@New Orleans Pelicans

Pelicans sign Daniel Theis REACTION

Pelicans sign Daniel Theis REACTION

so the New Orleans Pelicans are adding Daniel Ty on a one-year deal and now the Pelicans were a team as a buck fan I was trying to put together mock trades to send Brook Lopez over there because after losing valent chunis they could really use a center and now Daniel Ty gives him a center that maybe isn’t quite as good of a big man as valan chunis but he’s definitely a better fit for honestly the modern NBA and really what the Pelicans need in particular and this pelic team I was thinking about this last night a lot of times people say the worst thing you could be in the NBA is in the middle of the pack but that’s only if you don’t have the potential to rise above that because the pelcat have been in the middle of the pack you know one year they get in as like an eight seed when year they miss the playoffs but they have the potential to be a contender this upcoming season and honestly they have a lineup That Could Be I don’t want to over exaggerate and say like they’ll be better than the Celtics start lineup from last year but it could be reminiscent a little bit of that original warriors death lineup like just imagine out there you got Deon Brandon Ingram Herby Jones Trey Murphy and Zion Oh that is length Galore and Five Guys that could go get you a bucket I don’t know personally there’s been a lot of rumors about training Brandon Ingram if the value is not like that I’d be more for moving CJ a column but I wouldn’t feel like you necessarily have to move either because you could just overwhelm teams with your ability um with your amount of scores that you have so if you’re not going to get a lot of value back from Brandon Ingram just say all right we’re just going to embrace him being a great third option now and CJ mom he could either be our sixth man or we move him so I like what the Pelicans are doing regardless personally for my starting lineup I would be moving CJ MC call to the bench and I would be saying deante uh herb Trey I don’t know what you do with your starting lineup let me know in the comments do you put Brandon and CJ M Callum off the bench because everybody’s saying they don’t want to keep bringing Trey and Herb Off the Bench and I kind of agree with that I think you got to let the young guys develop but can you have Brandon and CJ MCC as your sixth and seventh man or do you go small ball lineup originally and just have Zion start as the center it’s almost like too many highle players for your own good that’s why I’m saying maybe you do trade CJ McCollum I don’t know y’all have to let me know in the comments because you could go with uh deante Trey herb Zion and now Ty and then just go to the a smaller small ball lineup later in the game and not have that be star lineup or you could go small ball originally but you would still have to bring one of those guys off the bench that if I was to go small ball I would do the lineup I said with Brandon Ingram rather than CJ McCullum or you could go de jante CJ Brandon herb and z there’s a million different combinations that they have and now Daniel Ty just allows them to be able to not always have Zion at the center where if everybody does their job defensively I don’t think that will be that big of an issue because maybe against maybe againsts like an embiid or joic that could be a slight issue but honestly I don’t think so I think Zion could hold his own against a yic not much worse than uh uh what than a Daniel TI or they could bring double teams at that and offensively as much as you know joic isn’t a terrible Defender putting him on Yannis mean not jannis on Zion oneon-one I think that could cause more problems from other teams so this allows them to have a big out there for those matchups but I would be running Zion like 75% of his minutes at the center this season let Ty play 15 to 20 minutes we’ll see if Mei uh is ready to go and play minutes right away maybe you could split their minutes give Mei 15 minutes Ty 15 minutes something like that but I would be putting Zion especially if you don’t make any trades PR dominantly at the center and just loading up on wings out there because if everybody’s doing their job like I said Deon Murray if he comes in plays good defense and Zion’s not constantly having to help people I think he can hold his own at the center’s position especially seeing as uh what most centers are in today’s NBA which is just like Rim Runners and guys that don’t do a lot with the ball in their hands and so if Zion is just having to guard them and everybody’s locking it down and you can always bring double teams at the centers that cause problems the Pelicans can cause real issues for centers that are designed to protect the rim trying to guard Zion on the perimeter like ball handling you know crossing over to the rim and uh defensively they have enough Wing Defenders that can fly around and help when needed this Pelicans team could cause people real issues but let me know what y’all think in terms of moving CJ moving Brandon what package are the pel kids looking for do you think a trade gets dumb how does their rotations look but Daniel Ty overall just provides a guy that could be on the floor next to Zion you know be able to hit a three space the floor not get in the way be solid enough defensively not a lead at anything but holds his own fits what they need got a big man that can knock down an open three a little bit switchable defensively more versatile than a valent Unis let me know what y’all think though drop a comment hit that like And subscribe please yes sir

Reaction to the New Orleans Pelicans signing Daniel Theis
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  1. It's about time….Let's Go we hyped in the city….trade CJ because he's too inconsistent and he's overrated

  2. You going have too pay Brandon Ingram soon, so time to pony-up & pay him! Trade Brandon, trade C.J. & sign Trey for less money than Brandon.

  3. I dont think they plan to run a small ball lineup w. Zion at the 5. They are gonna trade BI for a Center, plug in Trey Murphy and keep CJ in the starting lineup. CJ is making 33 mil you can't bring him off the bench might as well just trade him otherwise. He'll be better as a starter with DJ handeling the ball primarily.

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