@Dallas Mavericks

Olivier-Maxence Prosper Interview at Dallas Mavericks Summer League Practice

Olivier-Maxence Prosper Interview at Dallas Mavericks Summer League Practice

so you over your injury and all that yeah I’m healthy healthy fully healthy feel good um I’m ready to go what are you looking forward to the most in the summer league honestly just getting an opportunity to play you know play be out there my teammates and you know learn you know be in a position where you know I’m in different situations play different positions and just goow my game you know this is still you know a great opportunity for me and to improve and that’s why I’m I’m looking forward to that how frustrating with this past season you know you had all the in and all that relative from getting more play time yeah I mean you can look at it that way but all all I look at is our learning experience you know this is my first year a lot of growth you know yeah things go one way or another but as I feel I feel like everything happens for a reason and it happened and now mov going to my second year I feel very confident about my game who I am and ready to make that jump jar said one of the main priorities was to transform you into a rational player what do you think separates you from getting to that um honestly I just feel like you know from all the things I’ve learned this year I think it’s just learning how to play with my with my team Luca Kai learning how to compliment them and then just being out there and now from learning from all the playoffs and learning how to guard with um with my team and just you know making open shots and you know attacking the rim and doing all the things I know I can do um I believe I’m right there and I believe I will step into that that that rotation what season do you feel the game slowing down for you absolutely it’s slowing down for me and playing with more Poise you you know that’s what it is at the end of the day cuzz you know you can look at it and it’s like okay look at it and it’s so fast but you know you take a step back and you play at your pace that’s when you’ll be the most successful because you see things before they happen and not trying to rush to everything and like you said I feel like that’s going to be a big difference maker for me going to year two compared to year one talk about the bracet that you have talk about betting on yourself is that doing right now your moner what does that mean to you um I mean it means everything to me um if you know my story you know uh it’s not the conventional path to the NBA but you know I always bet on myself first and if you believe in yourself and your abilities then nothing can stop you it doesn’t matter who’s in front of you you know who says what what the outside word says you know you put your head down you put in the work you trust your work and then you come out there and you do what you do and that’s that’s that’s been my my my mon show what I live by you know through the pre-draft to getting drafted to over the course of this year the ups and downs and then now I just going to keep believing in that and you know better on myself so to when you were you were down who did you to who did you go to to keep your spirits up well all my family you know my family my mom my dad my sister you know people who were close to me who who who know me and who’s been with me through all my ups and downs and you know they they they help me they they give me advice you know they they just stay with me through it all and you know you got to have a close circle of people you really trust and you love so yeah when did you get those how long you been wearing um I’ve been wearing them I say for half the year um you know that’s my my uncle actually got them for me got them made and then um and yeah you know I really like him on the other side you know that the Haitian flag Haitian um and yeah so and this right here c meaning like just go and dominate everything you do and that’s a word in Haitian Creo so um as you can see but yeah those thing I mean those are all things that really important to me my culture where I’m from um and then just yeah that Mantra so yeah what are you saying so far from m Melvin I think he’s a really talented player I think he’s really good you going to be really good smooth Lefty like can really play sees the game like makes the right read I mean you could see he has Pro experience and he’s played you know at a very high level and you know I’m excited to see what he does in summer league and and moving forward one of the things coach said he wants to challenge you to do is to guard the best perimeter player on the other team how do you take that challenge and how do you approach that that’s what I want that’s what I want I mean that’s that’s why I want to the toughest challenge I want to be put in the toughest situations and you know moving forward with the maths that’s the challeng I want too I want to guard the best player on the other end I want to guard the best players in the world and that’s where I feel like I will make a living you know obious obviously you want to do also stuff on the offensive end but that’s where I start that’s where that’s my base I love guarding I love sitting down and being a stance and guarding keeping somebody in front of me so like that’s that’s what I that’s what I want to do and I’m excited to do that in Su of I know you’re already here for the second year but you just had a birthday did you have some time to reflect on how far you come yeah of course I mean you got to take time to reflect see your growth you know you know it’s not it’s it’s not everybody that get to live something like this so you know count my blessings you know I’m a I’m blessed you know to be in this position and I don’t take it for granted that’s why the work I put in and the dedication that I have it’s not because you know oh I could I could be here and say oh I’m in the NBA but n you know there a lot of dedication and hardworking is always pushing for more and staying true to who you are regardless of where you’re at so yeah any particular goals you set for yourself going into the summer league that you want to achieve um honestly I feel like just being my best self out there like guarding the best player stoping the best play on the other end and just being confident on the offensive you know taking the shot that I feel is best for me and what it’s in front of me and not you know overthinking things you know go out there and just play I’m going make mistakes I’m going to do all that but if I just go out there and play and make every move of confidence then I’m going be St and I feel like I’m going gain my rhythm going to training camp later on uh this summer ever since the draft last year you and liveby had kind of been like join at the HP you’re going to miss him out there of course I mean that’s my guy you know playing with Lively is always great I mean but he done a lot for us this year and he needs his rest time and then um I can’t wait to play again with him come next season how you react to the sign and trade leg on getting Klay Thompson sh great I mean it’s Klay thomp son you know one of the best shooters ever um having him his veteran presence on the team I think it’s a great addition so um I’m excited for him to get here and I’m excited to play with him so it’s going to be real fun oh Max you’ve been in Texas a little over a year now what has that experience been like similar different how you oh it’s been great I mean Dallas has embraced me with open arms you know the people um the fans and you know I feel I feel like home it feels like home I love the city you know gets a little hot during the summer but it’s all good stuff um and but now I really enjoying it enjoy the food oh absolutely great food a bunch of good food spots So speaking of heat wait till you get to Vegas oh I know I know it

Dallas Mavericks wing Olivier-Maxence Prosper spoke to reporters after the first Summer League practice before departing for Las Vegas. He discussed his goals within this opportunity, his development, and more.


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1 Comment

  1. Good luck omax! Hope he can take the backup 4 minutes behind PJ this season. Not easy to get past maxi but omax will get his chances to prove it with maxis injuries at this part of his career

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