@Chicago Bulls

How Will The Young Chicago Bulls Do Now That Demar DeRozan Has Been Traded?

How Will The Young Chicago Bulls Do Now That Demar DeRozan Has Been Traded?

y’all know we didn’t lost demard de R Ro and he’s been traded it might be some young happy Chicago Bulls on the team now but since that demard De Rose and Trey are the Chicago Bulls in good hands y’all know me and C duub got a lot to talk about but you know you gotta h a music first sh boys podcast with the conac boys of conac boy Bobby and I am with my dog and I do know we gotta change that intro up y’all we got players on there that ain’t even with the squad no more but tune in man if y’all with us today hit the like button subscribe to the channel and hit that notification Bell as well C dub last night Demar D rozan was traded to the Sacramento Kings the three team trade eventually the Chicago Bulls get two second round pick a bag of money and Chris dwarte okay well first let’s talk about your thoughts on that just real brief um I think the be uh Bulls I’m just talking on the point of the Bulls because I am a bulls fan uh the Bulls came out with something they got something good two round pi two second round picks they got Chris DTE who knows what they’re going to do with this kid uh he is a good player offensively defensively he need a little work uh I think Demar D roza ended up in a nice place he’ll be competing he be in the mix I don’t know if they instantly makes them a championship Contender but they in the mix so I think all sides uh came out pretty good in this in this signing trade I agree and there something that the Bulls they really didn’t necessarily have to get into why yall a I’m taking this damn hat off this ain’t nothing the shirt I rocked the shirt with the hat throwing me off I’m keep saying bear my bad but I think the the the trade was a solid trade the Bulls didn’t have to get into this business they but they wanted to do good by um dear de rozan and the reason that the sen Antonio Spurs got involved is because they wanted to help Demar out as well you know show some love there and get something in return so shout out to them uh shout out to all parties like St C dub said it’s a dub but C dub now that deardo Rosen is gone it’s time to get into the meater potatoes My Guy Look you got AO dosumu you got Kobe white you got Patrick Williams as the guys that’s been here the longest so far and who we believe in who’s going to be no those key cogs trying to push this Chicago Bulls team in a new direction see du are the Chicago boyss now in good hands with these three young players yeah um with this youth movement been in uh progress uh for the off season a lot of people been but putting this term and rightfully so this is a very young team but you got to take in account this is a very experienced young team uh even Josh giddy at 21 years old if you can believe that is a very experienced Young fella um I think that we’ll be okay I think they’ve been groomed by one of the best Professionals in the NBA and Demar de rozan um I think these guys have been through a a lot of a lot of [ __ ] with the Chicago Bulls a lot of battles they actually they went to the playoffs it was I don’t want to call it a successful play but they’ve been there and they had a little experience um they’ve been to a couple inseason tournament games these guys been through a lot of um do a lot of [ __ ] together especially these three guys uh this is a new era for the Chicago Bulls it’s a youth movement and I think these guys are going to be able to handle it they should feel free like Harriet tutman to tell you the truth you can now play your now you can let your game show you won’t have Demar D Roa with all his good things that he bring to the team his one bad thing is he’s Demar D rozan and he needs his space and he needs the ball to be Demar D rozan now we’re going to play a different game and these kids should be excited that they could come out here and have a fresh could you say it’s a fresh start nephew I believe it should be a fresh start and I hope hopefully the boyss continue to make moves that so it can be a a a a complete fresh start so I think it’s a fresh start new energy and stuff like that I looked at the Demar de rozan was kind of like the mentor for the young guys like you know what I’m saying we wanted Zach to be that but in reality it was DeMar and I think that now there that he’s going that you know what I’m saying I think they gonna try to do as best you know what I’m saying not just for themselves but for him you know what I’m saying I look at I believe they look at demard De R rozan in that light remember he went to IO Jersey uh thing a few a few like a year or so ago he showed up for Kobe white showed up to the G league for D and Terry so he looked out for these young guys you know what I’m saying so I think that they gonna try to do what’s best for the organization and themselves but I think they will have those teaching with that uh took place with dear on their minds and you said it perfectly these guys I believe they got some wounds in in this league already you know what I’m saying I believe I believe they got some wounds Josh giddy you know what I’m saying I know the OKC made the playoffs this past season but the year prior they was fighting for a playin spot and they was in a playin game if I’m not mistaken and that that’s the those are battles you know what I’m saying you you fighting you fighting for something the boys know what it’s like to come out of Allstar break and know that we we gotta play a different way leading into the playoffs they know that these young players know that yeah bro and and and I think they will be ready uh take the Reigns of a conglom conglomerate type leadership is it like a conglomerate type leadership meaning all three takes takes that role together share that role or you think somebody can stick out and become that leader of the locker room take the take the Reigns from DeMar d rozan as he leads I think I’mma tell you before you go I think it could be AO dumu if if if you don’t uh if I can cuz AO dumu in his rookie year al already shows signs of leadership uh on the basketball court as a rookie uh um even in some of his like some of the clips that he had uh when when this guy from The U Kardashians what’s Tristan Thompson was up there running his mouth he was looking like dude we you a fake leader we don’t even know you looking at him like he’s goofy we don’t even know your wayy we don’t even know you so I think it’s IO who can eventually step out and be like that leader in your locker room that we okay go ahead cuz I don’t even want to bring this guy into my conversation oh I was going to say yet based off person alties and what we’ve seen these last few years I’m going go with a do sumu as being that guy I think he I think the guy that he going to work closely with is Kobe white because I just think Patrick Willams is just a reserved stoic guy and ain’t nothing wrong with that sometime you know what I’m saying you don’t got to be the ra ra guy you know to show leadership but I think the guy that’s gonna be the most vocal the most vocal is aayo dosumu aayo dosumu as a young player was like dear chill we don’t need that foul right now yeah we seen examples of that I’m not saying Kobe hasn’t done it I just seen it more coming from IO that’s all I’m going say and are you surprised you’re not surprised about that cuz where he from and what he probably made of we pretty bran people Chicago people we like in your face like we G to tell you what’s up at that point in time we don’t care about what you is we care about what’s right and what’s righteous so uh this is going to be a very entertaining uh thing to look at throughout the season the leadership and who does this team follow behind who they follow now I know we got some let’s look through the veterans you look at Vu you think they’re G to follow V I’m G say no if if he stays on this team it depends I I mean it depends you know what I’m saying because I don’t know I don’t really know the last year it wasn’t a good display from Vu on how he was carrying himself as a professional in my opinion you know what I’m saying it wasn’t always the best it was always you know what I’m saying I believe it was more about him team I’m just leave it at that I ain’t GNA try to castigate him too hard but then remember when Goran dragic was here V was one of the voices they got on Zack LaVine ass about his defense yeah so I got good example with the bad example so I just gotta wait and see how the young guys respond to him at least because we we I think if he I believe the chances are strong that he starts the season with the squad and I believe we’re gonna be able to tell within the first few games how they view him as the the vet on the squad um and uh and if that doesn’t happen I think the Chicago Bulls let’s just say for let’s just say for the sake of of speaking on it that none of these guys come out and in it is the the obvious leader of this team per se do we need to sign like a veteran to come to the end of the bench cuz I know they young and they experience maybe we need a a hassl them we need a a old Vince Carter uh Somebody To You know what I’m saying cuz it’s certain situations that the boys ain’t ain’t ain’t ain’t uh been through yet it’s it’s a lot of situations the boys ain’t been through yet but they have been through a lot of [ __ ] maybe they should go through it theselves and go through it and live through it and take the bruisers or you can get a a veteran that’s been I still say if Okay so I think they should I ain’t mad at it but if you got V on your squad Tory Craig Javon Carter those are your vets that you basically have on right now that’s what I’m about to I’m about to go into that if the Bulls go out and get another vet to where he just gonna sit on a bench that lets me know how they feel about those vets that’s on the team right now how you feel about them vets how I personally feel about him I think you need somebody with a little bit of more you know a little more skin in the game per se you know what I’m saying like Tori Craig he’s a bounce around guy he been bouncing around I’m not saying he’s not he’s not capable of being a hell of a leader but him versus a Jeff Green Oh gonna follow Jeff Green first because in those battles he been B he’s battle test and I believe he a champion too I believe we won with Denver right yeah he won with Denver yeah so you looking at that you looking at kcp who just went down there with Orlando yeah he’s gonna be great T guy not a not a locker room Cancer all about the team and professionalism and he going hoop he GNA hoop he going hoop so you know what I’m saying if if if the Bulls can find somebody like that hell yeah I’m all for it because I think right now it’s too many questions with those vets on the squad right now I just think this team is going to love the freedom that they have no disrespect to Demar D rozan but the freedom that’s going to be on the court it’s going to be a up and down game it’s going to be really fun watch you got great ball handlers let’s see if Lonzo stay on the team but you got great ball handlers and Josh giddy Kobe white IOD duumu they gonna be up and down the court got great Wing scores and Patrick Williams and montis buellis you got uh some young uh athletic uh big and jayen Smith you got a nice Anvil nice little post player big a little rough house little I’ll say I don’t want to say Javon um Draymond Green type but he got no I ain’t even gonna do that but you got Adam sonogo who bring another element to The Bigs maybe we need another big and you got Vu maybe he stays he can bring you some offense he’s not he is what he is he ain’t gonna play a lick of Defense so we’ll see we’ll see for sure but I think it’s to me it’s very very interesting to keep it a buck with you I know a lot of people like uh yesterday we had a discussion over there you know when we broke the news with Hayes when we Hayes and steo and we talked about it me personally I think the Bulls like a lot of people are coming out here and saying the Bulls are going to be absolutely horrible I mean the East is absolutely horrible yeah we keep it a buck so the Bulls might still be in the mix of things and I know that everybody’s gonna say hey it’s time to tank for coopa flag I don’t think that’s in the Bulls I don’t think that’s in the Bull’s future or or or what they want we like we know that these guys want to remain competitive and build like even if now like some people say it’s a full rebuild I say it’s not that you know what I’m saying it’s like a rebuild SL retour they did go young now but these are young experienced players bro they’ve been through they’ve been in the league for three four five years so it ain’t like they getting fresh young players like montis buellis I expect this team to be competing as well for at least a playin spot they might compete for a playoff spot who knows GNA be can we go through some of these teams like real quick bro and just like to me I believe your top six already off the rip you got Boston you got the Knicks you got the Cavs the magic again I’m gonna show them their respect the Pacers the Milwaukee Bucks you g a lot of us gonna show them respect based off because when we talk about Giannis and D but let’s keep it a buck that team they got a lot of issues can we can we say that they got a lot of issues they’ll win a lot of games they’ll win a lot of games in regular season though for sure not even mad at that but then you you going to include the Sixers in that you going to include the heat I mean the Bulls are not going to be 100 they will be better than Detroit yeah they will be better than the Wizards yeah maybe on the same level as a Charlotte maybe I think they’re better okay and Toronto not really sold on that one Brooklyn Nets they are literally rebuilding in the Atlanta Hawks better so two three four five six six teams who the boyss goingon to be competing with so yeah play I think they gonna be in a play in man they they gonna be in a play in again and with this young Squad see up do is a play in a win a play a play in has got to be a win for a young team like this uh with three young leaders I think most of the squad going to be under 26 that’ll be a awesome win for the Chicago boys to get to the play and yet they can go in and win too the boys are going to play a different way it’s not going to be the same team I wish are they going to play they going to play up and down they going to play fast they going to play heal to Skelter defense they going to get in the passing Lanes uh you got two uh guards that going to control the ball until they do something with Lonzo two balls with Incredible IQ passing the ball that’s different what if you got them on the on the floor together what if you got say I was going to say and if if you can’t if you get them on together or if one of them is on the floor by himself it’s crazy that’s crazy stag their minute so you can always now hey Lono ball say ready I’m I’m keep it at a buck I me I’m I’m with the anticipation but I’m not gonna get super excited but see dub if you telling me that Josh gidy gonna start in his PL his passing ability on the court and then you telling me Lonzo ball coming off the bench with his passing ability and his and and his shooting ability now and then you at some point you can have both of them on the court at the same time yeah I like that that’s interesting to me when you look at new teams coming up in this league you want to look up look what they look what they bring to the table are they bringing something new when you look at the Oklahoma City Thunder they got a jayen Williams and a and a shay Alexander both unbelievable scores with the basketball that’s something new like like same size like 6667 with unbelievable handle and can score uh every level of the basketball court that’s how the Thunder are so good when you look at the balls it could be you got two great offensive IQ players that can make your team better look what Lonzo ball did with that team when he when he’s with the Bulls in the beginning part of the Season look what Josh giddy did in his in his St tenure with the Thunder he was unbelievable it’s just that Jaylen Williams was better when he got when he came of age that’s fact and I think it was more on the lines of let’s not disrespect Josh Giddy and let’s get him where he can see the floor more that’s and then you got C kalles on the team he’s that’s his name c kallis right the kid over there at the Thunder with the dreads over there he’s good Isaiah Joe’s good they they don’t have room for Josh giddy I don’t think it’s a slight to Josh giddy I just think that they don’t have time and it’s a disrespect to Josh giddy that he got to sit on the bench that’s what I think yeah they see pretty much said that hey towards the end of the season they had those conversations and that’s what that’s the decision they came to you know what I’m saying and he going to see the floor here and I hope he do what’s bet I hope he able to you know what I’m saying Shine for sure I believe he will shine because like I said bro if a guy come in and give me 16 six and six or 15 five and five to me that’s telling me that you doing something right and we need to continue to try to maximize that [ __ ] yeah that kid huge too I didn’t know how big he is that dude that’s one thing I love about this new team now you got IO and Kobe they 6465 then you got Getty 68 you got Patrick Williams 68 you got buellis 610 you got Vu if he’s still gonna be around so your team is not really that sure IO we already said IO you still got Tory Craig that’s still ass size you know what I’m saying you got the shortest person on the team right now is Carter and he don’t need to see the flow that much so we good collect all the tows collect all the tows you talk about you ever mind you let me ask you that do it remind you what the Raptors like a couple years ago it’s like they all 68 long arms oh that not necessarily because they they for me they had skinny ass everybody was skinny with a long Wing spare bro it was crazy yeah yeah this going to be very fun I think this GNA be fun this new it’s a new era nephew we surviv nephew could believe it we started this podcast when this era started with Lonzo ball and we seen it to the end it only lasted what three or four years what is this four three years on to the next era the sh Bulls podcast on to the next ER three years Four Seasons man it’s busting it’s busting bro the new era begins y’all anything left my guy yeah man y’all been showing so much support um we’re about 20 off 6,200 subscribers can y’all help us get there before this day day is over I appreciate you guys thank y’all so much for tuning in make sure you hit the like button and subscribe before you get up out of here we know you was watching hit us do that favor subscribe before you go and if you want to call in and be a part of one of our episodes you gonna call in leave your name ladies and gentlemen yes call in leave your name so we can sh shout you out in the correct way the number is 77342 9219 call in state your name give your take on everything that’s going on with the Chicago Bulls draft summer league is about to happen whatever call in we want you to be a part of that next episode hit that like button and we gonna catch y’all on that next one for sure G a

Chi Bulls Podcast Host Bobby and CDubb discuss How Will The Young Chicago Bulls Do Now That Demar DeRozan Has Been Traded? Demar Derozan Was Traded to The Sacramento Kings leaving The Chicago Bulls With Coby Wite, Ayo Dosunmu & Patrick Williams To Lead the way for the Chicago Bulls

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  1. Zach will score more without DeMar and his statistics will go up and then maybe trade him for more

  2. Demar was a great mentor. Remember when he mentored AYO! I wish Demar the very best! He left it on the court every night!

  3. All praises to the most high you got four guys on his team that’s unstoppable with this special skills. Are you sumo to the bucket unstoppable Kobe White lion King called him unstoppable with three-pointers all skills ability to pay all skills off the chain unselfish play.

  4. All praises to the most high you got four guys on his team that’s unstoppable with this special skills. Are you sumo to the bucket unstoppable Kobe White lion King called him unstoppable with three-pointers all skills ability to pay all skills off the chain unselfish play.

  5. Josh giddy elite 68 point God special skills unstoppable transition gate makes the whole team just that much better Patrick Williams defensively, unstoppable, offensively unstoppable confidence need to step up. This is a magnificent for for the Chicago Bulls. Much love peace Shwan. ❤

  6. The vets in this team are cool..we don't need no more vets. Vuc is 34 and the ultimate professional.

  7. we will do awful. we have 3 players who can play both ends and shoot – pwill, ayo and smith. and i am not even sure about those guys.

    the bulls are an awful team team. they have a bunch of players with short arms, bad lateral quickness and bad shooting. some players like terry are just horrible shooters. some like coby and zack are just short armed with bad lateral quickness. some like vuc and giddy are all 3.

    the bulls may have the worst roster in the league.

    AK is an awful gm with a bad philosophy built around loving euro trash type of players who gets raped in every trade he makes.

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