@Charlotte Hornets

The Charlotte Hornets Have Resigned Miles Bridges To A Long Term Deal!

The Charlotte Hornets Have Resigned Miles Bridges To A Long Term Deal!

what’s going on everyone trust the buzz here if you’re new to the channel I’m make Charlotte Hornets content so if that interestes you make sure you go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below if you cannot tell by the thumbnail title of this video in today’s video we’re going to be talking about miles Bridges coming back on a 3year 75 million deal no player options no team options fully guaranteed and my thoughts on that deal and kind of ramifications of what that’s going to mean for this team going forward so on the past couple of videos I’ve said a lot about how the choosing uh ton Salon from you know from the 2024 NBA draft I felt as though that was a sign miles was gone it wasn’t because he’s a replacement for miles it was because he is a project and it’s going to take time for him to really develop and I just didn’t think that they would sign someone you know to bring him back as as miles on Miles BG’s caliber and say okay now let’s go ahead and you know have this guy who’s a very developmental player with someone who is kind of like on a press for time it’s not like miles Bridges is in his prime he’s only 26 years old so there’s still a lot of basketball left but it’s just more like for this team to go to the next step I just didn’t see how that would correlate but they resigned him however this deal to me is a good I is a good way to approach it because it’s a three-year deal it allows miles to get you know to the open market again um I think I’m hoping it motivates him because he didn’t see the money I believe he wanted I’m sure he probably won it like 5 years maybe even four years for a lot more money and I don’t think anybody in around the league was willing to give it to him I do have concerns that maybe the Hornets are maybe betting against themselves but who knows until we know more information but overall I think it’s a solid deal it allows miles like I said to lock in try to get the money he wants but it also allows the Hornets to be flexible I think that’s something that Jeff Peterson has been preaching is that they wanted to maintain flexibility and personally I just didn’t see how you were able to bring him back on a number while still remaining flexible but this is it this is exactly how you do it 3 years $75 million uh roughly $25 million a year we don’t know if it’s ascending descending if it’s a flat rate we don’t know as of now at least at the time of me recording this video um but I think that’s a good way because it allows the team to grow it allows to you to Pivot if the team’s not going the direction you want them to go it allows you to pair miles with other assets if you want to if you see yourself maybe making a jump quicker than you thought you would and maybe miles doesn’t fit really the profile what you’re going for it allows you to package him and other assets and move off him and bring in somebody it allows you to just to do so many other things um because it’s just a straightup deal there’s not too many you know intricacies about this deal at least from everything I’ve seen so I think as a far as flexibility wise even though it may not look that way just because it is $25 million per year we don’t know exactly how good this team will be as I’ve said plenty of times he he was able to do it he was able to do it Jeff Peterson was able to do it so shout out to him shout out to his team uh making a deal with Rich Paul it seems like it’s a tough task without getting finessed somehow or having to give up something but it seemed like Jeff Peterson stuck to his guns and and got you know the deal that he wanted that he foresee for the charlot Hornets to allow us to be competitive um and now we kind of go to that side like the basketball side of it and for the basketball side I would just want to say that I see the value miles Bridges can bring as you all know before the incident he was my favorite player on the Charlotte Hornets I saw the versatility I saw him you know kind of be another play make off short rolles I saw him be able to run the offense I saw him be able to drop 30 which he obviously still maintains that he just does it in a different way I saw him you know be a high flyer I saw him be able to be a second I saw him do a lot of things last year the season was kind of all out of whack and yes it was his best statistical season I’m telling you if you watch that Miles and even watch the miles at the end of the what 2021 2022 season I believe yeah if you watch miles or maybe it was the 2020 2021 season I don’t know one of those two seasons even that season where he didn’t start off as a starter and towards the end he was like averaging 20 points per game I can’t remember what season that was but either way even if you look back to that season the way he kind of just played a role and I think he really shine he jumped off the screen in those moments I think this year it was just granted everything around him was falling apart lamelo was out Mark Williams was out new new front office New Co well not new coach but well I guess new coach to him because he hasn’t worked with cliffford yet um until this year this past season it was just a lot going on and he was at most time you know the roster got traded basically and a lot of times he was kind of the just the focal point so of course teams gearing up to defend you is another you know thing you don’t have to worry about hopefully when a with a full team healthy there are going to be concerned about you of course because miles is a terrific offensive player but it’s not going to be in the same way it was this past season um but I believe that if he can go back and just fill the gaps where this team needs I think that’s where he’s going to really be able to prove himself valuable to the team and valuable to the NBA the NBA if he really wants this big contract which every player does if he is able to just to say hey let me go let me take a step back not worry about my own stats for a second and just fill the roles where this team needs me the most NBA is going to love that and they’re going to think he’s a he’s a player that’s conducive to winning because what he did last year was not conducive to winning to me and it’s not necessarily his fault we didn’t have a team around him but I think if he can if everybody’s healthy he can just fill in the gaps he will still get his numbers it just won’t be in the same way however I think that’s what’s best that’s what’s most beneficial for the team I think you’re what’s going to help this team the most to be successful and get any kind of success whether that’s playing playoff however you want to put it it’s going to be Lamela ball and and I and I you know I normally don’t like to do this tier thing it is not it doesn’t actually have to fall this way night in and night out it’s just this is what we need from these individual players is more so what I’m saying so we need lamelo ball to be lamelo ball we need him to be the star for me I need Brandon Miller to be that second guy he’s not guarding the best guy on the other team but he is guarding like maybe the second best guy maybe the third best guy because now we have Josh green and but he’s also allowed to kind of move off ball uh just you know fill in the gaps offensively hit the open shot when you know Thrive off double penetration you know do some things on offense himself CU we know he can put the ball on the floor and get to the rim just kind of be that secondary guy till the Mello ball and then it has to be miles Bridges and then what miles Bridges is going to be there forward is to be the glue guy he’s going to be the guy to maybe guard the first best player on the opposing team second best player on the opposing team then he’s going to be the guy that’s also connector where yes he’s able to run the offense and at times he’s going to be able to there’s going to be lineups where he’s going to be the focal point but with the full starting lineup out there going as I play which is lamelo Jos green Brandon Miller miles Bridges Mark Williams he’s just going to have to be the guy to kind of just find the holes find take what the defense gives you and I’m telling you with with guys like Josh Green who can shoot from three Lamela ball Brandon Miller you’re going to have your points you you may even average the same amount of points I don’t necessarily project that I kind of project him more going 18 19 somewhere around there it’s not even lot he’s not even a big loss as far as points but his rebounds will stay the same which is significant eight eight rebounds a game his playmaker may go up to three and a half four I think his efficiency will look a lot better because he’s he’s he’s playing into the flow instead of trying to Chuck up shots which he was doing last year I think and then he’s going to be able to take advantage of mismatches he’s he’s he’s a mismatch either way the thing is he has to build up the possible mismatch he could be on the defensive end so offensively he’s I think he’s too strong for your standard small forwards um but I think he’s and he’s too quick for your standard power forwards if and then on defense I think the problem is he just may not be big enough to guard your standard power forward depending on how they play um and then also he may not be necessarily quick enough granted he was coming off a year not playing he might be necessarily quick enough to guard your standard Wing in today’s NBA so he’s going to have to kind of build that up on defense I think he can do it I I have all the faith in it he has all the phys tools I know he missed the year he has what it takes to be this the glue team the glue guy for this team he really does he can shoot he can Playmate he can cut he can move off ball he can play defense he can be attentive he can run the break he there’s so many things he can do it’s just we’ve seen bits and pieces because of just everything that’s suround him whether that’s his off the court stuff whether it’s the stuff of just about the team and how we were kind of designed for a while there’s just been a lot of things that you really haven’t been able to seen it together but you’ve seen flashes in different areas if next year what I really need from Miles Bridges to make all of this worth it is I need you to be able to be put all those small things we saw together and just do it throughout a whole season just do it throughout a whole season easier set than done it’s not going to be easy team you know the team around you is going to have a big part in that how well they’re performing but if you can do that if you can lamelo and Brandon Miller AR doing well boom you can drop 30 if lamelo and Brandon Miller are hitting their shots but they you know we’re in a game you know high scoring game we need someone to lock up you know the second best player on the opposing team maybe first at times do that and then maybe not score as like there’s so many things you can do I’ve seen you do it I’ve seen you do it in spurts I’ve seen you do it for long periods of time I just haven’t seen you do it all as a collective for a while if he can do that I think that’s going to propel this team to be where they want if he’s going to go out like he did last year and try to be the FOC point which at times he had to be so it’s not like all his fault but try to be the focal point settle for jumpers settle for three-point shots without trying to move the ball now his game to me is based off movement how much you move is going to be how well you impact this team you running up and down to Florida that’s going to be huge for us you playing defense and kind of turning your defense and offense that’s going to be huge for us that is where you’re going to shine but just simply chucking up midrange shots and three-pointers in the half court that’s not the game I See For Miles Bridges he just has to be that guy to kind of put this team together he’s going to be the guy to marry the you know lamelo ball Brandon Miller to the Josh green um and Mark Williams you know what I mean he’s literally going to be the centerpiece of that of kind of marrying those Styles together and being able to adapt and that that’s that’s all I need for him if he can do that deals well worth it and I really do believe we could be a successful team and successful us may look different for success as for other teams but I think we could be a playin team playoff team um a lot of other things are going to have to go right I think we do need a to a knowledge the bench a little bit which I’ll have another video talking about that um but I think I think there’s a path I will officially say it right here I’m not going to sit here and say this is a playoff team until they show me and so when my predictions come out I’m probably going to be low on them cuz I need to see it but you know me I don’t care about being right or wrong if I say they’re not going to make the playoffs and they do I’m not going to I’m not going to be mad about it I’m going to be thrilled that I was wrong uh but I just need to see them put it together I still have my other reserves Mark Williams missed the season basically lamel ball missed the season they’re coming in to get they’re coming in how how is just everything going to look it takes time to build that kind of chemistry on the court um new coaching staff new front off it just takes a second so I don’t foresee we have the talent but it’s just the little nuances is what to me prevents us from being a playoff team however the East has dropped significantly the bottom of the East has dropped significantly so there is a pathway for for us to do it like I said we have all the talent so if we’re firing off on all cers on those other aspects I do believe that we could be a playoff team um I just it’s just not easy those things are not easy doesn’t matter if you’re the Warriors doesn’t matter if you’re the Lakers doesn’t matter if you’re the heat when they had LeBron you saw it took a second that team was destined to be a championship team they made it to the finals and lost so there’s just things that it takes a second when you’re when you’re changing so much like we have the talent I just want to see us put it all together but miles Bridges has a I’m he’s going to the player I’m watching the most this season I’m I’m already going to say it he’s going to be the player I’m watching the most this season because our success truly hangs on him to me it completely hangs on him what kind of player do you want to be do you want to be the guy that gets his gets his stats up or do you want to guy be the guy that truly impacts winning that can do it all because he can literally do it all It’s just sometimes he favors just kind of trying to get his bucket I need to see him do it all I’ve seen him do it before and it worked out for him very well and I think he’s still a 20 uh and I’m talking about the 2020 that was the 2021 2022 season right yeah so I saw him do it he was successful at it I need to see more I need to see more if he fills in those gaps I think we’re going to be a successful team if you pair along with everything else changing around this going the right way I hope he can do it and you know there’s of course more videos going to be coming out about miles Bridges and just the team as the offseason goes but that that’s kind of that’s my initial thoughts anyway let me know what you think down in the comment section below I know some people are going to love it some people are going to hate it especially for the off Court reasons which we haven’t even talked about I was one of the biggest Advocates saying look if his if the mother of his children uh forgives him there’s really not much I can say it’s um I mean I hate to say like this but it’s none of my business if if she can forgive him she can move on um and she said that she said that the team helped her I mean there’s really my opinion is worth nothing in that situation at that point so I but I get both ways I’m not going to act like you know he didn’t do what he did it just I guess it’s a thing that we’re going to have to move on she forgave him the team felt okay with bringing him back apparently they did to do diligence so there’s going to be other factors in it but basketball-wise he’s going to be the glue for this team so I like to see what happens there but once again as I mentioned that make sure you leave your comments down in the comment section below and I’ll love to hear your thoughts and I’ll see you guys next time peace

The Charlotte Hornets Have Resigned Miles Bridges To A Long Term Deal! What now? Miles Bridges and the Hornets have come to terms for a deal that will keep Miles in Charlotte for the forseeable future. What is next for the team? How does this impact LaMelo Ball and Brandon Miller? Are the Hornets a playoff team?

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  1. You should make a video about summer league after this the game tonight, ngl this Mo Gueye guy came out of nowhere, I wanna see if he if he goes off tonight again

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