m like done thinking about like Zach being this like theoretical fit next to guys as they like build their team like we’ve been waiting 10 years for that it’s not going to happen here I think it could happen on another team and he could look really great there but that’s what we’re talking about when we’re saying like it’s best for everybody to move on and Dave I just wanted to say to your point about clutch having you know involvement with this I’m not really sure how much power they have in these like negotiations they like I I kept I kept hearing people talking about this as like both sides are very motivated to get something done it’s like well who cares how motivated clutch Sports is to get something done if nobody around the league wants this guy so then I was like well I don’t know I was like kind of asking around and trying to figure out you know how much power does clutch have in this situation can they say like you know I’m not going to bring let’s let’s say like you know the kings are a team that wants a trade for Zach could clutch say like unless you give the Bulls a pick you are not getting any clutch clients from now on like I don’t know if they could do that probably not that would be like a dumb way to do business because like there’s only 30 teams to cut yourself off from one is probably not a good business decision but I do wonder how much power clutch has in this situation because right now the Bulls have none as you said Dave and that’s how you get in this situation I want it to be over it should have been over by now um and I don’t think it’s like the best thing for anybody for it to keep moving forward but like I just I don’t know man is it is it really better to just be done with it at the cost of two first round picks because you know if the reports from a couple weeks ago are true teams aren’t even willing to take him for one first round pick so now you’re giving up two first round picks or IO and a first round pick just to get off of this guy I mean that is just even if like when you are a rebuilding team what you what you’re supposed to do is be cheap take on bad contracts in exchange for picks the Bulls are now giving up contracts in exchange for picks and getting expensive by trading for guys like giddy by giving Patrick a bigger deal um you know like they they’ve they’ve just like handled this in such a backwards way and it’s it’s really setting them back I don’t want to see them set themselves back even further than they need to flex digs in the comments saying I’d rather have Zach go sit down somewhere than give up our picks uh why are we giving up picks we’re finally rebuilding uh somebody else in the comments Dino Mack talking about how you also cannot be giving up picks the get off a contract when you’re starting a rebuild I you know I I do agree with that notion and and your uh you know your stance as well go that like it it would just be absolutely brutal to have to attach draft Capital to Zach to get off his contract at this point when both sides are ready for this divorce but the have Zach go sit down somewhere idea the flex digs post I mean like that’s just lunacy it’s it’s not realistic what do you what do you want the Bulls to give Zack LaVine dnp CDs or fake an injury which is the thing that people were throwing out as a conspiracy theory and yelling about and yelling at Zack LaVine for in the first place before we got here no if you want if if you cannot find a deal for Zach where you don’t have to give up assets to get rid of him and feel like okay let’s all be grown-ups and deal with this Zach go ball out and maybe he does play well with some of these younger pieces in this new team dear moves on V I guess is still here but like at no point would it make sense to just sit Zack and tell you find a trade for him whether it for whatever madeup reason that the Bulls would would come up with for that like that that makes no sense you if you want to make it so as time progresses and his contract shrinks he’s also out there playing and putting up stats not sitting around moping and doing nothing that player is a lot less tradable than a one out there scoring 30 points yeah no that’s a fact and and like I was saying though back to uh about clutch Sports and you’re right that’re they’re not the ones who are making the deal they’re not you know the Bulls are the ones that got to do the deal understandable but he is a clutch sports athlete that’s who he is and the reason you sign with them is because of their connections and their ability to get your money and get you what you need to go that’s their reputation so your reput is on the line in these kind of situations so getting something like this done just furthers your CS you’re supposed to do the impossible yes it looks bleak yes it looks dark yeah it don’t look like I don’t see how you get out of here but this is why I got you is to get me out of these situations where I don’t see a way so you got to help out in some kind of way whether connection that you have however you’re doing it you got to do it in some kind of way all right uh we still got to get to the juicy W bombs about to Mar Ros from yesterday and today that and NBA bull summer league roster still ahead on chgo bulls sunny side it’s your home for judgment Canabis free shopping a place where all kinds of visitors are welcome to explore discover and purchase a wide of hydroponics in the city Sunnyside has everything you need to elevate your summer that One-Stop shop for all your cannabis needs Sunnyside has an expertly curated menu with over 100 strains to choose from plus easy online ordering and in store pickup Sunnyside is Illinois’s favorite dispensary with locations in the city like wyville and River North to the suburbs like champagne the sou and much much more and here for the summer is the good news tea time disposable VAP bringing classic lemonade flavor that’s perfect for the golf course because we all need a little help staying loose on the green or wink wink so head to Sunnyside do shop use the code higo at checkout and for 35% off of 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and brands on them uh and every time you shop you get 20% off of course there’s also the best of the best when it comes to our content uh written quality journalism from our credential reporters like our guy will to go goly here plus one on every beat for every team the best of the best of that we say for behind that pay wall like a lot of Wills uh draft coverage from last month I think some of our upcoming Bulls summer league content is also going to be for Di hards only so keep an eye out for that just the latest example of why you need to sign up to become a chgo die hard if you haven’t already join the Discord Discord chats hang out die hards only in there it’s the best of the best what are you waiting for it’s pennies a day to be die hard y’all sign up now uh all right uh just real quick before we move on to Demar DJ cabs one in the comments saying Zach’s been trash since the day the Bulls traded away Jimmy for him all right well you know go go be a two-time NBA Allstar uh and then come back to me with that comment DJ cabs one trash ABS absolute trash just a trash player was like like a few free throw percentage points away from having a 50 4090 season where he Dro 255 and five absolute trash like you said the like like goat said like his ancient Rich Paul said the Zack LaVine Slater has gone too far yeah okay Jesus uh all right now now let’s talk about the latest as far as where demard Rosen is going to end up because it doesn’t sound like it’s coming back to Chicago uh in case you missed the latest from wge here is what he had to say regarding dear D rozan and his future if you will Mr Braggs the Bulls are willing to work with the team on a signing trade but the Bulls don’t want to take contracts back they’d have to find a third team to take on money to make that work think to Mo the D rozan Market is going to play out over the month of July and that was W on a sports center hit uh and then on a subsequent Sports Center hit he also I think used something like the phrase dear is gone from Chicago or something like that goat yeah I’m seeing if I can find it here um today he was on some TV ESPN show and he said uh certainly dear D rozan has played his last game for the Chicago Bulls he then goes and say that the Kings have been a team that’s dug in on dear but the Bulls don’t want to take back bad salary so they’re looking for a third team that they can put that salary on to I have thoughts about that and then he followed that up by saying quote Sacramento right now is the team to watch between now and as the moratorium ends over the next 24 to 48 hours so um I do not think that that means that there’s going to be a deal done in 24 to 48 hours but that’s when the moratorium ends it ends tomorrow night that’s when teams can actually start signing guys the deals right now everything has just been agreed upon so things will start to take shape uh a lot of the deals that we’ve heard so far are going to like expand into three or four or five team deals in some cases the Buddy heeled trade got expanded into a five team deal um so that’s the kind of situation where you’re looking at potentially offloading some of these contracts that the Bulls would be taking back onto that third team team and then Demar going to a team like the Kings and and that’s really the hold up right now um I’ve been getting into it on Twitter with some people because I posted a fake trade like the Bulls have a lot of Leverage here if they decide to use it dear can’t go okay dear has to either say I’m gonna take less money or the Bulls need to play ball and sign and trade me if the Kings want to offer him what dear wants they can’t do it without sending back bad salary they have to find another team to do that the Bulls can just say no we’re not going to play ball so unless you give us a pick we’re just not doing it that’s how the Bulls ended up giving the Spurs a pick when they did the signin trade in 2021 I do think that they are in a position of Leverage here they have to like use it correctly but the idea of you know taking back bad salary just to give dear what he wants I understand that they want to be a players first organization they want to help Demar get the contract years and dollars that he deserves that they can no longer offer him but they’re not doing that at the expense of going into the luxury tax and they’re not doing it at the expense of clogging up their books for the future so they’ll play ball but you got to make it worth their while that’s the leverage you have they can just say nope sorry dear you can go sign with the Jazz if you want to go into cap space you can go sign with the Spurs you can go sign with the Pistons otherwise like the team you’re going to they either have to give us a pick or send their bad salary else there elsewhere because we don’t want to take it and that is a lot of power I know Demar is a free agent but like none of this works without the Bulls saying okay let’s let’s make a deal here but like what’s in it for us and so that’s that’s the way they probably need to be looking at it and it seems like they are when w just saying like the Bulls are a team that does not want to take back bad salaries so they’re trying to rope in a third team that is the way that they should be playing this well do you what you just saying like is do you think it’s important for the Bulls to look like look good to other players around the league when they’re making a Zack ofine deal because you’re saying they can operate from that position of power and if they want you know they don’t have to look like the nice guy but you know they kind of want to around the league do do you think it’s important that they look good around the league or do you think it’s more important that they look like a big boy organization that’s you know a little Cutthroat and ready to just get stuff done 1,000% the ladder um Last Summer James Harden called Daryl Mor a liar and said nobody was gonna go join the Philadelphia 76ers as long as he was there guess what happened his teammate Paul George went to go sign with him none of that stuff matters I mean it does but like at the end of the day guys are looking out for themselves and that’s what the Bulls need to do too they need to look out for themselves here um nobody wanted to go to the Kings for the last 20 years when they were you know a floundering organization that had made the playoffs now they make the playoffs two years ago and all of a sudden a guy like dear wants to go there if you win and you play well and you like conduct yourself well and you’re a Frugal and like you know smart franchise teams are players are going to want to come play for you because they want to be a part of winning and if you continue to give out player options if you continue to give out you know bloated contracts to make it seem like you’re this player’s first organization that’s how you end up with bad contracts on your books that you can’t move off without giving up picks and so the Bulls have to stop doing that um it seems like they have at least or they’re they’re trying to with the way that they’re managing the stoan situation I think they’ve probably learned their lesson in terms of you know the way that they’ve handled things in the past with various other trades um and Deals this is the kind of thing that sets them back and they absolutely need to be thinking about setting themselves up for the future not just about like the Optics around the league they will be thought of as a smart good franchise that people want to come play for if they do things the right way and set themselves up for the future that’s the type of team players want to go to it’s not the type of team that you know the type of team that they are right now is the type of team that players can’t go to because they have no space because they’ve given out all these bad contracts so circling back to like what happens with dear goat we you know we’ve heard that the Kings have their you know hands in a lot of different pies right now uh Zack low reported that they’re one of the few teams also interested in lry Markin um we’ve heard Still that Brandon Ingram and the Pelicans are heading for a divorce and they’re trying to figure out where to send him and that the Kings might be a team also interested in Brandon Ingram uh that that dates back to when it was the kings were in on Zack LaVine and it was him versus Ingram and now it’s dear this like what w was talking about over the last 24 hours about how there’s got to be a a third team to take in those contracts the Bulls wouldn’t want in a signning trade that sends Demar to Sacramento is it in your perview like do do you think it’s like least likely for the Bulls to find a third team with Sacramento to facilitate this sign in trade as opposed to the other options the kings are looking at on their table to improve their roster if they don’t want to deal with the headache of trying to figure out how to get Demar get Demar paid and find a third team to take on salary I mean that that’s what they have to be calculating right now um this idea that like Brandon Ingram or KY kusma is g to be like a better cheaper option I don’t really buy that I mean dear’s a better player than both of those guys and it’s not close um yes he is not like the perfect fit everywhere but like Brandon Ingram is a ball dominant mid-range player who doesn’t play any defense either he’s younger but you’re trading more for him do that or would I rather trade a little bit less for a guy like dear who I wouldn’t have to commit longterm to I mean Brandon Ingram you you get this year on the final year of his deal and then you’re giving him a four or five year Max contract that’s like over $200 million dear’s gonna be three for 60 or three for 75 whatever it whatever it may be like now and you have to give up maybe a first round pick to get him I don’t think it’s that close um that also like leaves you open to be able to go get a de uh uh kuso or lari Markin in because you still have all your picks so to me like when you when you are looking at even Zack LaVine I mean would would you rather trade nothing and just take in Zack LaVine and give away bad salary or would you rather trade multiple picks for Ingram and then have to Max him to a bigger contract than what Zach is making I just don’t even think that that’s close so to me they should be going after Demar and that opens up the door for them to maybe go after Lowry with Keegan Murray and multiple other picks if they decide to do that um I I get why people think dear is like you know a tough fit in places but I just feel like he’s a much better player and a better fit than kosma or than uh Brandon Ingram would be so to me like the kings make a lot of sense but again the Bulls have a lot of Leverage here that they can utilize to get stuff back if they are smart about it and we’ll see if they can be yeah let me um for a second just get back on my plea to please get Demar D rozan back to the West allow that man to be there even if in s Sacramento great like wonderful he can drive to you know where he grew up but he’ll be much closer to where he grew up one I just want him happy and I want him you know ecstatic for where he is because because of the player he’s been on off the floor two because I don’t want him anywhere near South Beach I don’t want to see that at all uh please don’t do that demard Rosen don’t go down there it’s terrible you’ll have better fun than Sacramento that’s what I’ve heard I’ve heard Sacramento is much more fun than South Beach that’s what I have been told all right and you can take it to the bank and I just see demard D Roa in the new Kendrick Lamar video thank you for doing that as well showing more love to getting him back to the West Coast of this country man please please get Demar D rozan back over there to the West Coast he deserves to be over there all right that’s all uh yeah I think somebody was asking the comments earlier like was that about him leaving Canada and coming back to the United States that line and K song or was it about him leaving Chicago and coming home to La uh I’ll take the other one I’ll take the other one leave it the next part of that lyric is that like y’all didn’t deserve him or something like that um yeah you didn’t deserve him neither yeah there you go so I mean to me this is curious because if it’s not Sacramento going through the trouble of finding a third team for the signing trade goat and they have these other options on the table and as you pointed out when you quote tweeted I think it was the Evan cider or Cedar whatever talk about dear and Sacramento and a third team to facilitate it and how that made more sense to you than either the Lakers or the heat as Dave was just talking about did in your mind and I think I agree logically Sacramento and finding a third team at least is like a way that Demar gets paid and goes to a team that’s contending gets them closer to back home like there are a lot of other parts of that that make sense if if the Lakers don’t work and Miami doesn’t work and the Kings Go a different direction whether it be Brandon Ingram or someone else to improve their roster where does Demar end up if all of those situations and maybe that’s part of why we heard W say earlier today this is a situation where demard de rozen’s Market playing out could take well into the month of July as we sit here on July 5th yeah I think somebody’s gonna end up getting a really good deal on him because he’s just not going to get the money that he wanted um the Bulls can help him out by doing the sign and Trade sign Tres have to be three years um you know Chris hay said the other day he was not going to settle for the mid level exception which is 12.9 well if he wants to go to the Miami Heat or the LA Lakers they have to clear out salary and then all they can offer him is 5.4 million so very quickly things start to kind of devolve here and that’s again why the Bulls have leverage in all this without them Demar can only get five million from the heater the Lakers he’s not gonna do that so maybe he just ends up going to the Pistons or the Spurs on a oneyear 20 million deal and he eats into their cap space and he helps them and whatever but I just I feel like you know all of the reporting that we’ve heard up to this point was like teams being interested in dear but that didn’t make sense in reality because it wasn’t going to be the right money for dear and so when you think about the Kings making more sense they can’t offer him more money in a signning trade he could sign there for $9 million they have that much cap space but again that’s less than what he wants so in order for dear to get the money that he wants from the team he wants to go to the Bulls have to play ball and that gives them power and leverage in this I’ve been seeing a lot of like they you know blew all their leverage with the way that they handled the Caruso thing and I think that’s true but it’s different because they identified a Target that they wanted to go to they’ did not let the market come to them I think that in this it’s possible that they they play it the same way and they lose leverage in this but um they could play it differently and let the market come to them and facilitate it where it makes sense that’s why people are always saying like how did we let Danny a do this trade again like how did he get this many picks he lets the market come to him and he has players that people want and that certainly helps but that’s why you sign guys to good contracts that’s why you develop young Talent internally and then you can trade or move them when teams overpay you for them and I think the Bulls are in a situation where they could get somebody to overpay for Demar because it’s the only way they can get him they could have gotten somebody to overpay for Caruso but they wanted to identify their target and I think I I don’t necessarily dis I I don’t necessarily agree with the Target that they went after but you know they they realized we’re not going to get what we want for Z we’re probably not going to get a ton for DeMar rosen but we do want to like Kickstart this rebuild by bringing in a young talented player that we can build around let’s go find that guy and when they locked in on giddy there goes your leverage because it’s not like uh Sam prey yeah you can you can get Caruso but um only if you give us G giddy in two first round picks it was we really want giddy can you give it to can you give him to us for Caruso and S PR is like hell yeah let’s do it so I do think this is a little bit of a different situation it could end up turning into that same situation um but I would I would hope that they have kind of learned their lesson from that one and realized that they do have the potential to be able to extract some more value with this because they really are required for dear to get the money he wants now maybe he ends up just signing for a smaller deal with a team that he’s not crazy about and it’s a one-year thing but to me that’s better than you know facilitating a trade with the kings taking back a bunch of bad salary that you don’t want because now you’re you got that money on your books for mult years you can’t really move forward without it I’d rather just wipe it clean and have that sort of flexibility because let’s say they just let Demar walk now you’re $13 million below the luxury tax if you do end up trading Zack LaVine you can take back 13 million dollars more than what Zack lavine’s contract is you can help another team get off some bad money on their books and that’s another powerful tool that they can use in some of these talks so you know maybe you have to attach IO and a pick to Zach in order to get off of him and you have to take back a a bunch of money that that can help Grease the wheels without having to like really dip too far into your asset pool which is again something that I think would be a really big mistake well uh quickly I wanted to know the N with the emergence of L Markin and’s name with all these other teams out here does he become the bigger Domino than Demar de rozan or is it still Demar has to fall first for everything to fall in line for the league I’m I think it’s I think it’s Lowry just because like I mentioned Ingram and kosma and dear are kind of in this similar boat of being like you know second tier players that are on contracts that you kind of have to figure out what is the best thing for you but ultimately when you’re trading for those guys you’re trying to keep enough assets to where you can still make that big swing when that player comes available Lowry is that big player you know he may not be like this big time shot Creator but when you see guys who are making who are as impactful as Lowry is and he’s an All-Star you know he’s a great secondary option offensively who can play off of a primary guy making $18 million a year when you find a talent like that on that cheap of a contract he’s the kind of guy that you sell the farm for and so I think that’s kind of what the kings are you know wrestling with is as the Jazz take offers from teams like the Warriors and the Kings and others it’s like okay well can we get kuminga and Moody and psky in three first round picks can the Kings beat that if they put in Keegan Murray if they put in Keegan Murray in three picks does that is that worth it where instead we could just go for Demar and kozma so that’s kind of the calculus that’s going on right now H but I do think once Lowry gets traded if he does that kind of opens up the door for some of these other teams and if he does go to uh Sacramento then yeah I don’t know where dear’s gonna be headed uh because right now that does seem kind of like the only or at least the best option uh Jamal in the comments throwing in another interesting wrinkle to this DeMar conversation saying would moving Lonzo change the picture for what the Bulls can do with dear obviously moving Lonzo would be difficult we might need to do that anyway so a couple of things on that um first of all I think the Bulls are not considering a wave and stretch for Lonzo I feel like if they were we would have heard that news by now um because it doing that out of the gate would have given them the flexibility they were looking for to make other moves when free agency opened and that hasn’t happened we did hear I think it was Chris Haynes of Yahoo sports Co correct me if I’m wrong mentioned something about the Bulls looking to move off of Zack LaVine and Lonzo ball and then adjusting that like a day later to say the the focus is moving Zack LaVine not so much Lonzo ball I mean if you find a taker for Lonzo like M does it give the Bulls a bit more flexibility to take in a contract compared to what they have now in a sign and trade for dear maybe but it seems like the Bulls still really just aren’t according to w and W is W as you say goat interested in doing that I don’t think moving lonzo’s final year of his contract off the books would impact ak’s preference of facilitating a Demar signing trade without taking money back I think Lonzo right now is at the very least neutral um you you could in theory like attach him to VU at the trade deadline and send him off to another team with a pick to get a player who’s like a you know a bigger Max contract type of guy $40 million kind of guy um but like teams want to get off of long-term money I think they’re willing to eat contracts that are you know two or three years if you give him a pick but if you can just get off this guy at the end of the year I think that can be really valuable and I think the Bulls want to clear out space longer term otherwise they would be taking back some bad contracts in exchange for der rozan so to me keeping Alonzo makes sense maybe you can get him on the court maybe not but at the end of the day he’s off the books next year you don’t have to worry about it anymore whereas if you wave and stretch him or if you uh you know try to trade trade assets to move off of him maybe that brings you back some cap relief but it’s just not going to be worth it because the Bulls aren’t really building anything for like to compete this year and they shouldn’t be they should be thinking about like their longer term cap flexibility and so Lonzo really does not impact that I wouldn’t attach anything to get off of him unless it’s like I said you know turning him and vu in a pick into a a very good player that they could build with moving forward yeah and I mean like we we were going to touch on it the other day but free agency stuff and we didn’t have time for it uh somebody in the comments was talking about it maybe like we wait and see what Lonzo looks like in training camp and then do a wave and stretch uh that was DJ Cavs one uh like Lonzo there was another viral video that went around where he looks like he’s playing basketball on a basketball court looks confident looks smooth looks like he’s cutting well playing through traffic said on his own podcast I’m playing day one fresh season I’m playing AK was a bit more let’s leave some wiggle room here in his comments about Lonzo after the draft on draft night so we’ll see but I mean I maybe Lonzo is just a player that they don’t hate the idea of having him around to be another facilitator along with Josh giddy while they figure out what’s what in this sort of transitional season that we have ahead um all right so before we wrap up wanted to also briefly touch on this Bulls announcing their official 2024 NBA Summer League roster earlier this morning tweeted out the team of course headlined by their number 11 overall pick from uh June’s NBA draft Modis buellis along with former uh second round pick from last season Julian Phillips who also had an injury down the stretch this past season Adam sonogo Mr 20 and 20 uh big Daves favorite Bull from March and April Andrew Funk still looking for his first NBA bucket he will be there playing in summer league uh Henry Dr another familiar name for Bulls fans a two-way guy in the past um but uh there there’s one name here in particular that I saw you were tweeting about will towards the bottom of this list that you’re excited about tell us about this guy yeah Darion sebron he was uh in the dalon Terry draft I believe and he’s kind of a similar player actually long lanky big guard uh he put up some big numbers with the Pelicans g-league team um he’s a little bit older I want to say he’s like 22 or 23 at this point but um he’s just I think a guy who has some upside and a guy who’s interested in the like mid second round of that draft so it’ll be interesting to get to see him a little bit um and see what he can do to help facilitate the growth of guys like Bellis and Julian Phillips who are really like the the focal points um I thought it was a little weird that well maybe not weird but like I would have liked to have seen D and Terry on the roster um I know thirdy year players are not typically going to summer league but Walker Kessler’s going it does happen um and what you really want to see in that situation is Dale and Terry come in absolutely dominate the competition in game one score you know put up a 20 point triple double and then get pulled and not play again like that’s the ideal scenario that’s what happened with Patrick Williams like three years ago or whenever that was going into his second season that’s kind of like the the dream when you’re talking about developing your young players giving them a chance to really dominate we saw D Terry struggle last year with the ball in his s but I think he’s gotten a lot better he’s put on a lot of weight um he’s just really athletic and good at defense now and I would have liked to see him in this situation where he could have the ball in his hands a little bit more um not like disappointed about it but it just would have been nice to see well this is where I I slightly disagree with will uh it’s because I didn’t want to see dalen at all uh I didn’t want him in this summer league at all I didn’t think it was anything for him to prove even if he went up there and dominated for me it would be taking time away from Modis and Julian Phillips who I want to see out there on the floor all the time and with the ball in their hands um I’ve G Dal just to go work on his game he’s working with Demar he knows how to train now he knows how to do those things he knows what he need to work on uh like will said he’s definitely gotten bigger uh been watching his shot his form definitely looks better um than it has in those previous two years so everything else I guess we get just see I think for me seeing him in summer league would be a selfish thing for me and I’m speaking for me it would be selfish because I would just want to see that he’s got it and then I be like okay yeah he’s got it do it like that but all in all I didn’t want to see him there I didn’t want to take that risk of anything of of him taking away from other players there and I just didn’t want that risk of him being there I’m completely fine with him uh not playing uh I definitely want to see Modis like that’s I can’t wait to sit and watch and just focus on him and see everything that he does and then just annoy will with my million questions of when I’m talking about him and pointing out stuff to him and pointing out stuff to Matt that I’m looking at I can’t wait to do that um I can’t wait to see Matt’s got Julian Phillips like I can’t I can’t wait to look and see his growth um and see if more he’s more so developed and and grown I guess his basketball skill to match his IQ I already know he has a pretty high IQ I want to see skill match it I want to see his three-point shot look a little bit better um than what it was it doesn’t have to be the greatest in the world I just wanted to be uh respectable so I want to see that and of course Matt knows I want to see my man uh baptized in the funk I I want to see him out there man doing his thing so so I can I’ll be the only one cheering them on sit there suly I can’t wait to watch him man but yeah I’m excited to watch it and I don’t know will is is um is Billy Donovan’s son gonna be a part of the coaching staff of this te he will be the head coach head coach the team announced that earlier today that was the other thing I wanted to hit on before we get out of here Donovan III who was name who was hired as the windy city Bulls head coach for next season and Beyond also named the summer league head coach uh John Bryant I’m sorry buddy they did the Bulls did you dirty they did you dirty I like John Bryant yeah yeah little bit little bit but like we say big boy organization stuff they gonna do it you know what I mean and we gonna talk about nepotism with Ron come on I was going to say we can all cry nepotism with Ronnie Jr but Bulls are one of the worst when it comes to nepotism and not with players freaking Executives and coaches and ownership obviously and obviously and and I’m so I’m interested to watch him too and just watch him you know coach the team and see how he does that because he’s right John Bryan is awesome in a great communicator and just a nice person in general uh so I’m curious to hear him just curious hear him talk and watch how he coaches this uh League team well John got a big promotion this year he’s moving to the front of the bench so I think he’s doing all right U maybe this was even beneath him at this point so it’ll be interesting to see uh Billy Donovan I third get a chance to take the Reigns and obviously he’s goingon to need the experience because he’s going to be coaching up the Windy City team this year so we’ll see what that looks like and I don’t know I imagine in the past we’ve had you know a couple of days of practice before the team heads out to Vegas uh we may have some media availability with them next week uh leading up to it but Friday we are heading out Saturday we got a game Sunday we got a game postgame coverage we’ll have all sorts of fun stuff going on at cirker Resort it’s gonna be a blast I can’t wait yeah we will be there our guy Joey the trolls pathis will be coming with us can’t wait to connect with all of the other NBA Crews across the All City Network can’t wait to uh Mingle with some other NBA media people while we’re there and of course most importantly get some great content for y’all our fellow Bulls fans uh getting closer look at mest bazis their number 11 pick Julian Phillips fresh off of his injury rehab Adama sonogo uh and more also their exhibit 10 under re agent signing the Ali product Marcus damask will also be uh on that summer league roster so we’ll get a look at him too we fly out to Vegas a week from today in the meantime we’ll be back next week back in studio in Chicago uh with a fresh episode for yall on Monday in the meantime have a great weekend shout out to ISO Noah with the last second Super Chat saying Zach hasn’t been the same since he signed with clutch also Zach uh who have so much Ammunition by no one wanting him to go ball out for us exact go prove yourself Zach make increase the number of teams that want you from zero to a number bigger than zero um shout out to uh in the meantime make sure you’re reading everything our guy will is writing about these Bulls free agency situations whether it be toar Rosen Zack LaVine or anything else also is where you can find his work make sure you become a die hard to get all of Will’s writing behind that die hards only pay wall uh you can follow him willor goly big Davis a bow bawl Sports I am Bulls forek we are chore Bulls shout out and appreciation to our guy behind the controls today the one and only Greg brags Jr rehabing his escalator ACL injury feel better Braggs take it easy uh probably probably good that you weren’t hammered in the bleachers today that’s probably a good call Oh you mean the you mean the loud mouth the loud mouth yeah that’s you I’m sorry do you disagree with that nomenclature that’s your thing you’re the loud guy and we love you anyway uh have a great holiday weekend everybody be safe out there make sure you show up to work on Monday with all of your fingers and toes still attached uh the number is 911 if you need it or for our International Bulls fans I don’t know what your emergency number is you should probably know that yourself uh for brags for Big Dave for the goat and my thanks for tuning in hit that like button on your way out Bulls Nation we will talk to you on Monday see red be good we all sitting like the mayor

The CHGO Bulls crew react to the latest NBA Free Agency buzz, including strong remarks from Zach LaVine’s agent Rich Paul and Adrian Wojnarowski explaining the DeMar DeRozan market. Paul firmly defended his client in a phone interview on Thursday, insisting that LaVine has been the “ultimate professional” throughout the organization’s struggles and endless trade rumors. Is there beef between Klutch and the Bulls given how Zach’s season-ending surgery was handled by the team’s PR department? Meanwhile, Woj reported that the market for DeRozan is going to play out “over the month of July.” If DeMar wants to get paid, a third team will be needed to facilitate a sign-and-trade deal sending him to the Kings. Plus, Matt, Big Dave and Will discuss the 2024 Bulls Summer League roster.

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  1. Listen to you guys jump thru hoops to defend the 10 different ways this guy looks bad…. Professional? How about he makes a statement? How about he tries on defense like he tried while on the USA team. How about not being offended when he deservedly got benched, so many examples I can list. What BS…. Market value is a real thing

  2. Yeah, he played hurt not cause he was a hero, he played “hurt” to get his bag… 🤦. What has he done for the franchise since he got his bag? His dedication has gone way down since being overpaid. Horrible indictments on his character

  3. Man whatever laving is statistically the losingest all-star of all time, just trade him for a 2nd round pick the guy is WORTHLESS

  4. Trade Lavine for Austin Reeves DeMar for Malik Monk or pics get Lonzo back and healthy and trade for pics and lastly Vuc for a Snickers n 2nd round pick

  5. There are no good guys in this rift.
    FA blows and Zachs attitude has been trash for a very long time, even before the bag.
    Especially, fuck klutch sports.

  6. SAC: DeMar Derozan, Nikola Vucevic, Javon Carter, Torrey Craig
    CHI: Devon Carter, Walker Kessler, Kyle Filipkowski, '25 2R pick via POR, '25 2R pick via SAC
    UTAH: Kevin Huerter, Harrison Barnes, '27 1R pick via SAC (Lottery Protected)

    C-JWalker Kessler, Kyle Filipkowski
    PF-Jalen Smith, Matas Buzelis
    SF-Patrick Williams, Josh Giddey, Julian Phillips
    SG-Zach Lavine, Ayo Dosunmu, Dalen Terry
    PG-Coby White, Devin Carter, Lonzo Ball

  7. He also created a lot of this by being overly butt hurt about getting benched in one game.

    I'm kind of where Will's comments were at the beginning. I've always loved the fact that Zack was a real clean player off the court. Seem like he always wanted to do the right thing for a lot of reasons. I always appreciate it his work ethic along with all of it. But still . . . You want the big money, this is what comes with it, sorry, not sorry.

  8. Just let it play out we're right where we need to be, the Celtics are strong for a few more years perfect time to reload with Coby and ayo and gang…Zach is old news regardless of what happens why stress about house money DeMar DeRozan too… really do need something for vooch but oh well we still in better shape then quite a few

  9. Well, Rich Paul your his agent help find a deal with somebody. Earn your money. Don't blame it on the Bulls all the time. Still pissed this guy cost the Bulls a second round draft pick in the Lonzo Ball deal.

  10. I don’t think the market around Lavine is as dire as everyone is making it out to be.. Kings and or Detroit are still right there. Kings absolutely have to add another guy next to their young players.

  11. Chicago is just terrible! Complain that management is cheap, then complain about their players if they get paid a good contract. Zach Lavines contract is not bad if you look at it compared to the other players that are making over 40, Franz Wagner just signed for 5yr 224 mil, he is not an all star.

  12. Lavine is an empty stat player who is grossly overpaid. Low IQ, One dimmensional, and acts like a baby to the refs. Get gone

  13. Just keep him atp if they attaching picks lol fuck if he don’t wanna be here, we entering a rebuild

  14. Zak scores 25 a game, people mad because he doesn't have 10 assist a game.nobody is perfect.but when a team loses they always blame the richest contract. Not to mention every other day they have him traded. Once a player gets in this cycle, its hard to get OUT.

  15. so he played hurt to get that max-contract, then didn't do the same after getting the contract?…I'm not sure what that means…

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