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Let’s Talk Assistant Coaches – Cleveland Cavaliers, Cavs News

Let’s Talk Assistant Coaches – Cleveland Cavaliers, Cavs News

Cavalier faithful welcome back to the Cleveland pulse YouTube channel if you’re like me you might be startled by the lack of moves in the NBA offseason from our Cleveland Cavaliers as far as free agencies as far as trades but not here to talk about that today I want to hit on some positives that I think have been developing since the hiring of Kenny ainson but before we get into this one make sure you’re hitting that like button make sure you’re subscribed check down below make sure you subscribe to the channel and just comment your thoughts you know how do you feel about some of these assistant coaching hires so far personally I think that ainson has done a great job rounding out this staff and really at the end of the day I always thought that ainson would be the preferred candidate and this was one of the reasons no disrespect to James burgo but it always felt like Atkinson had a better was coming from a better coaching tree over with Steve and the Warriors but also somebody who’s just had more NBA connections more big league connections and I think that’s really showing up here in some of his assistant coaching hires so we just have a couple people so far there’s going to be more people added to the staff we’ll talk about that before we sign off but let’s just talk about one of the first hires who was Jordan a spent the last two seasons on the Lakers coaching staff you’ll see that Trend continue with the next person that gets hired a was actually a finalist for the Hornets job so interesting enough that this was a guy who potentially could have landed another head coaching position we’ll see that also later on in the video and he was on Kenny ainson staff in Brooklyn so a familiar face to ainson which is fair enough I mean you’re going to bring in the guys that you’ve worked with the guys who you think are at the top of their game as far as being assistants and when you have assistant coaches and assistant coaching trees ac across the league it really does play a huge role and if you get hired for another head coaching job like we see in a ainson here himself it gets you know really easy to round out of Staff here with some of the connections that you’ve made H number two deari Carroll obviously a former player in the league 11 Seasons very you know serviceable NBA player a Pros Pro and he’s coached the last two seasons with the Bucks and the Lakers another guy from the Lakers coaching staff I’m going to be honest I tried to find additional information on people giving commentary on deari Carroll as far as an assistant coach I couldn’t really find much it’ll be interesting to see his role I’m hopeful that ainson expands up on what these guys are going to be you know taking over as far as their responsibilities and roles because you have to take this into consideration I tweeted this out yesterday go over on a Paul’s Cleveland shoot us a follow but Kenny ainson is coaching in Paris right now for the Summer Olympics he will not be working with the team in a personal one-on-one in-person capacity for at least the next five weeks that’s a huge chunk of the off season especially in an off season where there has been some transition there has been some change yes you get the commitment from Donovan Mitchell but when you have to implement a whole new offensive game plan a whole new philosophy thought process on how you’re going to go about you know winning basketball games in the NBA five weeks out of the off season to be missed is consequential to me and I really only say that because when I was doing some research I found out that Nick nurse last year when he took the 76ers head coaching job he stepped down from Team Canada so there is some interesting precedent on this what’s happening as far as ainson and the uh the Olympics but he was most likely already committed to this I understand that he wants to do that I’m not saying it’s anything negative toward him I’m just saying it could be a potential negative for this off season of the Cleveland Cavaliers and here’s the big one that just came in recently Johnny Bryant who was actually interviewed by us for the head coaching job so it’s very very rare in sports where you hire somebody and then they’re able to bring in somebody that also interviewed for the job so I think this was a momentous hire I think that it was really you know huge step in the right direction for this off season because Johnny Bryant is coming over from the New York Knicks one of our rivals in the Eastern Conference I think this gives us a huge competitive Advantage taking an assistant coach from you know somebody else who is contending in the Eastern Conference I think that can’t go overlooked he was also in the primary head coaching search like I said some other teams were looking at him we were looking at him maybe the most important and maybe the driving reason as to why he spent six years working with Donovan Mitchell in Utah so that’s huge Donovan’s only had good things to say about him he said that he works the players hard but you know there’s also a lot of trust in the locker room with him he s you know Mitchell in previous years with Utah he said that you know Johnny Bryant always has something to say so he’s a very uh feedback oriented guy seems like and I think that that’s a huge hire for us when you have to you know make a staff from basically nothing as a head coach and you could get somebody who was a part of the assistant coaching staff from the New York Knicks a team that did happen to beat you two years ago in the playoffs you know I think that that’s probably you can’t ask for much more than that especially a guy that definitely could be a head coach and I think will be a head coach after this job I think Johnny Bryant will when he leaves the Cleveland Cavaliers it will be because he’s taking a head coaching job and it seems like that’s something he’ll have earned in the NBA as far as more individuals on the staff I think you have to continue to look at the former player rout um I don’t have anything in particular anything concrete but maybe some of the former you know players that Atkinson had underneath him in his time in Brooklyn I think that you know maybe let keep an eye out for a guy like Jared Dudley as far as an assistant uh coach for this Atkinson staff and I’m sure there’s going to be more hires coming down the pipeline and we’ll keep you updated everything on everything that’s here you know on the Cleveland Pauls um as far as how this assist coaching staff continues to round out but with that all being said appreciate you guys watching the video hanging around just hearing some of my thoughts on these assistant coaching hires I know it’s not flashy I know it’s not the big free agency move or the big trade that you know we want that I want as well but there are still some good things happening behind the scenes here as far as the Cleveland Cavaliers and this off season





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