@Los Angeles Clippers



bro I swear to God there’s a bunch of conversations that like we just don’t want to have cuz we’ve had these conversations like beat to the ground but we really got to talk about the Clippers era and how much it failed dog how much that Clippers era failed and shout out to synthetic Sports links to their video will be in the description down below for end of the show right um let’s get into it man so it was announced very very early Monday morning that Paul George has officially signed with the Philadelphia 76ers the C actually released their own statement on Sunday saying that he wouldn’t resign with them and this brings to the end an era of Clippers basketball we’re just nothing really happened if you look at it this past season they had that last gas like it looked like okay maybe they were going to contend and then like clockwork Quai gets injured they go out in the first round and we knew it was over but I’m surprised they didn’t bring Paul George back but we got a break down just the legacy of nothing they did nothing for 5 years so on the 5year anniversary of I’m acquiring Paul George and Kawai let’s break it down for you that’s crazy Chad cuz I know nothing is like very hyperbolic but that really didn’t do anything like not Kawai nor PG didn’t even have like a MVP season they didn’t make it to the finals they only made it to the Conference Finals once you know and I just remember hearing when kawhai was going to the Clippers and PG’s coming with them like how big of a deal that was I I messed up that soundboard but it is what it is because I understand like we try to revisit the the Paul George trade now and how bad it was because of you know who SGA has become how those asset I think one of the assets ended up being Jay dub and the the treasure chest that OKC got which you know I don’t think you can look at that and ever say that OKC lost that trade ever but in terms of the clip side like it made sense at that time it made sense this was a team trying to win now this was a team that if you remember the season prior was like an overachieving Scrappy team that was one or two star Pieces away and they somehow someway found a way to get the reigning finals MVP at that time a lot of people thought was the best player in the world or at the very least top four right and then the other dude who was top three in MVP voting himself and was top three in DP why 2019 Paul George so I understand we like to revise history but one day we’ll we’ll have that discussion of like that that trade it made sense it wasn’t it wasn’t that bad BR it wasn’t that bad bro [Music] before we start talking about kawhai and Paul George’s Clippers if you have already make sure to leave this video a like give us a subscribe and hit that notification Bell so you miss out one of our videos it’s like we said in the intro the Clippers announced on Sunday that Paul George would not be signing a new contract with the team first of all I don’t know if we’ve ever seen a situation like this in NBA history where a team announces that one of their players is not going to resign with them I mean like soccer I don’t think it’s ever happened in the NBA and second of all like we also said in the intro this era of Clippers basketball I mean it’ll get a full retrospective at some point in the future but talk about an all time fair I mean they were relevant at least I mean that you can’t always say that in Clippers history but yeah you’re right this era just sucked like there was the one night we all remember they bring in Kawai and Paul George and the hall to trade for Paul George was Shay Dilo gallinar this Infamous graphic bro every time every time I see the discussion about the tray being had it’s specifically this graphic from L vid ah God Classic this is his L meat chat this is his L meat five first round picks four their own one of which hasn’t conveyed one of which was the Jaylen Williams trade then a Miami 2021 and 2023 pick two pick swaps it is important to keep in mind because we always just see the straight up oh this is the worst trade ever they trade Paul George for all of this they they were getting both players so keep that in mind like if you’re the Clippers at the yeah cuz cuz for those who don’t remember the sequence of events kawhai Leonard literally said that uh Whatchamacallit if if I’m going to sign with the Clippers y’all need to get Paul George first so they got Paul George first and once kawhai seen that he signed with the Clippers another similar situation is the Cavs trading the number one pick um which was Wiggins for Kevin Love cuz for those who don’t remember that series of events LeBron essentially said yo I want a big three so if y’all get Kevin Love Kyrie’s already there if y’all get K LOVE I’m signing you know what I’m saying so there’s there’s more pieces to that trade a really big piece to that trade that like people don’t want to talk about time you make that trade 10 P out but they were going all in I mean for Clippers basketball they wanted to win that title La had 80 and LeBron they needed to the move makes complete sense I tell you as a Blazer fan at least they [ __ ] tried exactly and also what you got to remember is if they hadn’t landed Paul George not only were they not going to land Kawai he was probably going to go to the Lakers too yeah so you got to prevent that if you’re the clippers but when this Duo was formed I mean it was the same summer the Lakers landed ad and the Nets landed Kyrie and KD and I think most people thought the Clippers were going to be the best of those three teams I mean they were a 48- win team before those two even got there yeah cuz cuz for me they had the most continuity out of those three teams being led by those crazy Duos um and I also thought that they were just the most well-rounded team you know what I’m saying they had Lou will they had um I’m blanking on bro his name the the power forward that they got Mont montre Harold I believe they were two six-man of the Year candidates the year prior uh Pat Bev was considered one of the best perimeter defenders in the league you know what I’m saying um and Doc Rivers I still had hope in Doc gers at that time so yeah man man to keep most was and even throughout that 2020 season when the Lakers consistently had the better record a lot of people still thought the Clippers were the better team I guess maybe it’s just because they got the better of them on opening night and on Christmas you know two high-profile games I mean those games like it felt like they had their number and while the Lakers did have LeBron and AD who I think were the better Duo it felt like the Clippers just top to bottom had a better roster in the experience and of of course in the playoffs that year we had the bubble and they went out in completely embarrassing fashion to the Nuggets blowing a 3-1 lead we’ve already covered this in past videos even more kind of pathetic because the Lakers quickly kind of took care of the Nuggets I know like they were matched up way better cuz they had Dwight and AD to handle yic and the Clippers really didn’t and the hindsight if you think about it that was the one playoff run where both PG and kawhai were healthy like every other year they had an injury that playoffs they were mostly healthy and then still couldn’t get it done they got completely embarrassed yeah every other and that’s what’s so tough about this era is cuz bro outside of that year Kawai was injured and it really at at some point obviously I always feel bad for a injured player who’s [ __ ] hurting you know I’m never going to sit here and say yo Kawai wants to be injured but at the same token I can only feel so sorry for a team when it’s like bro every year this is what’s going on like it’s become clockwood that Kawai is going to go off in the first two games and then he just disappears like every year dog every single year you know the this team has Championship level hopes that just get shut down because their best player is not in the lineup and I think like Kawai and a Beat specifically they have really changed my viewpoint on like the whole better player conversation because for me the better player as as Mickey as it sounds bro I got to take into account availability at this point in time I got to I got to that’s part that’s that’s an attribute of you is durability you know what I’m saying so there’s other players in the league who are 90 uh 90% of the talent you are hell even 95 but they’re they’re going to play in the playoffs they’re at the very least going to play through injury with which I understand like Kawai you don’t got to play through crazy injuries but um I’m just going to give those guys more of the benefit of that out compared to you you know what I’m saying talent-wise Kawai he’s undeniable but in terms of like the conversation of who the better player is or who I’d rather have on my team I I am done not taking into consideration durability bro I’m done bro I’m done year besides that something went basically catastrophically wrong I mean you run it back the next year you lose Kawai to a tourn a if he remains healthy I mean maybe they could eventually beat Phoenix who knows I mean they pushed him to six without Kawai 2022 was basically a wash because Ka missed the entire year they couldn’t even beat the Pelicans in that playing game cost the Blazers a first round pick ridiculous [ __ ] unbelievable Paul George just had to get Co at the worst possible time and then like in 23 PG and kawhai both missed 25 plus games Paul George this time misses the playoffs still though after that game one against Phoenix kawhai played really well they took game one off the sun’s in Phoenix but Ka teres is miniscus missed the final three games of the series and despite Russell Westbrook playing his heart out they go down in the first round but this year you mentioned it briefly at the beginning felt like maybe they were finally putting it together worth noting it didn’t start out like that Les we forget that six game losing streak immediately after they traded for James Harden but they completely pulled things around there 26 and five you know they add Harden to the group they had a deep team that locked up Kawai that was enough for him to sign a three-year $ 53 million extension and at the time I was like okay so they’re probably going to resign Paul George Paul George hadn’t Inked yet but to me it felt like I I understand insanity is a definition or doing doing the same thing over and over again is a definition of of of insanity but I do think still it is crazy that they didn’t like they they got James Harden at the beginning of the season and after one year of failure um they effectively just quit on Paul George in in that group that they got right there you know what I’m saying I think most teams typically give it at least a two-year shot but after one year just saying all right bro and Paul George is the dude that y’all don’t want to resign or and I understand it’s because y’all y’all just resigned Kawai and James Harden is the new guy on the team dude but I’m just saying I I I have some sympathy for Paul George because Paul George is the dude that in my opinion always got left hanging obviously you know he had his own under performances as well but Paul George was the dude that was there when the season was closing Paul George was the dude that had to step up and be the number one dude and even though he already came out and said like yo kawai’s our number one dude he still had to step up and be that guy in those moments but now the whole Florida offense is ruined they you know this isn’t how they played the whole season and now I got to play outside of my role like all of these things I’ve always felt bad for Paul George in that regard even though he was underperforming because you’re you’re playing out of character you’re playing out of your role and it’s not necessarily out of your you know it’s not in your control you know so it’s tough like it was inevitable he was going to fast forward to the playoffs still finish pretty well 51 games cooled off a little bit matched up against Dallas in the first round we both picked Dallas but I mean the West was just stacked this year and this series felt like it could have gone either way yeah it was not Unthinkable that the Clippers could win this series I mean they had home court and they had already beaten the Mavericks in the playoffs twice in a couple years prior yeah the big question mark though was kawh Health going into the playoffs he ends up missing game one he plays the next couple of games but then after game three he gets shut down even then though I mean they tie things up after that big game four win in Dallas could go up 3-2 with a win at home in game five take a commanding 3-2 lead and in true Clippers fashion just get blown off the court I mean I know the Mavericks have a knack for doing this to teams they did it to Phoenix they did it to the Clippers here they would eventually do it to Minnesota but good God you have a not us though I’m I’m jogging the Victory lap now all right I’m jogging the Victory lap but not too much game five on your home court a chance to go up 3-2 you’re still very much in this series and that’s the performance you put forward unacceptable pathetic and of course they go down in game six on the road in Dallas and they bow out in the first round for a second straight year so this was the year where it felt like the most things went their way I mean you get hardened in it’s a little rocky at first but you eventually figured out they had that great stretch in the middle of the season over 31 games they go 26 and5 they get the four seed they got home court advantage in the first round the West is wide open and you [ __ ] can’t even get out of the first round yeah I mean every year Kawai is just injured it sucks kawai’s knees are just shot it’s not his fault it’s just it’s what he is yeah exactly and then the whole off season was are they going to extend Paul George should they give him the max is he worth it if you’re like a team in a normal circumstance where you have all your picks have the conversation why was this a discussion for them just lock I don’t care about the second apron luxury tax Steve bomber’s got the money you’re already [ __ ] might as well just double down on it and it’s like they my my only thing is I guess being more positive with the Clippers is is this may be maybe a less is more scenario where one of the dudes just had to leave for this team to be better and and what I mean by that is um you know James Harden without Paul George there is going to have his ball uh the ball more in his hands I think kawh Leonard just having more responsibility offensively might you know we might see glimpses or we may see a version of Ka closer to 2019 or 2020 Kawai cuz that you know last season Kawai definitely had his healthiest season as a Clipper um in the regular season but in the regular season like Kawai was still um you know 24 6 and four you know good efficiency but we all know like this this isn’t top five Kawai top five Kawai in our heads is 2017 to 2020 Kawai you know what I’m saying and for that pressure to be on him next season may be a good thing you know what I’m saying I don’t know I don’t know extended Kawai Harden who’s worse and yeah they’d go over the second apron which can trigger a whole bunch of things prevents you from building your roster more effectively could freeze your first round pick seven years down the line but this team’s future is already [ __ ] they don’t control their own first round pick until 2030 oh no what well we lost a 2031 pick we already don’t have 25 through 29 anyway whatever you’re not going to resign that’s okay why not trade him to the Warriors then I know it’s a division rival you don’t want to strengthen division rival but when the alternative is losing him for nothing I mean I would have taken CP3 Moody and a first round pick because I think you could probably cut CP3 or at the very that that was weak from the Clippers them not cuz Draymond said it like PG wanted to go to Golden State but the Clippers didn’t allow that to happen like they they didn’t want to do the signing trade and that’s some ho ass [ __ ] for from the Clippers like that is a selfish move from the Clippers the fact that they would deny themselves assets just so another team does not get better which by the way just the ideology alone I don’t I don’t believe in that this idea that I would rather not get better as a team so that a a a rival in the conference or in the division uh doesn’t get better cuz even even with the Milwaukee Buck cuz I think the biggest example of this is the Bucks cuz a lot of people gave them Flack for um essentially giving away Drew hollay to the Boston Celtics or letting Drew holl Drew holiday go uh to bring in Dame and now the Boston Celtics have the opportunity to get Drew holiday right if I if I believe Damen Lillard is the piece that’s going to make my team better I am not going to go after Damen Lillard just because I I’m scared of the Celtics getting Drew holiday you know what I’m saying because I think we saw it perfectly in these Playoffs bro matchups make everything in the playoffs you know and one team doesn’t face this team now they’re facing that team one team never runs into this team now you’re in the finals you know what I’m saying like if the Dallas Mavericks were in the side of the conference where the Denver Nuggets were I don’t think they make it to the finals me me personally conversely the Lakers I think if they were on the other side of the bracket where again they didn’t face Denver they may have at the very least made the Western Conference Finals so all I’m saying is at the end of the day focus on making your team better instead of playing this this NBA politics trying to metag game this this this league and not making other teams like that’s weak as [ __ ] bro that’s weak as [ __ ] that’s weak as [ __ ] least trade him midseason to get some salary cap relief you get moody who’s something and you get a Warriors first- round pick which so long as it’s a couple years down the road is not going to be bad and they need first round picks so why not trade them to the Warriors I don’t know I don’t know what the package would have looked like but they could have got something that’s just a straightup fact it’s better than what they got from Philadelphia literally nothing I mean my only guess could be like the Warriors just kicked their ass for so many years they didn’t want to deal with them but I mean the warriors with Paul George also aren’t doing anything like just make the trade and this is business right you got to put your emotions out of the way and make the best deal for your franchise so yeah he ends up signing with the 76ers leaving the Clippers with absolutely nothing and then again in true Clippers fashion they have to just make a pathetic statement where they say Paul George is leaving they traded a lot to pair Paul and Quai together and in exchange they got five years of contention 5 years of contention bro jeez you serious I I will I will say this I think the Clippers getting Chris Paul and Blake Griffin and kawhai Leonard and Paul George is still at the end of the day a net positive for the franchise because although they went all in on these FR on these teams and they were supposed to win it all and they did underachieve um you know this this is one of the teams in the league that again was such a laughing stock for such a long time that even just giving their fans some hope even giving their their fans um you know a level of enjoyment is very important to that franchise you know um I don’t I don’t think they regret making those moves at all going back to Chris Paul going back to Blake Griffin going back to trading for Kawai and PG I don’t I don’t think they regret making those moves because even if they do keep SGA even if they do keep all those assets who who wish to say that they actually draft Jay dub right who is to say that they actually draft the right player who is to say that SGA develops into the player that he’s become under um the LA Clippers with kawh Leonard there or with like whoever it is you know what I’m saying so um I think the reason why everyone is so harsh on this is because we are so results oriented when it comes to judging moves but in terms of the process there really is nothing to to regret when it comes to this move in my opinion there really is nothing to regret in terms of the the thought process of yo we just won 48 games the season prior we pushed the the 2019 Golden State Warriors to six games right we got a bunch of role players uh we are just one or two star Pieces away we’re able to get these Stars through free agency and through just letting go of sgaa essentially while keeping Pat B while keeping monre Herold while keeping Lou Will like that process made sense made sense you know what I’m saying so not too much on the Clippers I ain’t going to lie not which also really isn’t true it’s not true all keep this in mind the Damon CJ Blazers made it just as far as the Clippers ever did with Paul George and kawhai and like what’s what’s the Clippers future at this point I mean you’re stuck with Kawai and Harden for the next two years who are both aging and are both injury-prone their cap situation is still pretty precarious they have leg legitimately zero good assets to upgrade this roster with this is my thing it’s like why not resign Paul George the future of this team is already you might as well just go all in with what you have now and see if you can pull off a miracle and win a title with this core there’s got to be something with these second aprons or something we don’t know or just the luxury to I really don’t know because I understand not blowing it up you don’t have the picks you’re going to this new Arena you don’t want an empty arena in Los Angeles like that just isn’t a smart move and Kawai and Harden aren’t going to get you good value anyway yeah but I don’t get not resigning Paul George like I’m just struggling to get it like I know he’s not worth the contract a 38-year-old Paul George making 50 million that’s going to be egregious but you’re already screwed like we’re not talking about a normal position we’re talking about the damn Los Angeles Clippers who right now are just Fu they have no good young players like Terrence man was that one dude they were hanging on to cuz he’s the only like somewhat young player and what he’s like 27 or 28 at this point I mean people keep calling him young but he’s getting he’s approaching 30 yeah they are really stuck I don’t know I heard like some demard Rosen Buzz maybe I I guess they still got Brody we haven’t mentioned bro rumors are out though that he’s leaving too yeah nuggets are trying to get him so they are not in a good position and let’s kind of talk about how is this Clippers team going to be remembered because I think we both agree on this it’s kind of like the Lob City era but less highlights more Miss games and just somehow even more pathetic more forgettable too I mean they’re going to be remembered for that 2020 cpse of course but I think people are going to look back more fondly on the Lob City Clippers because like you said more exciting to watch but number two that was really the first time in franchise history that the Clippers had any modom of success yeah they had a couple Seasons here and there where they maybe made the playoffs I think in 2005 they made it to the second round or 2006 one of those years but that was like the first time they had any kind of sustained success this team yeah they were they were okay they were good they were notable they were talked about but they really didn’t do anything I mean their legacy is injuries playoff failures early playoff exits that’s literally it like there’s nothing really positive to be fair though I feel like we’re having a mid off but I’ll tell you what their legacy is a question what if the Clippers were healthy yeah I guess that is their legacy it’s going to be one of History’s great wh ifs like what if the Clippers were healthy but other than that they B basically leave a legacy of nothing that’s the video guys how which which is so tough bro which is so tough the only Legacy that they would have would just be the continuation of keeping the Clippers a serious franchise and that that’s literally it like what what the uh post said about Paul George it was and we’ll never forget four to five years of contention like that’s it because did it really change the culture for the clip ERS no did they win no did they set up you know like they literally gave up their future for this team and it came up short you know um but again I just I just don’t really blame them for any of the moves that they made truly like even the James Harden trade I don’t hey [ __ ] it you know what I’m saying like I just I just had a problem with that move because of continuation uh uh not continu uh continuity and in terms of bringing in this big asset at the beginning of the season but like I don’t I don’t know I don’t know this this Clippers team it is the end of an era but it technically isn’t over cuz I don’t think it’s over until Kawai leaves like for real for real I don’t I don’t think there’s a truly new Clipper culture until Kawai leaves but we’ll see James Arden lowkey the balls in your court you are going to make her break this this franchise but with that being said once again uh synthetic Sports video will be in the description and I’m out of here man peace



  1. Yeah the clippers not giving golden state pg for that trade is dumb asl, golden state even with pg arent that good anyways i dont think they winning regardless and you stop that trade just to be a hater and lose assets is crazy, like the warriors would be better team and they would be competitive but only for like a couple years then you wont have to deal with that no more ,but clippers gone clipper

  2. raptors did more with kawhi leonard in one season than the clippers could do in 5 by giving up a fraction of the assets the clippers did 🤣🤣🤣

  3. PG refused to compromise on the last yr. Idk, both sides drew their lines in the sand and it seems like it will hurt them both in the long run.

  4. “But but they traded for Paul AND Kawhi” 😂😂 and Kawhi been unavailable and ass the whole time too

  5. Teams been accepting lesser packages for YEARS just to avoid sending guys to the Lakers and we’ve never heard anything, but now buddy on here having an emotional breakdown about the Clippers not sending PG to GSW 😂😂 classic

  6. Clippers just kept getting their playoffs cut short for the same reasons their best players dont play in the regular season. Like if every series they were in they were at least competitive i would side with them but it never left the excuse of injuries holding them back to say they did something.

  7. the Clippers sighting the CBA as the reason for their offer is hilarious..
    because that CBA was negotiated between the League, the Owners and the Head of the Player's Association..
    who is none other than PAUL GEORGE :)…

  8. Lebron and AD get more criticism after winning a ring than kawhi and pg do for not even making a finals, when damn near everyone had them winning in 2020.

  9. Clown on the Lakers all you want, but they basically broke the Clippers imo.

    Imagine spending the past 5 years building your identity on just being “better than the Lakers” and NOTHING ELSE and having nothing to show for it. Their billboards were some of the corniest shit ever with stuff like “LA our Way,” “Driven over Given,” “Streetlights over Spotlights.” Like c’mon guys we get it, you don’t fuck with the Lakers lmao.

    I hope they just stop being such petty fucks and actually ball up.

  10. I thought it was stupid then and I definitely think it’s worse now. Kawhi should have stayed his ass in Toronto. He would have had a whole COUNTRY behind him and I think makes at least 2 more finals appearances in the last 5 years vs 0. He had a young core in Toronto, a far better coach than Doc, and had established chemistry in the one year he was there. Once he got to LA he was immediately cast in the shadow of the Lakers, and Bron/AD and then went on to do nothing with the Clippers. Definitely an all time fumble

  11. The original 2020 clippers team was the best team in the league that year. With the lakers 2nd. Covid happening, along with the bubble, and the season being put on pause derailed the entire clip team. Most the players from that clippers team have come out and said that almost none of them wanted to play or be in the bubble period. It was a good team but Covid took away their drive to actually play or take winning a Championship that year seriously. After all the chaos on the team during that time, the clippers got rid of most of the team. Covid derailed everything this clippers team had potential to be. They never were able to get right after that season. It would have been the clippers vs the lakers in the western conference finals. An LA matchup. Similar to warriors vs Houston, whoever would win between this two teams were most likely to win the championship. The next year they made it to the conference finals with only Paul George and almost won.

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