@Miami Heat

Free agent Haywood Highsmith has agreed on a two-year, $11 million deal to return to the Miami Heat, his agent Jerry Dianis tells ESPN. Highsmith had significant interest around the league but stays with franchise that developed him into an NBA player.

Free agent Haywood Highsmith has agreed on a two-year, $11 million deal to return to the Miami Heat, his agent Jerry Dianis tells ESPN. Highsmith had significant interest around the league but stays with franchise that developed him into an NBA player.

by SnooPeripherals4884


  1. JustTheBucket

    5.5 is a good price for his skills. I like it.

  2. SenorButtmunch

    I’d be lying if I said I was moved by this. But respect to Haywood for the loyalty. I’m sure it was probably the best financial deal for him too but I appreciate that he didn’t just use his time on the Heat to take a marginally better deal somewhere where he won’t get the same type of development. Fuck it, lets see how far this guy can go.

  3. oneofone305

    They didn’t overpay another role player

    Thank God

  4. spritehead

    Good price for him, much happier with this than the insane contract they offered Caleb

  5. iCOULDbewr0ng

    2 yrs/11 mil?

    Not bad at all, good to have him back

  6. TheRealJohnMara

    5.5 is cheap. I honestly rather have this than Caleb on a loaded deal.

  7. CudjoeKey

    Glad he’s coming back. We need all the wing defense we can get.

  8. brandons519

    2024-25 champions locked up. Sleepy pay no more!!

  9. Ozymandias12

    That gets us right up to the second apron so that’s pretty much our offseason boys.

  10. piemonkey6

    This a really good value contract for his skills. I’m surprised he couldn’t get more somewhere else but I’m glad we kept him.

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