@Boston Celtics

Jrue Holiday has accepted the tenacious D award

Jrue Holiday has accepted the tenacious D award

by 1337speak


  1. How did they manage to get a carbon copy of my schlong as a trophy (factual information). That’s crazy

  2. RawAttitudePodcast

    This is not the greatest trophy in the world. This is just a tribute.

  3. gamdan423

    Goddamn! Do I love basking in the sunlight!
    I fucking love this team dude.

  4. daft_dunkwwwolfey

    According to Jrues twitter activity he was made for this kinda trophy lmao

    YouTube video was great stuff

  5. I_Use_Excel

    Drastic changes in perspectives are always funny. Jrue is always one of the smallest-looking guys on the court but standing next to Jack and Kyle he’s a giant, lol.

  6. Additional-Square99

    Wow, the longer version already shared there is a must to watch. Jrue such a nice dude and Jack is really impressed by his hospitality.

  7. ahsasahsasahsas

    That house is gorgeous! I love that he let them play around. I want to know who plays all those instruments! The dog has its own room! lol I am so poor

  8. AgeZealousideal2427

    That’s amazing he played into the bit 😂😂

  9. DJMagicHandz

    *”If anyone is a baller, it’s you Jrue”*

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