@Toronto Raptors

Can RJ Barrett be as good next season for Toronto? – Raptors Republic

Can RJ Barrett be as good next season for Toronto? – Raptors Republic

by EarthWarping


  1. I will be ecstatic if he only regresses to 49/37 splits while maintaining similar volume but becomes a better defender, hope it happens cuz its fun to have a hometown hero


    He can, I have been very high on RJ since he dismantled team USA by himself.

    I personally have always found people saying he is overpaid way overblown in the day and age that any promising player gets paid a max.

    Next year would be very telling though. It’s much easier to put numbers in a small sample size before teams and scouting reports adjust to your new game.

    If he plays like he did last year for us for the whole year, we are going to see the narrative and discourse change around him.

  3. I think he can be better. His free throw shooting was atrocious, well below his career average. I think he has a level to get to as a shooter, and our team makeup and game plan can help him reach it.

  4. Raptorsthrowaway1

    I’m high on him, but it’s a huge year for him next year. We know he can score, but he needs to be a better defensive contributor for his size

  5. Ok_Respond7928

    I think most people don’t realize RJ didn’t improve that much with the Raptors he just got to play to his strengths more. The style of offence Drako runs is perfect for RJ and we saw that this season. It all about ball movement getting out and running and cutting that’s what RJ does best.

    Where RJ improved the most in my eyes is shot selection. In New York he shot 43% on what I would call open threes. In Toronto he shot 42% on open threes. He just took way more contested pull ups threes with the Knicks which tanked his shooting spilt from deep. Dude shot like 8% on contested 3’s with the Knicks and took about one game.

    The spacing in Toronto is also a lot better even when Jak is on the court. He is a non shooter but he takes 45% of his shots outside of the restricted area which opens up the paint just enough for RJ to have more room to work.

    I think people a lil to low on him next year. He might not get much better but 22/6/4 on hyper efficiency is a fringe all star.

  6. 580083351

    Yes. RJ is going to keep kicking ass. Last season wasn’t a one and done. He’s comfortable now and will stay comfortable.

  7. Lucky_Scallion

    I don’t think he improved tremendously since coming here, he just played in a better system. NY wasn’t a good fit offensively, when they tweaked things against the cavs last years playoffs he also played much better. He’s only 24 so he should get even better.

  8. jamiecballer

    Regression is likely coming when a player plays that far above their previous norms. Unpopular but true.

  9. originaltigerlord

    RJ got that battery in his back playing for his home town

  10. Guy just turn 24 like 3 weeks ago. He is about that age who is going to have a break out season soon. I think when playing for us and in our system he did have that break out season with us. Kinda DeMar trajectory with a 3pt shot.

  11. LimestoneLeaf

    He just turned 24 in June and I think he is in an excellent situation to be able to play a key role and develop. Hopefully, there is still some improvement he can make up to age 26 or 27.

  12. forustree

    IF he can be good with a step back from short mid range a lot could develop for him/team

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