@San Antonio Spurs

The Spurs Are FLEECING Teams RIGHT in FRONT of Everone’s EYES!

The Spurs Are FLEECING Teams RIGHT in FRONT of Everone’s EYES!

you know something Spurs fans I didn’t see the big picture right away but now I look at what we’re doing popping the front office nothing short of brilliant with a little sprinkle of fleecing in here and [Music] there what is up San Antonio Spurs fans welcome to TSR Sports I caught this article from CBS Sports and I was like oh my gosh that’s the big picture I didn’t see it right away I’m more reaction like what are we try doing what are we doing but I see what we’re doing and I want to share this article with you here and now by the way that great is for the Spurs trade with the Bulls and the Kings to get Harrison Barnes just the record that gave the Kings a D minus so anyway how does San Antonio keep getting away with this last summer it was Grant Williams if you don’t remember the Grant Williams trade it was for Reggie Bullock in an unprotected 2030 pick from pick swap from the Dallas Mavericks bu was eventually bought out now the Spurs anymore once a Spur always a Spur let’s move on and on draft night it was Rob Dillingham the Spurs just keep finding ways to exract extract valuable first round pick swaps out of financially desperate teams several years down the line at this moment they control five swaps between 26 and 31 Atlanta in 2026 Boston in 28 the Mavs and the Timberwolves in 2030 and the kings in 2031 okay so we got a lot of options we should be a perennial playoff team maybe even a CH probably a championship team at that point so having Lottery options is good we’ll get on that a little bit later there is a very clear plan in place here they are not rushing their rebuild unlike the Kings ouch they have three years left on Victor wey’s rookie deal and they intend to use those years to financially prepare for his entire career yes he’s going to be able to Spurs his entire career stop it Lakers fans he’s not going there so they use their cap space to take on players like Barnes and Reggie Bullock in the short term in exchange for lottery tickets in the long term many of them could be Duds sure but at least one of them is going to give the Spurs a valuable pick and that’s the entire Point our San Antonio Spurs under understand the financial landscape that the new CBA has created they like the Oklahoma City Thunder have decided that the best way to navigate the second apron Minefield will to be cycle in new cheap young players as soon as their existing veterans become too expensive to retain see John P Murray too expensive and then we got way more than I ever thought we would get for him yaka purto included we we’ve made some good trades we’ve we’ve we’ve done well that that Hawks trade feels more and more like a fleecing the biggest fleece we’ve had in recent memory the idea will be to organically replenish The Supporting Cast around wemi without ever having to make the sort of high-risk here are multiple first round picks for an expensive veteran trade that most other contenders are making today yes we are seeing that the Timberwolves gave up a boatload for Rudy gobear the Knicks to bring Raquel Bridges to to give up all these picks and put your whole future into this one player hoping to win now yeah I get wanting to win but if it doesn’t work in those few years with that player what what’s your future like like are you going to be tanking for 5 years 10 years team the cost to bring players in right now is an all-time high which is why I don’t think we’re going to get Lor Market in just for the record I don’t see anything else happening with that it’s just it’s too expensive five six first round picks for players is ridiculous the Spurs grab this model so well talking about the Thunders model and not actually their own model here too in a second because even if it was somewhat accidental they’ve lived this reality before in 2011 as a number one seed they were upset by the number eight seed in methis Grizzlies in the first round of the postseason Timmy was 35 at that point Mano was 34 and it looked like their Dynasty might be over and then they traded George Hill for the draft pick that became Kawhi Leonard and they extended that dter about another half decade the Spurs know firsthand how transformative the right rookie can be when you already have an older contending roster and with this trade that we’re talking about out here all they had to do was absorb Harrison barnes’s contract that’s right I didn’t mention it I thought it was implied but he gave up nothing for Barnes but taking on his contract do you realize he could be a to help Mentor our guys for a year half a year and then we trade him for another asset that’s a win-win mentors are guys helps us maybe win a couple games I know some of you don’t want us to win want to be tanked next mode next year I don’t see the Spurs ever tanking again with Victor wama on the court and then we get another asset for him same thing with Chris Paul I don’t think he’s going to be be here long I think he might be here just a half year and then gets traded to a team that needs a backup point card they’re talking about the thunder again so let’s get into it this is another classic Thunder tactic take on a good player they’re talking about barns of course from a team that just can’t afford to keep him anymore rehabilitate his value and then flip him for something positive value a year later the Thunder did this without Al Horford and I don’t remember this but this is great for example getting a first round pick to take on his contract from Philly in 2020 and then getting another first rounder to flip them in Boston a year later worked out for Boston you won a championship but you see the point here if you’re not in win down mode take on some of these contracts these vets that the other teams can’t afford and then flip them to teams that are trying to win right now and get more draft assets and we’ll close the article with this teams that trade with the Kings tend to do well and teams that trade with the Spurs tend not to looks like the trend is continuing in this deal okay the Spurs really are falling the Thunder blueprint right now and more and more makes sense what we’re doing long term like trading the Dilly pick I think CP3 and Barnes will be traded before the All-Star break and again it’s a bonus to Mentor the guys and get more assets if you look at our recent trade history I talked about D Murray the yaka protal trade we’re doing pretty well sure we got a million second round picks as well the Spurs are starts going to start selling those for cash considerations and C whatever it is I get it I get the long-term plan the long-term plan is obviously to keep Wendy here his entire career and then build around him some of those guys will be lifers some of them won’t be on the Spurs roster as in guys we draft but it’s always going to be to put Wy in the best position at the Spurs of course to6 and in regards to Brian Wright I know some you’re like TSR Brian Wright’s a doofus like his draft picks have certainly been Brian wrong at times and that’s the organization too it’s not just him there’s been some picks the Primo one’s the biggest example you’re scratching your head and you’re like why do we draft him but look at what the Thunder are doing look at the Thunder’s grou lint it looks great right now the Thunder are a playoff team and just had a lottery pick 12th overall lottery picks win you’re playoff team not just the lottery pick win your playoff team this was a top scene in the Western Conference that’s a win can you imagine in 2030 where we have those pick swaps if one of those teams sucks that we have was it the Mavericks and the Timberwolves might be getting there’s there’s a lot of pix SWS I might getting confused but imagine where championship team at that time and then one of those teams is back to just being mid or sucking and then we get like the seventh overall pick as a championship team that is ridiculous I I get what we’re doing I didn’t see the big picture I understand we want to be better immediately because we’ve been bad for so long but I see the big picture I honestly finally do and I hope I hope everything works out as planned cuz this is could blow up what this is not foolproof for the record first fans this is not foolproof this could go this could do a 180 and just backfire left and right but I get what we’re trying to do doing it right and there’s maybe a little little dose of fleecing in there somewhere especially with the de Murray trade that I still think that’s our our best trade in the last probably since the GU trade for George Hill right yeah so Spurs fan drop a comment down below do this kind of making sense what we’re doing maybe why we’re not keeping players like Dilly why we’re taking on players like CP3 and especially the Harrison Barnes one where we just got him just we’re paying his contract for since got him free we didn’t have to give up anything is it making more sense to just continually build around Wy and any other pieces that are going to be Main Stays I’m hoping Stefon Castle plays his whole career with these spurs as wy’s point guard and that’s a onew punch you know there’s probably going to be a big two or big three with wmy him being of course a centerpiece and there’s going to be changing parts throughout his career just like Tim Manu and Tony they had you know they had those three and there was a few other parts that were pretty consistent but did change throughout the career here and there and I think that’s what going to happen with the Spurs and I hope everything plays out the way we wanted to drop a comment let me know or you think Brian Wright front offer just doofus hit the thumbs up supp to the channel and subscribe to become part of our awesome San Antonio Spurs Community I thank you for watching and as always ghost Spurs [Music] go to we

I see the big picture now, and its BIG!

#spurs #sanantoniospurs #wemby

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  1. We did not trade Dillingham for the record! We traded the pick and the Wolves selected Dillingham. Dillingham would not have been the spurs pick

  2. It's a good plan, but when you have a Top 8 pick part of the plan has come to fruition. I don't know, I just think about the two Summer League games and feel a bit frustrated because instead of gaining two future first and a swap that might be useless as both teams are picking in the twenties, that pick could have been Dalton Knecht and instead of Bouyae out there providing Castle little or no help, his pass hits Knechts hands and the possession is not a total bust. It also makes me wary about the plan for the '25 draft. It's looking like a good draft although maybe Top heavy. Even if they are not lottery picks I hope if the Spurs land 3, that they use at least two of the First round picks

  3. Big picture, you mean the slow game gamble. Spurs are betting on this stuff paying off in what 5+ years? This means the spurs will have 10 TOTAL LOSING SEASONS before they are competitive? Im sorry but this team is destined for another tank year and i hate that like you said because we have ViC. Brian Wright is good at acquiring picks but his draft history aint so good so thats why im worried about all these picks that we wont see on the court for another 5 + years… Also the thunder are a bad example, they got so much for fleecing the clippers because they had an asset as good as Paul George. No team will ever make that kind of mistake again, also they got a DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH with SGA…. we cannot compare our situation to them. without him blossoming into a top, 5? player, they would NOT be a playoffteam right now and I would say we are more comparable to them. also mavs and wolves aint going to be BAD in 5 years with their younger stars lol

  4. I honestly think the spurs are being too delicate..they think they know what to do but in the past thing's just fell our way..quit trying hard and let it be like we did with Duncan

  5. If we draft in the low 1st and the 2nd round provide quality picks like.we have been doing I can see where we could go wrong, unless Wemby has a major injury. Remember we tanked about.2/3 of the season using untested no experienced point guard

  6. Hindsight seems to not be so easy for some…. Spurs this year have done exactly what they believe we believe WE CAN DO. Alien in the Mask 👽….. With the guys we drafted with a "Sprinkle" lol of Vets. And NOW with Wemby which the City 🍀🙏🏽🌟 hoped wished prayed to ARRIVE…. we can fight for the playoffs … Teams 6- 12 will once again be within a game now baring from any injury inthe late season to end season Spurs by all-star and other NBA teams should be able to see clearly what to do by then … If this team looks like there within the playoffs, " not play in " then its Time to Swing for the Fences….. But if some people are right and collins , keldon, jones ,or sochan etc….. doesnt give us that push .. then and only rhen should we trade Huge or tank….and rest …. Spurs Organization is smart rhey Know what they are doing and this is the Year to Judge on how Smart…. GO SPURS GO ….. What a year its gonna be .

  7. I want people to pause it at 1:24 and read what it says:
    “[The Spurs] are not rushing their rebuild”
    A lot of fans think we should go all in right because they think for some reason we want don’t have much time left on wemby and he would want to go to a winning team. I don’t think they understand that it’s not just about building a team that can win we trying to build a championship contending team that can compete for multiple years and hopefully a dynasty. That takes time and this is year 3 of the rebuild anyone who is complaining about us “tanking” when it’s not really tanking we are going to lose regardless because we are just not that good at the current moment nor should it matter if we win or not right now, the 2030s is going to be our era. Earliest we’ll see the results are 2027 probably. Just sit back and enjoy the journey this is what a true rebuild looks like.

  8. The mavericks and wolves will not be lottery teams. It would take a lot of luck for either of them to suck. But, credit where it's due. It's almost like working the league like a session of mynba mode in 2k. Trade good young players that aren't winning playoff games and need expensive extensions for picks. Keep Wemby. Shop everybody else.

  9. 4:05 ultimately Spurs gave up a second round pick to Charlotte so they could take Devonte Graham's contract to liberate space to take Harrison Barnes' contract.. but yes I agree basically nothing, Spurs have enough second round picks anyway, but I felt it was important to mention it

  10. Not everyone wants to play with LeBron because he has a year or two more so love what Spurs are doing before Pop retires so Go Spurs Go!!

  11. I don’t think Chris Paul will go anywhere after this. I mean, 39 years old and I still believe pop is going to mentor him as a coach for the long term. It’s a valuable knowledge asset that will help our future players.

  12. You are missing the key issue here. Spurs number one goal is to pair Wemby with a potential all star, they must do these with the draft. Everything else is long distance second priority. Thwy have a couple of years to achieve this. Other than drafting Wemby, which was a no brainer, i dont think the spurs front office has done a great job drafting or trading, not sure what the problem is, but the spurs organization used to have a much better eye for talent.. i hope they can turn things around and draft a player with all star potential that can develop next to Wemby.

  13. I like your Pep talks Rich. It keeps me from watching "Anger Management"
    Dr. Buddy says, "Temper's the one thing you can't get rid of, by losing it"
    Goosfraba… 😅

  14. The funny thing about the Timberwolves giving up so much for Rudy is that I genuinely think he'll come to SA as a free agent next season and choose not to opt into his player option. I think something is gonna happen that he'll unreasonably take most of the blame for that will cause him to want to leave. Plus playing alongside Wemby during the Olympics this summer.

  15. Exactly tsr u have our dumb spurs fans wanting him. Like hes a savior giving up all that draft capitol, and rotational players. Plus contract helll no!!

  16. At first I was upset about our draft but now I also see the big picture and so far our trades are looking good, so I take back what I said and I have supreme confidence in the front office going forward 👍👍 GSG

  17. My friend, i understand how you feel about losing another season but you have understand that this draft class is really deep. We will not get another chance like this for a long time. Its hard to lose i understand but this would be the smartest move for the long run. Im happy either way. Go Spurs Go.

  18. Brian Wright deserves an apology and flowers 💐 . He may not have gotten the “best” out of some situations but the man is taking the next step in the rebuild to win now mode. So much leverage with picks and the org is so smart with how they use their cap. I smell championship (hopefully)

  19. I just watched Cooper Flagg dominating in team USA scrimmage. VJ Edgecomb dominate Poland for the Bahamas. I am ok with one more year of awesome Wemby highlights and a Spurs loss.

  20. They should try to be the okc thunder. Flip Harrison Barnes, and players they can aquire for more picks or a sga type of player. Get some more older players like cp3 kyle lowry players that are almost out of the league with them knowing their job is to make their younger players better for the future while trying to contend to make the playoffs.

  21. Just Wemby will get the Spurs better. He is already and will be more dominant during the next season.
    Why did the Spurs only win 21 games this year (compared to the same number a year ago) ? Because other players around Wemby were too young and so bad (especially in the rotation). Imagine that the Spurs has played the full year with Champagnie as starting SF… No offense to this guy but he would have been cut by more than half of the NBA teams before end of 2023 (Btw I just saw his stats in April 2024, it seems that he finally improve…). Half of the year the Spurs were not playing with a PG and the other half with a young and limited PG (Tre Jones).
    This season, if the roster doesn't move before October, these two players are replaced by Chris Paul and Harrison Barnes. Definitely a great upgrade !!!
    You can definitely expect this roster (Paul, Vassel, Barnes, Sochan, Wemby) to compete with the other teams in the NBA.

    I am still concerned by the rotation but Collins, Johnson, Castle will have to take responsabilities not to take some big runs from other teams during these rotation moments (as we could experiment last year when Wemby was out : -10/15/20 in several minutes leading the team to chase after the score all the remaining time).

    But ideally the Spurs need to find a better defender as backup for Wemby. A rim protector is needed here. Unfortunately Collins is not this type of player. He would fit better in a team with a dominant PF. But the Spurs are quite weak here too. Sochan good defender even if small can play PF next to Wemby because Wemby is so dominant that the Spurs don't lack size in the paint. But when Wemby is out, your front court is clearly undersized and we could see last year that the opposite teams were putting the ball in the paint during the bench time of Wemby.
    This big problem is still not solved with the current roster. Don't then expect too much from the Spurs with the current roster as the rotation is still very weak in the front court.
    In April 2024, Mamu, not the best NBA player, has brought some energy and rebounding at PF. This is why the Spurs need absolutely to resign him (if they don't find another solution through a trade before October as the free agency seem to be very poor in rim protector or big PF).

    To summarize, I don't think that the Spurs need better shooting this year (Vassel is very good, Barnes will provide and Wemby seems to have already improved in the catch&shoot with Jamal Crawford) but they definitely need to improve the backup front court if you want them to move from an almost play-in team to a first round playoff team. You just can't take tremendous runs when Wemby's out (so many games last year were just lost mid of Q2 !)

  22. Brian Wright is a genius, I mean for real, not many have noticed, but just imagine when we keep winning championships in the future and then have lottery picks in the draft those same years, ain't that smart? Have you heard that we waived Bassey, and renounce rights to Mamu, Duke Jr., Cedi and Dom. Oh and BTW what's up with KJ? If he change his number are you buying his new jersey? Wish you more subs stay safe Spurs bro.

  23. I don't like alot of moves Brain Wright has done but these last 2 are great signs cp3 to a one-year nice. The Barnes trade was a great trade for us and shows there might be hope for GM Wright.

  24. Like Batman… Brian Wright may not be what the city wants right now but what the city needs. I beleive he has the future in mind and is right.

  25. a lot of future draft assets are useless unless yjey brong us championship. that is i believe spors will try to get lauri. the best asset we have is wemby not the draft picks. we have to maximize his tenure here by surround him with the best talents as long as possible why we want to start to be contending in 203 years whereas we could start NOW?

  26. I think Barnes has a hard contract to trade so does Keldon but I like what Wright has done so far so maybe is able to pull a couple rabbits out of his hat. Primo, we didn't know he was a sex pest when we drafted him

  27. Spurs have always run 9 deep on their good playoff teams and 10-13 deep on championship teams rn they have a cohesive core with about 7 players. Definitely a play-in team.

  28. This is what I have been saying for a couple of years now. Yessir. Chess. Making moves to set up your next few moves.

  29. Harrison Barnes has a lot left in tank no way we should trade him unless he demands a trade to a contender. CP3 probably continue as assistant coach when he retires. B. Wright is good on trades but a complete buffoon on drafts. Mark my words in the near future there will b 1 or 2 cats that were tale 8 or later that will look back b pissed that we did not take em… Haliburton, J Williams and Jordan Poole to name a few all should of been SPURS had Wright not sucked so much on drafts

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