@Dallas Mavericks

Dallas Mavericks sign-and-trade for Klay Thompson, Josh Green to the Charlotte Hornets

Dallas Mavericks sign-and-trade for Klay Thompson, Josh Green to the Charlotte Hornets

[Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hello friends welcome to pod Maverick after dark oh no wait it’s Mavs party because it’s the middle of the day on July 1st it’s been a couple hours but the Dallas Mavericks managed to sign clayon and a sign in trade that I don’t entirely understand uh you are joining me as I am out back of my aunts uh patio and we are going to talk a little bit about this trade now I need y’all’s help here this is a Mavs party as you guys know I posted a link down there in the comments that I need you to click into because I need some of y’all to help me uh to help explain to me what the heck is going on with this trade because to be quite candid I have been working all day um and I don’t entirely know all of the details um Josh went live last night to talk about the the um Marshall signing which is really really fascinating when you put these two things together now my kind of basic understanding of this trade is that the Dallas Mavericks worked in a three- team trade with the Golden State Warriors and with the uh Charlotte Hornets they sent Josh Green to the Hornets and earlier as I understood it uh the Mavericks were potentially getting back two picks um I’ve not seen the final uh tally um of what’s going on there whether the Mavericks are sending back any picks to the Warriors and then we have um the Mavericks getting Clay Thompson and he has signed a three-year $50 million deal which just goodness three years for Klay Thompson future Hall of Famer one of the best Shooters in NBA history really just pretty shocked um I’m very excited I think if you were to ask me a couple weeks ago you know is this even possible I probably just would have rolled my eyes at the concept But Here we are now uh the Mavericks went to the final several weeks ago and now they are out bidding uh and out entertaining the the Lakers for a potent or for a future Hall of Famer and all right we got my guy I’m pretty sure this is Henry down there in the chat wanting to join us here so Henry you’re gonna you’re GNA have to give me your take on this Klay Thompson and Kyrie Irving playing together what’s going on my friend what’s shaking boss how you doing I am um I am surviving I I I am flying myself with more caffeine I drove my wife and I drove from Dallas to St Louis starting at 7 pm last night so we got in about four this morning and I’ve just kind of been going so what’s going on nothing much man we cooling we cooling shout out to D dang I know who’s probably watching this but IM meaning this conversation we had back ear did I lose you feel like I lost your audio Henry Henry no okay I’m gonna bring Josh on and then I’ll bring you back up here in a little while okay Josh welcome to the show you’re uh you’re a new new person here tell us about yourself what’s going on how are you doing you’re a lunatic I need to tell the public that you’re a lunatic I cannot believe you’re doing this right well no no no I can believeing fun this is fun this was a nice little jolt you know it was I think the trade happened what about 1 o’clock or was it earlier in the day somewhere around there I was kind of sitting in a staff meeting and I’m just dying on the vine uh I’m I’m trying to stay awake and it doesn’t really doesn’t really function and all of a sudden we get the the like my favorite thing that happens in Mavs Money Ball slack is when like 19 people post various vague things alluding to something that should be obvious uh but no one actually shares a literal newslink which drives me crazy I’m like guys we have a website to run and so F I went and looked at w and and I saw the three for 50 and I just I got to be quite quite honest with you man I I had a feeling the Mavericks were going to get Klay Thompson you were on a different side of this fence you thought that the Mavericks were getting used as leverage but I really thought that the Mavericks would try to clear enough space to go for like four for 80 to match Los Angeles like this this is nuts to me and it feels like I don’t want to overstate it but it feels like a paradigm shift for the Mavericks what do you think oh yeah absolutely I mean this flies in the face of every offseason failure that they’ve had post 2011 right like the last 18 months or so like it’s just it’s a completely new organization it’s a completely new team uh and this just kind of solidifies the point that you made in 2021 I shared it again you wrote that column about how less is less Mark Cuban would be better for the Mavericks and you Illustrated your point I believe didn’t didn’t bman Jones talk about it on his podcast yeah butman Jones did um Jason concepion did and I actually texted Jason today and was just like look like I you know at 40 years old I I have a pretty I’m there’s a lot I’m really not good at but I’m good at people I’m good at social situations I am good at reading how things work and you know Mark cubin I’m going to be in the long run of things I’m eternally grateful to mark cubin for buying the team and owning the team and changing the franchise’s really awful 90s trajectory but there there came a time when he he just didn’t know when to step away like he helped make the league smarter and as a result things got compounding more difficult and he went from being the guy who was often the Forward Thinking smartest guy in the room to being just one of the crowd and when he was as involved as he was I don’t think that helped things and like you know when they finally got fed up and fired Donnie Nelson and Rick Carlile resigned you know Tim KO put the pressure on the organization that way they went out Cuban went out and made smart hires okay I didn’t like the kid hiring I was wrong didn’t know enough about Nico probably was wrong with what I said there I remember when they hired the cap guy out of Brooklyn that that was the thing for me that where I was like oh okay these guys are doing stuff differently and so I’m I’m just when when you look at what they’ve done today and when you look at what they’ve done essentially since like the javil McGee signing like after that everything they’ve done has been singles doubles leading to a home run it’s pretty amazing yeah it’s it’s pretty remarkable basically since the Kyrie trade their only miss has been Grant Williams who they turned into PJ Washington um so it’s it’s it’s been pretty remarkable um and like you know like you said he stepped that he stepped back he doesn’t even own the team anymore he’s like he’s gone from owning the team in being the final decision maker on on everything that they did to not even have I don’t even know how much of a voice in the room he still has he doesn’t he doesn’t realistically have one and one of the things that I that you know in hindsight it’s like he he very much framed his own exit to the reporters who covered it by telling them that he would have a voice in the room which he doesn’t he doesn’t have one I’m sure that he gets to say things and they hear him but he has no decision-making capacity and the thing about that is I’m if I were him I’d kind of be okay with that you’re a minority owner people listen to you you’re a shareholder but you’re not part of the team H and and the decision-making factor and and that’s okay like he he helped build a team want to ring like right his legacy is intact like what this allows me to do as a fan what this allows me to do is do the same thing that I’m GNA do with Tim Hardaway Jr is eventually I’m not going to remember the [ __ ] and I’m gonna remember all of the good stuff and like Cuban brought a lot of good stuff to the table selling the team at the right time with the right decision makers in place which he put in place Nico kid Etc like he deserves credit for that and and I’m just pleased that you know he can kind of walk off into the sunset now yeah yeah he’s left you know he’s left the organization in about as good of hands as you could possibly imagine you brought up the the cap guy from Brooklyn they also what’s his name Matt ricardi who’s one of their I think also came from Brooklyn he was Brooklyn’s like top draft guy I think um back before they brought in Kevin like when they kind of rebuilt that team on the Fly that attracted Kevin dur and Kyrie Irving in the first place when they got the D’Angelo Russell and the Spencer den witties and the Jared Allen and Nick CL and all those guys so uh yeah it’s a completely different front office from what they were working with from 2011 to like 20120 basically the Donnie Nelson regime uh it’s it’s a completely new organization they’re moving in a completely different way you just see the move like it’s not just they’re making it’s the volume of Moves Like remember from 2011 to to you know about 2020 basically pre- they just didn’t make enough moves like remember we were just like you got to the same four to five years and it’s it’s they would make moves around the edges and it was it was either it was either the big fish or try to Moneyball it with these like very lowbudget signings like that it was either all or nothing and you just can’t win like that in the NBA the NBA is all about Talent you gotta you got to have talent and I want to get this kind of off my chest and and hopefully I will move on one of the things I’m gonna really enjoy over the next several days is is the Laing and the praising of what the Mavericks have done here and Jake camp uh formul of the ticket um the dumb Zone podcast now um wrote an article today for um D what is it uhas d magazine and just talked about how the the former G front office wouldn’t pivot and would have still be stucking in Stuck in Neutral a 100% agree with that but B nobody said this stuff at the time we were constantly sold a bill of [ __ ] [ __ ] about how you know what it’s really great that we signed two guys that weren’t in the league before the bubble and you know what we’re going to resign them to contracts that nobody wants and like that was just the sort of stuff we were sold by the Mavericks like and then the the the some of our peers and media apparatus would go you know what this [ __ ] tastes delicious and we’re g to tell you why you should also enjoy it and I just I’m looking forward now that we can have this really actually good team instead of a idea of what the Mavericks sold us as a good team for several years and this is this is going to be a lot of fun I’m I’m really looking forward to it yeah it’ll be nice it’ll definitely be nice to not have to argue about this stuff as much anymore and we could just talk about the actual basketball a little bit more which I know is what you like talking about the games and not having to talk about cap space and offseason drama and front office dysfunction and coaching dysfunction and and and all that all that BS yes you know we can now focus on the games so it’s pretty wild and I mean what you know we haven’t even talked directly about the the move like we’ve talked a little bit we talked the last podcast that we talked together about clay and kind of how you felt about it now that it’s here you know I talked with Matthew Phillips last night and we kind of went into the PO because it was still hypothetical at that point what’s your kind of initial reaction to to a the the number he got and B what he looks like on this team because he’s a very divisive player right now I think sure well this this actually leads to directly one of the super chats we just got from Dell Miguel Dominguez he has are we hard ca for the entirety of Clay’s deal the answer to that question Miguel is when they sign um as they moved out from underneath Josh Green’s money something about that put them they’re they’re they’re currently below the first apron is is the answer to to what you know we’re going to Scott on CBA Mavs at some point to walk us through some of the details but the Mavericks have I’ll just I’ll I’ll I’ll summarize it to say what I understand right now the Mavericks are below the first apron and thus have future flexibility they still don’t have a lot of options because they are over the salary cap and they’re operating very close to the apron line once you and I think if you were to enter the season over that apron line that screws with your flexibility for a real long time like it’s basically until you it it cuts away elements of things that you can do and my understanding right now because the Mavericks have their 25 and their 31 pick they do have some flexibility within the with within you know um the current means of the CBA so that’s that’s pretty interesting to me but your specific question about the number it works for me because if they were going to pay North the $20 million and I don’t know why it’s not our money it’s not our flexibility it’s their job to figure this stuff out but there’s something about the fact of paying a guy who a lot of the fan base really doesn’t think is very good like there’s I’ve gotten a lot of comments a lot of texts a lot of emails to this effect of why are they going after a guy who is washed bear in mind he’s played more games the past two seasons than Josh green has by a significant margin while also scoring and this is very important double digits Josh Green never scored more than like nine points a game sorry yeah I think yeah I think it’s what we talk what I talked about last night is the way that the national media kind of covered clay not saying that they were wrong to do this but if you were just watching from a national coverage perspective because you can’t watch every single Golden State Warriors game if you’re a Mavericks fan no one can do that you just saw what’s wrong with Clay because he clearly taken a step back from his pre-injury self that doesn’t mean he turned into a bad player and then of course you have the very National high-profile Spotlight of his last game as a warrior they lose in the plan yeah he looked terrible he was really bad missed all 10 shots didn’t score any points uh they don’t even win the play in they don’t even get in the playoffs they miss the playoffs and it’s a bad look so everyone’s got that in their mind as their last image of Klay Thompson but he like I said on last night last three years those are all his post injury years he’s 40% on 10 attempts a game for three like that’s a lot that’s more attempts than Tim at a better percentage than Tim and Tim was a good high volume three point shooter yes and there’s all this idiotic consternation and my favorite is from these [ __ ] poser ass Laker fans who who claim to be National media where it’s like what what about the stagnant what will happen will clay be okay will he be able to get his shots up my first thought to that is please shut the [ __ ] up um the Mavericks will be fine they’ll figure it out I think three offensive savants plus Derek liby who is seven foot tall Draymond Green living I’m going to be I’m going to dine on that comparison that’s my thought for a while I think the Mavericks will be fine um I if you’re worried about the defense I get it and I think it’s something to look forward to uh to seeing how they solve it because you assume that Clay is coming here to start there’s some questions in the chat I would be great if he was a six-man he was pissed at the Warriors for making him a six-man and he was pretty good Off the Bench so the Mavericks have some things they have to figure out whether that’s schematically whether that’s you know Luca and Kyrie playing better defense in the regular season which which frankly is something all of us should should expect a little more of or at least from Luca um but I look guys they they they got to the finals I they’ve earned the benefit of the doubt here right like can we there’s a lot of consternation going on and it’s like when I’m saying guys lighting the [ __ ] up what can we I’m really excited yeah this is great I mean this is the most high profile free agency signing in Maverick’s history and it’s not even close not even close they’ve never signed a player of this name recognition or resume or pedigree whatever whatever you want to say it like that’s just that’s just how it is they’ they’ve never acquired anyone like this in the franchise history um and yeah the the weird thing about the the you know the the drawbacks to Clay coming here I just I don’t understand what what the obsession is going like the offense first it’s the same thing when they traded for Kyrie like how are they going to work like there’s only one ball and everyone keeps focusing on the offense and I’m like the offense is the least that’s that’s the last thing you need to worry about about all these Acquisitions the M it didn’t work in the finals it didn’t work in the finals because why what broke in the finals the shooting so I think from a just a here’s the problem what’s the solution going and getting one of the best three-point Shooters in the history of the Multiverse is a pretty [ __ ] good solution yeah everything that might be a drawback for clay being here has nothing to do with offense it’s the same thing I said when Kyrie got here and I don’t you know I think it’s because it’s easier to talk about offense and it’s sure it just is I like to talk about offense when I write my posts I sometimes focus on offense too much because it’s easier to get data it’s easier to get numbers we get it’s easier easier to get Clips like it’s just easier also if you if you get defensive stuff wrong NBA people will be like you are wrong here is why and then you look at it from the NBA person’s point of view and you go oh yeah it’s like one of the things that got a lot of clip year was like why is Tim Hardaway making this switch well Tim Hardaway was making the switch because that was what the scheme demanded and that was the Personnel the Mavericks had so it’s like what happened when you get better Personnel you play better defense yeah intent is harder to decipher with defense because like you said schemes what coaches are telling players to do all that kind of stuff so y so it makes it harder to talk about so I get it it’s easier to just be like oh offense LCA dribbles the ball a lot that’s bad for clay when it’s like you know he’s the greatest three-point shot creator that the NBA has over like the last five years besides maybe like a LeBron or or someone else so so again that’s not going to be a problem the two things that they have to look out for is defense because yes they did get Grimes and yes Naji Marshall is not that big of a drop off from derck Jones Jr but those two guys aren’t going to be on the floor with clay and Luca in the final two minutes of a game so again you’re G to be closing with Luca Kyrie clay PJ and then one of the centers lik Lively or Gafford so how do you work around that because between clay Luca and Kyrie you’re looking at at best three average defend you know it’s just there’s not a ton of highle Def you know it’s PJ and Lively are the two highly high level defenders in that lineup how do you work around clay Luca and Kyrie because like like it or not clay has definitely taken a step back defensively yep and that’s but and that’s the question Ms have to answer and I think that’s part of you know the back and forth is they got to the finals because they finally tuned from we’re going to be an all offense we have to win by shooting threes to we’re going to win with by being athletic and being hell of a defensive team and then they got to the finals and they didn’t have enough shooting so the big question for this offseason was how do we tune that like how do we find the right balance between we need to take a step back from this all defense lineup that we ran out in the finals because we need to get some more shooting back but let’s not go all the way back so now that we’re back to pre 2024 and where we can’t win games unless we make 23s or or whatever that number was for them yep pre pre 2024 so pre gaffer and pre- Lively and all that so I don’t know if Clay is the answer to finding that right balance and they’re going to have to work around his defense um but they’re going to make shots I don’t see this being a problem in the regular season at all they’ll have to figure some things out in playoff specific matchups where teams are going to try to get clay Kyrie Luca all moving around sure but clay at least he might have lost the step uh as maybe like a a lead ball handler Defender uh which Golden State wanted him to do and he was very good at you know if they can find a way that he’s not having to to to guard the other team’s initiator and they can keep him a little more off ball and use his smarts because he’s still a smart player yeah isn’t as gifted athletically as he was before the injuries they can find him a way to be more off ball and not have to guard the opposing team’s you know initiator which is gonna be tough because you know is it PJ doing that is it l that is it so they’ll have to answer that question but they’ve got the rim protection to funnel some things in and help clean some mistakes and that’s why having derck Lively and Daniel Gafford is so good because they can get away with it a little bit more because they’ve got two of the best Rim protectors in the NBA statistically behind them so so that’s what they’re gonna have to figure out and the chemistry stuff is he okay with being in a third option I assume he is because he’s willing he’s willingly choosing to go to D and even if he’s not like we understand realistically the the not and this is a small thing I didn’t really thought it until he said it but Kyrie Irving doesn’t have to play 65 games next year no and he didn’t this year he missed 25 but you know if you understand that he’s 30 something years old and is is little when he missed those games he would the team was not great sure but that’s what but that’s what I’m saying is if you have a different second option in clay that can help so yeah for sure that’s part of it and also the age thing I know that’s a big thing that everyone’s worried about how old is ky what is Kyrie is Kyrie 32 right now or he’s going to turn 33 I think before next season ends I don’t remember like but this is your window right like yeah this is that’s true the ideal scenario is you get a young defensive minded Wing that can create shots and and shoot which is you know sorry most the most desire yeah the most desirable player in the NBA that every te wants so when you’re in a position that the Mavericks are you’re going to have to maximize this window with Kyrie’s your second best player so really I don’t think that age thing matters at all like I know that sounds silly blow up but like you have to maximize this Kyrie window that you have so you go from there well you should get back to your uh your day and I’m gonna bring up other folks thanks for talking y’all have fun I think everyone you know everyone’s gonna be in a good mood so have fun today that’s right all right talk soon buddy Josh and I wanted to talk but then we uh just things kept happening all right so we’re gonna bring Henry back up who apparently got a phone call and then I it shuts your app off so what’s going on dude all right can you hear me now I can you sound good perfect perfect all right so first things first again shout out to you and Shout Out dang it was something small but end up going to Google cyber secur sock try hack me so I’ll be in Tech soon so shout out to d uh and you for that small conversation but what do you think our version of the death line of 2.0 is going to look like oh that’s a good question I need to see Marshall play more basketball I don’t know enough about him and I I I tweeted earlier today that for me he’s the kind of medium floor gamble that I SU expect he’ll he’ll matter to this team a lot more than I would just kind of like the Derrick Jones Jr where I wouldn’t have assumed that um man what they I’ve seen him I’ve seen him one onone lock of shade like you wouldn’t believe bism that’s what I’m saying Derrick Jones Jr was great minus the athleticism naig Marshall is better than Derrick Jones in every single way when you watch dere Jones in the finals he was too thin Tatum or uh does not have that problem he damn near had Jimmy Butler in a choke ho right Undertaker style so one of and and this sort of goes to the the point that I brought up a second ago about you know what if Kyrie’s not playing if Kyrie’s not playing for whatever reason the top like the Mavericks don’t have a single guy on the floor smaller than six7 right like that’s a big big team and and the the size is one of the things that the Mavericks really took advantage of down the stretch and how they out bullied um the Thunder for example so I don’t have a good good answer for that yet I’m going to have to think about that for a while because I think it sort of depends on what you’re going for are you looking to strangle a team to death on off on defense or are you looking to to destroy them on offense I mean with with okay would you compare Golden State’s death lineup when it was Andre Iggy Draymond all them to the version of the Boston Celtics that we just lost to where they can switch everything in that aspect I’m talking switch everything there’s no glaring we is what would you run as a lineup again if you didn’t think about it that’s perfectly fine but think of Warriors lineup when they had Iggy Draymond Steph clay K tell me what your answer is because I don’t know right now just off the top of my head without even giving it any real thought yeah probably go say Luka Kai Quinton Grimes because he is upgraded Josh Green in every way I saw him hold down Jimmy Butler with one leg damn near going out his point of attack defense with Naji Marshall we are legit if you haven’t seen the tape already watch that but I go Luca Kyrie Quinton Grimes this is where I’m torn but I might go clay PJ small ball five PJ sure is I possibly might be thinking live Lively is gonna be hard to keep off the floor for me he he’s just he’s I I I I just the more I think about it and the more I talk about it with other people he’s just a he’s just a basketball Pokemon and we’re at like this we’re at like the second stage for him he he’s going to be nuts and so I I I’m really looking forward to seeing what they can get out of him do you feel like the Gant motion off ball motion action dhos and constant rescreening that led to Golden State success against Celtics in 2022 do you think Jason kid is gonna then reintegrate that into this offense so we don’t have to work as hard to get shots and obviously free of Claymore I think they certainly should I mean one element that we talked about down the stretch last year was that the Mavericks didn’t have enough guys who could dribble and it’s not like Clay’s an an1 mixtape guy but I feel pretty confident with him putting it on the floor now and again and I think you have to do those sorts of things just to just to keep the the defense guessing you want to be more multiple you want to do you know go ISO ball can work and you can you can really obviously March to the finals doing it but I would like to see the Mavericks if they have capable players continue to try to expand what they do and what they’ve done you know they they ran a lot of Kyrie action in the in the final 15 games of the season and then we didn’t see a lot of that stuff and for several playoff series and so I just you know I I’m I I I will just say what I’ve been saying is that at this point I think we we owe everyone involved a lot more benefit of the doubt I’ll give it to him again you know me I was not I was Unapologetic and I still L on the fire kid train that was me 100% And I own that but if you can find a way to get because again we know the play a double Luka give it to Lively in the short roll you got [ __ ] Klay Thompson sitting in the corner good [ __ ] luck um but I just hope we can bring in more option because that that ISO ball went dead flat against the Celtics and you saw previous in the series before Indiana gave them [ __ ] fits so unless somehow T.J McConnell and Andrew nard are better than Luca and Kyrie we have to switch up that game plan and I’m hoping that Klay Thompson will bring that into it because if it is we’re going to be right back in the finals can’t wait and and you know under Josh kn didn’t mention this but the fact that the the Mavericks were able to hold on to Sweeney I think is pretty important um feel handy I I I want to write about that and I haven’t yet because I don’t really want to I don’t want to jinx it but I I I wouldn’t be shocked if if they get handy yeah I really do do we have any do we have any updates on the Josh Green going to Charlotte and kind of like what the trade inails uh so they sent us two first round or I’m sorry two second round picks and I’m pretty sure one of those is getting sent to the war Warriors but I don’t know for sure I’m sure the chat will correct me okay yeah because I didn’t see any updated things I’ll probably go on Twitter and find out literally as soon as open up it’s tough no like it’s really so like all the Warriors guys this was just where it’s like when everybody acts like they don’t have a dog in the fight particular like local media where everyone like tweets all defensively and that was what all like Anthony Slater and uh Chris Haynes was like well this isn’t done yet this isn’t true and it’s like okay okay Jan ad Ward Janowski doesn’t [ __ ] up quite like that so all right well I got to get to folks and I only have a certain amount of battery life I’m out here uh raw dogging it with uh with with no plug on the computer so thank you so much for waiting and uh hanging out okay yes sir see you on the next one all right talk soon all right coming up next Brian what’s up Brian man uh excitement contentment you know what I mean we’re having a good free agency so far I’m really really really excited about excuse me things that I’ve seen us do so far oh can I try my hand at the uh the death lineup question yes I that was a great question I just did I’m just too stupid at the moment like my brain is not functioning no I because I’ve honestly been thinking about it since I saw the trade was made official I think it would have to be Luca Kyrie is really the one that I have a question about but he’s gonna be out there because he’s just too good offensively right like like he’s the one that in my brain where I was like would you have Kyrie out there I I think we do it is so tempting to have a lineup of nobody shorter than six7 that would be amazing but I think we can do that in Spurs in the game yeah I think Kyrie play get a point of attack defense like in the playoffs that we can say okay you’ll be out there and then if you get caught on a big or something we can just scram switch you out there or whatever but uh luuka Kyrie Naji Marshall PJ um Derek Livy because I think Naji is a good enough point of attack Defender and he is such a good like defender on those big barely strong wings that having him and PJ and Luca out there means that okay the other team can’t outmuscle you like if they feel like they can run by you good luck you’re gonna be meeting one of you know PJ or Lively or maybe Naji himself he’s playing low man I don’t know at the rim and good luck at that point but Naji is just like a grizzly bear with real skill and I I love that dude I loved that dude for years I’m so glad he I don’t know enough about him I’m looking forward to learning though I did see one um um Pelicans blogger basically say nobody’s going to [ __ ] with Luca now with him on the floor next to him which I like that just as all of that I’ve seen him choke out Jimmy buler on the court we we ain’t gonna have to worry about anybody touching luga Don man I am trust me that dude is going to be as much of a fan favorite as Derek was uh it won’t be because of the dunks it’ll be for more of the Dan Gafford like really Dy hustle plays and like great defense and just watching him defensive rebound and seeing what a difference it makes to have like a wing who is actually out there able to get both like two big ass hands on the ball and wrestle it away from anybody when Lively is getting like you know one or two dudes at a time boxing him out and having just that extra help and closing out possessions you’re gonna notice a difference immediately and if his shot is real and he shot at like 40% 41% last year and 42 from the corners I think it could be then yeah we’re really in for something and like as for clay I just I don’t know what it’s going to look like to have that kind of spacing on this team because I haven’t seen anything like it ever on this team since like maybe not since dirt as far as like off ball gravity sure and big deal yeah and and like I feel like this is the first time since Luca has gotten to the NBA where he has both real plus level NBA level athlet and real A+ NBA level spacing around him at the same time and I am so fascinated to watch defenses try and deal with that especially with Kyrie waiting on the other wing and clay in the weeks marcelus points out how do we talk about a golden state death lineup and not include clay I so a good it’s a good thought I just he’s right he’s right no I I had a brain for it I had a brain for it yeah it it would be clay I think you gotta put KY Reed on the bench dirty to say out loud well so here here’s what I think happens right I think you go luuka Kyrie clay I think that’s set what a great problem that’s it yeah right and I’m like I’m not as worried about klay’s defense because I think the bigger the twos the threes he’s got some fours he’s got he’s six seven and think is a tree trunk so like if he’s like your backline Defender and he’s meeting people at the r that’s still fine so I’m not really concerned about that um but yeah those three and then honestly you can take your pick between PJ Derek and naju depending on if the team we’re playing is smaller or not uh I think I think PJ’s gonna have to be out there no matter what and I feel like Lively is also a lock but if you just happen to want to play five out you could go Naji too and not really feel a difference well man my my my my just cooking with gas offseason take is that Derrick Lively has a better handle than PJ and we need to just admit it and move on yeah he do yeah yeah yeah if PJ’s out there he’s playing the four or if it’s a noely lineup he is clearly the five he PJ needs to be as sham at God sham God camp this summer working on his ball handling that’s all he needs to be doing all summer yeah yeah because we can’t ever have another play like that Drew holiday at half court play in the fight I don’t ever want to see that again I don’t ever want to see that again that’s right you got anything else for his friend dudee I’m I’m just excited they went added a bunch of players I’ve love for years and Grimes and a Marshall and Klay Thompson and we might bring Dennis Smith Jr back and now we’ve got a defender of every archetype down the lineup first and second lineup so no man I’m just happy to get to watch his basketball soon that’s right well Brian thanks for hanging out we’ll talk soon okay yes sir have a good one all right coming up next is Connor Connor what’s up dude what’s going on Kirk how are you I am great welcome to the show what’s going on what are we thinking uh I’m not going to be as deep I got some quick hits that I wanted to talk about and then I’ll get out of here but uh I’m in a group chat with some Lakers fans and so this has been a very fun day and a half to go back and forth with uh we’re gonna get him no we’re gonna get him so on so forth uh as soon as the Mavs got him it was immediately like well he’s washed anyway so Ah that’s the best what’s the point of having him at all I would have done the same thing if I was in that’s what I told him I was like had you guys got it the same thing he’s washed we didn’t need him uh but it’s really nice for the Mavs to get a high-profile free agent and also have it be at the expense of the Lakers it’s awesome it’s a great feeling I’ve been smiling all day yeah well this is I just got this tweet sent to me um I can’t even say what the guy’s name is trees from the forest clay made a very self-aware basketball decision despite the tremendous other pressures pulling him the Lakers this was the best basketball environment for him that alone tells me he will be successful in a Mavericks Jersey I like that take I think it’s correct one of the things in some of the stories about why he was frustrated with the Warriors environment is I think just the media just the the circus was pretty loud and Dallas has its own kind of circus but it’s a little more lowkey I but if you’re trying to escape the circus I think Kyrie’s shown that Dallas is not a bad place to do it 100% great observation yeah uh I’m gonna miss Josh sure uh I’m G to miss DJ J from yesterday um I don’t know the last time I have been like hey but good for them like they’re going to be fine both those guys are going to be fine I mean I miss him in a Mavs uniform but it’s an upgrade so it’s hard to be upset overall and then finally the Mavs I guess have just decided that there is no off season for basketball for me this whole year because we’ got Olympic qualifiers we’ve got summer league and my wife is super excited for all of that so I mean I get the same thing I just told my wife like we’re we’re on a like a a family trip and it’s she’s just like you’re going to do what it’s like I’m sorry I have to I said are you we watching basketball this week right and she was like what are you talking about like well lenia has to try to qualify well I I mean you you start to watch those FEA games and they are just like a soccer match where it’s you’re you’re in and out in 95 minutes and it’s like this is great so yeah but anyway so hey I appreciate you uh putting your vacation on pause for a second to go absolutely man appreciate you joining we’ll talk soon all right we’ll talk to you Kirk all right all right coming up next is Andy hi thanks a long time welcome going welcome back how are you very good uh now even better with all those Acquisitions I’m very thankful to the maps to ease us in a little bit uh Grimes and the Marshall and now obviously clay so that is that is amazing I didn’t think that would be possible up until up until I fought them the Lakers would would do it again but no we didn’t so I’m very happy about that and then I thought about the starting lineup uh ever since I got the news and even before that and the more will um also this this this chat U went on I realized it doesn’t really matter we have so many options and so many matchup dependent uh ideas which we could throw out there is amazing I can’t remember a single year a single season where we have this options we could put grinds in if uh somebody’s hurt or if you need a more defensive minded team or whatever or taller or faster this is amazing uh I still remember the Dwight years and um everything from uh from 2011 on so what a great problem to have it’s and somehow him and Maxi cber is still on the team that’s true that’s amazing and see we don’t have to depend too much on him anymore and just days maybe ago we thought about huh what to do with maxi and now he’s he’s what the second or maybe the third guy coming off a four from a bench so that’s that’s that’s something really happy about this um so just for a voice that really um and um my opinion of course as well is that it’s LCA um Curry and and clay and um so so so that’s pretty cool I just want to to bring that up here and also in Germany um I spoke with another colleague who’s very much into into Mavis basketball so it’s not just only European uh championship and and and football or soccer going on it’s uh basketball as well that makes me very happy very proud it’s great stuff man appreciate you joining once again all right thank you very much all right talk soon then last but not least from the southern hemisphere we have rain what’s going on man he I oh I don’t mean to be the bring it down I’ll start off with with BL I see positive I think Clay is going to get wide open shots without having to Sprint his ass off yes hopefully uh hopefully that saves his legs a bit and gives a bit more energy for for defense CU I do have some defensive concerns um but even I also have faith in the that if if this doesn’t work that he will find a way to Pivot and find a new Avenue to go through I great I mean look at the end of the day what is it 3 years 50 million about 16ish million a year it’s not a terrible contract uh they didn’t really give up too much um to answer your question from before so looks like the Mavs are getting a sack round pick from the Hornets and some of the Warriors it’s nice to have nice to have like I it always drives me crazy when they don’t have any and I’m like can we please have a pick well as Nick would say it’s just a a little bit more Lube to add to to make those trades work um I do have some defensive questions sure sure and they have to answer them they there’s a lot of defensive questions for regular season team that might play Luca Kyrie and Klay Thompson at the same time well and and and it’s just it uh Luca also does play into this a bit because with his health with his knees and his legs playing all through the Olympics I get the feeling he’s probably going to need some time in the regular season to need to take some time off um and if we also look at a lot of teams that make it to the final don’t necessarily perform as well in the regular season now that being said it seems like a lot of our core lineup being DOD Marshall and Clay didn’t necessarily go that deep so hopefully that also can offset that a little bit right are they playing are they playing like a ninan rotation like the way the Thunder did you know and can you can you work guys minutes down to where I don’t even know what Klay Thompson’s average is but can you trim two to three minutes it’s off that you know something like that that would be and can you then tell clay okay we’re playing you less we need you to play harder that sort of thing it’s probably going to be the case but if we if we think about it this way like if they really needed to run an all defensive lineup and still they could have either Luca or Kyrie and exm or a Grimes as two like a Naj Marshall as a three a PJ as a four or Maxi even as a four and then either a Daniel Gafford or a lively as a five and and if you think about it that way that lineup doesn’t sound too bad defensively who knows maybe maybe in that like you could switch out uh nji Marshall with with clay and it would still work defensively um it’s there going to be a lot more spacing I’ll give it this he’s although I think these days he’s more of a Tim Hardway type shooter um looking through his game logs he seems to have stretches where he doesn’t shoot so well and then have C real real hot so but at the end of the day it’s still more a bit percentage on more volume it’s we have more spacing I think the extra spacing that Naji Marshall was adding just looking through also his game logs a bit of his history he’s also quite uh well based on his last season at least he’s a an improved shooter over derck Jones Jr and that that was not catching wide open threes from Luca or Kyrie so I would imagine that’s also going to see at least a little bump so hey um if we get to an above the break three shooting contest the Mavs are probably in a much better place they’ve probably taken a step back defensively but uh we’ll see how this goes I mean OKC the moves they’re scaring me a little bit more for the next absolutely they’re really good we we can deal with that when it comes to it I think that’s the right approach enjoy this for right now that’s what I that’s what I plan to do all right thanks for being a psycho Kirk all right man we’ll talk soon okay see you man all right I want to get to some super chats um Cowboy says in the chat he says Mark Cuban was Al Davis with a better relationship with the commissioner Buck the system Ultra focused on one type of player and was polarizing um Josh mcain my buddy says with uh Tim Hardway Jr and Josh Green gone who will draw Kirk’s IR that’s a good question I think the early front runner has to be PJ Washington just because I can tell how skilled he is and then he does things which doesn’t make any sense uh and then seven Harry lime says Kirk so sorry that Josh Green is gone thoughts and prayers for you during this difficult time um last thing that we’ll end with is CBA Mavs uh shared a tweet saying as of right this moment the Mavericks are $258 million below the hard cap they have one empty roster spot they still have two exceptions but they cannot go above the hard cap so that’s that’s an interesting um interesting thing to note they have up to $4.25 million using the full mle four years Max and up to 467 using the two-year Max I don’t know what those last two things mean but it’s got is smarter than me so we’re just going to leave it at that okay guys a lot of fun thank you so much for hanging out um had a good time and we will see where we go from here this is a great start to the off season and should leave people uh feeling great about the team because the Mavericks have an opportunity to be pretty good let’s go Mavs bye guys

Kirk goes solo and NEEDS YOUR HELP in this Free Agency edition of Mavs Party! He’ll be talking about the signing of Klay Thompson and the offseason as a whole. Come ready with your takes and thoughts and be ready to join the show. #BlueWireVideo

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  1. In his first season after the injury, Klay played 30 minutes per game for the #1 defense in the league and eventual champions. He might not be prime Klay on defense, but let’s not act like he’s gonna be a straight liability.

  2. Did TeamKlay just go on a podcast in the middle of a meal? If there's ever a podcast naughty list, eating while talking through a mic, should be top of the list.

    Welcome Klay Thompson. I don't know if he is on a steep decline, or will fit perfectly with Luka, but the Mavs convincing players of his stature, bodes well for the future and the changing perception of the Mavericks around the league.

  3. lol kidds starters lol luka, kyrie, Klay, maxi, Dwight. lol yall know the young players will never see the court, when giving a choice kidd will always go with old and broken over young and athletic every single time

  4. Well Josh thought it made for sense to have Kyrie or Luka take the shot more often than Klay did……and Josh made the right call most of the time until the finals. It was a huge mistake and everyone will know it by May.

  5. He’s been bad in the clutch in the playoffs since the title run. Stop comparing to Tim. Compare him to Green. That’s who we lost in the trade and that’s who’s minutes he would have had in game 5 of the finals.

  6. I guess I'm one of the only ones down on this move….I just don't think Klay has much left in the tank. Mediocre defense and streaky shooting. Mavs can't afford a guy shooting 0-10 in the playoffs, we traded away Tim Hardaway Jr who was that guy with insane confidence even when missing like 30 shots in a row.

    They didn't give up much for him, but I still think they overpaid. He needs to come off the bench so Marshall can fill the DJ Jr role. But I hope they prove us all wrong. I think this could become the Chandler Parsons or Luol Deng contract especially in year 3. However it is impressive that Mavs were even on the radar of a top free agent. The bet is that Luka makes Klay better…we will see. I wish they had traded for a younger guy with more athleticism and upside.

  7. In the final six games, ramping up for the play-in tournament, Klay hits 29-63 on threes (46%) and all 13 of his free throws while hitting 24-40 of his twos.
    He was playing great offensively and the Warriors went 4-2 with a two point loss to Dallas and a five point loss to New Orleans. He then proceeded to go 0-10 in the most important game of the season…..and he has done this before in big, high pressure, elimination games. You can be a great shooter and not a great clutch performer in the playoffs.
    He was 4-19 in the elimination game against Sacramento in 2023 and 3-19 in the elimination game against the lakers.
    In the closeout game vs. Boston in 2021 he was 5-20. He has proven to be a guy who’s both great and Terrible. With Dallas his value is in floor spreading, not always in shot taking. He won’t have the pressure of golden state. The Mavs will learn early not trust him with the game on the line. We need him to draw coverage with his reputation. Hopefully very tight coverage. No more moving around a lot. He will be the leagues most expensive decoy and “championship experience” player. He shouldn’t and probably won’t be on the court at the end of games. You will need stops and baskets and Luka-Kyrie-Lively-PJ and our best defensive stopper will be on the court when it counts and the game is close, Either Exum, grimes or Naji. Whoever is playing the best at the time and the best matchup. Maybe OMax at some point this year because of all his length and energy. This won’t sit well with Klay. By February it will likely time to cut bait and move him and others for a player WHO CAN HELP US.

  8. In the final six games, ramping up for the play-in tournament, Klay hits 29-63 on threes (46%) and all 13 of his free throws while hitting 24-40 of his twos.
    He was playing great offensively and the Warriors went 4-2 with a two point loss to Dallas and a five point loss to New Orleans. He then proceeded to go 0-10 in the most important game of the season…..and he has done this before in big, high pressure, elimination games. You can be a great shooter and not a great clutch performer in the playoffs.
    He was 4-19 in the elimination game against Sacramento in 2023 and 3-19 in the elimination game against the lakers.
    In the closeout game vs. Boston in 2021 he was 5-20. He has proven to be a guy who’s both great and Terrible. With Dallas his value is in floor spreading, not always in shot taking. He won’t have the pressure of golden state. The Mavs will learn early not trust him with the game on the line. We need him to draw coverage with his reputation. Hopefully very tight coverage. No more moving around a lot. He will be the leagues most expensive decoy and “championship experience” player. He shouldn’t and probably won’t be on the court at the end of games. You will need stops and baskets and Luka-Kyrie-Lively-PJ and our best defensive stopper will be on the court when it counts and the game is close, Either Exum, grimes or Naji. Whoever is playing the best at the time and the best matchup. Maybe OMax at some point this year because of all his length and energy. This won’t sit well with Klay. By February it will likely time to cut bait and move him and others for a player WHO CAN HELP US.

  9. Klay pretty famously is not big on the dribbling Kirk lol. Naji is the guy who has potential to put the ball on the deck and attack the hoop. I’m just worried about how Klay will handle things when he takes a seat in the playoffs cause we go with more defense. From an attitude standpoint he hasn’t exactly aged gracefully.

  10. Klay is 6’7 and his knees are bad. He won’t be meeting anyone at the rim defensively. The reason he isn’t in death lineup for us is cause he’s not the guy he was 6 years ago. That’s why he’s on the Mavs instead of staying with the Warriors. Kyrie, Luka, Naji, PJ, Lively feels like it should be our best lineup.

  11. One more thing. First thing that went through my mind when this happened…Klay won’t hesitate to tell Luka to STFU when it’s needed 🤫🏀3️⃣

  12. Kirk’s going to miss dumb Josh Green plays followed up by very good Josh Green plays that make no sense 🤣

  13. Remember the win loss stats of when THJ made threes vs when he didn’t. Now substitute him with one of the best shooters ever. I’m excited for next season. Go mavs

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