@Dallas Mavericks

Mychal Thompson on Klay Thompson choosing the Mavs over the Lakers on Mason & Ireland

Mychal Thompson on Klay Thompson choosing the Mavs over the Lakers on Mason & Ireland

to what what everybody wants to hear Michael how could you how could you let your son pick the Mavericks over the Lakers I sent you a two-word text bad parenting what the hell happened Pepe I knew I made a mistake when I said man we could room together in the same Hotel well that is a mistake and don’t think for a second that’s not a selling point you know what I thought you told you’ve told me a long time ago that clay never introduces girls he dates to you and Julie unless it’s super serious because he doesn’t want you guys to ask him 20 questions so I thought that’s why he’s going to Dallas he doesn’t want to be on the road with Michael CU cuz Michael and I see everything oh right right or did you ever did the Lakers have a shot yeah yeah oh yeah if it wasn’t for the Mavericks he would have been here no question about it because he liked both teams are going to be a playoff team and Lakers will be in the playoffs next year giv him good health don’t smirk at te no he’s very very down on the we’ll get into that in a second yeah we’ll get into that and of course Dallas was in the finals so he feels he has a very good chance to get back to the finals with Dallas and I think they definitely improved with Klay knocking down those open threes that Derek Jones got so shoot so often all right so I don’t understand why clay and the Warriors broke up do you salary cap second apron Joe lob didn’t want to spend all that money again this the super tax that they have to spend so uh yeah it just uh didn’t work out just bad timing but you know you can’t be bitter about anything he had 13 had unbelievable career 13 great years of this so we’re grateful and thankful to everything he went through with the Warriors so no reason to be bitter just move on you got less money would he’ve gotten more money with the Lakers uh kind of but with state taxes and the cost of living sort of equals out so if you make 80 million and and and California if you made 60 65 in Texas it’s the same thing so but but he’s making more money in Texas yeah take home money yeah because of state tax but that’s not the reason why he chose it he uh looked at the opportunity to play with Kyrie and Luca and get back to the finals um did what were there any conversations like what were the conversations like between you and him when it was all going down or talk at all yeah we definitely talked about it we talked about uh of course I we talked about the basketball part of it playing with AED and LeBron playing in Kobe’s uniform kobby was his Idol growing up and we always talked in the in years past you know if you couldn’t be a warrior wouldn’t it be great to be a Laker and he said yeah that would be great and um he’s 34 years of age and at this stage of his life he just said you know what I’m I maybe need to try something new something different something fresh maybe in a different part of the country believe me I tried to sell him on the fact that Roco would have a built-in babysitter with his mother he could just leave her him with her us on his road trip Rocco is Clay Bulldog who he’s very close with I tried to sell him on the fact that Marina del re is 10 minutes 5 minutes away from his HOSA beach house he could put his boat down there and go out to catalino and days off like which he likes to do in the Bay Area I told him ain’t no Bays ain’t no ocean front in Dallas that’s right you know so but do me a favor react to this Ramona wrote this she says uh something about playing for the Lakers apparently felt too much like playing for the Warriors there’s one source close to him put it would this be treating trading one Fishbowl for another but you I I told him I like that though think about it I said think about it you guys for the Warriors for the last decade have been the number one attraction in sport in basketball and the Lakers are right there with you think how much fun that is when I said think how much fun it is when you go on the road and you are the biggest attraction that’s you the hottest ticket which the warriors were and the Lakers still are even when they were down they still are I say you you don’t want to ever pass that up because you’ll miss it when it’s an event when you go on the road and I told them that you would still have that with the Lakers and playing with LeBron and AD and Austin Reeves and these guys I told you to have all these open shots I said torian Prince ruy and Austin they’re open all day because they have LeBron and and navy commanding so much attention the bottom line is that he didn’t want to stay with you in the same oh it was you I could have told you that if you weren’t here yeah you know what if you weren’t here might Laker right now if you I steep a check into the Ritz I’ll check into the Hilton oh there you go that’s what I should have told know it would have been the Four Seasons if we checked in the Ritz Michael would have got the Four Season that could have been the final maybe that was it uh yeah but I was disappointed but then you know he’s his own man and the Lakers he definitely was interested in the Lakers he was very appealing to him to come home and play here but so so was a so was it playing for Dallas I can’t I’m trying to remember did did he talk to LeBron yeah they talked they spoke um Michael mace is very very down very upset they a good team and I run it back my argument my argument is that and nobody likes it because they know you and I work for the Lakers and they consider us being homers much as but no Pep’s on our boat I think you’re all equal you’re an equal footing oh I’m a way bigger home than either one of them I guess are but Michael here’s here’s his main argument it’s that they didn’t do anything I would argue that changing the coach change and then today adding Scott Brooks and Nate McMillan and then getting a 23-year-old Dalton connect who can play right away plug in play is is not the same team but may says those are minor changes around the edges that won’t make you need that’s all you need m is little tweaks here and there just add JJ and bronnie and you’ve got a hit well dton connect connect for I think connect I I think conect has a chance to be very 23 24 years of age that’s a benefit for him but you can’t say that was a way I mean it’s making a change to the roster but at no point do you say when you’ve got you finish in the seven seed you’re in the playin tournament you don’t say let’s just bring everybody back I just like every the majority of the NBA teams doing that this year other than Oklahoma City and Philadelphia who else is like radically shuffling the Rost I I got to tell you there are I mean I don’t know if you looked at the transaction page but there are probably 70 70 Moves that have been made in the last three days kind of but they’re the they’re the moves that you’re poo pooing that you’re saying don’t make any difference yeah exactly just all minor moves makes yeah I mean I I will give it if your if your argument is that they’re not Oklahoma City and they’re not Philadelphia and they’re not Boston I agree with you but everybody else is kind of in the in a hodge podge together I I just don’t I I am so disappoint and by the way I I’m sure that there are fans out there that are agreeing with me right now oh no the you should see my the majority of the fanse with you absolutely not nothing to address no key player this

Former Laker and current radio broadcaster Mychal Thompson gives his reaction to his son Klay Thompson signing with the Dallas Mavericks over the Los Angeles Lakers on Mason & Ireland.



  1. OMG Klays father adoration for lakers is insane… lakers right there with the warriors??? really …HOW??

  2. Doubt if the Lakers win 35 games next season, don't blame Klay for choosing the Mavs.

  3. I’m sure his dad said it’s a dumpster fire that’s burned since Jerry buss died that you don’t want to be a part.

  4. How long before JJ Redick gets fired by the Lakers real coach, aka Lebron James?
    It was sad seeing Klay leave the Warriors but at least he went to my 2nd favorite team so I'm happy for him.

  5. Random Conspiracy here: Klay doesn't want any part of his father's Glory Days with Lakers. He sees the joke of an organization the Lakers have become. He'd rather go to a better organized Dallas Mavericks team that has much higher chance to get to Conference Finals or Finals. Klay wants to be his own man with no ties to his father's legacy.

    I respect that.

    – A Lakers fan.

  6. I think he choose Dallas cause less drama and taxes. Choosing lakers wouldn’t have made sense because the drama that happens in that organization with lebron and lakers organization and nobody wants to be put into that situation. Not only that the pressure of just having lebron just being in your ear to make every shot it’s not worth. Might as well have stayed in the warriors if that was the case. His dad wants him in the lakers because he went there but his son would have loved to go there but not right now.

  7. Mavs are a better team, younger and deeper core, non toxic environment, just made a finals , and has a young generational player in his prime. That extra 20-30 mill would not have been worth it. He knows how much of a circus the Lakers are right now and he doesn’t wanna be a scapegoat for bron like Russ and Dlow

  8. who the fruck wants to play with Bron? you win you a supporter, you loose its your fault, Klay a smart man, that's why he achieved way more than his dum dum daddy

  9. There's only TWO words why Klay & others don't wanna go to the LeLakers: LeBron…..James! PERIOD!!! It's self-explanatory! ANYONE who thinks OTHERWISE are just LYING to themselves and everyone else!🤯

  10. Mychal Thompson is such a great laker soldier compare to Big James. Just tell the truth, the laker lore is over, and noone wants to play for lakers.

  11. I think there’s players in the league that do not want to help Lebron get another chip . Whn the story is written they’ll all be foot notes

  12. So much respect for klay not joining lebron and his pathetic lakers!!!

    The lakers died with Kobe. What a garbage organization now.

  13. Who is a better point guard, gigantic Luca, or toothpick curry? who’s better , the best ballhandler in the history of the NBA, and dynamic scorer, Kyrie Irving, or Draymond, the king of the triple single? That was an easy choice to go to the Dallas Mavericks !!!!

  14. If he still owns homes in California he'll be paying California state tax no one brings up the fact that you can't just live in three places and not pay taxes in all of them

  15. Why go to the Lakers to lose in the first round of the playoffs and get all the blame, and then listen to the media yet again discussing what Lebron needs?

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