@Indiana Pacers

What the Indiana Pacers can still do in free agency + important notes about signings and spending

What the Indiana Pacers can still do in free agency + important notes about signings and spending

the Johnny Fury trade is done Obi toen signed Fury signed Pascal sakam signed James wisman signed and now the Pacers can do something that I didn’t think they could do we have a lot to talk about about the Pacers new financial situation looking forward at their team building and looking at how their free agency next year is going to be fascinating it’s all coming today on the lock on Pacers podcast you are locked on Pacers your daily Indiana Pacers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what up y’all happy Monday hope you had a great weekend and welcome into another edition of the lockdown Pacers podcast where we of course talk about the Indiana Pacers as always my name is Tony East I cover the team for Forbes and Si and today we have a week of free agency in the rearview even more than that in reality the Pacers have officially signed every player that they have reportedly agreed to terms with prior to free agency and the nature of those contracts is fascinating because of what it means the Pacers can still do and so we will talk about all that today the moratoriums done transactions have happened where does that leave the Pacers what can they still do although theoretically there’s a lot more than in practice risk and I’ll explain why in a second uh and then we’ll talk more about the Mor torium here what the Pacers can do contractually with some other players like T.J McConnell uh we’ll look ahead at some other stuff coming this off season next year’s free agency so much more to get to at a high level and we can do full shows detailing this stuff because some of it is extremely important to the next year or year and a half of the Pacers so the sixth Saturday the moratorium ended at 1201 which opened up a whirlwind of stuff the Pacers could officially do including complete the Johnny Fury trade um for those unaware they traded cash and the 36th pick for the 35th pick and they couldn’t do that until July 6th because the Spurs could not take in any more cash in a trade during the last League year so it had to be this league year and the first day because possible was the six they traded for and signed fur Fe on the sixth we’ll talk about his contract in a second uh they signed Obby toppin officially Pascal yakum officially although we haven’t gotten a pressure release about that just yet they signed wisman officially so we have a lot of details that have kind of changed the scope of Pacers free agency ever so slightly let’s start with wisan uh we the the hunch was there that this was a minimum and this was confirmed to be a minimum by the time on that he was signed prior to the end of the moratorium some details on wisan for those who didn’t see it is this year is only 500,000 guaranteed of his minimum salary team option on the second season and even that is lightly guaranteed like 500 something th000 so uh people have called this a lowrisk high reward signing and I think that’s inaccurate I think it’s a no risk High reward sighting uh I mean $500,000 is like a fifth of the season a fourth of the Season like if if they they could tell by December 10th or whatever it is oh this guy stinks they could cut him in and have very little penalty and they could try to All Season to see if they can make him any better like there is like legitimately no downside to this is the Pacers a very small hit this season that they’ll have to take if he’s not any good but if you’ve been listening to me Babel during all of fre agency you’ve heard me say I wonder how much of this is guaranteed because of the Pacers financial situation with regards to the tax that’s a good signing by the Pacers and I think a good decision by wisan to go somewhere that has turned uh players looking for a new opportunity uh into better players who are making more money elsewhere Jaylen Smith was probably a nice blueprint for someone like James Wis thing two you heard me wonder on this podcast contractually is where’s Johnny Fury going to come in uh four years 8.59 million the officialish detail there with a fourthe team options this is going to be similar um to Andrew nard for example with the team option and restricted free agency stuff going on on the end but nard uh signed a four-year deal for about eight and a half million dollars when he was signed two years ago and that team option means that if Fury’s awesome the Pacers can make him restricted for agent after three years and it’s super cheap all three years 1.85 million in the first year just a little over that actually that was my guess if you’ve been listening to this about where this would come in so I got pretty close looking at last year’s 35th pick um but that that is in and official and makes my estimations very easy and then the third official thing that came in that there was some wondering about that you’ve heard me talk about brief L that I wondered is Obi toppin contract and this one’s the most interesting and has probably the most actual bearing on some of the other stuff we’re going to talk about today Obi toppins came in and it’s four for 60 as as suggested but it’s really a little different than that it is 58 million of base salary with two million of bonuses and incentives is a better word to use for what I’m saying uh they’re considered unlikely incentive so they don’t actually carry a cap charge this season not that that super matters and of course if he gets paid that it counts against the tax but uh I’ve had those bonuses described to me as as unlikely in fact every Pacers bonus on their team I would consider exceedingly unlikely for any of them to hit this year and we’ll talk about incentives and bonuses later in this podcast because they’re a big deal I don’t actually know what topin incentives are but I will say the fact that he has that means his base salary in the first year of his contract is actually lower than what has been talked about in the public sphere given his fiveyear $60 million contract and the first year base salaries below 13 million it’s just barely over the mid-level exception which was where a lot of people estimated his contract could start so good job by a lot of people who keep up with the Pacers in their cap stuff to know what all these numbers could end up at everybody got pretty close but in a little bit of practice if you just slowly stack up all these deals right with wisan it’s a minimum it can’t be lower than the minimum number we know but 500k guaranteed gives them some flexibility Fury at 1.85 is is pretty good for a low first year number toppin base salary comes in a little lower than everybody thought all of a sudden this adds up to the Pacers being 2.48 million away from the luxury tax with 14 players let me tell you why that matters the Veteran’s minimum salary if you sign a player to a one-year minimum contract their cash payout is lower on a minimum deal because the league reimburse is part of it right they don’t want teams to be incentivized to sign lesser experienced players because their minimum salary is smaller so any player with two or more years of experience has the same uh minimum salary as a two-year service player because of that if they sign a one-year minimum contract and that is a just over2 million $ 2.87 million cap to be specific and if you noticed I said the PES are 2487 million over the tax or excuse me under the tax right now so the Pacers can fit in right now A 15th player because of some of the creativity they had with these contracts they’re able to do that and not have to wave anybody Kendall Brown can stick and they could do that they could sign um but to be clear a one year minimum not a two-year like with Wiseman because then the cap hit goes up and there’s no League reimbursement a one-year minimum salary player does fit in the Pacers plans and they would still be under the tax now their bonuses are scary right if any of you know Miles Turner has some incentives in his contract TJ McConnell’s are almost exactly the difference between what the tax um and the Pacer spending would be and then Obi toppen has some as well as we just talked about so it would be possible for them to go over which is where having flexibility with Kendall Brown and James wisman would matter is if they could open up some of that distance to feel better but I’ve talked a lot about flexibility and what the Pacers can do and can they fill their team maybe they’ll carry 14 I think given the way they structured some of this stuff they are it looks like they’re set up to have a 15th guy uh it looks like they’re prepared to do that and I I don’t know that they’re going to but I would say their salary sheet very much dictates that they could have a one-year minimum contract on the team still um and I would guess that they would be not guaranteed because then they’d open up the most flexibility possible to make decisions with their team but I had the Assumption last week that yeah we’ll need to see wisan specifics and top and specifics and fury specifics once we do we’ll go from there but maybe the Pacers have to cut Kendall Brown to finalize the back end of this roster now I don’t think that I think it’s possible them to just sign one more veteran to a minimum deal and have their 15 guys heading into the season but we’ll see what they actually do right things get tight summer league can change stuff you know with guys on the actual roster playing in summer leag always trades can happen but as of now a week in free agency with all these stuff officially signed that’s where the Pacers stand they’re in position to do something else still who that veteran could be who would take who who would take their money I mean I obviously I think James Johnson would be the leader in the clubhouse he’s obviously fit in very well with this team for a while but it it could be anyway dou mcder still floating out there teamless right I’m not saying they should sign him to play him but he’s a vet he’s been around for a long time Thad Young’s still out there team lless right there’s a bunch um so that’s the reality for the Pacers pretty shrewd stuff um to be able to fit in someone else incentives were key in cayb Barton’s contract situation in Philly as well if you can use incentives to your advantage it’s good they obviously count against the first apron which doesn’t really matter to the Pacers if the tax is a hard line for them but is still relevant to their potential future team building aspiration so that’s where they are uh I don’t know that they’re going to sign a 15th player but it’s certainly set up for them to do so if they want to and I’d be curious how that will shake out so that is where we are for the Pacers one weekend free agency we will not be talking any more financial stuff everybody who doesn’t like that stuff it’s over uh unless they make another signing everything else we talk about will be actual basketball or team building discussions going forward and speaking of let’s pivot extensions let’s talk extensions if anything’s changed in that reality who can be extended now some other players who have agreed to terms with the Pacers that you have haven’t heard much about uh before we get to any of that though we need to talk about about FanDuel I love sports love sports so much I don’t want him to stop watch something every day but as the playoffs end in the n NBA and the NHL there’s fewer games in sports the sports aren’t sportsing like many want FanDuel though they let you keep the sports going whenever you want all summer long all you got to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime that you’re in the mov and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or bonus every single day daily that’s right there’s something for everybody every single day all summer long and all you got to do is head over to and start making the most out of your summer with a daily booster bonus every single day and that’s on FanDuel an official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball we are back here on lockon Pacers thanks for making us your first listen today and every single day your second listen there’s a lot of interest interesting choices locked on suns because KD is injured with Team USA right now uh although minorly it sounds like um locked on any of the teams that are involved in the six team trade the biggest number of teams in a trade in NBA history involving Klay Thompson ending up with the Mavs and the Nuggets were in that trade for some reason locked on nuggets to hear about their sad offseason in Denver Dario sarage I guess is pretty good uh let’s keep going on the Pacers so the moratorium ended something else happened when the moratorium ended that was July 6th TJ McConnell officially became eligible for a contract extension uh he was eligible last summer for a brief period too they have talked about it a little differently now with Chad B kenon saying you know TJ being a Pacer for life and all this stuff and he’s a good player he is a good player who fits their style fits behind Halbert and with Halbert and everything same argument for OB to Obi toppen right a good player who fits this team style and can play with or without halberton is worth keeping especially in a market like Indiana where they’ll have positive value on their next deal T.J McConnell is extension eligible same as Andrew nard the max it could go is four years about 80 million I don’t know if we got I didn’t get estimated average salary numbers for anybody but about there um give or take a few million dollars either direction that is now permitted to be signed now people Rea responded to be sharing that information on Twitter and said what about Andrew neard I mean look Andrew neh hard’s under contract with the Pacers so they could talk to him about contract stuff but he is not not eligible to sign anything air quotes on that until July 22nd because that’s when he officially got signed originally after getting drafted in 2022 so has anything changed here right we did we talked about extensions a lot um a while ago when we ran through all the Pacers offseason stuff right looking at Kobe white Gabe Vincent Trey Jones contracts like where does that land McConnell what’s he actually worth at his age well the tricky thing for the Pacers is actually their future money more than anything because they have a lot of guys who are good and worth the salary that they will be paid this season and Beyond Seasons the problem is if you have too many guys you’re still going to run into a financial crunch with the tax and they’re getting pretty close and that doesn’t even include Turner or n hard money for next year or a bunch of other stuff and I want to do I don’t want to get two in the weeds but I’m going to do an entire episode on 2025 26 free agency because of how fascinating I think the Pacers are going to have to be in the next next year to figure out how that team’s going to look and so I don’t want to get too in the weeds right now but I what I will say is it’s not as easy to me of a decision with McConnell as it felt like when free agency opened I still think there’s a good number to be found and if again good contracts are good contracts if it’s tradeable that’s great you’re not worried about it and you want to keep all your good players for as long as you can so I still think it makes sense to do it same with Andre mhart they if Andre mhart could sign any extension given their restrictions on what they can offer him I think they should be doing back flips but with McConnell it’s just it’s it’s hard they have to make sure it’s the right number to be bidding because their their next summer is going to be extremely tight after topping at 14 million-ish base salary seak come in at 45 and a half million base salary o probably over two million for Johnny Fury right they’re gonna have their own draft pick as of right now in fact they can’t trade it because the steppan rule so it there’s just a lot of factors that say yes T.J McConnell is extension but it’s not as easy as it felt before for agency now that all the numbers are officially in uh I’ll be curious if they actually get something done there because you know they can do it any time during this coming season right and so unless McConnell prices himself out of four for 80 they’ll always be able to do it they’ll always have the most upto-date information there’s no rush if you’re the Pacers but at the same time getting it done is nice uh in fact he gets trade restricted for six months so the only rush if you’re the Pacers is getting it done before you couldn’t trade him this season in theory if that’s something that would matter to them but I I don’t know that it it’s as easy to do a TJ McConnell extension as it was before this started Andrew neart I said you know that when that report came out the first one about this being a possibility for the Pacers to summarize that if I’m Andrew neart I don’t know if I take this given where the mid- level is going uh if the Pacers can Max offer him about four for8 on an extension if he takes that the Pacers should be elated absolutely elated about what that uh spells for their team and their other extension eligible player this offseason it’s Isaiah Jackson on a rookie scale deal now especially given that they’re going to need to open up money to keep some guys next year that seems exceedingly unlikely I don’t again without knowing anything I can’t say for sure but I would put the chances of that extremely extremely low uh Jaylen Smith was extension eligible he’s obviously not with uh the Pacers anymore so not not an exercise we’re doing so that that’s it for their extensions that th that is what is facing them heading into the rest of the summer is I think the odds of McConnell extension still exists but have dropped since we last talked about them nard ones I would not put very high although again they should be thrilled if they could get it and Jackson’s Isaiah Jackson are probably pretty pretty close to zero not because he’s not worth another contract right he’s a fine backup center it’s just very hard to imagine what that kind of strangle would look like um for the Pacers so uh that’s their current reality that’s the stuff they can do two other things that they have done uh that kind of have skated around uh they have two exhibit 10 guys in the door that they’ve agreed to um I don’t know how to say his first name Tomy Naga from Nebraska I think it’s Ki might be Kai I don’t know uh he has agreed to an exhibit tend deal with Pacers he will not be playing summer league he’s with Team Japan he’ll probably I don’t know this because they’re not down to 12 yet they’re at 16 but assuming he’s not one of the last four Cuts he’ll be playing in the Olympics Japan is uh one of the Asia teams in the Olympic field so he will not be playing summer league with the Pacers but exhibit 10 for him he just wrapped up his college career ended at Nebraska and then the other exhibit 10 the Pacers have at least that we’ve heard about there’s probably more um out there at some point and I’ll explain this in a second without going too crazy is Josiah Jordan James who uh just went to Tennessee he played in high school with Aaron n Smith he knows Chris Middleton pretty well um those are the only two guys so for those who don’t know or want a better explainer about exhibit 10s they are people call them training camp contracts I don’t know if that’s perfect in reality and the Pacers are the exact team why that’s not a good perfect reality so what an exhibit 10 contract is is if a player signs it it’s a one-year non-g guaranteed minimum NBA contract which is already you know the offer what it is the real Pro of it has to do with the g-league if you wave a player who has exhibit 10 language in their contract and then they go to your g-league affiliate and stay there for at least 60 days they get a bonus uh the max that bonus can be this season is a little over 77 a half thousand so that’s a big deal on g- League salaries to get that bonus so that is primarily what exhibit T are for they can be converted to two ways and a lot of times players on exhibit 10s do come into training camp right and then they get waved at the end of of it and then they go to the G league but that’s not the prime like that’s not the that’s not the only way they are used in fact the Pacers last year had a bunch of times they would sign guys to exhibit 10 then wave them the next day so with exhibit 10 players they actually have to go through a practice day of training camp for it to count as them signing with an NBA team and an NBA team getting their rights in some cases which I’ll explain in a second so that’s why that has to happen that way but especially with these two guys Tomy Naga and James right they’re coming out of college and they didn’t get drafted so no one has their rights no NBA team has their rights and no g-league team has their rights so if you give them an exhibit 10 the g-league team now has those rights so I what I what I’m saying is yes these guys have agreed to exhibit 10 contracts they’ll be thrown around Loosely as training camp contracts and it’s very possible one or both of them actually are in training camp for the Pacers right um davidas cidus was in Camp a few years ago but he got cut but like last year they had no exhibit 10 guys in Camp right so it’s possible do none again but it it’s possible these guys do actually participate but it’s also possible they get the glorified one day signing and then immediately cut to have their g-league rights James is playing summer league for the Pacers so they can see him in that setting but I just want to clear up what specifically why I think the term training camp deal is wrong it doesn’t guarantee you’re playing in training camp like you’ll get signed during training camp but it is more effectively a g-league contract ver I think there’s like like out of all 30 teams there probably one guy per season who signs an exhibit 10 deal and is so impressive or so good or something happens where they actually are needed at the NBA level it’s very infrequent but it is it does happen right so those two guys have been signed haven’t even brought them up on here got to look up how to pronounce the names better I apologize for that but that is everything for Pacers 2024 free agency so far and now we will not talk about this year’s free agency at all until something happens if the Pacers fill their 15th rer spot if they cut somebody if they make a trade guess what we’ll be all over it but in the absence of that there’s not much else to cover from a free agency perspective what there is to talk about his basketball perspective James wisman how’s he fit what’s he do what does he not do other new players the guys they drafted now that we can actually talk to them um summer league practices started there’s so much more to get to though and now I don’t want to talk about this year’s FR I want to talk about next year’s and I just want to lay the table for a podcast that’s coming up here about next year’s luxury tax before we get to any of that though and trust me you will learn a lot and be very intrigued by the future of the Pacers this show is sponsored by betterhelp comparison is the thief of Joy it’s easy to Envy other people’s lives it might look like they have it all together especially on their Instagram or social media but in reality they probably don’t therapy can help you focus on what you want instead of what others have so you can start living your best life and therapy can be helpful for many things even beyond that it can be helpful for learning positive coping skills or learning how to set boundaries it empowers you be the you to be the best version of yourself it is not just for people who have experienced major trauma so if you’ve been thinking about starting therapy give better help a try it’s entirely online designed to be 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of all for some admin stuff here uh tyres hurns in Camp with Team USA there’s a chance we’re gonna be talking about the Olympics next week uh with someone who covers the Olympics and his play with them they play Canada and inw neh hard on Wednesday that’ll be pretty cool uh so expect some USA content pretty soon and two Pascal siakam’s introductory press conference for being signed is Monday There’s a chance you’re listening to this and it already happened so Tuesday’s episode will be all about that what was said what wasn’t said what does it mean Etc and speaking of signings and going forward and in the future that was a bad segue let’s talk about the 2025 offseason for the Pacers very briefly very briefly so as it stands right now next year is maybe the most interesting free agency the Pacers have had since I have covered the team or free agencies people talked a lot about the 2022 off season being really interesting to them that one was not that that interesting to me funnily enough but this one really is right so next year the the expectation from at least everybody I’ve talked to is the salary cap and thus also the tax will grow 10% the tax will go up a little more but whatever um from this year because of the new media rights deal coming in and the TBA built in that it can’t go up more than 10% and that’s great the cap projection 1546 million awesome uh the tax close to $188 million that’s great so the Pacers next summer will have Tyrese halberton Pascal seak under contract Obi toen and Aaron nouth under contract assuming they pick up team options they’ll have Benedict Ma and jarus Walker under contract they’ll have Ben Shepard under contract and Johnny Fury that might be it Kendall Brown has a team option I would not expect that to get picked up but maybe it’s an awesome season James wisman has a team option who knows where that goes I would not expect that to get picked up unless he has an awesome season and inard has a team option but I expect that to get declined if it gets to that point because then he go into restricted free agency so if you delete all those team options that would give the Pacers one two three four five six seven eight players eight players that’s it with contracts for next season and they would already be kind of close to thinking about the tax which is just remarkable right so if you just do a quick sum of those player salaries which I did this earlier today and I don’t know why I got rid of the sheet in Excel but now I can walk you through the process while I do it uh just those eight players sum up to a total team salary pree keeping other players of 136 million so they have about $51 million below the luxury tax to sign seven players and among those seven players they would have to fit in uh all miles Turner’s money any money given to TJ McConnell which could happen this summer Isaiah Jackson’s not among those eight players uh and of course Andrew neh hard’s not and so if you put in nard at at even if you put him in a extension at 17ish right remember there’s a $51 million gap if you give him 17 and you give Miles Turner 28 that’s 45 million of that 51 so you’d have six million from the tax to sign five players and none of those players are T.J McConnell or Isaiah Jackson and then you’d still have three more roster spots to fill and then the next year Benedict Maan time to get paid buddy and presumably Andrew MH hard’s deal would be bigger that year too and Ben Shepard’s contract goes a little higher and so does jerus Walker and all of a sudden it’s like this team’s getting close to the end and then after that you gotta play pay Aon n Smith and jerus Walker and Ben Shephard so I bring this up briefly to say I think the Pacers did that if I was running the pce right and you guys have heard me say this stuff this year I would have done most of the stuff they did in fact pretty much all of it you know I said I would keep Obie I think they should be keeping playit I said I would Max Pascal yakum I think the fury trade acquisition makes sense I might ass signed a veteran Center instead of a Young Center but it doesn’t matter price-wise I would have landed on the same price of Center as the Pacers which is relevant to the current discussion and so not talking about this fre agency but talking about next year’s man oh man is it going to be really hard for them to keep everyone they might want to keep at a salary that makes sense and if they do keep everybody right think about this just just think about these three players do you think you can fit in Miles Turner T.J McConnell and Andrew neard into a $51 million bucket probably not it’s gonna be really tricky to do that in practice and if they can somehow do that where all three of those players average salary is 17 million they still have to figure out how to fill the rest of their team so do they have to slash salary elsewhere who would be the guy that you just trade away to fit in the rest of your team you don’t have any bad salaries on your team the Pacers have a lot of very good reasonable contracts so many that they might have to make a hard decision in the next calendar year on one guy uh maybe two they might have to let somebody go that’s painful let go they might have to trade somebody that’s painful to trade so just keep that in mind right just keep that in mind the next calendar year because it’s so it’s so easy to think they just pay the tax I agree right again F fans should want their team to pay the tax and I have said that there is the repeater element to it where you should want your team to pay it at the right time if they’re willing to do it next year certainly for the Pacers seems like it would be a time where you think about doing it but also next year the Phoenix Suns and Boston Celtics team payrolls are going to be so insane that tax distributions will be nuts and again fans shouldn’t care about that but it’s certainly relevant to how a front office would presumably think so I wonder and I will again do a much more detailed deep dive on this if the Pacers are going to have to make a very hard pounding ouch trade in the next year or so because of their salary situation to make sure that they can keep as much of their talented Court together which is why amid a season of success that they’re trying to build off of and they’re trying to win even more next year their young players and how they play or own the season will be extremely important to keep up with and monitor and that is the end of the free agency topics I have for you today so going forward this week you will likely uh get episodes about oh I missed one cap thing we’ll get to a second uh this week you’ll likely get episodes on a full detail deep di of that 2025 26 tax summer league finally we’ve been talking to the players jerus Walker Johnny Fury all the second round guys we got to talk to so I have stories up on those guys we’ll do a summer league preview uh I will have a something on Pascal sakam and his his day his introduction uh which is Monday and then whatever else we can fit in if they make a move we’ll obviously Dive Right into that as quickly as possible so lots of fun stuff coming here on the lockdown Pacers podcast but we pivot away from free agency now until something happens hope you guys enjoyed Today’s Show and had a nice if you had a long holiday weekend a nice holiday weekend back tomorrow talking more Pacers I’m on Twitter at Tony AR and the show is on there at lockon Pacers and is on YouTube as well commenting there or Twitter is the best way to reach me the only other thing I wanted to bring up the show that I skipped on accident to finish up my notes is the other thing they have this offseason uh is rookie scale team options uh spoiler they’re going to pick up all of them uh Ben Shepard jarus Walker Ben Maan easy to keep those contracts even Beyond this season we’ll do more on that in the future thank you guys for listening have a wonderful day we’ll see you very soon

The Indiana Pacers signed James Wiseman, Obi Toppin, and Pascal Siakam over the weekend. What can the team still do in free agency? What do they still need to think about from a team building perspective? Host Tony East breaks it all down.

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  1. I watched some GG Jackson highlights a couple hours ago.. It completely baffles me as to why we didn't draft him.. I thought for sure we'd drafted him.

  2. I really hope Wiseman comes out and plays well. I know he hasn't in the past.. but I believe if any team could develop him properly.. Be a team he would be happy to play with.. I could see us getting the best out of him. I would think his confidence would go up a lot. At the same time, he will be playing with a chip on his shoulder to prove himself. With that combination of things, I could see him being more vocal on the court. Setting solid screens and calling out switches. While his points inside, rebounds and blocks should increase a lot as well.. I'm hoping. As much as I wasn't initially a fan of the signing. I do give them credit on this. For trying to think outside the box and see if we can devlop a special player. Especially someone that once had such a tremendous amount of potential..

    Not too happy with a lot of the choices the Pacers have made tho. So we definitely need Wiseman to become a huge piece. Along with Mathurin and our other Rookies. Even the one's who might not have a role.. Because we will need that value in a trade later.. You can almost guarantee one of them will be moved before the deadline, or during the off-season. I think there's a good possibility I'm about to become an OKC fan, Knicks and Wolves fan also. I like the moves Boston and Heat have made too.. Grizzlies here lately with their draft. Even if I'd probably selected Devin Carter myself with their pick this year.. But they pick up another solid Center and they'd have a solid big rotation. That with their scrappy play, JJJ, getting Ja back, Bane and the Jaylen Wells draft choice.. I dig it.

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