@Philadelphia 76ers

BREAKING: Sixers Sign Proven Celtics Killer…

BREAKING: Sixers Sign Proven Celtics Killer…

the Daryl myy offseason Master Class continues as the Sixers found their final starting forward adding Caleb Markin on a deal we got the W bomb early this morning saying free agent forward Caleb Martin is finalizing a deal with the Philadelphia 76ers sources tell ESPN impactful pickup for the Sixers who bring on the playoff tested veteran for the Miami Heat so this has been a move that we’ve talked about for a little bit now it has been clear that he’s been the top of the Sixers remaining wish list and they got their guy we got this report from Kyle newbeck on July 4th since they had heard from League source yesterday Caleb Marton was probably out of the Sixers realistic offering range but my understanding is they are still monitoring his Market as it plays out definite interest so kind of the situation that the Sixers have been battling is Martin was seeking a higher dollar value than the Sixers could afford but he also wasn’t getting that number from anyone around the league so there was a bit of this waiting game that is why things have been so quiet on the Sixers end is it is clear this guy is at the top of the Sixers list and he is the type of player that I don’t think the numbers quite do him Justice to add into what he averaged on the season last year just 10 points per game four .4 rebounds 2.2 assists shot 43.1% from the field 34.9% from three but he’s 6’5 28 years old just 32.9% from the corner 41.5 of his shot being threes but the dude is a straightup gamer he’s a playoff Riser he is Battle tested and he has been a key part of those Miami Heat runs just last year against the Celtics in the playoffs averaged 19.3 points per game over that series he is a guy who Rises up on the moment is at its biggest and he is a driving force of a lot of that Heat team success so it is nice to pluck them out now the job is not finished from a Sixers perspective they still have some work to do here but we do have a really cool starting five to look at the overall active roster here we have Joel embiid Paul George Tyrese Maxi Kelly UB and Caleb Martin is essentially going to be the starting five and that brings a lot more athleticism a lot more versatility a lot more switchability in a way that the Sixers team straight up has not had in past years think about the starting five with Tyrese Maxi as the point guard Kelly UB who once again when he was signed the not ification from W to starting two guard which I do think is interesting to note there and we clearly see how the puzzle fit together at this point but then adding Caleb Martin at the three Paul George playing a little bit of power forward and for what it’s worth while that seems crazy I know he’s a small forward in everyone’s head he played primarily power forward last year with the Clippers when you look at the actual positional breakdown for the minutes that he logged and of course Joel embiid wrapping things up to the center position there now again to look at the roster couple more notes here that we know Andre Drummond a key Edition Eric Gordon a nice addition a guy who will play Some solid minutes there Ricky Council the four still to be determined this also did result as this deal went down that Paul Reed has officially been waved I know we’ve mentioned this and talked about it a decent bit already on this channel the rating has been on the wall for bball Paul’s time in Philadelphia being over this has nothing to do really with his skill set or the things that he did bring on the floor now granted if he was a little better we not or played a little better last year we might not be having these conversations but the reality is the issue was that non-guaranteed contract that that 7.7 million was just frankly more than they could afford to commit to that position especially after the Andre Drummond signing came in for two years and 10 million to pay Paul Reed more than Andre Drummond who more than likely is going to have a more minimal role is just not great business and that is why the Sixers had had to take this angle I’m a little bit surprised that there was not a trade for Paul Reed I know that this this was something they were shopping for quite some time and I still very much firmly believe that Paul Reed is an NBA player and in the right situation can be really solid and play an effective role but I don’t think that is Philadelphia that while it was nice to have kind of a change of pace stylistically for when Joel and me steps off the floor we did see last year pretty clearly that Paul Reed was not a guy that was going to be able to hold down the starting the starting role in the games in which Joel emid was out which is obviously an important part of the job description for backup center of the Philadelphia 76ers that is something I feel much more comfortable about Andre Drummond but there is still some work to do from the Sixers roster overall now we got this salary cap update from Yosi Goslin here saying the Philadelphia 76ers have about 9 million in cap space remaining that would Great Value and gives them an answer as they’re starting forward Sixers presumably capped out so at the time of me recording this I did just jump on it’s about 15 minutes since the notification might even be a little sooner than that but I do think I I have not seen a number yet I would like I would think it’s pretty likely that this soaks up the remaining cap space and that the Sixers can only work with minimums for now but I also think this is more of a League wide issue than something Sixers specifically some of kind of the trends and how the free agency period has gone as we obviously saw the rapid fire notifications the max guys getting their money the big deal is being done at the early part of free agency even the Klay Thompson’s the world and uh the you know guys like that kavus cwell Pope getting a big deal then we hit a kind of a lull and the reason for that is each of these free agents is playing a little bit of this cat and mouse game for which team still has available funds the Detroit Pistons are a team who gave Malik Beasley $6 million today and that is a number that has to come purely out of the cap spaces that is above the minimum there so there’s not that many teams with money to throw around at this point and the Sixers are using that to their advantage that they’re now sitting back and waiting and letting for these guys who have their market value higher than the minimum number to be reduced to where the only offers they’re looking at is as a minimum number and for this Sixers team you got a pretty appealing pitch for why these guys would want to take a veteran minimum and come there the guys that are you know whether they’re ring chasing at this point in their career whether they’re guys looking to rebuild their their value maybe have one solid season then re-enter the market the Sixers provide a pretty great opportunity that obviously they have that starting five the demon time starting FES I think I’m going to start to call this one with Tyrese Maxi UB Martin Paul George and Joel embiid then pretty much for the taking beyond that yet yes Andre Drummond will be the guy that is you know the the primary backup big man there will be Eric Gordon playing some role some minutes off the bench there but beyond that it’s pretty Blank Slate for bench production we’ll see what Ricky counsil the force role we’ll see what jar McCain’s role ends up being I do think McCain will be a player who plays more significant minutes than people are giving him credit but beyond that they still need bodies and I do think people will come for that so so we’ll see how things shake out there as far as POS positioning where these Sixers go from here for me the absolute clear need that still is on the table is a highle rebounding power forward that while I love this demon time starting five there will be certain match ups where you got to get a little bigger precious aoua is a guy that I’ve mentioned as a Sixers Target I think he’s probably out of the price range now I think the decision probably had to be made between Martin and atua I don’t disagree with the logic I also think it should be noted that when you think of these Sixers failures why they were so bad well for starters Caleb Martin is a two-way win he truly is a guy that can defend at a super high level and knock down shots and Catch Fire from three he’s that type of player that he he does it on both ends of the floor but when you do think of where these Sixers shortcomings come came in the playoffs in past years it was never the defensive side of the ball it was always not having enough options to score not having enough ways that they can put the ball in the bucket there and Martin will provide that that outlet I don’t think precious a Chua fit that description he would been much more of a defensive-minded type player a guy that could have helped out with that rebounding issue which I still think is an issue but there are minimal upgrades around the board here Paul George a slightly better rebounder than Tobias Harris Kelly or Caleb Martin slightly better rebounder than some of their past options that they had a guy like the Anthony Mountain off throw although Mountain a pretty good rebounder for his size there but there is a significant def difference when skying for a rebound when you’re 6’2 versus 6’5 so shout out to Caleb Martin for coming to the Sixers here I do think this is probably the most versatile starting five that we’ve seen around Joel embiid and the one that makes the most sense that even even when you compare it to that Jimmy Butler team with JJ reick and Tobias Harris and Ben Simmons there still were the issues of you know Ben Simmons didn’t shoot threes the 60 can truly play this Joel embiid and for Shooters lineup in a way that could really challenge some teams and again I don’t want this to get brushed over the rug that Caleb Martin is a Celtics killer that I’ve seen firsthand right in full display of some of his best moments coming right with Jason Tatum guarding him or guys like that that does matter that you want these battle tested guys and that is clearly something these Sixers have paid attention to so again still work to be done with this roster but this is another great signing from Daryl M you got to find ways to round it out with veterans but I think this is a starting five that is ready to go toe-to-toe with just about anybody you add one of these high level role players a guy that is a high Lev rebounder High work rate good Defender add that to the same mix the Sixers team has and they got a squad right here so it will be interesting to see who the veteran minimums come in at I do expect Marcus Morris to ultimately sign on the dted line at some point soon seems like the six are going to be pretty straightforward from here that nothing above a minimum is on the table so you know guys are going to have to understand that and accept that but that’s the deal with the devil you pay when you’re bringing three top five top 25 guys onto one team in Tyrese Maxi Paul George and Joel embiid you got you got a little wiggle room beyond that and that is the mindset so obviously there risks to come with all this the injury concerns have been loud and clear from plenty of people and totally fair absolutely but if you’re just building the best team you can possibly get it’s tough to do much better than what Daryl Mory has done this off season so we will see how the rest of the roster shapes out from here but the Caleb Martin signing should be signed as an absolute win for this Sixers team I cannot wait to see him in a Sixers uniform and doing his thing on the biggest stage he’s a guy that I’ve been a fan of since his days at Nevada he is a gamer he is a guy that competes incredibly hard on both ends of the floor and I think that all is going to be embraced at quite a high level here in Philadelphia so appreciate you guys for tuning into this video here let me know your thoughts in the comments on the Caleb Martin signing any concerns that you may have or any other thoughts below make sure you’re smashing that subscribe button if you have not already and dropping a like on this video here I’ll be talking to you next time right here on Sixers digest peace

BREAKING: Sixers Sign Proven Celtics Killer…

The Sixers rounded out their starting five by signing Caleb Martin into presumably the remainder of their cap space. Sean Barnard breaks down what Martin brings to the table, how the Sixers now stack up as a full unit, and what this means for building out the roster from here.

#nba #sixers #philadelphia76ers


  1. Size isn’t everything? We just got out rebounded out hustled by the knicks? Which had NOTHING to do with size. Technically we were the bigger team. Knicks got versatile players not position players. Stop thinking like its 1975

  2. Sixers new Michael Myers of the NBA.. leaving total Destruction!! Hold it to them Daryl Morey.. have that championship parade coming through Philadelphia.. Yes sir. If you can’t hang with the Big Dogs stay on the porch! Loving it! Dedicated Sixer Fan…

  3. I like Caleb Martin, a solid player and finally a guard with some size and is not afraid to take the shot in the PLAYOFFS he takes his level up in the play-offs good move. The sixers starting line up is still lacking Rebounding and if they don't get that they are in trouble. Do not give me that today's NBA rubbish because in play-offs it will be exposed. How many championships has a Daryl Morley team won with small ball, NONE. The sixers also need a point guard bad.

    If the sixers GM and coach have a brain, they would let Paul Reed and Adem Bona battle for the power forward spot. All that is need from that position is rebounding rim protection defence. The sixers invested 400 million in just 2 players to shoot the three and others.

    I will say this again because it's not sinking in, it takes more than just shooting threes to win a championship. I will give you an example, the Golden State Warriors won because they had 2 of the best shooter of all time. The warriors had 2 all defensive players starting, and they rebounded the ball, and then they added KD.

  4. Man they need another big at the 4 spot. All the top teams got twin bigs!!! 2 7 footers is just abt standard at rhis point. Big to big is the wave.

  5. Good signing,had that one good series against the celtics,let's not go thinking he bout to save this team

  6. What about a guy like Bismarck biyambo… not a big scorer but can rebound and goes up strong.. I’m sure he’s wants the vet minimum

  7. As we all know, Embiid will sit out a number of games for rest (or quite possibly other reasons I won't mention). For those games, who will backup Drummond, especially with Reed gone. Are we banking on the rookie Bona? I would love to see a video where you analyze that.

  8. Martin is gonna get such better looks now, I expect his game to flourish with Embiid and PG drawing so much attention.

  9. Good POA defense, gritty. Not afraid of the moment like Tobias. CELTICS KILLER. Love this move. Can we still get DFS ??

  10. Martin could have made almost twice that over the length of the contract for one extra year from Miami… really happy to see 76ers front office capitalizing on these market events and making the best in a tight situation. When the 1st round ended that felt like the door slamming shut on our window, Morey has found the cracks and pushed the window open again

  11. Great deal all around and the best part is he has experience beating Boston in the playoffs (Game 7) which shows he is a clutch performer and we need that especially with PG & Embiid … Lastly, I love LOVE his tough knock 'em socke'em playing style against Tatum so 180 opposite from the soft-ass former #12 we had…

  12. Love this signing. Daryl is moving up my GM chart. ANd totally off topic I would like to see the Morris boys back in Philly. Off the bench, Markieff for rebound/inside work, Marcus for floor spacing/scoring. THey would both probably love to play together at last and might accept a little less to do so. Maybe.

  13. Hell yeah! Morris is a certainty! Darryl like howie roseman with the magic he making. Man is in the zone

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