@Toronto Raptors

A note on Gary Trent Jr. who remains unsigned. My understanding is Raptors didn’t want to go much beyond $15 million a season on any new deal while GTJ was looking for something north of where he ended last season ($18.5 million in final year of 3yr deal for $52 million).

A note on Gary Trent Jr. who remains unsigned. My understanding is Raptors didn’t want to go much beyond $15 million a season on any new deal while GTJ was looking for something north of where he ended last season ($18.5 million in final year of 3yr deal for $52 million).

by EarthWarping


  1. Thick-Hospital7738

    I see so Gary pulled a Caleb Martin and bet on himself. I guess now he’s looking at a minimum deal šŸ˜‚

  2. gregbraaa

    Gary could get a contract like that if he played starter minutes like years past, but heā€™s proved heā€™s not versatile enough to get serious playing time. He may have trouble finding a contract around the league half that. Unfortunate because I like the guy.

  3. I can see him going to Detroit, they still need shooting and have space.

  4. cad_internet

    It’s quite an indictment on GTJ’s overall game when a 39% 3pt shooter like him can’t get a decent contract.

  5. Annual_Plant5172

    This guy is delusional as all hell. He hasn’t improved in ONE aspect of his game and is a liability when his shot isn’t falling….and he expects to get paid more than $20 million/year? He puts more effort into his terrible outfit choices than he does in the gym.

  6. He is a younger Tim Hardaway Jr. Mavericks had to chip in at least one second (Grimes is worth a couple) to make the Pistons eat that $16.2 million expiring contract.

    He has limited value to a contender as he is unplayable in the playoffs and limited value to a rebuilding team as, at 25, he is what he is. So his value is as a regular season rotation guy, $5-8 million per year.

  7. Eastern-Technology84

    New CBA is a big factor in this too


    Figured that would be the most likely scenario. It’s a bitter pill to swallow to take a pay cut from your existing team, the result will most certainly be a pay cut on another team that could loosely promise a bigger role.

  9. Pass. But NBA contracts are so nuts I could see him making 20 mil somewhere else. Hell Derozan only got 25mil and I was kind of shocked by that. But he is getting up there in age.

  10. OrganizationNo4102

    The issue with Gary is that he will win us a few games and take away the ball from the rooks when we really should be tanking and developing.

  11. It seemed to make sense at the time but in hindsight the Norm for Gary trade was a failure on all accounts.

  12. timbitfordsucks

    Iā€™m grateful that Gary overestimated his value

  13. GeriatricSFX

    When you. Get down to it all he brings is an above average but inconsistant 3 point shot.

    There are better and more consistent 3 point specialists, why would a team pay good money on GTJ.

    If he sets his price at a realistic level he might find a home for 8-10 million. If he doesn’t he will be lucky to end up getting an NBA contract for 6.

  14. Iā€™m glad Raptors didnā€™t pay $15 mil for Gary. Good luck in Milwaukee.

  15. MassiveTelevision387

    I’m not convinced a winning basketball team even has this dude in their regular rotation unless you’re top heavy on big time stars and have a depth problem.

  16. Wild wild wild guess – Trent takes a 1 + 1 with the Mavs. Going to try and prove his worth similar to what Derrick Jones did

  17. My guess is he comes back to the raptors on some sort of a 2 year deal around the MLE, where the second year is partially guaranteed so he effectively becomes a human trade exception. Then they have him and Bruce who can be combined in a deal during the year.

  18. letmetellubuddy

    Ay P, they want to pay me less next year

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