@Washington Wizards

The Wizards decline Landry Shamet s $11 Million Option. Could Tyus walk for nothing?

The Wizards decline Landry Shamet s $11 Million Option. Could Tyus walk for nothing?

the watching the Wizards declined lry sham is $ million option and could TI Jones walk for free plus we’re going to look at summer league roster and schedules next on locked on [Music] Wizards you are locked on Wizards your daily Washington Wizards podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team ever every day what’s up everybody it’s your boy Brandon Scott again and I hope you guys had a blessed and safe and enjoyable weekend and I appreciate you guys making lockon wizard is your first listen every single day we are free and available wherever get your podcast and on YouTube part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every single day and tonight’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as the playoffs wind down the Sports Stop sporting like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus de that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long so just visit to get started all right everybody the Washington Wizards declined L sham is 11 million option Ty Jones could he walk for nothing and how would these moves or in in the case of Ty Jones potential moves impact the death chart going forward and we’re look at the summer league roster and schedule obviously is right around the corner man so we’re definitely gonna look at those two things but let’s get started with the first topic for tonight the Wasington Wizards decline land Shamus $1 million options so looking at the news uh the story is from Adrian wowski from ESPN um he is outside of Shams another really good um inside source in the NBA man and he says quotquot the Washington Wizards are declining the1 million optional guard land shamon contract sources tell ESPN a career 38.4% 3point shooter shamet would now join the free agent market so before we kind of looking in the overall question and I surprise no you know when they drafted BB Carrington and Kean George you knew that look they have the free up minutes in that second unit so looking at you know them declining land Shaman’s contract not only does that affect L Shaman obviously because now he’s a free agent and now lot you know it loosens up a lot more minutes for kesan George and Bob Caron well you know keesan George very well could start with a go go we don’t know yet um definitely is consent on you know how he performs in summer league um but I think that they definitely have to loosen up minutes you know I think that them departing with L champ was not should be a surprise for anybody it was a necessary move because you know look they grabbed three guys in this draft and it now has to you know small you know here and there but small ways become more and more a youth movement you know so he’s got to be more and more of a youth movement you know look at you know Denny you know at the age we’re gonna get past his trade but you know W Dawkin is trying to put his stamp on his front office you know he’s trying to you you know make it his you know if you look at Denny you know you know he moved on from a guy who was a Tommy Shepard move um is that a reason to move a guy nah but every general manager every sport does that they come in they put their mark on the front office they prioritize their own guys you know that you know Bel kbal B Kali was the only guy that was Untouchable so I wasn’t surprised by that move and I’m not surprised by L sham you know a veteran guy who definitely gonna get some interest in the free agent Market but you know just they need minutes for Kean George and Bob Caron on the second unit so um not surprised by this move and I think it’s definitely a necessary move because you free up a little bit of money um not that money was an issue but you definitely free up a little bit of money because it was two years not guaranteed but you’re off the hook with that contract and you definitely can now loosen up minutes for again bub Carrington and Kean Jers in the second unit and you know amongst other guys maybe Johnny Davis is a guy that could get more minutes but with the drafting of BU Kingson and kesan George I’ll be honest with you I’d be very very surprised if he’s retained I you know I think the Johnny Davis could be very be on his way out now you know could the front office say man you know one more chance one more year try to get this guy right maybe but again looking at Denny looking at your possible Cory kisper move you know um ruy being gone even though that wasn’t on Will Dawkins or that wasn’t his move but you know the the loyalty to the Tommy Shepard draft picks you see that the Rob is getting less and less and less you know you know Denny they got maximum value for Denny you know Cory kiss’s name has been involved in trade rumors you know Johnny Davis the the jewry’s out but I think that 34s of the fan base probably think that Johnny’s on his way out and you know with his sample size you could probably say look but on the flip side of the coin have they done everything they could to get him right it’s another question especially on other uh you know flip you know flip side in the coin have they done everything to give him the opportunity to succeed and then if you flip the coin again you know has he maximized playing opportunity so you know like I said you know the sample size you know isn’t long enough I think so and the fact that he has struggled mly at the NBA level you know I think he very well could be on his way out so tyus Jones could he walk for nothing and you know with Ty Jones with a potential signing trade or him walking for nothing and L Shaman’s 11 million option how do these moves impact the death chart but before we get into the death chart you know tyus Jones could they very well get a sign and trade for him yes there is there is some interest in it for agent Market but from you know sources say he has not gotten the attention that he’s wanted now could a reunion be possible in DC I’m not g I’m not going to completely close the door on a SI Jones reunion but I think all arrows Point towards Jordan P being a storting point guard I think that needs to be the move I think that Jordan P needs to be the guy running point at least for the next three years you know maybe you get his value up I mean tyus Jones just wouldn’t fit you know you bring him back in the fold it would probably be the start so you’re looking at Jordan P being the six-man because we’ve seen what a back court with tus Jones in Jordan pool is which is they undersiz and and the defense is just not very good right um but when you throw in bub Carrington when you throw in Jared Butler you know we don’t talk enough about Jared Butler and obviously you know looking towards the future you’re looking a little more towards buob Carrington but Jared Butler this is his last year of his contract being guaranteed so where does he fall at the rotation point guard you know so I I just don’t think he would fit you know I think that with them being number one in Pace in the second half of last season you want a team you want to see a team that pushes the pace and really attacks teams in transition and look at the Players especially in the starting five you know because the potential starting five it’s looking like Jordan P at the one B kabali at two um three Kyle kma which is a really good setup for him the four alexar and the five jonis valunas which you know valunas is still somewhat light on his feet at his age you know but this is a team that’s going to really pick up the pace they’re gonna get faster in transition and they’re really gonna attack teams in transition and really really speed up um possessions man so um and that’s what I want to see with this team I think Jordan p is the answer at point guard long term like I said I’m not going to close the door completely on tus Jones because it is known that he likes the organization he likes the city he his family’s comfortable here um Kyle kman is another player where he likes DC he loves um you know he’s got his roots in the community as far as um charity as far as setting up small businesses so um you know you know we got guys who want to be here and Ty Jones is one of those guys so would the Wizards right now completely shut the door on a reunion I’m not gonna say no right now um but that changes things right because we know that Jordan P needs a ball in his hands to be successful with his age he’s a guy that look he fits the timeline if you want him to be a permanent piece and if you want him to bring his value up to be a trade asset then he’s got to have the ball in his hands he needs to be the starting point guard in my opinion I think this ship has sailed in tus Jones but here’s the thing why would you know there’s a chance yes that we could do a sign and trade but I mean it’s becoming more and more you know likely that he could walk for free that and it really paints another picture as far as what your opinion is on the KP trade you know sending Chris H presas to the Boston Celtics where he got his ring you know congrats for him um but tyus Jones was the guy you know the Hallmark of that move for us and if he walks for nothing man then that will probably be the only blemish on Will Dawkins record um as far as because up to this point he’s done Immaculate in my opinion drafting he’s done well you know trading he done well um as far as FR signings you know we’ll see we’ll see you know how much is left in the tank for jonis valunas um Kyle kma he is performed very well in DC being the number one option I think that’s a good free agent signing because it’s a team feeling deal so we’ll see but I think that the chances are getting Higher and Higher by as the weeks go on man that you know you very well could see T Jones leave for nothing so kind of doing an updated death chart where where’s the death chart right now uh for the Washington Wizards um and obviously there’s a lot of moves that still need to be made but looking at the death chart right now and obviously I’m looking at ESPN is not complete so I’m GNA kind of U doing on the Fly here real quick um because they only have power forward and center and obviously you know look at the center position Y is going to start with ram moles being the number two Marvin Bley third very well could be the third Center and ALS but if you look at uh Patrick bwin Jr where does he slide in as far as the second unit um you know you can see him at the three could see him at the four so right now varies right now I think that training Camp’s going to give us a clear picture where Marvin Begley the third and Patrick BN Jr was slot because you very well can see Marvin Backle third backing up Alex sard in the second unit in Patrick bman Jr back up M KY kman very very similar um skill set and um size to you know not as good as KY kisma but definitely guy that you want to learn from Kyle kma but looking at the two guard obviously B kabali is the guy uh starting and Cory kissper that’s what I’m saying Cory kisser could be small forward on the second unit could be the shooting guard and it really depends on where they slot kesan George because Kean George could you know play small forward which sends Cory kisper to the two and then it gets interesting right because you know who gets part of these minutes between Jared and Bub Carron so and obviously you know when it comes to Kean George and Bub Caron a lot has to do with the performances in summer league and then you know we’re going to get into uh summer league in a little bit but you know I think that their performance summer league are really going to give us an indicator where they might slot in the death charge but you know like I say updated is relatively early in the game obviously a lot of moves have to be made um a lot of dominoes but you know right now we’re getting closer and closer to a final product you know obviously you know Anthony GS a free agent do we bring him back I think he definitely as far as as a leadership standpoint you bring him back but I think we’re starting to see the permanent roster obviously there’s still moves you know as far as the go go twoa contract stuff like that but uh we’re starting to get a clearer picture what this year coming up what the starting five and what our second unit is going to look like so we’re going to get into Summer League schedules and rosters and then I’m going to give you guys a intinerary for the rest of the week what we’re going to talk about and go from there because a lot going on this week coming up so um but before we get into summer league uh schedule and roster tonight’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel so I love sports I love them so much I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we got we get fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like I want them to but FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood and this summer fandu is hooking up 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are playing against Atlanta Hawks at 9:30 eastern time at and all all the games are at the Thomas and Ma Center in Las Vegas uh the second game and it’s actually five games um there’s an option for a fifth game if they go into the Playoff round but there’s four to start out so the first one is Friday July 12th there Friday at 9:30 on ESPN against the Atlanta Hawks uh the second game is Sunday July 14th against the Houston Rockets at 6:00 p p.m. eastern time on ESPN 2 and obviously we’re going to do live uh Recaps of both games like we do during the regular season because I know a lot of us are very very excitement to see what these young guys do um number game number three will be Tuesday July 16th against the Portland Trailblazers 8:30 PM Eastern Time on NBA TV and the fourth game obviously there’s five that could potentially happen but before right now Thursday July 18th against the Sacramento Kings 7 o’clock pm. Easter time on ESPN so definitely definitely tune in for these games because I’m going to do um live Recaps for all of them man you know and definitely chop L you like we always do j a regular season man but we’re gonna pick up some excitement for this year man because um a lot of excitement going this year man and like I said I want this uh season with you guys to be special because it could potentially be my last locked on man so like I said I definitely want to have a good year with you guys and let’s get this thing started so let’s take a look at the summer league Rost real quick um I’m not going to get too much in their backgrounds but I’m going to um tell you the names of the players man um number one on the list is Kyle Alexander Ford uh guard Jules Bernard Ford Xavier cooks that yeah that Xavier Cooks the guy from Australia that we actually did wave but he is back on the summer league roster so he’s another compelling player who we’ll see man um guard B kabali big and why is this big before I get into the other players in this list because not only is he getting summer league experience he’s getting experience with the Olympics he’s going to get a lot of work this summer man and this is good for a player like bow man because you want to see him break out a lot sooner you want to see that work and with the Olympics man you’re G to see him playing against starting caliber players and other teams especially teams like Team USA team Canada you know the list goes on there there’s teams man that International play is gonna be fun to watch man like I said I was a Critic in the past but I am not anymore I like feba I love the Olympics I love watching you know you know it shows you the diversity I love it man the reach of the NBA where it goes into Europe goes into the Middle East goes into Africa it goes into Asia it goes into the Americas whether it’s north or south you know it goes to all the areas of the country man so you know that’s what I love about the NBA and that’s why I’m very excited about the Olympics and why you should be excited about blow because you know you very well can see a a very different player this year a guy who’s gonna come into this season very ready to break out and really you’re G to see the development from year one to year two man so if you’re excited about alexar and and B kabali as far as being that onew punch longterm for the Wizards to build around man I’m saying I’m very very excited uh some other guys on the list guys um Johnny Davis you know look this is very important summer league for him he’s got to show something because this very well could be him auditioning for a roster spot Kean George is knocking on the door um obviously you know looking at bub Carrington knocking on the door man so definitely definitely definitely you know want to see some from Johnny Davis man and like I said this is this uh see oh my bad y’all um this is totally the wrong one give me a second I’mma pull up the right one ah man give me a second everybody um because I went and did the summer league schedule for the Wizards and it gave me last year so give me a second and I’ll get you guys the right one because I don’t know if they have a permanent one yet um let’s see here we go all right everybody let’s start this off again my bad shacked in the full moment so um right now they don’t have the rosters sorry U right now I’m not seeing they The rosters for right now for the Wizards is still but I gu kind of reiterate that you know on my shaed in the full moment guys um you know again you know Johnny Davis we’ll see you on summer league you know obviously he’s got to show something relatively quick um summer league like I said it’s not finalized I thought that it was but it was last year so that’s on me guys but um again I gave you guys the times and a date for this year’s summer league schedule so definitely tune in for that but you know again before we roll um kind of talk about the importance of Kean George and bu Carrington and alexar in summer league man um because like I said outside of sha F moment um very very important for them you know that’s really the question right now before we go into the second ad break is you know how important is it for the development for these guys as far as securing Rost response and I think that you know very very important to show what they can do early on man because like I said willan Shaman out of the game you know kesan George we’ll see if he starts off with goo I think Bob Carson because he is the earlier pick he was a pick that they tra for as as far as the Denny Avia trade you know Bub King and obviously you know looking at The Bu kingon trade as far as you know um trading Denny to Portland he’s the one guy you want to see pay D from because you know for you to justify moving on from a young player who could have been part of the future in DC and while you know he was not he was very tradable and you know if you look now was he part of the future in the eyes of the front office no so you know but Bob Caron is definitely a guy especially local product man that you want to see definitely definitely you know perform well and League man because um he very well could be the point guard of the Futures you know looking at Jordan P he’s got three more years left so could he be part of the future I think more and more as time goes by you’re looking more as you know Bob Carrington could be that guy long term you know and it could be Jordan P you know like I said there’s a lot of Dominos need to fall because this is an important season for a lot of players guys I mean this is a very important season for a lot of guys not only from the standpoint of rookies you know you know obviously Kanan George obviously bu K obviously alexar second overall pick you definitely want to see him because he very well could be that onw punch that you know that tandem that the Wizards build around and I and and you know I would you know if I’m going build around somebody is going to be around Bel Kali and alexar because I think that that one two punch is definitely you know something to build around so but there’s a lot of people this season that you know they have to show something you know Johnny Davis will see um we definitely have will have to see on that front um we’ll see if they retain him we’ll see if he’s on a some League schedule like um or roster because I I like I said my bad man definitely a shed at full moment but you know you guys are cool man so you guys understand but um they have not finalized the the summer league rosters yet I thought they did um and I pulled it up but it was the right wrong one but you know we’ll see on Johnny Davis but you know lot to look forward to this season going up guys and like I said um this summer league is gonna be very very exciting because like I said we’re going to do live of Recaps and we’re going to look you know definitely chop it up after each one man because there’s a lot of excitement because going into year two rebuild you know getting back to my you know what I was just talking about um a lot of people have to show something Jordan was one of those guys you know he has to put his stamp on the point guard position you know he’s got to show that he could be that guy and I think he can I think that look he’s going to come in this is going to be definitely an episode this week coming up give you a sneak peek this week we’re gonna talk about Jordan P you know does he come into the season with a chip on the shoulder and I think so he’s gonna come into the season with a ship on shoulder and you’re gonna see a guy who’s ready to put the league on notice but you know Kyle kman he’s a guy where you know um we’ll see it’s 5050 whether he gets moved my my in my opinion because I feel like the best time was previous trade deadline last uh this previous season but you know if you look at other factors um they you know they talk to him about you know a potential move to Dallas you know the fact that he’s setting Roots as far as being a small business owner open up uh restaurants in DC and uh the comic wealth of Virginia the fact that he likes it here and you know here’s the thing you know like I said these next three years are rebuild years so Kus is one of those guys where you can see him being moved especially if you if they’re able to net two first round picks but he’s a he’s a guy that you very wel you see here for the next three years yis valunas again you know yeah he’s got a very team fly contract but you know what do you I think this first year of his contract is GNA kind of prove or you know it’s G to let everybody know where he really is you know because obviously now he’s going to start to decline now how fast is he decline that you were definitely going to see that this season coming up you know or he could maintain stats from the previous two seasons but age 32 you’re going to start to see a guy decline a little bit um so there’s a lot of people who have to prove themselves this season not just young guys man but you know and like I said there’s a lot of dominoes need to fall Cory kissper we’re going to talk about you know future trade pieces like cor kisper but um I’m gonna give you guys an itary itinerary for the rest of the week but before we do tonight’s episode is brought to you by better help so as you guys know you know I’m a big advocate for talking to somebody I’m big advocate for better he um like I said this past couple weeks have been very very very hard for me because um obviously people think that you know there’s a small percentage of people but think that I might be leaving because of trolls and it’s it’s not a reason why I’m leaving I has a lot more to do with being a future homeowner and a small business owner myself and like I said a year is a long time and it’s not final but big reason is a friend of mine for an army you passed away through suicide and is that that’s definitely an issue that a lot of people as far as being army veterans Marine veterans any kind of War veteran deal with and that’s why I said you know I’m a big advocate for talking to somebody right because it hit me hard and that’s why i’ been kind of you know you know kind of yeah not myself these last couple weeks man because he was a good friend of mine that I went to war with so getting back to better help this is why I advocate talking to somebody everybody because look if you’re thinking about starting therapy give better help a try it’s entirely online designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule just fill out a brief questionnaire to get match with a licensed therapist and switch therapists anytime for no additional charge so look stop comparing and start focusing yourself with Better Health visit better NBA today to get 10% off your first month that’s better help lockb for my military folk that’s Hotel Eola locked on Wizards so yeah I kind of told you guys a little bit about you know um last couple weeks man like I said um you know don’t think that the decision leave is the easy one is not um like I said a year is a long time we still got a year together um things change man but you know I look forward to the next next era man you know being a business owner and being a homeowner man and like I said it’s been real lot of love from 99% of you guys man you know I enjoy doing this and you know like I said um all things come to an end but that was a big reason man um I haven’t been myself everybody’s because a good friend of mine man shout out to Kevin Van donzel guy I went to Iraq with guy that actually um introduced me to my wife so this was a loss that touched not only myself but my wife so that’s just kind of giving you guys kind of you know an eye into my life a little bit man so um Let’s do an Nate for the rest of the week um tomorrow night we will have locked on trail Blazers host the talk to us about Malcolm brogon what what what can we expect from Malcolm brogon which is another guy at the death chart we didn’t mention that’s on me um malcol brogon again you know that’s why likelihood of his highas Jones move is looking more and more unlikely because you have that veteran guard and Malcolm Brock looks like who looked like he could be the six man and again you know looking at the the guard rotation obviously we’re gonna see with Bob Caron and Kean George even though Kean George is more of a forward um but Malcolm Brockton Jordan p Jared Butler I mean you know it’s getting crowded a little bit so on our um Tuesday night we’re going to have man state of the Wizards host both both co-host man whiz TI and DC hoopla on the show to chat up about Will Dawkins and how they you know what what where did they grade Will Dawkins as far as his trades his free agent moves and his draft choices and we’re gonna get into the free agent Mar Market a little bit more and rounding out the roster for the Wizards this week so we got a lot coming up this week guys um but again appreciate you guys man had a shack of the food moment tonight but I know that 99% of you guys man already understand man brother man working man so definitely that’s on me but as soon as as soon as as the final roster does come out I will be your first Source man to go ahead and chat about it and tell you what the plus and the minuses in the pros and cons of the summer league schedule because I’m definitely looking forward to it it’s starting this week so definitely looking forward to it so again appreciate you guys man hope everybody had a good weekend man it was hot out here in the DMV man but definitely definitely I hope everybody had a blessed and productive weekend and I will see you guys tomorrow night man we will bring on locked on Blazers host to talk about Malcolm brogy so again appreciate you guys I will see you guys tomorrow night hell to the Wizards and peace

Brandon looks at how declining Landry Shamet’s $11 Million Option and potentially letting Tyus Jones walk for free could impact the Wizards depth chart.

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  1. Also worth noting the Wizards are all up against that first apron and for a team that is going to stink I am sure they want to avoid paying any luxury tax.

  2. I enjoyed watching the hard-nosed play of Shamet. His stats are not bad…. Do you have any idea where he may be headed??

  3. Who could’ve possibly guessed the whole “we’ll showcase these vets and flip them at the deadline” experiment wasn’t gonna work out. Just a wasted year of development when Davis could’ve had all of Shamet’s minutes last season.

  4. Sorry for the loss Brandon! I appreciate the heartfelt moment. I usually skip through the ads, but glad I happened to listen to that one. We all human…even the trolls

  5. Josh Robbins has an article in the Athletic posted yesterday. He said sources tell him that Tyus will likely not be back with the team and Malcolm Brogdan will still be on the team at the beginning of the season.
    He said the belief that they would trade Brogdan right away was premature and that Wizard executives see a benefit with having him on the roster.
    Makes sense since he has more experience than Tyus and can certainly mentor both Bub and Poole.

    Josh said the Wizards now have 4 PG with Poole, Carrington, Butler and Brogdan.

  6. You can’t win all the time and Dawkins and Winger are due for some “L”s. If Tyus walks for nothing it’s an L but it isn’t horrible. In fact, if we could somehow keep Tyus as a back up, that would be cool.

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