@Sacramento Kings

Matt George, Locked on Kings – Times Are Changing For the Kings

Matt George, Locked on Kings – Times Are Changing For the Kings

to say Matt George abc10 and the lock on Kings podcast joining us now uh Matt hello uh first of all we’ll talk about demard Rosen obviously important things to get to it turns out that people in the Matthews mattress chatty house did not know that you have a tattoo on your body yeah which surprises me because I I flaunt I obnoxiously flaunt it I’m trying to see if ick get it in here we got right there there you go there you go yeah go get listening on the radio he is us the tattoo and it is on his arm it’s awesome and I’m I got another one coming another one coming the appointment is made the appointment is made I’m very excited about it I got this tattoo right before the start of this past season and I’m getting another one at the start of next Demar de rozen’s face tatted on your neck or what uh full full back full back of but it’s gonna be a tattooed Demar D rozan Jersey it’s like actually tattooed that’s the way to go right there you’re gonna get rid of your optimism one that that one that one is getting tatted over yes perfect forever optimistic especially withar Rosen in Sacramento yeah what were your what were your uh let me what were your initial thoughts or what were your thoughts when you first heard that the kings were in on demard De R roen and then did your thoughts evolve at all as that process went on well first thought was damn uh Damien Barling and ESPN 1320 they have some uh some damn good reporters over there that was that was thought number one uh okay Lake Show I didn’t mean notice he wasn’t involved in that it was it was so not him if if dear had gone to the Lakers he would have broken it um and then I mean I it’s just my first thought is this doesn’t happen in Sacramento like this doesn’t like getting a convincing a six-time Allstar to sign with the Sacramento Kings now matter was a sign and trade it’s different in my opinion it’s really not because you had him here in Sacramento you negotiated the dollar figures with him and his team and he had to say yes in order for the trade to go through Chicago already said yes San Antonio already said yes it was on Demar D rozan to choose to take the deal and come to Sacramento or go to Los Angeles so essentially it was a free agency decision between Sacramento and La when in the hell has Sacramento ever won that battle unless it’s zero times yeah pretty idea I guess now we’re like one and eight probably like 85 one in 85 so we’re on the board a little bit but look it was a tremendous uh signing for Sacramento the 24 hours of the wildest like day of of offseason acquisitions in the history of the organization that Monty pulled off because technically Malik monk signed that day so you secure one of the biggest free agents uh in this class in in Malik monk get him to come back and and choose to stay in Sacramento for less money again that doesn’t really happen and then you have deard Rosen come and sign with the Kings on top of that and then get the moment inside the golden one Center I thought it was a tremendous day truly in my opinion one of the best days or a day that could go down as one of the best days in the history of the Kings if everything works out um like I expect they will but to get a six-time Allstar to to choose the Sacramento Kings any of us who follow the Kings for long enough know how big of a deal that is it’s insane what do you think it says about the Kings and where they as an organization right now that they did land a guy like d Rosen and they did get Malik monk to stay here with taking less money yeah that’s a fantastic Point Jesse I think it’s a it’s that’s how the culture we can see the culture is changing right now I also think it helps that you have a dude in in dear and fox who was here and dearon was very much involved in in the meetings with dear and I guess went out to lunch with dear the day of and talked to him so dear was super influential uh in that I mean you hear all these stories right LeBron James called Klay Thompson like all these the the parts of the cing a free agent that go on and typically it’s the star player that gets involved well dearon Fox clearly had an impact on Demar rosen’s decision plus I mean I think the Mike Brown effect can’t be understated right like Mike came in and from day one preaches culture and now the culture is changing and the Kings did the right thing finally and and extended his contract and I think people take notice of that everybody loves to play for Mike Brown and at the same time he like I think the Malik monk relationship epitomizes Mike Brown and how the kings are changing right because Malik and Mike go at each other more than anybody else like they jaw at each other and we’ve seen it on the bench we’ve seen it during games and we’ve seen videos in The Practice Facility of them screaming and cussing at each other and they have this relationship to where they they both respect how much the other wants to win they don’t see eye to eye on some things clearly like Malik monk starting which is going to be a big topic of conversation come training camp time but Malik still chooses to resign in Sacramento early largely because he’s playing for a coach that even though they’ll scream at each other Mike Brown has put him in a position to be able to be himself and play the way that Malik always felt he should play and lo and behold it’s made him into the best version of himself that we’ve seen in his NBA career so the culture is 100% different Mike Brown is right at the center of it and then the Buy in from the players the top guys Aon Fox completely bought in last season and and that was uh evident um damont sabonis is completely bought in even if he has his strugles even the guys that that were struggling to play bought in like even Kevin herder bought in he couldn’t necessarily I I I genuinely believe Kevin hder gave his all to try and be better on the defensive end of the floor I just don’t think he can do it to the level that Mike Brown wants but everybody’s bought into what the kings are trying to do and I think that speaks volumes talking with Matt George ABC 10 in the lockon Kings podcast um is this is the excitement about the Demar de rozan Edition is it to you more about the basketball fit or is it more the symbolism of like dude a legitimate NBA player potential future Hall of Famer who has like tread on his tires this is not a a version of dear Rosen who’s going to be your ninth guy right U he’s going to start and he’s going to give you 20 plus points a night is it more about that symbolism of of everything you’re talking about the the changing culture I think a good comparison is the Vince Carter signing right when the king signed Vince Carter it was like oh my God Vince Carter is the Sacramento King but we knew it wasn’t Vince Carter it was the the sunset version of Vince and he gave us some cool moments great veteran leader that’s not what this deardo Rosen situation is so there’s similar Euphoria of oh my goodness a multi-time All-Star potential future Hall of Famers CH choosing the Sacramento Kings how cool is this moment and then you think about okay but on the basketball floor the Kings just signed a guy that’s averaged 20 or more points 11 straight Seasons the Kings just signed a guy that’s played um 74 or more games the last three seasons at 36 minutes a night and is averaging 25 four and five over that SC uh yeah four and five over the the course of that those three Seasons this is a guy that the fewest amount of games that he’s played in his career in a season is 60 and that’s happened once this is a guy that has played 70 or more games in a season 11 times in his career like age be damned I don’t care that he’s gonna be 35 years old the dude plays he’s healthy and he’s a walking bucket like and he and he more importantly gives Sacramento an option in an area where they they they lacked and what I mean by that is look the SE seamless trans or seamless addition to this offense or seamless fit next to Fox and sabonis is shooting right you think just add Shooters put guys on the perimeter the Kings did that now granted two seasons ago they had one of the best offenses the world has ever seen but when it got to playoff time and they faced a Golden State Warriors team who knew how to take the dho away and knew how to disrupt the king’s movement offense Sacramento struggled and had to lean super heavily on one guy dearon Fox who broke his pinky to carry them through that demard Rosen gives Sacramento another option I think we saw this to some extent too towards the end of last season when the Kings committed more on the defensive end sacrifice some offense Malik monk goes down and it’s truly dearen Fox is the only guy to get this guy the kings’s of bucket DeMar rosen might not be a lights out three-point shooter and add a tremendous amount of spacing to the Kings off offense but demard rosan does not need a lot of spacing to be effective go and look at his film he hits ridiculous mid-range jumpers over one two Defenders he creates for his team he averages five assists a game like he creates for his teammates without being a point guard and if if the Kings not just in clutch time because he and fox are the two most clutch players in the league but think about think about when there’s five seconds left on the shot clock at the end of a broken possession because the Kings tried to R run a DHL and a defense stopped it okay now Fox isn’t the only guy on the floor that everybody knows the ball is going to it could be fox or it could be D rozan and D rozan you have 5 Seconds to work in isolation go and get us a bucket or even a responsib yeah and and a responsibility that D rozan has that Harrison Barnes kind of had last season but he’ll do it better is when the kings are reeling when they’re on the wrong end of an 80 run or a 10 run and they just need a bucket to stop the bleeding demard rosan is the guy that can just go all right give me the ball clear out and let me go stop this yeah so fox has a little bit of help in that sense so it’s not a seamless fit offensively but he’s a smart enough and talented enough player to where it doesn’t have to be for there to be noticeable Improvement and the thing the thing that that makes the D rozan signing matter to me is you’re saying all this because we know what he does yes it’s not well if he takes a leap it’ll be this or yeah hey here’s this kind of unknown guy but we’re going to rely on the king’s development staff to get him playing at this level like there’s none of that this is just the the thing I loved about this was this was just a the Kings looking at their roster and going we need to get to the playoffs yeah this is a player that hit the gas day one makes the Kings a playoff team and fit anything else like that fine that you can figure out what you can’t figure out is hey what about Kesler Edwards what can he what I know he’s not on the team but but last year Jaylen McDaniels can he give you some it’s like no man the the kings are past that sure and and that’s what this symbolized to me from the king’s front office standpoint of like we all knew you did I did Jesse did DLo casy James whoever everybody in the Matthews mattress chatty house knew like hey Now’s the Time to to floor right you have to make a push this year and the D rozan move is a a a significant push but B not an all-in push because they still have all ostensibly all their assets right and that’s that’s the most exciting part about this to me is there’s the basketball fit there’s the symbolism of that but it’s also like we don’t have to guess yeah we know we know what the kings are getting out of this guy and that’s a huge aspect of the deal too is what you just said you have your assets to do more you added a six-time Allstar without giving up a first round pick now I know you did a per a pick swap in 2031 which now all of a sudden to some people in the National media is a big deal as if we care about what could a pick could be in 2031 compared to what we know demard de rozan is is in 2024 2025 such a ridiculous idea to to to knock the Kings for that especially when they didn’t trade the pick away they’re just swapping with the San Antonio Spurs who might be good with Victor WN Bama they might not be who knows where the king at that point in time I’m confident in saying it I think I think they will be too okay great you still have a first round pick you can still technically trade that pick and then whoever whatever team acquires that pick just has the swap rights or doesn’t have the swap rights with San Antonio so you have your assets to do more 2017 that’s seven years from now 2031 is seven years from now go backwards it’s 2017 that’s so long ago yeah not worried about it not worried about it at all yeah so it’s it’s like you have your assets to do more I’m curious your guys’s opinion on this too because I’ve I’ve heard people say like the kings are looking to do more now and I get to some extent like this roster isn’t complete you still need I’ve been talking all offseason long about the Kings need more guys that are 68 69 610 they just traded one of them away they just lost one in order to get a guy who’s 66 so they still need to do that so maybe they still Target a Dorian Smith or look for some depth pieces or whatever some people seem seem to believe they’re still in on kozma maybe I think it makes more sense for Monty McNair to hold on to those assets ride into next season and see what this core is and maybe you find yourself in a position where like two seasons ago at the trade deadline you’re firmly in that top five top six conversation again like playing doesn’t seem likely it’s possible but it doesn’t seem likely but you still know hey we’re this piece away from legitimately contending and if a player suddenly becomes available then who’s not available now and it happens every year then Monty can make that move at that time or even next offseason I know fans don’t want to hear patience but I think that makes most the most sense for the Kings to do I wonder how you guys feel on that I don’t I don’t hate that but I’ll turn that where does Kevin herder fit then if he’s sticking around that is a fantastic question because I I am the belief that if if Kevin herder’s on the outs with this team and I think that’s that’s pretty apparent that doesn’t mean Kevin herder is bad that doesn’t mean that Kevin herder’s trash that doesn’t mean Kevin herder is not valuable in fact we know from reports that there are teams around the league interested in him and he’s on a really really good contract and he has an elite skill there’s there I we were having this conversation amongst the media area um over the last couple of days in during the California classic about like who starts right now if this is the you bring into training camp who starts at that two spot I’m of the belief it should be say again that’s that’s my question for you oh can I host the show go for it please do hey Matt what do you think the king starting lineup’s gonna look like next year great question Kyle Matson let me think let me think about it I I was not prepared for this question I think Malik monk should be the starter at the two I think it makes the most sense for Malik monk to be the starter at the two although I understand Mike Brown’s hesitation I am why do I think he should be yeah because I think he’s you’re putting your best five on the floor to start the game and he’s clearly part of your best five and I don’t think the importance of him with the second unit I agree is is necessary but I think you can still have that importance while staggering your lineup like you already do without keeping him out of the starting lineup necessarily now what I don’t agree with is that Kevin herder is a part of the Sacramento Kings that he should just be back in the starting lineup I don’t agree with that I understand if he plays better and he’s hitting shots and spacing the floor then okay yeah now we do it but there’s some people that believe like if Kevin her is still on this team yeah he’s your starting two like I think he’s gotta prove that he can beat Keon and Malik monk if he wants that start spot back but I also don’t know what Kevin herder looks like as a bench scorer so I I’m I’m not of the belief that Kevin herder should be a starting two guard at this at this point I’m with you where do you think their cealing is that now with Demar de rozan I think this I mean I I think this team should firmly be in the playoff conversation but in the Western Conference what the hell does that mean when there’s probably 10 to 12 teams that can say the same like the West is just nuts so I I I think anything less than a top six seed is disappointing for this group I think the Sacramento Kings bring Demar D rozan in believing that playing is is is disappointing but again we kind of have to see what it looks like right so the ceiling I think is probably back in the top four seed but this team is still not in a contendership conversation yet not that they can’t be with this group it’s just they have not earned the confidence to be able to say that but they’re sure as heck a lot closer with a 20 plus Point per game uh six-time Allstar than they were before that what gets them into that contendership conversation is it like a d infiny Smith do they need a kozma or is it like like a three and D type guy or whatever like what do you think gets him over there I mean I I think the only way to get like from a player acquisition standpoint to get there is to go out and get another star which I just don’t think is realistic even if you bring in Kyle kosma it’s like oh that’s good but what does it look like for me what gets the Kings there is Keegan Murray continuing to to grow although he does not have to be he does not have to be for the Kings next season what demard de r rozan should be and will be right and I also think dear’s ability to help Keegan develop is going to be fantastic too I think I think the biggest thing is truly it’s dearon Fox as a 30 point per game score for a full 82 Game season he starts the season redot ends the season typically red hot we know how dominant he can be in in in postseason games because we’ve seen it but what does dearon fox look like and how does dearon fox play and therefore how do the Sacramento Kings play in in January or February on a Wednesday night inside the golden one Center against the Detroit Pistons those were the games that that this Kings team just kept fumbling and falling on their face in right so to me it’s what the Kings already have here consistently playing at an elite level is what gets them in that conversation Matt George abc1 and the lockon Kings podcast I was trying to figure this out as you were talking because you you said that the playin would be a disappointment for the Kings and I and I tend to agree with you I have the West is tier one I have Minnesota Oklahoma City Denver and Dallas yep are we all there yeah we’re in on that uhuh tier two that’s where I put Sacramento with New Orleans and I put Phoenix there too because I know Phoenix had like a really unceremonious exit from the playoffs last year but they were still the six seed and they still have Kevin Durant they still have Devon Booker like I think I Phoenix is going to be hard to beat on a night to night basis I don’t know that they’ll be that tough of an out in the playoffs but I think I think Phoenix is right there and then in the third tier I have Golden State and the two La teams is is Houston in that tier as well no Houston’s in the next one below just below tier three because I just don’t know about them yet I feel like they kind of miss their chance unless they have something coming up maybe jayen green just develops more but yeah Houston has an opportunity to jump up into tier three for sure and then San Antonio’s there just because I don’t know Wy is right and how Harrison Barnes and and Chris Ball are going to impact that team I think this is gonna be good I think they’re gonna be good Beary I think they’re a playing Team the Wy highlights from from Olympic qualifying have been nuts yeah like it’s you could see him kind of very slowly figuring it out here or very quickly figuring it out I should say uh it wouldn’t shock me at all if the if San Antonio is in the play in next year I agree with where you have the Kings I also think that there’s a big gap between tier one and tier two like I think tier one in the west is so good that getting any of those tier 2 teams into that tier one conversation is going to take something eye openening whether it’s how they play or another addition to the roster that’s just the difference yeah I think I’m I think I’m there with you I could see Minnesota falling out um but I don’t I don’t think New Orleans the Kings certainly Phoenix can do enough I think with Sacramento we talked about this a little bit earlier Keegan’s the the piece for me yeah I said this ear like DeMar rosen raises their floor he makes them a playoff team to to me I think something would have to go pretty wrong for them to not be a to top six team but if they’re going to go any higher than like a first or second round uh I think it all relies on Keegan and what he does and being aggressive and scoring the basketball consistently like that that’s just kind of what it comes down to I’m with you I’m unless there’s unless there’s another significant swing here unless the kaok kusma deal is is still being worked out and that’s a that’s an addition they’re going to make and then we can kind of reassess what the king’s rotation looks like but but for right now as as the kings are currently constructed I think if they’re going to get out of tier two it’s because Keegan Murray made a pretty sizable leap I feel like Demar like acquiring Demar to Rosen sets Keegan up to kind of take that leap if that makes sense because it’s not necessarily like so much pressure on him to be like that guy go out and create more so like dear and fox get him open shots and all that the focus going to be on them you I agree with that I wonder if uh I wonder if Keegan would you be excited or or happy if Keegan got the call up to Team USA with d Durant’s injury I don’t think it would be Keegan or I don’t even know if it would be Keegan but if he got the opportunity with Durant oh my god dude that would be the best thing that could ever happen to Keegan Murray yeah I agree I’m still let me say like as a basketball player not as a person yeah it’s not gonna be the best day of his life right now Keegan gets married yeah well I made Team USA once I got called up because Kevin Durant’s calf hurt uh no I think that would be to like and that’s another aspect of the D rozan signing that kind of you know getting a quality veteran who’s been around the league and who’s been an Olympics and who’s been in big playoff games uh getting him around the Kings uh I think that could have a positive impact down the road and I think that’s the same thing if Keegan Murray got called up to Team USA I think it’d have a similar effect on Keegan not on Team USA I’m not gonna lie to you though I’m I’m selfishly like happy that Lithuania was eliminated so domas come home and I think Keegan’s getting kind of The Best of Both Worlds right now because he doesn’t have to go to Paris and play but he’s getting all the experience of working with Team USA right now and with the coaches and with the players so I mean what that’s gonna be awesome for him too yeah very very good for Keegan um 30 seconds any summer league thoughts uh Boogie Ellis is fun Mason Jones is Ballin and uh I was hoping to see a little more from Keon and kobby but they’re playing fine and I can’t be mad at anything very good thanks we did like seven minutes with Shan Cunningham on the California oh yeah we got deep into the summer league it was too many minutes man spent way too many minutes on it so shout out to you for uh for not taking us that deep into it uh Matt appreciate you uh you can check Matt out on abc1 you can also dial into the locked on Kings podcast wherever you get your podcast Matt thanks for stopping by man appreciate you guys good luck with your next tattoo I I will cry go Matt George see you Matt

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  1. Kings are a 50 win team but won’t be legitimate contenders until a big man with length is acquired so that Sabonis can develop into his full potential 14 points/14 rebounds/8 assists.3rd or 4th option is required on offense for him to become.

  2. Isaiah stewart would be exactly what we need and pistons need shooting and both on same contract basically in money and instead of 2 picks for kuzma you can get him with 1 pick and huerter 🤷‍♂️

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