@Cleveland Cavaliers

Summer League Practice | Luke Travers | 7.8.2024

Summer League Practice | Luke Travers | 7.8.2024

what uh what has the last year life been for you uh pretty much similar to every year I’m just trying to get uh as better as possible uh but it’s been a fun year I played uh with Melbourne United this year with Matthew delova who’s obviously a legend here um but it was an amazing year just to learn from those type of guys Ian Clark as well um so another year of a lot of development um and yeah just looking to come out here again and show it what do you feel like luk is the next step for you in terms of your development uh I think just maturing uh as a person my body um but then also the shooting obviously as well um which has come a long way like I say every year um but just little things like that uh is definitely going to help get to that next level how do you evaluate your shooting progress because you’ve talked about shooting like the last three times talking to it’s just about reps really and that comes with age um but also yeah put in the work which I do every year um but coming over here it’s a whole new um sort of system so many coaches to help you out in any any point as well so um that’s the thing that I most look forward [Music] to what’s your interaction with the new coaching staff been like so far uh very good um it’s always uh positive they’ve always um given me feedback throughout the year um but obviously the new head coach um Kenny’s been in for a little bit as well and um yeah it’s all been positive talks and um just looking to learn as much as I can in this short period what you learn from B this year man a lot uh how to take care of your body um but he’s taken it to a new level um he talks about all the time with his how much steak he eats uh oysters all that stuff uh which he loves but just the way that he comes in every day and really takes care of his body and he has he’s taken that to a new level these last couple years so it’s really good to see and obviously he’s making the Boomer team as well after not making it a couple years ago so it’s really cool to see and um it just shows how much work he put in how much for you with with the care or with uh so quite a bit um like I said they’re always trying to help me in any way they can and give me a little feedback uh here and there but um yeah like once a month and obviously Mike’s made a couple trips out there which um I don’t think he Minds doing obviously Australia’s um you know it’s pretty nice as well so it’s been really cool to have that sort of interaction what’s different about you uh a lot uh I took another step with my body um I kind of like cut down a little bit last year uh felt like I was playing a little bit too heavy last year so managed to get rid of a little bit of the puppy fat they say and um you know take my body next Lev but then also just um improved in everything I want to say uh confidence with Sky High which is obviously such a huge Point um for me so just yeah little things like that is definitely come on way it’s hard to top a summer league championship last year what what are you hoping to to show us in the second year as a team as well I just the same thing I kind of show every year that I’m just going to go out there and um play as hard as I can do the little things uh obviously the goal for me is to be a good role player in the NBA um I’m just trying to show that I can do that whether it’s summer league whether it’s in the NBA um it kind of doesn’t matter I’m going to go out there and do the little things rebound uh push the pace make the extra pass all that kind of things so just continuing to show that as much as possible your NBA Journey has been a little bit different from everybody else what as a veteran now in summer league have you been able to deal with ADV some of the younger guys uh I think like I said making the right plays obviously a lot of guys are coming over here to um you know maybe play for contracts or um you know anything like that but I think winning always uh helps in any way so uh making the right plays and playing extremely hard in the defensive band is a massive part of Summer League uh I think it goes a long way which I think we showed last year so um just little things like that and I think winning will take care of everything how do you feel like your game translate to the NBA I think the spacing I think I’m at my best in space and uh with Pace as well so uh anytime I can get a rebound and Pusher the floor so open and um there’s no 3 seconds in the keyway well there’s no 3 seconds in the keyway in the NBL so there’s guys sitting in the paint all the time and when you come over here it’s so open so um playing with that kind of space is um I think is always going to help me and um obviously I like to make the extra pass as well and get my uh my teammates involved so um yeah it’s so easy over here and I I really enjoy it you mentioned that your goal is to be an NBA role player do you have like a timeline in mind for yourself of when it needs to happen when you have to get to the NBA before it doesn’t happen yeah I think it’s always every year it’s ASAP you trying to get there soon as possible and um you know you don’t want to wait around and stuff so I’ve just been here trying to put in the work obviously I want to say my first year I came back from uh summer league uh Danny Mills who’s the GM at Wild Cuts um gave me a sheet of paper of all the draft people that got drafted and stashed who didn’t play in the NBA um which was a huge motivator and even to this day I still think about that and um you know you never want to be in that sort of category so to make the NBA is always a dream and uh it’s going to be a goal of mine every year how do you have a mindset Lo of of not being the Forgotten man in an organization when you are stashed over I think it’s just about wanting to get better um you know you want to be the best you can be and I feel like that’s always going to be my goal whether I’m playing in the NBA playing overseas playing in the NBA I’m always going to try be as best as I can um and I think that’s the only motivation you kind of need so I want to say that’s been a big motivator of mine and I’m going to continue to do that I talked to Deli in Los Angeles I think it was April he was there watching the Caps game and we were talking about you and he said Luke is an NBA player he is an NBA player and Deli believes that has he has he said that to you and and what does it mean to have somebody who is like that mean so much to you believe that in you yeah he’s told me multiple times during the year and I think that’s just it does so much for your confidence um when a guy like that even like Ian Clark as well who have done it at the highest level won championships and um anytime you hear that from those type of guys it just helps you out wherever you are like during the season he was telling me that and it helped so much um but you know coming over here he was always been telling me that so um yeah confidence is SC high right now from a preparation standpoint how much has the NBL helped you just just as as far as your growth and as far as just playing against professional competition so much um it’s get it gets better every year um but playing against men every day and then um you know you got to come in every day and um give it your best from a young age you know you might not be playing but you got to come in to training and um give it your role cuz obviously you got the the freshest legs out there um so uh coming in every day and taking care of my body but also you know giving you a role as well it’s um it’s done so much for me and uh I think it’s a big reason why I know some guys kind of talk about maturity levels and stuff and I think it’s a little bit higher than um you know maybe a guy out of college as well I it’s done so much for me what do you think it will take for you to become an NBA player uh I think continuing to do what I’m doing um taking care of the body and um making strides in that sort of it but also the shooting I think that’s going to be a massive point to be able to want to say um lock down in the defensive end which is a strength in mine I want to say and um but then coming down the offensive end and being able to knock down the three uh it’s going to do so much for me and um I think that’s going to be uh the big part of it thank you thank you

Cleveland Cavaliers forward Luke Travers spoke with the media following practice at Cleveland Clinic Courts on July 8, 2024.


  1. Love to see Travers in the NBA with the Cavs – such a glue guy wing player – always in right place making right play – standout every summer league

  2. We need wings desperately and can get Luke on the Cavs on a very team friendly contact. NOW is the time to bring up Luke!!

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