@Charlotte Hornets

The Charlotte Hornets Culture Change Has Started In Summer League

The Charlotte Hornets Culture Change Has Started In Summer League

what’s going on everyone trust the buzz here if you’re new to the channel I made charlot Hornet content so if that interest you make sure you go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below if you cannot tell about a thumbnail title of this video in today’s video we’re going to be talking about the first Summer League game now normally I break down these games but one it’s like the California classic and two I only was able to catch the second half so I really just kind of want to talk about the impact of that game and I think how it what it has on a franchise so one thing I know for a fact I said last year whether it was on a YouTube channel Twitter I don’t know I probably said it on both is that it’s just it’s just summer league summer league does not matter in a grand scheme of things that’s why you can’t look too much into it how well player performs or how you know poorly a player performs or how you know things look but for the Hornets specifically I can’t speak for other teams even though I watch a lot of Summer League I just but I don’t know the inner workings as as well as I do the Hornets for the Hornets specifically summer league over the last couple years have meant a lot more and the reason I say that is because yes as everything I just said you cannot take summer league seriously you would be a miserable part You’ be a miserable person if you did the thing is about summer league specifically for our team is that a lot of the things we saw in summer league translated to what we saw through the front office through the court like on with our starters is just a lot of those same habits and not necessarily basketball habits but just like attitude habits culture habits all those things it relay you know it reverbed all throughout the organization and for it was just it was hard to not see the connection for any other team not any other team but for a lot of other teams you can look at it and say it’s just summer league they don’t care about summer league you think the Lakers care about summer league you think the Nicks care about summer league you think the Celtics like these teams don’t care about summer league necessarily like if if this is the thing they’re going to try the Celtics I remember last year they had a pretty good team Nicks usually put out a decent team Lakers won a a few years ago when they had Lonzo I believe so these teams like if they’re operating well they care but they’re not going to hang their hat on summer league but for the horns I think that’s something we have to start taking seriously until we get to that point now we don’t have to be the championship level team we don’t have to be a Eastern Conference Finals team and then be like oh now we can stop carrying about summer league no until we just build a culture of hey if you’re going to play for this organization you got to play hard whether that’s in summer league practice wherever it may be that is where I think we need to start taking summer league more seriously in Charles Lee last night was was a great great example of that um I I like how everybody was diving on the floor for the ball you saw players just dapping each other rough you saw high fives you saw you know screaming and yelling in a positive way you saw just guys not keeping their head down Nick Smith Jr had a terrible shooting game he started off hot but then he had a terrible shooting game but honestly I know it’s summer league and I know there’s still some questions out there about nsj but that was probably one of the better bad performances I’ve seen from a charlot horns player in summer league in a while because yes his shot wasn’t falling but he was playing defense he was looking to make the next play he was trying to get open he had shots he just wasn’t hitting him and it’s to makeer mislead someday you’re going to make him some days you’re not maybe yesterday he was not we’ll you know as get more games come we’ll kind of understand but he performed very well he just shot like crap so I believe that we’re headed in the right direction and I hate to put so much emphasis on summer league but it’s hard not to when like I said you look back at what how we’ve done summer league everything that’s happened in summer league has happen on the court with a whole complet different set of players so it’s all about the attitude it’s all about how you car yourself it’s all about just how you approach summer league is that going to reverb through the organization and it hasn’t because the front office didn’t allow it to the front office were just bringing guys off the street they weren’t bringing guys who really are trying to make something of themselves or really trying like Xavier Simpson he played NBA minutes for the OKC Thunder a couple years ago and was fantastic fantastic now he wasn’t like a star there’s a reason he’s still in summer league but still like those kind of guys yes he’s a traveler of course he’s not on the team but the fact that you know he’s going to play he’s still trying to make it most time I feel like we just bringing guys that’s like they’re trying to make it it would be dumb to say they’re not but it’s it’s it’s not like we see these other guys and how how they performed last night they take their past lessons and try to develop and try to get better they look like they’re really trying to make a team instead of just trying to look good if that makes any sense it just looked it was just completely different now you still have guys who kind of fell by the wayside and didn’t perform as well as you wanted to either way I know I said Nick Smith Jr but I I still think he other aspects of the game he performed well but Bryce mcow he looked lost the whole game um and he was really the only one I can think of on top of my head from what I was able to really sit and watch and analyze he was the only one I could think of that really just looked he like he didn’t belong which go figure I mean as far as the the past regime but everybody else uh Muhammad guy is I believe on the Hawks I can’t remember the other can’t remember his first name but God this guy U he went to pit I do know that he looked very he looked very good and I know he’s 26 years old and people are like oh that’s kind of old but it is what it is you you need that kind of guy to have that kind of motor he was playing his heart out and we need that uh we had the McConnell or conell I don’t remember I don’t remember everybody’s name yet but one of the point guards he was very efficient as far as just like he was always doing the right thing and chess bumping with Charles Lee and just it was just the energy was completely completely different we beat a team by 30 normally we either get beat by 30 we beat a team by 30 who I think the Spurs last year the second I think we played him twice I don’t remember but I remember we lost that’s all I remember so the fact that we just came out the gate playing the way we did is fantastic now hopefully tonight it’s not and I’m recording this on Sunday so if this video comes out Monday I’m sorry but um hopefully tonight it’s not they can L like this is I’ll just set this out they could lose um but long as they bring the same energy hopefully it’s not one of those things where you know you give it all all on the first day then you don’t have it to go the second day hopefully they still provide the same energy you know maybe not all the shots are going to hit the way they did they dropped 97 in a summer league game so I’ll I’ll take it play it extreme amazing defense so yeah it hopefully the the the pressure and the and the effort is still there but you can’t rely on them to just play as well it is what it is summer league for a reason but I’m excited I’m excited because it just seems like this is the start of a change it’s so small does this have any impact on lamelo any impact on Miles Bridges Brandon no not really but seeing Mark Williams there it was great because you know he wants to support his team and be around Coach Lee some more Brandon Miller I’m pretty sure when he’s done in Vegas um with the uh Olympic team he’s going to come and just chill and just be around this change of culture and it’s just going to be fantastic it’s just it’s going to be great I look forward to it uh I think it’s this is just a start and it’s good to see happen with the young players do I care that now that miles bridg is assigned and lamelo do I care that they’re not there not really it’s not the end of the world yes sometimes you have guys like even LeBron and Westbrook and these guys have sh demard Rosen last year demard Rosen this year they came he came out playing Not Like Us in Sacramento um you had you see guys and they come and show up to summer league but you also got to think about where those guys are in their career it I think you you’re in this phase kind of twice you in it really early in your career and then then you’re kind of back into it like towards the end of your career cuz you’re kind of like Reminiscing on the game lamelo I think has surpassed kind of the beginning of his career unfortunately injuries and just the roster around him have kind of almost like taken that away plus we were getting drug I don’t think there was anything exciting to see and we weren’t trying to build that kind of camaraderie around this organization I wouldn’t be surprised that now that Miles has his deal maybe he shows up I don’t know we’ll see you know I think he’s still only so far removed from his incident a couple offseasons so we may not just want to deal with it and I completely understand that uh I mean though was warranted I get it uh but yeah overall I think we’re just headed in the right direction I hate to put so much thought into summer league but I think that this is just a start of us really trying to take this organization seriously and it has to start somewhere so the fact that you can get random guys that show up for this organization that’s known to be trash to come together and play like this I think that’s just a start that’s just a start I I hope that it translates to the team it may not happen right away you got bigger egos more money just some more politics around it that is not the same as summer league but I hope so because we’re really I like the trajectory we on

Charlotte Hornets DOMINATE In Their First Game Of Summer League. The Hornets energy was unmatched as they dominated the spurs in their first summer league game. Players played with effort and played smart. Something we are not used to seeing at this level. What does this mean for the future of the Hornets?

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  1. You’re right it is just summer league but any wins we can get will be a MASSIVE boost to the morale and confidence of our team. You’re right when you said for us we gotta take summer league seriously. We don’t have the luxury like other winning organizations to be non chalant

  2. It's early days but their performance was night & day from any past Hornets Summer league performance.

    Normally, players with summer league contracts play "I gotta get mine" selfish hero ball. But the ball was doing most of the movement

    I read Hornets have let Bryce go along with Poku. Any truth in that?

  3. Successful teams obviously don’t hang their hats in summer league but they absolutely do put max effort into it. Successful organizations are successful from the bottom to the top.

  4. Bro. As Hornets fans we can’t keep that mentality of “it’s only summer league” that’s why we’ve been terrible. Winning is winning. Coach Lee came off a ring I’m sure they looking at the Summer League Chip the same way. GREAT way to start off a season! Why not be like OKC in a way? G league team won a ring this past season I would want our G team to do the same

  5. The team-culture vibe has improved. Because this year's first- and second-round draft pick, are injured, but it doesn't feel like the same doom and gloom.

  6. We need more Hornets podcasters like you that have actual opinions. Feels like most of them just listen to the media and don’t know what’s going on. Appreciate you for putting pride in your work even though we’ve been a bottom tier team.

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