@Utah Jazz

Hour 3: Steve Cleveland talking Utah Jazz | Big 12 Media Days on-deck | Britain Covey

Hour 3: Steve Cleveland talking Utah Jazz | Big 12 Media Days on-deck | Britain Covey

DJ and PK remember you got a chance to win big every week on The Zone this week on win ticket Wednesday you win a pair of tickets see post Malone at the Utah First Credit Union Amphitheater on September 8th listen to The Zone all day Wednesday for your chance to win you’ll be listening all day Wednesday because it’s also Big 12 media days Tuesday and Wednesday so gear up for that Steve Cleveland former BYU basketball coach joins us now Steve good morning good morning Steve it’s been said you only get one chance to make a first impression and summer league is the first impression now we all know that players are going to evolve so maybe that doesn’t apply as much to basketball but it still applies a little bit first impression of a basketball player what do you want to see what are you looking for right away first time you see somebody I I think the very first thing you look at is how hard a guy plays and and just the intensity and you know that would be knowing that you come with hey I’m I’m here I’m going to commit to to just doing everything I can play as hard as I can defend you know obviously break this down a lot more but the first thing is effort and intensity and ski you know there and from there you’re then I’m looking at skill set and uh and depending on what the circumstances are what my needs are this person going to feel that I think first and foremost is just how tough and how hard they play for me is is is a first when I I probably spent a lot of years watching guys in Vegas and la and Washington DC and everywhere and one of the first things I looked at was number one how hard are they playing how they comp are they competitive by nature and then you go immediately to the skill set can they shoot and that’s that was always kind of the first thing that I looked at was can they shoot where are we at there with their offensive skill set and uh and then the last thing probably just attitude watching the attitude and how that plays out and how they deal with failure and how they deal with success and and uh you know you’re developing a culture and a program you’re out recruiting in in July and and throughout the year you’re recruiting you you know you’re looking for the intangibles all the time but first and foremost I want a competitive High competitive guy that uh you know you don’t have to start from scratch in terms of his offensive skill set how about the ability of somebody to do what they’re asked to do I can remember you made a change uh when you had a really good team from one year to the next you had a guard who was interested more in shooting and you wanted a lead guard who was interested more in passing so the guy who maybe had more Talent didn’t play as much because the player that had lesser Talent did what you wanted him to do and that made the team better so I’m wondering how important is that that these players do what they’re supposed to do within the framework of a team well I think that for a CO for coaches or for coaching staffs as you prepare for a season you’re you’re having meetings with players and you’re having those really kind of transparent conversations in terms of what their role is and you know what they can grow and become I think you you’re constantly having those discussions and so and I think everybody goes through that as a coach is that what’s going to make us most complete about our team and uh and sometimes it was a guy that I just knew could defend would do what we asked get the ball to the guys that needed to get the ball and and rather than them having some kind of agenda in terms of you know this is what my skill set is this is what I’m going to do if you’re not having those conversations as a coach with players then then you then you’re going to have issues with with the intangibles and the culture stuff that is important long term so uh yeah that happens all the time that happens all the time and you you get to a point where what are the needs for this team to reach its full potential it maybe somebody making sure that somebody’s just going to D up guard up man up and and and you know do the things that don’t require maybe necessarily A Lot what people would perceive as a lot of talent in terms of their ability to to pass and shoot and do those kinds of things you know the best case scenario is getting guys that are willing to to buy in and also are very talented then you have really good teams I guess the problem with summer leagues whether you’re uh looking at what we’re talking about here with the Jazz hosting the summer league for three games well six games over three days but three games for the jazz or if you’re looking at these AE uh competitions in the summer the level of structure and organization that can have a pretty big impact on who shines and who doesn’t right and it doesn’t really basketball now doesn’t look like basketball in January no it doesn’t and I think too uh I I think in the past there have been times where a basketball we’ll just we’ll kind of use that terminology there there were questions about you know the things that were really important to coaches and uh but I think very quickly you can see and watch you know guys that really do want to compete and I think when you’re sitting in the stands and you’re watching people fle you know you’re watching five or six different guys that you’re really interested in I think we go back to that kind of the intensity on and off the court the competitiveness you know that that makes a difference but I will say this as I have now going as a grandfather going to grandson’s aou games and I’ve been in Chicago I’ve been in uh uh well Los Angeles Vegas I’ve been to been to a few of these camps and during the summer and uh just watching teams play and there is I mean at the at the highest level there’s really good coaching going on at a I mean in the past it’s been kind of a you know you’re thinking oh they just run up and down the floor and it’s all oneon-one but the things that I saw when I was in Indiana and when I was in Illinois and when I was in Vegas and in Los Angeles watching grandchildren play is that it was it was really organized and that there was a lot of coaching going on rather than and mind you can see the opposite of this I I did that but I was impressed with uh the accountability of not letting guys make mistakes and stay on the floor or having a bad attitude and staying on the floor that that type of behavior was corrected quite quickly now that’s I’m not putting a blanket over all of a basketball but what I saw at the highest level is there was a lot of coaching and a lot of preparing for the next level whether it’s in college or potentially going into the NBA so that was kind of fun to watch I saw it firsthand and uh and I think I’m done I have one grandson going to South Carolina so I’m not going to be there but I’m hoping to get to get down one more time to Vegas and kind of fun too also to see guys coaches and I haven’t seen a long time and and to be there but I I was impressed I have been impressed with the quality of coaching that’s going on in in the number of the tournaments I’ve G to how much stock do you put into motivation I’ll show them because you can argue you that all three of these guys that the Jazz got were in their minds anyway and their handlers thinking that they deserve to go higher so I’m wondering if you believe in that type of stuff uh I’m I’m hoping that between the interviews that take place prior to the draft and the workouts you’ll find a lot about the character of these guys and uh that you know we were together listening we had an opportunity to on the phone talk to Cody Williams and you know it just seemed like he had a great attitude he was prepared and I I think I think by the time you get to that point by the time you’ve been interviewed by the time you’ve been worked out they understand and realize that there’s a Next Level to this that I had I never reached when I was in college or maybe they coming out of high school and I think those that have a humble attitude and and are are coachable and willing and I just can’t imagine there’s all I would just think that 90% of the guys that are getting drafted are hungry and coachable and want to be there and make this a living for the rest of you know for the next 10 20 years um so I I I believe that in this setting with the NBA and with the draft that uh we’re g to we’re not going to see a lot of the inappropriate behavior or selfishness or those kinds of things out there number one there’s they got a staff there that’s there with them during summer league I don’t know if you guys have been to Summer League uh before but it’s it’s kind of a fun thing to watch I’ve never watched it in Utah because I haven’t been up here but I I did go to Vegas one time and watched it and I just thought it was organized and guys were playing hard and competing I mean they’re playing for their lives here they’re you know they’re trying to get in a situation where they can uh spend a long time in the league so for me personally I I just I see a real upswing in terms of how this is managed and what happens from a from the you know High school to aou to college to to the next level to the NBA so i’ I’ve actually have been really happy about what I’ve seen it doesn’t mean that there aren’t inappropriate things going on or the guys think that you know there’s attitude problems coming into Camp I I just can’t imagine that happening to be honest with you in this day and age because there is so much transparency and uh so much connection between coaches and assistant coaches throughout the year that uh um I don’t know the league is so much better it’s just getting so much better year in and year out and it’s because of the little things that are taught and enforced and mandated in your in you know no matter who you are whether you’re the jazz or whether you’re the Warriors or you’re the Celtics they all have to have a culture that’s going to be you know has long-term effects and impact on the players and their success so uh I’m really high on the NBA and how they do things for the Jazz draft picks you got any particular guys you’re watching for anything individually you know I I mean it’s like I’m I’m looking for those same intangibles and those kinds of things but you know you look you take a look at Cody Williams and uh you know what’s what’s he going to be like here you know we know that he has length and size and he can run the floor uh and he he’s unselfish he’ll make plays and and and and give the ball up you know he’s not a great perimeter shooter yet so you know those are the things that I would be watching and you’re not going to see a lot in the three or four days but you’re you’re going to get a look and you’re going to see the potential of a young man and and look and Cody himself who was kind of had injuries late in the season but everybody’s quite certain that he has an upside and I’m not sure that we’ll necessarily see that upside uh but hopefully we will we’ll see some things maybe that are surprises uh I think having a younger brother in League helps him and with a lot of the different things but him getting healthy uh and then just basically you know you we talked about this when we did the draft night thing but I think everybody needs to be patient with with these younger players and so if you know that they’re not great Shooters don’t go in there thinking you’re going to go watch them well this guy can’t play he can’t well let’s look down the road and see what happens in the next 6 months in the next nine months next year where they’re working full-time on their craft and where they’ve never really kind of done that before with outstanding coaches and and then then we’ll start seeing the things that uh kind of kind of make a difference I guess but I I you know whether it’s Cody or you know Isaiah CER is is another I I mean I really look forward to seeing him play I mean we talked we’ve talked on our on the show here we talked about on the draft night stuff where he was kind of the number one guy in the country and and uh and and now all of a sudden things kind of went South and everybody’s wondering you know what’s happening but but he’s got a huge upsight he’s strong uh he can score he’s got good instincts I mean he he turned the ball over and those are things that can be fixed though with coaching with film those are things that are fixable shooting mechanics if they’re not great then you’re going to have to really spend time and that that’s sometimes with him I know he’s just reading and and getting more understanding about who he was he probably relied a lot on his athleticism and his ability his quickness to kind of get places and do things and and be really strong but you get exposed pretty quickly and and not just the you know the NBA but even at the college level if you’re not working on your craft and if you’re not you know you don’t have the shot that you need you need time and experience to get better and it’s hard to play in this league if you’re 63 and six score and you don’t shoot it you know I mean there aren’t very many of those guys in the league so with a guy like Isaiah ker you know that’s going to be things he’s working on and uh you know his decision making on the floor will probably be another thing but uh I you know it’s just G to be fun to watch him same thing with with uh Kyle philos you know here’s kind of a project in the sense that he’s 611 but the fact is he’s got pretty good offensive skills and I haven’t seen those in person uh except for maybe some clips and stuff uh but you know he can pass it he can shoot it he can dribble it and he can be a force at times but he’s also really lacks the physicality that you need to play in this league and so those are going to be things that the Jazz are going to be working with him in during the summer and U you know we’ll have to see what happens but he you know everybody looks him and say if he puts the whole package together here he he can shoot it he can do this you know and I heard nothing but good things about his individual workouts and he does have good perimeter skills and it’s just going to be a matter of getting stronger and and being able to have to be able to sustain that effort and uh but that you know that’s a full-time deal I know they probably get some time off but I can’t imagine these rookies whatever the rules are with the NBA they’re every day they’re not in the gym somewhere working on their craft working on their weaknesses so they can get ready for the beginning of the season so uh I like the picks I think there’s an upside to all of them uh we talked about this too and it’s like who who Who’s who’s going to be ready you know we’ve got two or three young players who are waiting to see what can happen they’ve been there in a year now you got three more new ones as it all plays out you know a year from now I’m not sure that all five or six of those you know you got a sophomore class that has had some experience and then you’ve got a brand new rookie class that’s going to gain some experience so it’ just be fun to watch and see Who develops and doesn’t but uh it’s it’s a fun fun thing to watch and and I know as a coach to work guys out and to see that growth and that strength and to see guys get stronger and more competitive and more confident is one of the really great wonderful things about coaching is to see that change in front of you so I’m hopeful we’ll watch this and as we watch some of the games and see these guys grow and develop the summer Big 12 Football media days is this week in Las Vegas so I made my way down south we’ll be broadcasting there uh live from Vegas as it begins and I made my way down south over the weekend finished up uh playing 18 and it was 114 degrees can you beat that I I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever played I grew up in central California so I I have played in temp tempatures were it’s 100° plus I don’t know about 114 if I’ve ever done that I’m I certainly couldn’t do it today um but it’s one of those things that you know we for those that have a passion for that game uh you know we’ll we’ll play golf in any circumstance and situation you know nobody likes the wind I don’t mind the rain as long as I have the right gear on but the wind is my I hate the wind play off and it’s just not to play but that’s the 114 degree weather might be a match for that because in Vegas it’s 114 and it’s windy yeah I was in mosquit then it wasn’t too bad the the wind picked up towards the end but it wasn’t too bad but the whole goal then was don’t worry about the score just be alive when you walk off 18 I know I know that’s true where’ you play at MOS Conor stoga oh okay there’s a lot of good golf there a lot of good golf in that but it is it is windy um and I have played some golf there when it was windy that you know we couldn’t we didn’t finish around I mean it was like 40 50 m hour winds and I thought you you’re hitting the ball it’s up in the air and you know it goes 100 yards to the left or the right so that’s I wind is not fun for golf I can deal with the other elements you oh it’s cold it’s 5050 degrees or 40 degrees put up another layer of clothing on let’s go play but not so much we wi well Steve thanks for the time we appreciate it as always we’ll talk to you again next week all right take care guys have it good djpk it’s 975 The Zone we’re joined once again by John Woodburry working with the Ultimate Sports bash coming Friday and Saturday to the Mountain America Expo Center 9400 South and State in Sandy lots of athletes lots of vendor vendors current athletes past athletes interact stuff for the kids what’s your favorite thing going to be you’re in the midst of all the planning so uh I have to be technically impartial but growing up a youth uh I think my favorite thing with your dad employed by the University of Utah’s athletic department exactly uh I am really excited about the the uh 2008 and 2004 uh Team reunions so we’re bringing back uh a bunch of players from those two teams those epic undefeated Utah football teams uh that went played in the Fiesta Bowl in the Sugar Bowl broke the BCS uh slaughtered Alabama and we’re bringing a bunch of those guys back so there’s they’ll do they’ll do panels and autographs and uh you just get a chance to to hang out and hear stories of those epic Seasons at the you so I think that that’s probably my favorite part so I can do the math the 2004 team is turning 40 give or take a couple years depending on what year you were in school then how many of them do you recognize uh that’s a it’s a good question I mean some look exactly like themselves and it’s easy others may have you know lost some hair put on a few pounds uh yeah I grown a grown a big old beard it yeah it’ll be interesting to see it really will and uh but they uh getting a chance to talk to them has been fantastic they’re they’re interesting people and and accomplished individuals and uh I’m just excited to have them all in one place and be able to have that Fan Experience that I loved growing up with with my dad being at the U I loved listening to him and and the ERS and players and coaches just just sit sitting back and telling stories and that’s what this is all about is getting a chance as a fan uh to to listen to stories that aren’t uh it’s not interviews after games it’s it’s just hanging with athletes how many different sports are represented at the Ultimate Sports bash uh W that’s another good question uh I I would say it’s almost like you’ve done this before uh probably uh maybe 10 10 to 15 uh a lot of different interesting Sports Sherpa uh held the the the world record for the most times uh cresting uh Everest okay uh so he climbed ever 21 times uh as a as a sherpa carried other people’s gear up uh we’ve got we Wheels fathering ham who’s sport his wheelchair Motocross uh Shan oconnell uh an MMA guy he uh obviously you know you know him he’s he’s fantastic you said mixed martial arts in there um I assume you got baseball football basketball golf soccer with Nick Rondo so that gets you to 10 Kyle Beckerman uh will uh likely make an appearance as well uh we’ve got volleyball we’ve got a couple of uh volleyball players from uh from the uh USA volleyball team uh Danny Drews and Ronnie Jones Perry we’ve got uh wrestlers Olympic wrestlers coming up from uh U UVU uh we’ve got pro wrestlers we got a pickle ball pickle ball uh Pro pickle ball guy nice uh Chuck Taylor um we got what kind of shoes does he wear uh you know what I don’t know what kind of shoes he wears we’ll have to find out I mean Chuck Taylor’s got to wear Chuck Taylor right think okay it uh I don’t think it’s that that guy he’d be a really old pick B player he can’t be the same Chuck Taylor we’ve got hockey we’ve got oh gymnasts we’ve got uh oh yeah you’re up over 15 sports easy oh yeah you may closing in on we got both U ofu and BYU gymnasts we’ve got uh we’ve got mascots we’ve got the original Jazz Bear John absy is going to be there he’s uh fantastic is he going to be in some kind of costume in Disguise or people actually going to see what the Jazz Bear looks like they’re going to see what he actually looks like he he’s a a very handsome man I’m sure you’ll all uh realize he’s really a good guy love hanging out with with John so yeah uh we we really have tried to make it um inclusive uh of all the different sports there are so many amazing Sports out there um we’ve got uh a team that does ultimate frisbee uh professionally it’s kind of fun uh and we’re just to excited oh rugby the Warriors I’ve gotten into rugby lately it’s uh it’s a lot of fun I no matter what you like no matter where your uh your interests are your expertise you’re you’re going to love it Ultimate Sports bash interactive stuff for the kids interviews panel sessions autographs selfies vendors air conditioning it’s all available 9400 South and State the Mountain America Expo Center the Ultimate Sports bash Friday and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. tickets online or at the door or both uh both it’s more um uh cheaper online ahead of time and uh KSL discount if you put in the promo code KSL 25 you’ll get a 25% discount all right there you go hey thanks for joining us we appreciate it djpk it’s 975 The Zone this is Jake Scott and Ben Anderson the problem is is I think the Jazz want to move a bunch of their draft picks and now the market is not what it was before the Jazz made their own trades but if male Bridges is worth that what is Anthony Edwards worth yes what is Giannis worth like to get one of those guys now is it 10 draft picks like right what is the cost so what is the way to go it would make me more likely to go in on moving up in the draft cuz maybe I think that now drafting my player really has to be the guy and I’ve got all these picks I can move wherever I want in the draft maybe the most value is not flipping picks for stars but drafting stars because that’s the only way to get players how do we get a star player if we’ve got all these draft picks and we can’t acqu another star like the market is not opening up to a make stars available for trade with all this draft Capital the only way to get a star is through the draft here Jake Scott and Ben Anderson every day from 10: to no on 975 the KSL Sports Zone nominate the Youth Sports volunteer that you know for the Hercules hero of the week submit your nomination at KSL contest and then listen every Thursday afternoon to JJ and Alex for the winner help us celebrate the efforts of those volunteers making an impact with the Hercules hero of the week and it’s sponsored by Hercules Credit Union and bive meals DJ and PK it’s 975 the zone the Big 12 media day the youths and cougars are back in the same league together again putting all focus on this enormous 16 team uh two-day Extravaganza what do you want to see what do you want to hear what do you want to know what do you want to learn that’s a lot of questions pick one and dive in well I want the youths to get up there and say of course we are the preseason favorite we are going to dominate this league get used to it we’re not going to be here for long because we’re going to go on some version of the Big 10 down the road but while we’re here we are going to eat your lunch if Kyle Whittingham says that lunch is on me there’s a 0% chance that’s Kyle whittingham’s opening spee well we appreciate the respect but you know the polls they don’t really mean anything you got to take it out on the field you got to be able to do what you’re supposed to do welcome to the show Kyle thanks for joining us once again it’s all about blocking and tackling you know you got to get the fundamentals of basketball basketball football and you know we’ll see what happens but we like our chances and if we stay healthy and uh blah blah blah blah blah blah [Music] blah oh man yeah I think that that’s probably what it’s going to be but it’s a sign of respect obviously it’s a sign of respect but that’s all it is it doesn’t mean anything beyond the sign of respect uh and you don’t have to worry about that that’s the cool thing with the playoff you don’t have to petition you don’t have to beg remember wasn’t it one year some teams have to beg four teams four Conference champions don’t have to beg the other right so then just be that team be that team and then you’re yeah you’re free of that that’s what that’s what I’m talking about you be for you don’t have to beg then you’ll be begging for the three seed the one and two probably going to be Out Of Reach they’re going to go to the Big 10 in the SEC I’d be shocked if uh that didn’t happen they they’ll be I think the Big 12 will be slotted as the four seed but I mean so what come on if you want to win the thing you’re you’re not going to back door it and it’s going to be fun because it’s going to be historic right we talk about the BCS Busters and all that stuff and and that that’s that’s recorded in history forever and we remember the game the butt kicking over Pittsburgh and the Festa bowl and blah blah blah so this thing here to be a part of this will go down in history and take advantage of it and everything aligns for them to be in the game in the Dallas area uh the first weekend of December there’s just no question about that you’ve got you’ve got enough good quality players there and you got 25-year-old Rising uh doing his thing and he’s good no doubt he he’s a winner kid’s a winner the old man I guess we can call him the old man’s a winner now and so we’ll see hopefully knock on wood he stays healthy and has that opportunity but it would be cool whichever team wins it that team was going to be cool to to be part of the initial 12 team playoff and it’ll have it expansion and advancements and modifications down the road but but this will be the first one but by no means is it a shoe in that they win that game I think it’s a if I were to bet I will be obviously um situation of being in Vegas but I’m not going to bet if I would I would bet on Utah being one of the representatives for sure because you only have to finish second and I don’t see any way that they don’t finish at least second all things being equal when you get on the field they could have a slew of injuries and so that could wreck it so but right now we don’t have that right so just taken for the sake of argument sake it should be there when you look at this because they start off uh the non-conference doesn’t really matter but they should go three and0 in the non-conference and then Oklahoma State followed by Arizona Oklahoma State and still water the next week uh the cats in Salt Lake right then after that you play one team that had a winning record last year if I remember correctly Iowa State you can double check my fact but I I think that’s what it is and everybody else is crummy you know you’re playing the uh the the teams at the bottom there Houston ASU unfortunately for the Cougars BYU uh you got Baylor but it’s a non-conference game but they were down at the bottom too yep obviously that was a contracted series that they’re allowing to play as a nonconference game so to me man my gosh things are there for you to take advantage of that now want you should get to that game that’s another story because you’re going to be playing a quality team you’re not going to be playing a team with a losing record if you should get to Dallas right so we understand that and right now to me I would go with either Kansas State or Oklahoma State see which one does it so this is a great time football’s just a month away from practice although we still got several weeks before the first game and it’s a it’s a hot place to be Las Vegas Nevada literally you mentioned Iowa State and I am curious about Roco Beck their quarterback because they had the gambling Scandal they started one and two they they lose their quarterback they got to play this freshman now he was a redard freshman he’d been in the program and he really I mean he took off he had a couple of 300 yard games uh he threw it well against Texas in a loss he threw it well against Oklahoma State and a win and another year now as an experienced starter how good is he they’re kind of On The Fringe of the race you know they’re not one of the five teams that got a first place vote but they are in the top half of the league and college football is famously you know unpredictable at times I mean everybody knew Texas was going to be good last year but Oklahoma state was really good and no nobody saw that coming so is Iowa State’s this year Oklahoma State and does he have another gear can he take another step forward because he’s pretty good as a redt freshman maybe he really lights it up could be it’s same thing with Kansas State and Johnson he’s a youngster at quarterback there too so you that same logic that you applied for the Iowa State you can throw it across the board there uh to Kansas State and see what happens Oklahoma State and Arizona the other two teams that we look to be in the mix they’ve got veteran QBs right uh Bowman and Fajita so those guys are expected to do well FJ is uh you know he to me he could very well lead the league in passing for what that what that is worth I mean you want to lead the league and wins uh and that’s that’s always a good stat yeah cam Rising that’s where he doesn’t necessarily just stat you to death he just beats you and so find ways to to to win the ball game that’s what matters the most but yeah there’s a lot of intrigue there and I can see your line of thinking with uh Iowa State because they had a nice season and why you would expect them to build upon it September was a struggle but after that 14 touchdowns three picks October November and into their December bowl game so he’s doing a lot of stuff that uh Kyle Whittingham would raise an eyebrow and like oh really 14 touchdowns only three picks you’re talking my language and then I think there’s going to be one or two teams at the bottom that on an individual Saturday can be tough with BYU being one of them fact I would say at least two if not three that have an opp you count Colorado as being at the bottom Colorado yeah I do uh Colorado with their offense and with Sanders as the quarterback they can put up points right I don’t think there’s any question about that uh so yes I’m I’m talking about 10 and Below um then you look at somebody like ASU if they had a a player just a quarterback not a tight end a running back they very well could have beat Washington and kept them out of everything that Washington was able to accomplish they had the Huskies in Seattle right at the end on the ropes and they’re playing with they didn’t have enough offensive linemen because they were so banged up and this comes right from Morgan scall I mean he told me this that they instead of trying a field goal because they didn’t think they could block the guys they uh went for it and it was like a 95 yard interception return that was the difference because Dillingham felt like their their offensive line was so beat up they didn’t have guys who could Block in the field goal situation so they thought it was pretty that’s pretty minimal right there that’s where they were right that’s where that’s where they were last year uh and if that play doesn’t happen you can play the wh if game I get all that but the point being they win in the seas Seattle and played those guys super tough so I don’t think they’ll be any worse than they were last year and on a given Saturday not across the nine games but on a given Saturday or in this case they play the UTS on a Friday but you get the point any given week they might be able to pull an upset that could make a difference in these standings so you know just because the youths don’t play a bunch of teams that were good last year doesn’t mean that those teams this year on that given Saturday can beat you or can’t beat you because I think they possibly could they’re not going to be good enough to contend for first or second place but any given week might be able to provide an upset that could make a difference that’s true but I do believe that somebody one of these bottom five or six teams is going to surprise us and it happens in college football all the all the time I mean there’s occasional league that doesn’t have any surprise teams but wasn’t Arizona surprise team in the Pack 12 last year there’s always somebody there’s always somebody jum that though the the Pack 12 okay but it was Oklahoma State and the Big 12 yeah but Oklahoma State it just they were underestimated they were but that that’s just the but they’re their program is really good it has so I I can’t consider them a big surprise R team when they’ve done it 10 times and nonetheless the most of the media did cuz look where they were in the preseason poll and then seven and two baby okay so the media I whooped well that’s who we’re looking at with the media preseason poll right now when we’re talking about these six teams it is the media whoopy Doo and they’re going to miss on somebody you’re looking at the poll I’m looking at what’s available to me knowledge wise you don’t think any of those teams can pop up yes yes but it’s not based on a poll no but that’s what I’m saying to me Oklahoma state has a pedigree so I somebody picked them somewhere in a poll okay fine but to me Oklahoma state has a pedigree of being a really good football program just like the youths the parallels are there with the coaching and a lot of types A lot of other stuff and if they have the running back and he’s available to go uh Gordon he got a DUI and how they handle that uh they’re going to be tough but they’re expected to be tough this year but yeah there’s there’s there’s going to be surprises but the thing the thing that I think to me so if you were picked 10th and you finished fifth all right great but that doesn’t really necessarily influence the race I’m looking for teams that provide a big time upset that can make a difference in the race I mean it’s good for that team if it’s picked 10th or 11th and finishes fifth or sixth that’s nice but they may not win those games they may just beat the teams that stink and who does and who does upset Utah or one of the Kansas schools or Arizona okum State and change the race that’s what I’m looking at where it’s it’s just a oneshot deal it’s not sustainable for those teams if Oregon hadn’t collapsed yeah if Oregon hadn’t collapsed in the second half against Oregon State the youths wouldn’t won a Conference football title so all right DJ and PK two days of coverage non-stop Big 12 media days from Las Vegas right here on the Zone ladies and gentlemen may I present this is JJ and Alex sea dery is going to be wearing the number 50 for the Utah Hockey Club I’ve said it a million times and and I’ll keep saying it the excitement from the fans and you know from the state of Utah and and everybody who wants to be a part of it has been off the chart something that really really has me excited to be playing here and you could just tell that that this is a place that that wants to have a team love a team and want the best for their team and I think that’s all you could ask for as a player to to have passionate fans who with you in the hard times but we’ll enjoy the sweet time so much more so I think that part of it and and I know the feeling is mutual throughout the team I think a lot of guys have thought the same thing and have kind of been going in in that direction of we want to win for these fans because they are so excited they want to have have a team here they’re going to love us they’re going to be passionate about us you know what we’re so excited catch JJ and Alex afternoons from 3 to 6 presented by G2G bars on 975 the KSL Sports Zone and now really your Rocky Mountain Chevy dealer strong play of the weekend really and Michael Chang who came on after the goal as a sub comes forward leaves it for Luna Luna volleys to himself Luna Diego Luna finishes and it’s 52 Diego Luna is having a night there’s the Chevy strong play of the game know it this afternoon after 3 o00 JJ and Alex a call for it and you can win fabulous prizes djpk we are joined once again by John Woodburry from the Ultimate Sports bash and John you’ve lined up a very special guest very very special Britain cvy joined is right now Britain good morning good morning you guys it’s good to be on with you you’re a citizen of the world good to have you on but where in the world are you coming on from I know Friday or Saturday or both days you’ll be at the at the Ultimate Sports bash but where are you right now a citizen of the world I like that I am currently in Utah um my wife and I we have a townhouse here in Lehigh like every other young couple in the entire country um so here in Utah for about a week more before I go out for fall Camp the citizen of the world reference that’s a Rick Majerus line from back in the day I I I borrow that liberally these days oh I didn’t know I I heard that I heard that he used to have all sorts of phrases written up on the Whiteboard all the time I’m keeping a limited list out of the all the possibilities you can’t say them all on the air oh yeah yeah what are you going to talk about at the uh the sports bash because you’re going to be there Friday you’re going to be on a panel with jiren Hall I think from two to three yes sir I’m pumped and I I want to thank you John I’m I’m excited it’s fun to have an excuse to get together with other athletes especially jiren because we golf together and I like to trash talk him somebody please in the Q&A ask if he’s ever beaten me in golf I just want to see his face sounds like that answer is good for you exactly exactly but you know he did get me his senior year at BYU so give him some some credit there but know I’m excited I I love opportunities like this and I love uh specifically Q&A because people always have the most interesting and funny questions everybody wants to hear the tea and ask questions about Coach wit and now everybody if if they’re girls they always want to ask me about the Kelsey brothers and Jason Kelsey so I’m sure I’ll get a few of those too well I’m I’m excited to hear from you I I’m so so grateful that you’re going to be there uh you’re one of the first athletes we thought of when we started putting this together we just knew that you had to be there and and everyone we talked to they’re so excited oh Britain’s gonna be there I’m there well that’s that’s good I’m I’m really glad you thought of me like I said I love stuff like this the state of Utah is so unique especially after having been in the east coast the sport Community here is so unique and so fun that that I just love it and I think probably part of the reason why people want me there is there’s you know some everybody needs a 58 undersized white guy role model in sports so that they feel like they can live out their dream that’s that’s most the time when parents talk to me it’s because their kids undersized and you know I I relate to that I had guys that I used to look up to um you know obviously I played at Utah but I grew up a BYU fan because my brother played at Buu my my dad my uncles and so uh I used to watch like Nate mckl and those guys you know and and I always you know any any undersized white guy that looks like me in the mirror probably balding I looked up to and so I uh I like to kind of try and fill that role for any other kid in the state um that that can look up and and you know try try to fulfill a dream that’s awesome that’s a big part of what we’re doing is we we want kids to be able to come and and see themselves in in successful people in athletes that are doing what they love uh we’ve got you know women that are playing tackle football that are going to be doing uh passing camps and and just we we want everyone to know that you can you can do this you can you can enjoy it you can love it you can be good at it I I am curious who was it that convinced you when you were watching them if they can do it I can do it and how old were you when you thought this is no longer a dream I’ve got a plan I’m going to pull this off oh that’s that’s a great question well like I said Nate mckl was probably the first one that I remember seeing my size you know undiz that that would do things that I got excited about but I I still to this day have a pair of gloves that Todd Watkins gave me when I was seven years old and uh so he he came to a birthday party of my cousins when I was seven years old and he threw the football with us and I’m sure he has no recollection of that but it was one of the best days of my life right and and uh so just growing up watching those early teams and then as I got older you know watching Reggie D at the U and kind of that returner position um is kind of when I started to Envision what I would see myself doing in college but for a while it was just being an absolute fan of those early BYU teams you know Todd Watkins Austin colie Matt Allen all those guys I I just I was the biggest fan you’ve ever met and then as As I Grew Older and it started to become more of a reality for me that’s when you know Reggie Dunn and kayin Clay kind of you know gave me a role model of of what type of player I wanted to be when you say Reggie dun I immediately think it was more than a decade ago now but I think of a ridiculous 4235 game and he ran a kickback to win the game and Kyle Winningham after where it said I can’t for the life of me figure out why they kicked to Reggie Dunn I thought it was one of the most honest postgame quotes like why are they kicking it to him and it was an electric return and then I think of you and the rose bow and yeah the comparisons are obvious yeah well and Reggie’s my guy I mean Reggie was one of my mentors coming in and I always love it’s always interesting to me athletes I feel like go one of two ways when they leave College they either get kind of bitter and they you know they refuse to give the Next Generation credit or it’s the complete opposite and they are so abundant they want the Next Generation to be better than them and I feel like that’s something that’s unique about the state is you know it’s everybody just wants the state of Utah to succeed and to you know kind of be put on the map because we’ve got some great football around here great Sports in general and uh I know that’s not the case with a lot of people in other colleges is there’s not this abundant mentality that you feel here you know um kayn clay Reggie Dunn all those guys who played the slot role all they wanted was for me to be better than they were and that’s it carries over you know that’s what I want but sometimes you watch like you know these ESPN shows uh for the NBA and things and you see the quote unquote old heads right just refusing to give anyone Credit in the Next Generation just saying how they wouldn’t have survived in in the 80s or 90s and things and I just feel like it’s it’s not good for the game and I feel like it’s so see-through and obvious that you’re just not abundant you know and anyone who gives the Next Generation credit and advice is someone that I appreciate so much well I know a lot of fans are going to appreciate you being there this weekend at the Ultimate Sports bash your panel is Friday afternoon and as far as you wanting a specific question pose so that you can embarrass jiren do you know who the moderator is when you’re up there I have no I have no idea who the moderator is but moderation is fun and I I’m curious his name rhymes with latri linan no really yes PK is the moderator you know I’m pped that’s what I’m talking about I think mission accomplished on needing a certain golf question post I think you took care of business early absolutely all right well Britain go ahead PK I wake up trash talking so I’m looking fun I’m looking forward to this and golf trash talk is his best that’s he’s he’s way into the golf Trash Talk He he’ll take he’ll take you both on he’s ready to go all right Britain we appreciate it thank you and look forward to seeing you uh Friday afternoon at the Ultimate Sports bash yeah thanks guys good I’m excited to see you there and thanks again John this is this gonna be awesome I’m so excited DJ and PK the Ultimate Sports bch Friday and Saturday SE uh 10: am to 7 pm tickets online at ultimat Sports and at the door but cheaper cheaper at ultimat sports there you go all right Friday and Saturday Mountain America Expo Center 9400 South and State Street in Sandy djm PK 975 the zone

Hour three of DJ & PK for July 8, 2024:

• Steve Cleveland, Former BYU Basketball Coach

• Utah has target on their back at Big 12 Media Days

• Britain Covey, Philadelphia Eagles

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