@Miami Heat

Dan Bisaccio Postgame Interview | Miami HEAT vs. Sacramento Kings | July 7, 2024

Dan Bisaccio Postgame Interview | Miami HEAT vs. Sacramento Kings | July 7, 2024

I know it’s all about defense and teamwork and collaboration and all that but what’s it like to see a player like khle go into his bag I I think I even saw a Durk moment there for a while just what’s it like to see a guy sort of feel free enough that he can be himself in A Moment Like This yeah I mean uh the first thing I’m gonna say is you’re 100% right obviously we’re always going to focus on defense and his effort and and everything like that um but uh you know the biggest thing for him is um he was extremely locked in I mean for a lot of these guys including him I think as soon as that horn sounded last last night to end the game he really wanted to get back out there we could have tipped it off again and played last night we would have I mean these guys were itching to get back so we were very excited I mean he dove into the film today um we had a lot of good discussions um able to build on some stuff he had some great workouts leading up to the gym or leading up to the game I mean our assistant coaches pal you know Wayne Ellington these guys did a phenomenal job getting these guys ready getting khil ready um and to his credit um he did a phenomenal job creating action rolling to the rim ceiling um he did a great job with his touch around the room and then again uh rebounding I mean offensive rebounding obviously but also just um just eating up the glass on the defensive end any chance he can so and then yeah of course you know he’s he’s rolling we’re going to try and feed the big fella and and he does have some nice touch so that’s always nice to see as well we always hear how point guard is an innate position and guys can be Playmakers and everything but a point guard is a point guard today we see Isa Isaiah stepping there not only with the seven assists taking the right shot at the right moments can you talk to that as a guy with fiveyear of Collegiate polishing and knowing what to do right time right place your thoughts on what he’s shown you not just tonight but th so far through Camp yeah you know uh Isaiah was somebody um right at camp that we were um obviously excited to have on our team um he did a great job is our floor General and a lot of the times especially in some place like summer league where we’re throwing a lot at you we need a guy that can get everybody organized um Isaiah did a great job of that he moved the ball he didn’t force anything you know there’s a couple of reads again as you start progressing from college in the NBA things start looking a little bit different and so for him he started picking it up pretty quickly and we were excited to see him work the ball and uh you know get his teammates involved and that’s the most important thing for our point guards out there and Cole just the the fact you talk about how he’s a voice he’s the veteran and all that but just the way he’s played so far go beyond the three-pointers what maybe what we’re not seeing but you as a staff are seeing sure uh first and foremost it starts with his leadership you know he does a great job behind the scenes talking to the team you can see him anytime there’s a timeout or there’s a break in the action he’s talking to somebody he’s getting somebody organized and you know that’s something we’ve really challenged him to do you know we know you can score we know you can you can be a shooter but can you be a leader out there and he’s accepted that challenge and he’s done a great job with that um yeah I mean on the surface you look at it five and 10 from three 21 points we love all that stuff but can you do a lot of the other things um you got to a couple deflections today um defensively he was pretty solid and that’s something that we always want for him to continue to do and then you know as we’ve been mentioning it’s can you build on that shooting can you be more of a playmaker and he he you know was feeding some guys he had some nice sprays you know he had khil on a nice role towards the end of the game those are the type of things and then the karma of that you know he had a nice extra pass a couple of times to get some guys from open shots the karma of that is then all of a sudden it opens up for him and um you know that was something he was doing a great job of congratulations on your first coaching win thanks Dan thank you so much Arrow Anthony Chang go ahead hey Dan um going back to khil um whether it was rolling to the rim um L you know finishing lobs um post footwork how much of an emphasis was there and just him playing with more Force and and finding his spots near the basket today um yeah I mean that’s obviously we know one of his biggest skill sets is his touch around the basket his ability to roll and whether it’s lobs or or catch a pocket pass you know we’re we’re that’s always going to be one of our biggest emphasis for him is is he’s got an ability to score around the baskets score against you know tough contests um and he did a great job of that and like I said you know he really took the challenge today in terms of you know I thought yesterday you know for everybody in general it was kind of one of those moments where it’s the first game Jitters and uh you know for him I think he did a great job of really settling it down and early on today you could just see the Poise um again he’s he’s a young kid he’s just getting adjusted to the professional league and um you could already see game two it just he looked more comfortable out there and that’s something we’re obviously um very excited about and then uh you know his Poise um in terms of when they were you know they’re being physical with him and his ability to then continue to get into these triggers and work the offense you know all that stuff um we really really like to see

Dan Bisaccio speaks to the media following Sunday afternoon’s game vs. the Sacramento Kings.


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