@Charlotte Hornets

Hornets vs Spurs: Coach Lee Postgame Media Availability | 7/6/2024

Hornets vs Spurs: Coach Lee Postgame Media Availability | 7/6/2024

Charles uh obviously a great start I know it’s just summer league but how does it feel for you personally to get your first win with the Hornets and uh what was the key to getting this one tonight yeah I would say uh it’s not just summer league I think uh when you’re a new coach and you’re a new staff and it’s a lot of new faces in that locker room and we’re we’re trying to set a tone we’re trying to set a foundation for uh what the Hornets culture is going to be about going forward so I think that it’s really important uh that we start to um embody War’s DNA like I’ve said lots of times and so to get our first one tonight was great like we’re trying to build winning habits and everything matters and so the guys came out with the right amount of focus and the right amount of energy and competitiveness and was just really proud that they were able to take what we did in training camp in such a short amount of time and turn around and play on both ends really well and really together I think defensively or you guys held them maybe three of 23 in the first quarter you’re up 23 to9 there anything that really stuck out about uh how you guys were playing on that end of the floor that you were able to sustain for most of the game yeah I thought that it started with our ball pressure uh I thought Z and Nick and Bryce um and leaky did a great job of just like pressuring their guards pressuring their wings and making them uncomfortable uh anytime they came off of a pick and roll I thought that we were into the ball I thought we had great shift activity around the ball um and then I think one area that we can continue to clean up though defense defensively is just defending without fouling um I think I do think that as we got to the second quarter um we got a little sloppy we started fouling a little bit too much so there’s a couple areas where we can still continue to get better and be even uh tighter defensively you mentioned the culture just for you um being your first game and trying to I guess instill something different here with these guys um how do you go about doing that making sure again you do it here in the summer and make sure I guess that continues going forward yeah just consistency uh being obsessed with daily Improvement uh we even talked about during training camp with our guys um day three it gets a little hard but like life is hard and the B the game of basketball is hard and it’s hard to win in the NBA and we have to be able to dig down and find this just consens consistent competitiveness consistent energy um and just like a consistent love for the game to come to work every day with each other and then individually what do you see from the guys I guess first game I mean went out there and had some really good points what do you see from just I guess IND from the guys tonight yeah um I think on an individual basis uh uh Nick stood out to me thought the way that he was playing with great Pace offensively playing some pick and roll um catching and shooting when open uh playing with the pass when he needed to like I thought his reads were pretty good um in a lot of situations and I thought defensively like he took on a lot of challenges uh we wanted to have him guard and castle at times and as you noticed he pick up full CT and he’s getting into the ball and um just continuing to push the envelope with him on continuing to compete even when shots aren’t going in or even after you uh turn the ball over uh a nextplay mentality and I found that he’s embraced uh a lot of the coaching that we G that we’ve given him um so far during summer league you guys only committed seven turnovers which is pretty sorry you guys only committed seven turnovers which is a fairly low number for a summer league game how much credit do you give to the the ball handler it seemed like Caleb uh Xavier and some of the other guys really doing a good job of kind of keeping everything organized yeah I think we had a very generous score table to be honest um but I I do think that those guys they did a great job of just getting to their spots being strong with the ball uh we’ve talked a ton about owning your space and understanding coming into summer league everyone’s jacked up to play and there’s going to be a lot of ball pressure and so I think they did a great job of getting off of it when they needed to um whenever uh San Antonio did a really good job of Shifting and getting into us they just made the apprach Roi reads like nobody tried to take an extra dribble or do anything outside of what they’re supposed to do and that’s where there was just great togetherness which is why we were also able to get up 44 threes

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  1. Love the energy from him. Our guys went out there and gave it their all. The toughness on the defensive side is a drastic improvement.

  2. Very impressed with what I saw in the first game. Coaching was spot on, shots were open and falling early. Going to be interesting who they keep around from this squad… Gueye, Stephens, Simpson seemed to pop… Not so much with Bryce. Nick played good generally, was even hot out the gate, 4-17 though >< Leaky was a net negative and we won by 30+

  3. For context: Mouhamadou Gueye who balled out tonight was Hornets #39 pick in the 2023 Draft but was traded immediately to the Hawks.

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