@Sacramento Kings

DeMar DeRozan Traded To Kings

DeMar DeRozan Traded To Kings

okay the Kings just completed the sign and trade for D rozan the Spurs are the third team here and they are getting a 231 pick swap from the Kings which is kind of wild as well as Harrison Barnes who you know had some good times in Sacramento but his production fell off this previous season we’ll talk about that in a second and then the Bulls are getting Chris dwarte and two second round picks given that this is a sign and trade the Bulls were not going to be negotiating as if it was a normal trade sign and trades are typically more so can we get anything and then D rozan is going to the Kings on a 3year $74 million deal which is about what he wanted he wanted 20 to 25 million per season and so that salary for this upcoming season has him at the same number as like Terry Rosier Deonte Murray Draymond Aaron Gordon cam Johnson he’s soon to be 35 but he’s aged well and he’s played over 70 games for each of the last three years I don’t want to focus on the Bulls for too long because obviously D rozan and the Kings and his fit is the most interesting thing here but let’s just state it again the Bulls are finally going in the direction their fan base wants them to go in it’s all happening like a year too late but it’s happening now as I say that Zack LaVine as of right now he is still on the books we’ll have to see there and so we will see if giddy can develop the scoring to match his passing skills Kobe white is going to give more opportunity we’ll see how much buellis gets to shoot the ball off rip some of this is going to be again if lavine’s there we’ll see if Patrick Williams ever averages 15 points a game okay that’s the bull stuff they got a couple seconds so okay you got that as well all right d rozen to the Kings so the big thing with the Kings this previous season was I mean there were some positives we saw Keegan Marie really develop as a defensive player Keon Ellis in the second half of the Season emerged as a defensive role player that was really important for them Fox and sabonis continued to be really good however Kevin herder who is still on the team as of right now and Harrison barnes’s production both dropped off herder the shooting was worse Harrison barnes’s Rim pressure free throw attempts all that went down and that on top of the Kings just having weird random games where they just kind of laid there’s no other way to put it it led to their offense being 13th this previous season where was two years ago they had the best offense in the league right D rozan should be able to step in and we know he’s immediately going to give them way more production Harrison Barnes gave them and as far as halfcourt difficult shot making goes with the growth that dearn fox has had for the last two years on free throw line jumpers it’s like the number one thing I talk about with him and then just derozen and his shot making from mid-range his isos on the wing all of that that definitely improved the sacrament here and then zotas being a great passer being a hub for him on the handoff actions that we’ll talk about in a second as well as just his scoring around the rim his putbacks they got talent you know Malik Monk’s going to make shots too now as far as how is D rozan going to blend into the offense that the Kings have which is of course is the sabonis dhos and you know Fox pick and rolls and how D rozan plays off of that and also they still the need for some weak side Rim protection to help out sabonis with you know backline defense and everything okay so obviously D rozan is not the big forward who provides help defense like we get that that being said they did not move a whole bunch of picks so they still have the ability to get that guy granted a lot of teams would love to have that type of guy it’s you know one thing to say that type of guy it’s another thing to find the guy second thing is defensively so the Kings drafted Devin Carter every single draft person will tell you one of the best perimeter defenders in this draft at the guard spot again they’ve got Keon Ellis and him just being that defensive lower usage perimeter guy who could still make an open shot did end up being big for them you know the lineup numbers much better when he was in the game and then of course with Keegan Murray’s growth as a defensive player this previous season where he was taking on more difficult assignments and he was doing a good job there I think the kings are betting on they still have enough good Defenders and they can finagle the lineups however they want to to where they’re not going to see a massive drop off defensively it should also be said sabonis and Trey ly who is still under contract for the season with the Kings they had a net rating of positive nine in the 560 minutes they played together last year if you want to care about that so there’s the defense for you I think the kings are betting on we got enough guys here to where we we’ll remain okay on defense then offensively because of the talent upgrade here we’re going to get a lot better that’s the bet they’re making let’s talk about the fit on offense I would imagine pretty early on D rozan can run screen actions with sabonis and I would like to believe that that could go pretty well now as far as how is D rozan going to play off of fox in sabonis is two-man game I mean here’s the thing obviously D rozan does not shoot a lot of Threes but if you leave him wide open he will attack off the catch and obviously he can flow into the pullup too too he can drive you can draw fouls around the rim you can do all that stuff it’s not like you can completely ignore him out there even if yes the fact that he doesn’t shoot threes or doesn’t shoot a whole lot at least that does still matter when he’s off the ball but he can make other things happen if you leave him open now as far as the Kings and all their dhos and sabonis operating from the the wing or the top of the key or whatever so when I think about the ways that like Malik Monk and I haven’t talked about him obviously there’s more Firepower for you with him still here and Keegan Murray and fox and I mean her are still here too like the way those guys will like Sprint into sabonis dhos or the way that they’ll like have a series of give and goes with sabonis within a couple of seconds and all that that could be more of an adjustment period for d rozan right like that sort of Sixth Sense playing off of sabonis in that sort of way because sabonis is always looking to run dho actions right but as far as running like more simple dho actions day one and then eventually they can build on it and he can get to where everybody else is with sabonis and all that maybe I think that can happen yeah and then as far as like how the Kings balance all of that that they want to run with still allowing D rozan to just sometimes just kind of ISO on the wing and you know dribble the ball out for a little bit and then whether it’s flowing into his twos or whether it’s you know pump fing a couple times trying to draw fouls like I mean you got Demar D rozan you have to know that some of that’s going to happen it’s just a matter of blending it to where you know D rozan isn’t too uncomfortable and you’re not too uncomfortable with catering to him at the same time you know and as far as how D rozan and fox can play off of each other I mean I don’t know that one we’re going to have to see the process of because I do think it’s easier to imagine D rozan and sabonis interacting with each other than D rozan and fox directly like unless one of them’s just going to startch screening like crazy for the other one but of course it’s easier for defenses to switch that and it’s not really in those guys DNA to do that as it would be with like sabonis so we will see that’s my take on D rozan and fox playing off each other but still between D rozan dear and fox Malik monk three guys who have a real just perimeter shot making and can just go off for something like like you know what’s going to happen this season like you’re have some fourth quarters where fox makes like two or three tough jumpers and then D rozan makes two or three tough jumpers and then D rozan draws a foul and then you know one of them finds sabonis on the roll and then he gets a finish and the Sacramento crowd’s going crazy right and uh I mean you can’t forget about Keegan in this whole thing as well where like Keegan’s shooting is legit I know his percentage was worse this previous season and I know he’s got to prove that you know he’s got a little more juice off the dribble and he can consistently flow into pullup twos and potentially like tough threes and all that I still think his catch and shoot and his reloc off ball is legit I believe his three-point percentage will get closer back to what it was his rookie year and I think he’s going to play off of these three really well it’s just a matter of him continuing to uh find his spots to be aggressive so yeah it’s an interesting move I mean the way that this works like I said is that the Kings have enough Defenders on their roster to where they don’t really see much of a drop off defensively and then offensively it’s D rozen’s talented and therefore better shot making his chemistry with sabonis starts off at least pretty okay then it builds on on something being really good and he can fit into what the Kings want to do with the dhos and all that and you know you can have this thing where it’s like depending on the type of Defense you’re playing on these screens it’s either like DeRozan’s making a shot Fox is making a shot sabonis is finishing at The Rim or he’s going at somebody smaller around the basket if it’s a switch that whole thing the way it doesn’t work is if defensively they slip and then offensively it’s like o this is more Awkward than we were hoping it would be so we’ll see I don’t know shout out to Devon Carter again

its a 3 team trade with the bulls and spurs
#derozankings #nba #sacramentokings


  1. Overpay. Thanks for giving us Barnes for basically free. Nice vet who will start at SF with VW-Sochan-Vassell-CP3.

  2. Losing Buddy Hield and getting Derozen is definitely an upgrade. Better chance making the playoffs than if he stayed on the bulls

  3. I feel like derozan is gonna be used how the spurs used him as a hub and it’s more added ball movement in their dho style offense

  4. It's rare to see a team actually pull off an "addition by subtraction" move but the Bulls actually did that with this trade. DeRozan has a unique talent to drag promising teams into mediocrity and hold them there for years. Terrible move by the Kings.

  5. The only reason I like this for the Kings is that they lost quite a few games by 1-4 points this year.

    If they perform the same as this year, simply having a certified closer like Derozan should help them win a few more games and he should, in theory, help them in the playoffs too when matchups matter more. I know Defrozen etc, but he's not the number 1 on this team so I actually like this move tbh.

    Barnes to Spurs should help them too, a trustworthy wing scorer who doesn't have an ego so he'll actually pass to Wemby. Spurs should see an improvement of Barnes and CP3 alone.

    Bulls at least got something tbh. 😂.

  6. 2 seconds, that's all? For a guy that avg 24/5/4 or something last year? Leading the league in mpg? Damn

  7. As a Bulls fan I don’t think this was too late. We haven’t had anything good in Chicago for a while so I’m glad I got to see Demar for the full three years. We were trash for so long. Being able to hope your team is gonna win a game is a nice feeling.

  8. The narrative that Demar doesn’t shoot threes is overblown tbh. He is actually a legit corner threat. He just never had the roster that had him sitting in the corner. But after Coby White took off, DeMar played a ton of possessions in the corner and he caught and shot that thing are a respectable clip. When he’s off the ball I think the kings can stick him in the corner.

  9. Sacramento has a lot of offensive firepower between Sabonis, Fox, Monk and now DeRozan. I do worry about how they fit together and their defence.

  10. I'm tryna figure out whose the primary defender in the lineup now.Hate it or love it Harrison is a good defender and even more important he was playing stretch 4 so defensively he was capable of guarding both forward spots but now that's gone.Sacramento never had offense issues the problems was always on defense

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