@Sacramento Kings

Sacramento Kings Rookie Devin Carter Likely to Miss the Start of the Season | Locked On Kings

Sacramento Kings Rookie Devin Carter Likely to Miss the Start of the Season | Locked On Kings

a bit of bad news for the Sacramento Kings following the Euphoria of Landing toar D rozan 13th overall pick Devin Carter is set to have shoulder surgery and will more than likely miss the start of next season we’ll break that down plus Nate Tomlinson One of Devon’s coaches at Providence joins me to discuss who Devon was in college in his journey to the NBA it’s all right here on locked on Kings you are locked on Kings your daily Sacramento Kings podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday and Now ladies and gentlemen it is that time time for another episode of lock on [Applause] Kings hello and welcome into lockon Kings your podcast hub for Sacramento Kings coverage all offseason long today’s episode is brought to you by make every moment more the playoffs are over right we’re in summertime and right now Sports just aren’t sporting the way that we want them to but the good news is FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit to learn more and to get started my name is Matt George I have the privilege of being your host here I’m a Sacramento Sports Anchor and reporter for ABC 10 news and while we are getting ready for day two of the California classic inside the golden one Center yesterday the Kings Victorious over the San Antonio Spurs by the way we got the unfortunate news that Not only was Devin Carter going to be out all of Summer League with his shoulder injury that he suffered during a pre-draft workout he is now going to require surgery now I think and from what I understand this is a precautionary route for the Sacramento Kings they they are are are are taking this route to make sure he is as good as possible heading into his career Monty McNair said in his press conference the Kings didn’t just draft Devin Carter for who he can be immediately but who he can be down the road for this Kings team so as disappointing as it is to obviously not see Devon play in the ca classic and in summer league and as disappointing as it would be for Devon not to be available for the Sacramento Kings to start this season if this is the route that the Kings thinks is best long term for Devon and therefore long term for the team then it’s a route we have to understand now there has not been any official timetable given I’m sure we’ll get that information after the procedure uh on Devon’s shoulder is successful but the belief is that he will likely miss or is going to miss some time at the start of the season now what what concerns me or the most about that is is not so much that he won’t be available for the Kings right out of the gate because look he’s a rookie and as much as we all believe and are hoping that Devin can help this king’s team I was not of the belief that Devin Carter was going to be a starting two guard for the Sacramento Kings right away I was also not of the belief that Devin Carter was going to be ready and able to hit the ground running as a firm part of the king’s rotation playing 15 to 20 minutes a night off of the bench maybe it was possible and if he did turn into that that would have been fantastic right but that wasn’t the expectation the Sacramento Kings believe that Devin Carter will help this team win basketball games Monty McNair said even with the playoffs there there’s so many Devin Carters that you see making impacts in the playoffs and the Kings just got one of theirs now to help with that so obviously the Kings believe that Devon can be an impactful player they never would have drafted him but when you look at this Ro and you look at the core that they brought together now you add in the addition of of Demar D rozan and the Kings still aren’t done this off seon right now you start to look at and and go okay this roster should be in a in a really really good spot regardless of Devon’s ability to play and then when Devin is able to play when he when he comes back from this injury or when he when when he plays to a level that Mike Brown and the coach staff are comfortable enough getting him out there consistently at that point he’s a bonus he’s a boost to what the Sacramento Kings are already doing well of course the defense that Devin Carter brings the rebounding that Devon Carter brings these are things that this C Kings team can absolutely use from day one now more than likely they won’t have it but the most disappointing part to me about Devin likely missing the start of the season is missing training camp because practice time during the NBA season is not rare but it’s not consistent right because there’s so many games and travel days and trying to rest it’s an 82 Game season you have to make sure your your players are are resting and recovering you have shoot arounds before games but shoot arounds are glorified walkthroughs and getting loose not really practicing and and working hard and developing players the training camp per period those couple of weeks plus preseason as well where you’re in the lab you’re in the gym every day working and grinding and developing and growing and getting comfortable together and implementing your system those days are I think so important to every player but especially a rookie who’s trying to find their fit not just with their new NBA team but find their comfort level in the NBA period so Devin missing that part of the Year potentially with this shoulder injury that to me is what’s most concerning or disappointing not that he can’t overcome it look Keegan Murray was available for for the majority of training camp but remember Keegan Murray missed uh the end of preseason and missed the start of his rookie season remember because he had covid he was in health and safety protocols so I know that’s different than a actual legitimate injury but obviously Keegan was able to miss part of the start of the season and and was just fine right and he turned into the great player that he is today and the the great player and impactful rookie that he was for that team two seasons ago so it’s not a doom and gloom thing of oh Devon missed training camp and Devon’s missing the start of the Season man it’s gonna be hard for him to break his way into the lineup the Kings might not get he might not be ready to make the impact that the Kings need of him right away we might have to wait till year two or year three for the best of Devin Carter maybe but that’s not guaranted just because Devon is is missing the season however I think that training camp time where Mike Brown gets his hands on him and Doug Christie gets his hands on him and the King’s coaching staff J Triano gets his hands on them and they they just get to work with them all day long I think him missing that is is is pretty important that being said it’s not like he’s leaving he’s not pulling a Marvin baggley and rehabbing on his own and and and working on his own in his hometown right he’s going to still be here from the second he has his surgery when he starts his rehab process he’s going to work with the Sacramento Kings training staff to get back to to to full strength he’s going to still be in the gym with the Sacramento Kings he’s going I mean he’s already now with the summer league team he’s at every single game he’s at every single practice he’s standing in the huddles so he’s he’s involved so he’s going to at least be able to break down film and and learn through conversations and learn through through watching and and and things like that what the kings are expecting of him and how the kings are trying to play and everything like that which is certainly beneficial he just won’t be able to actually get on the floor itself but to me the good news about Devin Carter is you can almost unleash him right I think from what I understand about Devin Carter as a player and you’ll you’ll learn even more about him when I I I play my interview with Nate Tomlinson here in just a second he’s a guy that it’s like when he’s available whether it’s 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes whatever Ro I think Mike can almost go hey kid get out there and and be yourself right get out there and get the basketball get a stop grab the rebound grab some rebounds just play hard like in that way Devin can kind of ease his way into an NBA career and ease his way into a role with the Sacramento Kings because you can always build off of that Foundation and of course Mike Brown and the kings are going to do that there’s definitely going to be things that Deon needs to work on but the unable aspect of de’s game The Hustle the intensity the tenacity the nose for the basketball the willingness to do everything to fight for a rebound to shoot the three-point shot whatever the case may be that doesn’t have to be taught and that can that should be there as soon as Devon is is medically cleared and able to play so that that is encouraging to me I’m not too worried it’s disappointing that Devon is out but I wish him the absolute best of a a speedy recovery and uh I mean I’m I’m starv for Kings basketball in October of course to see demard de R rozan and dearon fox in this new Kings core in action but once we get that news that Devon is cleared and able to play and maybe there still is a chance that it’s before the season I’m I’m skeptical about that but maybe there’s a chance I think we’re all going to be very very Giddy and excited to see him on the floor for the first time es especially in Sacramento because I have feeling he’s going to get a standing ovation right away just with how hard uh that he plays so looking forward to to Devin Carter’s recovery and miss him or wish him the absolute uh best in his upcoming shoulder surgery and as soon as we get more news and information about his injury uh in the surgery we will I’ll share that for you of course right here on lockon Kings but now instead of hearing me blab about Devin Carter instead of just going off the word of Monty McNair or the other Scouts and and and those that that watched him in college and and all the draft experts why not talk to somebody that has worked directly with Devin Carter one of his coaches Nate Tomlinson from Providence joins me coming up next on the podcast to to break down who Devin was as a college basketball player I think you’re gonna be really excited about what coach Tomlinson says uh about Devin his development how hard he works and and just some of the plays that Devin makes that that the Providence coaching sta had had never seen before just some really really cool stuff coming up in this interview and I’m very excited to play it for you just before that though we got to pay some bills and FanDuel is a a wonderful sponsor here of the lon Kings podcast and an excellent tool to help get you through these summer months without Kings basketball we all love sports we never want them to stop but with the Playoffs being done we get fewer games we get we’re get no games outside of the summer league in the NBA right now FanDuel lets me keep my sports fixed going whenever I want all I have to do is open up the app and dream up bets anytime that I am in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long when you log into FanDuel for the day you’re going to get these different things that influence the way that you play for that day and of course all the MLB action going on right now you can bet on with that we have future bets for upcoming NBA awards who’s gonna win the uh the NBA Championship is coming up very very soon of course with NFL and college football right around the corner fandel has got you covered for all of that head over to and start making the most out of your summer f as an official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball we’ve seen the draft experts tell us who Devin Carter is we’ve had King’s general manager Monty McNair tell us who Devin Carter is but why not talk to somebody who’s worked with Devin Carter at Providence to get him to accomplishing his NBA Dream and now coming over to Sacramento joining me here on the Longton Kings podcast one of the assistant coaches of the Providence men’s basketball team Nate Tomlinson nice enough to join me coach it’s a pleasure to be able to talk to you very excited to have Devin Carter here in Sacramento technically back in Sacramento he spent some time here when he was a kid but first off I mean how excited is Providence for for Devin to to accomplish this goal and to be selected 13th overall yeah well I’m sure you guys have felt the uh the Providence fan base with all the support um that’s flooding the kings’s way but um super super excited for Devin um I think he’s in a although the time difference is a little tough for us on the East Coast we’re going to have to you know stay up late to watch him play um we think he’s ended up in a great Spot Great coach you know great um ownership and and an organization with a lot of history so we’re we over the moon for Dev it’s funny the some of the first things that jump off the page when you watch Devon’s game is the stuff that you can’t really coach right it’s the the the tenacity that he plays with the hustle the effort that he gives the willingness to to dive on the floor for for 5050 balls and and just and give his all on whatever he’s doing what was it like working with that being able to to to get your hands on a player a young player and and develop him when he brought the willingness to do everything to the utmost extreme uh like he does yeah well it’s twofold one um he gets a Long Leash from us right when he’s playing so hard and and sacrificing his body like you said so um you know we give him a lot of freedom on the offensive end to you know go have fun and play because he does those sorts of things um and then he challenges you as a coach you know he does some things that you haven’t quite seen before and you’re like well maybe everyone else should do this but Dev you can kind of navigate and do whatever you want to do on the defensive end because you just make some plays that quite honestly only he can make um and he’s done that you know numerous times we only got to coach him for one year and in that short year he made some defensive plays that I’ve literally never seen uh never seen before um you on the court you know just some you know way out of you know uh way out of position you know whether he’s contesting behind two guys and make you know blocking shots just just things that you know you shouldn’t be able to do at his height and his stature but he you know he’s got the heart and he’s got the athleticism to make those plays so um we gave him a Long Leash On the offensive end with just how you know how competitive he was um and then defensively really challenged us because um some you know just some plays he could make that others couldn’t from day one when you first saw Devon and got to work with him to the the last day that he was at the program before leaving to go for the draft where where was the biggest area of growth or what stood out to you the most about who he was at the end of that Journey compared to the beginning yeah so when we got the job um in when it was March April something like that last year um you know we broke down the roster and quickly you know identified Dev and some others as you know the real Pinnacle kind of parts and the the um you know the the the guys the foundation of the of the program and guys who really needed to to keep on board and when we came up here you know I met with him day one and he actually picked me up um from the hotel in his his white uh Jeep with the the orange rims you know as Miami as you could get but um super humble you know super super humble that’s what kind of jumped off you know the page of me straight away was just how genuine he was and um we were quickly able to bond you know over a meal and then jumped in the gym right away and um you know I studied his his game on on tape before I studied him as a human and looking at his numbers and you know didn’t really make sense why his shooting percentages were as bad as what they were after spending time with him in the gym I mean he was you know 95 90 90% shooter in all the drills we did um and just his willingness to learn and listen um and we were the third coaching staff in three years so you know as a young kid you know go back to high school as well he transferred so um being able to to listen and take coaching um was probably the thing that I I think helped him the most in this is short term you know we spent with him Devin was asked about the growth of his three-point shooting in his uh press conference after the draft and he he credited your coaching staff as giving him the confidence and giving him the green light to shoot and it’s not just that his percentages went up coach it’s it’s how much the volume of his three-point shots and his attempts uh went up which I think almost speaks more to the development than the actual percentage going up does was it really in your mind just a a confidence thing of giving him the freedom to be able to do it or did he do something technically like what did you notice in that one year of him as a three-point shooter that makes you think this is not an outlier year this is more of who he actually is as a shooter yeah so like I said I mean day one I realized okay he’s not as bad of a shooter as the numbers say from you know from day one then you take a little deep you know more of deeper diver into the film you know over two three years of film and it’s you know kind of some shot selection um which is on him and which is a a system type of a deal um you know in our system we like to you know we space and shoot a lot lot of Threes so we knew his attempt rate was going to go up and we wanted him to do that um but no it it wasn’t anything we didn’t mess with his shot at all um you know he’s a tireless worker I think it would just had something to do with with um you know our system you know compared to the previous staff and then um you know the confidence that that we all try to instill in our players to shoot the ball and um I think he shot close to seven a game this year um and had a really really good clip um on top of all the defense he you know he he was um you know entrusted to do as well so um now he was we knew he was a great shooter we just wanted to give him you know Empower him to shoot the ball and and and what type of shots were were important as well well hopefully that skill translates well because coach he’s going to a a Kings team coached by Mike Brown who is all about the defensive end but encourag es his players to shoot open threes if he has them so I think Devon’s going to get a similar green light over there with the defensive side I mean he’s a 62 guard but has a 68 almost 69 wingspan the you talked about him making the plays defensively that you’ve never really seen before what what is his versatility from from seeing it in your own eyes of okay obviously he’s he’s a guards he’s mainly going to be guarding ones and twos but his ability to switch on threes and fours and even sometimes if he gets stuck on a five how he can defend how versatile of a Defender is he in comfortable is he in in kind of scrambling on the defensive end yeah well you said it in your opening statement um with his competitiveness and his grittiness you know that allows him to guard one through five he’s just going to compete harder than whoever he’s matched up against um and that’ll always be who he is it’s why he’ll have a you know 10 15 year career in the NBA because he’s such a competitor um you know why he’s Elite is you know he has those natural god-given T you know tools with his length but his athleticism and his quick twitch um yeah I’ll never forget when we did our our first testing when we got here the three quarter Court Sprint was like off the charts and I was just like this guy’s a freak and then he goes this year into um the combine he has the fastest time ever like that wasn’t a surprise but um I mean he made some like just some stories he made some plays early on um it was a scramble situation he was guarding a guy um who had him beat but he was able to contest the shot the guy turned down the shot and threw it to the wing he was able to land and then get over there to the wing and contest that three he contested two shots in like two seconds that I’d never seen that type of a play before um and then there’s a play at Oklahoma that just sticks in my mind it was like a field goal punt block you know where they jump up behind not a football guy but um there was like two Oklahoma guys setting a screen and he was able to you know jump up behind him and and block that shot just things that I’ve never seen before especially from a guy that you said is about you know 62 63 um just that competitiveness on the defensive end uh kind of makes him stick out this episode of the long time Kings podcast is also brought to you by better help of course the physical part of sports is what we all pay attention to and just the unbelievable ability of these athletes to play as an at an elite level but over the years the mental aspect of the game and the mental aspect of players has gotten more and more and more important mental health for everyone should be stressed and taken care of just as much and sometimes even more than your actual physical body your brain runs everything right and if your brain and your your your mentality is not doing well it can have a drastic effect on your physical and everything else that is why I’m telling you about better help I am a I am a a proud uh therapy goer right I I’ve I’ve gone to therapy since I was in uh or or since the pandemic started and it has completely changed my life how I tackle different issues it’s helped with my marriage it’s helped with me being a parent right 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that’s better help lockon NBA I’ll tell you coach one of the things that excites me so much about Devin 2 is is for his size his ability is a rebounder and I asked Kings GM Monty McNair about that and and and he almost lit up like that’s one of the things that that that the Kings noticed and and believe it’s one of the most transferable skills that he has they believe that he can re rebound at this level uh or or rebound at the same rate on the NBA level because it’s again not necessarily things you teach if he knows he has a knows for the ball he knows how to get into the right position he’s willing to to to battle and and give his all to to go out and get a rebound like that what like what did you notice about that part of his game and where that comes from and not I know there was an injury to to one of your bigs so he had to kind of take on a lot of the rebounding responsibility hisself can you just talk about his development or just what you noticed about him as a rebounder from the year that you worked with him yeah again it just comes back to the competitive nature of him um you know just a a knack you know kind of tenacity just to go get the ball you know whatever the situation is a loose ball a rebound it’s a free ball and it’s a time when we tell our players to be you know as selfish as possible you know as rebounding it and um you know in our system I told him if you rebound it you know the ball’s in your hand man go you’re the point guard go make a play so um and he became really really good in transition you know off off those defensive rebounds of pushing the ball and making right plays but um he just has a knack for the ball um and he has an athleticism and length obviously to go up and get it pretty high as well we’ve seen a lot of the film and and obviously being a point guard the ball’s going to be spending a lot of times in your hands he’s going and joining a Sacramento Kings team that that has a couple of really really established ball handlers already in dearon Fox uh and Malik monk not that he won’t get opportunity as the backup point guard when both those guys need a breather but his ability to play off the ball as well he seems very confident in it and I think he seems excited to play next to either or both of those guys at any given time what is your perspective on how good he is uh capable of being and how he played at Providence off the ball yeah I think again in our system he has to do both you know and he was taught how to do both um has played more off the ball his whole career honestly um until this year we we put the ball in his hands a lot more um and his growth from you know the summer to the end of March middle of March was was huge you know he was seeing coverages he W he wasn’t normal wasn’t normally seeing um was getting and double team so you know so much um coming off ball screen so he he’s um his development over the last year was really FasTrack because he took such a step as a scorer he was seeing all these different looks and coverages which is going to be great for him at the next level um but just understanding um you know when to make the right play different different tags different reads and then being having the ability to play off the ball which I think he naturally has as well but the development for him on the ball in ball screen um in handoff situations really really got better as the season went on and um that’s what I’m most proud about um you know I think it it’s really going to suit him well you know taking that step to the NBA I think we’ve talked about all the things that that really jump off the page when you see him but there are always things about players that don’t get talked about as much that should are there any aspects that come to your mind of who Devin Carter is as a basketball player or even as a person that you haven’t really heard talked about or talked about or or people or the Kings don’t necessarily know or will discover soon what they’re getting yeah I think um like I said he picked me up in a white lifted up Jeep with or white bright orange um rims on it and I was like here we go but um now he’s down to earth humble um you know can crack a joke um just one of the boys you know really really fit in was great with our young guys um you know we had a lot of different Pieces come in last year um you know with the new staff coming on board and he was a really really good teammate you know I think that’s what Sacramento is going to get above everything else he’s just a good down to earth dude um and a great teammate that that ultimately just wants to win you know I think that’s where I know that’s where his competitiveness is driven from is just wanting to win and then Coach finally I know you mentioned Providence fans for nation is is going to be paying close attention to Sacramento Kings basketball now with Deon being over here you guys obviously have a job to do the college basketball season goes on at the same time how closely are you and and and the staff gonna be paying attention to to what Devon is doing and when can we expect you out here to Sacramento for a game yeah I mean we we’ll be playing uh close attention when that the schedule comes out you know I’m I’m hoping they’ll be up here in Boston at least once and then um you know we we’ll see if our schedule matches up you NE that we fortunate to play in a lot of NBA CI so hopefully it matches up but it is a long flight out to Sacramento we hopefully I’ll get coach English to get the private jet set up and or maybe Sacramento can send it maybe maybe sack can can send it and pick us up and um no we’d love to get out there I’m actually an old school Sacramento Kings fan back back from the white chocolate days he was my play growing up so I sent Dev a picture of my jersey the other day so he was um Jason Williams was 55 and dev’s 22 so um no I’m a big sack fan you didn’t try and convince him to take 55 it’s still available somehow white chocolate’s not not uh not retired yet in Sacramento well it should be in my eyes but um 22 it’s kind of similar to 55 55 backwards so it’s well we got to get you out here to Sacramento sometime to catch a game inside the golden one Center just knowing this king’s fan base too they’re so starved for uh for winning in success of course but this fan base rewards and and loves to celebrate effort and heart to the point where if Devin picks up someone 94 feet before the play is even done he’ll start to get a standing ovation but especially if he completes it with a steal or a stop man he’s goingon to be loved here in Sacramento so I’m really excited about that Sacramento’s very thankful to you your staff the his teammates everybody at Providence for for building him and molding him and getting him to the position to where he is today and the the Sacramento Kings are looking forward to kind of reaping some of the rewards of your work and and and turning him into hopefully a future Champion here so thank you for your work and of course thank you for coming here on lockon Kings we appreciate it of course no worries thanks Matt huge thank you to coach Tomlinson for joining me here on lton Kings was very fun to get his perspective and I don’t know about you I’m even more excited about watching Devin Carter play and and and suit up for the Sacramento Kings unfortunately we probably will have to wait a little bit longer for that with his injury again any news that comes out about this shoulder Sur any kind of timeline or anything like that I will share that for you uh in in the very near future you might have noticed I didn’t do a podcast last night after day two of the California classic I will be doing by the end of the classic which the last day technically of the Sacramento portion of the classic is tomorrow I I plan on doing like a California classic wrap up of of what I’ve noticed from Keon Ellis and Mason Jones and Kobe Jones and any of the other guys that that stand out before the Kings actually head to Las Vegas for summer league I’m not going to Vegas this year uh got other things to to cover and to handle here in Sacramento but that doesn’t mean that I won’t be paying close attention and we won’t keep the uh the the content rolling on as we get through these long summer months and try and get closer and closer to the start of the Sacramento Kings season I appreciate your support as always can’t wait to have you join me on the next episode of lockon Kings until then my name is Matt George you’ve been listening to the lockon Kings podcast part of the lock on podcast Network [Music]

Matt George reacts to the new that 13th overall pick Devin Carter will require shoulder surgery and is likely to miss the start of the season. Plus, Matt is joined by Providence Men’s Basketball assistant coach Nate Tomlinson to talk about Carter’s journey to the NBA.

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Sacramento Kings Rookie Devin Carter Likely to Miss the Start of the Season


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  1. Genius move by Monte, grab the guy who needs some time to heal that way he won’t be available in trades and than we unleash Devin Carter fury in December so teams realize what they missed out on 👏🏼 Bravo Monte more genius poker ♣️ 🟣🔦

  2. For Carter, what’s good about this is that if he starts off slow or just down right bad, he has the built in excuse that he missed training camp, game reps, or the good ole “it takes time to come back a [insert whatever injury]”, etc….Not too shabby.

  3. So given the fact we have more guards on the team I don't see a big issue with Carter not being ready earlier in the season. This gives Monte time to showcase other players before the trade deadline.

  4. I know Jason Williams put us on the map, but he wasn't here long enough and wasn't accomplished enough as a King to have his 55 retired. Even Bibby's 10 wasn't retired either.

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