@Chicago Bulls

The WILD Truth About a possible Zach LaVine TRADE…

The WILD Truth About a possible Zach LaVine TRADE…

the Zack LaVine drama continues as now we see Rich Paul has come out and made statements defending Zack LaVine and his professionalism we’re going to be talking about what this means for Zack LaVine what does this mean for the Chicago Bulls and can we see a conclusion to this Saga this is your host Rico greenhow and this is another episode of bulls digest before we jump into it wanted to let you know that 77.8% of you guys that watch the videos are not subscribed to the channel make sure you mash that subscribe button so you can stay up to date with the latest news and happenings around your Chicago Bulls and without further Ado guys let’s go ahead and jump into um what Rich Paul had to say I know this has been out there guys but let’s jump right into this article it is Rich Paul pushes back on Zack LaVine slander this is a terrific read uh this was in uh Casey Johnson’s post and and again Casey Johnson is a guy that is a sideline reporter for the Bulls so he’s definitely in tune with what’s going on with the bulls but he got a chance to let Rich Paul kind of speak his mind here guys and I thought that uh you know what Rich Paul had to say was interesting and we’re going to address each thing that he had to say so first off let’s start with what Rich Paul had to say at the very top of this thing he says look I want to make this Clean and Clear the whole idea that Zach has been anything but professional in this situation is false this guy has played hurt he has represented the franchise with class A lot uh has taken place during his time with the bulls and he’s taking a high road in every single time Paul said here by the phone and he said look every player gets frustrated yes that is true but Zach has been the ultimate professional and he deserves better the Bulls have business to do and we’re going to let them do their business all right so rich Paul comes out there um man he comes out hot all right so I like what Rich Paul had to say with the whole thing with being professional let’s start there so Zack LaVine has absolutely been professional I I 1,000% agree with that I don’t see any articles I don’t see any Clips suggesting that he said anything disrespectful to AK uh he’s not showing up to practice he’s gotten into numerous locker room scuffles none of that has happened with Zack LaVine and even when he’s been injured I’ve seen him quite a bit on the sideline here okay so once again I think that this is one of those things that’s been thrown out there right into this narrative around Zack LaVine and it uh sounds like it’s just putting us more into that patented marryg go all right so as we continue this Margo round with Zack LaVine first of all rich Paul is correct he has been absolutely professional and he points out the fact that Zack LaVine played through injuries he’s right okay when we had Lonzo ball out there before he went down and as we were going into that playoff series I believe with the Milwaukee Bucks he was going through an injury and he eventually needed surgery so he did play through that all right so that’s first and foremost now there’s coming up the part that Zack LaVine requested a trade from the Chicago Bulls and from what we see here according to Rich Paul he’s saying that uh that’s not necessarily true guys so this is what he had to say around that um look he’s saying if we continue to play this way he’s referring to the team starting to lose he’s saying and if you guys are starting to look to make changes let’s work together all right guys so to jump out of that and to jump into what he’s talking about in full context he went up to management or they went up to management and said look if you guys are looking to go in a different direction please let me know okay because he’s locked in he wants to win games uh he wants to improve as a player but he’s saying look if you guys are going in a rebuild you know let me know so you know we can work together and that to me is no different from what maybe demard de rozan might have done okay demard de rozan might have been like look you guys traded away Alex Caruso you’re trying to get rid of Zack LaVine more than likely you’re getting rid of Lonzo ball which is a guy that he said that he absolutely loved playing with and he enjoyed when he was at his Peak Performance and and maybe like dear saw that hey it’s not going to happen here so let’s work together I think that that’s probably what Zack LaVine was saying in this situation so you know for the people out there that are saying hey he requested a trade no he didn’t request a trade it looks like that he has an open relationship with management and he’s basically saying like look if you guys are moving in a different direction let me know so we can work together all right so that’s step number two I I like what is going on with the Zack LaVine in this whole situation like his narrative so far he hasn’t done anything wrong all right next guys we’re going to talk about the situation where Zack LaVine supposedly went ahead he got a surgery right he got a surgery because he was getting ready to be traded to the Detroit Pistons okay and this is what Zack LaVine had to say in that particular situation he said look you never want to have surgery right but he came to a conclusion that he got to a doctor here and he said that he needed to go ahead and get this thing done sooner than later he said he has a bone that was floating around in his foot uh it looks like it was a Jones fracture okay and so he said once he got to that doctor he was glad that he told him that and he said that he needed to get this done sooner than later all right and so look he got the surgery done done okay he’s back from the surgery he’s ahead of time and so he’s basically telling you guys that look if he didn’t get this surgery then it probably would have escalated into a a worser issue so once again I do not have an issue with what Zack LaVine did there okay he made the better decision and if we were going to hold on to him like it looks like we’re going to now we certainly don’t want him to be hurt so the fact that he went ahead and got the surgery that’s admir and I I like this again in favor of Zack LaVine in this whole situation now to kind of tie this thing together okay I think that you have a perfect storm with this Zack LaVine situation okay and this is why we’re going around the Margo round okay so it was a perfect storm in the that Zack LaVine got that contract and he was valued at that time okay at what at the money that we threw at him that was the value that was the market for Zack LaVine the team never really it it didn’t come together like it was supposed to okay Lonzo got injured um that definitely hurt us and set us back as it was constructed we didn’t have very good Shooters on the team defensively you know we had some holes there and so there were a lot of things that factor into this thing so one the contract situation LaVine lucked into that next the way the Bulls built the team all right that’s not necessarily putting Zack LaVine in a successful situation all right and then lastly you know with what happened with uh you know this agent and Rich Paul and stuff like that like I don’t know if Rich Paul told my man to like look take the surgery now or whatever it it just wasn’t a good look okay so there’s three different factors that I can look at here like Zack LaVine signed the deal the Bulls never really constructed the team as they should have to get better and then lastly whoever is advising Zack LaVine I mean it probably wasn’t a good look for him to get the surgery at that time but I understand he had to and you know whoever is Zack lavine’s PR or whatever the case may be they’re trying as best that they can but you know more or less to to just not ramble one in I think that Zack is absolutely getting a bad rap here and I think that this goes back to what I was telling you guys back in 2014 where Zack LaVine has always been the player that he is now okay this is what was put out there in 2014 this was going into the draft guys it tells you that he was not a very good Defender that’s true now it also tells you that he was pretty or he was great actually at getting to the basket dunking on people right he’s a terrific slasher which is true there all right it also tells you that he had to get better as a mid-range shooter he also had to get better as a three-point shooter that has happened but the injuries are something that happened once he got to the NBA when we got Zack LaVine he was injured so we took a chance on the fact that he wasn’t a great defender coming out of college that was in his ranking all right in his NBA profile or whatever when we go ahead and evaluate talent two look he got injured we saw that we still took a chance on him and we were thinking oh there’s a chance that he’s not going to be injured anymore and it’s like dude he was injured when we got him he’s injured now with us what do you expect okay so everything that the Bulls signed up for it’s right here it’s right now like you signed up for this so I think that there everybody takes a blame in this situ a I don’t think that it should just be solely on the Chicago Bulls I don’t think it should just be solely on Zack LaVine and I don’t think it’s solely on Rich Paul I think it’s a combination of things here that we point out that just it was the perfect storm here guys and so with that being said as we have gone around the marago round once more with this Zack LaVine situation like what are you guys thinking here because I put this out there in the community Tab and I’m going to bring that up up guys we put the survey out there and 26% of you guys feel like that we should trade LaVine with no asset attached um you guys are pretty split on letting him play out his contract or trading him immediately attached with an asset uh you know some people were saying like let’s wait until the trade deadline next year I know that that’s cut off um and then this 12% said never trade Zack LaVine unless you get a first round pick attached to that guys and so I wanted to leave off with that in this whole situation once again we continue to go around the miror go around with Zack LaVine and even though we are and we don’t know what’s gonna happen with Zack LaVine I’m saying go Bulls I’ll see you guys on the next one peace peace peace

In this video your host, Rico Greenhowe, breaks down What Rich Paul had to say about Zach LaVine and who is to blame in the Zach LaVine saga. Are the Bulls going to make major moves this offseason?

0:00 Bulls news
1:30 What Rich Paul Said.
2:33 The Merry- Go- Round LaVine Saga.
3:44 Did LaVine request a trade?
5:30 LaVine had surgery to avoid being traded to Detroit Pistons?
8:50 Bulls did know what they were getting when they signed and traded for LaVine .
10:34 What do we do with LaVine.
11:05 Merry- Go-Round With LaVine.

Bulls Digest is a channel that breaks down all of the latest news, reports and rumors on the Chicago Bulls. This includes coverage on players such as DeMar DeRozan, Zach Lavine, Alex Caruso, Lonzo Ball, Nikola Vucevic, Patrick Williams and everyone on the Bulls Roster!


  1. If Jerry doesn’t keep fucking up, I will apologize. I will not be holding my breath though. Being cheap in sports entertainment is kind of like stealing. From the management, the coaches and the players. Then there are the fans. It’s like Jerry is telling us, “When it comes to the Sox and Bulls, you get, what you get and you don’t get upset. “

  2. Cap even if that's the case with the surgery he could have went through with it after he was traded but he didn't! He didn't way because he didn't want to go to Detroit 💯

  3. The bulls always do the same dumb shit. No one wanted Zach, no one was going to give him a max, but the bulls did. Why? Complete and utter disfunction. 60M for a terrible a center? Only the bulls can be this dumb. 90 million for a number 4 pick that’s a bust. A role player 8th or 9th on any other team. Stupidest franchise in sports. Any fan that supports this bullshit has no right to complain or vent. Why does anyone support a team that’s the dumbest in the league?

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