@Philadelphia 76ers

Paul George on Signing with 76ers, Clippers Contract Negotiations, Conversation with Kawhi & More

Paul George on Signing with 76ers, Clippers Contract Negotiations, Conversation with Kawhi & More

[Music] welcome back to another episode of podcast p a wave sports and entertainment original it is your guy PG-13 and I’m joined with my guys Dallas Rutherford and Jack Elon yeah uh what’s up what’s up y’all we checking in again how how we doing how how we feeling I’m fet off a flight and I’m doing all right you know what I’m saying I’m here let us know once again where you coming from from the shy man from Chicago baby you what I’m saying still in the shy hey man hey keep still so now we getting officially you know it’s official now it’s Keith yeah it’s official y’all can watch him every Sunday you know what I’m saying like I said for the boot leers every Friday and every Saturday you know what I’m saying but what’s up D man what’s a lot lot a lot of mixed emotions man lot of mixed a lot going on this is a interesting week for me you know what I mean but a lot of mixed emotions a lot of mixed emotions a lot a lot but you know it’s to you asking us what’s going on with you we it’s it’s a lot going on with you Pete it’s a lot little bit you know and you know I am a nosy brother a nosy brother I know you are you know and I see you got on a Philly Jersey Philly Philly Jersey and I don’t think nobody in the world knows your number and if the people do know out there number 13 and number 24 is retired true in Philly retired and I think think you started off your career with 24 M well for about what four years about four years about four three years and then you had number 13 I say for about 10 years right now Pete with both of these numbers retired I mean you we your boys you know what I’m saying I think the podcast P people is your fans and they are they are peoples so as you g to do the exclusive today and let us know what Jersey you wearing what number what number you wearing why you wear y want to see whaty do we want to know let the podcast people know under the ball let us know P let us know the easyy we the easy I had to do it why you have to go ha on them come on man I’m in Philly okay my idol the bean Kobe Bryant my way of idolizing C and uh you know something that meant something outside of 24 and 13 so it was only right it’s different there we there we go I got nothing to say There He Go I like the A on you in I didn’t even think of that the eight actually do I I like the eight the eight looks good on me let me see if you move the ball move the ball P I want to know like that’s nice how how how long did that decision take you cuz I’d imagine it was a a little bit of a dilemma for you there like what number am I gonna wear it it did take a minute cuz I was like I was going through all numbers like man what makes sense what looks good like what will I be comfortable in I went with like 14 cuz my son can’t say 13 so he says 14 but then I just don’t it didn’t it didn’t I don’t know that that number just don’t look right didn’t have a ring to it it and Shout out tman I know T-man wears 14 it looks great on tman but I don’t know 14 I can’t picture myself in a 14 jersey and then so I’m going down I wore 25 a little bit in high school but I didn’t love it in high school so I’m like no I’m not going to wear that again also wore I believe 31 my freshman in high school but 31 don’t look right with me um so I just kept going down the line I’m like one n you know what hey like it’s only fitting you had no help from nobody no wife I mean I was asking wifey wifey was going through numbers she thought 14 too just because about daughters they you know they would have shot out like where 39 or we 47 so so so I say wearing this number eight of course it’s beyond different motivation wearing this number eight now because now with the world knowing why and all this and we know what what Kobe Bryan has done in this world so I’m just saying I I I like this number on you and I expect and I hope to see you do some kobe things man in Philly you know what for me it’s just uh like you know you it’s it’s good to have those moments of just like when you look at that Jersey like yeah this is this is who I’m putting it on for so like I I wanted that moment of just being being able to be like hold myself accountable I tell you this Kobe would be proud I hope so can’t go wrong with number eight eight is eight eight is eight eight is a special number man I like this this is this is nice eight this is good Big C do so PG for two seasons it’s been uh W welcome to another edition of podcast P this your boy PG-13 PG-13 PG-13 I mean now P we we done heard that enough for two season the world’s loved it and everything but now that is number eight what are you going to say in your intro now I I’m gonna have to come up with some clever [ __ ] now like I’m so used to saying PG-13 I said it in this intro like I’m I’m so used to saying 13 it’s going to take an adjustment of just being like pg8 pg8 pg8 yeah we got to come up with some it don’t it don’t it it don’t have a it don’t it don’t have a good little ring to it right now yeah we got to think on this pg8 nope that don’t do it it don’t it just don’t sound right PG easy it don’t roll out like pg3 did it’s your boy easy it’s your boy Philly p uh Philly PG this this your boy easy easy8 easy8 this your boy easy8 PE PE pe8 I like that welcome to another edition of podcast it’s your boy pz8 I like pz8 pz8 pz8 I might change my my uh Instagram name oh I didn’t even you got to go down a long rabit hole now I’m like tra damn p8 now pz8 was it o oo but that’s that’s oo that’s kind of stapled we p8 we’ll figure it out this episode is sponsored by coinbase coinbase is the best and easiest place to get started with crypto coinbase is the most trusted only publicly traded crypto exchange and honestly the best way to get started learning about crypto is simply to try it that’s all I did it’s easy to buy a little crypto and get started investing with as little as $20 it’s also a great place to learn about crypto get the latest crypto news directly you might have heard of Bitcoin which 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crazy that’s crazy ogul shout out Peter Den witty D darl my just the whole you know majority of the Philly front office was there at the house and you know it it was just it was it was a great meeting um and talk about uh uh organization to say the Clippers didn’t and the Clippers don’t but just an organization that just was like man you’re our guy like we believe in you we want you here there’s no perfect pairing with you Joelle Tyrese together um you know and and it was just you know my family felt it I felt it it just felt like all right this is this is where I’m going to spend the next chapter of my life and so it it felt good man like I said Dr J was in the crib I know that was big for my dad oh pops was going pict I he did did he have a fresh Pony he a he have the slick back he had the slick back slicky I think he had some hard bottoms on too crazy I think I’m trying to think I think he did did he had a hard bottom on he did that mean I think did he have the leather he have a leather jacket did he have a Lea jacket he did had a tan was huh man I love my dad man y got love Pop I can’t wait till pops come on the show yeah man pops had the hard bottom so you know what kind of what kind of meeting that was uh but it it was cool man like I said they sold the the they sold the city they sold the team the organization the fit um and it was just like an opportunity I couldn’t pass up okay p with that said what was your mindset coming into the meeting and what did you want to get specifically out of them like what did you want to hear from the Sixers like what is it like that was gonna make you say damn I’m I’m I’m I’m here this this where I’m at yeah I mean I think it was just the idea of you know playing with such a presence in Joelle um and then just a fresh start new opportunity um I was pretty open on the conversation and and the decision I think you know stuff was kind of at a stale with clippers um which opened me to you know looking at other teams um hearing other programs out um and ultimately it was it was more so just the idea of you know one of the best point guards young point guards in the league and and the best if not uh one of the best if not the best big in the league in Joelle so um I mean it was just you know it was It was kind of just like you know let’s let’s let’s see what this looks like did you feel like from their conversation that you feel like this is home meaning because you got to feel like wherever you going you want to feel like I belong here this is where I’m definitely going to be the people love me I love the city I love everything about this what made them what made you feel like this was home yeah I mean I can’t really say I feel like home or felt like it was home yet cuz I ain’t been there yet um as much as I know Philly is just the hotels and [ __ ] I stayed at when we go play there so I ain’t never really been around the city in in in in Philly um so I’m looking forward to doing that going going around the city you know going into the restaurants just getting that that Philly Vibe um so I’m looking forward to that to like really close that and feel like all right yeah this is where we comfortable this is where we spending the next four years at least um but you know based off the meeting I did feel like like I said it was a level that made me feel like it they this is where I’m supposed to be like this is who I’m supposed to play for how hard is that though being from C it was tough bro and your tough your end of your years and you’re like damn do I want to leave or I’m already home you know what I’m saying that was that’s why it was the toughest decision cuz it’s you know I’m moving my kids my wife right right they comfortable here my daughters going you know they already sad that they missing out and leaving their friends that they now have grown up with for the past 5 years um and so it was it was a lot like I ain’t going to lie it’s probably the most stressful time that I’ve been through in in a long time um you know and so because I’ve never I’ve never been through free agency this is the first time every time I for go I forone uh free agency and and resigned so this was like the first time I was an official free agent um and so it was stressful I ain’t going to lie it was it was stressful especially me being home like I think if I was somewhere else been it would have been different it been a little different like yeah I don’t really got no ties here like I I can leave but it was like man this is the crib like do I really want to leave La that’s where everybody at exactly that’s where we at Monkey this where the Mony was there anything that they shared with you because you kind of just mentioned maybe not too familiar with the city of Philadelphia other than the hotels I think when people think of Philadelphia they think about that that fan base and all the sports teams out there the e Eagles their baseball team was there anything that you learned about Philadelphia in that meeting like did they share anything with you that you were like oh I didn’t know that um they have some of the best golf courses I was just going to say that I didn’t know about they say about the golf yeah come they got some of the nicest courses out there but I think it was just more so like putting a stamp on how passionate the fans are there and yeah they can be Rowdy they can you know you know I’ve heard the stories of you know them getting on their players or whatever like that but you know that’s good pressure you know that’s pressure that you want you know Indie was kind of like that um but it lit a fire under you to play better and be better so you know that was that was you know that was I guess people would be scared of that but you know it was kind of reassuring that like they care you know they want to win and and that’s I want to win so um you know I was I was just looking forward to it did they mention anything about you know podcast b or anything in those meetings just curious yeah I think they going to build out a a room I think they going to build out a room and then y’all can y’all can POD live as the games go on say what now say what now see that’s what I’m talking about an office PJ got a PJ for office y got an office room they go PJ y’all back and forth from LA to Philly come on man perfect we got to pay for our own flights or they doing it they going to do it they going to do it they going sit in the plane they going sit in the plane boy that’s what I love doing boy just bring your own tissue I know look ugly but wait we I just wait what did uh uh uh before we get the joking around I want to ask you know what did Dr J say to you in this Meet n Dr J had a dope dope intro and like just story right what’s the story so he brought up you know how he joined the team um they ended up getting to the to the championship lost one got to the championship again lost got to the championship again lost damn then he was like you know we just can’t get over the hump then they go ahead and trade for Moses Malone and they win it and he was like that was the missing piece Moses Malone oh that’s good he was like P I’m sold you the missing peace you the missing peace wow that’s a story I was like man yeah pops is like son where where where I sign at man where I sign it’s like you got doctor no but it was you know obviously it’s man ton of work cut out you know uh hopefully me and Joelle and Tyrese get on the same page early as possible but it is an opportunity to to to win and and try to get a championship in in Philly yeah you’re teaming up with two other All-Star caliber players uh in embiid and Tyrese Maxi tell us a little bit about the conversations that you’ve had with them thus far yeah I mean I think it was just a great like Collective conversation between the three of us we haven’t all three been on at the same time but I talked with Joel I talked with Tyrese and Tyrese man one of the most mature kids in the league one of the most mature kids for his age you know he was just like I learned so much when big fow went down you know it was a ton of pressure on me I was able to see different defenses kind of learn grow and you know I’m like man yeah like you know whatever I can help with in getting you even better that’s what I’m here for he he’s he’s a star we all know he’s a star he’s got you know number one option capabilities and you need that fresh legs that live liveliness that he has Joelle simple like you know I’mma space the floor for you I’mma do this that like there’s so many ways we can play off one another Beyond and I just you know like I said I’ve never played with someone so so so big and dominant like that you know just you know he’s you know the best or one of the best centers in the league bro like that’s a beast you know baby Shaq again it’s a dream come true like you know having a a star point guard and a star big you know that’s that’s a that’s a crazy Dynamic right there hey I’m actually curi ious did you have any relationship I I would assume maybe a little bit with M be just cuz he’s been in the All-Star game but did you have any relationship with Maxie or conversations throughout the season or is this kind of like a it almost feels like going to school for the like to a new school or something like that and I know you’re a veteran and you’re going to be able to fit in that locker room because you are a professional but do you have any relationship with them before this at all no I didn’t you know I and Joel like we talk every Allstar week we we talk and you know we we kind of you know hang out as we’re doing the events or if we’re taking the pictures before the All-Star game like we always found time to kind of hang out and just chop it up um and it was just genuine like you know what I mean I don’t he don’t know me I don’t know him but it was just always you know something that just brought us to to just talking um I’m kind of you know I think like I feel like we’re kind of similar in like just being introverted um and so as Allstar stuff’s going on here you know players hanging talking like we kind of just do our own thing you know what I mean keep to oursel but then slowly you know it’s like what’s up big fella like what’s going on where you going after here or what you doing with your fam or it’s just a natural conversation we would have so yeah like it we didn’t it wasn’t no relationship before like crazy relationship before between uh me and him um but it just you know having having talking to him he was like man regardless of what happened like you somebody that like you know I I look at as a friend um you know I feel like we’re similar people like we always got along like you know I keep to myself but you you you’re a cool dude I [ __ ] with you so I was like you know I [ __ ] with you too big fell at the finals y’all look like y’all was best friends yeah no I he good dude man Joel is a good dude [ __ ] with Jo well P we all know how important it is to be in the NBA to win an NBA championship title that’s like the main goal no matter what yeah you have all the other accolades and everything but you’re going to Philadelphia and you’re playing with a senate who been there since he got drafted in the NBA which is Joel embid so I want to know by you picking Philly what makes you think that is the title contender and don’t forget you have to go on a team that plays the right way M what what is it about this team that you think plays the right way and to be NBA contenders to win that Championship yeah I mean I think Nick nurse is is you know as good as he gets his coaching um you know he’s won at many different levels I already talked about how good Joelle is and Tyrese is and now you mixing myself UB um I think we have a a a hell of a starting five um and then we got veteran guys coming off the bench um so we already have a recipe to be a a really good team um and then I think you know everybody wants to win I think you have a good mixture of veterans and young guys um you know I think Jared McCain will help really good player out of college um and so it’s just a a good mixture of everything I know people take [ __ ] out of context and like duh I want to win a championship but playing the right way means a lot as well like you know you gotta Philly or uh Celtics won the championship because they played the right way that’s what I’m referring to is playing the right way right brand of basketball um that fits my game and my play style so that’s what I meant by that people y’all got too much time on your hands but to to clear that up uh like yeah ultimately winning a championship means the most and and the only thing I’m I’m trying to do at this point in my career yeah I will hope so [ __ ] I I don’t even know like why I got it goes hand in hand people try to dissect everything like trust me I know they got too much time too much time on your hands at you know everybody just the other fans that just don’t see it they he just going for the money that’s all he doing he’s not going for the money he’s going for a ring for a ring for a ring you know what I’m saying we don’t care about none of that it’s for the rain you don’t want to comment yeah yeah all you over here hey hey hey hey hey hey everyone’s got a thirst a drive to be the next big thing and put the world on notice and for me to be one of the best basketball players every night so if you answer when your thirst call Sprites for you well you know it is for me then ah my drive has got me to where I am today as an actor in spite is for the makers and the creators like myself The Visionaries that put in the work to built their dreams whether you’re shooting a cinematic Masterpiece on your phone filling notebooks with sketches or you’re up all night turning your bedroom into the booth keep going y’all thirst is everything being a managing partner in my own mortgage company at the age of 35 has quenched my thirst to be a successful as I wanted but even that hasn’t stopped my drive towards greatness Sprite is made for those who thirst for success and are working to make their dreams a reality so keep going and remember to be true to yourself obey your thirst Sprite P outside of of course embiid and and Maxi who else are you that you waiting to connect to on the team besides them too that you want to get KO Kelly UB you know I love his competitiveness I love his you know tenaciousness I’m looking forward to lining it up with him honestly I’m looking forward to being being on the floor being on the wing with him I think I can help him grow teach him things um I I think he’s super talented we always seem to get into it when we play but you know he’s he’s one of those players I look forward to competing against um and so yeah I’m looking forward to playing with KO looking forward to getting back on the floor with eg haven’t played with drum but you know he’s a veteran he’s been in the league for a while and that’s your boy and I [ __ ] with drum yeah yeah we me and drum is is boys off the court so looking forward to playing with with drum um and then you know being that Mentor [ __ ] for the young fell that just got drafted Jared McCain that’s that’s gonna be a fun uh to to be in his corner and kind of help him with his productivity no I mean everybody bro I’m looking forward to you know just getting acclimated in Philadelphia and getting on that floor man AI gonna be at the games every day I don’t know about every day he might you know you Dr J said you the one so you know oh every day is crazy I’m surprised why why didn’t have ai House Gym he just sitting there why didn’t have ai come to the house they they probably would have they would have had ai ai with Dr J Dr J is dead though that’s different I’m just saying AI would have been great too but Dr J is I’m sure he just has like I [ __ ] with ai ai the big home you could have ask AI about his little statue he did get why you got to be little I don’t know why they did like for reference for reference that’s the size of all the championship or all the uh statues outside of Phillies Arena hey P that’s the size of all you got an opportunity to do to get one you got said the little statue hey I mean that was that’s what they were saying it was so little see you can’t be a casual you’re a casual right now I was I was I’m going be honest I would you can’t be a casual I would I got to get out of that got be in that casual you got to know full context I do I didn’t know that was my first time see that’s why I had to put you on game cuz you was going to have a conversation with somebody else can you coach me cuz you in Philly now can you coach me I got you so like I like I said for reference everybody got that same size statue okay okay why that’s just the size that they did yeah so they could put more statues around but isn’t it has to be a certain reason why though like they could have made the Statue big like this uh the uh uh Staple Center look how big they statues are look at a lot of other not La I’m just saying got to be some history wide that you’re right and I don’t have the context for that I don’t got the context for that we’ll find out okay until then don’t check me first question hey I know this is I got to check you you do you do you did for AI I I didn’t know you did you did the P Nick nurse will be guiding the ship in Philly and I know you talked about your conversations with embiid and Maxi but have you had any opportunity to sit with your your future head coach and and have some talks with each other yeah I actually saw Nick yesterday we went out and played uh golf together play played at the Riviera yeah so we actually got out there got to chop it up a little bit play a little golf Nick’s a good dude man good coach you know it was cool like getting to know him um you could tell he’s a competitor but you know all around just you know stand up good dude P do you have any experience with Nick nurse throughout your career n not really to be honest but it’s funny that the game that you know they KO and Nick nurse kind of went at the refs okay y was the game we played him oh that is funny though so yeah that one okay that one so that was like my my real and I always seen him as a fiery you know uh competitive coach like he he’s always you could tell he’s fiery on the other side but I’ve never had any interactions with him um but like seeing that moment it was like all right yeah that’s that that’s that’s who you want to play for that like he he was fired up he was emotional he was uh you know it mattered and he cared um and so that’s the only real like I guess time I’ve like seen him like on that level uh was was was when that happened I love that but yeah it’s actually funny that it was against us I forgot it was against you guys yeah that is funny yeah I’m about to make him his name look real good so I cost him some money that he was hot he was real hot both of them was hot UB was funny he was just hot yeah yeah yeah that’s a good way to put it that that that was that was crazy all right P I understand you from LA and you just left a team with three other players from La James Harden kaai Lena Russell Westbrook and we know this had to be a hard decision leaving your boys and everything but we know it’s a business out here so at the end of the day you had to do this for your family so I want to know what was the negotiations like with the Clippers to before and whatever through the discussion to let you know that hey I’m leaving y’all and I’m calling to Philly yeah just to put it out there like I never wanted to leave LA right initially I was not trying to leave la la is home this is where I wanted to finish at I wanted to work as hard as possible to win one in La like that was the goal to be here and be committed to La um as it played out though like the first initial deal was I thought kind of disrespectful right and again no in all of this no hard feelings no love loss no like it’s a business like you said um so the first initial deal was like two years 60 so I’m like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa two years 60 hey that’s crazy bro that’s crazy that’s crazy so I’m like wow no I’m not signing that like now we’re getting into the negotiating like no we’re I’m not taking that deal um and so they slow like they saying this that like you know we view we want you in kaai here long term like we want y’all to be here all of this stuff right so then you know we’re continue to negotiate as the season goes on and mind you this was probably like this was started before the season started so this was kind of like I could be wrong on on actual timing but this was maybe like October is um when negotiation negotiations first started and it was 260 and as we kept going it was like you know they would go up you know inches inches inches um to where it was like 44 45 right but this was like couple months in between before we got it to 40 something so I’m still like nah I’m not doing that then I hear wind of like you know what they’re going to give Kawai so I’m like just give me what Kawai got like right y’all view us the same like you know we came here together we want to finish this [ __ ] together I’ll take what Kawai got like no no problem I was with that like and we were still taking less we were taking less Kawai took less I was like if why going to take less I’m not going to say I want more than why like I’mma I’m not GNA like it’s not about me being paid more than him like I’mma take what he got y’all give him that give me that they didn’t want to do that so this was before the allstar break so I’m like you know what I don’t want like don’t even let’s not even have no more conversation like let me let’s just play this year out cuz it was starting to get into like my like my mood now I’m I’m you know what I mean like I didn’t want I didn’t want to have that energy carry over into the team on the court so cuz I can see it starting to bleed a little bit into the team where I was just like disconnected I ain’t want to [ __ ] with nobody like I was kind of just you know kind of to myself a little bit so I was like man let’s just let this [ __ ] play out let me get to the to the end of this year and we’ll discuss this again we’ll pick up you know conversations again so we do that right season in I finished healthy 74 years or 74 games played um and had one of my most efficient Seasons so now we going to negotiations now they now they bring it to three years where we at 150 so basically around what they gave Kawai so a part of me was still like all right that’s cool it sucks that it had to get to this point like that they couldn’t we couldn’t get this figured out a lot sooner but way early right now we at the end of the year three years 150 so I’m I’m I’m I’m like all right like now we’re in we’re in a ballpark you know what I mean now now we can have conversation here and again it still wasn’t about the money because when I went back to have the negotiation at the end of the year I presented the 3150 no trade cuz in the meeting they’re like you know we want here longterm we want to you know when you’re retired we want you to be a clippers for a lifetime like all of this stuff we want you to be here we want you to be a Clippers your whole career so I’m like cool cool give me the three years 150 no trade then like no trade CLA then then I now like I’m taking less but at least I know I’m here like I’m I’m committed to y’all like they didn’t want to do no trade that wow so then now I’m like all right well then it only makes sense for me to do four years to12 right like at least pay me my money if y’all gonna trade me then y’all gonna trade me but at least like now I’m not in a situation where I could have got more had I just gone a free agency then take this deal and y’all could just [ __ ] me wherever I want and then now I’m on this deal that I didn’t want right so they didn’t want to do that so then I was like now like now I’m I’m I’m open to entertaining what’s what’s out there and then I mean you know through the negotiations they they weren budging they weren’t going to budge I wasn’t going to budge I thought I played I I played well enough for them to you know be like you know what he’s a part of our future like I thought I did that I thought I earned that you know granted we didn’t win while I was there but luck has a lot to do with that you know we couldn’t remain healthy as a unit um but I thought I did enough to earn that to earn that money they didn’t they didn’t want to do it so it was just stalemate we came to a to a stale and ultimately it was like all right that ship has sailed like at that point it was like man I like I don’t I I love Steve I love Lawrence but at that point it didn’t even feel right to come back with that type of energy and and be comfortable playing back in La what did Steve say to you I mean you know it’s it’s it’s it’s taking his word you know what I mean in that situation is taking his word like no we I don’t want to trade you that’s not the reason I want to resign you which I I get you know um and I understand and I and and I and I I don’t know Steve is is a good dude like you know I love Steve as an owner one of the best owners that I play for um but you know it’s a business like you can’t take you can’t I I I won’t take nobody’s word if they can’t put it in writing right yeah can’t take nobody word if it a right I like that is it difficult P for players like yourself cuz as you mentioned all that I’m curious it is a business but you’re also treading that line where it can kind of feel like personal how do you kind of navigate those conversations and remove that emotion kind of out of it like not taking it personally and understanding that it’s business cuz I would guess that that can be hard at times you know what I mean on both sides yeah yeah no I mean it it that that’s that’s why I had to stop the negotiations during the season cuz it it was personal like that’s how y’all view me you know what I mean which is fine like in all of this that’s why it’s no love lost no heart feelings like if that’s how y’all view me fine that’s cool now I got to go somewhere else that’s it’s there’s nothing wrong with that like like you said is they say it’s business you say it’s business yeah it’s business I got to do what’s best for me and my family if that’s how y’all view me and that’s where my value is then I no no harm feeling like I’mma go where I’m appreciated that at the end of the day who life is it it it’s business like you know I wasn’t I was I was torn a little bit because of the the I don’t know just the history we had this past five years [ __ ] I was playing through like injuries and stuff I was playing through you know I was you know I was I was everything I had we had some good UPS we had some Downs um but I thought again I I thought I deserve more than especially for the first initial like yeah contract like the first initial conversation it’s hard to not take that person personal that’s that’s I understand negotiations too you know it’s a business you got to maybe start down here and we’ll end up here but that seems that’s a low starty low starting point to just throw that on the table and show your cards like that it’s like okay so so that that that was that was like that that part you can’t never like Overlook like that’s that’s really how y’all felt hey and so that that kind of just was like you know what what what else is out there but it was it was tough bro it was tough conversations I can’t imagine it was tough conversation that’s why it was so stressful like this this whole week week and a half was a very stressful week and a half I wish we could have helped negotiate when he was here I would just like Steve this what you need to do we should have brought our own contct put us in more and then after that I’m going tell you you know it would it was a great selling though like I went and saw the into it dome like yeah they they walked me through everything how it’s going to look and into it it’s damn near done so it was cool to see it kind of firsthand everything the the facility the building is crazy like I went from Laker to Clipper we in Philly that’s I’m Philly I mean hey but I love I I’m embracing the new change I love the new change I’m Philly I’m Philly now my new team P you mentioned how just stressful these last couple of weeks have been for you uh going through all your options how did you manage that stress did you do anything different throughout those weeks or did you talk to anybody what did you do just for that you know your personal piece while you were going through the decision making process yeah you know what was helpful so me Aaron YT we took a little trip down to Cabo ourselves right one weekend and you know this was already you know in the beginning stages of us negotiating with clippers and so I was like you know what I just need to get away like let’s go somewhere where we can just you know Vibe out play golf chop it up the finals was going on at the time so watch basketball games by the pool like we was just on a cool little trip and um that was like the really that was like the piece I needed um going into all the free agency talks um was just a chance to sit back kind of evaluate everything let everything play out um before ultimately it was just like like I’m comfortable with the decision like I was I think at that point is when I was the first time I was comfortable with like all right if I’m not in La what would that look like and it was tough though like I had to have conversations with Daniela I had to have conversations with my parents my parents was like man son go where you appreciate it like don’t worry about us Daniela the same thing like you know we’ll follow you don’t worry about us it’s awesome yeah which was very helpful the only part that was pulling me back was the kids that was the only part pulling me back into that situation was the kids but you know ultimately you just got to you know you got to make the right decision just what’s what was best and again people going to think like oh he did it for the money like it wasn’t initially about the money cuz I was going to take less to stay with why less money less years I was down to do both until and then now I was like man I’m not like take less for what now yeah people probably didn’t notice though P this ain’t your first time playing in the Eastern Conference but this your first time living on the East Coast because Indiana was Midwest Mid West you hit me with that earlier I thought you [ __ ] UPC you know what I’m saying with a you been on the I’m just saying I was I was thinking like where is going they was just in the Eastern Conference that’s all you know good point that’s a good point great point on the East I’m just saying ass so how you feel about that though [ __ ] you um no I mean it I I you know it’s a change it’s a it’s definitely a change um but again I’m looking forward to it you know wifey is from the East Coast ton of her family is in the east coast so we have family around out there as well um it’ll be different you know starting from initially in the East um to kind of be back to playing those teams and being in rotations with those cities again um it’s going to be fun it’s going to be fun I’m looking forward to it all we get to find out where the best Philly cheese steak best Philly please Philly people in the comments leave where where’s the best Phil cheese steaks cuz we it’s only right it’s only right I think I think us three we got to bless wherever the best Philly cheese steak let us know please we got to know cuz when I podc P is coming to the best Philly cheese steak place in Philly and we coming soon [ __ ] we coming soon Jackie another thing that A1 had shared with us that I didn’t even really think about is on the East Coast the states are so much closer to each other yeah so even from like a traveling standpoint for p like being in La playing all the Western Conference teams they’re longer flights on the East Coast he’s he’s still traveling but it’s just couple hours this way couple hours that way it’s all kind of New York we got Brook the Brooklyn uh Brooklyn Philly New York Brooklyn mean Indie is close they’re like two hours Detroit’s like probably two hours Toronto easy Miami’s probably two hours like it it is like I think you’re just sacrificing the weather the weather like you’re going to be cold but the the flights are are quick tell you this it uh the East and the West definitely done switch now the West was popping this year yeah and now look like the East about to be popping all the stuff the West is still popping the West is crazy I’m just saying the way the all these players on the East over there now going you know what I’m saying it’s more I feel like it’s more on the west though you think I mean I’m trying to think the biggest West Coast trade clay going to Dallas going to Dallas oh KC got who who’ they get who they get Caruso and uh hardstein I like likeo I like both of them for that team I like so hardstein got paid well too Prett sure he got a nice little contract yeah I like both of those I just want to bring this up they Ain got nothing to do nothing but just Lonzo backo balls back I think there’s some excitement on the East now which is good this episode is sponsored by liquid IV what event do you guys like watching during the Olympics man I only want to see shakeri Richardson man Run 100 meter dash man that’s all I want to see because when she run she run to her family outside of basketball which is like the easy answer I like to watch the swimming I think it’s incredible how fast those guys like just swim in that water cuz I suck at swimming so swimming for me very interesting as a fellow gold medalist you know I got to root my boys on win the gold but I love watching track and 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decision to leave the Clippers when did you have that conversation and how did it go yeah absolutely absolutely I owed Kawai that conversation um I called him up and we just like man listen you know I think I’m going to go elsewhere like conversations with the Clippers didn’t go how I wanted to um I kind of broke down how I told you guys how it all played out um you know and and we had that conversation and I was like man like I got to do what’s best and uh I mean he understood he like like I mean go get your bag like P go get your bag like you know I can’t even be mad at you you know so you know I thought you know and I look at kawhai as one of my best friends in this in this league you know somebody that you know I [ __ ] with like you know our families you know love each other um you know so it it was tough to leave him um just with you know how much I enjoyed being out there with him um it was it was that was one of the a big decision too that weighed a lot on me was just damn I’m leaving my boy like leaving why uh but had to had a conversation with him we talked and you know he he gave me his blessings of like man just you know go do what’s best for you that’s awesome yeah and I I don’t think we ever had the conversation on the podcast but if you wouldn’t mind rewinding a little bit and kind of taking us through the origin story of you and Kawai actually joining the Clippers like what what do you remember most about that time yeah I get Flack for this too right like people give me [ __ ] for this too of thinking I was the reason that Thunder team broke up which was not the case again it was me having to do what was best for me in that situation so after Toronto wins right right why and and win it I text why congrats bro I think he ended up calling me right after what you gonna [Laughter] do what I’m going what you mean like what you going to do like you you you you comfortable there you good there I’m like yeah bro like I just resigned like yeah we like [ __ ] we going to try to get do this [ __ ] next year like he like no I hear like I hear I hear people trying to get out of there let me call you back that was the initial start of that conversation and then me and him was just working on how can we make this happen and I was close to going to Toronto like we were deciding to go to Toronto or the Clippers ultimately the Clippers put something better um you know a better package together a better trade package together that sent me to La um but I was close I was close to he was going to resign to Toronto and and we was going to go to Toronto that was the the origin and the beginning of that story and it was just a worldwind of how it played out it seems like yesterday which is crazy like if you really I remember Kawai getting off that plane and it was talk about a wild time in the NBA off it was it was a whirlwind of how that [ __ ] played out that was that [ __ ] was a lot figuring out how to get me to La but but we made it happen so P I heard a little birdie during that time that you guys actually met at Drake’s house is there any truth in that yeah there there there we we linked up we linked up so it was Drake’s crib when he was in Hidden Hills and at the time I was living in Hidden Hills um so Drake was probably like five minutes around the corner from me um so I like man pull up let’s chop it up so I pulled up we chopped it up what it look like how how it happen um and if it was even a chance um so that was that was kind of two like after that phone conversation that was kind of like the next phase of us linking up and talking that through um but it was a bit of both it was it was also to like congratulate them because this was why they just won it so it was like you know it was it was a congratulation like you know you know [ __ ] you did it bro um so it was it was a lot of that more so than anything you mentioned that it could have worked out in Toronto possibly so I would assume you going to Drake’s house was Drake there and was he kind of pitching to you was that little bit that you were just talking about was Drake saying P come come to T do come to Toronto no Drake Drake actually was out of town Drake was actually out of town what yeah he just got people at his house when he not there what the man just won him a championship like he was celebrating why would like why wouldn’t he give him his crib it don’t matter it’s my crib you might mess up some [ __ ] I don’t care how much money I got y’all my crib just people all up in my crib D it’s damn I that’s B you don’t care like you just want me a chip I don’t give a damn do what you do wasn’t even there how that feel you in somebody house that’s not even there no I mean I I was like I was you like what yeah I was hyped like oh [ __ ] Drake over there too cool I kick it with both of y’all Kawai answered the door welcome like I was in no no Drizzy driz wasn’t there driz was you ugly somebody house that ain’t even there get your ass out they housez he wasn’t there I have been to his crib once though where he was there his Toronto crib the the Toronto crib how was that one crazy that house is stupid crazy house crazy house I know it’s off subject but while we’re on the subject of Drake house it was crazy it was stupid [ __ ] you ain’t never seen like he got a Club in his [ __ ] a club inside the crib the full court basketball [ __ ] is crazy he got a club in his [ __ ] he got a big ass indoor pool he got two [ __ ] Studios two [ __ ] studiio yeah never mind he’s he’s he’s he’s he’s Toronto and then his his his award room was just stacked he got so many awards so many Collectibles like more than anyone damn you just yeah I just want to make that they’re not like us chill chill no no no no no no no no stop don’t shout out Drizzy man shout out both goats I’m not I’m not a shout out both goats but P we know you don’t had a lot of good times with me and Dallas in LA but we know you had a lot of more better times with the Clippers and I want to know what do you value most about your time in LA and what message do you have to say to your Clipper fans as you close this chapter I mean I I just think you know that run we had when we went to the WCF um was I mean obviously that’s the furthest a team went in Clippers history um and I’m not I’m not one to kind of dwell on [ __ ] that don’t mean nothing like we didn’t win so it doesn’t mean much but that like that moment was the most I felt like a Clipper my whole time you know what I mean like it was life there it was it was energy in it you know what I mean it was it was like I don’t know it was just like we felt we could beat anybody like right that that group felt like we was the best team regardless we lost you know when qu went down um that that hurt us but if he was healthy like we winning we winning that year right you know what I mean you can say the same thing for the bubble year like and all everything is ifs and and maybe and would have could have I get that but when it comes down to like a belief stpoint that bubble year we were rolling before we went to before the bubble happened bubble happens and it was anybody’s game at that point when we went into bubble but that year we had like we felt it we we was coming together we was connected we figured out what our identity was and we was hooping and then the year Kawai got hurt that was like we we felt like you know we felt like we still had enough um couple plays here and there and and we possibly beat Phoenix but you know I think that was just the most enjoyable time right there I thought we played basketball the right way it was a fun game it was fun to watch us we played hard um and and that was probably the most connected we were so that that was that was one of my most memorable and obviously you know I think a lot was special about this past season with four West Coast La guys amazing playing together I thought that was awesome for the city I wish we could have did something big in one on a larger scale because that was a hell of a story to be told if we could have won me but I enjoyed it man again I wanted to be here like I wanted to be here I I felt like in a way I was kind of forced to make a decision that was best for me and uh yeah it played out how it was supposed to I guess to the to the fans like I you know I I I just want to say man I I appreciate the fans here while I was in LA you know they held me down they held the team down one of the best fan bases like it says a lot when you have such a historic team like the Lakers who have won multiple titles and you still a Clippers fan you know what I mean like it says a lot about you know the fandom behind being a Clipper fan um and so you know ever indebted with with just the love the support the genuiness around me um you know it was fun it was fun lacing it up in front of them you know I’m sad that I won’t go into the new arena with peer Le like Clippers fans packing that Arena out I think we s too yeah it’s it’s it’s bittersweet bro it’s bittersweet you know and and um I don’t know where reception I get coming back but you know I do want to say I appreciate playing in front of the the home crowd and uh you know embracing that playing for the city do one more last call for Steve for just tell him we want to just see the arena when y’all come in town y’all want to see you still want them tickets I just want to be aor to get I’m a c boy you know what I’m saying would you be on the wall like you know how the the the arena has a wall where a standing room only yeah probably be there I’ll try that one at least at least got going crazy yeah I’m crazy anyway that ain’t nothing you know Jackie would be perfect for that section he would be I’ll kill it he would it kill it but but before you ask your next question Dallas why you over there talking about killing and killing and killing and [ __ ] look I need you to clear up quickly your little little uh jokey tweets that you had yeah kind of went well when the news broke Jackie and I I mentioned this earlier it’s bittersweet like there’s one half of me that’s super excited that P got an new opportunity but then there’s the other side selfishly from a friend perspective we don’t get to go golfing no more we don’t get to see his games as much um so I had tweeted something out and kind of got into a little bit of friendly banter with one of the fans um and I think it might have came off not so friendly but I mean you guys know me I I kind of like to poke and do a little trash talking it’s just kind of my personality but I was just having fun and I should have been more sensitive to how the Clipper Nation felt at that moment so at the end of the day I don’t want that to overshadow how good the Clippers organization want was we met so many nice fans staff and everyone so just don’t want that to get overlooked on how much fun we had during those last five years yeah I knew I knew it was genuine when like this dude called me at like 8:30 9 in the morning so he’s like I’m sorry dude TD was on me he didn’t even like explain what happened like me too and you had this look too like he didn’t say nothing yet first I answered it and he was just like trying to get ahead of it you know what I mean like let me just call the sword he like I’m sorry dude you know what I told you what I said better you than me hey he did say that well thanks Jackie I’m like hey man but hey you know but again it’s kind of like you know even the whole thing I said with with Drew like you know I’m GNA ride with my boys at the end of the day and people you know what was the what was the funniest thing that you that they said cuz I you were catching heat that’s not really that that didn’t bother me cuz I’ve kind of dealt with that my whole life I just didn’t want any body to take my words like I had got that from you and I think most people probably think we talk more about that kind of stuff but honestly you know we don’t I’m happy you clarified that like because yeah that that was like that’s not conversations we even have yeah you know what I mean so it was good that you kind of clarified that that you know that was you know purely your thoughts on the situation and I think it also is a testament to to how passionate the Clipper fans are you know what I mean they got on me tough they watching and you know I think I think that’s a testiment even though some of the comments were a little harsh you know I’ll take that and again I think I was just a little too soon it’s like a breakup and then you you move on right away you know what I mean like I probably should have said nothing and and things probably would have gone a different direction but yeah you live and you learn live and you learn you learn we’ve been sitting for a minute some teams out all this I haven’t heard you say but in the reports I heard that the Warriors wanted you and even Draymond Green said on this podcast that they wanted you they was interested in you I want to know how did you how did you feel when you found out that the Warriors wanted your ass I mean you was G play with Steph Curry come on you know that that was that was that was a real thing like that was a real thing that was close to to being done um that deal was was close to being done from from what I was being you know told on the situation um you know they was expressing like just how much they wanted me there how I could have fit in perfectly with you know Draymond um Steph clay probably [ __ ] kaminga like Wiggins they didn’t know how or what you know package was going to be there um to trade for me but was my favorite player still gonna be there Looney yeah Looney Looney was GNA be there and so it was it was very intriguing and you know it was still an opportunity to stay close to home stay on the west coast um and and you know it was a win-win like I think Steph is a unicorn one of one player and joelle’s a unicorn one of one player so it was kind of like uh a good situation to be in the middle of um but ultimately like the deal didn’t go through I think Clippers didn’t want a certain trade deal that warriors were willing to give and yeah it just didn’t happen but it was close it was it was it was close I could have seen you in that uni it had been dope man I was looking forward to it if it happened would have been a lot closer I would have been a lot closer I would have been a lot closer I probably would have still lived in La I wait wait Wa Would you you probably could have been 13 over there though huh I think 13 is I think 13 is good I think 13 good good over there oh will will had damn will take 13 everywhere damn godamn he did play for that’s right how you feel though P being at your age and you still got these teams that’s looking forward to playing and giving this money to you like this boy got game like how you feel man because you like you still I still like that dude like I still feel like I can play at a high level like I still feel like like even when athleticism goes I still feel like I have enough skill to kind of be productive and do what I need to do and still defend at a high level like I still feel like I can play well past 34 35 36 37 years old like I still feel like I I take care of my body I work hard I work out and now I’m in a whole new phase of trying to add even more longevity and switching on my whole diet so I feel good bro like yeah they say oh he 34 like getting this deal like I feel great I still feel like I can play at a high level like I always say after your injury you play toally way better than me that’s what people like that’s what people don’t realize like bro that was a crazy new person again after injuries like fact like you seem younger you seem more like the game is even more fun to you like like you like a little kid when you around like if people know when you when we around you like a little kid you your ass will being in a suit or something playing basketball sit your ass down it’s over out there shooting and [ __ ] it’s like love the game man it’s it’s good to see that and and the people see it too like they respect you cuz your game is amazing you know what I’m saying just at the end of the day right and that was that was one of the the my bad to C off that was that was one of the and I forgot to bring like that was one of the pitching points that phly had like we still believe in you well past like they’re talking about like [ __ ] we hope after this contract you would still want to be in a Sixers Jersey but they like we still feel you can play into your 40s like you know that’s how much we believe in you yeah so you got that belief on side like and and again I believe that I can play still play at a high level for a long time correct me if I’m wrong but I think that when I look at your injury and now we fast forward now you’re 34 you just got one of the biggest contracts in the NBA I think they said only LeBron and Steph have gotten those types of contracts at this age but would you say that that injury was almost a blessing in disguise because if you never got injured your game did change you had to evolve your game you weren’t attacking the rim as much and trying to dunk on people and that type of style and play over the years can have more wear and tear on your body do you look back at that injury right now like signing this contract and going it all worked out and it it was a blessing in disguise um n hell no I wish I never had that injury um just to be honest bro I wish I never had that injury cuz I uh like I it just goes to just how hard I worked to come back that it from the naked eye looked like oh he’s he’s gotten better hell no like I never like I I don’t I I wasn’t moving the same when I came back you know what I mean like I wasn’t I could I only I could tell that I wasn’t the player the same player um but what did change is is I thought I got smarter and I learned the game from you know a mental like just watching it from the S side for a whole year and just seeing Tendencies and like what would work what wouldn’t work how teams are playing certain plays or situations like I was looking at all that stuff when I was on the sidelines so I grew I think as a you know just from a a mental standpoint of just seeing a game differently but hell no I wish I never had that I’m not I wasn’t asking if you wish you had it I’m just saying do you think that it it possibly helped extend your career a little bit because it forced you to approach the game differently we we know that they yeah yeah yeah I’m super happy I got like I’m not asking that I I knew what you meant I knew what you meant when you asked it but I can’t say that it was a blessing to disguise that it happened but I will say that it did help me kind of navigate through getting hurt like it cuz I had like bro I had two surgeries on my shoulder I had surgery on my left knee like I had multiple seasons of Being finishing the year and having to get surgery so I think it now help me navigate how to work and come back from like if this was the biggest injury like all this other [ __ ] I can work and get through so I think it did Help Me In from from that standpoint of like all right I’ve conquered the worst one that could possibly happen to me at this point like now I know how to work and and I know what that feels like and what rehab is like so from that standpoint yeah it helped for sure well appears early but have you felt the Brotherly Love most yet from Philly like you know have the the natives hit hit you yet Will Smith for Kevin Hart yeah I heard of Kev Kev hit me Kev text me um we only it was it was only through text it was he man it was quick what you doing man you on a team now what no it was quick it was quick Kev hit me quick on the text um I was supposed to get up with him um but it was just so much going on I didn’t really get a chance to to kind of slow everything down um get yly DM me we talked a little bit in the DMS what he say come on hey I need you on the podcast ASAP wait no right who else Lil Dicky sent the message okay uh okay Little Dicky that’s you know outside of that you know they had a whole video n me can’t hear me they had a whole video though cuz they yeah he he was part of the the recruiting video that they that they had for me on the meeting what did he say in that video I man because you know they got their course him and tiger oh that’s right you were telling me about that yeah so he’s like man would love to have you like we’ll get you a part of this group right here and so yeah he he had a cool little statement um or a cool little you know introduction to me but no outside of that um that’s about it P who all was in that video for the recruitment video saquan was in it that’s dope l Dicky Kevin Hart Mike Trout and then it was just a ton of like they did like this cool like thing of Philly natives talking about the city and what the Sixers mean to them and what it mean me coming there um so it was a cool like St it was a cool it was a cool video it had a lot of energy behind the city so other than your teammates who on the Philly Mount Rushmore you excited to see or meet oh I met Dr Jay um obviously I know AI uh but it’ll be you know it’ll be awesome awesome to to connect with AI I mean I I’ve I I think you know as far as the biggest pieces there um that that are around is Dr J and AI you know what I mean um and so I I spoke to one of them it’ll be awesome to to have that conversation with AI on just what what the city is what it’s like playing for Philly what it’s like being a Sixers uh so I I want to have that conversation with AI shout out man shout out to other Philly uh Legend Jason Kelce man uh you know we we we pretty much po Brothers at this point um shout out to Kelsey Brothers in general um but yeah man I appreciate you and the tradition that you brought to Philadelphia we trying to cap that same tradition with a with a championship of our own uh so shout out Jason kelse to get him on the pie one day man we got to do a collab in the same family and our family on the show we need a Kelsey collab family it’s always a family family is so good come on family now that you’ve made your decision to join the 76ers what’s your intro message to the Philly fans you know what I I just you know I’mma do and you know try to bring the best version of myself like you know I love that the fan F love to hold you know what I mean messages and you said this and you said that hold you accountable hold you accountable but you know I I want to be there you gonna get 100% Max effort out of me um I look forward to just being in front of that crowd um and you know what was what was interesting Aaron told me this he was like you know like Philly is one of those destinations where like historically the fans like are all about their team like like you haven’t played for something like like on that scale um and so I’m just looking forward to that I’m looking forward to that embracing that playing for y’all working as hard as I can bringing that two-way player um and and just winning like I’m trying to win I I ain’t won yet I can’t say that I’m a champion yet I want to be able to Crown myself as a champion um so I’mma work hard as hell I’mma push big fella I’mma push Tyrese to be better um and just try to build something man build a championship team I see ity Philly on three Philly on three we doing that okay all right let’s go go ah go people Philly on three one two three Philly and that’s a wrap on the episode [Music] [Music]

Paul George shares details about his meetings with the Philadelphia 76ers and Los Angeles Clippers. PG also opens up about his conversation with Kawhi Leonard before joining the 76ers, expressed enthusiasm about playing alongside new teammates Joel Embiid, and Tyrese Maxey, and reflects on his time with the Los Angeles Clippers. #nba #nbapodcast #paulgeorge #podcastpwithpaulgeorge #philadelphia76ers #losangelesclippers
New episodes drop on Monday.

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  1. PG was my favorite player. I’m a die hard laker fan, so when he joined the Clips I was like “mannn wtf” but now you in Philly, GO GET THAT RING MY DAWG!!

    I have all your jerseys (except your clipper ones) can’t wait to buy that Philly 8!

    Hope y’all wear the throwbacks when AI played, 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  2. Fk bro why come here just to leave after cuz u couldn’t get it done Paul always came up short so fk him

  3. I loved the choice of number 8. I've got a tattoo of numer 8 because i'm a hugh kobe fan too. Good luck Paul, love from Brazil

  4. Indy PG was different. There reason on the cover on 2K17. Definitely can compete for a chip in Philly.

  5. I’m happy this man got a podcast cause to hear how his negotiations went with the clippers is craaazy and totally makes sense why he kicked rocks so easily. 2 years for 60 is fuckin sickkkkk.

  6. Best cheese steak spots Max’s , Angelo’s and dalessandro's I’ll even throw in ishkabibbles on south st

  7. All jokes but gotta love when guys say no no no it's not about the money jokingly like how could anyone think that. Next topic ah yeah woah woah woah THATS not enough money bruh hahaha

  8. So the clippers wouldn't give him 3 yr 150 no trades ?!?!?!?!? Unreal…welcome to philly bro we think ur worth it 👌 let's go!!!!!

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