@Miami Heat

Best case scenario: Really good player asks out in next 2 months and that team likes Heat’s assets. Not inconceivable… worst case: Heat 8th seed again (several above them have improved) and get Boston again. East still has enough hot garbage rebuilding teams to make play in.

Best case scenario: Really good player asks out in next 2 months and that team likes Heat’s assets. Not inconceivable… worst case: Heat 8th seed again (several above them have improved) and get Boston again. East still has enough hot garbage rebuilding teams to make play in.

by MargielaMan568


  1. jbenson255

    I’ve had my fun but it’s time to let it go lol we will run it back probably be a 6-8th seed be in the play in and lose in the first or second round. Jimmy will then walk next year for free and then they’ll try to move from there

  2. DraymondBeanKick

    Jokes on Barry, the Sixers are going to be the one seed next season.

  3. Ice_Dragon3444

    I say still try to win next season, then depending on how we look at the trade deadline we either ride it out or trade Jimmy so we don’t lose him for nothing a few months later.

  4. background_action92

    If it wasn’t for Struss’s heroic in the 4th against the bulls, that miracle run would have never existed. So much talk about ring culture and whatever from Pat but bro is not serious when it comes to making moves. Can this be the reason why Jimmy doesn’t participate in the regular season?

    He sees no moves being done so he’s like ” alright pat, yall want a ring but don’t want to fill up the roster with talent, then I’ll just skip the regular season and go all out when it counts”

  5. oneofone305

    They refuse to accept that its over lmao

    Determined to run back a play in team with 34 year old Jimmy

  6. Personally dislike Barry but him calling other teams “hot garbage” is so fucking funny to me, but at same time has potential to go so wrong for us lmao

  7. AHappyRaccoon

    Getting so tired of the gloom and doom, it sucks that things have ended this way but we should begin to look toward our future, I wish this front office would try and make a change or just pick a timeline to follow.

  8. The worst case scenario isn’t just being an 8th seed

  9. Ionlyeatmustard

    Team wasn’t even interesting last year. Tough product to watch. Maybe if fans stop going to games Mickey will stop being a cheapo and wake up. They tricked us with “culture” marketing which is honestly a bunch of bull. 

  10. EntertainmentWarm774

    Maybe one of Jovic, Jaquez, Bam, and yes, even Herro will take a huge leap and the team will magically all stay healthy next year for once! Even then will it be enough to win the title? Probably not. Just gotta hope and pray…

  11. bigtrex101

    That isn’t the worst case. Worst case is Bam or Jimmy get injured for a significant portion of the season and team finishes like 10th or 11th in the East.

    Before the season starts, Heat have do two things:

    1. Choose whether the team is actually going to continue to try to win a Championship in the near future with Jimmy or whether the team is going to do a short term rebuild around Bam (in the case of the latter, then they have to trade Jimmy for picks/younger players before season starts)

    2. Trade Herro for something more valuable to the team based on the choice made on Jimmy in #1. I don’t care if we trade Herro for win now players or for a draft pick, prospect and future cap space, but he has to be unloaded for something (even if it isn’t a great return). As is, Herro offers no value to this team winning a Championship – he doesn’t fit with the rest of the core roster and he is getting paid too much to be a bench player. Plus, the idea that Herro is going to somehow take another major leap as a player going into year 6 of his career (after taking no major leaps since his rookie season ended in the bubble 5 years ago) is nonsense – his value is not going to increase anytime in the future so better to trade him now when you can get something of value back.

  12. Dame2Miami

    Doomer Barry: if we don’t get a whale, then 8th seed and 1st round exit or worse.

    Reality: we have no idea how good the current roster can be because they haven’t had a chance to actually all play together. If we don’t have a hospital team for a change, then a playoff run is not a far-fetched notion considering our talent and coaching.

  13. carbine234

    We dont need to spam this fucking sub with barrys tweet

  14. No-Entrepreneur1036

    Is acting like pat doesn’t make in season trades

  15. OhMyItzBam_Herro305

    I’m ngl, yk we’re tucked when Jimmy don’t come out and say we’re winning the finals.

    If we get a hospital run like Boston did tho, and if LeBron curse is finally lifted we can win a championship.

  16. If we stink bad enough to go 8th seed by February/March again we should seriously just do a Mavs and tank the last 10 games to drop out of the play-in and get our lottery pick back from the protected pick with OKC.

  17. No_Performance_5477

    On a positive note. Butler may not have the option to leave next year. No team will have max cap space. He is probably going to have to bite the bullet and give what the heat is offering

  18. Man, you can’t get the chip without spending the money. Spend little = No championship.

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